Football ball size 5 diameter. Soccer ball: the dimensions of this projectile. Futsal and futsal in Russia

A soccer ball is necessary both for training sessions and for match meetings at a professional and amateur level. For a spectacular and effective game of football, you need not just a round projectile - only sports equipment from branded manufacturers will allow both football players and fans to enjoy the game. In the online store, the site has a rich selection of balls for professional players and for those who are just learning the basics of football. These are models for playing on artificial and synthetic turf, on the ground, on hard indoor surfaces. Equipment from Nike, Adidas, Puma, Select, Uhlsport will last more than one season in various weather conditions and with intense play.

When choosing and purchasing a soccer ball, pay attention to a number of criteria:

coverage - natural or artificial lawn, soil, gym;

size - children's football (3-4 size), futsal (4 size) and balls for big football (5 size);

Tire material - polyurethane, polyvinylchloride, genuine leather;

type of stitching - thermal stitching (the chamber frame and panels are glued in a special form at high temperatures), manual and machine stitching with nylon thread.

Professional soccer balls used in official competitions under the auspices of FIFA and UEFA receive special licenses based on the results of quality tests:

· FIFA Approved: tests for weight, circumference and sphericity, as well as moisture absorption, rebound, pressure loss and shape retention after 2000 impacts of a certain force;

· FIFA Inspected or IMS: same tests except for 2000 shots.

The models presented in the online store correspond to international standards and are designed for matches of the highest level.

Brands - manufacturers

The legendary footballs from Adidas should rightfully be put in the first place:

· professional models are certified by the famous football association;

models belong to the middle and high price category;

· Adidas professional soccer balls are used at all major world competitions;

Most professional football league teams and national football teams use this equipment;

Manufacturing technologies are constantly being improved: new forms of panels are being developed, aerodynamic characteristics are improving, an innovative method called thermal stitching is used in the latest models.

The American concern Nike is a bright competitor of Adidas products: thanks to the use of modern technologies and product quality, the company managed to get the status of the official supplier of equipment for the games of professional teams - Nike soccer balls are found in top-level competitions.

Select is not yet such a popular brand, however, soccer balls from this manufacturer, designed for amateurs and professionals, show themselves only from the best side. Due to the top level of quality and reliability, they are used in games in the Russian First Division and other official match meetings.

Buy balls at a bargain price

You can buy soccer balls from 320 rubles, of various sizes and characteristics in the online store site: gaming, training, souvenir and high-tech - any model presented in the category corresponds to the description of the manufacturer. Play football, score bright goals and win, and the inventory bought here will help with this!

Many people who are far from football may think that it always has the same size. However, this is far from the case, and if you think so, then you are missing out on many aspects of such as a soccer ball. Its dimensions can vary greatly depending on, for example, for what purposes this projectile serves. There are five sizes in total that do not have any special name, so they are all simply numbered - from first to fifth. So, it's time to find out what size a soccer ball can be. Dimensions can be very important for those people who want to play this sport professionally. If you play football exclusively in the yard with friends, then the physical performance of the ball is unlikely to play a particularly important role for you.

First size

What can be such a projectile as a soccer ball? Dimensions start from the first, and the first ball is considered to be the one that has a circumference of 43 centimeters. This is the so-called advertising ball, which is never used for the game. It is created exclusively for advertising and exhibition purposes, so a large number of different logos are always printed on it. People who are a little familiar with this field of activity may at first think that such a ball cannot be played. But in fact, it turns out that it is made from all the same materials as a regular game projectile. The only difference is the smaller size and weight. Accordingly, if you wish, you can safely play football using this soccer ball. Dimensions, of course, do not stop at one - there are four more different types of balls ahead of you.

Second size

If you are wondering what size soccer ball is used in official matches, then you will not get an answer to it yet. The fact is that the second size is also often used for advertising purposes, but not as often as the first. The main purpose of these balls is training, especially for beginner football players, that is, young children. a ball of the second size does not exceed 56 centimeters, and its mass is much less than the mass of a full-fledged ball - about 280 grams. Professional footballers can also work with such projectiles - but they use them mainly to improve the technique and level of possession of the ball, which is achieved due to its lightness. As you may have noticed, not everyone immediately understands how it is calculated in the official data, it is far from indicated in the first place - it is traditionally customary to consider the circumference, so it is indicated specifically, as well as the weight of the ball. These are the two main characteristics that determine the size of the projectile.

Third size

This size is also used mainly for training young children, since its dimensions are also small - only 61 centimeters in circumference and 340 grams in weight. Naturally, this is more than the second size, but still not so much to be considered a full-fledged gaming projectile. But of all three sizes, this one is the closest to a full-fledged ball.

