After modernization, the legendary Dragunov rifle enters the army. Big sniper family: SVD and its modifications Waiting for the future

Modernization works sniper rifle SVD were conducted for many years. Usually, this modernization is limited to invisible changes in the design of rifles and in mass production affects only some technological changes, mainly to optimize and reduce the cost of manufacturing and assembly. However, the forces of the IzhMash concern, on their own initiative, carried out work on a radical modernization of the rifle.

Carrier rail on SVDSM,
unloading barrel and mount for bipod

After the creation of the SVDS sniper rifle in the 1990s, the designers of the IzhMash concern in the 2000s proposed prototypes of the SVDSM and SVDM rifles chambered for 7.62x54 R.

The SVDSM rifle received a folding stock with an adjustable recoil pad from the SV-98 sniper rifle, a thick unloaded hanging barrel of the SV-98 rifle, an SV-98 bipod, a muzzle end and TGP-V also from the SV-98 rifle and a 1P59 optical sight.

Experienced version of the flame arrester,
installed on SVDSM and on part of SV-98

The main feature of the new rifle was a thick barrel from the SV-98, 650 mm long and 320 mm twist. The barrel is installed in the receiver and is completely unloaded due to the carrier tire, which completely closes the barrel from the receiver to the gas outlet and takes on the load from the bipod or stop. The barrel is made by rotational forging with a chromium coating, a moving cathode method. The barrel can also be chrome-plated in the usual way, which is much cheaper and easier. The method of chromium plating, and hence the level of quality of the coating and, as a result, the level of accuracy is chosen by the end customer.

A TGP-V (Tactical Suppressor Flame Arrestor - Rifle), a regular flash suppressor or a “plug” from SV-98 can be installed on the muzzle of the barrel.

The SVDSM receiver actually repeats the SVD receiver.

bipod svdsm
in the stowed position

Like the SVD and SVDS rifles, the SVDSM sniper rifle is equipped with open adjustable sights and a special rail on the left side of the receiver, which is used to install quick-release brackets for optics. SVDSM is standardly equipped with a pentacratic sight with a variable magnification of 3-10X, 1P59 "Hyperon".

When firing, the rifle rests on a bipod borrowed from the SV98. It is also possible to install bipods of other models, both on the carrier rail and on the receiver.

The side-folding metal buttstock is borrowed from the SVDK sniper rifle (slightly elongated stock from the SVDS), but with an adjustable butt plate from the SV-98.

Adjustable recoil pad from SV-98,
mounted on the SVDM butt

The SVDSM sniper rifle, unlike the base model, has a slightly longer length and increased weight.

The SVDM rifle looks similar to the SVDSM rifle, except for the standard SVD polyamide buttstock, also equipped with a SV-98 recoil pad.

For export, IzhMash designers proposed a variant of a sniper rifle chambered for .308 Winchester.

The combination of a suspended barrel and high-precision chromium coating improved accuracy, and allowed the SVDSM and SVDM rifles to closely approach the 1MOA line at all practical firing ranges. In the variant chambered for cartridge .308 Win, the rifle has a minute accuracy and even less.

In the version chambered for .308 Win

  • Weapons » Sniper rifles » Russia / USSR
  • Mercenary 45923 0

The upgraded version of the legendary Dragunov sniper rifle (SVDM) will soon begin to enter the army. The Russian Federation has already concluded a corresponding contract with its manufacturer, the Kalashnikov Concern. This was reported to Gazeta.Ru on Monday by representatives of the concern.

“Rifles began to enter the troops. We have signed an appropriate contract,” Vladimir Onokoy, a concern specialist, told Gazeta.Ru. The details of the contract were not disclosed in the concern.

Officially, the Ministry of Defense did not confirm this information to Gazeta.Ru, but did not refute it either. However, a source in the military department explained that the contract provides for the supply of several thousand weapons.

“A contract has been signed for the supply of several thousand copies,” a source told Gazeta.Ru.

A few years ago - in 2011 - the Russian Ministry of Defense had a different point of view on the future of this rifle. The military planned to withdraw the SVD from service, stating that the army needed 8.61 caliber sniper weapons, not 7.62, like the Dragunov rifle. The press received information that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation would buy new sniper rifles for this caliber abroad. Russian gunsmiths also began to develop rifles for a new cartridge for them. This information was accompanied by widespread criticism of the SVD as a weapon, which sounded from the lips different people somehow related to the topic small arms.

“Here it is necessary to note the difference in the very concept of sniper weapons in our country and in Western countries. Traditionally, in our country, a sniper rifle meant a semi-automatic weapon, quite reliable, with good accuracy of fire. However, she could not shoot with an accuracy of one minute of arc. Abroad, a bolt rifle was considered a sniper rifle (it must be reloaded manually. - Gazeta.Ru), which shoots more accurately than the same SVD, but is not used in large numbers, ”says Vladimir Onokoy, a specialist at the Kalashnikov concern.

