How to change privileges in minecraft. How to grant a privilege to a friend in minecraft on the server. Basic set of commands for players

Any player on the Squareland project can use a number of commands. In order not to get confused, they are divided into several categories: private, teleportation, trade and others.

To get the full arsenal of possibilities, it is advisable to study the Minecraft commands on the server for players. They facilitate interaction with the outside world, provide protection for buildings, allow you to trade, and help you familiarize yourself with the rules and capabilities of the project. Chat turns on the English key T. The command is entered in the format /team. Separated by commas are various spelling variations.

Basic set of commands for players

  • /info- General information.
  • /rules- Display the code of laws of the server.
  • /motd- Display daily messages.
  • /list, /online, /who, /playerlist- Show list of players online.
  • /afk- Report absence.
  • /compass- Indicates in which direction the player is moving.
  • /near, /nearby[distance] - Display a list of nearby people.
  • /getpos[nickname] - Displays the location of the player.
  • /ignore[nickname] - The command includes ignore.
  • /me[text] - Displays an informational message, adding a nickname to the beginning.
  • /msg, /tell, /m, /whisper[nickname] [text] - Lichka.
  • /r, /reply[text] - Quick response.
  • /seen[nickname] - Find out the time of the last online.
  • /whois[nickname] - The command will display information about the character.
  • /nick[nick] - Change the display of nicknames.
  • /mail[nickname] [message_text] - Will deliver the message via mail. read- Read, clear- Clear, send- Sending.
  • /suicide- Suicide.

Private in Minecraft

  • //wand- Obtain an ax from a tree used in the allocation of territory. paintwork- First point. PKM- The second point. So players can select a whole cube with blocks in which others are forbidden to build.
  • /region claim[Text] - Creation of a private territory with a name after the completion of the demarcation operation.
  • /region addon[Name] [Nickname] - Secure the land to the player.
  • /region removeowner[Name] [Nickname] - Deprive ownership rights.
  • /region addmember[Name] [Nickname] - Command to add a player to the region.
  • /region removemember[Name] [Nickname] - Kick the player.
  • /region select[Name] - Select a territory.
  • /region info[Name] - Basic information about the region.
  • /region-remove[Name] - Remove region.
  • /cprivate[Names of players who should have access] - Set protection on hatches, distributors, chests, doors in the selected region.
  • /cmodify[nickname] - The Minecraft command allows you to open access to items to the specified player.
  • /cpassword[Your password] - Activate the password for the above.
  • /cunlock- Open a password-protected item.
  • /cremove- Deactivate protection and remove the password from the item.


  • /setspawn[group] - Choose a place to spawn.
  • /spawn- Teleport to spawn.
  • /back, /return- Return to the last teleportation point.
  • /sethome[name] - Establishing a teleport home.
  • /home[Nickname] [name] - Teleportation to home teleport.
  • /delhome, /remhome, /rmhome[name] - Remove home teleport.
  • /createwarp, /setwarp[name_warp "a] - Creation of a teleportation site.
  • /delwarp, /remwarp, /rmwarp[name_warp "a] - Removing the teleportation place.
  • /warp[name_warp"a] [name] - Teleport to the specified location.
  • /world[name] - Teleportation to another world.
  • /j, /jump- Teleportation to the place indicated by the sight.
  • /top- Team teleportation to the top of the highest buildings in Minecraft.
  • /tp[Nickname1] [Nickname2], /tp [Nickname to whom tp] - Move to the desired player.
  • /tpa, /call[Nickname to whom tp] - Accepting consent to move.
  • /tpaccept, /tpyes[Nickname] - Confirmation of consent to move.
  • /tpdeny, /tpno- Refusal of consent to move.
  • /tpahere, /tphere, /s[Nickname] - Minecraft command to move a certain player.
  • /tpall[Nicknames] - Move multiple characters.
  • /tppos[x] [y] [z] - Teleport everyone by coordinates.
  • /tpo[nickname] - Move to the character.


  • /balance, /bal, /money[Nickname] - View the amount of money.
  • /balancetop, /baltop[Number] - Get to know the names of the richest people on the server.
  • /eco, /economy[Nickname] [Number] - Depending on the team: give- Give the player money, take- Take money from the character, reset- Bankrupt a character.
  • /pay[Nickname] [Cost] - Pay the character with money.
  • /sell[Quantity], /sell - Sell: hand- Sell everything from the quickbar slot (keys 1-9), inventory- Sale of all Minecraft items and blocks from the inventory, blocks- Sale of all blocks from the inventory.
  • /setworth[Cost] - Set the cost.
  • / worth[Quantity] - Find out the cost of the item.

