The start of the fight between Conor McGregor and Nate Diaz. Conor McGregor - Biography, personal life, when fight, UFC. Conor McGregor's personal life

It's hard to say exactly when such an exciting story began, but the public first became aware of it after a simple Irish guy was in the best promotion on the planet and crushed long-term champion Jose Aldo within 13 seconds.

Already at a press conference, Conor McGregor said that he was not opposed to fighting for the belt in the lightweight division, but then many perceived these words as an ordinary PR move. Later, Notorious's intentions began to be confirmed by more and more words and actions, but when his mentor announced a potential entry into the ring at 170 pounds, no one believed him for sure. Who knew that McGregor would get into the welterweight division, bypassing the lightweight echelon.

Events revolved around green American banknotes. The UFC bosses were enthusiastic about the idea of ​​holding a fight between two champions for the title at 155 pounds. With all due respect to Conor, few believed that he could defeat the brutal Rafael dos Anjos, and especially given the killer style with which the Brazilian destroyed far from the last contender Donald Cerrone during his first title defense.

However, he did not have to fight dos Anjos - he sent himself to the hospital on his own, when a week before the fight he broke his leg in one of his last training sessions. The company offered to give a rematch to Jose Aldo, but he refused due to too short a preparation time.

According to various rumors, they offered to enter the ring:

  • Jose Aldo;
  • Donald Cerrone;
  • Anthony Pettis;
  • Nate Diaz;
  • Frankie Edgar.

Several fighters refused at once, and then the chance was given to Nate Diaz, who, as they say, was on a “deep vacation”.

Ten days of preparation was enough for the Stockton grunt to special work finish the main star of modern mixed martial arts. He missed a few tight shots, waited for the opponent to run out of steam, and got down to business. Later, McGregor himself admitted that his main problem was the lack of strength.

After the defeat, Conor first announced his intention to return to his “native” featherweight division, but later it became clear that he would have a rematch with Diaz. He was born hard. Conor wanted more freedom to prepare, refused to carry out his duties in terms of press conferences and media tours around the United States and as a result lost his place in the main event of the year - UFC 200. Diaz wanted more money. The promotion leaders quickly found the necessary amount and appointed a rematch, which will become the main event of the UFC 202 tournament and will be held at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on August 20.

Below you can check out the full UFC 202 card as of now.

UFC 202: McGregor vs. Diaz. 20.08.2016

Just early in the morning of August 21 at the "T-Mobile Arena" in Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) the grandiose fight show UFC 202 was played, the main event of which was a rematch between UFC champion featherweight, Irish - Conor McGregor, nicknamed "The Notorious" and American - Nate Diaz.

The last fight of Conor McGregor against Nate Diaz went the entire five-round distance, during which the fighters gave out a very colorful battle. On both sides in the Conor McGregor vs. Nate Diaz we have seen miracles of courage and resilience. Round after round, the athletes fought uncompromisingly, not sparing each other, and the scales could tip from one to the other at any moment.

AT first two rounds McGregor looked much more convincing, he no longer climbed ahead as in the first fight, but showed a more thoughtful fight. Conor aimed, hit for accuracy and several times, during these two rounds, sent Diaz to the canvas, but did not finish off - which means going to the ground.

AT third round McGregor got tired and, noticing this, Nate Diaz perked up, began to spend more time in attack and, most importantly, began to hit. At the end of the round, pinning McGregor at the net of the octagon, Nate simply destroyed the opponent with punches and elbows. How Conor survived to the end of the third five-minute period is hard to say. The third round in the fight was definitely for Nate Diaz, one of the judges even gave Nate an advantage of 2 points.

However, in the fourth round Conor managed to recover and now he was more accurate. Throwing a lot of body shots, McGregor also started to use his elbows and this brought him the victory in the fourth round. Diaz's face was already bleeding profusely by this time, and Nate repeatedly wiped it off with a glove.

BUT in the last fifth round Diaz again managed to level the fight and even looked better in the end. Pinning McGregor against the net, he again landed many not strong but disturbing blows. And just before the serena, Nate had a takedown, the only one in this fight. But the fighter from the USA did not have time to use it, the final siren stopped the fight! Fifth round for Diaz.

But in the end, Conor McGregor won 3 rounds out of five and Nate Diaz won two, which was reflected in the final score of the fight between Nate Diaz and Conor McGregor 47-47, 47-48, 47-48 in favor of the Irish fighter. Video recording last fight Conor McGregor vs. Nate Diaz, a little later. Follow the site for updates.

UFC 202 Diaz vs. McGregor 2 highlights VIDEOS

In the American Las Vegas at the UFC 202 tournament, the rematch expected by many mixed martial arts fans between the reigning featherweight champion Conor and Nate took place.

The Irishman managed to get back at Diaz for inflicting the first defeat of his UFC career on him. The excitement around this fight was simply incredible, and the fighters' fees for the fight were a record in the history of the organization. Conor McGregor received $3 million for this fight and Nate Diaz received $2 million.

