Float tackle for catching whitefish. How to catch whitefish in autumn. What kind of fish can be caught here

By “hegene” they mean a rig with many baits on side leashes, the so-called stake or garland, which is lowered to a depth with the help of a sinker. Usually a "hegene" has three to five, and in some cases more side leaders, the distance between them is from 20 to 80 cm, depending on the depth range that they want to cover with baits.

A special advantage of this gear is that it can be used to catch various depths relatively quickly and efficiently, especially in open water. In addition, you can try different colors and models of baits. Rigs with lures of various sizes are a rare exception. Is it true?

As a rule, the "garland" with lures itself should not be longer than the rod, otherwise there will be significant problems with pulling the fish. Today, almost exclusively artificial baits are used on the hegen rig, but it can be used to serve maggots, wax moth larvae, worms, and even bait fish.

For catching whitefish and char, as a rule, imitations of a mosquito larva (bloodworm) and its pupae - nymphs are used, and for catching perch even small vibrotails, twisters, wet flies and streamers. When rigging is slow, the whitefish takes the artificial imitation for a larva washed out of the ground or a pupa rising to the surface and, without fear, grabs it.

short twitch

With a typical bite of a whitefish, only a short twitch is felt. Sometimes there is none, and there is only a straightening of the rod tip. Sig often takes the nymph from below and, closing his mouth, makes a slight movement forward. You notice such a bite too late, and the fish spits out the bait with lightning speed.

Therefore, for fishing with a "garland" of flies, special, as light as possible rods with thin and soft tips are used, which make it possible to clearly notice cautious bites. For such fishing, they take a high-quality monofilament main line with a diameter of 0.18 to 0.22 mm. The sinker, depending on the depth and current, is chosen in the weight range between 2 and 20 g. In turn, the tip of the rod must be consistent with the weight of the sinker.

When fishing at depths of more than 20 m, thin braided fishing lines are also used. But due to the low extensibility of the material, the risk of fish coming off when playing is increased. Hard jerks and a whitefish's soft mouth make an unfavorable combination. Many fish are wasted due to too hard playing.

Formerly specialists in whitefish fishing, now in the program of some companies there are excellent whitefish rods with interchangeable tips. Depending on the test and the length of the stake, the rods range in length from 1.80 to 3.00 m. Both inertial and non-inertial reels are used - the main thing is that they be as light as possible and do not impair the balance of the rod.

Playing even with perfect tackle should not be forced too much. A large whitefish must still go wild in open water before it is brought to the boat. If he is frightened at the sight of the fisherman and once again makes an energetic attempt to escape, the danger that he will hook the tackle on the anchor rope and fall off the hook will be great. Smaller specimens can (albeit at the risk of breaking loose) be lifted into the boat, but larger fish will require a landing net.

The small head and slippery body of the whitefish make it almost impossible to pull it out of the water by hand. Only landing net with nylon monofilament mesh can be used. Everyone who has already had to untangle hooks and sink "hegene" from a fine knotless net will remember this for the rest of his life. The most common way to spot a flock is to look for boats that are already fishing. So there are whole clusters of boats, although, perhaps, this place is not so catchy.

Always in moving

The whitefish is an unusually mobile schooling fish that migrates to where the water temperature and oxygen content are favorable and where food is most abundant. In addition, he needs relatively clear water, because he hunts for his prey with the help of vision. Whitefish avoids too warm or highly turbid water.

Good whitefish places on the lake are the zones of mouths of rivers and streams. Quite large flocks of whitefish can be found over long flat areas with muddy, sandy or gravel soil, where mosquito larvae and other food animals live in large numbers.

As an accompanying catch here, depending on the reservoir, you can count on catching trout, perch and white fish. And aquatic plants indicate a rich forage supply. But, if the vegetation is too dense, fishing with a hegene rig can be difficult due to the large number of hooks. Promising is the activity of insects on the water surface. Where there is a flight of insects, it is worth trying to catch.

In each of the seasons, fishing has its own characteristics, which leave a lot of impressions for both professionals and amateurs. Even severe frost cannot force an avid fisherman to deny himself such a pleasure. There is no exception and catching a fairly large representative of salmon - whitefish.

Whitefish inhabits almost all regions of the northern hemisphere, so the range of whitefish, of which there are more than 50 species, is very wide. You can meet him both in Europe and in Siberia.

Most often, whitefish are caught up to 20 cm long, however, there are individuals even 60 cm long, while they weigh about 4.5 kg. Catching such a whitefish is a great success, and this fish can grow to such a size only in large reservoirs. But the capture of even a relatively small whitefish causes a sea of ​​emotions that are difficult to convey in words. Every self-respecting angler should try catching whitefish in winter and feel this incredible feeling when biting and playing whitefish.

Tackle for catching whitefish in winter

Going on a winter whitefish fishing, you must have the following set of gear:

  • bait;
  • baubles;
  • nod;
  • mormyshki.

As you can see, in winter whitefish are caught on simple tackle, not equipped with all sorts of additional tricks. Such equipment is easiest to handle in severe frosts. The fish are biting on both horizontal and vertical baubles, as well as mormyshka. The thickness of the fishing line should be no more than 0.12 mm, and it is not recommended to wind it with a large excess. Excessive meters of fishing line quickly freeze and get confused, giving the fisherman a lot of inconvenience. For catching whitefish in winter, you can use spinners of a yellowish or grayish tint, including universal "cigovs". If there are two hooks on the spinner, then their bends should be wrapped with red thread.

Rod for catching whitefish in winter

A winter rod for catching whitefish is used the most common, as long as it is convenient for you. The bite of the whitefish is powerful, so it is not difficult to feel it.

The diameter is a maximum of 0.15 mm, and it is better to take 0.12 mm. A nod of steel will do, as the lungs begin to vibrate in the wind; the lure should be 3–7 cm long, preferably narrow.

An integral attribute for catching whitefish in winter is a mormyshka, which you need to pick up in the form of a petal, a ball or a comma. Professional fishermen use a double device consisting of a small silver mormyshka and a fly located at a distance of 15 cm above it. Mormyshka is made mainly from the same material as the spinner, the best option would be one that makes frequent fluctuations. Hooks must be selected as sharp as possible, and you can fish both without a nozzle and with a nozzle. In the latter case, a ring is made from the wire, to which a dark-colored bead is attached with a fishing line. An artificial bait imitating the favorite whitefish is attached to the bend with a silicone stopper.

