How to develop psychic abilities. Healing with wisdom. Mudra window of wisdom for the development of intelligence Mudra for gaining hidden abilities

Now back to the subject of wellness. You will now learn another technique for restoring the body and spirit, as well as maintaining good health. We'll talk about mudra, i.e. hand gestures. Initially, they were used for magical and sacred purposes.

Theaters of the East use mudras as a kind of language. Each gesture has its own meaning, and with their help, very complex stories can be told, which are based on sacred texts.

throughout the body, including the palms and fingers, nadi- Numerous energy channels. Each finger symbolizes the elements of nature: water, fire, earth, air and ether (sky, space, metal). The corresponding position of the fingers causes a certain energy effect in the body.

Mudra is also a kind of symbol that affects the environment. This property is used in magical systems and martial arts.

Small finger yoga (otherwise referred to as yoga of the little fingers), as it is called when performed for health purposes, is a part of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medicine.

Despite the fact that the position of the fingers is often very simple, harmonizing and healing, their influence on the systems and organs of the body is incredibly great. It restores the balance of these elements of nature in the body.

According to an ancient Indian legend, the god of healing and healing Dhanvantari emerged from the sea, carrying in his hands a precious cup with a drink of immortality - amrita. Dhanvantari ("moving along the bend") - is considered the mythical author of "Ayurveda", a system of ancient Indian medicine. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means "pure knowledge". The knowledge contained in Ayurveda is extremely complex, especially for Europeans who are unfamiliar with the intricacies of Eastern esoteric knowledge.

Guru Maharishi somewhat simplified, systematized and summarized the knowledge of medicine and created a more understandable system for us Europeans - Maharishi Ayurveda. Ayurveda medicine provides for a strictly individualized complex therapeutic purpose, which includes therapeutic nutrition, daily routine, exercise, drinking water, treatment with medicinal plants, minerals, metals, color and light, acupuncture, the word. We consider the mudras offered to you as a kind of help and a gift from distant and beautiful India for the improvement of our people.

We have selected among the many wise ones, the implementation of which provides a significant healing effect and, with certain skills, is easy to do. What we offer you is available to everyone, has no contraindications. Practicing daily, you will very soon feel the healing value of mudras.

Performing mudras, turn your face to the East. When going to bed, try to keep your head turned to the East as well. Mudras can be performed in any position, but the Lotus position is considered optimal. All exercises are performed calmly, without the slightest muscle tension, without much effort.

Mudras have one big advantage, they can be performed almost everywhere, every free minute. Conscious focus on them and the connection of this technique, for example, with meditation practiced in the appropriate position, will further enhance their effect. Gestures must be performed with both hands, since when working with one hand, the action is weak. The arm should be relaxed and the muscles not tense.

Of course, in order to feel the action of the mudras, they should be performed regularly. So, a feeling of calming and reduction of pain can be observed only after a few minutes, for example, in the case of pain in the heart or ear. Doubts and skepticism disappear quickly after gaining experience.

Mudras should be performed regularly several times during the day. It is usually recommended to practice small finger yoga for about 45 minutes daily, and this time is divided into sessions - 15 minutes each. To cure this disease, sometimes you have to practice for several weeks. Mudras should also be performed for prevention purposes.

We invite you to listen to the reactions taking place in the body and energy systems during the practice of mudras. If you have a desire, experiment. A longer execution of the mudra brings a very interesting energy effect. It is possible to discover their use, which is still officially unknown. As always, be extremely careful.

If the tip of any finger touches the pads thumb with simultaneous gentle pressure of the thumb on this finger, the element corresponding in the body to this finger will be reduced. But if we want to strengthen this element, we do the opposite: with the thumb we touch the pad of this finger.

According to Ayurveda and other medical systems of the East, the cause of the appearance of a disease is most often the predominance of one or more elements in the body. Their true level can be brought back by following an appropriate diet, getting massages, consuming herbs and using mudras. However, there is an exception - ring finger(Earth) and the little finger (Water) do not affect each other.

Not seen any side effects wise (of course, in their normal use). But the exception is, however, Kum Mudra, which, if used for several weeks, can lead to deafness, then it is put in contrast Mudra of Heaven.

Parapsychology. Exercise 27

Move your fingers a little. Knead and develop the muscles of the hand. Learn to move each finger separately so that the rest are not tense.

