Vertical scissors. A set of exercises for the most beautiful parts of the body. Photo exercise scissors

Vertical scissors- this is a fitness exercise for the abdominals, which is suitable for anyone who has just started training to perform at home or in the gym. Due to the static load, vertical scissors strengthen the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle and strain the unnecessary iliopsoas muscle. Tangible benefits for lower press from this exercise will only be with movements in a certain amplitude, to find out which one, read below.

Initial position

Lie on a fitness mat on your back. The position of the body can be in one of two options, providing a different degree of load when performing the scissors exercise. If you lie on the floor, and place your hands on the sides, then this option will be quite easy to perform compared to the other. Option 2: Raise your upper back and rest your forearms on the floor. In other words, by lifting the case you provide additional static load. The neck should be straight and in line with your body.

Exercise technique vertical scissors

There are 2 options for this exercise:

  • Lift your legs off the floor and keep them in a horizontal position parallel to the floor. Raise one leg up to the vertical, slowly lower it to a horizontal position, immediately raise the other.
  • Raise your legs off the floor, the higher you lift, the more difficult it will be to perform the exercise. Having raised them, begin to cross, that is, lower your right leg under the bottom of your left and lead to the left side, left leg lift over the right leg and lead in right side. Do this once, then swap them, left at the bottom, right at the top. Move your legs out to the sides as far as possible. Breathing is arbitrary, but exhalation is best done with effort.

How to do the vertical scissors exercise most effectively?

Vertical scissors is a fitness exercise and very popular with girls and women. The sad thing is that most of them do it wrong. It will be most effective not to lower your legs below 45 degrees, thereby turning off work iliac muscle, but it is best to raise it as high as possible. In this way you will give the correct and good load for the press. This option is more difficult for the lower press and may not be suitable for beginners.

  • For beginners, it is better to keep your back and legs closer to the floor. After several workouts, rest your forearms on the floor, rising on your elbows, and lift your limbs 30 cm from the floor.
  • If you want to increase the load - attach the weights to the ankles.
  • You can perform the second version of the exercise, while raising your legs and crossing them, and then lowering them to the floor level.
  • Try to stretch out your socks as much as possible.
  • For getting maximum effect from the vertical shears, keep the press in a twisted state to load the press with an additional static load.

Some simple exercises provide an incredible effect, due to which they are used in many training programs. The scissors exercise is one of the most versatile movements that can be performed both in the gym and at home. It not only allows you to burn a lot of calories, but is also great for the development of the abs and thighs. Moreover, there are several difficulty levels for scissors. Light vehicles suitable even for beginners, but for the most difficult options, serious physical training will be required. In this article, we will consider everything related to the benefits, features, technical nuances and types of "scissors" that are easily adapted to any training goal.

The benefits and benefits of "scissors"

This exercise is one of the simplest movements that can be done anywhere. At the same time, the level of difficulty adjusted with the help of technology can pose a significant challenge even to experienced athletes. You can also adjust this exercise by shifting the load for the legs or for the press, depending on the position of the body, lifting the legs and other techniques. If you highlight the advantages of the exercise, then you should note the main advantages for which it is worth including it in your program:
  • perfectly works out the press, with an emphasis on the lower part;
  • allows you to increase the endurance of the legs;
  • burns a large number of calories (with prolonged exercise);
  • purposefully pumps all the heads of the quadriceps;
  • does not require any equipment.
In general, "scissors" is one of those movements that is included in almost all programs for homework. Even if you go to the gym for a workout, this exercise will not be excluded from the program, most often it is performed at the end of the workout, along with other movements for the press. The “scissors” are especially useful for girls, they allow you to quickly remove excess fat from the hips and bottom abdomen - the most problematic areas. And the main advantage over working with weights is that riding breeches will not increase from the “scissors”.

