Doing lunges with dumbbells is an ideal workout for the hips and buttocks. Lunge walking. We study all the subtleties and secrets of walking lunges with dumbbells

Lunges with dumbbells can rightfully be called one of the most effective basic exercises for developing the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Compared to squats, lunges allow you to concentrate the load on one leg and work out the muscles more thoroughly. Using dumbbells as weights allows you to better balance and puts a lower load on the spine than in the case of lunges with a barbell.

Emphasis on quadriceps and buttocks

If we analyze which muscles work during lunges with dumbbells, we get the following picture:

  • Quadriceps ( quadriceps thigh, occupies its front surface) is one of the two main working groups. This muscle extends the leg at the knee joint when we rise from the bottom point.
  • The gluteus maximus muscle (makes up the bulk of the buttocks) - along with the quadriceps, experiences a significant load, extending the thigh when lifting up.

In addition to quadriceps and gluteus maximus, the following are involved in the work: abdominal muscles, gluteus medius, hamstrings, back muscles, calf muscles, etc. The main function of these muscles in this exercise is the stabilization of the position of the body and legs. No wonder the movement is called coordinatively complex - it’s really not always possible to keep balance the first time. You can also mention the muscles of the hands with which you hold the dumbbells - they work in static.

By varying the step width when performing lunges with dumbbells in your hands, you can shift the load towards the buttocks or towards the quadriceps:

  • The step is wider, the supporting leg has an angle at the knee of more than 90 degrees - it stretches better and the gluteal muscle works more. This is the best option for most girls. However, the wider the setting of the feet, the less comfortable it is to step and come back.
  • The step is narrower, the supporting leg is bent at a right angle - the front surface of the thigh is more involved.

The lunge technique with dumbbells in the hands allows for different step widths, with the only caveat that the legs should not be too close to each other or, conversely, too wide. Too close is when the working leg begins to go beyond the toe line with the knee. Too wide is when the supporting leg is almost straight. In a wide position, with a good stretch, you can lunge on the spot, but not in dynamics.

Avoiding injury

Lunges with dumbbells, like any other type of lunge, create an increased load on the ligaments of the knee joints. In this regard, they are more traumatic than, say, squats. This is due to the fact that during squats, the body weight and weights are distributed on two legs, and when lunging, you focus the entire load on one leg. Of course, the muscles are delighted with this, but weak ligaments can suffer.

Therefore, to prevent injury, use the following recommendations:

  • Refrain from lunges with dumbbells if you have recent knee injuries. If there were injuries, but for a long time, do the exercise very carefully and finish if you experience the slightest discomfort. Health, you know, is more expensive.
  • Before you start training, you need to warm up the muscles and provoke the release of joint lubrication (synovial fluid). To do this, we squat and do lunges without weights, rotate our feet and shins, do forward bends, etc. It will take five minutes, but the effect of the training will be much higher, and the likelihood of injury is lower.
  • When working with heavy weights, do not take steps. That is, both legs remain in place and your lunges with dumbbells are automatically transformed into.
  • If you have not practiced lunges before, first work out the technique without weight.
  • If you experience pain, discomfort and any other signals that should not normally be there, end the exercise.

If, due to problematic knee joints, lunges do not suit you, then you can try replacing this exercise with leg abduction (swings) while standing back, forward, to the sides. This can be done in special simulator or on the bottom block. To work out the buttocks, lunges can be replaced with a glute bridge. But, since any injury is individual, there are no universal recommendations, and therefore it is better to consult a doctor.

Actually, we turn to the description of how to do lunges correctly.


What is called “running in” the exercise is better without weight or with nominal dumbbells or weights. If the test is successful, take the load more seriously.

The execution technique is as follows:

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and stand up straight. Feet hip-width apart, back straight, shoulders back, gaze forward. This is starting position.
  2. As you inhale, take a step forward with your working leg, transfer your body weight to it and bend your knee. Try to put the foot softly and resiliently, do not fall forward with all your weight. The width of the step should be such that the knee of the working leg does not go beyond the projection of the toe. The angle at the knee of the working leg is 90 degrees or slightly less. The supporting leg is on the toe.
  3. As you exhale, push off the heel of the working leg from the floor, return back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the movement as many times as needed.

Lunges with dumbbells, as mentioned earlier, are basic exercise. It can be placed after squats, leg presses or deadlifts.

