How to bet on horse racing and win. Horse racing bets Can you make money on horse racing

Horse racing is one of the few sports where spectators are allowed to directly take part in the game by means of a wager. Millions of dollars worth of bets are made every day in the world - players are eager to test their luck. It will take some time to master the art of betting, but it will be worth it.


How to learn to read the horse racing program

    Sharpen your handicap skills. A handicap is the process of determining which horse is more likely to win a race. This is more of a test of your creativity than a systematic calculation of the difference. To understand how it works, you will need to purchase a daily racing program.

    • There are many indicators and data included in the program, but these will be discussed below. When you learn to read the program, you will begin to understand which horses have a chance of success. At least you will have all the possibilities for this.
  1. Pay attention to Beyer's rating. It often serves as the starting point of the handicap process. This is an indicator of the horse's success in previous races in numbers. Handicappers bet on the highest ranked horse and do not bet on horses that never score close to the highest. Two indicators are important here: the pace of the race and the speed of the horse.

    • Race pace. After reviewing the results of previous races, handicappers will try to predict the pace of the next race in order to understand which horse will be more likely to come first in such conditions. The first number indicates whether the horse can go ahead or not.
    • Horse speed. This is not the same as race pace. Speed ​​(second number) determines the horse's ability to outrun slower horses as it approaches the finish line. Speed ​​does not equal constancy - pace is responsible for constancy.
  2. Pay attention to the length of the distance. This is one of the most important factors. If you want to bet on a horse that gets tired after 1200 meters and the distance is 2400 meters, you definitely shouldn't make this bet. How did this horse perform in races at a similar distance?

    • Distance, pace and speed are best judged together. Analyze how the horse rides (and more importantly, what number he finishes with) at different distances, and this will give you an idea of ​​​​how he will perform.
  3. Consider track conditions and weather conditions. None of the factors can affect the race as much as this one. If players discover any features of the racing surface, they must take them into account. What do you mean by track state? Every horse has a favorite surface, such as Treadmill or sticky soil. It is important to know how the horse will behave on the proposed track.

    • Don't forget the weather! Rain can quickly turn the ground to mud. Consider how the horse performed in similar weather conditions.
  4. Think about form cycles. Handicappers should ask themselves questions about each horse. Was her last race a true showcase of her abilities? Is there a possibility of improving or worsening the result on race day? Which horses raced uphill in the last race and can you expect them to be able to outrun everyone today? Just like humans, horses don't produce the same results all the time.

    • It is important to consider where the horse came from and how much money the owners will receive based on the results of the races. If the sum is large, the horse will be first class and perform about the same from race to race because he has hit major league not just like that. If it was brought from another country, this means that the owners have invested a lot of money in it, respectively, they will do everything possible to make the horse win.
  5. Pay attention to the position of the booth in the starting gate from which the horse is launched. The list of previous races the horse has competed in will show which cab it was launched from. In single lap sprints it is usually best to take the outside cabs, while in long races (usually two laps) the inside cabs. From which booth will the horse run? Did she manage to perform well in similar races before?

    • Consider the position of the cabins of other horses. If the horse that rides the outer circle better is in a race where the outer circle has an advantage, it can be a strong contender.

    How to place a bet

    1. Check out the tracks and buy everything you need. Going to the hippodrome, take an umbrella and binoculars with you. Come to the hippodrome before the start of the race. Find a betting window and then sit down and read the daily racing program. You can also buy:

      • Horse racing overview. This booklet will contain all the information about horses, jockeys, trainers and owners.
      • Public rates. If the local newspaper covers these races, they can pay a handicapper to place a bet, and the booklet with the bet can be bought.
      • Handicap Tips. Selected hippodrome handicapper bets are published daily.
        • It is not uncommon for horse races to broadcast races from other tracks. This means that you can watch some races from the stands and others on TV at the same time. Imagine how much money you will get if you win both there and there!
    2. Buy a daily racing program. It is the most important tool in a handicapper's arsenal. It contains detailed information about every horse in today's race. At first glance, it seems very complicated, but when you understand what all the numbers mean, it will become your indispensable assistant.

