French diet for weight loss. French diet: description, menu, reviews and results



Variety of products

Total: The French diet for 14 days will allow you to lose up to 4-8 kg. Pros of the French diet: varied in products, effective and fairly light. Cons: there are some contraindications.

4.1 good diet

The French rightfully belong to the most slender nations in the world, they do not diet, but know how to eat right! Therefore, the French diet for 14 days is more of a special diet that allows you to eat combined foods, and will adjust the amount of food consumed. The French know not only a sense of food, but also the measure.

The French Diet is a 2 week (14 days) meal plan that will allow you to get rid of 4 to 8 kg excess weight, without compromising your health. The diet plan is strictly defined, and you cannot change the days of eating or replace the dishes indicated on the menu!

It is important to know! The diet should not be abused, stick to it for no more than 2 weeks. You can repeat it no earlier than six months later.

Three pillars of the French diet: What, How much and How fast!

Firstly, essence the french diet is low carbohydrate intake(no more than 1500 kcal per day), so the body will burn the missing calories from its own reserves. The diet is rich in proteins: fish and meat (it is best to choose low-fat varieties) and dairy products are at your disposal. And paired with vegetables, which are also filled with the French diet, you can delight yourself with delicious and beautiful dishes. An important thing that the French emphasize in food is its quality, so the products must be fresh and natural! No semi-finished products!

Secondly, the French diet is not only about what to eat, but also about what how much! The French diet menu for 14 days has indications of the amount of food eaten, in order to teach not only to eat right, but also to eat a little, enjoying a little.

Third, diet idea - eat slowly, having fun and enjoying food, which is not so much in the diet. Chewing thoroughly and not rushing while eating will allow you to establish digestion processes and get satiated faster, since it is known that the brain takes time to receive a signal from the stomach about satiety.

The basic rules of the French diet for 14 days:

  • Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with lemons. If you have increased stomach acidity, then a glass of plain water is enough.
  • The French treat eating like an art, so you need to eat slowly and enjoy your food. This important rule will allow you to fill up faster, food will be absorbed better, and over time, you will begin to enjoy the taste of food like real Frenchmen.
  • Forget about sugar, alcohol, sweets, flour products, starchy foods and salt - they are banned!
  • Do not forget to follow the diet menu clearly - it is forbidden to change the diet menu!
  • So that the body does not suffer from a lack of vitamins, it is worth taking vitamins or multivitamins.
  • During the entire diet, you can drink mineral or boiled water without restrictions, but it is better to refrain from carbonated water and juices.
  • Dinner - no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

As with any other diet, when using the "French" you need to remember that there are contraindications!

The French diet for weight loss is actually low-carb, which means it is poorly balanced, therefore, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys, as well as in the presence of any chronic diseases, it is better get a doctor's advice!

French diet - menu for 14 days:

First week

Breakfast Dinner


Cup of black coffee or teaFresh salad of green lettuce, tomato and 2 boiled eggsBoiled or steam beef - 100 gr.
lettuce leaves
Cup of coffee + 1 cracker/toastLow-fat ham - 100 gr.
lettuce leaves
Cup of coffee + 1 cracker/toastCarrots fried in vegetable oil
1 tomato
Mandarin or orange
Hard boiled eggs - 2 pcs
Low-fat sausage or ham
lettuce leaves
A cup of black coffee + toast / cracker1 boiled egg
fresh carrot
A slice of hard unsalted cheese - 15 gr.
Fruit salad
Kefir / unsweetened yogurt
1 grated raw carrot with lemon juice300 gr boiled or steamed fish
1 tomato
Boiled or steam beef or chicken - 100 gr.
Cup of black coffeeBoiled chicken (no salt)
lettuce leaves
Boiled or steam beef - 100 gr.
Tea without sugar200 gr boiled beef
Any fruit
Low-fat sausage or ham

The second week you need to eat exactly the same menu as the first, starting from the first day.

Cooking Tips: So that the diet does not seem empty and not tasty, do not forget how the French love various sauces and gravies. For example, lettuce leaves can be seasoned with a sauce of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice and some spices, or a dressing of natural yogurt and herbs. And meat dishes are perfectly decorated with yogurt and mustard dressing.

Meat pepper cooking can be left in a marinade from the juice of half an orange and spices per 200 g of meat. You can marinate for 40 minutes, and for a brighter taste, you can leave for 4 hours or even overnight. After baking in the oven, fry in a pan or grill.

