Preparation of skis for skating at home. What paraffin for cross-country skiing to choose: composition, types, brands. Temperature oriented hydrocarbon waxes

Wax for skis is needed to improve the sliding moment. Whatever skis we ride - classic or skating - without additional lubrication, the skis will give too good grip on the snow. But good grip is needed only when the wheels are moving on asphalt. In order to develop speed on a snowy slope, it is better to have minimal grip on the surface. In the case of flat skiing, reducing friction helps to reduce the effort exerted by a person when moving.

What are paraffins

Paraffins are hydrocarbon mixtures formed as a by-product of petroleum refining. Paraffin compositions have different degrees of viscosity. There are:

  • soft (liquid) paraffins that melt at room temperature;
  • solid - melt when heated within 70 ° C;
  • crystalline - go into a liquid state at temperatures above 70 ° C.

Functionally, paraffins are in most cases lubricating water-repellent substances. They are added to various mixtures to give the appropriate consistency and properties. For example, petroleum jelly is made on the basis of petroleum hydrocarbons.

Paraffins are used in technical lubricants. These substances have found their application in skiing as a means of improving the glide of skis and snowboards.

Ski paraffins

Ski paraffins are traditionally divided into:

  • lubricants for cold skiing at snow temperatures below -12 ° C;
  • lubricants for skiing at a snow temperature of -12 ° C…-2 ° C;
  • warm lubricants for snow temperatures above -2 ° C.

Fluorine is the key ingredient for better lubrication at high temperatures. The less fluorine, the more severe frost (and low humidity) paraffin is designed for. Conversely, high fluoride lubricants are designed for mild and wet weather.

There are universal lubricants, the composition of which provides good glide on any snow. For example, TOKO Irox Fluoro spray, although low fluoride, is designed for use in a wide temperature range 0 ° C…-30 ° C. In addition to fluorine, ski lubricants contain: silicone, various salts, oxidized metals.

Using paraffins on plastic skis

It would seem that plastic is a good sliding material and without lubricants. Unlike, for example, traditional wooden skis, which, due to the low density of the material, provided better grip on the surface and, accordingly, rode worse.

The new skis really glide very well. But as you ride on the sliding surface and the edges, microcracks appear. Particles of ice and snow spoil the plastic. And although these changes are not noticeable to the human eye, under a microscope, the surface of such a ski resembles a mountain landscape. Gliding properties are degraded due to such terrain.

In order to fill all these microdamages, restore the ideally slippery surface of the ski and use hydrocarbon lubricants.

Why Choose Liquid Paraffins

It should be noted right away that paraffins in liquid form do not have any advantages over solid waxes in their functionality. The purpose of all paraffin waxes is to impregnate the sliding surface of the ski. All waxes, including liquid waxes, require heat treatment after application to ensure the most efficient rolling.

Liquid paraffins are available in 2 types:

  1. liniment;
  2. spray can.

Paraffin in the form of cream-ointment, in general, from the point of view of the user does not have any differences from solid types.

Aerosol form provides additional convenience in terms of application. True, part of the product is sprayed past, which is why the consumption of aerosol paraffins is always greater.

Application of liquid paraffins

To apply liquid paraffin, the ski must be clean and dry. Particles of dirt, water, ice, which are clogged into the micropores of the sliding layer, will not allow the paraffin to be applied correctly.

with heat treatment

Waxing of skis with heat treatment, as a rule, is carried out between skiing in home-garage conditions. This initially assumes that the skis are clean and dry.

  1. Heat up the iron to 150 ° FROM.
  2. We spray liquid paraffin on the sliding layer of the ski. We keep in mind that different types of skis require a different model for applying lubrication. In skis for skating, the entire sliding surface is lubricated. Classic skis wax, bypassing the central part.
  3. We iron the ski in the direction from the toe to the heel.
  4. Let the ski cool down and dry at a temperature not lower than 0 ° C at least 10 min.
  5. We pass a layer with applied grease with a brush.

As a result of these manipulations, heated paraffin penetrates into the pores of the plastic, fills them, and the microscopic “landscape” of the sliding surface is leveled. The wax remaining on the surface is superfluous. We remove it with a brush.

Ideally, this cycle should be repeated up to 10 times. The fact is that brushing, in addition to removing the surface layer, also removes part of the “useful” paraffin that filled the microcracks. When we repeat paraffin waxing several times in a row, we better “tamp down” the unevenness of the ski with paraffin, fill the irregularities and microcracks with better quality.

