Beach soccer euroleague second stage. Euroleague Beach Soccer. Russia beat Switzerland. Distribution of medals by country

The Russian beach soccer team is one step away from winning the home stage of the Euroleague. And the ending of the match with Poland was outstanding.

The Russian beach soccer team started the home stage of the Euroleague with a confident victory over Azerbaijan with a score of 8:3. In another match of our group, Poland snatched victory from Switzerland with a score of 6:5. The Poles, in courage, promised to give battle to Russia and noted that they were setting themselves up for victory. Mikhail Likhachev's wards approached this meeting in the status of a favorite, but this status had to be confirmed in order to defend the title the strongest team Europe.

Master class from Romanov and Krasheninnikov

The scenario of the game, in principle, was predicted before it began. Russia held the ball more, while the Poles chose defensive tactics. Why not, because at the World Championships in big football This is the tactic that worked most of the time. In the second minute, Artur Paporotny had a chance to open an account in this meeting, but the opponent's goalkeeper played great. It should also be noted that coaching staff The Russian team was left with only seven outfield players for the remainder of the Euroleague. The fact is that Boris Nikonorov suffered a knee injury and was out for an indefinite period.

There were many spectators in the stands, the Yantar stadium in Strogino was almost completely filled. What can I say, we love beach soccer. And the place for the tournament was chosen excellent, there is a well-maintained beach with a pond nearby, a place for walking and active rest. Meanwhile, Likhachev's wards continued to look for ways to the gates of the Poles. Dmitry Shishin and Alexei Makarov were close to the goal, but four and a half minutes before the end of the first period, zeros were on the scoreboard.

They were crushed by some, and the surest chance to excel was with others. The forward of the Polish national team picked up a rebound at the gates of Maxim Chuzhkov and hit his head into an empty net. Russia was saved by the crossbar. And yet, at the end of the period, luck smiled at Likhachev's wards. Kirill Romanov, in a head fall, closed the transfer of partners and raised the fans to their feet. Less than a minute later, the Russians doubled their lead. Finished a great combo accurate blow Yuri Krasheninnikov. A difficult start for the Russian team, but how beautiful were the draws at the end of the first period. It was a real master class.

The calm before the storm?

The Russian team is on the verge after an excellent ending of the first period and the second 12-minutes began with dangerous attacks. Fern and Shishin could create an even more comfortable start for the owners, but it didn't work out. The game calmed down for a while. Both teams seemed to be practicing kicks through themselves, but almost no one hit the target. Apparently, Likhachev asked his guys to play a little more carefully and accurately, so as not to allow the opponent to seize the initiative. The Russians did not hesitate to play through the goalkeeper, and Chuzhkov touched the ball more often than some players of the Polish team.

Apparently, the coaching staff of the Russians considered that Chuzhkov had already played enough and changed him to Ivan Ostrovsky, who played great with Azerbaijan. At the end of the second period, the debutant of the Russian national team Ostap Fedorov had several excellent chances to score, but acted uncertainly in the final stage. As a result, a rare event for beach football happened - the period ended with a score of 0:0.

Performance at the end

Surprisingly, the beginning of the third period was very calm. And this despite the fact that the Polish team had to win back two goals. However, things did not reach the dangerous moments at the gates of Ostrovsky. But Likhachev's wards created two great chances through Makarov's efforts and, in theory, could finish the game, but the Poles' goalkeeper was fine. Meanwhile, only six minutes remained until the end of the match. And yet Makarov scored his goal! First, he earned a dangerous free kick, and then perfectly struck from the bottom left corner. Anything can happen in beach soccer, but it is almost impossible to win back three goals from the Russian team in five minutes. Moreover, Shishin soon made the score 4-0 in favor of the Russians.

Poland in the end played one ball from the penalty spot for a foul by Krasheninnikov, who also received yellow card for your violation. And a couple of minutes later, the forward of the Polish national team Pavel Friskemuth reduced the backlog of his team to two goals with a "bisicle" strike - 2:4. Obviously, the teams have opened a portal to spectacular and productive football. Artur Paporotny from divorce put the ball exactly in upper corner the gate of Maciej Marciniak. Immediately, the goalkeeper of the Polish national team scored a beautiful blow and made the score 3:5. The guests could score more and aggravate the situation to the limit in the match, but right there Dmitry Shishin scored a double and put an end to the game – 6:3 in favor of the Russian team. Tomorrow at 18:30 Moscow time Likhachev's wards will play against Switzerland.