Technique and types of "scissors"

There are several basic techniques that differ both in the degree of load and in the effect on muscle groups. All types of "scissors" are performed in the prone position. Nevertheless, the types of exercises differ, depending on the position of the legs and the movement itself. First of all, the “scissors” are divided into vertical and horizontal. In horizontal, the legs move in a horizontal plane (spread apart). In the vertical version - up and down. These are fundamentally different movements that are aimed at pumping individual muscles and differ significantly in complexity.
  1. Lie on your back on the floor, stretch your arms along the body and use them to keep balance. Raise your legs up at about a 30 degree angle. This is the starting position.
  2. Start bringing your legs straight at the knees so as to get each of them behind each other. In the process of reducing the legs should be pressed against each other.
  3. Alternate execution so that in one repetition the right leg is on top, and in the other - the left.

It is important to understand that this exercise cannot be done by the number of repetitions. If you perform it on the account, then most athletes will not make the maximum number of movements in the series. Therefore, do “scissors” either in time, constantly increasing the time under load, or until maximum failure, when there is no strength left to continue the approach.
You can vary the difficulty of the exercise due to the position of the legs. The higher the legs, up to a 90-degree angle (when the legs are perpendicular to the floor), the easier the movement will be. The closer they are to a horizontal position, the more difficult. But it is important to remember that throughout the exercise, the legs should not touch the floor. Socks must be extended, feet should look at the floor.

Vertical "scissors"

This is the most difficult technique. When performing it, it is very important to understand how to do the exercise correctly. It involves:
  • back muscles;
  • Press;
  • hips;
  • buttocks.

Also, the load partially falls on the shoulders and calves. At first, the exercise can be slightly traumatic, therefore it is better to use the help of a partner for insurance. The execution technique will look like this:
  1. Lie on the floor, leaning on the shoulder blades and shoulders, raise your legs and body so that it is directed forward and upward (at an angle of 60 degrees). Place your hands on your lower back to maintain body position.
  2. Bring one leg forward as close to your head as possible. After that, return the leg back, while moving the other leg.
  3. Perform movements alternately until the end of the approach. To be more confident with vertical scissors, ask a partner to belay you in the lumbar area in case arm strength is not enough. Also remember that your knees should always be straight. Bring the leg at the bottom point as far as possible, but without distorting the correct position and without bending the knee. This will help improve stretching and make the exercise even more effective.


In the "scissors" you can progress almost endlessly, both due to the complication of the technique, and with the help of leg weights. For example, if doing regular horizontal "scissors" becomes too easy for you, try lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, keeping your body only on gluteal muscles. Such a movement will combine "scissors" and "twisting", combining static and dynamic loads.
Also, do not forget to alternate horizontal and vertical options, using them to evenly develop the muscles of the entire lower body.


Exercise 1. “Push-ups from the wall”

The body is straight, in an inclination, the arms are widely spaced slightly below the line of the shoulders, the palms are parallel to each other in a circle. Bending your arms at the elbows, approach the wall and then gently push yourself away from it, trying to do this minimally with the muscles of the arms and maximally with the pectoral muscles. Elbows during push-ups go to the sides and do not fall down. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2. “Scissors with hands”

Standing straight, arms spread as far as possible to the sides (feel the stretching of the pectoral muscles), palms pointing down. Join hands crossed in front of you: first one hand on top, when repeating - the other. Perform slowly, be sure to consciously strain and stretch pectoral muscles. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 3. “Circular swings”

Standing straight, with both arms slightly bent at the elbows, perform synchronous swings with maximum amplitude: first forward (as when swimming with a butterfly), then back (as when swimming on your back). Repeat 15 times on each side.


Exercise 1. “Swinging with legs”

Standing straight, arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, palms down. Swing back and slightly to the side. Perform first with one foot, then with the other. Do not tilt the body forward, do the movement with maximum amplitude, but not with a jerk, but with a contraction of the muscles of the buttocks. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 2. “Crane”

Standing straight, arms bent at the elbows, parallel to the floor. Raise the leg, touching the elbow with the knee, then lower the leg without touching the floor. Keep your body in perfect alignment. Perform first with one foot, then with the other. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 3. “Boat”

Lying on the floor on your stomach, rest your forehead on the palms of your hands. Raise both legs off the floor as high as possible, tensing the muscles of the buttocks, then lower the legs to the floor, but without touching. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 4. “Scissors with legs”

