Schedule for swinging the press and push-ups. Push-ups are a simple exercise that will help you get rid of your stomach. How to do push-ups: muscle atlas exercises

Such an exercise as push-ups from the floor has been known to everyone since school days. For boys, there is a TRP standard, which they must pass annually. To meet this requirement, you must be able to proper push-ups from the floor.

Why are push-ups necessary?

The main purpose of push-ups is to strengthen muscle mass the whole body and increase the strength of the upper body with the help of its own weight. There are a huge number of variations of push-ups to work out different muscle groups, but in order to understand how to properly do push-ups from the floor, you need to understand the muscles that work during push-ups.

  • pectoralis major - trains with any type of push-ups;
  • triceps (triceps muscle of the shoulder), best worked out with push-ups with a narrow grip;
  • delta - the muscle that forms the outer contour of the shoulders, is necessary to hold chest;
  • press - abdominal muscle that keep the body in a straight position;
  • cervical - work to hold the head.

Regardless of which muscles work during push-ups, strengthening the body with the correct technique of push-ups from the floor will increase the benefits in other areas, namely:

  • increases the speed of punching by strengthening the triceps;
  • the general tone of the body is maintained;
  • increases agility and endurance;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • the respiratory system is in order.

Chances are you've done some form of push-up since your PE class in high school, so you definitely know how to do this exercise properly, right? Well, it's quite possible not. Practice shows that most people are terrible at exercises that use body weight, such as push-ups. Simply put, most people simply don't know how to do push-ups. Experienced coaches note that a huge number of people make the same mistakes. Therefore, if you do not want to be like "the majority", you should identify your weaknesses when doing push-ups in order to learn how to do this exercise correctly, with perfect shape.

You put your hands wrong

When it comes to doing push-ups correctly, it all starts with proper hand position. Most people place their hands either too wide or too far forward. This puts too much pressure on your shoulders and you don't get the full benefits of push-ups. Make sure your palms are directly under your shoulders, just slightly wider than the width of your chest. This allows you to get a secure footing and not strain your shoulders during the exercise.

You allow your elbows to move in any direction

This is the most popular consequence of placing your hands incorrectly. Also, many people believe in the myth that your body should take the shape of a "T" because your arms should be at a 90 degree angle to your body. It also puts unwanted strain on the shoulders. You should place your hands correctly, making sure that your wrists are neither in nor out, but straight, and your middle finger is parallel to your body. Your elbows should be no more than 60 degrees away from your body so that your body takes on the shape of an arrow rather than a "T".

You lower your head and arch your neck

Many people are so engrossed in the actual push-ups that they forget that one of the essential elements This exercise is about keeping your back straight. This leads to a large number of errors, one of the most common of which is lowering the head. People forget that the neck is part of the spine, and therefore, when they begin to feel the heaviness of this exercise, the even neck disappears first. In addition, many people lower their heads so that they feel like they are closer to the floor than they really are. Unfortunately, this only puts extra strain on your neck muscles without benefiting the rest of your muscles. Therefore, you should try to keep your neck in a neutral position, look straight at the floor without looking up.

You let your back sag

As soon as your neck drops between your arms, the next one sags. Bottom part back. This is an inevitable violation of the correctness of the exercise by those people who do not have enough strength to perform a regular push-up. In particular, it is about weak muscles press. If you don't keep a close eye on your form, it can lead to pain in your lower back. Instead of doing more wrong push-ups, focus on doing fewer push-ups while maintaining proper form.

You raise your hips

A slightly less common mistake when doing push-ups is the tendency to lift your hips up. This is also an attempt to cheat the system, as this movement reduces the load on the abs, making the exercise easier, but it is less likely to lead to injury or back pain compared to previous mistake. If you are trying to cheat the system, then you are only cheating yourself and just missing out on the opportunity to work on your abs.

You don't move until the very end

This is one of the most common mistakes. People don't do full pushups. They just do easy push-ups without even getting close to the floor, while pretending like they are doing everything fully. But this is far from true. People are fooling themselves first of all when they think that slight bending and straightening of the elbows in the plank is a push-up. This is not that exercise. In fact, strength and endurance are increased exclusively by full-fledged push-ups, slow movements along a full trajectory to the floor.

You are doing push-ups too fast.

The push-ups described above are often accompanied by increased speed. People find that if they use as much momentum as possible to do a few quick push-ups, it will compensate for errors in form. This trend is causing correct execution push-ups for many people. People simply forget about technology, and it is from this moment that they begin to have serious problems. To break this bad habit, focus on controlling your body and focus on quality, not quantity.

