Bait for perch with your own hands in summer and winter. The most effective bait for perch Goose fat winter perch

With a quiet splash, balls of bait fall near the float and cause small waves on the calm water surface of a small quarry lake. This is not an ordinary feeding, because here they catch not roach, but perches. Purposeful baiting of perch with the help of bottom bait I saw for the first time in England, where I attended a competition several years ago. But I didn't dare to try this method until a fishmonger I knew shoved a special perch bait under my nose, which he had just acquired for his trade. The effect of the bait was so convincing that I increasingly left the spinning at home when I went hunting for perches. Instead, I picked up a float rod, natural bait and, of course, perch bait. And today she must lure striped robbers to the chosen place of catching. In our quarry lake there is a lot of perch, which most anglers catch with twisters and spinners. So I, along with my friend Thomas Engert, decided to try drifting a little differently in order to catch trophy fish. Since Thomas is an experienced floater, I trust him to formulate the groundbait and wet the mix.

Fish and shrimp meal

The first thing I want to note before starting bait production I need to wash my hands, for this I take liquid soap. From the composition of the bait, Thomas does not make any secret. He tells me that it primarily consists of fish and shrimp meal, which, with the help of a special binder, is processed into a bait that is well preserved in water. The easiest way is to use the ready mix. If caught on the river, then the bait should be enriched with “weighting agents”, such as cornmeal or clay, to protect against the current. But just the ready-made mixture will not lure perches on the hook. It rather serves as a carrier of odorous substances. Only the addition of live food makes her attractive. Finely chopped red or dung worms and crushed casters (pupated maggot larvae) give perch bait a special potency. The worms should be cut open and the casters crushed so that their flavor spreads quickly in the water and the perches do not get saturated immediately. Also, squashed casters are not easily swept away by the current. Perch bait should have a dense consistency so that the balls disintegrate slowly when immersed in a pond. If baiting is carried out on the river, the balls should disintegrate only at the bottom.

Feed sparingly

It is important not to overfeed the perches, not to crush them from the place of fishing with additional feeding. Therefore, we throw in most of the food at the beginning of fishing, so that a significant feeding carpet forms at the bottom as soon as possible, and an attractive cloud of bait appears at half water. From additional feeding in the future, you can refuse, even if the perches are already in place. Only if the intensity of the bite decreases should you carefully throw loose bait or small balls into the water using a slingshot. If you catch perch in the current with a pole, you can bait quietly and very accurately with the Pole Cup without disturbing the perch. Pole Seer is a lure cup that is simply attached to the tip of a pole rod or specially designed for baiting. this place in the upper section of the rod. Live food or small balls of bait are placed in the cup and tilted over the fishing point. So they form an exact stern trail, in which it will later drift bait.

Rivalry is the law

When feeding perches, in most cases, maggots or worms are used as a bait. I put a red worm on the hook, and a finger-length dead fish on the hook of the second rod. I have often observed how small perch in a food cloud scoured in all directions, grabbing small particles of food, while- large perches hardly moved. Repeatedly I had to observe that large perches were more interested in their smaller relatives than maggots or worms. Therefore, if I'm purposefully catching large perches, I prefer small perches as bait, which I serve directly in the food cloud. When I catch maggots, then, after the first phase of biting is over, I treat them with a special attractant in order to reawaken the appetite of the fish. As an attractant I use the aromas of shellfish, crayfish or fish. I do not use the attractant immediately at the beginning of fishing, because I want to have a trump card in reserve, with which I can persuade perches to bite at the moment of bitelessness. An outstanding bait is, of course, a worm. While many anglers rely on crawling, I prefer red or dung worms, which have a strong scent of their own. I serve the bait on a hook on a thin float equipment, which is loaded so that the perch feels minimal resistance when biting. At the same time, the worm lies almost at the bottom, where most of the particles are located. bait. On the contrary, I offer a dead fish on a float rig at half water - the carrying capacity of the float is quite enough for this.

First the little ones, then...

But let's get back to our quarry lake. After the bait balls hit the water, it takes about an hour. Finally the float starts to move. After a short haul, the first perch rests on Thomas' arm. It is followed by other small perches, then palm-length roaches. However, we came here to catch large perches. Just this thought flashed through my mind, as a rig float with a dead fish on a hook dived into the water. I waited about three seconds and hooked. After playing with fountains of spray, a magnificent perch lies in the landing net. Now it became clear to me why the fish suddenly stopped pecking at the worms - large perches won the feeding place. In a matter of minutes, Thomas and I were able to catch several kilo perches. It should also be mentioned that the anglers who tried to fish that day with artificial baits went home empty-handed. For this reason, we will continue to use perch bait in areas with strong fishing pressure.

