The best chest and back exercises. Chest and back workout. Specific examples of training programs for these splits

Split - translated from English. split. That is, we will split muscle groups on different days.

For a long time, bodybuilders trained the whole body in one workout, they had to perform a huge number of exercises and sets per workout.

Of course, the effectiveness of such training was low, because estimate your chances after 5 exercises in the last two or three exercises to fully work on the muscles.

It's funny, and such training lasted a very long time (2 hours). Knowing what we know now, all those bodybuilding workouts were imperfect. Therefore, the system of one workout was replaced by split training programs (training of separate muscle groups).

Benefits of split training over conventional training

  • The duration of the workout is shorter: 30-45 minutes than the usual one (1.5-2 hours).
  • The intensity of the workout has increased because there are fewer muscle groups (1 max 2), and before the whole body at a time. As a result, we have more strength and we can fully work on a particular muscle more thoroughly.
  • Mood. Enough important point, however I put it in 3rd place. You want it, you don't want it, but you have to. Agree, train for 2 hours and be surviving like a lemon and get absolutely nothing but train for 30-45 minutes intensively, thoroughly and powerfully and get much more? Here is your advantage.

Split types

Many novice athletes as well as advanced athletes very often like to change their training programs, thinking that they have found something better. I know what I'm talking about, so it is, because I myself have done it before and thought about it that way. But I want to upset you, your running back and forth, back - will give you absolutely nothing. Below, I will give specific examples of training programs for gaining muscle mass. Split for beginners A competent split for beginner athletes is as follows: There should be no less days of rest per week than the training itself.

  • Legs-back
  • Chest, shoulders, arms

After each workout, there is a rest day. That is, if on Monday you trained your legs and back, on Wednesday there will be chest-shoulders-arms, on Thursday rest, and on Friday legs-back again. According to this split, it is important to train at least 10-12 weeks. And it's better as long as progress is visible. After which you can go to three day split, which might look like this:

  • back biceps
  • Chest-arms

This is one of my favorite splits I have ever used.

Then I switched to a four-day split:

  • Mon. Breast
  • Tue Back
  • Thu. Shoulders-arms
  • Fri. Legs

After four day split I started exercising 5 days a week.

  • Breast
  • Back
  • Shoulders

Specific examples of training programs for these splits

2 day split


  • Sitting leg extension 4xMAX (in order to warm up the knee joints)
  • Squats 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x10 (working sets)
  • Lying leg curl 3x10 (working)
  • Pull-ups (if you can) or deadlifts vertical block to the chest 4X8-10
  • Rod thrust in the slope 4X8-10


  • Bench press on incline bench 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x6-12 (working)
  • Dumbbell bench press horizontal bench 4x6-12
  • Bench press, standing from the chest or from behind the head 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x6-12
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  • Bars 3x6-12

Three-day split (legs, back-deltas, chest-arms)

Mon. Legs

  • Squats 4x8-10
  • Leg press lying 3x8-10
  • Sitting leg extension 3xMAX (finishing exercise)
  • Rises on socks, standing 3x8-10

Wed Back deltas

  • Pull-ups 3-4x6-12
  • Bent over row 4x6-12
  • Horizontal pull 3x6-12
  • Bench press standing from behind the head 3x6-12
  • Broach 3x6-12
  • Abduction of arms with dumbbells to the side 3x6-12

Fri. Chest-arms

  • Bench press, lying on an inclined bench 4x6-10
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 4x6-10
  • Bars 4x6-10 (emphasis on triceps)
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-10

Four-day split (chest, back, shoulders-arms, legs)

Mon. Breast

  • Push-ups from the floor or push-ups on the uneven bars 4x6-12

Tue Back

  • Wide grip pull-ups to the chest
  • Bent over row 4x6-12
  • Horizontal pull 3x8-12
  • Deadlift 10,8,6,3.