For greater effectiveness of the diet, you can add physical activity, you should not exhaust yourself in the gym, but a little exercise in the morning, walking or climbing stairs to the office is enough.

Rules for exiting the French diet!

The rules for exiting the French diet are similar to other diets: for the first couple of weeks, you need to eat buckwheat porridge for breakfast, you can eat yogurt or kefir (preferably low-fat). For lunch, continue to eat meat / fish and vegetables. Dinner should also be fairly light - lean meat, fresh vegetable salads, kefir. You need to return to your usual diet gradually, adding 1-2 products per week. If you really want sweets, then it is better to eat a couple of slices of dark chocolate or half a marshmallow.

Drink at least 1 liter of water a day and try not to eat 4 hours before bedtime. Enter into the habit of exercising (at least 15 minutes a day) or sign up for fitness or Pilates, light physical activity will keep your figure in order and keep your muscles in good shape. In addition, do not forget about cosmetic procedures, you can go for a massage or wrap, or do the wrap yourself at home.

All representatives of the French nationality for the most part have a fragile, even thin physique. This is due to the fact that they carefully approach the choice of food, try to consume it correctly and lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, even older French women have an excellent figure and feel great. If you are striving for an ideal physique, a special French diet, which was developed based on the cuisine of this European country, will help you get in shape and lose weight. Next, you will learn the necessary menu and the principles of such nutrition.

The essence of the French diet

A diet originally from France is nothing more than a simple and convenient diet that will help you lose weight significantly. Along with its observance, it is advisable not to forget about small physical activities that will help maintain the health of the body. The essence of the French diet is to limit the amount of calories consumed. Their standard content in foods eaten during the day is 2000-3000. Observing the French diet, you will have to limit yourself. The diet should be no more than 1500 calories.

With the French diet, the consumption of carbohydrate foods is further reduced. Carbohydrates are compounds that provide the body with energy. With a general decrease in the calorie content of dishes, a lack of carbohydrate substances, the body will begin to use subcutaneous fats as an energy supply. This makes the French 14 Day Diet extremely effective, as you can see clear results by losing up to eight kilograms of extra weight. Her menu is organized so that losing weight provides a decrease in fat stores, not muscle mass. Benefits of this diet:

  • Short duration. Two weeks of the diet is a short time after which you will feel the positive effects of the French diet.
  • Guaranteed efficiency. If you strictly follow the diet menu, exclude foods that interfere with weight loss, then the results will not keep you waiting and will confirm your expectations.
  • Delicious products. Although you have to severely limit yourself in the diet, the dishes that have become the basis of the diet are light and appetizing. The secret of the harmony of French women is that they almost never eat food that is heavy for the body.

Everyone can achieve weight loss by choosing a French diet, but before starting a diet, you need to consult a doctor. Nutritionists recommend contacting her only to those people who do not have contraindications, serious health problems - cardiovascular disorders, liver and kidney diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The classic French diet should be started only after visiting your doctor. Disadvantages of this diet:

  • Severe dietary restrictions. Although diet meals can be delicious, many of the usual things will have to be abandoned. And for those who are used to eating flour products, the first few days will be especially difficult. Therefore, before such a diet, it is important to psychologically tune in to the result.
  • Low calorie diet. For those who are used to eating 2000-3000 calorie foods, the French diet may seem scarce. In order to feel good from the first day of the diet until its end, it is advisable to prepare a little: in a week, gradually reduce the daily calorie content of meals.
  • Unbalanced diet. Every day a person needs to consume a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order for the body to work properly. In a French-type diet, this balance is disturbed, which can adversely affect health if a person has problems with organ systems. This shortcoming was the reason for the short duration of the diet, as well as the ban on its frequent use. Repetition of the diet is possible only after six months.

For those who are trying to achieve weight loss for the first time using this diet, you should tune in well. The French diet will bring good, long-term results only if you go through it from beginning to end. Great advice was given to all losing weight people and those who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, Mireille Guiliano. She insists that the process of eating food during a diet and in everyday life should be approached as a solemn ritual: eat consciously, slowly and enjoy the process.