Without heat treatment

Often we do not have the opportunity to use the iron, we are limited in time, and we need to lubricate the skis, because they do not glide well. Manufacturers of liquid paraffins offer the theoretical possibility of using their lubricants without heat treatment.

  1. We dry the ski.
  2. We clean the sliding layer with a brush to remove dust and dirt from the pores of the plastic.
  3. Wipe, let dry a little.
  4. Apply a SMALL layer of lubricant.
  5. Let stand 3-5 minutes.
  6. We rub with a cork, a pad, or whatever we are used to using.
  7. Let stand 10 min.

If you still put too much grease, then you should use a brush and remove the excess layer. However, lubricant manufacturers warn that with cold paraffin application, brushing at the final stage is not essential.

And if it does, it will last no more than 5 minutes. It takes about 1 hour for proper cold lubrication. The presence of the sun or some kind of room for drying is desirable.

You should be aware that, even if all the above conditions are met, cold waxing is always an emergency measure, which in its effectiveness will never be compared with the classic heat treatment option.

The cost of liquid paraffins

Paraffins in the form of ointments cost about $5 for 25 g. Sprays, especially those with high fluoride, can cost up to $40 for a 50 ml can.

Types of skis do not affect the choice of one or another paraffin. However, it should be remembered that, unlike skating, the sliding surface of classic skis requires lubrication with additional holding ointment. Since traditional skiing involves the need for repulsion and, accordingly, requires better adhesion of the ski to the snow at the point of application of force, the holding ointment is applied in the center of the ski.

In order to prepare your skis for serious competition, you need a lot of experience, flair and maybe even luck. Professional ski teams have several people who prepare skis, measure humidity and air temperature. But everyone can prepare the skis so that they glide well, with amateur skiing. This article was created to acquaint readers with the method of applying paraffin, holding ointments, the correct treatment of skis with brushes, etc.

Preparation of skating style skis and the sliding part of classic skis.

For better skiing, the sliding surface of the ski should have a structure similar to the structure of snow, and also glide waxes or paraffins should be applied to its surface, which would correspond to weather conditions. The best glide of skis can be obtained if the match between the structure of skis and ointment is optimal.

The task of the ski structure is to minimize the contact of the sliding surface and the friction force with the snow.

The surface structure is the pattern that remains on the plastic after ski processing on special machines. The structure can also be applied manually by knurling or cutting. The surface with a fine structure is suitable for cold weather and fine-grained snow. For warm weather, skis with a larger structure are used.

Types of ski structures applied with TOKO knurling.

Applying paraffin to the ski.

If the paraffin is soft enough, then you can simply spread it on the ski. If it is hard, then it must be fused from the iron to the ski. There is an option to warm up a bar of paraffin and make a smear on the ski with it. It doesn't matter which method you use, but enough wax should be applied to evenly cover the ski with a layer of 0.3 to 1 mm.

Melting paraffin with a flat iron.

After applying the paraffin, it should be melted and smoothed over the ski with a heated iron. Processing a ski with an iron is a dangerous procedure; you can overheat and ruin the plastic of the sliding surface. The temperature of the iron should be as low as possible, but sufficient to melt the paraffin. You need to run the iron over the ski quickly, without delays and frequent repetitions. There should always be a layer of paraffin between the iron and the sliding surface; when the sole of the iron and the ski come into contact, the plastic quickly overheats and swells. You can not save paraffin, because there is a significant risk of spoiling the skis. The surface of the iron should be cleaned from time to time with a cloth.

Preparing skis for skating.

Surface cleaning and preparation.

First you need to process the sliding surface of the ski several times with a brass or steel brush. You need to brush in one direction, from the toe to the heel of the ski. Then you need to apply a layer of ground paraffin and smooth it with an iron at a low temperature. Then you need to clean the surface of the ski with a scraper. The gutter is also cleaned with a special scraper. After such cleaning, a lot of paraffin remains, so it is necessary to treat the surface with a nylon brush. After this procedure, the surface of the skis must be sufficiently cleaned for further application of base and sliding waxes.

Apply one to three coats of "warm" wax. After the next layer is applied, the paraffin should cool down for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then it needs to be processed with a scraper and a nylon brush. When preparing skis for competitions, a special graphite wax is necessarily applied before the glide wax.