      • Sit down and carefully study the program. Over time, this will take you less and less time, but now you need to understand what forecast can be made for at least a couple of jumps. If you do not spare the time and effort for this, it will become easier for you to win.
    3. Find out what the rates are. Approaching the window, you must know what you want. Here are some basic types of bets:

      • Show (show). Your horse can come first, second or third for you to win.
      • Place (bet per place). Your horse must come first or second.
      • Win (bet to win). Your horse must come first.
      • Quinella. You can bet on 2 or 3 horses and they must come first or second in any order.
      • Exacta. You can bet on 2 horses and they must come first or second in a certain order.
      • Trifecta. You can bet on 3 horses to come first, second and third in a specific order.
      • superfecta. You can bet on 4 horses to come first, second, third and fourth in a certain order.
    4. Know what your chances of success are and how much you can win. Suppose you decide to bet 100 rubles (this is the minimum bet), or $2. To figure out how much you will get if the horse wins, you need to take the probability of winning and multiply the first number by 2 (your stake), then divide by the second number and add $2 (bet).

      • Let's say the probability of winning is 3/1. We multiply 3 by 2 and get $6. Divide this by 1, we get $6. Then add $2. Thus, you will earn $8.
      • Let's take bets with a large number of people, for example, a horse with a probability of winning 1/9. We multiply 1x2, we get $2. Then 2/9, which is about 20 cents. Add $2 and your winnings are $2.20.
    5. Consider the characteristics of each horse. Having analyzed all the figures, you should also pay attention to the rest of the data. Some information about each of the horses will help you win. Consider the following:

    6. Place big and small bets. Any player makes both large and small bets. So that you don't get bored between interesting races, keep a small budget for small stakes. You can bet $100 here, $100 there, and when it's time for big races, you can bet bigger.

      • Betting, in truth, can be dangerous. It's important to know when to stop. Having two separate staking budgets will help.
    7. Place your bet in the window (and collect your winnings there later). Remember the order: track number or name, race, amount, bet type, horse number. When talking to the person in the window, follow this formula. For example:

      • "Saratoga track, 5th race, 200 rubles at the exacta rate for horses 3 and 7". Of course it must be done before the beginning 5th run. Check your tickets before leaving the window to make sure there is no mistake.
        • The name or track number must be given because there may be more than one race running at the same time.

    How to increase your chances of success

    1. Analyze your bets. As in the game of poker, it is important to analyze the success of the bets. Where are you drawing wrong conclusions? What nuances are you missing that are causing you to bet on the wrong horses? What are your strengths? The ability to place bets will allow you to overcome personal weaknesses.

      • Going to the races, take a pen and paper with you, as fans of almost any sport do. Write down the results and your bets so that you can recall the situation from memory later.
      • Find out what rates you get the most profit at and try to make those bets more often.
      • Find out which races you win more often and which ones you fail to earn money. If you find that you rarely get to bet on a racetrack winner, don't bet on grass racing until you've improved your handicap.
    2. Ask about such events at the hippodrome. You can be added to a mailing list and receive all the latest information.
  6. Place bets with friends. There is such a thing as "parley", and thanks to him the process becomes more exciting. If you brought friends with you, invite everyone to fold, say, 250 rubles. Then everyone must choose a horse and race. Place your first bet and if you win, place your next bet with all the money you won. If you are lucky, the amount will grow very quickly.

    • Make sure that the gain (and loss) is shared equally among everyone. Make sure everyone agrees to the rules before bidding. Someone may say that he won, and everyone else lost, so it is important to stipulate all the conditions before starting.
  7. Start participating in handicap competitions. Of course, you will have to meet all the requirements of the committee, but if you can get into the competition, you will have the opportunity to win up to a million dollars. To reach this level, betting on horse racing should be your job. But if it's just a day job, don't quit just yet!

    • Remember that gambling is dangerous. Set a limit for yourself. When you get close to the maximum limit, end the game. In such situations, it is not difficult to get into trouble, so control yourself.
    • You don't have to get completely immersed in betting. If you start betting bigger in hopes of making up for losses, you could lose even more. more money. Even good players sometimes lose, and they consider it a normal part of the game. good players do not rush headlong into stakes in a state of emotional excitement.

Good afternoon dear readers! I started to write the title of the post: “Horse racing trading” and I don’t know why, but I noticed the word horse racing. By writing the words, of course, I meant horse racing on the Betfair exchange, but if we put the emphasis on the end of the word horse racing, we will get a completely different word and it can be considered as price or odds jumps on the stock exchange. Yes, there are many such words where the letters are the same, but the context is different, but here we get an essentially universal phrase. After all, a trader trades on horse races on the stock exchange, but in fact he trades on price races ... Okay, I apologize for the tautology at the very beginning of the post, I didn’t get enough sleep. It's raining outside, the weather isn't so hot, but it's not hot!