Sample classic menu for 14 days

For the duration of the diet, flour, confectionery, fatty foods, store-bought fruit juices, sugar-containing foods, as well as salt, any pickles, canned food will have to be excluded from the diet. Be sure to give up alcohol, and, if possible, also cigarettes - bad habits will only interfere with weight loss. The advantage of the diet is that it is allowed to drink coffee almost every day: a cup of this drink helps to overcome hunger. Additional tips for following the French diet:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, water per day with a diet - this is the minimum limit.
  • Eat a few tablespoons of bran daily. This will avoid constipation, which can occur against the background of protein nutrition.
  • Drink vitamins to replenish the reserves of substances necessary for the body.
  • Walk and move more.

Sample menu for 2 weeks:

1st and 8th day

  • Breakfast - drink a small cup of natural ground coffee. Sugar cannot be added.
  • Lunch is a salad made using one tomato, lettuce leaves and two boiled eggs.
  • Dinner - 100 grams of boiled beef and lettuce.

2nd and 9th day

  • Breakfast - a piece of rye bread, coffee.
  • Lunch - a little boiled beef (about one hundred grams).
  • Dinner - make a salad of chopped boiled sausage and lettuce leaves.

3rd and 10th day

  • Breakfast - freshly brewed coffee, a piece of rye flour bread.
  • Lunch - medium-sized carrots fried in vegetable oil, complement the dish with a tomato, eat everything with tangerine.
  • Dinner - salad with boiled eggs, lettuce, boiled sausage (no more than 100 grams).

4th and 11th day

  • Breakfast - a cup of natural coffee, a slice of rye bread.
  • Lunch - cook a boiled egg, eat with one hundred grams of cheese and boiled carrots.
  • Dinner - a small amount of fruit (apples, oranges, tangerines), a glass of low-fat yogurt.

5th and 12th day

  • Breakfast - fresh medium carrots, additionally you need to drink the juice of one lemon.
  • Lunch - boil some fish (about a hundred grams), eat a fresh tomato.
  • Dinner - eat some boiled beef.

6th and 13th day

  • Breakfast - drink natural coffee.
  • Lunch - cook one hundred grams of boiled chicken, you can have a bite of lettuce leaves.
  • Dinner - 100 grams of boiled beef.

7th and 14th day

  • Breakfast - drink a cup of fragrant green tea.
  • Lunch - boil beef (100 grams), bite the meat with an orange.
  • Dinner - you can eat 100 grams of delicious boiled sausage.

French diet recipes with photos

The classic diet from the French is considered tough, but it does not require much time to choose and cook dishes - even an inexperienced cook can repeat all the recipes. Protein foods are mainly used - lean meat, fish, vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, lettuce), chicken eggs, some fruits containing a small amount of simple carbohydrates. When preparing meals during a diet, it is worth excluding the addition of spices. Below are some simple recipes for the French diet:

Boiled beef.


  • 100 grams of beef.
  • One and a half liters of water.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the water, put the beef in it, reduce the heat to the minimum.
  2. Remove the foam periodically with a tablespoon.
  3. Cook the meat under the lid for at least one hour. Such a cooking time is due to the fact that beef may contain harmful substances that disappear during heat treatment.
  4. Before you take out the meat, check the readiness. To do this, pierce the beef with a fork. The finished product will be soft, the cutlery will easily fit into it.

Carrots fried in vegetable oil with tomato and tangerine.

Required components:

  • Carrots about 75-120 grams.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Tomato.
  • Mandarin.

How to cook a dish for a French-style diet:

  1. Wash the carrots, peel off the dirt, remove the skin from it. Cut into medium sized strips.
  2. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Put the vegetable in a container.
  3. Fry, turning the carrots occasionally so that they cook evenly. When ready, remove from heat.
  4. Lay out the carrots on a plate. Cut the tomato to it, peel the tangerine and divide it into slices.

Salad with boiled eggs, tomato and lettuce.

Dish ingredients:

  • Two chicken eggs.
  • One medium tomato.
  • Two or three lettuce leaves.

How to cook:

  1. Put the water to boil in a saucepan. While it is still cold, put two eggs in it (if you throw it in hot, the shell may crack). After boiling over low heat, cook the product for ten minutes.
  2. Take out the eggs, peel them, cut them into cubes. Wash the tomato, chop in the same way. Tear lettuce leaves.
  3. Mix all ingredients.