Perch belongs to predatory fish and has its own characteristics not only in catching, but also in feeding it.

The key to a good bite and catch is the correct selection and preparation of complementary foods. Therefore, the fisherman must know not only what to feed the fish for, but also how to prepare this bait himself, how it differs from each other depending on the time of year, and, of course, how to properly feed it.

Experienced fishermen claim that the perch is a capricious fish that is difficult to feed, but still possible. The omnivorous perch plays a big role in this, earthworms, maggots, offal, bloodworms and much more are perfect for it. The main thing is that the bait mixture contains animal residues.

To feed this predator, you can use baits with a strong smell. Suitable camphor oil, goose fat, honey, which are added to the main bait mixture. Another old but proven method is lowering a can of live fish to the bottom. Dashing fish perfectly attract predatory perch.

Bait for perch at different times of the year


In summer, perches often live in thickets, near snags, in stones, in pits and whirlpools. The most suitable and affordable top dressing for this time is earthworms. Leftover meat and offal are also suitable. It will attract bloodworms, mussels, amphipods, pond snails.

The perch's natural curiosity can be lured by throwing some river sand into the water. Clotted blood is suitable for secondary feeding. You can use the drug "Albumin" as in a simple dry form or soak a piece of bread with it.

in winter

With the advent of winter, when the first ice appears, the perch slows down its movement, and only closer to the middle begins its movement throughout the reservoir.

The perch hibernates in small flocks and it is more difficult for him to get food. Therefore, for this time, the correct bait is very important. It allows not only to stir up the fish, but also to attract it to one place for several days.

Bloodworms are suitable for this, it is better if they are alive, but feed ones are also suitable. In a few days, pre-prepared lumps of bloodworm should be thrown into the hole, or sprinkled in small portions every 15 minutes.

It will sink to the bottom and mix with the silt. This will allow perch to feed in one place for several days. In winter, you can also use amphipods, chopped worm. The bait "Albumin - dry blood" has also proven itself on the good side. It is used both in pure form and in addition to the mixture.

Autumn and spring

Already in autumn, perches tend to unite in small flocks. They prefer quiet places without strong currents, in sandy slopes, flooded trees. This allows him to feed on small fish that live near the shore.

Before winter, the perch wants to eat thoroughly, so it constantly moves along the coast in search of food. That is why during this period, more than ever, top dressing is needed to keep the fish in one permanent place.

In the spring, when the snow melts, the perch also rushes to the shore in search of the same small fish. At this time, larvae of insects, dragonflies and butterflies become an excellent subcortex. This type of food is familiar to him, and therefore he responds to it quickly. You can’t do without a bloodworm and a chopped earthworm in the spring.

DIY feed mix

Perch, like a predatory fish, has a keen sense of smell and excellent eyesight. Therefore, bait is made with the addition of various oils, tinsel or sparkles.

Fishing stores offer a huge selection of specialized baits, but experienced anglers prefer to make their own.

A properly prepared perch mixture must contain:

  • basis;
  • feed base;
  • additive;

The basis is often made from oatmeal, bread, crackers, cake, bran. It makes up the majority of the total.

To it is added, depending on the season, a food base of maggots, bloodworms, worms, tubifex. And the final component is a spicy and aromatic additive in the form of oils or herbs. And also, sunflower seeds, toasted hemp and flax seeds.

There are basic rules that must be considered when cooking:

  1. Dry blood, sawdust, powdered milk and daphnia give abundant turbidity.
  2. River sand, bloodworms, worms and maggots make the feed mixture more crumbly.
  3. Egg powder, oatmeal, clay - cement.
  4. First, all dry ingredients are mixed, and after that water is added, and small portioned balls are molded.

Best Recipes

  1. Fish fillet twister. Suitable for catching large perch. To do this, the fish fillet is cut into small strips of about 5 centimeters, securely fixing it on the jig head. At the same time, leaving a small free end, which will be attractive to play under water, luring a predator to itself.
  2. For winter fishing. Finely chopped chicken or pork giblets mixed with bloodworms. Add a small amount of flour for viscosity. Roll into balls the size of an egg and place in the freezer until completely frozen. Lower into the hole three days before catching.
  3. Finely chopped worms, bloodworm and cancer meat are mixed with pig blood. Add a few drops of camphor and lavender oil, honey. Mix thoroughly, add fish scales. Then clay, it will take so much to get dense, non-crumb balls.
  4. Mix fish meal with cornmeal, it should turn out about half a bucket. Add pig blood 150 - 200 ml. Mix the resulting doughy mixture thoroughly. Finely chop the worms, meat of crayfish, mussels, crabs, oysters, favorite perch larvae, bloodworms. Mix with flour mixture. All knead well. For viscosity, you can add a little clay, preferably if it is white.