My racing trading these days was, as they say, on a case-by-case basis. It is very good that horse races can be traded, roughly speaking, for half a day. There is time to trade, there is no time not to trade, because there are suitable races every day ( I trade England those races that give in play). There is of course the concept of seasonality, but almost every day of the year, unlike other sports, there are at least 10 races suitable for my trading method. If earlier I was interested in developing some kind of trading strategies and tactics ( all looking for risk-free), but now I understand more and more that I want to make money on the stock exchange. It's just a pity for the time that was spent on the stock exchange. But as it turns out in practice, knowing how to make money on the stock exchange and making money on the stock exchange are two different things. I have no problems developing profitable tactics and strategies, but I do have discipline. It makes me want to try something else. I don’t know how it is for anyone, but more and more new ideas for trading constantly appear in my head, and of course, many of them give a minus on the deposit during the next check. But the worst thing here is something else. When you start trying to immediately return the received minus ( this can't be done). After all, it's a shame, there was money already on the balance sheet and since they are no longer there. It’s good when everything goes according to plan and you return the minuses, but it happens completely differently ... I try to exclude tests from trading a little and start making money. Below, as always, I give a screenshot of my trading: “Trading on the races | Trader's trade log day 12-13 (+$5.87)"

Horse racing trading

Plus there is and this is the main thing. With strict observance of all the rules, losses are also limited, but I also have to admit that the test is not entirely clean, since in the process of trading I changed trading tactics, and my global goal is to find one and cut it from day to day. I was a little upset because the trading technique that gives a constant plus, and as they say, I have already run it a little in combat conditions, has its own profit limit. I thought that by increasing the amount of entry into the market, the profit will increase in direct proportion, but it was not there. I already see that with the risk of liabilities, the profit does not increase significantly. Yes, it is getting bigger, but not by much, and the risks are increasing - this does not quite suit me. We will work further. Thanks to everyone who read and good luck to everyone who, like me, trades on horse races on the Betfair exchange.

What do you need to know in order not to be among the constantly losing part of the players?
The first thing I want to say is that it is necessary to understand one simple truth.
Playing on the Races and Trading on them are completely different things. Naturally, in the course of your activity, you can use both trading and gambling, but you must separate them and not mix them in any way.
In case you want to work in both directions, create TWO different banks, one for gambling activities, the other for trading.
In assessing your wins and losses, also clearly separate the game and trade.
In general, remember one, GAME and Trade, these are two different worlds, two completely different systems, the mixing of which leads in most cases to financial collapse.
This is what is of paramount importance. And below is also very important points and if you do not want to join the ranks of losers, then read carefully and draw the appropriate conclusions.
These recommendations are somewhat general for betting, i.e. betting and trading, but still more suitable for a bettor, that is, a person who does not trade on the stock exchange, but makes bets at a bookmaker or on the same stock exchange.

When playing with bookmakers or on the stock exchange, it is important to be aware of your goal. Lack of purpose can lead to a quick and final loss. You will bet daily, and at high odds, trying to win back the loss that has arisen, then you make bets under the influence of impulses, as a result, the game will turn out to be not very pleasant for you. No matter what, force yourself to pause and think about the important things that will be discussed below:

Risk. There are no and cannot be correct answers to questions about where and how much you need to bet in order to win. The result depends, excluding for the time being other reasons, on how much you are willing to take risks. To answer the question of where to bet, you need to determine whether you are risk averse. A player who wants to win big money at all costs can choose to bet on high odds, although this path is quite risky. This type of player is opposed by another type who is quite happy with a ten percent profit from the bets made. He has a low risk appetite, he will make small bets only on recognized favorites, and on small odds.

Long term or short game. Decide for yourself the most important thing: long-term or short-term play suits you. If you're going long term, you'll probably want to bet against favorites on horses with low mathematical odds of winning. Then you do not have to win every bet, but your winnings will be quite large, since the odds on outsiders are always high. But the question is: how long will you have the patience to bet on underdogs? If you lose your patience, you will start to change your strategy.