If you are planning to create your own server or project, then you will most likely need a plugin that divides all players into different groups. For example, you need moderators and helpers, how to add them to special groups and give certain rights? A plugin called "PermissionsEX" comes to the rescue. This plugin is what we have on our servers.

Thanks to this plugin, you can add players to special groups and give them different rights. The plugin also allows you to make a global and local chat, change the color of the nickname.

Setting up the plugin:

First you need to go to the permissions.yml file and tweak it a little.

When you open the file, you will see the following:

Let's analyze each component.

groups:- This parameter will be followed by groups and rights.

default:- default group. All players who just entered will get there.

default:true- with this parameter you can set the default group.

permissions:- below this parameter, you can enter the rights for a specific group.

modifyworld.*- The ability to make changes to the players in the world. It's better to leave it blank.

Group example



Team Permission Description
/pex permissions.manage Shows PEX help
/pex toggle debug permissions.manage On/Off debug mode (creates a lot of debug information in server.log)
/pex user check permissions.manage. Check right player
/pex reload permissions.manage.reload Reloads the plugin
/pexconfig permissions.manage.config Displays a value from the PEX config. Optionally, you can enter to set a new value for the parameter.
/pex backend permissions.manage.backend Output used to this moment backends.
/pex backend permissions.manage.backend Change the permissions backend on-the-fly (Use with caution!) This is for testing only.)
/pex hierarchy permissions.manage.users Shows the complete hierarchy of players/groups
/pex dump permissions.manage.dump Creates a dump of users and groups in the selected format to file

Player rights management

Team Permission Description
/pexusers permissions.manage.users Shows a list of all registered users. And server players
/pex user permissions.manage.users Shows player rights
/pex user prefix permissions.manage.users.prefix. Set to player prefix
/pex user suffix permissions.manage.users.suffix. Set to player suffix
/pex user delete permissions.manage.users. Delete player from the backend currently in use.
/pex user add entitle Player
/pex user remove permissions.manage.users.permissions. Take away right Player
/pex user timed add Give temporary right Player
/pex user timed remove permissions.manage.users.permissions.timed. Take from player provisional law
/pex user set permissions.manage.users.permissions. Set option

Managing the rights of groups of players

Team Permission Description
/pex user group list Show a list of groups a player is a member of
/pex user group add permissions.manage.membership. Add player to the group for a while
/pex user group set permissions.manage.membership. Set group for the player (will remove him from other groups)
/pex user group remove permissions.manage.membership. Delete player from the group

Group rights management

Team Permission Description
/pex groups permissions.manage.groups.list Show all registered groups
/pex default group Show default group
/pex set default group permissions.manage.groups.inheritance Set group as default group
/pex group prefix permissions.manage.groups.prefix. Set group prefix
/pex group suffix permissions.manage.groups.suffix. Set group suffix
/pex group create permissions.manageups.create. To create a group and if need to set parent group/groups for it
/pex group delete permissions.manage.groups.remove. Delete group
/pex group parents List of parent groups for a group
/pex group parent set permissions.manage.groups.inheritance. Set group parent group/groups
/pex group Show all group permissions
/pex group add permissions.manage.groups.permissions. entitle group
/pex group remove permissions.manage.groups.permissions. Take away right At the group
/pex group timed add Give temporary right group for time (in sec.)
/pex group timed remove permissions.manage.groups.permissions.timed. Take away temporary right At the group
/pex group set permissions.manage.groups.permissions. Set option
/pex group weight permissions.manage.groups.weight. Show/Set Group Weight

Managing players in groups

Team Permission Description
/pex group users permissions.manage.membership. Show all players in the group
/pex group user add permissions.manage.membership. Add player/players to the group for a while
/pex group user remove permissions.manage.membership. Remove a player/players from a group
/pex promote permissions.user.promote. Promote Player to the top group
/pex demote permissions.user.demote. Demote a Player to the lower group permissions.manage.worlds Show world heritage information
/pexworld inherit permissions.manage.worlds.inheritance Set parent world/worlds For the world


2. We throw in the Plugins folder.

3. Reboot the server.

donate! Ilya you will be in the top!

write /pex user (player) group set VIP

if you are the moderator or OP write
/pex user nickname to whom you want to donate group set Vip

stob to give yourself an owner write in the console /pex user nickname group set owner but if the permission is not configured not
will work

/pex user (player) group set VIP

write like this /pex user (nickname) group set vip

No, you can register the server through the console “without / register in the console” You need to register this command:
pex group Vip add user Nickname
Good luck with your game.
To add, for example, an admin, you need to insert the admin group in place of Vip. It is not necessary to go into the config and spoil your plugin.