Winter bait and bait for whitefish

As bait for winter whitefish fishing, you can use:

  • mormysh;
  • bark beetle larva;
  • silicone vibrotail.

Probably the best bait for catching whitefish in winter is mormysh. At the sight of a mormysh, the whitefish cannot resist and pounces on the bait. It should be noted that mainly small-sized whitefish are caught on bloodworms, therefore it is recommended to lure gray nymphs, mayflies or amphipods. You can feed the fish with millet mixed with aromatic additives. Despite the fact that the predator does not mind eating the caviar of many species of fish, it is not recommended to use the caviar in the form of eggs. A smart predator will immediately suspect something is wrong, because spawning of most species occurs in autumn or spring.

Complementary feeding rules

The main thing in the process of catching whitefish in winter is to find a flock and keep it in one place as long as possible. To do this, a small amount of complementary food is thrown into the hole, the next portion of which is sent into the water after the previous one is out of sight. As a result, something like a vertical column of bait is formed - this method is much more attractive for fish than the accumulation of food at the bottom. Of course, this requires a lot of effort and attention from the fisherman, but the game is worth the candle.

A change in the bait regime has a good effect on the results of the catch, since it is much more difficult to play with bait in winter. To do this, different intervals are made between feed casts, and the size of the bait is regulated, for example, a small bloodworm is thrown first, then a large one. The oscillation of the nod that occurs in this case can have many causes - from touching the fishing line to jerks of the nozzle. It is very difficult to distinguish such movements from bites, and even an experienced angler cannot always cope with such a task.

Most often, if there are too many vibrations, then this means that the flock has risen from the bottom. This, in turn, requires the search for new fishing horizons empirically. You can determine the working level by noting the time between the next casting of bait and the oscillation of the nod. The operation is repeated many times with a gradual decrease in descent, which, like the place and time, must be remembered. Due to the stability of plankton migration, which feeds on whitefish, a well-established fishing scheme will be effective even a year later, next winter.

Whitefish fishing in winter

The main difficulty in winter fishing for whitefish is the right choice of fishing spot, especially if the reservoir is not familiar. Obtaining information from other fishermen is unreliable, as no one will give out good places. Therefore, you must rely on your own intuition and observation, guided by the old holes and coastal relief. To study the bottom, sometimes you have to make more than a dozen holes at a decent distance from each other. You need to stop where there is a stone ridge or differences in the height of the bottom.

Whitefish prefer clear water with a high salt content, staying most of the time in the middle and upper layers of the water. However, in winter, it is preferable to choose deep water, since the fish, straying into large flocks, are at the bottom of underwater pits. The recommended depth for fishing is three to five meters. The bite in deeper places may be somewhat delayed, but as a result, the catch will live up to expectations.

Small individuals tend to stay closer to the shore, feeding on daphnia, caddis flies and bloodworms. Larger representatives head to the shore in the evening or early morning. For those who do not want to fish at random, an alternative option would be a paid reservoir. At the same time, the guards of the territory can tell about especially successful sectors of the reservoir, as well as about the behavior of the fish and the methods of feeding it. If the place for winter whitefish fishing is determined correctly, the bite will continue throughout the day.

Whitefish bite

Sig is a smart, greedy predator that swims diagonally with lightning speed to the bait, abruptly grabs it in the position lying on its side, and then quickly sinks to the depth. When swallowing the bait, the angler feels a significant push, and here you need not to miscalculate the time, hooking exactly at the moment the individual attacks the bait. It is advisable to remove the fish caught on the hook from the working horizon so as not to frighten off the entire flock. The craving for survival of the whitefish is simply huge, so it will resist for a long time, which often leads to going off the hook. In the case of large specimens, the participation of two people will be useful, one of whom leads the fish, and the other at this time brings the landing net. Having brought to the hole, it is desirable to stun the prey and carefully pull it out onto the ice.

When fishing for whitefish in winter, the lure game begins at the bottom, after which the entire water column will gradually be involved. Flashing is done at intervals of a few seconds, in the absence of a bite, the fishing line is reeled up and the procedure is repeated. Periodically, the lure must be stopped or replaced with a vertical lure, which will help raise the entire flock. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the uniformity of illumination and observe complete silence, otherwise the sensitive signal will disappear as quickly as it appeared. The scales of the caught fish should not fall into the hole, otherwise the brothers will follow it to the depth.

The story of the grayling on the first ice

The weather this year in our North is simply unpredictable. Early frosts, which in mid-October were below -20 C, quickly covered small rivers and lakes with ice. Not far from the city of Mezen, in the Arkhangelsk region, a small forest river called Pyya flows, which fans of ice fishing drop in during the entire winter period. I am no exception among fishing enthusiasts and have also fished on it before. The river is interesting because it has a small width, its depth is not more than a meter. The tides affect the water level. The fish "living" in it are grayling, ruff and a little whitefish. The current is not very strong, except during the period when a large amount of water flows into the river at high tide. At the same time, part of the water spills onto ice, which grows rapidly in frosts.

At the end of winter, it becomes impossible to fish on it, as the thickness of the ice becomes greater than the length of the ice screw.

On October 25, I met a neighbor who managed to go to this river in the morning. He boasted of a good catch, which caused me an attack of white envy. In the evening I called Alexei, my constant partner on fishing and hunting. Consent followed immediately. We agreed to leave in the dark so that we could be there by dawn. How long does it take for a fisherman to get together? All gear is in order from last season, the worms are prepared, in the morning tea in a thermos, a few sandwiches and go!

We left on Alexei's snowmobile, I was in a sleigh. All 11 km to the river seemed like a living hell. There was very little snow in the swamps and in the forest, everything was frozen, it was shaking just incredibly. Only the anticipation of the first ice fishing filled with excitement. But everything ends sometime.

When we arrived at the river, it turned out that it was impossible to go down to the ice on a snowmobile. The banks are quite steep, and there is little snow, so there was no convenient descent. After walking 300 meters on the ice, we stopped at a small “saucer”, where we usually catch grayling. The absence of holes gave hope that the place was not fished and one could count on luck. It was easy to drill the ice, its thickness did not exceed 10 cm. Having made 4 holes each, they baited and lowered the fishing rods. As soon as I lowered the first one and began to prepare the second rod, a sharp bite immediately followed. Did not have time. Hoping that the grayling had not gone far, he began to twitch it slightly. A bite followed almost immediately, but the grayling did not catch on again. We put up 4 fishing rods and began to wait. Bites occurred on those gear, near which we were not.

Analyzing the situation, we came to the conclusion that the fish sees us. This place where we settled was not covered with snow, and we fished on an area with bare ice.

