How to learn the moonwalk? DIV tag. How to learn to do the moonwalk? Five Steps to Mastering How to Moonwalk

The moonwalk is a dance move that was introduced to the world by pop king Michael Jackson. At his concert in 1983, he demonstrated this movement to the general public for the first time. In narrow dance circles, it was known before, but Jackson managed to popularize it largely due to the skill of performance. As then, today many people associate the moonwalk exclusively with Michael Jackson, many try to repeat it, but not everyone succeeds the first time. To make it easier for yourself, if you decide to learn how to do the moonwalk, use the following recommendations.

Execution technique

  • Prepare shoes with flexible soles. No matter how hard you train, it will not be possible to complete this movement in accordance with all the rules in hard shoes. If your shoes restrict your movement, you can start training just in socks - then your legs will glide more freely, and your toes will bend better.
  • Find a place with a level and smooth floor. The best surface- slippery tiles or parquet. Over time, you will learn how to perform this dance movement on less slippery surfaces, but this takes practice.
  • Find a mirror large enough that you can place on the floor so that you can monitor your own movements during the moonwalk. This way you can fix errors as soon as they occur.
  • Before starting a workout, be sure to prepare the muscles and joints of the legs, for this, do a little warm-up for the ankle and toes.
  • To go directly to the moonwalk, put your feet together, and then move forward with your right foot. The feet should still be on the floor. Don't tear them off.
  • Then shift the weight own body on the right leg, and lift the heel of this leg. Left leg stays on the floor.
  • Start lowering your right heel to the floor, while sliding the other foot along the floor. When your right heel hits the floor, you should immediately lift your left heel up. At the same time, make sure that the heel of the right foot and the toe of the left are on the same level.
  • After that, repeat the previous step, only for the opposite leg. That is, the right foot will now slide on the floor, and the left heel will fall to the floor.
  • When performing movements, do not “fall over” on your side, carefully monitor the center of gravity and control it.
  • Do the movements slowly at first, then speed up when you feel that you are doing the moonwalk correctly.
  • Once you've learned how to do the moonwalk in your socks, continue to hone your skills by wearing shoes.

Remember that all your movements must be smooth and accurate to avoid injury. You probably won't get it right the first time, so be prepared for that. But over time, success awaits you, the main thing is not to stop training and not to quit halfway through what you started.

Before we learn how to learn how to do the moonwalk, let's find out what it is. (sliding backwards) is one of the most popular dance techniques of the twentieth century, which creates the illusion of moving forward, although the dancer is moving backwards. A thorough mastery of the technique allows you to move sideways, forward and even in a circle.

Moonwalk: before and after Jackson

For the first time, something similar to the moonwalk was demonstrated by jazz musician Cab Calloway back in 1932. Well, in a performance close to modern, it could be seen in 1945 in the film "Children of Paradise". There, two mimes masterfully walked with a moonwalk. After that, it was adopted by many actors, dancers and singers. Each of them tried to bring something new to the technique of movement. For example, rock singer David Bowie first performed this dance technique while remaining in place. Here, through the dance, the whole power of art was manifested. In 1974, Michael Jackson visited the rocker's concert, and nine years later he moonwalked on a TV show. A little later, during the performance of the composition "Billie Jean", the trick was repeated, than Michael made it popular all over the world and turned it into his calling card.

How to learn to do the moonwalk?

1. Stand sideways in front of a mirror. Arms relaxed, legs together. Distribute body weight evenly on both legs.

2. We put the left foot back, on the toe, and then slowly transfer the weight of the body to it, leaning back a little. Hold in this position to feel the emphasis on the leg.

3. With a sliding motion, we take the right leg back, trying not to tear it off the floor. It is necessary to slide as far as possible, while the weight of the body remains on the left foot.

4. At the moment when the heel of the left foot falls to the floor, the heel of the right foot rises. Body weight is calmly transferred to the right leg (this key moment in the question: "How to learn to do the moonwalk?").

5. Now the left leg is free and can slide freely on the floor back. As soon as the backward slide reaches the farthest position, the heels of the legs change (left - raise, right - lower) and the weight of the body is again transferred to the left leg. It turns out that we are returning to point number 2. These movements must be looped one after another and smoothly moved back. The position in paragraph number 1 is the starting position, and it is not necessary to repeat it. After your legs get used to all the positions, work on the pace and fluidity. It is important to slide only in a straight line and not deviate. Also, success will depend on shoes and flooring. Think of Michael Jackson's performances. Personally, I don't remember anyone where he slipped in sneakers, because they are much higher than ordinary shoes. At first, I advise you to use socks and be sure to track movements in the mirror or using video.

If you haven't figured out how to learn how to do the moonwalk, then watch the instructional video from the "learn to dance together" category or contact a multidisciplinary dance studio where you can master this technique under the guidance of a professional choreographer.

Hello. Many of you have heard about Michael Jackson, who is the king of pop music, over the years of his life he managed to come up with many brilliant songs that became hits with lightning speed. He held a large number of concerts that were attended by millions of people.

In addition, countless surgeries brought him popularity, which allowed him to become a white-skinned man from an African-American boy. Maybe it was a stupid idea, but it's not for us to judge him.

But anyway, a lot of people in the world are crazy about Moonwalking. This is the movement that he used during the performance of his songs. One way or another, even I wanted to learn this walk. If you don't know the technique, you'll never succeed. After watching a video on YouTube, everything became clear and a little practice allowed me to learn. After this article, you will learn too.

Moonwalk technique

The technique is as follows:

  1. Spread your legs lengthwise shoulder-width apart;
  2. The foot that stands behind, put on the toe;
  3. The front leg at this moment begins to drag back;
  4. When they meet each other, then lower the first leg to the heel, and the leg that is dragging rises to the toe;
  5. Continue from the first point only.

