Vacuum for the transverse abdominal muscle. Vacuum exercise. We study all the subtleties and secrets. Why is it effective


The second option (the starting position of the body is the same):

  • completely exhale the air from the lungs, then take a very small breath, and hold your breath;
  • at the moment of holding your breath, strain the muscles of the abdominal cavity as much as possible (for a few seconds).
  • after a few seconds of holding the breath, we continue to inhale, repeating the same steps that are indicated in the first paragraph.
  • we do the above until a full breath. On average, a simple untrained person breaks one breath into three parts.
  • We perform the same actions on exhalation.

The second option is quite difficult, despite the ghostly ease of this exercise, so most trainers advise starting from the first one. How to do, choose only the athlete. Making a vacuum for the press is required every day. There is no specific number of approaches, it all depends on the desire and well-being of the person performing the exercise. One of the important conditions is that you can start classes only on an empty (empty stomach). This means that the best time to exercise is in the morning after waking up or at least three hours after eating.

Precautionary measures


  • perform the exercise for people with diseases of the heart muscle and vascular problems, since a sharp supply of oxygen can have a bad effect on well-being and even lead to loss of consciousness;
  • with a trainee's tendency to loss of consciousness or frequent sudden dizziness;
  • if a person is sick with a disease such as a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Feedback from anyone who has tried this exercise is only positive. After all, as a result, a person tones up a large muscle block, strengthens both the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen. Due to the load that is carried out on an empty stomach, before eating, metabolism and metabolism improves. The best result is achieved if the athlete drinks two hundred to three hundred milliliters of water after training 15-20 minutes before meals. In this case, the process of burning subcutaneous fats in the waist and abdominal cavity is activated, which is the basis for achieving the result. Reducing the overall weight and enriching the body with oxygen is also one of the positive aspects.

Vacuum is also recommended for women after pregnancy, as soon as the specialist allows you to give any load on the body. By simply alternately retracting and expanding the abdomen with a short breath hold, you can reduce its volume and tone the abdominal muscles.

A lot of hard exhausting exercises with which professional athletes tried to make themselves beautiful relief abs do not help to the extent that vacuum does. You should not load yourself to the point of losing consciousness and sweat to make your body beautiful. More precisely, excessive loads only harm the human body. It is worth reading what people write who have already gone through the process of burning fat in the abdomen, and everything will become clear. In most cases, everyone resorted to the help of this particular exercise.

Vacuum for the press goes well with power and cardio loads. Since with a lot of overweight, a person who decides to pull himself together will not have enough only exercises for the press. The ideal combination to solve this problem is the basic exercise "barbell squat" plus "vacuum". The first is responsible for the load on the upper legs and at the same time the entire muscle block of the press, which, like our breathing exercise, contributes to the burning of fat in the problem area.

If you are self-taught, be sure to use the video course "How to pump up the press, from which any girl cannot take her eyes off". It will help you choose the necessary exercises and visually see the execution technique. For professional athletes, such assistance will also not be superfluous.

When playing sports, do not forget about and of course, about drawing up a training program as well.

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There are many ways to lose weight: heavy exercise, proper nutrition, or even strict diets. But often in the struggle for a beautiful body, people encounter the problem of a sagging abdomen, which no diet can cope with.

Exercise vacuum for the abdomen

You can achieve excellent results in losing weight thanks to a special breathing technique that has many positive reviews. At first glance, such information may cause distrust, but the mechanism of action is very simple: by saturating the body with oxygen, you help it burn excess fat. There is a special vacuum gymnastics for the abdomen, performing which you not only train the deep muscles of the press, but also saturate the body with oxygen. Exercise vacuum for the abdomen is very fond of Arnold Schwarzenegger himself and perform it in the following positions:

  • standing;
  • on the knees;
  • lying down;
  • sitting.

In the process, you need to create a vacuum in the abdominal cavity, and not just breathe, pulling up the muscles. Proper retraction of the abdomen using this technique will help not only make the muscles strong, but also remove extra centimeters in the waist. In the process of execution, not only deep muscles are trained, the elasticity and tone of which increases, but also the diaphragm itself, which is responsible for supporting the internal organs.

Belly vacuum - good

If we talk about the result that you get after several weeks of regular exercise, then this is not only a tightened abs, but also significantly strengthened abdominal muscles. By training according to this technique, you will significantly reduce the load on the spine, your posture will become smoother, and the silhouette will be slimmer. Therefore, it is useful for women to perform an abdominal vacuum exercise after the birth of a child - the benefits of which after childbirth are much greater than classes aimed at pumping the press.