From time to time the grayling pecked, it was inconvenient to run to the fishing rod on the slippery ice, it was especially difficult to stop. But the catch gradually increased. It was interesting to pull out the grayling, you could see it under the ice even a couple of meters before the hole.

Two bites were very powerful. Grayling dragged his fishing rods into the water, and only a lucky chance saved our gear. As usual, the largest fish remained in the river. In total, we caught 16 graylings weighing from 150 to 300 grams. In this river there are also quite large specimens. Closer to dinner, a weak snowstorm began, the biting practically stopped and we went home.

I have been using small mormyshkas as bait for several years now. From below they are copper and brass in color, from above they are covered with lead. They have a decent weight that can handle the current. A little higher, on an additional leash, I tie various flies, both on a tee and on a single hook. The color of the flies is green, red and brown. According to many years of observations, grayling prefers this coloring. I use a fishing line no more than 0.2 mm. The nozzle is usually an earthworm, which we try to prepare for the whole winter, maggot and bloodworm. Sometimes we use bait. The real village cottage cheese is considered the best. It is very difficult to get it, although we live in a rural area. Grayling completely ignores cottage cheese from the store in packs.

A few days later, a thaw set in, all the snow and ice on the rivers and lakes melted. We went hunting for hares along the black trail, but that's another story. It's just that in over 40 years of fishing experience, there has never been such consistency in hunting and fishing.

Features of fishing on the Amur

  • About the Amur River ⇩
  • What kind of fish can be caught here? ⇩
  • What gear should be used? ⇩
  • Features of fishing in different seasons ⇩
  • In winter ⇩
  • In the spring ⇩
  • Summer ⇩
  • In autumn ⇩

The Amur is a great river that flows through the territory of the Russian Far East. From the point of view of fishing, this river is very interesting, but the greatest attention of fishermen is riveted to the Lower Amur: here this river is full-flowing and there are a lot of fish in this place.

In this material, we will tell you what kind of fish you can catch in the Amur, what gear you need to use for this, and also what are the features of fishing in different seasons: summer, autumn, winter and spring.

About the Amur River

The Amur River flows in the Far East in East Asia. The length of this river is 2824 kilometers.

The name of the river comes from the base "amar", "damur" - "big river". The Chinese called the Amur River "Heihe", or "black river", and then "Heilongjiang" - "black dragon river". According to legend, in ancient times, a good black dragon living in the river defeated an evil white dragon that drowned fishing boats.

As a result, the black winner remained to live at the bottom of the river in the Khingan cheeks region, located on the border of the Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions. Therefore, this river got its name: "River of the Black Dragon."

The Mongols called the Amur "Amur Khara-Muren", which translates as "black wide river".

River basin Amur is located on the territory of three countries:

  • Russia (995 thousand km², more than 50% of the total area of ​​the basin),
  • China (44.2%),
  • Mongolia (1.8%).

What kind of fish can be caught here?

In terms of fish diversity, the Amur holds the palm among many Russian rivers.

More than 100 species and subspecies of fish are found in this reservoir, of which more than 35 are commercial.

So, in the Amur you can catch the following types of fish:

  • Far Eastern brook lamprey and Pacific lamprey,
  • Kaluga
  • Amur sturgeon and Pacific (Sakhalin) sturgeon,
  • Siberian sterlet,
  • Keta,
  • Pink salmon,
  • red salmon,
  • coho salmon,
  • Sima,
  • Kamchatka salmon,
  • Malma,
  • Kunja,
  • common taimen,
  • Lenok,
  • Ussuri (Amur) whitefish,
  • Sig-hadars,
  • Amur grayling,
  • Asian smelt, as well as alorot river smelt,
  • fish noodles,
  • Amur pike,
  • Ide (otherwise it is called the Amur chebak),
  • Far Eastern rudd (otherwise - Ugai or Brandt's rudd),
  • Black and white cupids,
  • Lake minnow, as well as Manchurian lake minnow,
  • Minnow of Chekanovsky, minnow of Chersky and minnow of Lagovsky (or Amur minnow),
  • Chinese minnow,
  • common minnow,
  • Amur flat-headed (red-finned) asp,
  • Chinese Aphiocypris,
  • mustachioed chub,
  • Amur chebachok,
  • Various types of minnows: Siberian, Lena, Soldatov's minnow, Amur white-finned (long-whiskered), Khankinskin, chebak-shaped (Amur), sloth minnow Cherskog, sloth minnow, as well as Chinese (Amur) false minnow, Chinese lizard minnow, Amur nosy minnow, eight-whiskered gudgeon,
  • Vladislav,
  • Gubar horse,
  • Motley (spotted) horse,
  • Amur black belly (podust black belly),
  • Small-scaled yellowfin,
  • Black and white Amur bream,
  • Mongolian khanodichthys,
  • common skygazer,
  • Mongolian krasnoper ("sungarik"),
  • Gorbushka,
  • Bleak (or Amur sharp-breasted),
  • Vostrobelly: common, Ussuri, Buinnur, Korean,
  • zheltoshchek,
  • Amur troegub (trigub),
  • Gorchaki: ordinary, prickly, Khankai, Laita bitterness,
  • common silver carp,
  • Amur-Chinese carp,
  • White silver carp (crowd),
  • Pied silver carp (large-headed),
  • Usan char (Siberian char),
  • Eastern (Amur) loach,
  • Far Eastern lefua (or - eight-whiskered char),
  • Amur (Manchurian) leptobotia,
  • ordinary spike,
  • Som Soldatova,
  • Amur catfish,
  • Killer whales: squeaky killer whale, Ussuri (lash), Brazhnikov's killer whale (malach, or blue), Herzenstein's killer whale and baby killer whale,
  • Perch-auha (Chinese),
  • common zander,
  • common perch,
  • painted buttercup,
  • Rotan head,
  • Eleotris,
  • Japanese goby, striped three-toothed and Amur gobies,
  • Southern flathead sculpin (or Far Eastern slingshot),
  • Amur sculpin,
  • Spotted sculpin,
  • Burbot,
  • Far Eastern saffron cod (or wakhna),
  • snakehead,
  • Three-spined stickleback and nine-spined (small) Amur stickleback,
  • Starry (Pacific river) flounder,
  • Striped polar flounder,
  • Loban.

Often fish caught in the Amur on the body has damaged areas and ulcers. This fish is not recommended for consumption.

What gear should be used?

What tackle to take with you for fishing depends on the time of year.

