Extension of the arm on the block with a regular grip. Extension of the arms on the block. We swing triceps on the simulator. What do you prefer: a rope or a handle

In women, the extension of the arms on the block is very popular. It is used to part with the "jelly" - sagging under the arms. Girls do not like to work with dumbbells and barbells, but they do it with pleasure in simulators. Therefore, among the female audience, the extension of the arms on the block is very popular.

But, each representative of the fair half performs this delightful exercise in her own way, trying to bring her own charm, without thinking that this worsens the result.

In the isolating exercise "extension of the arms on the block", one joint works. The load is directed to the triceps, which accounts for 2/3 of the total volume of the arms.

He is responsible for appearance, and the atlas is:

  • the triceps acts as a target muscle;
  • stabilizers are: large pectoral and latissimus dorsi, chest small and round large, bottom of the trapezium, flexors of the wrists and oblique / straight abdomen;
  • stabilizers - antagonists - extensors of the spinal column.

What attracts the extension of the arms

The extension of the arms on the block helps:

  • develop triceps strength;
  • to work out (isolating) the triceps muscle of the shoulder;
  • tint hands (reduce the “jelly”) and get relief muscles;
  • make hands larger in volume;
  • increase in training basic bench characteristics.

How to do a proper arm extension

The exercise is not distinguished by a complex technique, but it is not without subtleties, so let's get acquainted with the technique.

preparatory step.

  • IN top block install the handle (inclined or straight).
  • Equip the simulator with weights.
  • After that, put the grip wider than the shoulders of the hand (from top to bottom on the handle).
  • Bend your knees, slightly tilt your body forward.
  • Lower the handle until the angle between the forearm and shoulder is 90 degrees.
  • The elbows are close to the body.

You have taken your starting position.


  • Bring only the force of the triceps bar until it touches the front surface of the thigh (arms in this position are fully extended).
  • Exhale and, in this contracted position, linger for a couple of counts, squeezing your triceps hard.
  • Then slowly return the bar to the PI while inhaling.
  • The number of given repetitions must be "mastered".

The picture option will help to conduct the training correctly:

In dynamics, the extension of the arms on the block looks like in the link:

Options for the extension of the arms on the block

Variations along with the classics will help to work out the hands:

  • reverse grip;
  • with straight handle, V, EZ, cable.

Nuances and subtleties

  • squeeze down the projectile only with the help of isolated work of the triceps;
  • having reached the lower position, straighten your arms and hold the contraction for 2 seconds;
  • accompany the weight along the entire trajectory of movement slowly, without throwing;
  • elbows tightly pressed to the body;
  • do not exercise on straightened legs: bend the knee joint and tilt the body forward;
  • do the extension of the arms on the block as a finishing exercise, i.e. after the main training of the hands;
  • at the beginning sports career work with light weights;
  • for pain in the shoulders, do not perform the training;
  • the recommended number of approaches is from 3 to 5, and repetitions - 10-15.

Productivity of arm extensions on the block

Among the 8 most popular triceps exercises for athletes, the 5th place is occupied by extensions with a rope handle and 6th - with a straight line. This was confirmed by the results of an experiment conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin, led by Dr. Porcari. The first place was taken by push-ups in the triangle position. narrow grip.

So, we can confidently talk about the productivity of arm extensions on the block, which are performed at the end of the workout.

What do you prefer: a rope or a handle

The choice depends on the final goal, since they affect the triceps in different ways. The rope helps to “break through” to the depths of the triceps, since it has more range of motion.

Work out the three-headed different handles at different angles:

  • the outer part of the triceps is worked out with a V-handle;
  • long head - straight neck.

That is, the choice depends on the lagging zone, which is decided to pull up.

Video: Extension of arms on the block

1 4023 2 years ago

Triceps is the most massive muscle group of the shoulder, which, it would seem, does not need additional isolating load. After all, she gets enough training from bench presses and standing. But, if you look at the situation in the gym, you can find a lot of people who are strenuously doing the extension of the arms on the block while standing. Why ? It's very simple, despite the supportive load in many exercises, the muscle itself needs a deeper study.

And all because it is a triceps extensor muscle, that is, it consists of three separate bundles, each of which needs a separate study. And the point is not at all in external aesthetics, which you can ignore, but in the fact that without working out the lower “lateral” layer, you can easily run into a plateau. There is only one way out - isolating exercises.