Lying on your back, hands under the coccyx, straight legs raised above the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. Cross your legs alternately (first one leg on top, when repeating - the other), with maximum amplitude. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 5. “Scissors with hands”

Lying on your back, emphasis bent legs against the wall, arms outstretched. Raise the upper part of the rounded back off the floor, then return to initial position. Perform at an average pace. At the same time, the lower back is pressed to the floor all the time, the arms are extended forward, the press is in tension. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 6

final and very an important part complex - an exercise for static tension of the whole body. Arms and legs are shoulder-width apart, hands are on the line of the shoulder, body and legs are perfectly straight. Hold the body in this position for 1-2 minutes.

Such an exercise as scissors is familiar to everyone from school physical education lessons. Despite its simplicity, it is very effective in strengthening the press and forming a beautiful silhouette.

Muscle work

Scissors have a complex effect on the entire rectus abdominis muscle. At the same time, it is perfectly worked out Bottom part, which usually reacts badly to the load. Regular exercise will strengthen the press and make the stomach flatter.

Muscles involved in the exercise.

It should be understood that neither scissors nor other strength exercises by themselves do not contribute to combustion excess fat. If, in addition to strengthening the abdominal muscles, you want to achieve a reduction in volume, be sure to combine scissors with cardio.

Execution technique

How to make scissors? To get started, take your starting position.

  1. To do this, lie on the floor, after laying a gymnastic mat or towel on it. It is not recommended to perform the exercise on a sofa or other soft surface, as this makes it traumatic.
  2. Raise your straight legs up, slightly lifting them off the floor (about 10–20 cm). Place your palms on the floor and place them under your buttocks. This will help lift the bottom of the buttocks and relieve excess tension from the back. You should feel the lumbar area relax and press firmly against the floor. Now you can start the exercise.

Start swinging your legs. The left leg should move to the right, and at the same time the right leg should move to the left. Then the movement is repeated in reverse, imitating the movement of scissors.

Make sure that the legs remain straight at all times and do not fall to the floor, and the toes are extended forward. It is also important not to bend the knees, as this significantly reduces the effectiveness of working out the press.

Scissors technique.

Do two sets of one minute each. Rest between sets should be no more than 30 seconds.

Fixing bugs

The most difficult moment for beginners is to keep the legs in an elevated position throughout the exercise. The difficulty is caused by the fact that the abdominal muscles are not strong enough and can not cope with the load.

If this happens during the second set, try increasing the rest time or reducing the number of repetitions.

If this problem occurs during the first approach, simplify the exercise. Remove your hands from under your buttocks, lift your upper body and rest on your elbows. Making scissors in this position is much easier. Over time, the abdominal muscles will strengthen, and you will be able to perform the standard version of the exercise.

Exercise variations

  • Stretch your arms along the floor and lift straight legs 10-15 cm from the floor surface. As you exhale, lift your left leg up, keeping it straight. As you exhale, lower it down. Repeat with the right foot.
  • You can try the so-called static scissors. Simply lift your straight legs off the floor and hold this position for a minute.
  • Exercise can be performed with weights. After you can easily do 2 minute approaches, put on special weights weighing 0.5 kg on your legs. This will give the muscles an additional load and allow you to achieve even more impressive results. Most importantly, make sure that the lower back does not come off the floor.

For best results, do scissors 3-4 times a week, in addition to other exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. An integrated approach is very effective. Already after 2 months you will see that your stomach is noticeably tightened.

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Zone abdominal cavity very problematic and there very often accumulate unnecessary accumulations of excess fat. The scissors exercise is probably familiar to everyone. But do not think that if it is very simple, then the benefits are minimal.

This exercise is indispensable for working out the press and getting a beautiful silhouette. If you include this training regularly in your everyday life, then in a short amount of time you can achieve a flat stomach.

Execution technique

The technique is quite simple, but it is worth following it, because this is what will help to achieve faster results.