Apply paraffin according to the weather, then scrape it off and brush it: first with a horsehair brush, then with a fine steel hair brush to give it extra structure, and with a nylon brush at the end for a final polish.

After completing all the above procedures, the skis are ready for use.

1. Clean the surface of contamination with . 2. Apply base. 3. Spread the paraffin evenly over the surface of the ski.
4. Remove wax from the surface with . 5. Clean the groove with the cleaning tool. 6. Clean the remaining paraffin from the structure with .

Application of accelerators.

Solid Accelerator.

Apply paraffin appropriate for the weather. Then apply the accelerator. Rub the surface of the ski with a cork until it is warm and set the ski aside for twenty minutes. Then you need to brush the surface. Repeat the process two to five times to get the accelerator to stick better. The accelerator applied in this way should last up to ten kilometers.

Fluorocarbon powder.

Prepare the base of the ski and apply base wax. Treat it with a scraper and brush. Then apply paraffin for the given weather. Then repeat the procedure with the scraper and brush. Sprinkle the powder evenly over the sliding surface of the ski, then run over the surface, melting the powder. The temperature of the iron should be as indicated in the instructions for the powder. Then set the ski aside for twenty minutes or more. The last brushing is best done immediately before using the skis.

1. Warm up the sliding surface with . 2. Sprinkle on the surface. 3. Spread the accelerator evenly using .
4. Melt the accelerator. 5. Remove excess accelerator. 6. Polish the surface before the run with .

Apply base wax and scrub and brush. Then apply paraffin suitable for the weather and repeat the cleaning procedure. Then apply the emulsion and let it dry for five to ten minutes. Then rub with a cork until the ski is heated and again leave the ski alone for twenty minutes. After that, you can proceed to the final surface treatment with a brush.

1. Pre-polish the surface of the ski. Use the yellow side. 2. Spray at a distance of 10 cm from the ski and let dry at room temperature for 15 minutes. 3. Polish the surface with the white side. 4. Before the race, additionally polish the surface with a special one.

Preparation of classic style skis.

Preparation of the sliding surface.

The preparation of the sliding surface is carried out in the same way as the preparation of skating-style skis, but without processing the skis under the block. Do not apply paraffin under the last, you should apply it only on the toe and heel of the ski. You can calculate the length of the block yourself, and for this you will need an assistant. To do this, you need to fasten your skis on a flat floor and evenly stand on both legs. Ask an assistant to slip a paper sheet under the ski block and mark on the block the places where the sheet will rest against the sliding surface. This will determine your individual effective take-off surface length. If you choose skis that are too hard for your weight, then the length of the pads can be more than 70-75 cm - this will have a bad effect on the dynamic characteristics of the ski - you will not be able to push off qualitatively and lose sliding speed. Choose skis according to your weight and level of skiing.

The length of the take-off surface of a classic ski depends on the weight of the skier and on the stiffness of the skis, but should not be more than indicated in the figure.

Solid holding ointments.

Treat the block with sandpaper for better adhesion of the ointment to the surface of the ski. So the ointment will last longer. For the bottom layer, a primer is used. Apply one layer of heated ointment, suitable for weather conditions, then smooth it with an iron. Then a holding ointment is applied, which is also selected according to weather conditions. It is applied in four to six layers in the holding area. Each layer is rubbed with a cork.

1. Roughen the surface under the block with fine sandpaper and then remove dust from the surface. 2. Apply . 3. Evenly rub the base ointment into the surface with .
4. Apply the required ski last. 5. Rub the ointment. It is recommended to apply at least 3-4 layers of ointment and grind each layer separately.

Liquid ointments - klisters.

It is necessary to clean the block, as in the previous section. Then apply a layer of base klister, and on top a layer of klister for this weather. It is best to carry out this procedure indoors. Then you need to heat the layers of the klister with a hairdryer. Before using skis, cool them in the fresh air.

1. Roughen the surface under the block with fine sandpaper and remove dust from the surface. 2. Apply . 3. Pound the klister and let it cool in the cold. Clean the iron from the remnants of the base klister.
4. Apply in the pad area. 5. Rub the klister or with your fingers.

Cleaning the sliding surface.

The block is easiest to clean from the remnants of the ointment with an acrylic scraper. You can also use for this procedure. Apply it to the surface of the ski, wait half a minute and wipe it off with paper.