Vacuum for the abdomen - technique

Before starting classes, you need to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions for performing, since the vacuum in the abdomen technique, which at first glance is simple, has its own nuances of execution. It is easy to master the correct technique if you initially perform it in front of a mirror: you need to draw in your stomach so that the ribs are visible. The main secret of how to properly do the vacuum exercise for the abdomen is to hold your breath at full exhalation while pulling up the muscles.

How to do a stomach vacuum

For such a workout, the stomach must be empty, so it is better to train in the morning on an empty stomach. To learn the basics, try doing the exercise first lying on your back to feel your muscles, and then check the correctness of the actions while standing in front of the mirror. There are some differences in the method of performing a postpartum retraction to restore tone and to pump the press, so learn how to properly apply a vacuum for various purposes.

Press vacuum

The most effective method to make a beautiful tummy is the vacuum exercise for the press, which is popular in bodybuilding, yoga, fitness and home body shaping programs because it is aimed at strengthening muscles that are inaccessible to other methods. You can get the coveted result after a couple of weeks of perseverance - the press will tighten up, become flat, and the waist will be noticeably thinner. How to do the vacuum exercise for the abdomen correctly? It is necessary to perform an exercise for the vacuum press on an empty stomach in the morning according to the method:

  1. Take a deep breath, and then release all the air from the lungs. To do this, it is better to use the bodyflex technique, in which, after a full exhalation, a full quick breath is taken through the nose, then immediately exhaled sharply through the mouth, at the moment when the stomach is drawn in.
  2. On exhalation, you need to draw in the stomach as much as possible, linger in this position for 5-8 seconds. In this position, due to vacuumization, the transverse muscle of the abdominal cavity is pulled up.
  3. Exhale slowly, take a break for a couple of free breaths, repeat the breathing technique at least 5 times. For the first week, five times is enough, from the second you can increase the number of repetitions and not take a break to restore breathing.

Awesome exercise for the press "vacuum" is like no other! It is not power, but it gives an excellent result for a flat stomach.

This exercise has been widely used in bodybuilding. But its foundations have been used in yoga since ancient times, and today in the popular body flex.

In bodybuilding, it has been used during demonstration programs to keep the stomach inflated and flat, and it also helps to expand the chest. Exercise "vacuum" makes the waist thinner, tightens all the muscles and skin, tones them, a tight muscle corset maintains all internal organs in the correct position.

Press vacuum technology

How to do a vacuum exercise for the abdomen? To achieve results, you need to perform the exercise regularly and often. It is advisable to do this in front of a mirror in order to see all the movements of the press. From the first time, not many people get the right execution, it will take a long time to train in order to master the breathing technique. Starting position: get on all fours, slowly exhale all the air from the lungs with your mouth, then you need to hold your breath and pull your stomach inward as much as possible. Stay in this position for 20 seconds, then inhale, catch your breath and repeat.

It is easiest to start training in a position on all fours or on your knees. In bodyflex, such an exercise is done in a semi-squat position, resting your hands on your knees. It is most difficult to perform it standing and sitting. Over time, you can learn to perform it in any position.

You can find many pictures of this exercise on the Internet or in books. The stomach literally goes under the ribs, a large cavity forms under them. This is what the ideal version should look like.

Vacuum exercise - photo

Arnie knows how to make a vacuum

Number of executions

You need to train every day and perform the exercise at least 5 times. If you are doing a set of strength exercises for the press, do a “vacuum” every time you complete the set.

1 31807 2 years ago

Do you want to have a narrow waist and a flat tummy, but there is practically no time to attend daily workouts? There is one exercise that does not require any special equipment or a visit to the fitness room - an exercise vacuum for the abdomen. This most effective element is borrowed from the most ancient yogic practice. Correct and systematic implementation of it will allow you to get rid of the annoying stomach in a fairly short time.

What is a vacuum for the abdomen?

What vacuum for the abdomen: how does the element work and what muscles form a flat tummy? Let's start with physiology. Rare to meet human with a really flat stomach. Even people who regularly engage in fitness can boast of a relief press, but they can’t get rid of a protruding tummy in a relaxed form.

Let's take another example - girls who are absolutely thin by nature, who simply have nowhere to take excess fat. Even they can be seen protruding front wall of the abdomen. Why is this happening? It turns out that the weak muscles responsible for reducing the volume of the abdominal cavity are to blame.