How to get out of the diet

To keep the result of the French diet, you need to get out of the diet correctly. The first few weeks it is not recommended to add sugar to tea, coffee, but it is better to refuse it altogether. Gradually, after the diet, supplement the diet with carbohydrate foods: buckwheat, toast. It is advisable to leave lunch and dinner with protein, as with a French two-week meal. If you feel hungry, snack on low-fat foods - yogurt, cheese. Of the sweets after the diet, regular milk ice cream is allowed.

Other options for the French diet for weight loss

Above, we talked about the classic French diet, which is based on a fourteen-day intake of predominantly protein, low-calorie foods. However, there are other nutritional models developed by the French that help you lose weight quickly, effectively, and after they are over, do not gain weight. This is, firstly, the diet of the famous Pierre Dukan, which includes many tasty and healthy foods, and, secondly, the diet from the Frenchwoman Madeleine Gesture, based on the use of onion soup. Read on to learn more about these French diets.

Protein diet of nutritionist Pierre Dukan

The protein French diet, developed by French nutritionist Dukan, annually collects rave reviews from men and women. The beauty of this diet is that you are allowed to eat a lot of foods that make meals varied. At first, adherents of the diet will have to give up almost all foods containing carbohydrates with fats, but there will be plenty of protein foods. Dukan's French diet can last several months and consists of four stages:

  1. Attack. The period of the diet with the constant consumption of food rich in proteins.
  2. Alternation. Constant change of protein and vegetable days.
  3. Consolidation. The transition to a normal diet from the diet of a French doctor, the gradual inclusion of carbohydrates in the diet.
  4. Weight stabilization. At this time of the diet, you can eat according to the rules of a healthy diet, supplementing the diet with bran.

On onion soup

Another popular weight loss method was invented by nutritionist Madeleine Gesture, a two-week French diet, which necessarily includes the use of onion soup. This diet lasts ten days, during which the emphasis is on low-calorie broths, steamed vegetables, baked fish, low-fat yogurts. A diet rich in fiber helps to reduce the stomach, remove the feeling of hunger.

The sophistication and grace of French women can only be envied. It is not necessary to assume that harmony and grace are inherited. Everything is a little more complicated. Women have their own view of nutrition, a special relationship to food and lifestyle. There are principles that help you stay in great shape for many years. If the weight begins to grow, and the waist is spreading to the sides, then the famous French diet comes to the rescue.


Basic rules of the French diet

The essence of the classic diet is calorie restriction to 500-800 units per day. In light versions of the system, portion sizes are doubled, respectively, and the energy value also increases. In this case, you can not eat any food. The diet is strictly defined, requires impeccable observance. A specially designed menu allows you to get rid of 5 to 8 kg in 14 days. You can follow the French diet for only one week, but the results will be modest.

Basic Rules:

  1. There are exactly 3 meals. You cannot add snacks on your own, 100% compliance with the menu is required to achieve positive results.
  2. In order not to slow down the metabolism and set the digestive system to work, you need to drink a glass of warm water 20 minutes before eating. The same technique will help prevent overeating, that is, a breakdown. In total, you need to drink 2 liters of non-carbonated water per day. Juices, lemonades are completely excluded from the diet.
  3. The portions are small, but you need to be able to eat them. French women chew their food slowly, completely surrendering to the process. Thanks to this, the brain receives a satiety signal from the stomach.
  4. Dinner should have less calories than the previous two meals.
  5. Regardless of the type of French diet and duration, salt, sugar, white bread and confectionery, fast food are completely excluded from the diet.
  6. Fried foods can be consumed if they are grilled. The main diet are boiled, stewed and fresh foods.
  7. The diet is strict, unbalanced, but effective. You can not resort to it more than 2 times a year, so as not to harm the body.

Attention! Limiting carbohydrate foods can negatively affect well-being. At the time of losing weight, it is recommended to abandon hard physical labor, it is advisable to take multivitamins from the first day of the French diet.

System advantages

The main advantage of the French diet is rapid weight loss due to the combination of products, lack of spices, low calorie content. It is difficult not to lose weight on such a diet. The technique is effective and efficient, with a competent approach and strict observance always brings positive results.

Diet Benefits:

  1. The diet is varied. The menu contains products from several groups (vegetables, meat, fruits, eggs, milk), albeit in small quantities.
  2. Enough protein to help maintain muscle, suppress hunger.
  3. Reducing the size of the stomach. Eating small portions for two weeks will lead to a significant reduction in the organ. The famous diet 5 spoons gives the same effect.
  4. The menu consists of simple dishes that are prepared very quickly and do not require deep knowledge in cooking. Products available.
  5. Drinking water before meals develops into a good habit. A large amount of fluid with minimal food intake will contribute to unloading the body and a kind of cleansing.