How to properly feed perch?

If such bait is used as worms or maggots, then it is more convenient to use it in the feeder. To do this, small worms are placed in a small box with holes, which after a while begin to gradually get out of them, thus attracting prey to the chosen place. You can’t do without a feeder if there is a large current at the place of fishing.

Also, dry mixes are used to attract predatory perch to the right place.. They are designed for small fish, which, in turn, is already becoming an excellent bait for a predator.

To catch perch above the bottom, the bait thrown into the water must crumble in it, forming a cloud.

To maintain it constantly and keep the predator in place, it is necessary to regularly throw up small portions.

On days when the perch is not active, several types of baits and baits should be used at once. This will find the most suitable for him at this time.

If only small fish can be caught on a worm, and a larger one does not bite, then you should try changing the bait. A small fish is perfect for this, it is more noticeable and interesting for a large predator, and for a small perch it will be simply unbearable.

Experienced fishermen have proven that perch, like a predatory fish, loves moving bait more.

To do this, use this method: after casting the bait, it is left motionless for a while so that the fish notices it. Then, with slow, smooth movements, with small stops, they gradually attract it to themselves.

A novice angler can tell you that targeted perch fishing is a myth, and many people who are also novice fishermen will agree with him. But you and I know that even such a serious and predatory fish can be caught in large volumes, however, for this you need to follow several rules, among which is a properly prepared bait for perch. Even for this striped predator, a thunderstorm of roach and bream, there is a bait that can confuse the fish, and after that - and on the hook.

To be honest, I don’t often choose to fish exclusively for perch, since the habitat of this fish is rarely limited to this one species, and often in the same reservoir there are very different, no less attractive species of fish - crucian carp, roach, bream, chub, carp and others. mining. But sometimes you want to hunt for a real predator, and since a pike bites on an ordinary float fishing rod, to put it mildly, very rarely, the perch is the best solution to the existing problem.

It's time to catch perch after feeding it.

Bait for perch from "A" to "Z"

I rarely use foreign and expensive baits that are sold in specialty stores. Of course, sometimes, for the sake of interest, I buy, but, in my deep conviction, bait for perch should be made by the angler himself. Next, I will share with you my own experience of preparing just such a bait. So, perch is a predator, and based on this fact, I prepare bait. Predatory fish need meat, and that's okay. In addition, the predator has a well-developed sense of smell, and this is another trump card up our sleeve.

Given both of these points, I begin to “shaman” in my kitchen before going out to a large and open body of water, more often a lake or an abandoned quarry, less often to a river. First of all, bait for perch begins with a base - a bonding material that should serve as fishmeal (the basis of modern seafood from the store), and the aromas of fish and other river or sea inhabitants are already added to it (these drugs are also bought in a fishing store). In principle, the choice of flavoring agents is limited only by my imagination, but it is important not to overdo it.

If fishmeal is not enough, it can be mixed with some flavorful vegetable flour, such as coarsely ground cornmeal. You can buy both flour and beet pulp at the grocery store and at the bazaar, and you can also buy pig blood there - it quenches the thirst of a predatory perch well. One liter of fresh blood is more than enough, and I use it as a binder for flour and other bait ingredients.

And, of course, meat! Meat that gives off a subtle flavor and the fish love it as hell. Worms - red purulent and even white earthen, fragments of crayfish, crabs (if the houses were lying around), mussels or oysters - everything will do. Of course, the bloodworm will also come in handy, the perch loves this larva most of all. After collecting all the supplies of “meat” for perch that I have, putting them in bags and putting them in the refrigerator, in the evening I mix fishmeal with corn bran and leave everything in the garage. The very same dish called "bait for perch", I cook directly on the spot.

So, early morning, a pond, a thick and viscous fog envelops everything with a soft haze. Nothing is visible around, but the hands themselves find the necessary ingredients for preparing a bloody banquet for the striped river predator. First, I cast two or three rods with worms, and prepare the bait. I add 100-150 ml of blood to half a bucket of flour mixture and mix everything thoroughly. I also add a couple of drops of fish flavors there, add another 50-70 ml of blood and bring everything to a doughy, crumbling state. And only then do I add the “meat”, cut just like in a restaurant: worms, bloodworms, crayfish, mussels (if any). Again, I knead everything, and if I see that the mixture has poor viscosity, I just add a little clay (white is desirable), and knead again. Ten minutes pass, and the perch bait is ready. And then the hunt begins!