According to him, SVDM is a rifle that can be effectively used as a weapon in its niche.

It can even be called "a rifle for a dedicated accurate shooter."

In fact, this is the position of a sniper in an ordinary motorized rifle platoon. “In the 2000s, there was a trend when a certain thing was used for other than its intended purpose. We didn't have special sniper weapons, we didn't have high-precision sniper rifles. The employees of the special forces were the first to sound the alarm on this score. And after a while Russian manufacturers developed rifles for these purposes, for example, the same SV-98, which is now being produced on, - continues Onokoy.

According to him, the modernized version of the SVD has a number of important innovations: two bipods, with which it has become much more convenient to fire from a prone position, an adjustable stock is also installed on the weapon, a picatinny rail (a special bracket at the top of the weapon, designed to mount various sights and other accessories). The barrel of the weapon has also changed: it has become thicker and heats up much more slowly than the old SVD, which allows more accurate shooting from the weapon.

The new version of the famous Dragunov is also capable of firing 7N-14 armor-piercing cartridges.

According to the developer, such a cartridge is capable of penetrating a standard military body armor of the fourth protection class.

Instructor for practical shooting Arthur believes that the issue of arming a sniper with one weapon or another is closely related to the tactics of using shooters. “The SVD was developed under the action of a platoon (30 people) or a squad (8 people). Now the concept of warfare has changed. Snipers work in pairs or as part of a sniper group. This tactic was used against us for the first time by Wahhabis in Chechnya, and, unfortunately for us, it proved to be effective. After that, we began to study the experience of our enemy, and since we always had enough well-aimed shooters from whom we could make a sniper (in addition to the ability to shoot, he must have a number of qualities and skills), gradually we began to look for weapons for them, and sometimes to foreign samples, ”says the expert.

For the new tactic, such a weapon as the SVD is not suitable, the instructor believes. “Counter-sniper combat, for example, cannot be carried out from the SVD; various other rifles have already been created for this, including the SV-98, products of the domestic company Orsis, or Western-made rifles. At the same time, SVD and SVDM are quite suitable for their niche - semi-automatic self-loading rifles. In short, everything should be used for its intended purpose. You can hammer nails with a microscope, but I don’t think it will be effective, ”says Davydenko.

According to him, the cartridge used in the Dragunov rifle is more suitable for the cartridge used in standard soldier's weapons, and not for a lone sniper rifle. “You can’t make a high-precision cartridge out of it. The sleeve allows itself too loose tolerances in the manufacture of the chamber,

and a series of 5-10 shots with an accuracy of one minute of arc with such ammunition is almost impossible.

But the 308 Winchester cartridge, which is used in the same SV-98, is quite suitable for this, ”said the shooting instructor.

“It is a mistake to consider the SVD a sniper rifle. This is a combined arms weapon, a mass rifle for army units. It’s just that there were no other sniper weapons in the USSR, which is why the Dragunov rifle began to be called that,” says Boris Chikin, an armaments expert at the private military company Moran Security Group. According to him, in principle, the SVD is an easy-to-use and reliable weapon, and after modernization it may well long time remain in service with the Russian army.

The SVD rifle was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1963. She was also widely supplied abroad and took part in the fighting in Vietnam, Afghanistan, a number of conflicts in the Middle East, in the civil war in Yugoslavia and in the fighting in the North Caucasus.




Concern "Kalashnikov" began deliveries of modernized Dragunov sniper rifles (SVDM) for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
"Concern" Kalashnikov "has already begun serial deliveries modernized SVD Russian defense department. The rifles received an extremely positive assessment of the military, since all the technical shortcomings of the SVD were eliminated in its design. At the same time, the concern has radically improved the quality of manufacturing SVDM,” the source said.
According to him, representatives of law enforcement agencies, as well as foreign customers, show increased interest in SVDM.
The upgraded Dragunov sniper rifle was first presented at the Innovation Day of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the fall of 2015. It features an improved gas mechanism, Picatinny rails for optical sights and shooting accessories, and an ergonomic buttstock.

Russian media reported on the start of deliveries by the Kalashnikov concern of modernized Dragunov sniper rifles (SVDM) for the Russian Defense Ministry. The rifles were positively evaluated by the military, since the designers eliminated a number of technical shortcomings of the SVD. At the same time, the concern reportedly "dramatically improved the quality of manufacturing SVDM."

The upgraded Dragunov sniper rifle was first presented at the Innovation Day of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the fall of 2015. It has an improved gas mechanism operation scheme, is equipped with the so-called Picatinny rail for an optical sight and other shooting accessories and an ergonomic buttstock that folds on right side(at the request of the paratroopers). The butt is also adjustable "cheek" and butt pad.