Advice! In the water that is drunk before meals, you can add a little lemon juice. Get a natural drink enriched with vitamin C.

System Disadvantages

The pros of the French diet are many, but there are also cons. A low calorie diet can adversely affect your health. Often during weight loss there is a breakdown, a bad mood. In rare cases, there are failures in the menstrual cycle. Most often they are due to large weight loss and fat restriction.

A relative disadvantage can be considered the return of weight after a diet. The introduction of salt, spices will involuntarily lead to the restoration of fluid reserves. An increase of 1-1.5 kg is considered acceptable. If, however, fatty and fried foods, an abundance of confectionery products are introduced into the diet, then within a month you can return all the lost kilograms back.

Diet menu for the week

Breakfast toast is made with rye or whole grain bread. If there is no confidence in the quality of ham or sausage, then it is wiser to replace the product with lean meat, chicken, turkey. Coffee is used natural boiled, without cream and sugar. Jam is replaced with honey and vice versa, the sweet mass is applied to the toast in a thin layer, the amount should not exceed 25 g. Spinach and other herbs can be added to any dish, but not more than 50 g.


Breakfast: allowed bread toast, coffee and jam
Dinner: 2 eggs, fresh tomato and spinach salad
Dinner: 100 g boiled meat, bell pepper


Breakfast: coffee, toast and 10 g honey
Dinner: any vegetable and 100 g boiled or baked meat
Dinner: 100 g milk sausage, spinach


Breakfast: coffee or tea, toast with a spoonful of jam
Dinner: tomato, carrot (fresh or stewed vegetables), tangerine
Dinner: 2 egg omelette, 100 g ham, spinach


Breakfast: toast, coffee
Dinner: egg, 2 slices of cheese, fresh or boiled carrots
Dinner: a glass of kefir, any one fruit


Breakfast: carrot salad 100 g
Dinner: 100 g boiled fish, fresh tomato
Dinner: 100 g meat or lean ham, a bunch of spinach


Breakfast: coffee or green tea
Dinner: 100 g boiled chicken, tomato
Dinner: 100 g meat


Breakfast: green tea
Dinner: 100 g meat, one orange
Dinner: 150 g cucumber and lean ham salad

The menu for the second week of the classic French diet is similar. In the light version, the portion can be doubled. There are diet options in which dry wine is present. Here you need to be extremely careful, since an alcoholic drink often increases hunger, increases appetite and can cause a breakdown.

Video: Menu option for the French system


The menu of the French diet is strict, requires a thorough approach and study. If you have any chronic diseases, you should first consult with your doctor. The diet does not allow correction, therefore, if a product is intolerant, the system must be abandoned.

Main contraindications:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • avitaminosis;
  • childhood;
  • postoperative period;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • endocrine and hormonal diseases.

Hypertensive patients fall into a separate group. According to the diet, boiled black coffee is consumed for breakfast. The drink gives energy, accelerates fat burning, but is contraindicated in high blood pressure. If there is no desire to abandon the diet, then it can be replaced with green tea.

Video: Why French women don't get fat

The secrets of harmony of French women

So that the French diet does not become a one-time weight jump, it is important to get out of it correctly. Of course, you can count calories all your life and limit yourself in some way, but there is a much more interesting option.

Principles of food for French women:

  1. You only need what you like. Any meal should bring pleasure and consist only of the desired products.
  2. Down with snacks! It is unplanned eating between main meals that often leads to excess weight.
  3. You can not completely give up your favorite sweets, because as a result this will lead to a breakdown and overeating. It is wiser to allow yourself the desired treat, but only in the morning.
  4. Portions are small, 150-200 grams is enough to saturate. Eat slowly, under no circumstances take a supplement.
  5. The diet should be varied. In order not to harm your health, in total you need to consume at least 30 products per week.
  6. Last meal no later than 19.00. French women are sure that everything eaten in the evening turns into fat, so they refuse late meals.

The main secret of the harmony of French women is the pleasure they get from food. A small cake can give him much more than a whole cake eaten in a hurry and thoughtlessly.