There is no such function - VIP is bought only for one person, you understand? And if you think that the admin can give a vip to a player on his server, then you are mistaken! There is no such ((

Here are all Donations vip admin creator owner main admin here are all donations
in lane

/pex group Vip add user Nickname

How to set up permissions so that I can let Creative Vip Admin and so on and so that the player can be private

Write to the console /pex user (Player nickname) group set (Any donation) but you need to have the last server privilege and you won’t be able to

—- [Player] ——
/skin set change your skin by nickname
/skin clear - return native skin
/email - Account access recovery system
/ changepassword [old_password] [new_password] - Change password (write in the hub!)
/money - Display your balance
/ pay [nickname] [amount] - Transfer money to the player
/ sethome [name] - Create a home point
/delhome [name] - Delete home point
/home [name] - Teleport to a home point
/jobs - Get information about the work on the server
/ tpa [nickname] - Request teleportation to the player
/tpaccept - Accept a teleport request from a player
/tpdeny - Deny a teleport request from a player
/rg list -p [nickname] - List of player's privates
/kits - List of available kits
/kit start - Get the "Start" kit
/warp - Display a list of warps
/warp [name] - Teleport to a warp point
/w [nickname] [message] - Send a private message
/spawn - Teleport to spawn
/iteminfo - Get item ID
/clan - Clan commands
*Ability to install up to 3 points of houses
* Ability to create up to 3 privates

use, PvP, chest-access
*Private automatically expands vertically, no need to privatize with "Cuboid" method or use //expand vert command
*Maximum private volume is 100,000 blocks

—- [Warrior] ---
/feed - Satisfy your hunger
/heal - Restore health
/kit voin - Retrieve the "voin" kit
/repair - Repair items
+All abilities: [Player]

*Inventory recovery after death

—- [Premium] ---
/fly - Flight mode
/hat - Put an item on your head
/kit premium - Get a "Premium" kit
/near - Show players who are nearby
/recipe - Display the recipe for the specified item
/workbench - Open a virtual workbench
+All abilities: [Warrior]
* Ability to set up to 5 points of houses
* Ability to create up to 5 privates
*Maximum private volume is 150,000 blocks
* Ability to set flags on your private:
farewell and greeting
*Teleport without delay

—- [Creative] ---
/firework - Add effects to fireworks
/gamemode - Change game mode
/ignore - Ignore the player
+All Features: [Premium]
*Protection against the /kill command
* Ability to set up to 7 points of houses
* Ability to create up to 7 privates
*Maximum private volume is 200,000 blocks
* Ability to set flags on your private:
enderpearl, mob-damage and mob-spawning

—- [Ultra] ---
/bal - Find out the balance of another player
/baltop - List of the richest players
/bc - Make an announcement
/god - God Mode
/kick - Kick a player
/kit moderator - get the "Moderator" kit
/list - Display a list of players on the server
/tempmute - Block access to the player's chat
/tp - Teleport to player
*Immunity to all penalties
+All features: [Creative]
* Ability to set up to 9 points of houses
* Ability to create up to 9 privates
*Maximum private volume is 300,000 blocks
* Ability to set flags on your private:
chest-access, item-drop and potion-splash

—- [Titanium] ---
/clear - Clear your inventory
/invsee - View the player's inventory
/me - Make a highlighted message
/rg info - Display information about any private
/kill - Kill a player
/burn - Set the player on fire
/enchant - Enchanting items
/tppos - Teleport to coordinates
/i - Give yourself any item (does not work temporarily)
*Using a compass to penetrate walls
*Use color codes in chat
+All features: [Ultra]
* Ability to set up to 11 points of houses
* Ability to create up to 11 privates
*Maximum private volume is 400,000 blocks