Parapsychology. Exercise 28

Before performing mudras, you can carefully massage your palm. Massage is an excellent preventive exercise. Grab your left wrist with your right palm and massage it properly. (...) Then change hands. (...) Rub your whole palm vigorously, as if it were frozen. (...) Massage the left palm with strong pressure with the thumb. (...)

In the same way, massage the brush, especially the space between the bones. Pay attention to the blood vessels! (...) Change hands. (...) Again, return to the massage of the left palm - massage the space between the bases of the fingers with all your might. Pay attention to the space between the palm and thumb. (...) Change your palm. (...) Start again with the left palm - massage each finger separately from all sides. (...) Change your palm. (...)

In many health systems they write that the left side is responsible for the energy of the body, the right - for physical part. Therefore, usually massages oriented towards Oriental medicine should be started on the left side. During the massage, you may experience severe pain. This is a sign of energy blockage. Along with the repetition of the massage and the use of mudras, the pain should decrease and eventually disappear. At the same time, health should improve.

The location where the pain appears can help in the diagnosis.

Parapsychology. Exercise 29

Work out and do the massage yourself in the same way:

  • earlobes;
  • faces (very carefully);
  • stop (be sure to start with a massage of the point of the kidneys, which are responsible for eliminating toxins from the body, aids there may be special rollers for massage).

Remember that massage is an excellent system of prevention and diagnosis.

Description of the most important wellness mudras

1. Knowledge Mudra (Gyan Mudra)

This mudra is used for excessive emotional, spiritual stress, inner restlessness, melancholy, sadness and depression. It helps to restore memory, concentration, strengthens activity and spiritual development. It also helps with insomnia and excessive sleepiness, regulates the need for sleep. Helps with high blood pressure. Recommended for students and people of mental labor. If it is performed with other mudras, then it will strengthen their action.

Execution Method: forefinger and thumb lightly touch the pads. The remaining fingers are either straightened or relaxed. Performed simultaneously with both hands.

2. Conch Mudra (Shank Mudra)

In sacred rites, this mudra is often performed as a ritual gesture. It is used for diseases of the larynx and throat, as well as for hoarseness or loss of voice. It is especially recommended for teachers, singers and everyone who works with the voice. If it is performed regularly, then the voice will be strengthened, the voice tones will improve, especially if the mantra "OM" is chanted at the same time.

Execution Method: hands clasped together should resemble a shell. four fingers right hand covers the thumb of the left hand. The thumb of the right hand touches the pads of the middle finger of the left hand. The remaining fingers of the left hand touch outside right palm.

3. Mudra of Energy (Apan Mudra)

The implementation of this mudra provides an analgesic effect, as well as the removal from the body of various poisons and toxins that poison our body. This mudra treats diseases of the genitourinary system and spine, leads to the cleansing of the body.

Execution Method: pads of the middle, cardiac and thumb we connect together, the remaining fingers are freely straightened.

4. Mudra of the Earth (Prithvi Mudra)

Indications: improvement of the psychophysical state of the body, relief of mental weakness, stress relief. The implementation of this mudra improves an objective assessment of one's own personality, self-confidence, and also provides protection from negative external energy influences.

Execution Method: the heart and thumb are connected by pads with slight pressure. The remaining fingers are straightened. Performed with both hands.

5. Mudra of Life (Pran Mudra)

The implementation of this mudra equalizes the energy potential of the whole organism, helps to strengthen it. vitality. Increases efficiency, gives vigor and endurance, improves overall well-being.

Indications: a state of rapid fatigue, impotence, visual impairment - improves visual acuity, treats eye diseases.

Execution Method: the pads of the heart, little finger and thumb are connected together, and the remaining ones are freely straightened. Performed with both hands at the same time.

6. Mudra Turtle

The turtle is a sacred animal. According to Indian mythology, the turtle helped the gods to get amrita (the sacred drink of immortality) from the ocean.

Closing all the fingers, we cover the bases of all hand meridians. By forming a vicious circle, we thus prevent the leakage of energy. The dome of the turtle forms an energy clot, which is utilized by the body for its needs.

Indications: asthenia, fatigue, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

Execution Method: fingers of the right hand interlock with the fingers of the left hand. The thumbs of both hands are connected to each other, forming the head of a turtle.

7. Uplifting Mudra (Linga Mudra)

Indications: with any colds, sore throat, pneumonia, cough, runny nose, sinusitis. Performing this mudra mobilizes the body's defenses, improves immunity and promotes a quick recovery.