The following abdominal muscles are responsible for the abdominal press:

  • straight;
  • external;
  • internal;
  • transverse.

When performing a set of exercises for the press, the first three muscle groups mainly work. They form a relief and cubes on the stomach. But for a flat tummy, the transverse muscles are responsible, which, with ordinary elements, are weakly involved in the press. If the main function of the first three muscle groups is flexion and rotation of the body, then the transverse muscles are responsible for reducing the volume of the abdominal cavity.

The abdominal vacuum exercise focuses on the transverse muscles. It makes the stomach taut and reduces its volume. A strong transverse muscle allows the stomach to “not fall out”, it literally “holds the stomach”. An element is a combination of techniques performed in a certain way. Today it is used both in yoga and in body flex. And having mastered the technique, you can easily perform an exercise at home.

Benefits and contraindications of a vacuum for the abdomen

The result after a stomach vacuum is simply huge: it allows not only to make the stomach beautiful, but also useful for the whole body:

For weight loss

Regular exercise of the vacuum of the abdomen promotes weight loss and allows you to:

  • make a flat stomach;
  • burn visceral fat;
  • shape the waist
  • pull up the lower abdomen.

The benefits of exercise for internal organs

The correct execution of the element contributes to:

  • prevention of prolapse of internal organs;
  • improving digestion;
  • proper bowel function;
  • improve blood circulation in the abdominal organs;
  • prevention of congestion in the pelvis.

In the process of training, we literally massage the internal organs with the abdominal wall, which is very useful.

Impact on the back

Interestingly, the abdominal vacuum exercise also has a positive effect on the back. It reduces or prevents pain in the lower back and improves posture.

Psychological benefits

The correct technique for performing the element saturates all organs with oxygen, and this, in turn, affects the human nervous system:

  • has a calming effect;
  • helps fight stress;
  • makes a person more self-confident;
  • gives a boost of energy.

The benefit of the exercise is also that it is absolutely economical. No sportswear, no special equipment, no gym membership required. You can perform the element in any convenient environment: at home, in the office, lying in bed and even sitting in transport. And for men the bonus is that the vacuum of the abdomen will visually expand the chest.


Despite the many advantages, the exercise did not bypass the disadvantages, which are, first of all, contraindications to the implementation of the element. It is not recommended to perform a stomach vacuum on persons:

  • suffering from stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and other diseases of the abdominal cavity;
  • those at any stage of pregnancy and during critical days, also can not be engaged immediately after childbirth;
  • in the recent past who underwent surgery;
  • having diseases of the lungs and heart, tk. The exercise is based on deep breathing work with breath holding.

In addition, the exercise should be stopped for any discomfort and pain in the abdomen.

How to do a stomach vacuum correctly?

In fact, the technique for performing a stomach vacuum for women, as well as for men, is simple: just pull in the stomach and hold it tense for a few seconds. It would seem that it could be easier. In fact, many beginners do the exercise incorrectly, and this significantly delays the achievement of the ultimate goal - a flat tummy. And for the body as a whole, the wrong execution technique will not lead to anything good.

How to do a vacuum of the abdomen for the press correctly? It is enough to observe the following principles:


The basis of the exercise is proper breathing. First, we take a deep breath through the nose, and then exhale sharply through the mouth, thereby freeing the lungs from the air. At the same time, the front wall of the abdomen is pressed against the spine as much as possible. The internal organs are pushed up under the ribs.


When exhaling, the abdomen naturally relaxes. Try to prevent this: in order to achieve the maximum effect, the stomach should always be in tension.

Lead time

The most effective will be the exercise twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening. You need to do a stomach vacuum on an empty stomach, so it will be ideal to exercise before breakfast and before bedtime.

Types of Exercise: Fab Four

There are four variations of the abdominal vacuum exercise:

  • lying down;
  • sitting;
  • On knees.

For each of the exercise options for the vacuum for the abdomen, the execution technique will be unchanged. The lightest is considered to be a “lying” vacuum, in which gravity acts on the internal organs, bringing them closer to the spine. It will be a little more difficult to exercise while standing and sitting. But on all fours - this is already a training for the trained, since gravity pulls the internal organs down, on the contrary, and you need to make more efforts.

Let's consider each of the element types in more detail.