So, according to fishermen, in the spring, preference should be given to:

  • float rod,
  • bottom gear,
  • spinning.

Features of fishing in different seasons

in winter

For lovers of ice fishing, this river opens up truly unlimited possibilities. On the Amur, freezing begins in November, and the ice stays until April-May.

You can fish here in any weather, and even in spite of severe frosts, there can be excellent catches here.

So, if the day is clear, you can catch:

  • pike,
  • taimen,
  • lenka,
  • whitefish,
  • bream.

The first three representatives, as a rule, are caught on live bait and bait, and bream and whitefish - on a winter float rod.

In the upper reaches of the Amur, where the river does not freeze in winter, grayling is drawn on the Bologna line.

Basically, in winter, fishermen on the Amur use simple gear, for example, a wooden fishing rod about half a meter long with a small reel and lure. At the same time, some anglers make their own fishing rods.

The main thing is to pick up a catchy lure. Homemade spinners are also very popular.

The size of the catch depends on the fisherman: some manage to catch a lot of specimens, including trophy ones, while others only a couple of dozen. As a rule, whitefish are caught as by-catch.


Active fishing for predatory fish begins immediately after the ice drift - in April-May. At this time, you can catch:

  • carp,
  • carp,
  • taimen,
  • lenkov,
  • whitefish

Carp are caught on a float rod - hungry individuals greedily grab prey. Such fishing is especially effective in the morning and during the day.

Also, during the spring, with special luck, you can catch bream, whitefish, carp, and burbot on a float fishing rod, but most often at this time this fish is caught on donkeys, using bread pellets, fish slices, and a worm as bait.

Also, on a fishing rod with a float, where there are fish slices or a worm as bait, you can catch a catfish or a killer whale.

In the spring, lenok and taimen are actively caught for spinning, usually fishermen come for this fish to the mountain tributaries of the Amur. And in the riverbeds you can find:

  • amur pike,
  • skygazer,
  • horse,
  • burbot,
  • whitefish


With the onset of summer, silver carp perfectly catches on a float rod, remaining in the bays and in shallow water after spawning. He is caught with a worm or barley. You can also catch carp weighing 1-2 kilograms on corn.

When using bottom gear, catfish, killer whales, and small pikes often come across to the worm.

Closer to autumn, salmon come into the Amur, so the “high season” for fly-fishermen begins.


The most active fishing on the Amur begins with the arrival of the autumn months.

It is during this period of time that chum salmon, pink salmon and other salmon rise in the river for spawning.

At this time, on the feeder, using a worm as bait, you can catch:

  • bream,
  • carp,
  • carp,
  • burbot.

Spinning along with fly fishing is a true autumn tackle on the Amur. You can catch quite a trophy specimen:

  • pike,
  • yellow cheek,
  • lenka,
  • taimen,
  • skygazer.

During the autumn months, a spinning rod can be caught around the clock, using wobblers during the day, and at night using artificial mouse lures that imitate the movements of small rodents.

In October-November, burbot and whitefish, as well as asp, are very active.

Fishing on the Amur River is wonderful at almost any time of the year, moreover. You can treat yourself to catching trophy specimens. And if the catch suddenly did not turn out to be too rich, then just relaxing in these most beautiful places will bring a lot of pleasure.

Read also:

Fishing along the shores of the White Sea

Of all our northern seas, the White Sea is the most accessible for visiting due to its relatively small distance and good transport links. Its coast, with high granite rocks, bays, bays, coniferous and deciduous forests, life-giving sea air, is especially attractive.

The flora and fauna of the White Sea is diverse and quite plentiful. There are up to 470 species of plants, 800 species of invertebrates, more than 60 species of fish. The main habitats of fish in the White Sea are the coastal zones of the sea with depths of up to 20-30 m, especially rich in flora and fauna, which is conducive to sport fishing.

In the sea, twice a day, the tidal current is replaced by an ebb tide. The height of the tides on average does not exceed 2-3 m, and only in places close to the exit to the Barents Sea, they reach 7 m. At this time, fish approach the coastline especially intensively and are better caught on sports gear.

According to its depths, bottom relief, different salinity, and therefore different distribution of fish, the White Sea is not homogeneous. The number of marine species of plants and animals is sharply reduced in the heavily desalinated Dvina, Mezen and Onega bays. There are no typical marine fish here: cod, haddock, catfish, saithe, etc. But in the Kandalaksha Bay and near the northern shores of this sea, with their more saline waters, many purely marine, brackish fish live and enter from the Barents Sea.

Hunting for such high-sporting and valuable fish as salmon and trout is exceptionally exciting. These are large marine, migratory fish that live part of their life in the ocean, and go to rivers for spawning. Sport fishing for these fish in the rivers is prohibited, and only in the sea they can be caught with sports gear. The average weight of salmon is 8 kg and the largest is 18, the largest weight of the related trout is 12 kg.

These fish keep at relatively shallow depths of the coastal zone of the sea, standing between bottom irregularities. Their approach to the shore intensifies during periods of high tidal waters and winds from the sea. High waters contribute to their massive movement into or out of rivers. This time is the most convenient for fishing.

You can successfully catch salmon and trout in the coastal waters of the sea near almost all rivers, but especially on the Karelian, Kandalaksha and Tersk coasts of the White Sea. For fishing, you need a sufficiently strong spinning tackle or sea hook tackle "tyrant". The latter is especially successful if luminous and noisy (with pellets embedded inside) underwater floats are used.

Baits are lures with increased acoustics or animal baits: shrimp, sandworms, small fish, etc., and various aromatic baits (liquid animal fats or vegetable oils) that especially affect the very finely developed sense of smell in these fish.

One of the most valuable salmon fish, nelma, also lives in the White Sea. True, this fish has already become quite rare, but still sometimes falls for the bait. The nelma spends most of its life in the coastal desalinated waters of the sea, where it feeds mainly on small fish. In the sea, nelma does not make significant migrations and usually does not go beyond the bays located at the mouths of large rivers.

Nelma reaches a length of up to 140 cm and a weight of up to 40 kg, but usually its length is up to 1 meter and weight is up to 12 kg. Nelma is a very cautious fish; it feeds more at dawn and at night. It is caught by spinning, on the track, by sheer gleam. Small fish are used as bait, and spinners are small, oscillating, interspersed with light composition.

Whitefish in the White Sea is found along the entire coast, but in small quantities, with the exception of certain places where it is especially abundant, for example, off the Karelian coast, in the Kandalaksha Bay. Inhabits pre-estuary areas and lower reaches of rivers. The average length of a whitefish is 30 cm and weight 500 g. Fish weighing up to 3 kg come across.