Too long and frequent use of this mudra can cause apathy and even lethargy - do not overdo it!

Execution Method: both palms are joined together, fingers crossed. The thumb (of one hand) is set aside and surrounded by the index finger and thumb of the other hand.

8. Mudra Cow (Surabhi Mudra)

In India, the cow is considered a sacred animal.

Indications: rheumatic pains, radiculitis pains, diseases of the joints.

Execution Method (Try to keep all fingers as straight as possible.): the little finger of the left hand touches the heart (ring) finger of the right hand; the little finger of the right hand touches the heart finger of the left hand. At the same time, the middle finger of the right hand is connected to the index finger of the left hand, and the middle finger of the left hand to the index finger of the right hand. Thumbs apart.

9. Water Mudra (Varuna Mudra)

In Indian mythology, the god of water is called Varuna. The mudra of water is the mudra of the god Varuna.

Indications: with an excess (sputum) of water or mucus in the lungs, stomach (increased production of mucus during inflammation), etc. Excessive accumulation of mucus in the body can, according to Eastern concepts, cause an energy blockade of the entire body. Performing this mudra is also recommended for liver disease, colic, and bloating.

Execution Method: bend the little finger of the right hand so that it touches the base of the thumb, with which we lightly press the little finger. We clasp the right hand from below with the left hand, while the thumb of the left hand is located on the thumb of the right hand.

10. Mudra Chalice of Chandman (nine jewels)

In Eastern mythology, the "nine values" symbolize the spiritual richness of life. The nine jewels make up the body, mind and consciousness of a person, as well as the surrounding world. Collecting all nine jewels in one bowl, we affirm the unity of the soul and body, the unity of man and the cosmos. A filled bowl symbolizes well-being and prosperity.

Indications: promotes digestion, eliminates congestion in organism.

Execution Method: four fingers of the right hand support from below and clasp similar fingers of the left hand. The thumbs of both hands are set slightly outward, forming the handles of the bowl.

11. Mudra Saving Life (Apan Vai Mudra)

Everyone should learn how to perform this mudra, since its timely application can save your life, as well as the life of your loved ones, relatives and friends.

Indications: pain in the heart, heart attacks, palpitations, discomfort in the region of the heart with anxiety and longing, myocardial infarction. Under these conditions, it is necessary to immediately begin to perform this mudra with both hands at the same time. Relief occurs immediately, the action is similar to the use of nitroglycerin.

Execution Method: bend the index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad of the terminal phalanx. At the same time, we fold the middle, heart and thumb fingers with pads, the little finger remains straightened.

12. Mudra of Heaven (Shunya Mudra)

Indications: for persons suffering from diseases of the ears, hearing loss. The execution of the "Heaven" mudra in some cases leads to a very rapid improvement in hearing. Prolonged practice leads to almost complete cure of many ear diseases.

Execution Method: We bend the middle finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad, and press the bent middle finger with the thumb. The remaining fingers are straight and not tense.

13. Wind Mudra (Vai Mudra)

IN Oriental medicine wind is understood as a damaging factor of the external environment - wind diseases, as well as the primary element of the element "Air", which is part of the structure of the Universe and our body.

Indications: rheumatism, sciatica, trembling of the hands, neck, head.

When performing the "Wind" mudra, after a few hours, you can notice a significant improvement in the condition. At chronic diseases mudra should be carried out with the mudra of "Life". Exercise can be stopped after improvement and the disappearance of signs of the disease (improvement of objective indicators).

Execution Method: the index finger is laid so that it reaches the base of the thumb with a small pillow. With the thumb, lightly hold this finger, and the remaining fingers are straightened and relaxed.

Parapsychology. Exercise 30

Try the effect of each mudra on yourself and your loved ones. Use them if necessary.

The mantra of intuition is a very powerful tool for developing superpowers. This is a strong intuition, and empathy, and the ability to see the aura. A person can apply the skills developed in this way both in relation to himself and in relation to the people around him.

In the article:

Superpowers: Myth or Reality?

Ancient Indian texts say that on the way to self-improvement and spiritual growth, a person always faces the frailty of his body. At the same time, working on himself, he understands how incomprehensible and powerful his consciousness, which includes mental and emotional components.