Thu. Shoulders-arms

  • Bench press from behind the head or dumbbell press sitting 4x6-12
  • Broach (rod pull to the chin) 4x6-12
  • Mahi to the side (dumbbell abduction to the side) 4x6-12
  • Lifting the bar for biceps
  • bench press narrow grip
  • Barbell Squat 4x6-12
  • Leg press 4x6-12
  • Sitting leg extension 4x6-15
  • Calves, standing 4x15-20
  • calves, sitting 4x15-20

Five day split

Mon. Back

  • Pull-ups 4x6-12
  • Bent over row 4x6-12
  • Horizontal pull 4x6-12
  • Ladders with bar 3х12-20

Tue Breast

  • Bench press on an inclined bench 4x6-12
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 4x6-12
  • Push-ups from the floor 4x6-12
  • Cross Over 3x15-20
  • Calves, standing in the simulator 4x12-20
  • Barbell squat 4x6-12
  • Leg press in the simulator 3x6-12
  • Sitting leg extension 3x8-15
  • Calves sitting in the simulator 3x10-20

Thu. Shoulders

  • Seated Dumbbell Press 4x6-12
  • Broach 4x6-12
  • Mahi dumbbells to the sides 4x8-15
  • Incline dumbbell swings 4x8-15
  • Trapeze with a barbell
  • Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  • Close grip bench press 4x6-12
  • Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12
  • Extension of the arms while standing at the block 4x6-12

These splits are very effective. I have personally gone through each of them. this moment I do the latter (5 days a week). Instead of doing just about anything, it's better to get busy.

Article last updated: 12/31/2014

Our body is made up of many muscle groups. IN training process they are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones are the chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms and abs. Each of them contains a large number of auxiliary muscles that are included in the work along with large muscles.

Professional bodybuilders can afford to dedicate one day to training one main group to work it out and achieve maximum proportionality in order to show themselves in all their glory in competition. As you understand, the pros train almost every day. For beginners or gym enthusiasts, daily training will not bring any sense, since the body of a simple person will not have time to recover after training, which can lead to negative results. In addition, people who are engaged in bodybuilding at an amateur level have many everyday worries, such as work, study, etc. Because of this, a person is simply not able to fully devote himself to training. While the pros make a living from bodybuilding, it's their main income and because of this, athletes go to the gym as if they were going to work.

For you to understand, professional bodybuilders resort to the use of pharmacological support in order to recover faster, improve anabolic processes in the body, etc. Therefore, they go to the gym daily without harm to themselves.

In order to reach maximum effect from training, you need to break the training of the main muscle groups into separate days. However, here the question arises - which muscles to train together and how to combine them? To date, the three-day split is the most common among beginners and experienced athletes. That is, you break the workout into three days, let's say Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This perfect option in order to build muscle mass as quickly as possible and fully restore the muscle. A little later, when you are more experienced, you can break the workout into four days, highlighting one day, for example, for training the arms or shoulders. For more information on how to properly compose a training program, see here.

There are several options, based on which you can understand which muscles to train together. Here is one of the most common examples today:

Example #1

This is a fairly widely used option, in which everything is quite simple and logical. Look, we're taking the major muscle groups and breaking them down into three days: day 1 - chest; day 2 - back; day 3 - legs. After that, we add smaller muscles that are directly involved in training the main muscle, with the exception of the combination of legs and shoulders. For example, take the same chest workout, which is based on repulsive exercises. That is, take the same bench press or dumbbell press and so on. All of them involve pushing (squeezing) the weight from the chest, and as we know, triceps is responsible for this function in the muscles of the arm. So he is directly involved in chest training.

The same goes for the back and biceps. If in a chest workout, we push (squeeze) the weight away from ourselves, then in a back workout, we pull the weight towards us, and, as you know, not only the back muscles are responsible for this movement, but also the biceps, which helps to attract weight and increase the amplitude movement.

As for the third day of training, the shoulders do not participate in leg training, however, this is the only day that can be allocated for high-quality pumping of the deltas. As you know, deltas consist of anterior, middle and posterior beams, if you want to pump up your shoulders, you need to train them together in one day.