It is caught by whitefish with bottom and fly fishing gear; baits are shrimp, sea and earthworms, mollusks, and when fly fishing - various insects, as well as small white wood worms. White Sea vendace, up to 23 cm long, belongs to whitefish. It lives in the deltaic spaces of the sea and lower reaches of rivers. Caught by float and bottom rods. The bait is the caviar of various fish, especially the lumpfish.

Herring is the most numerous schooling fish in the White Sea, it is the main commercial fish, but it is also caught with sports gear - on very small hooks, and fish caviar serves as baits. They catch herring with the eyes of a petty tyrant.

Cod is a fish of particular interest in terms of sport. It lives and spawns mainly in the Kandalaksha Bay, near the Karelian and Tersky coasts, the waters of which are highly saline.

This fish is caught both from the deep coast and from the boat, at some distance from the coast, at great depths. They catch from the shore using a rod, and from a boat - holding the fishing line with their hand and supporting it all the time. Cod are especially well attracted by the vibrations of the lure. Natural bait-baits are also used: pieces of fish, sandworms, etc. But these baits also need to be supported - this makes fishing more effective. Cod comes across in size from 25 to 70 cm.

Haddock is well caught by the sheer gleam. It differs from cod only in that it has large black spots on its sides, under the first dorsal fin, below the lateral line. Haddock, like cod, is a bottom fish, purely marine, not enduring strong desalination; reaches a weight of up to 9 kg, length - up to 70 cm.

Of the other cod fish, especially in winter, there are saffron cod, as well as small saithe and polar cod fish. They are caught with float and bottom fishing rods, as well as with a petty tyrant, using small hooks with a nozzle from sea or earthworms (in winter they use dried worms collected in autumn). Navaga is caught using narrow, short (5-8 cm) pieces of white oilcloth as bait.

There are five varieties of flounder in the White Sea. Of these, three species - river flounder, polar and ruff - belong to local fish and are found in almost all areas of the sea. Two other species, the sea flounder and the ruff flounder, come from the Barents Sea in the summer for fattening. Flounder is caught with float rods and petty tyrants, on small hooks, with the nozzle of a Nereis worm, which can be found in abundance on sandbanks at low tide.

Of sporting interest is catching large bottom fish - catfish. It lives in areas where the waters are less desalinated. Catfish lead a solitary lifestyle. Sometimes fish up to 80 cm long are caught. Catfish feed on mollusks, crabs, shrimp, sea urchins, stars and other invertebrates, and occasionally they catch small fish.

Catfish have strongly developed conical and chewing teeth, which serve to crush and grind the dense skeletons of mollusks, echinoderms and crustaceans. Catching catfish with bottom rods begins in May; at this time, fish appear in coastal waters at shallow depths (10-15 m).

The rest of the time they stay much deeper, where it is already difficult to catch them. When fishing, it is necessary to use a steel leash; catfish easily bites other leashes. Catfish meat is very tasty, and large caviar is slightly inferior to chum salmon.

Caviar is also very tasty in lumpfish, which is successfully caught at shallow depths in coastal waters. There are also such fish as snake-like eelpout, smelt, capelin, goby, gerbil, sea bass is less common. In the mouths of the rivers, you can also catch various freshwater fish; rather large pikes are especially often caught.

Sharks and rays are found in the White Sea, but they are among the rare fish in this sea. Only in the funnel and throat of the White Sea, as well as in the Mezen Bay, sharks stay almost all year round, and often in large numbers. Sport fishing for sharks is very interesting, it is carried out with strong sports tackle, with lures from fish meat, seals, and especially with pieces of seal or other animal fat.

For anglers-athletes, two main routes can be recommended. In the first case, from Arkhangelsk, by regular steamer, you need to sail to the Winter, Tersky or Lyamitsky coast of the White Sea. In the second case, the train "Moscow - Murmansk" or "Leningrad - Murmansk" will deliver to the coast to the south or north of Belomorsk. The railroad passes at the very shore of the Onega Bay, and the fisherman, leaving the train, will immediately find himself on the seashore.

Or from the Kem station they get to the seashore by transferring to a local train (Rabocheostrovsk). Here you can fish both near the shore and go out on a boat into the sea. From Rabocheostrovsk you can make a very interesting boat trip to Solovetsky Island. Such a trip is interesting not only for the opportunity to fish in the coastal areas of the sea or the numerous freshwater lakes on the island, but also to get acquainted with the architecture of the ancient Solovetsky Monastery.

From Chupa station by bus (or on foot - 4 km) you can get to the village of Chupa-Pristan, located in the depths of a long, deep and very picturesque fjord - Chupa Bay. This fiord stretches for about 30 km and goes into the Kandalaksha Bay. From Chupa, small boats go regularly to the village of Keret; in two hours you can get to the Keret lumber mill and the village near it.

There is excellent fishing and interesting places for walking. You can also fish well in other places on the coast, leaving at other stations following the Chupa north to Kandalaksha itself. From Kandalaksha on the ships of the local shipping company you can get to the Kandalaksha and Tersky coasts. On the Kandalaksha coast, it is especially interesting to visit the village of Umba.

Thus, there are many good places for sport fishing on the shores of the White Sea!

  1. Whitefish (species description, characteristics, habitats and hunting)
  2. Whitefish Lures (common whitefish baits and lures)
  3. Fishing tackle and whitefish fishing (types of tackle and equipment used in fishing)
  4. Tactics for catching whitefish (tips, ways to catch whitefish in rivers and lakes)
  5. Fishing for whitefish in winter (tips from fishermen and winter fishing for whitefish).

Description of the whitefish.

Sig is the flagship of commercial fishing of the salmon family. The whitefish is an absolute predator and, for its rapid growth and gluttony, is considered the main cleaner of water bodies from weedy fish species. The presence of whitefish in the reservoir basin makes it more environmentally friendly.

The body of the whitefish has good dynamic qualities in the water. Sig is indeed an excellent swimmer, but only when chasing prey. That is, this is a sprinter who, at the moment of attacking the victim, can squeeze out all the strength and speed from his body for a short time. But when it comes to morale, this fish has the weakest resistance to angler resistance.

Some biologists argue that this happens in whitefish mainly due to paralyzing fear. Others, especially fishermen, argue that the hook, caught in the soft part of the throat, causes unbearable pain, forcing him to obey the fisherman when playing, to go obediently into the landing net. But the Volga fishermen still claim that the whitefish never tries to slip out of the nets, like other fish. So it seems that this is not the pain of the hook, but some kind of peculiarity in the very behavior of the fish. But what, many still can not understand.