IN Vedah There are several examples of how, developing spiritually, a person acquired various superpowers. With the help of developed intuition, he saw the true intentions of those around him, a well-developed third eye () helped him see his own and other people's auras, as well as heal them by touch or influence at a distance. Knowing and accepting himself, he learned to empathize and understand others, thereby developing empathy.

What ways do the Vedas offer for the development of superpowers?

First of all, this is the rejection of heavy foods, which include meat, alcohol and other high-calorie foods, which in our time nutritionists refer to as light carbohydrates.

In addition, these are regular physical exercise (yoga). Special attention is paid to working with the internal space. It includes meditation and mantra chanting. Also important aspect on the path to spiritual growth Vedah considered and Ahimsa.

Ahimsa (Skt. अहिंसा, ahiṃsā IAST) - behavior and behavior in which the first requirement is non-harm - non-violence. Ahimsa is defined as behavior leading to the reduction of evil in the world, directed against the evil itself, and not against the people who create it (lack of hatred).


It is believed that true enlightenment can only be achieved by one who combines all the conditions in his life.

Mantras for developing intuition

The Vedas offer many mantras that help develop not only good intuition, but also other abilities. Among them:

Mantra for the revelation of clairvoyance


Directly herself mantra to help develop intuition:

Mukam karoti vachalam
pangum langhayate girim
yat kripa tam aham vande
sri-gurum dina-taranam

The text of the second mantra for the same purpose:

Om tao rao rem afo fero foram amam!

This prayer is chanted one hundred and eight times every day at dawn for three weeks.

The third mantra for the development of intuition


Mantra for deep self-care


This prayer helps to withdraw into oneself, without being distracted by external stimuli.

Mantra for the development of channels of clairvoyance and clairaudience

Text number one:

Tadjatha Prajna Prajna Prajna Avabhas Prajna Valokati Sarva Dharma Andhakara Vidhamani Sidja Sudjan Sidyhana Mom Bhagavati Sarva Jnana Sandhary Bhagavati Vachela Prachedha Hasta Mom Sukar Siddy Siddy Bala Dhara Dhara Vara Bala Bala Dhara Dhara Vara Vara Garya Garya Agascha Agascha Bhagawati Maililamba Swaha

Text number two:


Mantra for the development of superperception

Om Rao Ram Fao Fero Eim Foram

It is read every day one hundred and eight times, starting from the first day of the growing moon, for three weeks.

Mantra for opening the third eye


This text is sung seventy-two times every day.

Rules for reading mantras

Like any other mantras, prayers for the development of superpowers must be read in solitude and silence. Best time for practice - ideal - at dawn, when the sun is just rising and consciousness is still waking up.

What to do if you can’t read the required number of times at once, but you really want superpowers?
In this case, read the number that you are comfortable with, gradually increasing it. Start, for example, with ten times and increase by one every day.

An important rule in the practice of mantras is don't skip days. In any state, absolutely every day, who wants to get a result, must sing at least a couple of times. Otherwise, the accumulated effect will come to naught, and you will have to start from the beginning.

Remember also that mantras alone will not help you open your third eye. Use other ways, glorified in Vedah. After all, only in the complex they give really stunning results.

In contact with

Is it possible to influence the development of intelligence? Mudra window of wisdom can easily improve your natural data and increase your intellectual level!

How can the development of the intellect be enhanced?

A proven way to develop intelligence is constant complex loads. Like muscles, intelligence cannot be improved by doing just one exercise. The development of intelligence depends not only on the system of education, but also on the personal characteristics of a person and, most importantly, on his desire.

The development of intelligence can be accelerated by solving logical problems, reading books, creativity, constant learning and analysis of the information received.

What gives the execution of mudra the window of wisdom?

Mudras¹ are mysterious combinations of fingers, found not only in yoga, but in some Tibetan mystical directions of Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, and even have analogues in Christianity.

Mudra, the window of wisdom opens vital centers that promote self-development and activate mental activity.

Mudra window of wisdom: execution technique

The heart (ring) finger of the right hand is pressed by the first phalanx of the thumb of the same hand. The fingers of the left hand are folded in the same way. The rest of the fingers are freely extended.

The window of wisdom mudra is performed with both hands at the same time. Hands are located at forehead level. For greater efficiency, you can light a yellow candle, fill the room with the scent of mint and position yourself facing east.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Mudra - in Hinduism and Buddhism - a symbolic, ritual arrangement of hands, ritual sign language (Wikipedia).

You can get acquainted with the description of various mudras if you use the search line of our site.