The sliding surface of the ski should be cleaned several times per season. Gently apply ground wax, then melt it. The dirt should rise to the surface and be easily removed along with the wax with a scraper. Then apply a suitable weather wax. It is better not to use ski thinner, as after it you need to reapply ground wax. But the use of a solvent will be necessary if the klister gets on the sliding surface of the ski.

For applying paraffin, it is best to use a special one. Because an ordinary household iron does not give an accurate temperature. If you stop the iron at one point, or run it in the same place too often, you can ruin your skis.
- Before applying glide wax, run from toe to heel of the ski.
- After cleaning the surface, treat it as carefully as possible.
- can only be used in holding areas, in no case do not apply it in places where glide paraffin is applied.
- When using , it is better to shorten the holding area by 3-4 centimeters and limit it with tape or a fixed paper sheet. Do not use tape - it will leave sticky marks.
- Experience is very important in preparing skis. Use various combinations of ointments during training, and you will find the best option for the competition.
- Paraffin protects the sliding surface. For long-term storage, always apply, but better.

Processing of the sliding surface with brushes.

Modern machine processing of the sliding surface of the ski gives it a certain structure. This structure allows water and air to be well evacuated when rubbing against the snow, which ensures good glide. Therefore, it is very important to clean the grooves of the structure well from the remnants of the ointment in order to ensure the maximum quality of sliding.

The structure of the ski with the primary treatment with paraffin. All pores and grooves are filled with hot paraffin. Ski structure processed with a scraper. There is still a lot of paraffin in the recesses, which will interfere with the removal of moisture. Ski structure after brushing. With the help of several types of brushes, you can clean and polish the surface to a perfectly clean state.

After paraffin is applied to the sliding surface and removed with a scraper, the grooves of the structure remain filled with paraffin. In order to completely clean them, you need to use brushes. They are manual and The use of hard metal or nylon brushes allows complete removal of paraffin residues.

When using a brush (of any kind), do not press it too tightly against the sliding surface of the ski. Most effectively remove paraffin brushes, the villi of which are at a right angle. If you press the brush too hard, the bristles will begin to bend and slide over the surface instead of cleaning it.

Metal brushes are best suited for cleaning skis from old grease and preparing it for applying a new one. Rigid metal fibers perfectly remove the remnants of new ointments, dirt and plastic oxidation products, thereby opening pores on the sliding surface, which contributes to better absorption of new ointments.

Metal brushes are also needed in order to improve the properties of the sliding surface of the skis. Skis that have been processed on a grinding machine should be brushed (preferably with steel bristles). After such processing, the structure of the sliding surface will become better, as burrs and other dirt and irregularities will be removed with a brush.

Preparing skis for competitions.

First of all, the surface of the skis should be primed.
- Then apply graphite wax in a hot way. Such a move prevents mixing of several layers of paraffin and increases the use time of lubricants.
- Next, cool the ski to room temperature, and then scrape.
- Treat the surface with a horsehair rotary brush and then a hand brush with a fine metal bristle.
- After that, proceed with the application of paraffin, suitable for weather conditions, in a hot way.
- Then a hydrocarbon or low fluoride wax is applied, it is best associated with the previous layer of wax and the porous surface of the ski.
- Let this layer cool down, work with a scraper and the same brushes.
- Then apply high fluoride paraffin in a hot way.
- Let it cool down and repeat the procedure with the scraper and brushes.
- The preparation process is completed with the application of a fluorocarbon lubricant that matches the weather conditions.
- After that, the sliding surface should be treated with polishing brushes.

If you're using a fluorocarbon lubricant, it's best to have a second set of brushes. The brushes you are using on wax should not be used on fluorocarbon grease.

Competition ski primer.

In the fresh air, the plastic of the sliding surface of the skis begins to oxidize and loses its ability to absorb ointments. This can be seen from the resulting gray coating. To avoid this process, after cleaning the skis, a layer of ground paraffin should be applied.
Clean the surface of the ski from the old ointment with a brush. Preferably rotary, but any other is possible, but always with a metal pile. Don't be afraid to spend your time pre-finishing the surface of the ski with a fine rotary brass or steel brush. After such treatment, the surface of the ski will absorb the lubricant better, and the lubricant will last longer. For best results, treat the sliding surface with fibertex. It will smooth out small defects and burrs, and the ski surface will become more even.