The length of a whitefish can reach 130 cm and weigh up to 6 kilograms. There were individuals weighing up to 7-9 kg. Its body has two dorsal fins typical of a predatory fish. They are covered with dark spots and stripes. The first has sharp spiky rays. Second ordinary. The scales are hard and firmly attached to the skin. The head is conical with a large mouth and strong jaws, studded with small sharp teeth, among which the upper and lower needle fangs stand out.

The back is dark gray-green, the sides are gray-brown, which brighten up the dull white belly. Like perch, the sides are covered with darkish wide stripes. Some of these stripes run through the dorsal and caudal fins. Whitefish juveniles have a thin and long body. This silhouette is preserved up to 40-50 cm, but then it begins to grow in width and becomes larger by sexually mature age.

Where does this predator live? These are deep clean and clear waters with rocky, gravel or sandy bottoms. In nature, whitefish is found in rivers and estuaries of large rivers flowing into the northern seas. For spawning, the whitefish goes far from the place where the river flows into the sea.

Some species of this fish have chosen sea bays and places where rivers flow. The most important requirement for the life and activity of this species is clean, oxygenated water, with sufficient depth and a large number of weedy fish with an elongated body. The last requirement of this large predator is important, because the throat of the whitefish is narrow.

Compared to other predators, this hunter has huge eyes with which he sees well in almost complete darkness. Therefore, it is an excellent night hunter. Thus, on clear sunny days, we can only meet him in the morning or evening hunting in shallow water. See if the weather is cloudy, he can be active during the day. But these are usually exceptions in the life of a whitefish. If, for some reason, he is very hungry or fat before spawning.

Whitefish fishing.

Bait for catching whitefish.

Sig does not stop feeding even in winter. Its natural food is bleak, minnow, rudd, perch and other narrow-bodied fish. It is best to use fish up to 2 cm in diameter and about 6-8 cm long as bait. Sig likes light colors of the bait, since this color is more familiar to him in nature.

In other waters, it can only be caught with minnows or similar baits. It can often be caught on a dead fish or pieces of a larger one. Dung and earthworms are suitable only for early spring, or catching juvenile whitefish. In some European countries, anglers use crab meat, freshwater mussels and freshwater shrimp for bait.

In river fishing for whitefish, the classic jig heads with a round shape are still the best bait. Usually, compact heads are chosen, thanks to which the game of fish or silicone baits looks more alive. One of the best colors for whitefish fishing lures are combinations of reflective orange and shades of beige-yellow.

Probably, there are no such fishermen who do not prefer to catch whitefish over other predators. It is no secret that a large number of whitefish are caught in the net. For real fishermen, this is poaching. The real fisherman always prefers the classic methods, in which the pleasure of fishing is indispensable. Whitefish spend most of the year in the lower part of deep places on rivers and lakes, especially near dams, so it is important to know how and where to catch large whitefish.

Correct choice of depth.

To know the required depth, you need to know approximately the places where the fish gather, where they gather in flocks for feeding. With a channel depth of up to 20 meters, the bait wiring must be done at a depth of 3.5 meters. The total depth is up to 10 m, the wiring is from 5 to 2.5 m. in April and May from 2.5 to 3.5 m - for summer fishing for whitefish in the areas of dams, locks and other hydraulic structures.

For most rivers with an average depth of 6 meters, including in winter. From 3.5 to 6.5 m - for reservoirs in summer and early autumn. For most rivers with an average depth of 10-12 meters. From 6.5 to 11 meters - in early spring and late autumn. From 11 to 19.5 meters - for late autumn and winter in rivers with a maximum depth of 30 meters or more. Most often, whitefish, with the exception of juveniles, are in a flock at the same depth. In rare cases, the whitefish may be at different depths, which must also be taken into account. If you find that the fish is at a depth of 6.5 m, for example, you need to study the irregularities at that depth. Fishing at depths above and below 6.5 meters can be successful.

Water level and transparency.

If the water level rises significantly and the shore is slightly flooded, it is not a good time to fish for whitefish. Sustained low levels in the river lead to high performance in big whitefish hunting. If the water level in some river is lower than in others, it makes sense to catch whitefish in it. In spring and early summer, whitefish migration literally obeys a certain level of a river or lake.

If you know approximately where the fish comes to a certain level, you can always hunt large whitefish trophies. In addition, there are lakes and areas of reservoirs in which the fish react to the changed level. For example, after heavy rains, most whitefish appear below dams on rivers. You should not pay special attention to the transparency of water. In the spring and in muddy water, catching whitefish is just as relevant as in clear water.

Fishing season for whitefish and water temperature.

Whitefish are caught 12 months a year. There are cases of good biting in February and December. Thus, understanding the best time to fish is not worth it. Whitefish are known to be most active in mid-October, but there may be a different month in different regions. Only if you have experience can you be in the right place at the right time. The activities of white fish can be seen in three examples: the places where bites occur, the average size of the fish caught and the catch of the trophy. It can even be assumed that it is easier to spot a large whitefish on the river.

This fish prefers a hard bottom, but sometimes the whitefish feels good in places with a muddy bottom. Type of bottom soil: clay, stone or sand? In some special cases, the whitefish likes soil, which is less in the pool area. For example, if the river bottom is mostly sand, it stays in the area of ​​a clay patch or near a rock. Underwater relief is preferred for a predator, especially for whitefish, these are exclusively underwater hills, bends and folds of the bottom. But whitefish are also successfully caught in areas with a relatively flat bottom.

Significance of underwater vegetation for whitefish.

If the bottom has grass or algae, at any depth, whitefish are unlikely to be caught. This is possible only in April-May, during spawning. In such places, most likely you will catch pike. And where the pike lives, the whitefish bypasses such places. Usually there is no grass and algae in the area of ​​bridges, power plants and similar places. In the mouths of rivers, streams, reservoirs, before the narrowing and expansion of the river, in places where the river is artificially widened, near the islands in the middle of the river.

Bream swarms are a clear sign that there are whitefish in the pool. In some waters, a whitefish can be a companion carp. In autumn, winter and spring, trophy specimens of whitefish came across when catching carp, bream, pike and pike perch. Whitefish easily get along with other large peaceful fish. Large individuals of different species easily get used to each other.

Fishing tackle for whitefish.