What heads work?

For consideration, it is better to take the safest and simplest exercise in terms of mechanics, namely, the extension of the arms on the block while standing. Why is it? Depending on the inclination of the case, you can easily work out the desired head, while not changing the mechanics themselves. What else can boast such variability?

In general, while working with the block, all three heads work:

  • Lateral;
  • medial;
  • Long.

With what to combine?

Since the extension of the arms on the block while standing is an isolating exercise, it must be correctly combined with the base. First of all, when working with isolation, you should forget about supersets (at least for beginner athletes).

For a good warm-up of the muscles before entering the block simulator, it is recommended to carry out 3-4 sets of bench press (without tilting!) With a narrow grip. Additionally, you can add a French bench press. To completely turn off the pectoral and deltas, in order to exclude the possibility of cheating on the way, it is worth using a heavy army press, or its seated variation in the smith's bench. Only by turning off the side muscles from this exercise can you achieve maximum study and isolation of the triceps extensor.

If for some reason the triceps are not being worked out on the day of the chest, then as a recommended warm-up set, the extension of the arm in an incline with a small weight, or the work of lifting the dumbbells to the sides (to exclude the deltas from work) is suitable. In this case, most of the load on themselves can be taken pectoral muscles.

Note: With an ideal technique that trains exclusively on work with small weights, you can not worry about the work of other muscles, since the load will fall solely on the triceps. But don't forget warm-ups, which can be done with light weights or any other triceps set, including combined with flexor supersets.

How to do it right?

Despite the apparent simplicity, the exercise has its own nuances. The first thing you will have to face is the selection of the right handle:

  • Straight wide;
  • Straight slightly bent;
  • V-shaped;
  • Cord;
  • Node.

If you are not a professional, then variations with a straight line, wide and slightly bent should be immediately cut off. For one simple reason - this will fix the wrong trajectory of movement, and most importantly - the hands will not be able to achieve naturalness in movement. Well, we must not forget that they must be parallel to each other in order to achieve a uniform load.

The V-handle is a good option, but it also limits the range of motion. The arms remain parallel, so when working with small weights (up to 60 kilograms), you can safely use it.

The ideal solution would be a node. But it is not suitable for those athletes who have not yet fully studied correct technique execution. After all, when working with him, you need to independently control the position of the hands.

How to properly approach the block? Perfect Technique exercises:

  • Approach the block frame at an elbow's distance from the handle of the simulator;
  • Slightly tilt the body - about 10-15 degrees.

Important: The spine, as in the case of traction, must be in deflection. No round shoulders and stooped back!

  • Extend your arms parallel to each other.
  • Unbend them by pulling to the belt.

Exercise variations

With the seeming simplicity of extending the arms on the upper block while standing, it has many variations. Starting from a change in emphasis, to a general study or reduction of injury risk for athletes during the rehabilitation period. Most popular techniques:

  • One arm pull;
  • With hard cord;
  • Working with the bottom block.

One-handed variant

This exercise is very rarely used by beginners in the gym. The reason is extremely simple. His technique is somewhat more complicated than the classical one, and the load is distributed not only on the triceps but also on the rear delta, which makes such an extension multi-joint.


  • Become exactly near the block;
  • Rest with one hand on the frame rack, the other will grab the handle. Special nozzles for the crossover are used
  • Extend your arm, moving it slightly to the side.

The angle of study changes dramatically, in view of the greater amplitude, all three heads are included in the work, and the rear delta. The disadvantages are the uneven development of the left / right hand, and insufficient isolation. For those who want to multiply the load, try.

bottom block

The extension of the arms on the lower block while standing is a block analogue of the French press. At the same time, judging objectively, it has more disadvantages than advantages in relation to free weight work. The main reason is the limitation of the amplitude, and unnatural work in the elbow joint. All this limits its use for people with elbow problems. In addition, the limitation in amplitude leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the exercise.

But, if for some reason you have this particular exercise in your program, you need to know how to do it with maximum efficiency and with minimal injury!

  • Get on your knees, back to the block.
  • Bending your elbows, grab the handle.
  • Rise from your knees, slightly straightening your elbows.
  • Keep your hands as close to your head as possible.
  • Do not forget about the parallel arrangement of the brushes in relation to each other.
  • Straighten your arms vertically up.