—- [Elite] ---
/ dupeip [nickname] - View all nicknames of the player corresponding to his IP address
/v - Turn on invisibility
/lag - Display server status information
/unmute - Unmute
/tempban - Ban a player by nickname
/banlist - View the list of banned players
/time set - Change the time of day
/getpos [nickname] - Information about the player's location
/worldborder bypass - Ability to pass through the borders of the world
/oi - Open and edit the player's inventory
/oe - Open and edit the player's ender chest
//faces - Generate a box
//sphere - Generate a sphere
//hsphere - Generate a hollow sphere
//cyl - Generate a cylinder
//hcyl - Generate a hollow cylinder
//pyramid - Generate pyramid
//hpyramid - Generate a hollow pyramid
+All features: [Guru]

* Ability to set up to 15 points of houses
* Ability to create up to 15 privates
*Maximum private volume is 600,000 blocks

—- [Archon] ---
/co i - Turns on and off the ability to see the history of block changes (you can see who grumbled or poured lava)
/unban - Unban a player
/eco - Change player balance
/sun, /rain - Weather change
/give - Give any item to the player
/banip - Ban a player by IP
/unbanip - Unban IP
/spawnmob - Spawn mobs
/sudo - Force a command to execute as another player
/lightning [nickname] - Strike the player with lightning
/more - Increase the number of items in hand to a stack
/superpickaxe - Enable Super Pickaxe Mode
/si - Find items from players
//copy - Copy blocks in the selected area
//paste - Paste blocks from the clipboard
//replace - Replacing blocks in the selected area
//rotate - Rotate the contents of the clipboard (90, 180, 270)
//schem list - View a list of saved schemes
//schem load - Load a specific scheme
//schem save - Save a specific scheme
/authme accounts [nickname] - List of player accounts (TEMPORARILY NOT WORKING)
* Ignore protection from ban, kick, mute.
* Creation of AdminShop (shop on signs, does not require a chest)
*Access to all privates
* Ability to install additional account protection against hacking.
+All abilities: [Elite]
*Ability to put up to 15 points

This functionality is very flexible, it allows you to set up groups with different privileges, such as VIP players, moderators, super moderators, etc.

How to grant privileges?

The /grant chat command is used to grant privileges. Access to this command is only available to players who have appointed themselves as an admin by specifying their SteamID in the server settings. After you give out the admin panel, you can use the chat commands /grant, /group, /usergroup

To issue a certain privilege to a player, /grant user is used:

where player is the player's nickname and permission is the privilege

An example of granting a teleportation.home privilege to a player with the nickname ALKAD:

To grant a specific privilege to a group, use /grant group:

where group is a group and permission is a privilege

An example of granting the Moders group the teleportation.warp privilege:

The angle brackets in the command only indicate that the parameter is required, you do not need to enter them:

The command above says that param1 is required and param2 is optional. The commands you will need to send will look something like this:

Privilege Examples

Now consider granting privileges to specific example. So, you have found a plugin you like, for example AdminTools

We see the following plugin privileges:

Now we send the chat command /grant . We give the player Alkad access to the team kick and ban:

The example above allows you to grant a privilege to only one player. And if we have dozens, hundreds? Why not manually assign a privilege to each player?! Of course not. That's what groups are for.

Create a group of moderators moders:

Let's give this group all the permissions of the Admin Tools plugin:

Let's add player Nik to the moderators group we created:

That's it, now all players who are in the moders group will have access to commands.

Hello, dear reader of the PlayNTrade portal, Editor YakovSobolev is with you. In this article, you will learn, Admin Commands| how to give licenses| Teleport to player| Find out the password from the Admin | Follow player| How to unban a player| How to delete a house| How to add an open house to SAMP (SAMP).

Admin Commands

Today I will tell you about the administration commands that are found on each server and are its basis.

Basic commands:

/kick - kick a person

/warn - issue a warn person (deprive him of the possibility of joining a faction)

/unwarn - unwarn. (to give the opportunity to settle in the faction)

/offwarn - issue warn when a person is not in the game (issued by nickname)

/ban - ban (deprive the ability to enter the server)

/banip - ban a person by IP address.

/ mute - issue silence (deprive him of the opportunity to chat)

/pm - answer the character to his question in the report.

/ tp - teleportation on the map.

/o - Make an announcement to everyone in the general chat (Indicated in white)

/aad Make an important announcement to everyone in the general chat (Indicated in red)

Additional commands:

/veh id(cars) id(colors 1) id(colors 2) - Create a car

/delveh - Delete vehicle

/sethp - set a certain amount of health

/gzcolor - recolor the area in the ghetto

/uval - dismiss from faction

/slap - toss up

/skin - change skin

/freeze - freeze (deprive him of the ability to move)

/gm - check for GM (Infinite health)

/givemoney - give money

/getstats - check statistics

/setstat - edit statistics

How to give Admin in SAMP?