For whitefish fishing, we need a reliable telescope of 3-4 meters, with a test of 40-80 grams. The reel is meant - the middle class for playing large fish. It is best to use a braid with a thickness of up to 0.20. The strength of the fiber, however, should not be less than 4-5 kg.

The length of the leash should not be closer than 50-60 cm from the sinker. Hook if single No. 4 - No. 2, if double - from No. 8 to No. 4. For triplets, the numbers are much smaller.

When fishing with a float rod, the use of the classic float setting is only suitable when fishing for whitefish at a depth of up to 3.5 m. The advantage is obvious when using a light float with a small antenna and a small body. This dulls the vigilance of the predator.

For deeper places and a more versatile approach is to install a sliding float. Here we put the leash, and we install a carabiner for a quick replacement of the float if necessary. Put the upper limiter in the place where we want our system to catch only the selected layer. This way, our bait does not fall to the bottom, and can be close to it, or more vertical.

Ways to catch whitefish.

Jig fishing.

One of the most common tactics for river whitefish fishing is boat fishing. The boat can drift or be anchored. Obviously, most fishermen are sure that it is best when the boat is drifting. Indeed, this is a great way to find predators that follow different routes in search of food. But in the case when the fish is on the stretch of the river, and in situations where the predator is moving up or downstream, the right anchorage can bring you many more trophies. But this is the case if the water is clean and transparent.

We must always remember that fishing from a boat at anchor only on rare days is not successful. And most often unsuccessfully drift on a boat, trying to catch a whitefish on a lure or a wobbler. The best time to fish for whitefish is in the morning. At this time, the whitefish is most active and receptive to jigs. There is an opinion that when the water is high, the whitefish keeps to the left edge of the current, near small drops at the bottom and not far from the coast. With very high and muddy water, whitefish leaves such places downstream.

Also in some places, anglers use white silicone lures in combination with other bright colors. These colors are especially relevant for winter whitefish fishing, when the water is very clear.

There are several specific settings for dead fish used as bait. The first is simple, hook on the dorsal fin. We must wait for the bait to fall to the bottom and periodically twitch, simulating the movements of a wounded fish. Be sure to make pauses and delays in the game of bait.

The second method is known as the "Drašković system". The system was used for the first time by the discoverer Albert Drašković in 1967 and since then, using his experience, a huge number of large predators have been caught. In his method, the installation of a special system of steel wire, bent like a large pin, is used. Its front end captures the main weight of the bait and allows you to cast it up to 40 meters.

In this method, two tees and an additional thin copper wire wrapping the fish around the entire length are fastened to a metal pin. A possible explanation for its effectiveness is the sightings of French fishermen underwater. They describe catching whitefish in this way in an interesting way. A description of scuba divers watching a whitefish attack can be seen online.

In addition to the Draskovic method, in Russia, Scandinavia and England, dead fish are used in trolling. In both methods, the most important thing is the choice of a suitable place and time and the skill in casting the bait with a spinning rod that reacts and transmits the slightest vibrations. When biting, you should not wait until the predator begins to turn over the prey in its mouth. At the first hit, you should immediately hook, this is a feature in catching whitefish, compared to catching other predators.

In most cases, the whitefish, when capturing prey, squeezes it in his teeth until the fish stops fluttering. Only after that does he begin to turn the victim over for swallowing. All this time he is in motion, in which he passes 5-6 meters.

One of the best places to winter whitefish fishing is shallow water. But shallow water must be sought near the confluence of small rivers and streams into a river or lake. Rivers and streams provide a lot of water activity and more food for big and small fish. Quite a few rivers and streams still bring enough groundwater to the lake, even during the cold winter months, creating mud lines. Many anglers catch whitefish in these areas of mud streams not only in winter but also in summer. The only difference is that the mud lines are a bit harder to find and see in the winter.

In such places, you have to be extremely careful. The ice is usually much thinner here, even though it can be the middle of winter. Ice conditions can change, so it's important to be aware of your surroundings when ice fishing. Once the ice conditions are assessed, holes can be drilled. The diameter of the holes does not play a big role, it is made the same as for catching perch or zander.

After the holes are drilled, it is worth taking a walk around and looking into the holes to see how they look. Are some of the holes clear and transparent, or did you find a normal place with a mud cloud. Be sure to check the depth in the place of catching whitefish. Usually fishing starts in one of the deep holes, and then moves on to smaller ones. Location and line selection is an important part of any type of winter fishing. It can also be useful for beginner anglers. For winter fishing on whitefish, the same fishing tackle is used as when fishing for perch or zander.

Well, what to use from baits? One of the best ice fishing for whitefish will be the Lazer Rocker Minnow, an artificial bait in the form of silicone worms. Some anglers also call it "Medusa". Another well-established bait will be any spinner in the form of a narrow spoon, at the end of which several artificial bright worms will be attached.

The bait is thrown to the bottom, and then from time to time we lift it from the bottom, creating a cloud of turbidity. So, as you can see, when fishing in winter, you don’t need special fishing tackle, you can get by with the same ones as when catching another predator. The main thing is to constantly stir up the sediment at the bottom with the bait. The muddy water in this place attracts whitefish, which suggests that this is a small fish feeding near the bottom.

The whitefish is very fast during the bite. He has a very noticeable hit on the bait. He takes it quickly and swiftly. But sometimes it also happens that a whitefish, like a perch, can stand near the bait for a long time and examine it. It happens that when lifting the bait up, he immediately attacks. Most importantly, whitefish are as active in winter as they are in summer. Even some believe that whitefish are caught better on winter fishing.

Culinary qualities of whitefish.

The meat is white, soft and fatter than perch. Suitable for frying and baking. In Europe, many people eat it boiled. Whitefish meat is an extreme delicacy, without deterioration with age and size, unlike carp and catfish. Pairs very well with white wine. In some countries, breadcrumbs of fried whitefish are a delicacy served in restaurants with signature cold beer or dry white wine on ice.

Catching a whitefish very interesting for sport anglers. This is largely due to the fact that whitefish meat is very tender and has high taste and nutritional qualities. The very process of catching whitefish is not only fascinating, but also has many different ways.

Whitefish is a fish in which three main groups can be distinguished, depending on where individuals prefer to spawn. Lake forms of fish live and spawn within their native lake, and river forms within their own river. But they distinguish a lake-river form, which spends most of the time in lakes, and during spawning, individuals begin to rise up the rivers flowing into this lake. As for river forms, this fish also tends to rise higher up the river.