Regarding the issue of feeding perch, the fishing brethren are divided into two diametrically opposed camps.

The former believe that baiting perch is an absolutely useless activity that will not bring the effect observed when feeding white fish.

The latter believe that feeding perch is possible in various situations, and sometimes even necessary. Naturally, when catching a striped robber with spinning, there can be no talk of feeding him.

Another thing is fishing on float gear or donk. Also, when ice fishing, a properly prepared bait for perch in winter can sometimes work wonders, and the angler who uses it has a much better catch in terms of quantity and quality.

Winter perch fishing

In some regions, seasoned perch fishermen use a method of attracting a striped fish, called an "aquarium", which any fisherman can do without any problems. Its essence boils down to the fact that several small fish are placed in a closed glass jar of water. It is lowered to the bottom, and fishing takes place in the adjacent hole, which is drilled as close as possible to the hole with the jar. As a small fish, a roach, bleak or crucian is usually used. This method of perch feeding well keeps the predator in the fishing zone, and sometimes activates it.

In winter, a good solution in catching perch would be to use such a combined method:

  1. At the beginning, in a fresh hole, the angler catches a lure. This allows you to collect the maximum number of perches in the zone and snatch out large humpback whales or the most active fish.
  2. Then a mormyshka is used (you can also use a non-attached one).
  3. In parallel with fishing for mormyshka, you should periodically feed the striped fodder bloodworm.

As you can see, perch bait for winter can be very diverse, and it gives results if applied correctly and on time.

Perch fishing in summer

In the warm season, when perch is caught with rods or donks, the use of complementary foods will be justified in many cases. Here, as in winter, it is desirable to use direct-acting bait from animal components.

If in the cold season the main ingredient of bait for perch is a bloodworm, then in the summer it is an earthworm, dung or earthworm. It is usually chopped into small pieces, mixed with earth and molded into balls the size of a fist. Such balls of bait are thrown into the point of fishing. It is desirable that the balls do not break on the water, since the food will not be able to sink to the bottom and will be eaten by small fish - bleak, top water, roach and rudd.

Bait for perch in the summer can also be made from other components:

  • Various larvae of near-aquatic insects.
  • Various river shells (zebra mussel, bivalve, toothless and others) peeled from the shell.
  • Pieces of crayfish meat.
  • Pieces of fish or slightly rotten meat.
  • Fresh clotted blood.

There are also many options for baiting the striped robber in the summer. All of them are effective and will enable the angler to improve the performance of perch fishing.

In addition to do-it-yourself perch bait, you can buy a variety of attractants and factory mixes in stores. Their use has a place to be, and such methods of feeding a predator should not be ignored. This is especially true for spontaneous fishing or when there is not enough time to prepare components for homemade complementary foods.

Often, silicone lures are lubricated with attractants by spinningists. This makes it possible to increase the number of bites and stir up passive or well-fed fish. And if spinningists do not disdain to use such methods of activating perch, then floaters and bottomers should definitely use bait when catching perch.

Winter perch fishing is fraught with many secrets, which we will talk about today. Among them: finding a place and time for fishing, choosing gear and lures, as well as the correct fishing technique.

Dump truck feeder stuffed with frozen bloodworms. One of the best ways to bring groundbait to the bottom.

Food varieties

different size.
Chopped worms, parts of crabs, mormysh, mussels etc. Crackers, bran, etc. are added to them.
This predator has an excellent sense of smell, so the bait add beef blood, liver etc.
As a "secondary" complementary food use small live bait or chopped dead fish.

It is worth noting separately the way to attract the attention of a perch: a jar of fry is lowered into the pond, which attract the attention of a predator and hold it near the jar for a long time.

In addition, goose fat, camphor oil can be used as complementary foods.