Wards Mikhail Likhachev confidently dealt with the teams of Azerbaijan and Poland, scoring 14 goals in two matches. The victory over the Swiss national team in the final meeting allowed the Russians to win the home stage of the Euroleague. In certain scenarios, even a defeat left Russia a chance to win the stage, but they were definitely not going to think about it in the camp of the national team. Yes and for overall standings Euroleague was important to score maximum points in Moscow. Moreover, the fans again filled the stands of the Yantar stadium in Strogino almost to capacity.

Beach beauty. Russia has successfully started the defense of the title of champion of the Euroleague

Time goes by, and the Russian team is still playing beach soccer great. Ours started the Euroleague with a confident victory over Azerbaijan.

Difficult start

The teams know each other well. Usually the matches between the national teams of Russia and Switzerland are extremely productive. This time the opponents started the game very calmly. It seemed that no one was in a hurry to attack, but the apparent calm was broken by the players of the Swiss national team. Noel Ott caught by surprise with a great shot in the bottom corner Maxim Chuzhkov. For the first time at this stage of the Euroleague, the Russian team had to recoup. The audience understood that Likhachev's wards needed support, and began to actively chant "Russia-Russia". The players heard the fans and made a cool combination, which was completed by Kirill Romanov, but the ball hit the post.

Russian goalkeeper Chuzhkov tried to throw the ball into the top corner of his opponent's goal, but he was ready for it. The Swiss dug in defensively and completely lost possession of the ball. Russia pressed more and more powerfully. blows Shkarina And Krasheninnikova could become assists, but in the end the best scorer in the history of domestic beach football scored Dmitry Shishin. Fully deserved goal of Likhachev's team. At the end of the first period, the Russians could well have taken the lead, but by some miracle the ball did not hit the Swiss goal after Chuzhkov's strike.

They frolicked for glory. Russia defeated Poland and entertained the public

The Russian beach soccer team is one step away from winning the home stage of the Euroleague. And the ending of the match with Poland was outstanding.

Russian-Swiss swing

At the beginning of the second period Alexey Makarov went to the shock position, but struck a little to the right of the bottom corner of the opponent's goal. It is unlikely that Mikhail Likhachev will be satisfied with the percentage of scoring chances realized by his wards in the first half of the meeting. The score could well be 3:1 or 4:1 by the third minute of the second twelve. After a couple of minutes, the guests created their own best moment in the second period. Top scorer Swiss Ott miraculously did not block his partner's cross with his head. This moment was supposed to cheer up the wards Angelo Shirintsi, but it turned out just the opposite. Arthur Fern with the help of a small rebound, he brought the Russian team forward in this meeting.

Unfortunately, the hosts did not lead for long. Glenn Hodl a few minutes later he went one on one with Chuzhkov and confidently outplayed the goalkeeper of the Russians. I had to start all over. Switzerland could have regained the lead in the score, but the blow Michaela Mitsev in a brilliant jump, Chuzhkov repulsed, breaking the applause of the audience. Before the break, the score had not changed, which left the intrigue open before the final segment of the match.

Krasheninnikov's decisive blow

At the end of the second period, Likhachev changed the goalkeeper. Instead of Maxim Chuzhkov came out Ivan Ostrovsky. The coaching staff of the Russians used the same move in the game with Poland. Russia obviously did not want to bring the matter to extra time, so at the beginning of the third period it rushed to the attack. And ran into the attack of the Swiss. Philip Borer remained alone in front of Ostrovsky's goal, but the goalkeeper of the Russian national team made the most spectacular save of the match, maintaining parity on the scoreboard. Toward the end of normal time, Ostrovsky made another miracle save, pulling the ball out from under the crossbar after a fall overhead shot by Mitsev.

Regular time and ended in a draw with a score of 2:2. In any case, the Russian national team has already become the winner of the home stage of the Euroleague, but for the overall standings of the tournament I wanted to win two points for winning in overtime, or at least a point for winning in the penalty shootout. Yuri Krasheninnikov did not shelve the matter and in the second second of overtime brought Russia forward. Likhachev's wards managed to keep the winning score until the end of extra time and secure a third victory in the third match of the Euroleague. Everything goes according to plan.