The French diet is one of those rare diets that is healthy. You can and should eat a lot to lose weight. Therein lies the paradox. But you need to eat only healthy and homemade food. For the duration of the diet, forget about convenience foods and pastries from a nearby store, adopting simple but important rules.

French Diet Manifesto

The French diet was invented over a century ago by a group of nutritionists in Paris who promoted healthy eating and equally (non-violent and rational) weight loss. They were categorically against various kinds of hunger strikes and adding chemicals to the diet that help in the fight against excess weight. Therefore, this diet is a gift for those who want to quickly say goodbye to extra pounds, but without compromising health.

Important: Before you start a diet, be sure to consult your doctor. It is contraindicated for any acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

When following a diet, French nutritionists recommend remembering the following rules:
  • Eat slowly. If you chew your food thoroughly, and do not grab it on the fly, then saturation occurs faster. Isn't that good for your figure? The food will be perfectly digested, and you will be full and slim.
  • Fill your plate once (i.e. you only put anything on it once - no toppings!).
  • 15-25 minutes before the start of a meal, drink one glass of plain water at standard temperature (room temperature). You can add a few drops of lemon juice there (provided that you do not have an increased level of acidity). Water with lemon significantly speeds up the metabolism, and this “lemonade” tastes quite pleasant. A similar effect, according to experts, can be achieved with red wine, so during a delicious dinner you can afford to drink 150 g of good dry wine.
  • You need to eat low fat foods. Preference is given to all types of fish and seafood, as well as fresh vegetables, only rye bread and greens. From meat it is better to lean on turkey, rabbit and veal (this meat is considered dietary). For dessert, you can afford any fruit, but green apples, citrus fruits and pears are welcome.
  • Do not abruptly give up all sweets, as this will lead to breakdowns. Allow yourself a piece of dark chocolate or another favorite treat, but then only in the morning (until 12 noon). Also, during the diet, you are not forbidden to eat various goodies such as nuts, honey, jam and dried fruits. Pastries, creams and other sweets, unfortunately, are strictly prohibited.
  • Keep your final meal (late dinner) as light and low-calorie as possible. It is very good if you opt for a plate of boiled fish (or steamed) with vegetable stew. It's delicious and healthy! You can also treat yourself to a fruit salad or cottage cheese with the addition of honey or dried fruits. The final meal is required BEFORE 12 hours (and even better 2-3 hours before you go to bed).

If you follow these basic rules of the French diet, connecting the minimum physical activity, you can lose up to 3 kilograms per week. It is very important that by maintaining a healthy diet, you can no longer be afraid that unwanted weight will return again!

French protein diet menu for 2 weeks

The new French diet is based on a strict ban on the consumption of salt and quickly digestible carbohydrates (common sugars) in the diet, which allows you to quickly remove excess fluid from the whole body and, as a result, quickly get rid of hated kilograms. So, your daily diet should contain a large amount of protein (hence the synonymous name for the diet "protein"), fats and carbohydrates equally.

The start of the French diet is best planned for the weekend or while on vacation. So you are more likely to cook yourself the right and healthy food, following the menu diet.

Menu only for the first day of the diet:
  • Breakfast is a cup of coffee without sugar.
  • Late breakfast (or lunch) - fresh vegetable salad (egg, tomato and greens).
  • Dinner - boiled beef salad and 0.1 kg of simple lettuce leaves.
Menu of the second day of the diet in French:
  • For breakfast - unsweetened coffee and a slice of rye or bran bread.
  • Lunch time - boiled beef (0.1 kg).
  • Dinner - a salad of doctor's sausage (no more than one hundred grams with lettuce leaves).
Menu for the third day of the diet:
  • Breakfast - a cup of coffee without added sugar and bread (a piece of bran or rye).
  • Lunch time - vegetable or fruit salad.
  • Dinner - salad, but from the usual boiled sausage or ham - no more than 100 grams, boiled eggs and a few lettuce leaves.

No snacks! Breakfast, afternoon tea or dinner should be planned and complete.

Menu for the fourth day of the French diet:
  • Breakfast - black coffee without milk and sugar and a slice of bran bread.
  • Lunch - a salad of vegetables and hard cheese (low-fat).
  • Dinner - a favorite fruit (you can have several) and a package of low-fat kefir (a glass).
Menu for the fifth day of the diet:
  • During breakfast - regular-sized fresh carrots with lemon juice.
  • Lunch - a medium-sized ripe tomato and 0.1 kg of boiled fish fillet (or steamed).
  • Final dinner - boiled beef tenderloin (0.1 kg).

