Topic on the theme of the Olympic Games. Topic on The Olympic Games in English. Sports and the Olympics

The Olympic Games are known to us since the days of ancient Greece, whence came the expression - "in a healthy body - a healthy mind". The Greeks paid special attention to sports and loaded themselves with physical exertion in order to always be in good physical shape in case of military actions. Sports competitions, gladiator fights, chariot competitions began to take place in the Mount Olympus. Each participant demonstrated his dexterity, courage, strength, speed.

Later, with the advent of the Romans on the territory of Greece, the Olympic Games began to be held less and less, and at the beginning of the eighth century, the authorities declared them a pagan rite and banned.

In 1894, the International Congress of Sports decided new rules for the games and, in 1896, the Olympic Games began to be held again every four years. Later the International Olympic Committee was created which selected the city for each regular game. The goal of the Olympic Games was to give every athlete the opportunity to play for his country in fair competition.

The most famous symbol of the Olympic Games is the image of five interconnected rings. Rings represent the union of five continents.

In 1928, Amsterdam first lit the Olympic flame, as a symbol of the will to win. Since then, the fire is lit before the start of each game, and it burns to the very end.

The Olympic Games have been known to us since ancient Greece, whence came the expression - "a sound mind in a sound body". The Greeks paid special attention to sports and loaded themselves physical activity in order to always be in good condition in case of hostilities physical form. On Mount Olympus, sports competitions, gladiator fights, and chariot competitions began to take place. Each participant demonstrated his dexterity, courage, strength, speed.

Later, with the advent of the Romans in Greece, the Olympic Games became less and less frequent, and at the beginning of the eighth century the authorities declared them a pagan rite and banned them.

In 1894, the International Sports Congress decided on new rules for the games, and since 1896 the Olympic Games began to be held again every four years. Later, the International Olympic Committee was created, which chose the city to host each regular game. The purpose of the Olympic Games was to give every athlete the opportunity to compete for their country in fair competition.

The most famous symbol of the Olympic Games is the image of five rings connected to each other. The rings represent the union of the five continents.

In 1928, the Olympic flame was lit for the first time in Amsterdam as a symbol of the will to win. Since then, the fire is lit before the start of each game, and it burns until the very end.

The Olympic Games are an international sports competition which are held every four years in a different city. Thousands of athletes from all over the world compete against each other in individual and team sports. Over 1 billion people watch the games on TV.

The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 B.C. They were called the ancient games and lasted until the 4th century A.D. The modern games began in 1896, when the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin revived the games to bring peace and friendship to the young people all over the world.

Today, there are summer and winter games. Up to 1994 both games were held in the same year, but now they are staged two years apart from each other.

Ceremonies and symbols

The Olympic Games begin with the opening ceremony. Athletes from all the participating nations march into the stadium. Greece comes in first, because it was the first nation to hold the Olympics and the host nation comes in last.

The Olympic flag is raised and a chosen athlete lights the Olympic flame. It is a symbol of spirit, knowledge and life. The fire comes from Olympia, a small town in Greece and many runners transport the flame in a torch relay to the site of the games. It burns from the opening ceremony until the end of the games.

The Olympic rings were created in 1913 and represent the five continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas).

All athletes must take the Olympic oath. One of them has to promise that all athletes will give their best and compete in a fair way.

After each event, medals are given to the first three athletes. They receive gold, silver and bronze medals. Their flags are raised and the national anthem of the winner's country is played.

The International Olympic Committee

The IOC is the organization that governs the games. It decides which sports and events are held at the games. The IOC also selects the host city for the summer and winter games, at least seven years before they take place. Cities that want the games must show that

They have enough stadiums for all events
they have enough room for all the athletes
they can provide safety for the athletes
they can transport athletes and spectators from one event to another

Host cities must build an Olympic village where all athletes live during the games.

How can athletes take part?

Normally, each country decides for itself which sportsmen and –women are allowed to take part. Athletes must qualify for the games by winning or doing well in competitions before the Olympic Games start.

Athletes, who are sent to the games by their country must be a citizen of that country. For years, only amateurs were able to participate in the games, but today, most athletes are professionals, who earn their money through sport.