Whitefish in the European part of our country is distributed not only in lakes: this type of fish is found in the seas. It is distributed in the North and Baltic Seas, in the Gulf of Finland. The seas are inhabited mainly by anadromous whitefish, which in salt water only gain weight, since there are not enough nutrient resources in freshwater reservoirs for this purpose. During the spawning period, individuals rise up the rivers flowing into these seas.

Whitefish also lives in the famous Russian Lake Peipus, where it can reach 3 kilograms in weight. Therefore, whitefish fishing is very popular here: for this type of fish, such a size and mass of specimens is very sickly. But at present, this representative of the ichthyofauna in Lake Peipus, as in most other reservoirs, is under protection and is listed in the Red Book. The fact is that in recent years the number of this wonderful fish has significantly impoverished.

Tactics and methods of fishing

Fishing for whitefish with a float rod

Catching a whitefish

A float fishing rod for fishing in wiring is made on the basis of a telescopic rod 2.0-2.5 m long. A fishing line is usually used with a section of 0.24-0.25 mm on the base and 0.15-0.20 mm on a leash. Instead of hooks, it is better to use large mormyshkas - “droplets”.

Since whitefish often feed at spawning grounds with caviar washed off from them, the mormyshka should be red. In addition, 2-3 plastic balls imitating caviar are hooked onto a fishing line in front of it. Hooks are masked with red or orange threads. Particular attention should be paid to the sharpness of the hooks. It needs to be constantly monitored.

With a float rod, whitefish are also caught from boats and small vessels. Fishing rods, as a rule, are equipped with both ordinary hooks and mormyshkas. Fishing is carried out at a depth of 2-8 m. In calm warm weather, whitefish go to the shallows near the islands and underwater banks.

Fly fishing for whitefish

Whitefish are caught by fly fishing during the period of "summer snowstorms" - a massive flight of insects that serve as a nozzle. Real fly fishing is rare in Siberia. Until now, it is believed that local varieties of this type of fishing are both more successful and less troublesome. Catching this fish on an artificial fly, so to speak, with “clean” fly fishing, is possible only for amateur fishermen who are very good at this tackle. The majority catches on insects with tackle that is significantly different from the actual fly fishing. This fish takes only dry fly.

Catching a whitefish with a spinning rod

Whitefish are caught by spinning almost throughout the summer season, starting from the time when this fish opens the hunt for small things. This usually happens in early spring, when zooplankton has not yet appeared in the right amount.

When fishing whitefish with this tackle, narrow light baubles with a silver or bluish tint are very successful. Branded “oscillators" from "Rappal" or from "Mepps" are good. Local spinning anglers quite often fish with homemade spinners of famous masters.

Bottom fishing for whitefish

Whitefish are successfully caught in late autumn, when it approaches the shores, on a donk with a reel with a quick reel and a rig consisting of a fishing line and a sinker located at its end. The main bait is maggot. The nozzle is thrown into the lake so that it sinks to the bottom, and then bottom wiring begins. They do it slowly, with short breaks and in such a way that the bait looks as attractive as possible. You can catch in a different way; in this case, the rig is like on a running donk: the sinker is at the end of the fishing line, artificial red lures work at the bottom, in the pits where whitefish are usually found. When fishing from a boat with decoy nozzles, the most catchy places are examined, with the help of "baling" the nozzles are given natural movements.

Tactics and methods of catching whitefish in winter

Catching whitefish in winter.jpg

In the lakes belonging to the basin of the Arctic Ocean - from the reservoirs of the Kola Peninsula to the reservoirs of Siberia and Primorye - it should be sought in whitefish pits. In the "whitefish" because where this fish settles, you will rarely meet another predator - it displaces everyone quickly and decisively. It chooses deep places, washed out by a rapid current behind a rift. Here, first of all, the river carries a variety of food, here it slows down its movement and sinks into the lower layers of the water.

Winter search for whitefish in lakes takes place far from the shores on the shallows-luds, where the largest representatives of this species feed. On large lakes, anglers have to cover distances of tens of kilometers, which, of course, is impossible without vehicles. Riding on water bodies is a very dangerous business, and it makes sense to do this trick only when accompanied by experienced local anglers. Typically, such trips are made in winter with little snow, when deep freezing occurs and the ice strengthens. But it should be borne in mind that in some years ice almost does not form at all due to strong currents, and under 20 cm snow there may be a layer of ice 1 cm thick, while the rest of the ice cover can reach 1 m in thickness.

The behavior of fish in different water bodies is significantly different, so it is important for an angler to be able to observe the life of whitefish in specific conditions, through the hole. On many rivers of Siberia, this is a new object of recreational fishing, and experience in angling it is only accumulating.

The most favorable time for catching whitefish in the season is the last ice. With the onset of long spring thaws, the fish begins to actively feed, restoring strength after spawning.

Some representatives of this family begin intensive absorption of food from the middle of winter. So, a ludog whitefish in October can only be caught by chance - at this time it is in the midst of spawning. But at the end of this process, by mid-January, the feeding activity of the fish is restored.

Whitefish usually feed throughout the daylight hours. Night fishing is widely practiced in some places. They are caught in a place to which they managed to attract whitefish during the day, lowering the feeder with hard-to-get bait and at the same time tossing the last one from above with their hands. At night, this fish usually stays near the bottom and rarely rises to the upper layers, as it happens during daytime hunting.

During daytime fishing in clear water from depths of less than 10 m, careful blackout is required.

In winter, the whitefish pecks sharply, it needs to be hooked slightly. Large fish are led to the hole carefully, constantly keeping the line taut. Descents most often occur at the moment when the fish sees the hole. Sig at this time collapses on its side and makes a breakthrough in depth. This technique allows him sometimes, as they say, to turn the hook out of the mouth.

nodding rod

Tackle is needed strong, frost-resistant. It is built on the basis of a durable wooden rod 30-40 cm long. The tackle can be without a nod. Coils are rarely used. A part of the body of the fishing rod, made in the form of a reel, serves as a forest storage. Fishing line is needed quality; if it is a monofilament, then it must be no thinner than 0.15-0.17 mm.

Sheer fishing rod

A sheer lure rod is the most popular way to fish a whitefish. Such tackle, equipped with high-quality bait, can be quite catchy, but only in places where there are a lot of this fish. The spinner game is simple - twitches with short pauses.

High-quality balancers for whitefish fishing are beyond competition. But until now, home-made spinners and various layouts with other baits are mainly used: it can be both mormyshka and artificial fly. Both are fixed above the spinner on a leash no more than 200 mm long.