The only advantage of this option over the classic is the ability to maintain a static load in the lower part of the range of motion.


The extension of the arms on the block with a cord while standing is not much different from other versions. The only feature is the need to control the load between the hands.

At the same time, the use of a cord allows you to significantly expand the range of motion, making it more natural and less traumatic. Due to this, it is considered almost 30% more difficult than working with a fixed handle.


The only contraindication to performing this exercise as part of the standard training program are injuries of the elbow joints. In view of isolation, the entire load falls on them, so any deviation from the technique can result in injury.

Variants with a block analogue of the French press also have restrictions for use after injuries. shoulder joint, since the static load is applied at an unnatural angle, which can cause damage and serious injury.

Otherwise, at the extension of the arms, standing on block simulator there are no general contraindications.


The standing block extension is a simple exercise that has been known since the 60s. Its extreme simplicity opens up room for variation. And most importantly, the peculiarities of the execution technique completely eliminate the need and effectiveness of cheating. So, with a classic stance, no vibrations of the body will help to press the weight to the end.

It has a number of advantages:

  • Deep muscle work;
  • Almost complete isolation;
  • Relatively low injury risk;
  • High efficiency;
  • Helps to break through the strength plateau in the presses.

However, it is still not recommended for athletes to start isolation exercises in the first year of training using blocks. At this time, it is better to use free weights(for example, standing French press), and focus on circuit training using basic exercises. Since the isolation and isolation of any of the extensor heads of the arm will not stand out without the impressive mass of the athlete.

Extension of arms on the block while standing - isolated exercise for triceps, which involves the lateral and medial heads of this muscle. This exercise can be performed both at the beginning of the training for warming up and warming up the triceps, and at the end of the session to finish off the muscle or get the pumping effect. Block extensions can be performed different grips and with different handles. When performing a movement, it is very important to observe the technique so as not to get injured.

Extension of the arms from the upper block with a direct grip

Execution technique

  • Go to the simulator, take the handle with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder width, straighten your back and bend your knees slightly, feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward a little. Hands are tightly pressed to the body.
  • Inhale and as you exhale fully straighten your arms, pause for a second at the end point of the amplitude to feel the peak muscle contraction.
  • Slowly and under control return to starting position. Make sure that the movement occurs only in the elbow joint. When lifting, do not raise your arms to the end, but only to the middle, when a right angle forms between the forearms and the shoulder.

This exercise is best performed at the end of the session, in order to finish off the triceps.

Reverse grip allows you to emphasize the load on the lateral head of the triceps. Also, a static load acts on the forearms. The exercise is recommended to be performed immediately after the extension of the arms on the block with a direct grip.

Execution technique

  • Come to the simulator, grab the handle reverse grip, elbows pressed to the body.
  • On the exhale, the arms unbend, and on the inhale they bend.
  • Movements occur smoothly, without jerks, so as not to get injured in the elbow joint.
  • The weight on the projectile is selected so that the athlete can perform about 10-12 repetitions.
  • Movement occurs at the maximum amplitude.

Extension of the arms on the block with a rope handle

This type of standing block extension is considered the most effective by many professional athletes, as the rope handle provides perfect isolated work and maximum triceps contraction. The lateral head is loaded the most.

Execution technique

  • Approach the simulator and grab the rope handle with a direct grip. Press your elbows to your body and begin to straighten your arms. At the lower point of the amplitude, you need to spread the ends of the rope and pause for a second to get a peak muscle contraction.
  • Slowly return to the starting position. Exhale as you lower the handle and inhale as you raise it.
  • Make sure that the arms are tightly pressed to the body, and the movement occurs only in the elbow joint.

Triceps workout with arm extensions at the block

To get the best stimulation for the growth of a muscle group, we must first warm up the muscle, then do some heavy basic exercises, and after them some isolated ones. It is this approach that is considered the most effective in modern bodybuilding. Let's look at how it would look like with an example triceps workout:

  • Extension of the arms on the block for warming up with a straight handle (2 X 15-20);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Extension of the arms from the upper block with a rope handle (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Extension on the block with a reverse grip (3-4 X 8-12).

Now you know everything you need to know about triceps extensions and can apply this exercise to your workouts. If you have any questions, or want to see how to perform live extensions, we recommend that you check out the video below.