    Euroleague Beach Soccer 2010- the thirteenth edition of the Euroleague in beach soccer. The tournament included four preliminary stages and a final stage (super final and promo final). It took place in two divisions, A and B. Each team of division A took part in two ... ... Wikipedia

    Euroleague Beach Soccer 2011- The 14th Euroleague Beach Soccer was held from May 27 to July 31, 2011. The tournament consists of four preliminary stages and the final stage (super final and promo final) and is divided into two divisions A and B. Contents 1 Stage 1. Bern, ... ... Wikipedia

    Euroleague Beach Soccer 2009- This term has other meanings, see Euroleague. The Euroleague of Beach Soccer (EBSL) is a competition among the national teams of Europe in beach soccer. Contents 1 Division A 2 Division B ... Wikipedia

    France national beach soccer team- Nicknames Les Bleus (Blue) Les Tricolores (Tricolors) UEFA Confederation Federation ... Wikipedia

    Russian beach soccer team- Nicknames Red Sand Machine ... Wikipedia

    Spain national beach soccer team- Confederation ... Wikipedia

    European Beach Soccer Cup- (Eng. Euro Beach Soccer Cup) European beach soccer competition. It has been held annually since 1998. Formerly called the Euro Pro Beach Soccer Cup. Eight European teams take part in the tournament, which during the draw ... ... Wikipedia

    Ukrainian beach soccer team- Nicknames Zhovto blakitnі ... Wikipedia

    Switzerland national beach soccer team- UEFA Confederation SHAPF Federation Ch. coach Angelo Shirinzi Captain Moritz Jae ... Wikipedia

    Beach Soccer World Cup (qualifier, CONCACAF) - Qualifying Tournament to the World Beach Soccer Championship in the CONMEBOL zone (Spanish Clasificación de Concacaf para la Copa Mundial de Fútbol Playa, English FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (CONCACAF), French Championnat de football ... ... Wikipedia

    Thirteenth Euroleague Beach Soccer. The tournament included four preliminary stages and a final stage (super final and promo final). It took place in two divisions, A and B. Each team of division A took part in two ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Euroleague. The European Beach Soccer League (English European Beach Soccer League, EBSL, abbr. Euroleague of beach soccer) is an annual competition among the national teams of Europe in beach ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Euroleague. The Euroleague of Beach Soccer (EBSL) is a competition among the national teams of Europe in beach soccer. Contents 1 Division A 2 Division B ... Wikipedia

    Nicknames Red Sand Machine ... Wikipedia

    Nicknames Les Bleus (Blue) Les Tricolores (Tricolors) UEFA Confederation Federation ... Wikipedia

    UEFA Confederation SHAPF Federation Ch. coach Angelo Shirinzi Captain Moritz Jae ... Wikipedia

    Nicknames Zhovto Blakitni ... Wikipedia

    Qualifying tournament for the World Beach Soccer Championship in the CONMEBOL zone (Spanish Clasificación de Concacaf para la Copa Mundial de Fútbol Playa, English FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup qualification (CONCACAF), French Championnat de football ... ... Wikipedia

    Qualifying tournament for the World Beach Soccer Championship in the CONMEBOL zone international tournament by ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Filimonov. Alexander Filimonov ... Wikipedia

Euro Beach Soccer League 2017

Euroleague Beach Soccer 2017

Traditionally, the Beach Soccer Euroleague in 2017 will consist of five stages, after which the Superfinal will be played, in which the 7 best beach soccer teams will take part according to the results of all five stages, plus the host country of the Superfinal, which is the Italian team in 2017 , according to

Euroleague Beach Soccer Schedule 2017:

Division A

First step

Group 1: Russia, Spain, Germany, France

Germany - Spain

Russia - France

Germany - Russia

Spain - France

Germany - France

Russia - Spain

Second phase

Group 1: Ukraine, Spain, Poland, Greece

Group 2: Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, France

Ukraine - Spain

Poland - Greece

· Ukraine Poland

Spain - Greece

Greece - Ukraine

Spain - Poland

· Italy - Portugal

France - Switzerland

Italy - France

Portugal - Switzerland

Italy - Switzerland

Portugal - France

Third stage

Group 1: Russia, Belarus, Switzerland, Greece

Belarus - Greece

Russia - Switzerland

Belarus - Russia

Switzerland - Greece

Belarus - Switzerland

Russia - Greece

Fourth stage

Group 1: Portugal, Belarus, Poland, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan - Belarus

Poland - Portugal

Azerbaijan - Poland

Belarus - Portugal

Azerbaijan - Portugal

Belarus - Poland

Fifth stage

Group 1: Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan - Germany

Ukraine - Italy

Azerbaijan - Italy

Germany - Ukraine

Azerbaijan - Ukraine

Germany - Italy


Participants: host country + 7 best teams based on the results of five stages.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • FIBA Euroleague 1999-2000

Euroleague Beach Soccer

Beach Soccer Euroleague This term has other meanings, see Euroleague.

The European Beach Soccer League (English European Beach Soccer League, EBSL, abbr. Euroleague of beach soccer) is an annual competition among European beach soccer teams. Formerly called the European Pro Beach Soccer League. The league has two divisions - A and B.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • FIBA Euroleague 1999-2000
  • TRC "Europe" (metrotram station)

See what "Euroleague Beach Soccer" is in other dictionaries:

Euroleague Beach Soccer 2014 - WiKi

The Euro Beach Soccer League 2014 (EBSL) is an annual European beach soccer tournament. The competition involves beach soccer teams that play during the summer months. Each season ends with the Super Final, which determines the winner of the tournament.

Euroleague Beach Soccer 2014 Tournament detailsdate of Teams Places Top placesChampion Second place Third place Fourth place Tournament statisticsMatches played Goals scored Scorer(s)
2014 Euro Beach Soccer League
Official logo

24 (out of 1 confederation)

5 (in 5 host cities)

Russia (4th title)

662 (7.7 per match)

Noel Ott (21 goals)

This season, twelve teams in two divisions will take part, which at each stage will face each other in a round robin system. Division A consists of the top 12 teams in the European BSWW ranking. Division B consists of 12 bottom-ranked teams and new teams. Each division has its own rules and competition format.

Each Division A team will play two preliminary stages in order to earn points, and Division B one. The top eight teams in Division A (including stage winners and host country Spain) will play in the Super Final in Torredembarra, Spain from 14 to 17 August. The first seven teams from Division B (including the stage winners), and the last team from Division A, will play in the Promo Final to try for a place in Division A next year.

This tournament is a qualifying tournament for the European Games 2015. The top six teams in Division A and one the best team Division B will take part in the European Games 2015. Azerbaijan has qualified as host country.

Teams from Division A will compete for the Euroleague Beach Soccer title, while teams from Division B will compete for the right to compete in Division A next year.

In connection with the refusal of the Romanian national team to participate in the tournament, they were replaced by the best team of Division B - Greece. The place of Greece was taken by the team of Kazakhstan.

Participating Teams

Division A

Group 1
Team I V V+ P GZ GP +/- O
3 3 0 0 11 5 +6 9
3 1 0 2 10 8 +2 3
3 1 0 2 9 12 −3 3
3 1 0 2 9 14 −5 3
Group 2

Schedule and results

Start times for all matches are in Catania local time (UTC+02:00).

Individual awards

MVP: Noel Ott Top scorer: Noel Ott (11 goals) Top goaltender: Sascha Penke

Total number of goals per stage

87 goals were scored, averaging 7.25 goals per match.

Beach Soccer Euroleague - Gpedia, Your Encyclopedia

The current version of the page has not yet been reviewed by experienced contributors and may differ significantly from the version reviewed on June 22, 2013; checks require 27 edits. The current version of the page has not yet been reviewed by experienced contributors and may differ significantly from the version reviewed on June 22, 2013; checks require 27 edits. Jump to navigation Jump to search This term has other meanings, see Euroleague.

The European Beach Soccer League (English European Beach Soccer League, EBSL, abbr. Euroleague of beach soccer) is an annual competition among European beach soccer teams. Formerly called the European Pro Beach Soccer League. The league has two divisions - A and B.