Next, you need to apply a layer of soft paraffin to the surface of the skis. Ground wax or shipping wax is best, but you can use soft wax for warmer weather. Then you need to melt the paraffin with an iron at the temperature indicated in the instructions. Let the ski cool down and scrape and brush. First with a horsehair rotary brush, then with a fine metal bristle rotary brush. Instead of the latter, you can use a manual brush with a fine bristle. The treatment must be completed with a gray or white nylon brush.

The procedure described above is called hot ski cleaning. Soft wax is removed from the pores of the sliding surface along with old grease and dirt.

After cleaning, you can start priming the sliding surface. Paraffin of medium hardness is applied to the surface of the ski. Then it is given time to cool down. Residual paraffin is removed with a scraper and brushing is carried out as described earlier. This procedure can be repeated several times. The more times you apply paraffin, brush it, the better your skis will glide. With each repetition of the procedure, the paraffin will further enter the structure of the sliding surface of the ski, protecting it from oxidation. The brushing process is similar to the process of skiing, so the brushing process makes the skis smoother, which improves their glide.

The temperature that the sliding surface of the ski can withstand.

It is impossible to process a sliding surface with a temperature above 150 degrees. When the temperature is exceeded, the characteristics of the plastic change, it stops absorbing the new ointment. In such cases, the ski must be scraped off in order to open the pores in the upper layers of the plastic.

Do not set the iron to too high a temperature. Avoid smoke when melting paraffin. Heat the ointment with an iron from the middle to the toe and heel of the ski. The risk of plastic burning is higher where the thickness of the plastic is the least. The instructions for each product should indicate the desired temperature.

How the ski surface warms up when using a rotary cork and brushes.

Remember that the iron must be in constant motion. The same applies to the rotary plug. Treat the surface at low speed first. Then repeat the procedure at high speeds. The surface of the ski after processing should be warm, but not hot.

When to ski cycle.

There are many cases where the sliding surface of the ski oxidizes. Therefore, the ointment is not properly absorbed into the sliding surface. But skis can always be cycled by removing a layer of plastic and applying a new structure. Many skis deform after some time after grinding. The surface becomes very uneven, which leads to a significant deterioration in sliding. In such cases, it is better to re-sand the ski and remove the old structure.

Handling skis prepared for competitions.

If you finished preparing your skis just the night before, then before the competition itself, it is better to brush them again. Unbrushed skis will not give optimal glide.


The preparation of skis for skating and classic runs is significantly different, this is due to a number of features and specifics of both the skis themselves and the differences in the push-slide phases during these moves.

It is important when preparing skis that their surface must be dry, clean and at room temperature!

There is also a difference in the preparation of plastic and wooden skis (plastic also includes semi-plastic skis). Everything related to the use of paraffins (lubricants), powders, accelerators and other special means for preparation, is applicable only to plastic skis and skis with a plastic sliding base. As for the ointment, it is used equally on both wooden and plastic skis.

The selection of lubricant is a very complicated procedure, almost an art. Coaches and team lubricators spend months, if not years, gaining experience in handling and working with materials and accessories from various manufacturers. Unfortunately, their knowledge and experience is usually kept secret and shared only with teammates. But in many cities, service centers are already appearing (at the end), at ski bases and rentals, where ski preparation, for a purely nominal fee, is carried out by specialists. Of course, the cost of such a service will largely depend on the cost of the materials that were used for preparation, but on the other hand, a person will get great pleasure from skiing itself, receive competent advice, qualified ski care and remove the very problem of selecting lubrication and preparation.

For those who want to prepare skis on their own, there are some rules and recommendations outlined below. Basically, when selecting lubricants, they are guided by their financial capabilities, since often the quality of materials is determined by their price (although exceptions are possible).

The market for lubricants and service materials is becoming more saturated every year and the task of the sales assistant is to help the buyer choose the best option. It is generally accepted that the world leader in the production of lubricants is Swix (although it is very conditional and controversial). There are also such foreign brands as: “START”, “Briko” and many others, but all of them are distinguished by the high price of materials, with no guarantee of the best result. This is due to different climatic conditions “they have” and in Russia. After all, grease of the same brand, in different climatic zones, in different regions, at the same temperature and humidity, works completely differently, and sometimes does not work at all. Although it could show excellent results. All this equally applies to domestic lubricants. Their choice is not as great as the choice of imported ones, but their price is lower by several orders of magnitude, and the quality is sometimes not inferior, and sometimes even superior to imported counterparts.