Video with the technique of performing arm extensions on the block while standing

This exercise involves all the bundles of the triceps, but to a greater extent - the lateral (external side) bundle. The main purpose of its use in bodybuilding is to give relief and clear detailing of the contours of the triceps muscle, visual separation of its bundles among themselves.

Shoulder triceps
Auxiliary: elbow muscle.

  • The exercise is performed on a block device, to the cable of which a D-shaped handle is attached. Approach the simulator so that the working arm is in the same plane with its cable, step back a little with the same leg so as not to interfere with yourself while extending the arm. Tilt the body forward, otherwise it will be inconvenient to perform the exercise.
  • With one hand, hold on to the frame of the simulator, and with the other, grab the handle bottom grip to palm and thumb were directed in your direction, then, bending your arm and bringing your elbow to your body, pull the cable and lift the loads above the stops. This is the starting position.
  • Inhale, and while holding your breath, pull the handle down, extending your arm at the elbow joint. Having straightened your arm to the end, exhale, and, after a short pause, begin to bend your arm in the opposite direction.
  • During the negative phase, do not let the load pull your arm, resist, try to make every effort to keep the handle. Of course, the negative phase should last at least twice as long as the positive one. After completing all the planned repetitions with one hand, turn to the block with the other side and repeat all over again.

During the entire exercise, the back should be in the position that was taken initially, no movements in the lower back are allowed. The wrist is strictly fixed until the end of the exercise, and the elbow is tightly pressed to the body. If you release your elbow, training process the muscles of the back will immediately turn on, and with movements in the wrist joint, the muscles of the forearm. These errors are forced to occur when working with too much weight, so do not load the machine, use a weight that will allow you to technically complete the exercise 10-12 times.


at the end of the workout, after heavy pressing and extension exercises, in combination with, for example, “back” push-ups from the bench and french press, or bench press with a narrow grip and extension of the arm with a dumbbell.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

There are a huge number of exercises for training triceps. One of the favorites of many trainees is the extension of the arms on the block.

This isolated exercise targets the lateral (outer) and medial (middle) heads of the triceps.

Extension of the arms on the block while standing: features of the exercise

The extension of the arms on the block is performed in a block frame, which is most comfortable for distributing the load on the triceps.

Due to the work of only one joint (elbow), extension of the arms on the block while standing focuses the load on only one muscle - on the triceps. IN this exercise the load is completely removed from the lower back, making it absolutely safe.

An important point is the position of the body before starting the execution. You must take a position that will ensure complete immobility of the shoulders and arms to the elbows. The movement is performed only by the forearms in the elbow joint.

Choose empirically the most comfortable position in which the body will be fixed in the position described above. Try to stand a little closer to the simulator or vice versa a little further, tilting the body slightly forward. However, do not allow the shoulders to take part in the movement (then it will be like bringing the arms to the body, and this is already training the widest).

Extension of the arms on the block can be done with various grips. The direct grip from above loads the external and middle heads of the triceps, the reverse one shifts the load to the internal (long). It is also possible to use a parallel grip if you hang a rope cable instead of a handle. Moreover, the more you spread the rope at the lowest point (prone the hand), the greater the load will be received by the long head of the triceps.

Technique for performing arm extensions on a standing block

The exercise of extending the arms on the block is not very difficult. However, many, and in particular, manage to complicate it to a critical degree. In particular, they do not follow the body, wave their arms randomly, set wild working weights. The load during this execution leaves the triceps and is sprayed throughout the body.

The main task is to take such a position of the body, in which the whole body will be rigidly fixed, except for the elbows. Some professional athletes for this are located very close to the simulator.

The load vector must be directed strictly vertically down. Exhale with effort as you pull the projectile down. At the bottom point, be sure to achieve a lockout (full extension of the arms at the elbow), only in this way the contraction of the triceps will be the most complete.

Breathe in as you rise. Because lifting occurs due to the gravity of the rams - resist inertia. Move down powerfully and quickly, move up slowly and smoothly. Try to work on the maximum possible amplitude, constantly making sure that the shoulders are not connected to the movement. In general, the nature of the exercise is slow.


The triceps extension should not be the only exercise for the triceps. Perform at first, or, and after extension, when the triceps are pre-tired. Because the exercise is isolating in nature. You will be able to accurately finish off those muscle fibers that have not been improved in other exercises.

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