Of the other improvements, it is necessary to mention, first of all, a thickened barrel, which provides more stable accuracy of fire when conducting intense fire when the barrel warms up. Received the function of adjusting the trigger mechanism. An important improvement is also mentioned - a posted trunk (a number of bloggers write about this).

The posted barrel does not touch the stock anywhere, and is fixed only in the receiver (receiver). This is checked by stretching a paper sheet along the trunk to the receiver itself. But this fact regarding the SVDM is doubtful, since the photo clearly shows that the front mount of the forearm rests on the barrel.

When I purchased the Tiger carbine, a hunting variant of the SVD, a few years ago, I was advised to immediately replace the plastic handguard, which creaks (!) in severe frost, with a wooden one. I did not follow this advice, because in the cold I simply will not go to the wild boar. And what about the Russian infantry snipers? Judging by appearance new rifle, the upgrade did not touch the creaking plastic.

I must say that the legendary Dragunov sniper rifle is not at all the most accurate, not the most powerful and not the most convenient (I know this from my own experience). However, it, like all Kalashnikov products, is the cheapest and most reliable. This is a real "Marksman" rifle.

Marksman rifle (Designated Marksman Rifle, DMR) - an infantry sniper ("Marksman") weapon, occupying intermediate position between conventional small arms and heavy, precision non-automatic longitudinally sliding sniper rifles, butterfly valve, chambered for increased power cartridges.

Designed to solve the tasks of fire support of a subunit in an offensive at short and medium distances. In Russia, in the system of army small arms, this place is occupied by the SVD rifle. Another name, common mainly in European NATO countries, is “tactical support weapon”.

These rifles are more effective than assault rifles due to their higher accuracy, accuracy, and the probability of hitting a target at ranges exceeding the effective firing range of an assault rifle (400-600 meters), but due to their low weight (4-5 kg), in contrast to heavy large-caliber sniper rifles. rifles (8-12kg) chambered for .338Lapua and 12.7x99Browning / 12.7x108DShK, designed for firing from equipped firing positions at long ranges (800 m and beyond) allow you to quickly change the firing position, if necessary, fire from your hands, from unstable positions, on the move, supporting your unit with fire.

Usually equipped with a bipod and a low magnification optical sight (4-6x). Unlike rifles for counter-sniper combat with a longitudinally sliding, rotary, bolt, Marksman rifles, as a rule, are self-loading and have a large magazine capacity - for 10, 20 or 30 rounds, depending on the type of rifle.

Thus, the SVD and its modernization SVDM is the best Marksman rifle, based on the criteria of reliability and low cost. This is a kind of "long arm" of the infantry on the battlefield.

The appearance on the battlefield in large numbers of long-range rifled rifles during the First World War was one of the factors in the impossibility of a frontal attack on entrenched infantry, along with the appearance of machine guns and Bruno's spiral. It was these innovations that made the war positional and needed tanks to turn it back into maneuverable.

As for high-precision sniper rifles, the Americans are the undisputed leaders here. Their products are the most innovative. The CheyTac M200 "Intervention" sniper system, which includes an M200 rifle and a ballistic computer to which wind sensors, temperature and atmospheric pressure sensors can be connected, is designed to engage enemy personnel at a distance of up to two kilometers. This complex is not cheap - 50 thousand dollars.

No less innovative is the latest M2010 rifle. Its advantages: relative lightness (5.5 kg), high accuracy and accuracy of fire at distances up to 1200 m and advanced optics - the Leupold Mark sight.

You can name other, no less famous sniper rifles made in the USA and Great Britain. The products of the Kalashnikov concern can compete with them only in terms of price and reliability. However, there are other manufacturers in Russia, first of all, the world-famous gunsmith Vladislav Lobaev. He managed to develop original ultra-long-range sniper rifles that had no competitors, but in 2010 he was forced to move his activities to the UAE due to a conflict of interest with IZHmash (as the Kalashnikov concern was then called). Lobaev rifles adopted by the army of the emirates.

Two years ago, Lobaev returned to Russia and produces seven models of sniper weapons using equipment imported from the United States. There is no data in the open press about the interest of the RF Ministry of Defense in his rifles. +

The monopoly of large state corporations and the backward machine park are the main reasons for the non-competitiveness of our small arms in the class of high-precision and ultra-long-range systems. The lobbying capabilities of such nuggets as Vladislav Lobaev are unfortunately much inferior to the excellent characteristics of his rifles.

Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD), right side view.

Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD), left side view.

Dragunov sniper rifle with modern plastic stock

SVDS Dragunov sniper rifle with short barrel and side-folding stock.