Lying belly vacuum

The step-by-step execution of a vacuum for the abdomen lying down will look like this:

  • we take the starting position - we lie down on our back, bend our legs at the knees, place our arms along the body or spread them apart;
  • take a calm breath, and then a deep breath through the nose;
  • exhale sharply through the mouth, drawing in the abdominal muscles as deeply as possible;
  • we linger in this position for about twenty seconds;
  • we take a small breath and try to hold out with the inverted stomach for the same amount;
  • exhale and relax.

We repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

The muscles that stabilize the back are included in the work, so doing it is somewhat more difficult. The execution technique will be as follows:

  • with a straight back, sit down on a fitball or a hard surface;
  • resting our palms on lap, and we put our legs at an angle of 90 degrees, while the feet should be pressed to the floor;
  • further actions are similar to the previous version of the exercise.

Variant of the element from a standing position

There are two variations of this exercise:

  • we stand up straight, lower our arms and spread our legs shoulder-width apart;
  • we are looking for any support and rest on it, tilting the body slightly forward.

The next technique is already known. Vacuum standing or sitting can be performed throughout the day. It is enough just to control your abdominal muscles and draw in the stomach as often as possible.

Vacuum on all fours

The most difficult variation of the element, the initial position of which will be as follows:

  • we kneel and rest our hands on the floor;
  • shoulder, elbow and wrist should be on the same line, do not bend the arms at the elbows;
  • thighs should be perpendicular to the lower leg;
  • Keep your back straight, straighten your chest.

In yoga, there is another complicated variation of the vacuum on all fours - “nauli”, in which, while pulling in the abdomen, we force the rectus abdominis to rotate. We try to describe with a muscle three circles in one and the same number in the other direction.

Step by step training program

Consider an exemplary training program that will suit both a beginner and an “experienced athlete”. Let's outline five stages of mastering the element.


We begin to master the exercise from a prone position for fifteen seconds in one approach. In the future, gradually increase the breath holding time to one minute.


After mastering the element in the “lying” position, we begin to achieve results from a standing and sitting position. Here it is already necessary to ensure that the back is always straight, and this is already a load on the muscles - back stabilizers. In the future, we increase the load, moving from a solid surface to an unstable one. A fitball can serve as an assistant in this.

Vacuum plus quadriceps

We begin work from the “on all fours” position, in which the quadriceps are involved and the load is increased due to the reverse gravity. Initially, a half-minute breath hold will be enough. In the future, we increase the time to one minute, as well as the number of approaches to five.

Natural vacuum of the abdomen

At this stage, we begin to control the abdominal muscles in any position. We sit, stand or walk, every time we pay attention to a protruding stomach, we try to draw it in. As a result, not only the transverse muscle is controlled, but also breathing. You need to do this until the process becomes natural and automatic.

Alternating abdominal vacuum with abdominal exercises

At the last stage, we begin to train all the abdominal muscles: from straight to transverse. At the same time, when performing any exercise on the press, we begin to simultaneously retract the navel to the spine. The simultaneous contraction of these muscles increases the intensity and effectiveness of the workout.

A couple of tips on how to execute the program:

  • try to always keep your back straight, do not round it;
  • perform the element slowly, controlling both breathing and abdominal muscle tension;
  • in the process of work, pull the transverse muscles as deep as possible inward, as a result, the waist will already be directly above the iliac bones;
  • when exhaling, try to completely empty the lungs;
  • do not hold your breath for less than 10-15 minutes - there will be no effect from the training.

A few words about how many times to do a vacuum of the abdomen. Over time, holding the breath decided: you need to start from fifteen seconds, bringing the time to one minute. You need to do three to five such repetitions. From a prone position with excellent health, you can increase the number of repetitions to ten, or even fifteen.

And don't forget regularity. You should get into the habit of doing a vacuum twice a day, this is the only way to achieve the desired result.

Common mistakes when doing the exercise

There are a number of mistakes that people make when doing the exercise. This is especially true for beginners.

  1. There is no rest between sets: the abdominal muscles should not only tighten, but also relax.
  2. Training does not take place on an empty stomach, which leads not only to difficulties in performing the element, but also to heaviness in the stomach throughout the day.
  3. Cessation of activities with dizziness. In fact, this is normal: the body does not have enough oxygen, so in addition to slight dizziness, you may want to sleep. Over time, all these unpleasant moments will pass.
  4. Incorrect exercise technique, leading to pain or stabbing pain in the abdomen. In this case, you need to stop the workout and turn to the technique.

In any case, do not give up training halfway through. Nothing happens right away: for a month of everyday vacuum, the result is unlikely to be obvious. But in six months it will be possible to evaluate the efforts made. Only patience and hard work leads to the desired result.