Most governments give their team money so that it can take part in the games.

The ancient games

The ancient Olympic Games were celebrated at Olympia, Greece every four years. They were held in honor of the god Zeus. In the early games, only Greek men were allowed to participate. The games consisted of sports like footraces, wrestling, boxing, the pentathlon and horse racing. The last event of the games was usually a chariot race.

When the Romans conquered Greece in 140 B.C. the games started to lose their religious meaning and in 393 the Roman emperor banned the event.

The Summer Games

The Summer Games are held during the summer season of the host country. They last for 16 days. Today, there are more than 270 events during the games. Over 15,000 athletes from 190 nations take part.

The next Summer Games will be held in London (2012).

The Winter Games

The first separate Winter Games were held in Chamonix, France in 1924. They usually take place in February. Today, the Winter Olympics include over 60 events. Athletes from more than 60 countries participate.

Politics and the Olympic Games

In the past, the Olympic Games have been disturbed by political issues. In 1936 the IOC chose Berlin as the site for the 1936 Summer Games. A few years later, Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party rose to power and Hitler used the games to show Germany's power.

In 1968 two Black American runners protested against their government and raised their fists when the American national anthem was played.

In 1980 the USA-and many other countries-didn "t send athletes to the games in Moscow because the Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan a year before. In return, the Russians and other Communist countries refused to take part in the 1984 games in Los Angeles.

The worst day in Olympic history came on September 5th, 1972 during the Munich games. Eight Palestinian terrorists broke into the Olympic village and killed two Israeli athletes. 9 others were taken hostage. They wanted the Israeli government to set free over 400 Arab prisoners in Israel. During a battle with German policemen all hostages and the terrorists were killed.

Olympia today

The Olympic Games have become very successful over the past years. More and more people are able to watch them on TV and television stations are spending more money for the rights to broadcast the games. The IOC earns more money than ever before. With this money they help athletes in poorer countries.

Drugs have become a big problem. Some athletes take drugs before and during the games in order to help their muscles grow. When they are caught they are disqualified and their medals are taken away from them.

Topic The Olympic Games tells about the largest international sports competitions, which are held every four years under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. The tradition of holding the Olympic Games originated in ancient Greece as part of a religious cult. Games have been held since 777 BC. e. by 394 AD e. and a total of 293 Olympiads were held in Olympia, which was considered a sacred place by the Greeks. The name of the Games comes from Olympia. The modern Olympic Games were revived at the end of the 19th century by the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin. The Summer Olympic Games have been held every four years since 1896, with the exception of the years during World Wars. In 1924, the Winter Olympic Games were established.

The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 777 BC in Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olimpia. They included many different kinds of sports: running, boxing, wrestling, etc. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olimpia to compete in the Games. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.

In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many centuries later.

In 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, addressed all the sports governing bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational value.

Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competitions were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition.

In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was set up. It is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement. It is formed by the representatives of all countries which take part in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee decides upon the program of the games, the number of the participants and the city-host for the Games. Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented in the International Olympic Committee now. Besides, each country has its National Olympic Committee.

Summer and Winter Games are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The most suitable is selected by the International Committee. After that the city of the Games starts preparations for the competitions, constructs new sports facilities, stadiums, hotels, press centres. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything. There is always an interesting cultural program of concerts, exhibitions, festivals, etc., for each Games.

Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. Since then it has won a lot of gold, silver, and bronze medals. In 1980 Moscow hosted the Twenty-Second Olympic Games.

The latest Olympic Games were held in Barcelona. Russian sportsmen got medals for their records in many sports events.

M any people all over the world are interested in sport. Sport helps people to stay healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.

They have always paid great attention to sport in our schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sportsground. Every city and town has a few stadiums or swimming pools, where local or even international competitions are usually held. Traditionally, sport could be divided into professional and amateur sport.

Former Soviet Union and later Ukrainian and Russian sportsmen have set a great number of world records in gymnastics, weightlifting, tennis, swimming, running, high jumping, etc. Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win gold, silver and bronze medals.

The Olympic Games have a long history. They started in 776 BC in Greece and took place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olympia. They included many different kinds of sports. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compete in the Games. When the Games took place, all the wars stopped. So, the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.