Sniper rifle Dragunov Modified SVDM, with 1P88 scope and folding bipod

Foreign clones and imitations of the SVD rifle, from top to bottom: Al-Kadesih rifle (Iraq), Type 85 rifle (Type 85, China) and FPK rifle (Romania). Please note that only the top two rifles are actually copies of the SVD, the FPK rifle is actually an enlarged version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle in 7.62x54R designed "under the SVD".

In 1958, the GRAU (Main Rocket and Artillery Directorate) of the General Staff of the Soviet Army announced a competition for the creation of a self-loading sniper rifle for the Soviet Army. The team led by E. Dragunov won the competition, and in 1963 the SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle) was adopted by the SA. Especially for the SVD, a 7N1 “sniper” cartridge with a steel core bullet was created, however, the rifle can use the entire range of domestic 7.62x54R cartridges.

It should be noted that the tactical role that was and is assigned to the SVD rifle in the Soviet and Russian armies differs from the traditional role of the "sniper" in the Western sense of the term. The SVD rifle serves to increase the range of effective fire of the rifle squad beyond the capabilities of standard machine guns, up to distances of 600-700 meters. The fact that the SVD was widely used as a sniper rifle rather spoke of the absence of special weapons of this class, although the recent adoption of the SV-98 rifles of the same caliber, as well as the ORSIS T-5000, is gradually changing the situation.
On the basis of the Dragunov rifle, a number of modifications were released - the SVDS rifle with a shortened barrel and a side-folding butt, civilian hunting carbines "Bear" (now out of production) and "Tiger". Copies and clones of the SVD are also produced abroad, while among them there are both fairly accurate copies (for example, Chinese rifles Type 85 caliber 7.62x54R and NDM-86 caliber 7.62x51) and imitations based on the design of the Kalashnikov assault rifle such as the Romanian rifle FPK.

Currently, the Kalashnikov concern produces both the “classic” SVD Dragunov rifles with a modern plastic stock, and a shortened version of the SVDS. Recently also released further development SVDS rifles - a modified Dragunov SVDM sniper rifle. It features improved ergonomics and the ability to install modern sighting systems on the Picatinny rail. and can also be equipped with a muffler for the sound of a shot.

Dragunov SVD sniper rifle is a self-loading weapon with gas-operated automatics, with a short stroke of a gas piston not rigidly connected to the bolt frame (to reduce the mass of moving parts of automatics). The design of the gas outlet unit provides for a two-position gas regulator. The barrel is locked by turning the bolt, which has 3 lugs. The receiver is milled from steel. USM unregulated, made on a separate basis. All versions of the rifle are equipped with non-removable open sights in the form of a front sight in the front sight and an adjustable rear sight located in front of the receiver cover. Bracket for optical sight is attached to the receiver on the left. In addition to the main optical sight PSO-1 (fixed magnification 4X), night sights NSPU-3 or NSPUM can be installed on the SVD.

In the early versions of the SVD rifle, the forearm and buttstock of the frame structure were made of wood; on more modern versions, the forearm and buttstock are made of plastic. In the muzzle of the barrel there is a mount for a bayonet-knife.

On the SVDS rifles there is a separate plastic pistol grip and a side-folding metal stock. The barrel is shortened and does not have a bayonet mount.

SVDM rifle It has a Picatinny rail on the hinged cover of the receiver for mounting day and night sights. The standard for the SVDM rifle is the 1P88-4 variable magnification optical sight. Mechanical sights have a simplified rear sight and front sight on the gas block. The rifle is standardly equipped with a side-folding butt of a tubular design with adjustable cheek and butt pad, a separate pistol grip and a plastic forearm. A shortened flash hider is installed on the barrel, the barrel itself has an increased thickness to improve the accuracy of fire.

Modernization kit for the Dragunov SVD rifle and its variants from Sureshot Armament / SAG Mechanical Bureau.

The upgrade kit for the SVD Dragunov rifle (“chassis”), developed by Russian shooter and designer Valentin Vlasenko, is a set of fittings and forearm mounted on rifles of the SVD, SVDS and Tiger series, providing hanging the barrel and protecting it from external loads, as well as allowing you to install any modern sighting systems and accessories, without worrying about the need to dismantle them when cleaning and maintaining weapons. The chassis provides the shooter with a stable platform in the form of a one-piece 47 cm long Picatinny rail on the top, plus a KeyMod interface on the sides and bottom of the forearm. The installation of the chassis can be carried out in the conditions of the weapon room of a unit or a conventional weapons workshop, while the mass of the SVD rifle increases by only 200-250 grams compared to the standard version. The design of the chassis is protected by a patent of the Russian Federation, at present the modernization kits are in experimental military operation in the units of the FSB and MTR of Russia.

Modernized in the conditions of a specialized workshop, the Tiger carbine with a SAG chassis, an adapter for a stock and a handle compatible with AR-15 and with a shortened barrel