A little more than six months ago, the Irishman, who did not know defeat in the featherweight category, decided to take a chance and go to welterweight category to prove to everyone that in it he will not be equal.

Of all the fighters in the welterweight category, the choice fell on the American Nate Diaz.

By tradition and to maintain the image, McGregor began waving his fists even before the start of the fight and declaring that he would easily deal with his opponent.

In fact, everything turned out differently. Conor started the meeting well, actively attacked, but at the same time did not forget to spend energy on behind his opponent, thereby playing for the audience. But the main mistake of the Irishman was not that he was distracted by numerous gestures, but that he allowed Diaz to transfer the fight to the ground, where the American acted stronger than his opponent.

In the second round, McGregor missed a lot of heavy blows, and Nate, having knocked down his opponent, found the moment to choke him. McGregor suffered his first UFC loss.

Just a few days later, the American fighter agreed to give Conor a chance to take revenge. Their fight was scheduled for the anniversary UFC tournament 200. But just under three months before the fight, McGregor announced his retirement via his Twitter account.

“I decided to leave the sport young. Thanks everyone. See you later,” wrote the fighter.

Two days later, the Irishman explained his decision and called it the main reason that the organization was distracting him from the preparatory process. The fighter did not want to give a huge number of interviews and do things that do not concern, but in many ways distract from training process. He agreed to give just one press conference and return to preparations. Perhaps this was done with the expectation that the Irishman could not physically short term prepare for revenge and decided to buy some more time.

After all the conflict issues were settled, the revenge was scheduled for the UFC 202 tournament. And again, as before the first fight, the fighters put on a real show of verbal skirmishes, and the skirmish at the press conference became the apotheosis of all this.

At the end of the event, a conflict broke out between the fighters. Diaz gave McGregor the middle finger several times before throwing a plastic water bottle at him. The Irishman responded by throwing everything at Nate. plastic bottles with water, which were on the table.

After that, the organizers were forced to take both fighters outside the hall and end the event.

Both Diaz and McGregor approached this fight thoroughly prepared, both fighters drew their own conclusions from the first fight.

This fact was confirmed by the beginning of the fight. Both opponents did not run at each other as rabid, but carefully calculated every action of the opponent. McGregor looked very focused and tried to bring almost every punch to the target. Diaz, in turn, tried to force the Irishman to attack more actively.

In one of the moments, Conor managed to knock the American to the floor with two accurate blows, but it was not a knockdown, but an invitation to go to the ground. However, the Irish fighter, taught by the bitter experience of defeat, did not follow the opponent's lead and continued the fight in the standing position.

By the end of the first round, Diaz had a cut on his nose and his right eyebrow was slightly swollen, there were no visible signs of an opponent hit on McGregor, which indicated that the Irishman spent more accurate strikes. In general, the first round was almost completely dictated by the "infamous", the statistics also spoke in his favor - 23 to 36 in significant blows.

The second round also began with Conor's accurate hits. Diaz fell twice after these blows, trying to continue the fight on the ground, but McGregor did not go on about.

For most of the round, the Irishman demonstrated high speed and surpassed his opponent in this indicator. Towards the end of the second five-minute period, Nate went forward more actively, which resulted in a large number of accurate shots, one of which slightly shocked, but did not break his opponent.

In the third round, it was noticeable that both fighters were tired, and McGregor began to periodically run away from contact, to which Diaz urged him to continue to fight, and not run.

In general, Nate could record this round as an asset, as he landed 58 punches, while the Irishman only 24.

It is noteworthy that the fighting that Conor demonstrated in the third five-minute period was very similar to the tactics of Jose Aldo in the fight against Frankie Edagar. Then Conor called the Brazilian a "runner", hinting that the ex-champion avoided the fight in every possible way.

The last two rounds affected the incredible stamina of the American. It was evident that McGregor was already tired and tried to act as reliably as possible. And in last round it was noticeable how the Irishman constantly bored the timer with his eyes, watching when the fight would end. Also in the fifth round, Conor ran away from his rival in the octagon a lot, which spoke of Nate's superiority in the end of the fight.

When the time came to finally find out the winner of this battle, the opinions of the judges were divided.

Judges score: 48-47, 47-47, 48-47 in favor of Conor McGregor.

Statistics said that the fight was absolutely equal. Significant shots: McGregor: 286 (total) - 164 (correct) - 58 (percentage hit); Diaz: 343 (total) - 166 (accurate) - 48 (percentage of hits).

Total hits: McGregor: 322 (total) - 197 (accurate) - 62 (percentage hit); Diaz: 435 (total) - 252 (accurate) - 58 (percentage of hits).

“I came into this fight in worse shape than last time, I couldn't train, I was injured. I'm not making excuses, but he couldn't beat me. I want a third fight. I gave him a second fight right away, already on the second day, so I'm ready to do it again. Good job, Conor, but we'll have a third fight. Real,” Diaz said after the fight.