Thus, combining training in this way, we are quite good at pre-tiring the secondary muscles, and then we work them out with high quality.

Example #2

The second option is less common, however, also has its fans. Many people think that training the main muscle and the secondary one, which is directly involved in the movement, such as the chest and triceps, back and biceps, is at least stupid, because having previously tired the secondary muscle (biceps or triceps), we will no longer be able to pump them normally . In principle, for some people this is quite relevant. Keep in mind that everyone's body is different and everyone can react to a particular type of training in different ways, so you can experiment and try both sets to determine for yourself which one is right for you. In addition, the program still needs to be changed at least once every 1-2 months.


Many believe that antagonist training is the most effective way to build muscle. muscle mass and indeed it is. Such training involves working out two antagonist muscles in one day. These are the muscles that are parallel to each other, that is, the back - the chest, the biceps - the triceps, the biceps of the thigh - the quadriceps. You can read more about antagonist muscle training here.

An example of such a training plan

Training according to this plan, I can say that this is a pretty good way out if you need to change the program, try something new. This complex is suitable for fairly experienced athletes, as it requires a lot of energy and strength to recover, and it is better for a beginner to train according to the first or second example.

Personally, I advise you to train according to the plan, which is presented below. He absorbed some of the antagonist training and the first standard plan. It can be used by experienced athletes with at least 1 year of experience.

The training plan for gym


In this option, you can combine all the muscles at the same time, only in a certain sequence. If you are a beginner athlete, you can take advantage of a workout that includes working out all the major muscle groups in one session. As you remember, at the beginning of the article we said, for beginner athletes the best option is to break the workout into splits, that is, train each major muscle group separately. As far as full body training goes, this is a fairly energy-intensive plan, but if you approach the process wisely, you can balance your workouts.

Whole-body training is needed in order to prepare a novice athlete, namely his muscles, for a further increase in loads, that is, to tighten the overall physical form. The workout itself does not consist of twenty exercises, as you might think, it includes basic exercises, thanks to which we will be able to pump and use the main, secondary and various auxiliary muscle groups in the process. Training does not take much time if you train intensively, without half an hour of rest and hack work. You can read more about full body training here.

In the first part of the workout cycle at home, I talked about how, without dumbbells, simulators and barbells. With only a well-ventilated room, a horizontal bar and your favorite music, you are able to keep your body in shape.

In this part, I will give a set of exercises that will help you create a wide back and well-defined pectoral muscles at home. Yes exactly broad back and pronounced chest muscles. Because any exercises on the horizontal bar, first of all, stimulate the growth of the latissimus dorsi, large round and trapezius muscles of the back, and simple push ups from the floor have a direct effect on the chest first. Large, well-defined pectoral muscles and a broad back are, in my opinion, the most important details of a well-coordinated muscular body of any athlete. You may have small arms, but you simply need a wide back!

Muscle stretching at home, warm-up

In order for your muscles to work in full amplitude, it is necessary during the warm-up to pay attention to stretching exactly those muscles that will work the most today, namely the chest and back. Come to the doorway, put your hands on the walls near the door and lean forward slowly, feeling the muscles of your chest stretch. Stay in this position for 1-1.5 minutes. This exercise can be done on the floor with your arms wider than shoulder-width apart (as in push-ups). You need to put two low stools or three or four thick books under your arms (the latter option can be unstable). It is best to purchase push-ups from the sporting goods store for training at home, and you will also need them in the exercises below.

There are a number of other ways to stretch pectoral muscles which you can take on your own.

Sit on the edge of a chair with your legs wide apart. Slowly lower yourself down, placing your hands on the floor between your feet. Stay in this position for one and a half minutes too. It is important that the height of the chair is such that you feel the stretch.

Next, go to any horizontal support or high object (at chest level) and place your outstretched arms in front of you on this object or support. Hang down under the weight of the torso and sag like this for about a minute. Don't hold your breath, breathe evenly. Keep your legs straight and upright, not leaning forward or backward.

