Shooting sports facility. Fortification structure, shooting shelter in the form of a shallow ditch with an embankment Shooting structure 4 letters crossword puzzle

  • Marie-Henri Beyle (French Marie-Henri Beyle; January 23, 1783, Grenoble - March 23, 1842, Paris) - French writer, one of the founders of the psychological novel.
  • Specially equipped place for sports shooting from shotguns on skeet
  • Sports facility for shooting
  • Sports shooting range
  • Shooting area
    • The Velodrome (French: Stade Vélodrome) is a stadium in Marseille. Home stadium of the French football club"Olympic" (Marseille), in addition, was used to host the games of the world championships in 1938 and 1998, the European championships in 1960, 1984 and 2016.
    • sports facility
    • Construction for two-wheeled competitions
    • Sports facility for bicycle races
    • Building for cycling
    • Facilities for pedal competitions
    • Facilities for pedal competitions
      • Cycling track (from bicycle (siped) and English track - track, path) - a closed oval ring (track) for training and competitions in cycling(mainly track cycling).
      • Building for cycling
      • Sports facility in the form of a mountain for ski jumping
      • sports facility
        • Vyshka is a village in the Limansky District of the Astrakhan Region of Russia, part of the Rynkovskiy Village Council.
        • Sports facility for diving
        • Basin structure
          • Hippodrome (ancient Greek ἱππόδρομος, from ἵππος - horse and δρόμος - running, area for running competitions) - a complex of facilities for testing trotting and racehorses and equestrian competitions; institution organizing them.
          • equestrian sports facility
          • Equestrian competition facility
          • Racing facility
          • Horse racing facility
          • Place for equestrian competitions

Shelter for shooting

Alternative descriptions

Furrow for unsprouted seeds of war

A dugout without a roof

An inevitable attribute of defense

Firing position in the field

Field fortification

Shelter for shooting in the form of a moat with an embankment

Shelter for shooting and for protection from fire


Trench, sapa, shelter, trench

Pit, "drafted into the army"

Saving man-made pit on the battlefield

Ditch in "military service"

What ditch are they shooting from?

What trench is dug with a sapper shovel?

What does the German word "schanze" mean, from which the concept of "entrenching tool" comes from?

. "Rookery" of a fighter

Pit connecting the redans

Special military ditch

Ditch on the battlefield

defense attribute

He is behind the parapet

Shelter from tanks

Soldier's result of the activity of a shovel

Sapa in essence

Warrior hideout

trench dug in the ground

Pit with a soldier

Ditch for infantry

Combat shelter in the field

Soldiers dug

Shelter on the battlefield

Military rank of the ditch

. "wrinkle" on the battlefield

And a trench, and glanders

Infantryman's shelter

modern trench

Shelter on the battlefield

strategic ditch

A hole dug by a soldier

military trench

Combat shelter

Shelter for shooting

Pit on the battlefield

saving pit

Ditch with embrasures

. "wrinkle" on the battlefield

The product of a sapper shovel

Trench defense attribute

Soldier dug shelter

attribute of war

fighting pit

Quiet sap in fact


Footman's Hideout

A trench dug by a soldier

Where is the infantryman hiding?

. "mobilized" ditch

Pit for hiding

Military amulet in full height

. "pit" of a soldier

Shelter from enemy bullets

military ditch

Infantry firing trench

Fighter hideout

What is digging with a sapper shovel?

Field soldier's trench

Rifle or gun

Front value ditch

Field military shelter

. "pit" where the soldier hides

soldier trench

Salvation ditch of a soldier

A ditch dug for himself by a soldier

Soldier's hideout

Soldier's shelter

. "pit" for the shooter

Dug out with a sapper shovel

Soldier's field shelter

dug up by a soldier

Lice feeding area

. "pit" for a fighter

Military "ditch"

Soldier's hideout

An indispensable attribute of defense

. "moat" for soldiers

Cache of an infantryman

Soldier's hideout

Military "pit"

Shelter in the ground

Pit for a soldier

They dig it from the fence until lunch

defensive ditch

What kind of trench is dug with a shovel?

Military ditch

Field earthen shelter for personnel

Fortification, shelter for firing in the form of shallow ditch with an embankment

Fortification, shooting shelter in the form of a shallow ditch with an embankment

First letter "o"

Second letter "k"

Third letter "o"

The last beech letter "p"

Answer for the clue "Fortification, shooting shelter in the form of a shallow ditch with an embankment", 4 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word trench

Field military shelter

They dig it from the fence until lunch

attribute of war

Field soldier's trench

Trench defense attribute

militarized ditch

Word definitions for trench in dictionaries

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Okop - a village in the Zhiryatinsky district of the Bryansk region, as part of the Vorobeynsky rural settlement. It is located 3.5 km north of the village of Vorobeynia. There has been no permanent population since 2003.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.
-a, m. Shelter for shooting and for protection from fire (in 3 values) in the form of a shallow ditch with an embankment. Open about. Single about. (for one fighter). reduce trench, -a, m. adj. trench, th, th. Trench warfare (positional; colloquial). Trench friendship (soldier; colloquial)....

Examples of the use of the word trench in the literature.

From the Austrians trench we got a completely correct, as well as what a heroic dugout, - said the sergeant major Titarenko to Liventsev.

Over the deserted trenches, dug in agrotechnical planting along a flat alley, a light breeze slightly stirred the trees, or rather, tree stubs.

The increase in diseases was also explained by the unsanitary condition trenches, especially trenches occupied by the Italians.

But under the feigned nonchalance in the face of the threat of exploding shells, under the feigned indifference to a half-starved existence and to the Yankees who stood half a mile from the city, in the hearts of the inhabitants of Atlanta, despite all the boundlessness of their faith in people in tattered gray uniforms that filled trenches, unconsciously smoldered anxious uncertainty about the future.

A deep hole was dug in the floor of a one-story house. trench cruciform, which contains about three dozen rockets, a lot of ammunition for recoilless guns, shots for RPGs, hand grenades.