The number of repetitions and approaches depends on your individual goals:

  • To gain mass in the legs and buttocks, do 8-12 repetitions with each leg in 3-4 sets. In this case, the burden should be so weighty that the last repetitions are given with difficulty. However, to get results, doing the exercise correctly is much more important than adding weight.
  • If your goal is fat loss and definition, do 20-25 repetitions, but with less weight and at a faster pace. In this mode, you can do the exercise with weights.

As variations, you can do:

  • Lunges back. In this case, you step not with the working foot forward, but with the supporting foot back. What is the difference? There is no moment of lowering the foot of the working leg to the floor and, accordingly, the shock load on the joints is reduced. But the working leg is in tension all the time and is not fully unloaded as in the classic version of the exercise. Choose the option that is most comfortable for you. Lunges forward and backward can be alternated.
  • Working leg on the platform. This version of the exercise allows you to stretch the gluteus muscle more and work it out more efficiently.
  • Supporting leg on the bench (Bulgarian lunges). It removes the load from the supporting leg as much as possible and focuses it on the working one.
  • Walking or dynamic lunges. This version of lunges with dumbbells or weights is great for fat burning workouts. You have to not only do the exercise, but also constantly stabilize the position of the body.

Forward lunges with dumbbells mean a large number of variations suitable for both men and women. Performing them correctly, in combination with other exercises for the thighs and buttocks, you will make your workout as effective as possible.

Lunge walking is a basic multi-joint exercise performed with a barbell, aimed at developing the muscles of the legs, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calf muscles. The exercise is considered a more complex movement than regular lunges.

Main working muscle groups: thighs, buttocks.

Auxiliary muscle groups: calf muscles, abs

Walking lunges - execution technique.

1. Take the starting position by placing the barbell on your back, slightly below the neck, on the trapezius muscles. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. On an inhale, take a step forward, bending your knees. As you exhale, lower yourself until your back knee almost touches the floor. Keep your back straight, and the knee of the "stepping" leg should be exactly above the foot.

3. As you exhale, straighten up, straightening your knees and pull your back leg to the “walking” one.

4. Lunge on the other leg, stepping forward.

The exercise can also be performed with dumbbells.

Fizkult-hello, my dear! And today we analyze the exercise walking lunges.

After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and the feasibility of including it in the training program.

So, sit down please, we begin.

Lunge walking. What, why and why?

A parable about how and what a phyton girl got into in a cafe.

… we went to a cafe after a workout with friends, they brought us donuts and ice cream. I see a coach sitting at the next table. Coach:, eat, you will go home with lunges!

Moral - if you decide to sharpen an ice cream or a pie without a pale yellow, going into a cafe, carefully inspect it for the absence of a coach, otherwise you will have to oh how not sweet :).

Why do you think the coach from the parable chose lunge walking as a “punishment”? Do not know? Here we will answer this question further in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of basic / conditionally basic and aims to work out the lower body.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - quadriceps femoris / quadriceps;
  • synergists - large gluteal, large adductor, soleus;
  • dynamic stabilizers - biceps of the thigh, calf;
  • stabilizers - middle / small gluteal, anterior tibial, extensors of the spine, square muscle lower back, oblique muscles of the press.

Full muscle atlas is such a picture.


By doing the lunge walking exercise (with dumbbells), you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • increase muscle mass anterior / posterior thighs;
  • giving a more rounded shape to the buttocks;
  • increased strength and endurance;
  • improved balance/coordination;
  • increased calorie consumption;
  • development of hip flexibility, lengthening of ligaments;
  • muscle development and strengthening of the ligaments around the knee joint;
  • elimination, the formation of balanced proportions of the bottom;
  • tightening the inner part of the thigh, removing their “curd” (relevant for women).

Execution technique

Walking lunges with dumbbells is an exercise high level difficulties. Step by step technique execution looks like this.

Step #0.

Find free space in the hall to move forward in a straight line. Take a position at the beginning of the segment, picking up (on the sides) dumbbells of the desired weight. Keep your back straight, tense your abs statically, spread your legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, and look forward. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

While inhaling, throw forward, for example, the right leg and perform an eccentric contraction (flexing the hip and lowering down) and a concentric contraction (lifting up while exhaling). Attach left leg to the right and repeat for her the same movement. Continue moving forward, alternating legs. Perform the specified number of times. Having reached the end of the segment, turn around and “fall out” in the opposite direction.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this.