Additional explanation of the technique

Yes, I read my explanation and I myself did not understand anything. It won't work, I'd rather show you a video that helped me learn the moonwalk.

Now I think the topic can be considered open. I did my best to explain how to moonwalk. Already now you can start training without leaving your home and in 10-15 minutes you will get the result. There is nothing difficult, as mentioned above, - The main thing is to know the technique.

Try. And I will say goodbye.

Sincerely, Journal Administrator.

Michael Jackson is considered one of the best choreographers and dancers in history. His skill was the best of the best among those who were in the pop industry. He always did it easily, and so far he remains the most outstanding artist (of course, not in the literal sense of the word). You can enjoy his staging and movements in various videos. Michael is such a great dancer that the dance looks very organic and simple, as if you can immediately get up and repeat everything without difficulty! But, this is the great talent of Michael Jackson as an artist - to do the complex at ease and easily! How to learn to dance like him? What is the secret of movement? Naturally, the singer's hallmark is the well-known "moonwalk". This movement is a special technique where the dancer moves backward while trying to move forward. This is how the illusion of sliding is created.

How to learn movement

To learn how to do a sliding moonwalk, you need curly hair and shiny socks. They say it's the key to success! And here are the phased technical movements:

  1. On a full foot, put one foot forward;
  2. Take the second back and put on your fingers;
  3. With the foot that is in front, begin to slide back easily and gently, past the foot that is behind;
  4. Now, with the foot that was in front, put it on the whole foot, and lift the back one on your toes;
  5. Repeat these movements over and over. All kinds of variations of the movements of the moonwalk, allow you to slide to the right, left, forward, as well as in a circle. Now you know how easy it is to learn this intricate movement.

Michael Jackson moonwalk

For the first time, the artist showed the moonwalk back in 1983, this happened on the American TV show in live when they performed the song "Billie Jean". Young Michael, dressed in a hat, one glove, black jacket, silver T-shirt, silver socks and black pants, made a splash. He wrapped himself around himself and did this world-famous gait.

The dances of the star attracted a huge number of spectators, and the movement itself called the moonwalk became very popular. Dancing is considered the second nature of the famous singer. The first is, of course, music, which occupied most of his life.

Interesting that in 1989 they made a film where Michael played the main role, he portrayed himself. This movie is called "Moonwalker". The singer considered dancing so important part image that even the biopic was called "Moonwalk", which translates as "Moonwalk".

Pop Idol Dancing Secrets

In addition to the moonwalk, dancers all over the world love to repeat another trick of the star. This is tilt the body 45 degrees to the floor. You can see it in the video for the song "Smooth Criminal". There are a large number of variations and versions on the theme: how to perform this trick. Some argue that in the stage costumes of Michael himself and his dancers, special pins were installed, in the shape and size of the heel, which at some point advanced and fixed. The dancer himself patented this boot design.

They call it back sliding, although, having thoroughly mastered the technique, you can move forward, sideways, and even

Moonwalk: before the king and after

For the first time, steps similar to the moonwalk were demonstrated by as early as 1932 jazzman Cab Calloway. But in all its glory, the moonwalk appeared in the film "Children of Paradise"
in 1945, where it was performed by two mimes. In subsequent years, many dancers, actors and singers used the spectacular technique. Each of them brought something new to the technique or
dance setting. Rock musician David Bowie was perhaps the first to moonwalk while remaining in place. Michael Jackson later said that he visited
in 1974 one of the Bowie shows in Los Angeles.

In 1983, two important moonwalking events occurred. First, it was first performed Michael Jackson first on a TV show, and a little later, in
during the performance of the song Billie Jean. Secondly, the Oscar-winning film "Flashdance" with a moonwalk in one of the break dance numbers was released on the screens. Today, many people believe
that the moonwalk was invented by Michael Jackson, so skillfully he managed to make it his calling card.

moonwalk looks very impressive, while it does not have particularly complex elements. But to work out the smoothness and fluidity of movements you will have to spend
a lot of time. However, training to your favorite music will certainly be a joy.

Unlike Hustle and Macarena, "moonwalk" still retained a touch of street romance. Here is a guide on how to perform it in all its glory.

Step 1: Find a slippery floor
Find a floor that is good for slipping, such as wood or tile.

Clue: It will be easier to learn the movements if you start doing it in socks.

Step 2: Put your feet together
Stand up straight with your feet together. Then move your right foot slightly forward in relation to your left, while leaving both
feet on the floor.

Step 3: Raise your heel
Raise your right heel so that your weight is on your right toes. The left leg at this time remains on the floor.

Step 4: Drop your heel
Begin to lower your right heel to the floor while sliding your left foot back along the floor until your left toes are on the floor.
same level with the heel of the right foot.

Step 5: Repeat with the left leg
When the toes of the left foot align with the heel of the right foot, lift the left heel and repeat the process - only "leading" on
this time the left leg.

Clue: remember that the weight should fall on the leg that is raised so that the second leg can easily slide back, as if only lightly touching the floor.

Step 6: Practice
Practice this movement until it becomes easy for you even in sneakers.

Top Break Lessons: Moon Walking

To learn how to dance this movement you need:

1) The most important thing is comfortable and soft shoes in which the foot can move;
2) You need to learn how to move your legs plastically;
3) And finally, the movement itself:
Place your feet in this way: bring the right one forward a little and put it on the heel, and put the left on the toe. Start moving gradually. Move like this: your
the right foot passes along the left and stands on the toe, the left is slightly brought forward and stands on the heel. That is, the legs should change places. But: they must change in
walking movement, that is, when you moonwalk, you do all these movements and in doing so you move, which is actually very similar to the way
movement. For greater plasticity, you can still simultaneously make a wave with your hands (both over your shoulder and just with your hand).