Menu for the sixth day of the diet in French:
  • Breakfast - unsweetened cup of coffee (without cream and milk).
  • For lunch - 0.1 kg of boiled chicken breast and a few leaves of fresh lettuce.
  • The last meal - 0.1 kg of boiled beef meat.
Menu for the seventh day of the diet:
  • Breakfast time - green tea (mug, no added sugar).
  • Lunch - 0.1 kg of boiled beef tenderloin and medium-sized citrus (orange).
  • Dinner - 0.1 kg of boiled doctor's sausage.
Menu for the 8th day of the diet in French:
  • For breakfast - coffee (strong tea is allowed to choose from without sugar).
  • Lunch meal - a salad of 1 tomato, two boiled chicken or quail eggs and fresh lettuce leaves.
  • Dinner time - a salad of dietary boiled meat (0.1 kg of beef or veal) and a few lettuce leaves.
Menu for the 9th day of the diet:
  • The first meal is strong coffee without sucrose and a small slice of rye or bran bread.
  • Lunch - 0.1 kg of lean boiled beef.
  • Eating a few hours before bedtime - a salad of doctor's sausage (0.1 kg) with the addition of lettuce (green).
Menu for the 10th day of the specified diet:
  • The first breakfast is unsweetened coffee and again a piece of rye or bran bread.
  • For lunch - a standard size fried (with or without oil) carrots, one tomato and a medium-sized orange.
  • Dinner - again familiar to you salad of sausage (boiled, 100 grams), one or two boiled eggs and lettuce green leaves.
Menu for the 11th day of the diet:
  • Breakfast time - unsweetened coffee / tea and a regular-sized slice of rye bread (or loaf).
  • For lunch - fresh carrots of a standard size; 0.1 kg of hard cheese; boiled egg (chicken or quail).
  • The last meal is a fruit of your choice and a glass of kefir with a small percentage of fat content.

The French diet for quick weight loss will help you feel like a sophisticated Parisian. Slender, always elegant and well-groomed French women know a lot about the world of beauty, fashion and healthy eating. Croissants familiar to them from childhood, fragrant Roquefort, bechamel or all kinds of fondue do not leave a mark on their wasp waist. What's the secret?

  • We recommend reading:

Simplicity and nutritious diet are the main advantages of the diet. It allows you to eat tasty, not feel hungry and at the same time lose up to 8-10 kilograms in a couple of weeks. quickly burns body fat and strengthens the hormonal system due to the minimum consumption of carbohydrates. Therefore, muscles, skin, hair and the entire silhouette of the figure do not lose their attractiveness.

The result of the diet will last for a long time. After 14 days, the weight lost will not return soon. To consolidate, it is important to maintain a balance between the quality and quantity of food for six months. Healthy eating in the morning and evening, a rational drinking regimen, the ability to cope with overeating during festive feasts require serious work on oneself.

Follow the example of the French: for them, dinner is not just another meal, but a time for spiritual rest and fellowship.

Availability. Contrary to its origins, the diet lacks Parisian chic on its menu. Products are available: they are easy to find in supermarkets and market stalls. The prices won't hurt your wallet. And cooking dietary dishes does not take much time and effort.

Who said that you only need to "sit" on a diet? The French technique is low in carbohydrates. It is ideal for an active life: exercising in the gym, dancing, exercising in the pool. It is better for debuting athletes to start small. In the morning - a few minutes of vigorous exercise, in the afternoon - walking and other elementary exercises will give expressiveness to muscle reliefs.

The diet of French women

The menu is compiled taking into account the nutritional value of each component and their combination. The protein diet includes the following foods:

  • Low-fat varieties of meat and poultry (beef, veal, turkey, chicken);
  • Vegetables (no starch content);
  • Seafood;
  • Bread (whole grain);
  • Dairy and sour-milk products;
  • Fruits (exclusively sour and semi-sweet);
  • Water, freshly brewed coffee, fruit juices, decoctions and tea;
  • Fresh greens.

The following foods are prohibited in the French diet:

  • Food additives (including sugar and salt, various sauces);
  • Canned, smoked and fried foods;
  • Confectionery;
  • Alcoholic drinks, cocoa;
  • High starch vegetables (potatoes, chickpeas, corn, rice, legumes: peas, beans).