On the move like this:


In addition to the standard walking lunges with dumbbells, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • with a bar;
  • diagonal with dumbbells / barbell;
  • with weights in the hands and rotation of the body.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • before starting, make sure there is a clear path ahead;
  • maintain angles throughout the movement 90 degrees in both knee joints;
  • watch the position of the knees: they should not (but can with long limbs) go beyond the plane of the socks;
  • during the lunge, do not touch the floor with your knee;
  • keep your back straight throughout the movement, do not lean forward (some slight slope may occur);
  • perform an exit up due to a push with the heel;
  • in order not to fall to the sides while walking, go not in a straight line, but along a small diagonal, i.e. taking steps a little forward and to the side;
  • do not look at your feet, look forward;
  • watch the step length and lunge depth, it will be different and depends on the length of the limbs and the degree of flexibility of a particular person;
  • breathing technique: inhale - when lowering down, exhale - when straightening up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of sets 3 , the number of repetitions - 10-12 .

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

Which lunges are the most effective?

For the most part, everyone wants to perform the most-most exercises, i.e. those that load the muscles most fully. Researchers from the Department of Physical Education, Seoul National University (Seoul, Korea, 2015 ) , conducted a comparative electromyographic analysis of various lunge variations in order to find out which of them which muscle groups of the bottom are best loaded.

The data showed the following maximum EMG values:

  • reverse lunges: hamstrings 0,56 ; large buttock - 0,78 ; rectus femoris - 2,36 1,51 1,36 ;
  • classic lunges: hamstrings - 1,42 ; large buttock - 1,1 ; rectus femoris - 2,77 ; lateral broad muscle hips - 1,62 ; vastus medialis muscle of thigh 1,55 ;
  • walking lunges: biceps femoris - 0,83 ; large buttock - 0,83 ; rectus femoris - 4,02 ; vastus lateralis muscle of thigh 1,63 ; vastus medialis muscle of thigh 1,43 .

Conclusion: classic forward lunges work best on the glutes and hamstrings, but if you need to shift the focus to the front thigh, then it is best for this purpose fit walking lunges.

How to quickly tighten your hips at home with dumbbells alone?

You do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, but there are “curd” thighs that you want to get rid of, and dumbbells? Then use the following training strategy:

  • train your hips at least 2 once a week - Monday/Friday;
  • arsenal of exercises - lunges forward / backward with dumbbells, lunges to the side, cross lunges, walking lunges, wide stance squats with dumbbells, legs back and up while standing on all fours with a dumbbell in the hamstring area;
  • number of sets / repetitions - 4-5x20-25;
  • tie exercises in supersets, perform them one after another without rest.

Follow this strategy and soon (even at home, with only dumbbells) You won't recognize your hips, and they won't recognize you :).

That's all I would like to report, let's move on to ...


lunge walking - more + 1 effective exercise to the bottom in our piggy bank. Try it for a “taste”, and tightened hips will be provided to you!

That's all for now, see you soon, i.e. till Friday!

PS: Does your gym allow lunges?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 Karma points guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1 rank by weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

Place in : out of competition ()
The date: 2015-09-12 Views: 70 024 Grade: 5.0 Core muscles- and
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Difficulty of execution- high

Walking lunges - video

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 8 - 12 steps per leg. 3 approaches.
For women: 8 - 12 steps per leg. 3 approaches.

Load on muscle groups

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Restrictions for injury/illness/pain

The degree of risk is indicated on a 10-point scale

Description of the exercise

This exercise can be done with either a barbell or dumbbells. It is more difficult to maintain stability with a barbell, however, the arms do not strain and it is possible to do this exercise with a little more weight. With dumbbells, such lunges are technically easier to do, but your hands may get tired. The main difference between this exercise and classic lunges is that it works much more muscle- stabilizers. That is, the body spends more energy. It turns out that this exercise is better suited for weight loss than other lunges. However, it requires a lot of space and a relatively empty hall.

Main chips

1. It is advisable to walk a little apart. That is, the feet should not be on the same line. This makes it easier to keep balance. 2. Do not hurry. Get down deep, touching or almost touching the knee of the floor. The width of the step is such that when lowering the knee moves forward a little, but does not go beyond the toe. 3. The distance that you need to go in one approach depends on the weight of the projectile and your preparedness. The longer the distance, the better for weight loss. The average distance is 30 meters. You can walk back and forth several times in one go, but ideally you need to go in a straight line. 4. This exercise loads the hips and buttocks so comprehensively that it is enough to do only it so that all your muscles of the lower half of the body receive a load. It can be used both at the beginning of a workout and at the end with light weights to “finish off” muscles.