A player who loves a short game puts big sums on clear favorites, but for a small coefficient. He will win quite often, but this win is very small, so in case of a loss, the player quickly rolls back. This situation arises because most bookmakers are afraid of favorites.

Bookmakers are trying to underestimate the odds on the favorites, because it is on them that most players place their bets. In other words, betting only on big favorites will someday lead you to a loss, since the odds given by bookmakers to favorites are in most cases underestimated in relation to the calculated ones. If you navigate in accordance with the theory of probability.

Action pattern. Many gamblers place bets only to increase their enjoyment of watching a football match or other game on TV. sporting event. This is within the normal range. They don't really care if they win or lose. They pay the price of losing for entertainment. And due to the fact that such people play every day, they consider sports betting as one of the types of recreation.

The opposite position is taken by professional players whose goal is to win big money. Very often, professionals make bets constantly, and they bet on favorites (and bookmakers, on the contrary, are afraid of them), do not choose a long-term game with high odds. What happens when such a player starts to win? Of course, he will immediately begin to increase the stakes, as it will seem to him that he is lucky, Secondly that he is very smart, he gets involved in a bigger game until the money runs out. This result is a consequence of the human psyche. For some unknown reason, a person is trying to lose all the money won. We can't stop if we're lucky. No, we keep playing, then all of a sudden we start losing. Everything rolls down an inclined plane. If you managed to get from $100 to $500, you have an excellent indicator. But instead of taking the $400 profit, you play with all the money you have until you have only $300 left. Nothing terrible has happened yet, you still have 200% profit, but this amount is less than what you just owned, and you continue to play again. And there is a high probability that you will lose all your money very soon, and you will not even have time to realize it. Such tactics of behavior are destructive, it should be avoided, adhering to self-discipline.

Discipline. When you win, do not flatter yourself and increase your bets. Keep betting roughly the same amount you were betting at the beginning, and remember, even if winning seems easy to you, losing is just as easy. Of course, you should strive to take your chance when you have a period of luck, but always keep things under control. When you lose, don't drastically increase your bets, don't change your strategy, don't bet on more games. If your strategy has worked before, it should work now, it is a matter of discipline and patience. One day the streak of bad luck will end, and at this time you must show your endurance. It is probably worth stopping the game for a while during such periods, doing something else, and then returning to the game again.

Time. Do you have time to analyze the collected information about the participants of the matches, do you place bets just to increase the pleasure of watching matches? See how much time you can spend on the game and build your activities accordingly.

Money. How much money do you have at your disposal? How much can you lose? Never borrow money to play. Do not gamble with money planned for running expenses for home and family, to buy things and more. Be aware of the possibility of losing all your money. Set yourself a goal, when you reach it, take your winnings, only then you can start playing again. If you managed to get from $100 to $500, you will receive $400 as your winnings, and you can continue the game with the original $100. Only then will you see the fruits of the game, real, not virtual money.

Are you really interested? Are you really interested in sports or do you bet just to make money? If you are a sports fan, follow the ongoing events, you will have an advantage over the bookmakers. If you are bored and uninterested, take a time out. Don't bet just for the money. When there is no motivation, there is a great risk of losing patience and interest and losing all your money.

And here are the reasons that can become an obstacle in productive trading activity:
The reasons are objective:
power outage,
failures in the operating system,
internet outages,
problems with the Betfar API,
terminal failures,
sudden computer crash
blocking the market by the exchange before the start time,
blocking the market due to the removal of the horse a minute before the start,
cancellation of the hedge rate by the exchange,
start earlier than scheduled time,
and others not yet known to me.

The reasons are subjective:

Correction of unsuccessful trading before inplay in live,
fear of losing money and greed,
the hope that a losing position will become profitable,
absence systems approach to trading
general fatigue,
exacerbation of the disease
agitated or depressed mental state,
using trading in the form of “psychological candy” (now I feel bad, I’ll make money and I’ll feel better),
the use of alcohol or drugs that affect the reaction or adequate perception of the environment,
dissatisfaction with natural needs,
hunger, thirst,
uncomfortable furniture,
wrong lighting,
vision problems,
involuntary movements and excessive tension of the muscles of the trunk and face,
loss of attention
loss of concentration in the market,
slow decision making
low speed of motor reactions,
mistake in market selection,
mistake in choosing an event (I wanted to bet on one, but bet on another),
error in lot size,
poor knowledge of the capabilities of the trading terminal,
an error in placing a bet (wanted Back, put Lay, etc.),
and other problems and errors that are able to solve on their own.