You Cross Your Legs When You Modify Pushups

If you modify push-ups by doing incline push-ups or kneeling push-ups, for example, you can achieve a much more impressive result. However, if you cross your legs when you do kneeling push-ups, you should stop doing it. Crossing your legs when you're sitting is not ergonomic, so why do you think it's a good idea to cross your legs while you're doing push-ups? The best way doing push-ups on your knees is to keep your legs straight and touch your toes on the floor.

You are not using your abs and shoulders 100%.

Everyone knows that push-ups strengthen your chest and triceps, but if that's all you're focusing on, you're underestimating push-ups and also increasing your chance of injury. Push-ups engage almost all of your front muscles, from your quads and abs to your shoulders and chest, as well as your back and glutes to stabilize your body during the exercise. You should also make sure that all the muscles of the body are tense and that no muscle group remains unused.

you hold your breath

The last, but no less important mistake is common to almost all difficult exercises. When people begin to have difficulty performing, they hold their breath and try to overcome the difficult movement. If you are already finishing the set and have used all the resources of your body, then there is nothing wrong with holding your breath. But if you do this throughout the entire set, you are simply not approaching the basic physiology of the exercise. Your body needs a steady stream of oxygen to keep you moving and correct breathing may even allow you to do better with the exercise.

Benefits of Proper Execution

Yes, push-ups are far from the easiest exercise, but when you bring your form to perfection, you will quickly begin to strengthen the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and with them the triceps, all with the help of one exercise that does not require any equipment. What's more, the abs are also strengthened, as you need to constantly maintain a perfect plank throughout the entire set. As tempting as it can be to relax and forget about form, it's better to do fewer reps with perfect form than more reps with poor form.

Can you do push-ups? Let's omit the philosophy, the arguments of couch fighters and just theorists. Instead, let's take a few practical advice on how to pump up muscles with push-ups for short term. And then there will be real story from the life of a man I knew.

What is effective and what is not in push-ups

By doing push-ups, you can develop pectoral muscles, shoulders and triceps. The core muscles also get some training.

Let's analyze effective and ineffective ways to pump up with push-ups.

Weighting: necessary or not

The plan of push-ups from the floor for muscle growth should contain weight training. Without it, growth will be minimal and only by initial stage(muscles quickly adapt to work with their weight).

In general, mass push-ups are optimally carried out on the uneven bars, using weights of 20-30% of your weight. But the bars are not available to everyone and not always.

If we are talking about classic push-ups from the floor to the mass, then they can also be done with weights. You can use a special vest, a backpack (the main thing is to firmly fix it on your upper back) or train with a partner, a child, a girl. You should not just put them on the lower back - this is an extra load on the spine.

If you are alone, and there is no way to even put a cat on your back, the mass will not grow. It remains to be engaged in pumping triceps and chest for endurance - this will also increase the relief.

If you are aimed specifically at this result, you should do push-ups without weights for the maximum number of times.

Movement speed

The quick execution of push-ups, even to failure, even without it, will not give much effect. It's just pumping. Do the exercise slowly. It is a slow push-up that will make your muscles work with all their might. You will get tired faster, you will be able to do fewer repetitions in the end. But final result will be better.

Training protocol

Each time, write down the results, how much you did push-ups and how. If training, for example, every other day - after 2 weeks you will forget how much you did push-ups on the first day. And so you will have a convenient sign in which the push-up program is indicated.

You might consider this a waste of time. But, believe me, it is always useful. Even if it's just paper or a table in your gadget, even if you never look at it, you need it. This is, first of all, discipline and order in your studies.

Different types of push-ups and their effect

The distribution of the load on the muscles depends on the position of the palms on the floor (or on the surface of the support).

Our muscular system rarely involves the tension of any one muscle. All complex movements are performed due to the cooperation (expressed in the form of synergy and antagonism) of several muscles. For example, to turn the key in the lock, not the only muscle of the forearm is tensed.

  • Put your palms forward with your fingers - you will swing the triceps, provided that the elbows are pressed to the torso.
  • Spread your elbows to the sides, keeping the orientation of the palms - now you are training the triceps and chest (the lats also tense in this situation, but a little bit, acting as antagonists to the pectoral muscles).
  • If you can turn your fingers back and press your elbows to the body, the load will be distributed between the shoulders and triceps.
  • If you spread your arms wide, turn your palms inward and do push-ups - then you load the chest as much as possible (it is especially loaded inner part). The chest works in all cases, but you can use it less or more due to the different position of the hands. It will not be possible to completely turn off any muscles that work during push-ups.
  • If you want to load your shoulders and make the exercise more difficult, put your feet on a support and do push-ups upside down.