Now that your muscles have warmed up and stretched, move on to doing strength exercises.

Chest workout at home


1. Push-ups from the floor with arms wide apart. 5 x 12-20 reps

The exercise is aimed at the formation of a massive chest (mass). The number of repetitions depends on your preparation. If after 20 times you feel like you can do more, keep going. Continue until the muscles refuse to lift you. But for the next approach, ask for help from someone at home, such as your girlfriend or child. Ask your partner to sit comfortably on your neck and shoulder blades and stretch your legs forward (at the same time tighten your quadriceps :)). Your arms should be much wider than your shoulders., fingers look forward. The palms at the same time fit snugly on the floor. Get down to the floor, but don't lie on it. Work more on the negative phases, i.e. go down slower than you go up.

2. Push-ups using stops. 3 x 15-25 reps.

The exercise is aimed at dividing the pectoral muscles (relief). In this exercise, push-ups will already be harder, so it is quite possible that outside help will not be needed. So, as I described above, use push-ups or improvised objects in order to lower yourself as low as possible, while stretching your chest muscles. Spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders, grasp the stops so that your palms are turned inward. If there are no stops, stand on your fists, but again, the palms look at each other. Descend slowly and as low as possible. Rise quickly, but without fully extending your arms.

3. Tilt push-ups (with legs resting on the bench). 3 x 15-25 reps.

Training at home limits the athlete in choosing an emphasis on a specific part of the muscle. But, thanks to such improvised means as, for example, a chair, sofa or bed, you have the opportunity to focus the load on upper part chest. As you know, this is the most lagging part of the chest in most athletes, because. she in Everyday life rarely works, and in the gym they forget to pump it. Push-ups in an incline with the emphasis on the hill allows you to pump the upper chest.

So, throw your legs on the sofa or chair, put your hands on the floor and slowly lower yourself for “one”, breathing in, almost touching the floor and quickly rise to “two” with exhalation. initial position.

The chair push-up also engages the front delts, triceps, back and abs, which work in static tension when you keep your body straight.

How to pump up your back at home


Let's move on to pumping the back muscles at home. In this we need a crossbar, i.e. horizontal bar. Use a bar that will allow you to train at home without interference (for example, a doorway if the horizontal bar is in it), and also that you can easily move to any height if necessary. And also, the width of your back will directly depend on how wide your horizontal bar is when training at home. And it's not a joke. The wider the grip, the more the back, not the arms, is included in the work.

1. Pull-ups with a wide grip. 3 x 10-15 reps.

The grip is wider than the shoulders, about 10-20 cm, but not to the point of pain. The palms of the hands look forward (i.e., the grip is straight). At first, for a better grip, use special pull-up straps or hooks (pictured). Don't forget your weight pack! Pull yourself up as high as you can over the bar to engage your back muscles more, and lower yourself with your arms slightly extended to keep your muscles in tension. In this exercise, you can resort to cheating, i.e. make jerks, if there is no strength to pull yourself up, but at the same time lower slowly. Watch your breath in all exercises. While moving up, exhale, and while lowering, inhale. It is very important! The correctness and effectiveness of the exercise itself depends on this.

2. Pull-ups with a wide grip on the head. 3 x 10-15 repetitions.

In this exercise at home, you will also influence deltoid muscles. Repetitions are performed as in the previous exercise, but rise to the crossbar, diving under it and touching the back of the head or neck. The grip remains the same, the palms are also looking forward. Because This exercise is considered traumatic for the shoulder, do it slowly and measuredly. Here you are no longer cheating! Hold at the top for a couple of minutes and then slowly lower. Do not use weight if you are unable to lift more than 3 reps. Perform repetitions until complete muscle failure.

Pull-ups are the most effective exercise for the development of back muscles. There is not a single simulator that could replace pull-ups. Love this exercise, and your back will not keep you waiting with growth even when training at home.