Here I will write a command that will help you answer the question "How to give an admin panel in SAMP?" /makeadmin id level

How to give a Leader in SAMP?

/makeleader id(person) id(leader)

Give licenses

How to issue licenses (for weapons) as an admin in SAMP? The administration has 2 ways to issue licenses to a character.

1 - We write the /agl command, select the license you need and issue it to the player.

2 - We write the command /templeader (temporarily get a job in a faction). Then, through tab, it looks for a player and gives him licenses.

Teleport to the player

And so, you are wondering how to teleport to the player?The administration has such privileges as teleportation to the player. In order to do this, you need to enter the /goto id command and you will be transferred to it. /gethere - teleport yourself (appears next to you)

Find out the password from the Admin

How to find out the password from the admin panel? As soon as you are given an admin panel, your password is written in the chat. To change it, you need to enter the /adminkey command (your new password). If you forgot it, you will have to look in pawno for the line "PlayerInfo = 9922;" and change the numbers to your password.

follow player

How to follow a player? In order to follow the character you need to write /re id which you want to follow. Surveillance is secret, so he will not know that he is being followed.

How to unban a player

Do you have a question How to unban a player? If you need to unban someone, you need to type /unban Nick_Name and they will be able to play again. If he is banned by IP, then enter the command / unbanip IP (character)

How to delete a house

How to delete a home for an admin? To delete a house, you need to enter the /delveh id(home) command. After that, the house will disappear.

How to add an open house to SAMP(SAMP)

How to add an open house to the SAMP admin? In order to add a house, you must enter the command / adelpos id (houses not occupied). Next, define the parking lot and enter /asetposcar id (the houses you just made)

So, today we learned “Admin Commands| how to give licenses| Teleport to player| Find out the password from the Admin | Follow player| How to unban a player| How to delete a house| How to add an open house to SAMP (SAMP) and told you more about it.!

Permissions (permissions / access rights)- permissions, privileges to perform certain chat commands in Game. Each plugin oxide has its own set of permissions.

This functionality is very flexible, it allows you to set up groups with different privileges, for example VIP players, moderators, super moderators etc.

How to grant privileges?

The chat command is used to issue privileges. /grant. Access to this command is only available to players who have designated themselves as an admin by specifying their SteamID in . After you give out the admin panel, you can use the chat commands /grant, /group, /usergroup

To issue a certain privilege to a player, /grant user is used:

/grant user

where player- player's nickname, and permission- privilege

An example of granting a teleportation.home privilege to a player with the nickname ALKAD:

/grant user Alkad teleportation.home

To grant a specific privilege to a group, use /grant group:

/grant group

where group- group, and permission- privilege

An example of granting the Moders group the teleportation.warp privilege:

/grant group Moders teleportation.warp


Angle brackets< и >in the command they only say that the parameter is required, you do not need to enter them:


The command above says that param1 is mandatory and param2 not required. The commands you will need to send will look something like this:

/command required /command required123 optional

Privilege Examples

Now consider the issuance of privileges on a specific example. So, you have found a plugin you like, for example AdminTools

We see the following plugin privileges:

admintools.kick Kick players. /kick.
admintools.ban Ban players. /ban
admintools.tempban Temporary player ban. /tempban
admintools.godmode God 'mode. /ban
admintools.mute Mut of players. /ban
admintools.freeze Freeze players. /ban
admintools.all Access to all commands

Now send a chat command /grant. Player Alkad grant access to the command kick and ban :

/grant user Alkad admintools.kick /grant user Alkad admintools.ban

If you made a mistake somewhere, for example instead of the correct privilege admintools.ban wrote admintool.ban , the information message " Permission "admintool.ban" doesn't exist".

The example above allows you to grant a privilege to only one player. And if we have dozens, hundreds? Why not manually assign a privilege to each player?! Of course not. That's what groups are for.

Create a group of moderators moders:

/group add mods

Let's give this group all the permissions of the Admin Tools plugin:

/grant group moders admintools.all

Let's add player Nik to the moderators group we created:

/usergroup add Nik moder

That's it, now all players who are in the moders group will have access to commands.