Names of foreign football clubs. The best football team. The best clubs from England

In key international competitions The most important role is played by the UEFA football club rating, which directly affects the distribution of teams. This list includes the most up-to-date calculations for each football club. It allows you to make a grid of teams as objectively as possible when drawing European cups. Also, thanks to this rating, we can form a visual top of the best football clubs at the moment!
World Best Clubs List 2018

# Club The country Overall ratio
1 "Real" Spain 162
2 "Atletico" Spain 140
3 Bayern Germany 135
4 Barcelona Spain 132
5 Juventus Italy 126
6 "Seville" Spain 113
7 PSG France 109
8 Man City England 100
9 "Arsenal L" England 93
10 "Borussia D" Germany 89

As you can see, the best football club in the world as of the summer of 2018 is Real Madrid, which has been confidently holding its position for several seasons in a row. This significant achievement was made possible thanks to the super-successful performances of the "creamy" in the Champions League. In the main tournament of Europe, the Galacticos have won three “big-eared” trophies in a row in recent years, and previously consistently reached the late stages of the playoffs. That is why Real Madrid is deservedly the best football club in the world!

You can find a detailed list of the top 100 best clubs in 2018 at the end of this text. The rating of football clubs is regularly updated. Recalculation takes place automatically at the end of each tournament round.

What is the UEFA football club rating? Based on the top list, a basket is determined into which a particular club falls into during the draw group stage European competitions.
It is in this way that it is decided who will go to the sowing. It is worth recognizing that this is a great incentive. The higher the personal rating, the better the chances of getting into rivals with a weaker team, avoiding hitting the best clubs in world football. As a result, the chances of getting into the playoff stage are significantly increased. This is not only the main goal of each tournament participant, but also brings additional income to the club treasury. And, what is also important, it increases the current euro coefficient, allowing you to place in the ranking of football clubs in 2018 as high as possible.

Counting Rules

How do UEFA analysts calculate the rankings, which include the best football clubs peace? The coefficient of each club is displayed according to the success of its performances in the international arena - in the Champions League and the Europa League. All data for the last 5 seasons are taken into account, the total calculation of which gives the final coefficient. 1/5th of the coffe earned by the national association to which the particular team belongs is added to the results obtained. Accordingly, the higher the overall score, the closer to the top of the top football clubs this or that team is located.
The ranking of football clubs is compiled as follows. UEFA uses a specially designed gradation for scoring points. For Champions League and LE it is different. And all because the strongest play in the Champions League, including the best football club of our time - Real Madrid.

Champions League

Points in this tournament are awarded as follows:
0.5 points - if the team is eliminated in the 1st qualifying round;
1 point - if the team is eliminated in the 2nd qualifying round;
4 points - automatic accrual to all participants of the group round;

4 points - automatic accrual for reaching the playoffs;
1 point - for passing to each subsequent stage of the playoffs (1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and final).

Europa League

LE is considered the second most powerful tournament held under the auspices of UEFA (however, the best football clubs also meet there). Accordingly, the “cost” of achievements in it is estimated to be slightly lower than in the Champions League:
0.25 points - if the team is eliminated in the 1st qualifying round;
0.5 points - if the team is eliminated in the 2nd qualifying round;
1 point - if the team is eliminated in the 3rd qualifying round;
1.5 points - if the team is relegated to the playoffs of the qualification;
2 points - automatic accrual to all participants of the group round;
2 points - for winning a group match;
1 point - for a draw in a group match;
1 point - for passing to each subsequent stage of the playoffs, starting from the 1/4 finals.

The calculation methodology has recently undergone some changes. Until 2008, 33 percent of the total points of the club association were added to the club coefficient, and before 2004 - as much as 50%. Through analysis and discussions in the press, this percentage was smoothly reduced to the current value. This is how it turns out to determine the top football clubs in the world.

Currently, you can determine the most popular football clubs in the world using social networks, namely by the number of subscribers to the page of a particular club.

Beginning in 2005, Real Madrid and Barcelona became hugely popular on social media, displacing Premier League giants Chelsea and Manchester United from the top spot. This happened for the reason that the leadership of the Spanish giants began to invest a lot of money in the team. Many star players came to Barça and Real Madrid, who made the team stronger, which in turn contributed to the winning of many trophies by the clubs. Thus, the popularity of "creamy" and "blue garnet" has grown significantly in recent years, and with the development of the Internet, many fans have subscribed to their pages on social networks.

The site site has prepared for you a list of the most popular football teams in the world, which are in great demand on the social networks Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

The top three most popular teams: Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, Manchester United

According to the results of the analysis of social networks, the Catalan "Barcelona" enjoys the greatest popularity on the Internet among all the clubs in the world. The team owes much of its recognition to the stars Lionel Messi and Neymar, whose social pages are signed by millions of people around the globe.

Real Madrid, who won their 12th UEFA Champions League title in 2017, came in second in this ranking, despite the fact that the club's main star page is the most popular on social networks among all athletes. By the way, more than 250 million people are subscribed to on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Manchester United is considered one of the. Millions of football fans support the Red Devils, and with the arrival of Paul Pogba last year, the number of readers on Manchester United's social pages has grown significantly.