This group also includes all simple (fast) carbohydrates:

  • Fruits (pears, peaches, grapes);
  • Berries (raspberries, cranberries, blackberries);
  • Carbonated drinks;

Diet menu for 7 days

The French diet is designed for 14 days. Here is the menu for the week (second week - repeat from day 1).


  • In the morning we drink a cup of strong freshly brewed coffee;
  • For lunch we eat a couple of boiled eggs, lettuce, one tomato;
  • We have dinner with lettuce leaves and boiled beef (or veal).
  • In the morning we supplement coffee with a small toast;
  • We dine with veal;
  • Boiled sausage and lettuce round off the day.
  • In the morning we eat fresh toast and drink espresso;
  • Lunch: tomato, carrot (baked or lightly fried), for dessert - tangerine;
  • For dinner: a couple of boiled eggs, lettuce and boiled sausage (ham).

  • We have coffee and toast for breakfast;
  • We have lunch with carrots (as on Wednesday - baked or lightly fried), one boiled, (hard varieties);
  • We have dinner with fruits, kefir.
  • In the morning - grated carrots combined with lemon juice. They will add variety to the usual breakfast;
  • For lunch - fish and tomato;
  • Boiled beef ends the working day.
  • In the morning - the usual coffee;
  • We have lunch with chicken breast and lettuce;
  • Veal - for the evening.


  • In the morning we drink tonic green tea with a small slice of lemon;
  • For lunch - veal, as a dessert - or an orange;
  • We complete the first week of the diet with boiled sausage.

The diet menu is based on no more than 100 g for cheese, meat and fish products. Boiled sausage, if desired, can be replaced with ham. We prepare tea and coffee without adding sugar. During the day, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated water. The optimal time for dinner is 6-7 pm.

The final stage of the diet

Nutrition according to the French method should not stop exactly after 14 days. The body is accustomed to a protein diet and a minimum carbohydrate content. To consolidate the result, follow these simple recommendations:

  • The first two weeks after the diet, gradually introduce cereals on the water (without sugar) and fermented milk products;
  • Diversify the lunch menu with vegetable stews, light soups, casseroles, compotes, fresh juices;
  • Try not to overeat in the evening. Add a light vegetable or fruit salad, cottage cheese and an omelet from a couple of eggs to boiled meat or poultry;
  • Eat little but often. Indulge in a second breakfast and afternoon snack with a piece of cheese, fresh fruit, muesli, yogurt;
  • For the health of the body, try to do fasting days twice a month.

French cake for dessert

The French women themselves jokingly offer a different menu for quick weight loss: "In the morning - a cupcake, in the afternoon - a cupcake and sex, in the evening - only sex." Did the diet not work? Then cancel the cupcake!

The nutrition of graceful Parisians is not based on prohibitions. “Food should bring joy!” is their motto. Limiting yourself to the same muffins or croissants will lead to overeating. Therefore, they love and eat sweets, but little by little. What prevents you from following their example? After a long diet, treat yourself to a light cottage cheese muffin with oatmeal. For its preparation you will need:

  • Cottage cheese (500 g);
  • Oatmeal (80 g);
  • A couple of eggs;
  • Baking powder (1 pack.);
  • Sugar (150 g or cook without it);
  • Cinnamon and other additives - to taste.

Grind the oatmeal with a blender, and wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve - this will add airiness to the cake. In a bowl, mix cottage cheese and cereal. Add a couple of eggs, baking powder, sugar and fragrant cinnamon. Mix the ingredients and pour into cake molds. We put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Half an hour later, a delicious dish is ready. The calorie content of one cupcake will be about 210 kcal.

Exact adherence to the menu and a reasonable approach to diet will minimize the following side effects:

  • Violation of the gastrointestinal tract. The problem is relevant for people suffering from constipation;
  • Weakness. Inadequate fluid intake can lead to exhaustion and dizziness;
  • Lethargy. The deterioration of intellectual abilities occurs against the background of a lack of carbohydrates;
  • The appearance of bad breath.

There are people to whom the French diet for quick weight loss can harm and provoke an exacerbation of chronic ailments:

  • With diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system and kidneys. Protein diet - stress and additional burden on the body;
  • With thrombosis, gout and dysbacteriosis - the diet is prohibited;
  • Insufficient balance of the menu, a small amount of fruits and vegetables - a direct road to beriberi.