“Surprise is a surprise. The king is back,” MacGregor began his speech. “It was an incredible fight, he is an incredible fighter. He made me give it my all. As my coach used to say, we either win or we learn. And I learned a lot in the last fight.

All I know is that we are 1-1. Time to regroup. Now we will do it at 155 pounds. I moved up to 175, beat the bigger guy and showed my dominance. Now, if you want a trilogy, accept my terms. Get down to 155 pounds, let's arrange it," McGregor said.

The Irishman plans to fight his next fight against Brazilian Jose Aldo, who has long been waiting for a chance to take revenge and regain the featherweight title.

As for the third and decisive fight with Diaz, most likely the American will not agree to move to featherweight weight category, but the fans can be sure of one thing: the third fight will take place!

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In this article, we will consider course of the duel and bring to the attention of readers video recording long-awaited revenge.

But first things first, a little background.

Background to the rematch between Diaz and McGregor

The outcome of the first meeting between the fighters: McGregor, dominating the entire first round, lost to Diaz by choke in the second five-minute main UFC fight 196. Yes, the Irish "King" was crossed by a Mexican-American coyote from Stockton. And now Conor goes for his trophy. But can the representative of the Diaz family "Notorios" be tough?

Who are MMA fans rooting for on the eve of revenge: In our material "" a vote was held, the results of which show that the Irish fighter came to revenge in the status of a favorite. About 60% of MMA fans surveyed preferred McGregor.

In the same article, a very important question was raised: Will McGregor be able to "knock out" Diaz before the fight reaches the equator? Find the answer below.

The course of the duel "Diaz - McGregor 2"

Today's card turned out great! On the way to the main fight, we saw 9 early finishes! Will Diaz and McGregor keep up that level? I want to believe!

Round 1

John McCarthy brought sworn "friends" together in the center of the octagon to announce the start of an epic revenge! Good luck to the athletes!

McGregor started with low kicks. Feeling the power of Conor's low kicks, Diaz went ahead himself. McGregor is working on his own game plan and knocked down Diaz! McGregor did not get into the stalls - the Irishman understands that this is very dangerous!

Diaz's right leg is reddened, but every lunge he makes brings to mind the first fight between these fighters. McGregor goes ahead, but does not unnecessarily force things: Notorious took into account past mistakes.

Diaz tries to force McGregor to move closer, but Conor shoots the opponent from a distance.

Round 2

Again McGregor knocked Diaz down - and again Conor did not go to the ground.

And another knockdown! And again fighters in the rack! This is the fight!!!

McGregor is careful. In this scenario, Conor must not relax - he must continue to work according to his own plan. Diaz needs to take the fight to the ground, but for now, Nate seems to be working to wear down his opponent.

Missed McGregor a few blows - and again the first fight pops up in my memory. Still, Diaz is more powerful, more - the Irishman does not hold his cannon blows well!

Looking forward to the next round!

Round 3

Out of breath McGregor?

Yes, yes, I already predicted that Conor would surely lose if he did not have time to knock out Diaz before the fight equator - Why Conor McGregor will lose again to Nate Diaz. And so, we see how McGregor becomes a punching bag. Nate pins Conor to the cage and, as already mentioned, exhausts Notorius.

McGregor runs around the octagon, escaping from the stranded Diaz. This is not featherweight for you, here Conor's striking power was not enough!

Conor barely survives at the end of the third round. I think the Irishman will be knocked out...

Round 4

For the first time in his career, McGregor is in the fourth round. It usually ends early...

Diaz is in his own blood, but he has more strength than an Irishman. Nate tried to hold a takedown, but couldn't - Conor's BJJ lessons make themselves felt.

Clinch at the net, Conor misses blow after blow and very rarely "snarls" his own.

The fight is awesome, that's for sure!

Protracted shootouts in the center of the octagon. Where does McGregor's strength come from? It seemed that he was already falling exhausted, but he still hits, somehow endures the blows of his opponent ... Everything will be decided in the fifth round!

Round 5

Incomprehensible advice is given to McGregor in his corner: they say, you dominate in the clinch. Ambiguous ... I remembered how advice was given in a similar spirit to Rhonda Rhodey in her last duel. I wouldn't want it to end the same way for Conor - it would be too cruel.

Meanwhile, McGregor successfully defends against another takedown attempt.

Diaz shows the opponent the middle finger, because the exhausted McGregor runs away from the exchange.

One and a half minutes before the end of the fight, the fighters at the net - alternately try to reward each other with blows. A little more is obtained from Diaz. And so, ten seconds before the end, Diaz had a takedown.

The soldiers are covered in blood. Diaz helps Conor up. We are waiting for the decision of the judges!

It was great!

Conor McGregor win! Two judges gave the victory to the Irish, one considered that there was a draw.