Top 20 most followed football clubs on social networks

  1. Zenit (Russia) - 2.1 million subscribers
  1. West Ham (England) - 3.3 million subscribers
  1. Schalke (Germany) - 3.7 million subscribers
  1. Inter Milan (Italy) - 8.6 million subscribers
  1. Leicester City (England) - 9 million subscribers
  1. Roma (Italy) - 10.7 million subscribers
  1. Tottenham (England) - 11.1 million subscribers
  1. Atletico Madrid (Spain) - 19.1 million subscribers
  1. Borussia Dortmund (Germany) - 21 million subscribers
  1. Manchester City (England) - 30.9 million subscribers

Twitter: 4

  1. AC Milan (Italy) - 33.1 million subscribers
  1. Juventus (Italy) - 35 million subscribers
  1. Paris Saint-Germain (France) - 38.1 million subscribers
  1. Liverpool (England) - 40.2 million subscribers
  1. Bavaria Munich (Germany) - 52.8 million subscribers
  1. Arsenal (England) - 55.3 million subscribers

Twitter: 9

  1. Chelsea (England) - 63.5 million subscribers
  1. Manchester United (England) - 97.9 million subscribers
  1. Real Madrid (Spain) - 159.5 million subscribers
  1. Barcelona (Spain) - 159.9 million subscribers

The best and most successful football club, as such, does not exist in history. A large number of teams throughout the existence of football as a sport have achieved the highest results both in the domestic championship and at the European or world level. But, of course, some of the most venerable and successful teams stand out among them.

The best football clubs from Italy

AC Milan 1993-94. The then Rossoneri coach, Fabio Capello, put on a wonderful game for his team. Milan's style of play at that time was famous for its defensive actions. The club was able to win the domestic championship and took the palm in the League. Then "Milan" in the final of the cup beat the Catalan "Barcelona" with a crushing score of 4:0.

Juventus of the 1996-97 model. Under the leadership of Marcello Lippi, the "old lady" has achieved amazing results. Juventus won every competition that season but stumbled in the Champions League final against Borussia Dortmund. Stars such as Del Piero, Zinedine Zidane and Fabrizio Ravanelli played in that squad.

Inter 2009-2010 is the most successful season in the history of the club. Under the leadership of José Mourinho, the team won the national championship and cup, as well as the European Cup.

In the Champions League final, Inter Milan defeated the current owner of this honorary trophy, Bayern Munich, with a score of 2:0.

Top Spanish Teams

Barcelona of the 2008-09 model. It was during this period that the Argentine football star Lionel Messi rose. Over the next 4 years, the Golden Ball award will go only to him. And not in vain, because Barcelona of that time won all the possible trophies of the season, becoming one of the record holders in. The main link of the club was the current coach of Bayern - Josep Guardiola.

Real Madrid 1998. Thanks to the constellation of Christian Panucci, Clarence Seedorf, Raúl and Roberto Carlos, the club has overcome all its rivals both domestically and internationally. European tournaments.

With a 1-0 victory over Juventus Turin in the Champions League final, Real Madrid won the European Cup for the seventh time.

The best clubs from England

Manchester United 2007-08. The shock three of the team, consisting of Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney and Carlos Tevez, provided the Red Devils with victory in the national championship and in the Champions League. Also worth noting is the legendary mentor of the Mancunians, Alex Ferguson.

Liverpool of the 1983-84 model. In the history of the club this season was the most outstanding. Under the leadership of Joe Fagan, the "Mercedessiders" mastered all possible tournaments and cups, making their mark on the history of world football records.

Choosing the best football team on the planet at the end of the year is not such an easy thing. There are several thousand professional clubs in the world and each of them is good in its own way. But there have always been better ones and worse ones. Some teams have been playing for a whole year high level, and in the end, won many trophies, others were left with nothing. In order to select the top 10 football clubs in 2017, the site editors were guided by the following criteria:

  • The level of tournaments in which the teams took part;
  • Winning matches;
  • Achievements in tournaments;
  • The level of team play throughout the calendar year.

And here is the top.

  1. Real Madrid (Spain)

For the second year in a row, the "Royal" club demonstrates truly champion football in all tournaments in which it takes part. In 2017, Zinedine Zidane's team won La Liga, the Champions League, the UEFA Super Cup and the Spanish Super Cup. This club simply has no equal today.

  1. Chelsea (England)

Suck unexpectedly, but the second line of our hit parade was taken by a team from London. "Aristocrats" under the leadership of Antonio Conte began to play in a new way and won the main football tournament in Britain called " English Premier League". In the new season, Chelsea continue to play on their winning note, and are now looking to prove themselves in the UEFA Champions League.

  1. Juventus (Italy)

Another victory in Serie A and reaching the final of the most prestigious club tournament in Europe allowed Juventus Turin to take a place in the top three football teams of the outgoing year. The "Old Lady" was on top, especially Dlanduigi Buffon, who played flawlessly in the goal frame in almost all matches.

  1. Bavaria (Germany)

Like every year, few Bundesliga teams can compete with the Munich club for the league title. Bayern struck with their excellent game not only in the German championship, but also in the Champions League. Ancelotti's guys had a good chance of reaching the final, but at the last stage they were knocked out by Real Madrid.

  1. Monaco (France)

"Monegasque" sensationally shot in Europe, reaching the 1/2 finals of the Champions League. In addition, the Jardim team became the first French championship, breaking the long-term dominance of Paris Saint-Germain. Monaco has had an incredible year. This team does not have as many stars as Real Madrid or Juventus, but this did not stop them from being among the best.

The full list of the top 10 clubs according to the editors of our site looks like this:

  • Real Madrid (Spain);
  • Chelsea (England);
  • Juventus (Italy);
  • Bavaria (Germany);
  • Monaco (France);
  • Barcelona, ​​Spain);
  • PSG (France);
  • Napoli (Italy);
  • RB Leitzpig (Germany);
  • Tottenham (England).

You can also make your own list the best teams. We are waiting for your options in the comments.