3. Pull-ups to the bottom of the chest on the low bar. 3 x 12-15 reps.

Horizontal pull-ups are performed from the bar, which is approximately at the level just below the buttocks. In the gym, this exercise is most often performed by some athletes at the end of a workout, using a Smith machine, for example. But, when training at home, you can place the bar lower if possible, or find some alternative.

With horizontal pull-ups, your body in the starting position is almost lying down, but at the same time you hang on straight arms, without touching the floor with your back. On the “one” exhalation, pull your chest to the crossbar as much as possible, linger there for a couple of seconds and very slowly, while inhaling, return to the starting position. From the width of the arms, as well as from the type of grip, the load from the back to the biceps will change:

  • wider arms, grip from above - accent latissimus dorsi back, less for biceps
  • the position of the hands is narrower, the grip is from above - the emphasis is on the widest, the biceps turn on more
  • the position of the hands is shoulder-width apart, the grip is from below - the back works, but the emphasis is on the biceps

Find a middle position, take a wider grip to work more on your back.

Chest and back workout is very effective way increase the mass of your body. This is because you are training antagonist muscles. The bottom line is that by tiring one of the muscles, the second one will be pumped much better, which means there will be a more noticeable increase in mass. In the workout below, we first work out the chest, and then the back, which gives us the desired effect. In this embodiment, there are 2 possible versions of the preparation of the chest-back workout. A hard workout is to work out one muscle group first, and then another. A workout for those who want to dry out and lose some weight will consist of alternating exercises for the chest and back.

Heavy chest and back workout

4 sets of 10 reps

3 sets of 12 reps

4 sets of 12 reps

4 sets of 12 reps

3 sets of 15 reps

3 sets of 10 reps

3 sets of 15 reps

3 sets of 25 reps

A set of exercises for the chest and back is a heavy and exhausting load, in this situation you need to give enough time to rest, at least a week. Use this workout for 1.5-2 months, then change. Due to the heavy load, I would suggest supplementing with creatine before training and drinking BCAAs during it. Creatine is important for maintaining strength during exercise and will additionally help with pumping. BCAAs will help your muscles recover and slow down catabolism.

Most beginners start training their back and chest on different days, however, professional athletes are convinced that antagonist muscles need to be pumped on the same day, building their strengths accordingly. training splits. For example, biceps must be pumped along with triceps, and quadriceps with hamstrings. Following this logic, it can be assumed that the chest should be pumped in conjunction with the back, since their physiological functions are opposite to each other.

Chest and back need to be pumped together!

This rule was followed by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was convinced that joint training of the back and chest is the shortest way to build a huge muscle mass of the body. Such a training technique may seem at first glance very subjective, if not for one very important point. When, after doing the chest exercise, you start training your back, you will certainly find that repetitions and sets are much easier than when training these muscle groups separately. Moreover, it is even possible that the working weight in back exercises will increase by a couple of kilograms. The same result will await you when changing the order of exercises. For example, if you start your workout with exercises for the back muscles and then proceed to training the chest, you will notice that now the working weight in exercises for the chest can also be increased.

Why it happens? The thing is that the contraction of any muscle leads to a simultaneous stretching of the antagonist muscle. In addition, during the contraction of the working muscle, its antagonist resists stretching with all its might, preventing it from fully manifesting its strength. A similar process applies to the back with the chest. However, there is one important feature here: if you first tire the antagonist muscle, then the resistance to stretching will not be so strong. It means that working muscle will be able to more fully realize their power potential, while increasing the working weight. And we know that the heavier the bar, the more fibers are included in the work. Which will ultimately result in faster and better muscle growth.

Thus, joint training of the back and chest is really the very tool that allows you to short time make yourself massive muscles shoulder girdle. However, do not try to use super-sets. The method of training the chest and back is such that you first perform working approaches for one muscle and only then move on to approaches for the other. Start your workout with a chest exercise, then move on to your back. Then again for the chest and after it again on the back. Practice this split no more than once a week.