Rating of store baits for perch

The assortment of baits that are presented in modern fishing stores is amazing. The most popular are 3:

However, regardless of the brand, when choosing bait, carefully study the composition:

  • Pay attention to the smell. The fact is that in winter the smell spreads rather weakly, so the bait can have a strong and pungent smell that will not attract, but will scare away the fish. Therefore, if you see that the radius of action is written on the bait - 1 km, then it is better to postpone it for summer fishing, because. it won't fit in the winter. It is also important to note that in winter, the fish does not pay attention to sweet smells.
  • Remember nutrition. Since perch is a predator, the composition of the bait should not contain only vegetable elements, animal elements, for example, meat, must also be present. Additives to the bait depend on the time of fishing: in spring, worms, bloodworms are great, in winter the predator is more hungry, so you can add meat. In the summer, you can completely refuse additives.
  • An important role is played by the basis of bait. Depending on the fishing conditions, the weather, the bait should disintegrate at the bottom or scatter throughout the water column. As a result of this, you need to look at what is in the composition itself.
  • Look at expiration dates. So, for example, if bran is included in the bait, then you need to take into account the factor that they do not lie for a long time, as a result of this, the storage time should be minimal. Only in this way will complementary foods bring good results.

Taking into account the above aspects, you can easily choose the most suitable bait for you.

Do-it-yourself winter bait for perch

The purchased bait is convenient, however, when you make it yourself, you yourself know exactly the composition and freshness of the products, and therefore the effectiveness of the bait is higher. The composition of homemade bait:

  • The foundation- the bulk of the bait.
  • feed elements– they will be able to detain the fish at the place of fishing.
  • Additives- fragrant components that can attract fish to the place of fishing.

Let's start making the bait composition with our own hands. The perch is very fond of the animal component, with which we will properly supply our compositions. In practice, we will analyze 4 varieties, and even below we will tell the theory of feeding.

Recipe 1

This is a fairly simple recipe. It includes very few ingredients, so even a novice angler can handle it. To prepare it you will need:

  • Bloodworm. Its number depends on the amount of bait.
  • Worm fragrance.
  • Breadcrumbs, as store ones are a little worse dusty.

Cooking process:

  • Grind dry bread into breadcrumbs. To do this is quite simple with a grater.
  • Gently spray the fragrance onto the bloodworm so that the smell is thoroughly absorbed. It is preferable to put the bloodworm in a cold place, but it is better not to put it in the refrigerator, because the smell is concentrated.

After that, you need to mix the bloodworm and crackers, it's better to do it right on the fishing trip. It is important to keep the proportions: 80% bloodworm and 20% crackers. When feeding, a persistent white cloud will appear that can attract this predator.

Recipe 2

The second recipe is a little more difficult, because. it contains a large number of elements, but like the first recipe, it perfectly feeds the fish and “lures” it from the far points of the reservoir.

For cooking you will need:

  • Millet and rice - 0.3 kg each.
  • Breadcrumbs - at your discretion, they are required for viscosity.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Vanillin - one and a half packs.
  • Sugar - 0.15 kg.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Powdered milk - no more than 3 tbsp.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Motyl - 400 g.

Cooking process:

  • Everything is cooked in a pot.
  • Add 1 liter of water to it.
  • Pour milk powder, vanilla and spices, then mix everything thoroughly.
  • Now add cereals.
  • Once again we interfere with everything and cook for 2/3 hours or until the water boils away.
  • While all this porridge is cooking, beat the eggs well, and then put them in the resulting porridge.
  • At the final stage, breadcrumbs are added to the bait.
  • And before fishing - bloodworms.

As a result, the porridge should be dry and crumbly, which is well molded.

Recipe 3

This recipe is very easy to prepare, which many anglers like. In order to prepare this bait you will need:

  • Ordinary building sand.
  • Fish meal - you can buy it in the store, in the department with cereals.
  • And the most important ingredient is bloodworm (you can also dry bloodworm).

Cooking process:

  • We mix the sand with flour in a ratio of 1 to 2. Mix everything thoroughly, because the mixture should be homogeneous.
  • With the resulting mixture, roll the bloodworm on the fishing itself and that's it.

Note: if you use dry bloodworms, then you can immediately add it to the sand with flour and mix everything together.

Recipe 4

Like the previous recipe, this one is very easy to prepare. For this you will only need 2 ingredients:

  • Earthworm.
  • Breadcrumbs.

The cooking process also involves two steps:

  • Chop the worms with a knife.
  • Mix with breadcrumbs in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Feeding technique

When the first ice forms, it becomes slower, and only by the middle of winter does it begin to move across the water area. It is logical that in winter there is less food, therefore, the correct bait can provoke it, which will provide an appropriate bite, attract fish to the place of fishing.

It is preferable to make a hole in 2-3 days and throw lumps of bloodworm into it, or throw it gradually in portions every quarter of an hour. What for? So the bait can fall to the bottom and mix with the silt, so the perch will feed here for several days. Also, chopped worm, amphipod crustaceans, etc. can be used as bait.