Among them are: "LUCH" Yekaterinburg, "M VIS" Moscow, "ANCOR" Kirov. Of course, the eminent “Visti” N.Novgorod, which have been sales leaders in Russia for many years and are popular not so much because of the quality, but because of the price.

Skate run.

Due to the fact that the entire sliding surface of the ski “works” in the skating course, which is associated with the peculiarity of the push, therefore, the entire surface is subject to maintenance and processing. The preparation of skis for skating is as follows: paraffin is applied to dry, clean skis, to the entire sliding surface by rubbing, or, if the paraffin is refractory, it is better to apply it in a jet-drop from a hot iron, when the bar of applied paraffin is pressed against the sole of a heated service iron. Do not overheat the paraffin! After cooling, the paraffin is removed with a plastic scraper. The remains of small particles of paraffin are “torn out” from the pores of the plastic with a hard copper or synthetic brush. Then the surface is polished with a soft brush made of natural bristles. This procedure is necessary to give the fused paraffin particles a directional structure.

Classic move.

The complexity of preparing skis for a classic course lies in the need to use a holding ointment. Before applying it to the sliding ends of the skis (dry and clean), they apply a slip lubricant (paraffin) in the above order, while the block, or as it is also called, the cargo area, is left clean. This is due to the fact that the ointment applied to paraffin during the sliding process significantly loses its original qualities and, in addition, the duration of its action is reduced by an order of magnitude. Simply put, it simply “does not hold” and very quickly leaves the surface of the ski.

Ointment, like paraffin, is selected according to the temperature and humidity indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. It is applied by rubbing, not too thick, “under the block”, as some skiers say. Then the applied ointment is rubbed with a natural or synthetic cork until a shiny homogeneous film appears on the surface of the ski. You should not strongly “pull” the ointment on the surface of the skis either up or down.

It is possible to level the ointment with a service iron, while it must be clean (from paraffin residues), and not too hot so as not to overheat the ointment! In general, when selecting equipment, first of all, it is necessary to be based on the wishes of each client and his individual characteristics, such as the length of arms and legs, height and weight, and their proportional ratio. It is impossible not to note the decisive role of the client's financial capabilities in the selection of inventory, lubricants and accessories, because the “limited size of the wallet” will significantly narrow the choice of possible options and models from the proposed range. Therefore, the selection of equipment, inventory, lubricants and accessories is a creative process, but complex and time-consuming. Although it can be exciting both for the sales assistant (if he is well prepared) and for the buyer himself.

Shishkin Pavel Pavlovich
Kirov LLC “Ankor.Sport”.

Paraffin for ski lubrication is used to increase the glide moment. Regardless of the type of skis used, without the use of lubrication, their grip with snow will be too great for comfortable skiing. However, such grip is only necessary when the wheel is moving on the road. Skis should glide smoothly and softly.

Paraffins are mixtures of hydrocarbons that are obtained as a by-product during oil refining. The composition of paraffin mixtures may differ in the degree of viscosity. There are such types of paraffins:

  • Soft that melts at normal room temperature.
  • Solid, which requires heating up to 70 degrees Celsius to melt.
  • Crystalline paraffins, which undergo the process of crystallization when heated above 70 degrees.

The color of wax for skis by temperature: yellow +1 degree and above, red from 0 to +5 degrees, purple from 0 to -3 degrees, blue from -2 to -6 degrees, green from -5 to -25 degrees

By its properties, this substance is both a lubricant and a waterproof composition. They are added to various mixtures to acquire the necessary qualities. For example, petroleum jelly is produced on the basis of a substance obtained from oil refining products.

Paraffin is also used in lubricants for machinery. In various types of skiing, it has found application as a means of improving glide. Read also our article on what additional tools will be required.

Wax mixtures for ski waxing are usually divided into the following types:

  • For skiing at low temperatures below minus 12 degrees.
  • For snow skiing from minus 12 to minus 2 degrees.
  • Warm types used at temperature above minus 2 degrees.

The main substance on which the quality of sliding in warm weather depends is fluorine. For lubricants designed for warm weather, add more of it. The lower its content, the lower the temperature of the lubricant is designed. There are also all-weather lubricants that can be used regardless of weather conditions. For example, for use in the temperature range from 0 to 30 degrees. The composition of such a lubricant, in addition to fluorine, also includes silicone, various types of salts, metal oxides.