I would also highlight the lack of motivation in making a profit. For example, after a big win, I relax and work less aggressively than usual, and a good-natured attitude to the market, in my opinion, first leads to mistakes, then inevitably to losses. It won't take long to become a state employee :).

Today, despite the many reasons to leave me without my pants, including the blackout of the Internet 2 minutes before the start and unclosed bets, I worked very well. Now I have 2 more spare lines. The mood was for a record and it took place + 1430%. Time to rest.

Horse racing is a traditional sport that dates back to ancient times. Horse racing is rightly considered an elite entertainment that is not available to every person. This is due to the high cost of thoroughbred horses, as well as the high costs of their maintenance and training.

Equestrian sport originated in antiquity, when people had just tamed horses. Starting from the time of Ancient Egypt, horse racing began to gradually become popular. A little later, in Ancient Greece, chariot racing even entered the program Olympic Games. The winners were honored on a par with the warriors who became famous in battles.

Horse racing fascinated the aristocratic circles of Europe and the New World. Currently, this type of competition has become widespread almost all over the world, millions of viewers follow the course of the competition via the Internet and with the help of television.

Types of horse racing

If you do not take into account the very exotic ice races held in St. Maurice, Switzerland, the horse races can be divided into the following categories:

  • smooth;
  • barrier;
  • in harness.

There are also special races called "Derby". They involve stallions and mares at the age of three years.

As gambling, horse racing began precisely with smooth races. This species is considered the most prestigious in modern equestrian sport. During the competition, horses run on grass, dirt or artificial all-weather surfaces. The weight of each horse may or may not be fixed, averaging 455 kg. Distances can be short or long.

Hurdles or hurdle races are the most dangerous among all types of horse racing. Numerous obstacles on the way: barriers, ditches with water greatly increase the risk of injury to the horse and jockey. The length of the distance ranges from 4-7 km, and up to 30 artificial obstacles can be installed along its length.

In a harness, the horse does not jump, but trots. Therefore, this type of racing is often called "trotting races." Harnessed to a two-wheeled rocking chair, the horse runs a distance of 1.6 to 3.2 km.

Horse Racing Betting

Betting is an important part of the equestrian world. Every year, about 100 billion dollars bet on races turn around in bookmakers. Whether you bet money for nothing or you have a strategy, horse racing is a great way to get an adrenaline rush and emotions, as well as a chance to improve your financial situation.

There are many theories and practical advice how to analyze horses. Each professional player spends a lot of time trying to build his own strategy that will bring good luck. Modern technologies make this process automatic. You can use the program horse racing analyzer, reviews of similar programming solutions without special work can be found on the Horse Racing Analyzer website where all your questions will be answered in an online chat.

Horse racing betting options

- for the winner;

- to the first or second place of the selected horse;

- to the first, second or third place of the selected horse. Moreover, if the place is first, the player receives the entire winnings, and if the second or third place, then a partial payment of prize money;

- on the last and penultimate horse;

- for the first and second horses in the order in which they won prizes.

In fact, there are many more betting options. For all of them, different odds are set, including non-standard bets.

Earnings on horse racing

Making money on horse racing is an exciting and main source of income for many sports bettors, the professional platform on which all transactions take place is the London Betfair Exchange. All lovers of this sport prefer to bet money on horse racing on the betfair betting exchange, this is where professional horse racing trading takes place.

When you have already mastered this sport, you can make your own forecasts, then you can move on to the next stage of earning - you can trade on horse races. How to use horse racing as an income video and all the training material can be found on the site, so that anyone can go through initial training before betting real money.

If you decide to seriously earn money on horse racing, then for this there is a special service analyzer of horse races, where the horse on which the bet is placed is automatically selected using the analyzer robot.

Monthly return chart

The time has come to talk about how you can make money on these exchanges! Horse racing is one of the most popular sports among the so-called. “cappers” or “panthers” (punter) - those who are betting professionally or at a good amateur level. Why? - you ask. In my opinion, there are several reasons: - There are many events per day, you can always find “your” race; - Short duration of each event, which means fast (or draining) of capital; - A huge database of statistics, which allows you to look for patterns and build strategies (except that backtesting is not so easy to do); - Large volumes of bets (judging by the Betfair betting exchange) - no one is surprised by the amount of several thousand dollars per horse, often the volume of betting per horse exceeds 1 million dollars per race!