Now, there are Summer and Winter Olympic Games. They are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The International Committee of Olympic Games selects the most suitable. After that, the host city starts its preparations for the competitions, constructs new sport facilities, or reconstructs them, reconstructs stadiums, hotels, press centres, etc. Thousand of athletes, journalists and guests arrive to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything.

Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. In 1980, Moscow hosted the twenty-second Olympic Games. The latest. Olympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia. Our sportsmen won medals in many sports. Next Olympic Games take place in Greece, the Motherland of these games.


Sports and the Olympics

Many people all over the world are interested in sports. Sport helps people stay healthy and makes them more organized, better disciplined in their daily work.

In our schools, colleges and universities, sports have always been given great attention. You will hardly find a school where there is no physical education or sports fields. Each city and town has several stadiums or swimming pools where local or even international competitions. Traditionally, sports are divided into professional and amateur.

Athletes Soviet Union, and later Ukrainian and Russian athletes set many world records in gymnastics, weightlifting, tennis, swimming, running, high jump, etc. Our athletes participate in the Olympic Games and always win gold, silver and bronze medals.

The Olympic Games have a long history. They began in 776 BC. in Greece and were held at Olympia: every four years for almost twelve centuries. They included many different sports. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compete in the Olympics. During the Olympic Games, all wars stopped. Thus, the Olympic Games have become a symbol of peace and friendship.

Now the Olympic Games are divided into Summer and Winter Olympic Games. They are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee chooses the most suitable city. After that, the city in which the Games will be held begins its preparations for the competition - they build new athletic facilities, restore stadiums, hotels, press centers, etc. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games and it takes a lot of work to make everyone happy.

Russia has joined Olympic Movement in 1952. In 1980, Moscow hosted the twenty-second Olympic Games. The last Olympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia. Our athletes have won medals in many sports competitions. The next Olympic Games will be held in Greece, the home of these games.

The Olympic Games is a worldwide famous sport event. Every four years the best sportsmen of every country united in national teams meet each other in one selected city to find out who is the strongest, fastest and the sturdiest person in the world. There are two types of these games: summer and winter ones, because all sports are conditionally divided according to seasons.

The event was first organized by the ancient Greeks at the Olympus (a residence of Greek gods) more than 2,700 years ago. Modern games are very different from the first ones and quantity of played sports changes every time depending on their popularity. Summer sports usually include synchronized swimming, volleyball, rhythmic-sportive gymnastics, pole vaulting, athletics, etc. The most popular winter sports are hockey, bobsledding, figure skating, biathlon and skiing. As it was noted before, the program is changeable: the most popular sport stays, the less popular one disappears for some time (rugby, motor sports and golf).

The winners in every competition get gold, silver and bronze medals and every sportsman desires to win the golden award. It is a big honor for every country to be a host for Olympic Games, because this is a chance to show its power, financial capabilities and the highest hospitality to guests from other countries by means of organization, opening/closing ceremonies of event and Olympic torch relay.

The Olympic Games are a world famous sporting event. Top Athletes of all countries unite in teams representing nations, meet in a specially selected city every four years in order to find out who is the strongest, fastest and hardiest of them. There are two types of such games: winter and summer, since all sports can be conditionally divided according to the season.

This event was first held by the Ancient Greeks on Mount Olympus (the home of the Greek gods) over 2700 years ago. Modern games very far from those that were held first, and the number of participating sports varies each time depending on their popularity. Summer sports usually include synchronized swimming, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, pole vaulting, athletics, etc. The most popular Winter sports are hockey, bobsleigh, figure skating, biathlon and cross-country skiing. As noted earlier, the program is changeable: the most popular sports remain, while the less popular ones disappear for a while (rugby, motorcycling and golf).

Competition winners receive gold, silver and bronze medals and every athlete dreams of a gold medal. It is a great honor for each country to host the Olympics, as this is a chance to show its power, financial capabilities and high level hospitality towards guests from other countries through the organization of events, the opening and closing ceremonies of the game and the Olympic torch relay.

It is worth noting that the official language in Rio de Janeiro, the capital of the 2016 games, is Portuguese, which can be learned via Skype at our school.