Fourth size

This size stands out from the rest, because these balls are designed for futsal. The size of a mini soccer ball is different from that used for a big game. Its circumference does not exceed 64 centimeters, and its weight is 440 grams. But at the same time, in this case, there are already restrictions on the back of the scale - that is, the ball must be at least 62 centimeters in circumference and at least 400 grams in weight. In balls of such a high level, other indicators are already being checked, such as the pressure inside the projectile. Moreover, a number of experiments are being carried out to check the quality - for example, if the ball falls from a height of two meters, then its rebound should not exceed 65 centimeters, but it should not be less than fifty centimeters. In general, everything becomes much more strict and clear.

Fifth size

Well, the last size, as you might have guessed, is the balls that are used in all official professional football competitions. Such a ball weighs about 450 grams and has a circumference of 68 to 70 centimeters. It should be noted right away that balls corresponding to this size are the most popular, common and in demand. This is indicated by statistics, thanks to which you can find out that every year more balls of the fifth size are produced than balls of four sizes combined. Therefore, most likely, in your head you associate a soccer ball with a size five projectile, even when you do not suspect that there are more than one size. But now you are aware that the sizes of the balls can be different, in accordance with them, the projectiles are used for different purposes. And each dimension is important in its own way.

Today we will talk about a rather banal topic. We will discuss the size of a soccer ball, or rather the FIFA standards that they impose on gaming areas when it is necessary to host some kind of official game. It is you who can kick in your yard and of any quality, but at a professional level this will not be allowed.

So, our goal for today is to figure out what criteria are used to evaluate modern soccer balls, what sizes they come in, and what certificates they are awarded.


Since the football rules are the same for everyone and they are followed in all countries of the world, it means that the size of the soccer ball must be fixed for each type of football. This unity of standards applies only to those matches that take place under the auspices of FIFA, but, as you understand, these are almost all serious competitions on our football planet.

Oddly enough, there are uniform standards for balls that all manufacturers must adhere to. For those not in the know, these standards were once developed by the Danes of Select Sport on a special order from FIFA.

Compliance with established standards is awarded with three special logos, but before learning about their purposes, you first need to figure out exactly how they are tested.

Ball tests

Today, all balls for official games are tested for 8 main parameters:

  1. Sphericity.
  2. Circle size.
  3. Moisture resistance.
  4. Rebound height.
  5. Pressure retention.
  6. Balance.
  7. Strength.

The table below shows more detailed numbers for each item for big football.

It's the same but for futsal.

How is testing going? Yes, it's very simple: a ball is taken, inflated with compressed air up to 0.8 bar and at an air temperature of approximately 20 degrees (relative humidity within 65%) is tested for 24 hours.

And here, in fact, is the table of ball sizes.


The presence of a “brand” from FIFA indicates that the size of the soccer ball, as well as its other parameters, are normal, that everything has been checked by adult serious guys who gave the go-ahead to use the sphere for playing at the highest level.

Such logos are of the following types:

  1. FIFA Approved. Indicates FIFA approval. The highest quality standard. In addition to the above eight tests, to achieve this standard, the ball is additionally tested for strength by making 2000 impacts on a steel plate at a speed of 50 km/h. If the ball has retained its original characteristics after such a mockery, it receives the stigma of superior quality.
  2. FIFA Inspected. For this standard, it is enough to pass only 6 tests out of 8.
  3. IMS. An analogue of this standard is FIFA Inspected. The quality is the same, but cannot be used in official games. This is a note to those who want to buy a quality ball, but do not want to overpay for logos they do not need from the main football office.

The thing is that the certified companies that FIFA trust to test do it, of course, not for free. Suppose these experts found out the size of a soccer ball, and received their penny, which was already included in the cost of the ball. And the more expensive the testing, the more expensive the ball will eventually cost.

This is another hint that if you need a good ball for training and games not at the official level, it will be enough to choose a model with the IMS logo and you will be happy.

Few people know that soccer balls can vary greatly in diameter. But this is one of the important parameters on which the purpose of the ball will depend. Before you go to the store, you should find out what sizes of soccer balls are.


Balls have been man's favorite toy for centuries. They have come to us from ancient times.

Some peoples treated the ball with special respect. For example, the ancient Greeks considered it an ideal subject, since it resembled the sun in shape, which means it had magical powers.

When excavating the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, it turned out that the ball was not only depicted on the walls, but was also present in the burials.

The ball was also revered by the Indians of North America. They personified him with the moon and the sun. This object of perfect form was sacred to them.

Balls were made from everything that was around: from the bark of trees, reeds, skin and even hair. Inside there was also natural material: moss, bird feathers, grain, round fruits. And the Roman legionnaires, along with the ancient Chinese, made balls from the severed heads of their enemies.

Later, the ball began to be inflated with air. The first rubber ball was brought to Europe from Central America by the famous Columbus.

Since then, and to this day, the whole civilized world is familiar with the ball.