Horse racing analysis

This strategy can be called “fundamental analysis” of races. Only unlike regular bookmakers, we will be looking for a horse that should not win(mathematical expectation is on our side here - after all everyone will lose except for one horse, and only one will win). Each horse has several basic characteristics by which you can evaluate its chances in just a minute: 1. Age- young horses are usually in better shape, older horses are better able to distribute forces in the race; 2. Weight- a light horse will have an advantage over a short distance (it “accelerates” faster), while it is easier for a heavy horse to maintain high speed due to greater inertia; 3. Shape- the most important characteristic of a horse! The form indicates the places that the horse took in its last races. Decryption:
An important factor here is the cycles of the form of the horse and their accounting. Let's say if the horse's form is on the rise (eg 785442), this means that the horse is likely to be gaining form and will soon be at its peak (or has already passed it). In any case - the probability of winning such a horse is higher than that of a U9/P40 horse - the same horse knocked the jockey down, rarely ran and the last race did not make it to the top 9. 4th place is not an indicator, because just 4 horses (or 5) could participate in the race. As you can see, the shape of a horse can tell a lot about it! 4. Days from last run - a horse that has recently run will most likely not bring any surprises. The horse that has been running for a long time is dark horse(maybe she was running on the track and eating steroids all this time!). 5. Jockey and trainer- optional factors, but may be useful for in-depth analysis (you cannot choose). Everything is simple here - if the jockey wins, he will probably take high place, and vice versa :) Similarly with the coach, 15-20% of wins is an excellent result. 6. Jockey's requirement- in races, horses must have a certain weight, for which ballast is hung on them. Jockeys are allowed to reduce this weight (more often used by inexperienced jockeys to increase speed and their chances of winning), the requirement is measured in pounds (454 grams, if anyone is interested) and is limited (as the number of victories increases, the maximum requirement decreases). 7. Number of horses in the race- a rather important characteristic of the race. Agree, if 4 horses participate in the race, guessing the winner is a little easier than in a derby of 18-20 horses! Let's move on to the characteristics of an individual race 1. Type of race - the main types of races: Handicap- depending on the rating of the horses, they are given different ballast weights so that everyone is approximately equal conditions, which adds intrigue (not to horses for sure); Claiming- not so much a race as an exhibition. After the race, auctions are held, the winner of the auction gets the selected horse and its prize! The owner of the winning horse may choose not to put his horse up for auction; Hurdle- obstacle course. One of the most unpredictable types of races; Maiden- only horses that have never won a race participate in the race. Also an unpredictable type of race; Stakes- the “coolest” races with the fastest horses. Fast horses, rich sheikhs, idiotic hats... It's all about Stakes racing! 2. Coating - there are 4 types: Firm- dry coating, great for running Soft- wet soil, horses may have difficulty Good- average between Firm and Soft Good to Firm, Firm to Soft and combinations- varies in different places of the hippodrome 3. Distance- measured in miles (1.609 km) and furlongs (201 m). short distances usually harder to predict. Indicated by a code (like almost everything in horse racing), say 2m4f - 2 miles 4 furlongs ~ 4 kilometers.

So, the factors for selecting a horse that should not win according to our strategy:

1. Type of race- Preferably Stakes/Handicap. The rest is really hard to predict if you're not a pro. 2. Distance- preference for races lasting about 2 or more, because easier to predict 3. Shape- you can guess for yourself)) It is better if the horse did not perform very well - it fell, threw off the jockey, rarely ran, and even better - if the results are declining! Let's say our dream horse could be 76/50U9! 4. Betting odds- a figure familiar from previous articles. Preference for horses with coefficients from 10 to 20 (the probability of winning, according to bettors, is 5-10%); 5. Days since last run- it is better if there was not a big break from the last race, as the horse really could train and eat steroids all this time, unpleasantly surprising us with his victory! 6. Number of horses- races with 9 or more horses are preferred so that our horse has less chance of winning!))
Other factors may be taken into account, but these are the main ones. This system is quite universal (you can modify and add your own conditions after analysis), it was sold under different names for different amounts and brought the so-called. "infobusinessmen" many millions of rubles (or maybe not rubles)!

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