Freestyle roller skating style. Slalom training and freestyle rollerblading in St. Petersburg. Duration and format of training

Freestyle style (slalom) is a special kind of skiing between cones, which today belongs to a generally recognized sport. It requires special maneuverability and high speed from the roller, so if you decide to do it, you will definitely need special equipment. Our store has a professional collection of freestyle skates from SEBA, FILA, HEAD, K2, POWERSLIDE and ROLLERBLADE brands. These models have all the qualities necessary for this style: they are very comfortable to use, they are a kind of functional extension of the leg that responds to every movement, they provide maximum protection and support for the ankle. In addition, freestyle rollers allow you to perform the most difficult tricks with incredible accuracy and control your movement in space.

Advantages of modern models

Until recently, the specifics of the operation of slalom skates did not affect their comfort in the best way, because. the boot was very stiff and heavy due to the overabundance of plastic. In our online store, the latest generation models are presented, in the manufacture of which composite materials (fiberglass and carbon) are used, which makes the products hard and light at the same time. They meet the highest quality standards, which guarantees you long-term and safe operation.

Freestyle slalom - skiing on the track between the cones with the performance of various tricks and elements.

Of all the pastimes, freestyle slalom is the most challenging in terms of the amount of skill required. But at the same time, it is the most interesting, both technically and artistically, a means of self-expression that can surprise an outside observer even with simple, high-quality and beautifully executed elements.

Classes are conducted by winners and prize-winners of Russian and international competitions in freestyle slalom: Milekhin Dmitry, Rychkov Alexey and Sedova Maria.

Course duration
8 lessons of 1.5 hours. The maximum group size is 10 people.

Course program

All types of monolines and criss crosses facing forward and back forward

All types of grapevines, including reversals


All types of X's and maneuvers on them

Van feet

All kinds of normal shopping cards, including double ones and maneuvers on them

Kickback and cutback

as well as many other interesting items.

More detailed description slalom elements, as well as advice on choosing skates for slalom and much more useful information you can find in the tutorial section.

Purpose of the course
On the basic slalom course, the most basic ones are set and fixed, and therefore important elements, which are the basis for more complex combinations. Proper stance, weight distribution, hand and body work - all this is carefully described about each of the elements, arranged in a clear sequence in increasing complexity.

Several times a season, the School hosts amateur freestyle slalom competitions, where even beginners can try themselves as athletes on the slalom track.

Course Requirements
The presence of any rollers, specialized rollers for slalom or freeskate - on request.

To successfully master the course, you need to confidently stay on the rollers, ride backwards and easily change direction.

Possible class schedule
Mon, Wed 20-00
Tue, Thu 20-00

Locations: Victory Park , VDNH , Luzhniki , Gorky Park . In winter, classes are held in the indoor rollerdrome "RollHall". You can always get acquainted with our instructors, teaching methods and ask all your questions at the Free Roller School. Recruitment in groups goes on regularly and it's never too late to join!

Our students about the course
“This course gave me a lot. Improved balance, coordination... foot control. The company was friendly, the coach explained everything in an accessible and understandable way. The tightness of the rollerdromm was a little annoying. But the advantage was that in one place there were also plus players (Slalom+ course) and others, from whom you can peep something .. ask around. In general, the winter went well, the basic skills of slalom, I believe, were taught to us in full. It remains only to consolidate and, perhaps, in the future, go to the Slalom+...”. Prokhor, March 2009

“It all started with the fact that "slalom is definitely not mine, but ...". Everything lies in this very “but” and, of course, in diligence, I tried it, something turned out, I liked it. Now you can not only look with envy at the legs entwined in incredible elements, but also understand how to do it yourself and .... try to do it! ... ". Svetik, January 2010

Slalom, or freestyle, on roller skates is one of the main disciplines of roller sports. Slalom is a movement at speed along a winding route. The "tortuosity" of the track is created with the help of special cones, between which the athlete moves, performing various figures, elements and tricks.

Having completed the initial training in roller slalom and having learned how to do even simple movements correctly, it is already possible to demonstrate the beauty of this sport, having fun and expressing yourself in dancing on the slalom track. The roller, which has brought the technique to perfection, tests itself and gives the audience incredibly vivid emotional experiences.

Slalom is the most difficult discipline in roller sports. It stands out among all types of skating not only for its technical complexity, but also for the fact that it gives the roller the greatest opportunity in terms of self-expression. Freestyle slalom forces the athlete to carefully work out the smallest nuances of his technique, gradually developing an individual style: the famous roller slalom player can always be recognized by his signature figures and unique riding style.

Despite the fact that slalom is one of the types of freestyle rollerblading, there are actually two different directions inside it, which differ in character, complexity of tricks, entertainment:

  • speed slalom ( speed slalom) - overcoming the track of cones with the maximum possible speed.
  • Style slalom, or artistic slalom - a demonstration of a pre-prepared artistic program with musical accompaniment.

Freestyle training at Skate town school

Since the development of basic freestyle skills occurs during the passage of the initial course, its development begins even in the process of learning the basic elements of roller skating. You can switch to this discipline at any time when a clear understanding comes to you that you want to not only enjoy roller skating, but are going to devote yourself to slalom.

If you have already made your choice, sign up for a freestyle course - and forward to the heights of sports victories!

Course program:

  • one-foot;
  • all types of monolines on front and rear wheels, as well as criss-crosses;
  • all types of grapevines, including reversals;
  • all types of X's and techniques for performing maneuvers on them;
  • all types of regular Shopping Carts, including double ones, and maneuvers on them;
  • cutback, kickback;
  • eights, volts and many other elements.

Duration and format of training

The slalom roller skating course consists of 12 group lessons of 60 minutes each. The maximum number of group members is 5 people.

How much time will it take to study?

The first year usually teaches the simple basic elements of freestyle. The main goal here is to deliver basic technique. On average, the whole process takes about two to three months.

The second stage involves the development of complex figures, combinations and the development of a speed skating style (speed slalom). It is impossible to name the specific duration of this stage, since each athlete has his own speed of mastering the material - everyone needs a different amount of time to master the technique and learn how to perform tricks flawlessly. So, for one person, a month is enough to “knurl” a certain element, while another has to hone his skills for a whole year.