It is also worth noting that paraffins for ski lubrication can be produced in various forms.

Applying paraffin with an iron

This procedure can only be carried out with a liquid paraffin wax for skis. To carry it out, the surface of the skis on which the application is planned must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, snow and other substances that often fall on it during use. Then the skis should be dried well.

Application is in progress during the off-season. For this you need:

  • Heat a special iron for applying paraffin to a temperature of 150 degrees.
  • Apply or spray the paraffin mixture on the surface of the ski intended for sliding. In this case, one should take into account the fact that different methods of applying paraffin wax are used for different types of skis. Skate-type skis require lubrication of the entire sliding surface. For standard skis, only the beginning and end of the ski are lubricated, excluding its central part. Read about the types of cross-country skiing at.
  • Next, you should walk with an iron along the paraffin-covered surface of the ski in the direction from toe to heel.
  • After the paraffin coating procedure, the ski should cool down for at least 10 minutes. The temperature in the room should not be below 0 degrees Celsius.
  • A special brush should be walked over the lubrication layer.

The result of these actions is the penetration of heated paraffin into the pores of the material from which the ski is made, and by filling them evens out its entire sliding surface. Anything left on its surface should be removed with a brush.

To achieve an acceptable result, the whole process must be done about 10 times. The reason for this is that when cleaning excess paraffin with a brush, part of the necessary layer, which was in the surface irregularities, will also be removed. When coated with a paraffin mixture a number of times, the paraffin layer will be more dense and better compacted.

How to wax skis without an iron

It is not always possible to use an iron to cover skis with a paraffin mixture. Often this is hindered by a time limit, with the mandatory need for such lubrication.

For this purpose, ski lubricant manufacturers produce liquid waxes for skis, which do not require heat treatment for application. For this you need:

  • Dry the ski.
  • Scrub the slip layer thoroughly with a brush to remove dirt.
  • Wipe and let dry
  • Apply a small amount of lubricant.
  • Wait a short amount of time, about 3-5 minutes.
  • Rub the lubricant over the entire surface of the ski.
  • Let stand for about 10 minutes more

If the situation is such that there is too much lubricant, the excess amount is removed with a brush. But when applying the lubricant in a cold state, brushing at the last stage of application does not really matter.

Important! Many ski enthusiasts make the mistake of assuming that you can lubricate with cold paraffin right in between skiing. This layer will not last long. For high-quality application, at least one hour is required, as well as the presence of sunny weather or a warm room. A cold wax application will always be worse than a standard heat treatment.

Top Producers

According to ski enthusiasts, the best ski lubricants are the following:

  • Ray. It is considered a budget option for ski lubricant. Proper use depends on the conditions in which you plan to ride, as well as the correct choice of the appropriate lubricant.
  • Swix. The most popular lubricant among both amateur skiers and professional skiers. The line of lubricants of this company provides options for any temperature and weather conditions.
  • Vauchti (Vauhti). Liquid paraffins of this brand are very popular with skiers, as they do not require heat treatment before application. There are three types of lubricants in the paraffin data line: for wet snow and temperatures from +10 to -6 degrees, for new and wet snow and temperatures from +4 to -2 degrees and paraffin for cold snow and temperatures from -3 to -15 degrees .

Ski lubricants, even when properly applied, must be renewed on a sliding surface. Therefore, their correct and high-quality choice comes first.

See also a useful video on how to paraffin skis at home:

Also interesting

Everyone involved in skiing will say with confidence that the success and comfort of the upcoming skiing will depend on the quality preparation of equipment for riding. Having taken sports equipment for rent, you can not worry about its complete readiness. However, when purchasing new skis, you will have to ensure high-quality movement on the snow yourself. Having learned, and the classics, you can provide yourself with comfort while driving, and prolong the operation of the attribute.

In order to prepare your inventory for the race, you should follow some tips. The most popular and effective method for amateur and professional skiers is to apply a wax-like hydrocarbon lubricant to the equipment. For the skating method of movement, paraffin should be applied to the entire outer surface of the board, ensuring the safety of rolling and cohesion with snow.

  1. Plastic . It is smeared on a sports instrument cold.
  2. Dense waxy material. It is applied to the sole of the tool by melting with a special iron.