  • Take a supine position. Hands should be along the body. The palms are looking down.
  • Legs lift up they should form an angle of sixty degrees, as high as possible, if possible. The main thing is that the pelvis is in a stable position.
  • Using the bend of the spine, tear off the lower point of the pelvis from the floor, this must be done so that the feet are located above the head. With the help of your hands, take yourself under the top of the pelvis and lock yourself into a very secure support. It is also worth bending a little in the lower back.
  • While inhaling, leave one leg completely motionless, and lower the other forward.
  • As you exhale, change legs.
  • Do the exercise ten times with each leg.
  • When the training is over, the legs are brought together and the body lies completely on the floor or mat.
  • This exercise is a more difficult version of scissors, which is suitable for more physically prepared people and gives maximum results.

Now consider a simpler and more familiar option:

  • Take a supine position, preferably on the floor.
  • The legs should be placed together and in a straight position.
  • Hands are best placed under the buttocks, this will give better support for the back.
  • When the exercise is performed, the back is pressed to the floor as much as possible and should not come off it. Since it depends on how effective the training will be.
  • The stomach must be pulled in and inhaled.
  • The legs are raised about seven centimeters from the floor, do it synchronously and cross them.
  • Make wide swings from side to side, while placing your legs on top of each other.
  • The toes of the feet should be as extended as possible.

exercise scissors video

What muscles work

  • back muscles;
  • Abdominal muscles;
  • Muscles that are responsible for flexing the leg at the hip joint;
  • Muscles that extend the leg;
  • quadriceps femoris;
  • Calf muscle;
  • Ileo-lumbar;
  • tailor;
  • Trapezoidal.

In the second option, lightweight, all the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks work to the fullest.

  1. At the beginning of the training, it is better to tighten both parts of the pelvis synchronously. This should involve the muscles of the back and abdomen. This position must be maintained throughout the exercise.
  2. The shoulders should be as straightened as possible, and the shoulder blades should be brought together. Hands should confidently hold the back. That will help keep the body on weight.
  3. The movement of the legs should occur with a completely immobile body.


This training has a lot of advantages that you should know about:

  • The abdominal muscles are developing very well;
  • You can pump up or improve the condition of the cubes that are below;
  • Helps with drying body fat from the abdomen;
  • becomes much thinner;
  • Helps to acquire slender legs and tighten the muscles of the thighs;
  • There is no risk for the back to get injured and at the same time you can work out a large number of sections of the press;
  • Also suitable for athletes with injuries to pump the abdominal muscles.


To make the exercise as effective as possible, it is worth considering some of the nuances and following the tips:

  • No need to make unnecessary movements with the body and arms. That is, throughout the training top part bodies and hands must remain motionless.
  • Legs do not need to be raised very high, it is best to choose the optimal height of the middle range.
  • Try to keep your legs as straight as possible at all times.
  • Breathe correctly while doing the exercise, taking into account your individual characteristics and intensity of performance.
  • Do not try to do everything quickly, it is better to control the execution of each movement, and for this you need to train slowly and smoothly, observing all the requirements of the technique.
  • If there is a need or desire to complicate the process, you can use special weights for the lower leg.
  • It is advisable to do three approaches, each of which should last about a minute.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  1. The training works very well on the most problematic area of ​​the press in this sense;
  2. Very good exercise for burning fat;
  3. Scissors are allowed even with spinal injuries.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  1. If you do the exercise regularly, then you can only increase muscle endurance, strength and mass remain in the background;
  2. There are better workouts out there.

Mistakes that many people make

Beginners very often make the same mistakes that reduce the effectiveness and intensity of training. In order for everything to turn out in the highest class, it is not worth:

  • To avoid the risk of injury, then make sure that the lower back does not come off the floor;
  • Make a bend in the legs, they should always be straight with outstretched socks;
  • Legs should not be raised high, as this can affect the intensity of the press;
  • Lifting your head off the floor and tense your neck should be completely avoided.


If we draw final conclusions, then the following points can be singled out as much as possible:

  1. This exercise is more liked by women
  2. It is very useful for the press.
  3. And it helps to lose weight in very problematic areas of the abdominal cavity.

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