How to determine the diameter of a soccer ball

The fact is that when describing the size of balls, the circumference is usually taken into account, and not the diameter of the ball. However, a school geometry course can tell you how to find the diameter of a soccer ball, knowing the length of its circumference.

To do this, the circumference must be divided by the number Pi, that is, approximately 3.14. Practice shows that the actual measurements of the diameter of a soccer ball and the calculated ones are the same.

So, according to FIFA rules, the circumference of the balls should be 68.57 centimeters, and the diameter should be 21.8 centimeters according to measurements. If we calculate the diameter of a ball with a circumference of 68.57 cm, we get 21.8 cm.

There are many interesting logic puzzles on the Internet with the question of what is the diameter of a soccer ball. For example, puzzle lovers are invited to determine the diameter of the ball, having only a wooden ruler in their arsenal.

Soccer ball dimensions

Many would agree that football is one of the most popular sports in the world. In addition, this sport has received national recognition for the fact that everyone can play it. In any clothes and almost anywhere. Of the mandatory equipment - only the ball.

But those who want to play football seriously should know what the circumference, mass and diameter of a soccer ball in cm should be.

To date, soccer balls are divided into five sizes. But you can also highlight the zero size. Officially, such balls are not included in the classification, because they are souvenir.

Its circumference does not exceed forty centimeters. These include very miniature options that do not exceed the size of a key ring.

Size #1

These balls, like the "zero balls", are souvenir and do not exceed 43 cm in circumference. But they are made in the same way as playing balls of classic sizes. In fact, this is a full-fledged ball, just a miniature one. They are usually made from synthetic materials.

Size #2

The circumference of such a ball is from 43 to 56 centimeters. The diameter does not exceed 16.47 cm, and the weight is 283.5 grams. These balls can also be used as promotional balls. They put logos, signatures of football players, as well as advertising slogans.

But such balls can be used for their intended purpose. They are used in training and games of young children. Also, the "deuce" can be an assistant in honing the skill of possession of the ball.

Size #3

These balls are used when training children up to eight years old. Their mass should not be more than 340 grams. The diameter does not exceed 19.42 cm, and the circumference is 61 centimeters. Sometimes "triples" are sewn from 26 or 18 panels, but more often from 32. They are made from synthetic materials and PVC.

Size #4

These are standard futsal balls. In big football, they are used to train children up to fourteen years of age. Such a ball is made from natural materials, such as leather. Weight can range from 369 to 425 grams.

The circumference of the ball of the fourth size is 63.5-66 centimeters. The diameter is in the range from 20.2 to 21 centimeters.

Size #5

It is these balls that are used in big football, including in FIFA matches. They are used in the training of young football players over 12 years old, as well as in all adult competitions.

The diameter of a size 5 soccer ball is in the range of 21.6-22.3 cm, and the circumference varies slightly from 68 to 70 cm. The “five” should not weigh more than 450 grams.

Along with the named sizes, lightweight balls are also used. They may be for women and children. With the above diameter and circumference, the mass of such a ball will be less than officially accepted.

Used in official FIFA competitions around the world. It is these models that are the most popular: their production volume is several times higher than the production of balls of all other sizes combined. They are optimal for adult football players and beginner players from 12 years old.

soccer ball requirements

For a size 5 soccer ball, certain parameters are set:

  • circumference - 68-70 cm,
  • weight - up to 450 g.

In addition to meeting these indicators, a soccer ball must meet quality requirements. The tire today is made of synthetic materials: polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride. They are much more practical than genuine leather, because they do not absorb moisture and keep the weight of the ball stable when playing in the rain. The tire is made up of 32 waterproof panels. Most often, the elements of game models for official competitions are sewn by hand. This guarantees high strength and reliability of the ball. There are also machine-stitched and glued balls.

Model Mikasa PKC 55 BR-N is made using a unique technology. On the surface there are micro-depressions that give it perfect aerodynamics. And this, in turn, ensures high accuracy and predictability of the flight.

The quality of a 5 soccer ball and any other size largely depends on the lining. The inner layer between the chamber and the tire ensures the preservation of the shape of the ball, determines the quality of the rebound. In professional models, a lining of several layers is used. For example, Mikasa FT-50 has four lining layers of polyviscose and polyester.

The chamber of a soccer ball can be latex or butyl, less often polyurethane. Each has some benefits. So, the butyl chamber retains air longer than the others. But latex is always softer and more elastic, provides better ball rebound. Models Mikasa FT-50, Mikasa PKC 55 BR-2, approved by FIFA as official balls for top-level competitions, have latex bladders.

Conditions for ordering sports equipment

The Outfitting Center "Sports Line" offers favorable and convenient conditions for the purchase of clothing, balls and accessories at wholesale prices. The minimum order amount is 5000 rubles, prepayment is 100%. We cooperate with both legal entities and individuals. In addition to soccer balls 5 and any other size, you can buy from us