Ski preparation tools

For skating at home, it should begin with the preparation of the necessary tools:

  • ski ironing with a special sole and the necessary temperature parameters;
  • lubrication rack-profile for fixing sports equipment in a horizontal position;
  • a brushing set of brushes;
  • scraper or other steel tool for leveling and smoothing.

Ointments for skis

To lubricate the attribute, there are multi-creams and ointments, both imported and domestically produced. According to the composition of their basic formula, they are divided: homogeneous in chemical formula, obtained as a result of synthesis and complex. You can smear them for sliding or cohesion on the surface of the tool:

  • solid products used at temperatures from three degrees Celsius to forty-five degrees below zero;
  • semi-dense substances used at -2 - +2 degrees.

After applying the funds, when preparing skis for skating, the attribute is taken out to cool outside with sub-zero temperatures.

Why oil your skis

A device that allows a person to move freely in deep snow appeared long before the advent of our era. At the same time, for skiing even on a well-laid track, the ancestors applied lubricant to their tool. It was: fat, lard, beeswax and even resin. These actions did not bring the desired effect.

Everything changed dramatically with the creation of special creams, sprays and wax-like carbon lubricants. The preparation of a sports attribute for riding with the help of these substances ensures plastic movement.

Which skis do not need to be lubricated

The budget sports tool, which is made of special dense foam, is not lubricated. After all, it was created using a special technology that provides excellent glide. Lubricants are not completely absorbed into the surface of such equipment, so choosing any product is pointless.

How to lubricate skis at home

Before applying grease, you should find out the style of intended riding. It must be remembered that the smooth movement agent should not come into contact with the adhesive when applied on the surface.

How to oil plastic skis

A plastic attribute for snow riding enthusiasts is usually lubricated only with traction agents in the place where the shoes are fastened. This type of sports tool itself has sliding functions, so it is only smeared with ointments for good cohesion.

How and with what to lubricate semi-plastic skis

If the surface of the attribute is made of semi-plastic, then for temporary protection it must also be lubricated to avoid small cracks and punctures.

How to properly oil wooden skis

When processing wooden equipment, it is necessary to clean and degrease the surface with a brush or a hard sponge. All procedures must be carried out strictly at a temperature of +17 - +25 degrees.

  1. Coupling ointment is applied in layers, followed by rubbing each. After that, the tool is left to dry at a temperature of +8 - +10 degrees. Drying of the last layer should occur at a temperature of 0 - -10 degrees.
  2. Further, paraffin is applied to the upper and lower parts of the inventory, and the holding agent is centered. The substance is distributed on the board with a hot iron, where it is applied in advance. The device is carefully passed over the entire surface.
  3. Applying a scraper, excess of hardened wax is neutralized.
  4. Using a brushing set of special brushes, the material is polished.
  5. It is taken out in the cold for 3-5 hours, then for storage in the room.

How to oil combination skis

Equipment "combo" is designed for classic skiing with the possibility of transition to the move. Because of this, the attribute must be constantly relubricated depending on the upcoming riding style. For classic underboard skating, cohesion wax should be applied.

How to lubricate cross-country skis

For the treatment of running equipment, you can use special creams or aerosols, selected in accordance with the temperature outside the window.

Processing an instrument with hydrocarbon wax is difficult:

  1. Having fixed the attribute on the profile, apply wax on the board with a heating device, smoothing the layer.
  2. After cleaning the excess with a scraper, leave a layer of 1 millimeter.
  3. Apply the next layer of hydrocarbon wax.
  4. Determine in a cold place.

How to lubricate classic skis

Classic lovers should use a smooth ride along with a clutch, making sure they don't mix together.

The surface is cleaned, followed by the application of a slip agent. After that, the central part of the equipment is treated with a clutch cream. The actions are repeated again. The final procedure consists in polishing the boards.

How to oil skis for skating

When processing equipment for the technique of skating, only smooth movement is required. After a uniform application of the wax-like substance, the excess is removed with a scraper, the boards are polished.

How to grease skis

Having cleaned the surface of the sports instrument and, having sharpened the edges, repair all the cracks on the base with a special candle or a thermal gun. Apply hydrocarbon wax with an iron, followed by scraping and polishing.


Tips for newbies! Applying lubricants for the first time is quite difficult, so you should seek help from a specialist.

Do not forget that the process of cleaning dirt and grease from the surface of the instrument is the most important. The success of the entire procedure will depend on the quality of its implementation.