If you stand on your fists and do push-ups from this position, you create an additional load. The magic is simple - the path from the chest to the floor increases. That is, you can go deeper: at the same time, the muscles are stretched more strongly, the amplitude of movement becomes larger. And, to get up from the bottom point, you need to apply more force than with push-ups on the palms.

For the same purpose, push-ups are used. In addition, they also spin. Thus, you will also strain the stabilizers of the forearm.

What else will help you pump up

If you think push-ups alone will build you beautiful body- you, unfortunately, are mistaken.

Push-ups from the floor can develop, first of all, the chest, triceps. Shoulders partially work, forearms, wrists, core muscles are involved.

But you can feel the growth only in relation to those muscles that have the main load. Pump up triceps - yes. Chest, too. Shoulders - and even they can be pumped up in this way, however, only the front beams.

What about legs, biceps, back? They won't change. To pump up - you need to train the whole body. Especially the legs. Without leg training, you will not actively gain mass.

The principle here is simple - the heaviest load is usually given to the legs, due to which more anabolic hormones are produced. As a result, overall muscle mass grows faster.

Nutrition and sleep

You can pump up muscles provided that the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates enters the body. There is no sufficient nutrition - there is no increase in mass.

In addition, it is necessary that everything eaten is well absorbed. To do this, meals should be fractional and frequent. If you eat twice a day, and arrange the main meal before bedtime, hoping for a set of muscle mass is ridiculous.

As for sleep, it is no secret that the body needs to rest a certain number of hours a day. All recovery processes take place during sleep, including in mice. Without this, their growth is impossible. If you don't get enough sleep, you'll get overtrained very quickly.

Bottom line - to gain muscle mass, you need a complex consisting of nutrition, sleep and training. Then you can develop your body with push-ups from the floor. How to pump up if at least one of these components is insufficient? Alas, no way.

The progress of the pectoral muscles: a real life example

The person I cite as an example, simply out of boredom, was able to pump up the pectoral muscles to some extent. I must say that before training they were not visible at all. The asthenic chest was flat as an ironing board.

Training in the hospital

The man was admitted to the hospital due to inflammation of the digestive tract.

The first couple of days he came to his senses after prolonged abdominal pain. As soon as the condition improved, he became bored with just lying around and doing nothing. Oh yeah, we're talking about a 17 year old guy.

The patient was alone in the room. Beds in hospitals you know what. No, not in modern private wards, where everything has been done according to different drawings for a long time. Regular bed with removable headboard.

From boredom and already good, at that time, well-being, a person decided to train - in a hospital setting, it was possible to download the press and do push-ups. He began to push up from the floor.

First results

When regular push-ups became tiring (by the way, from 8 push-ups at a time, he went up to 50 in a month spent in the hospital), a new element was included in the training - push-ups from the head of the bed.

And the last stage of training - he moved the beds together and used their arms as bars. After a month of such training, his pectoral muscles began to stand out noticeably. They were small but noticeable. This was enough for friends and relatives to notice the changes. Triceps also became more shaped and embossed.

The classes had side effects- Periodic training caused repeated exacerbation of pain. Therefore, doctors extended inpatient treatment. But each time the pain subsided faster and faster. When the body adapted to the load, the pain went away completely.

Doctors, no one told about this practice. Otherwise, the “athlete” would have been quickly discharged from the free “gym”.

Here is such a story, how with the help of only own body and even hospital food can change yourself. Of course, I do not recommend such experiments to anyone. This is just an example of what happens in real life.

Watch your diet, give your muscles good load, be healthy and strong!

To all the guys in childhood, the fathers said a phrase like: “Push up more and you will become stronger, there will be no end to the girls.” Are Our Parents Right About Efficiency? this exercise? Today we will figure out how to pump up your arms with push-ups.

And yet, is it possible to pump up your arms only with such exercises? It will not be a secret to anyone that push-ups are an excellent “simulator” for our hands. Moreover, this exercise is similar to the well-known “bench press”, which is performed with a barbell. But no one can be a super healthy guy with just this exercise. You can still pump up, but not all the muscles of the arm. With this exercise, such a flexor muscle as biceps will not be pumped.

It takes a lot of weight to be a “big” muscled guy. When doing only push-ups, no matter what mass you are, this weight would still not be enough. But do not rush to immediately give up push-ups. After all, they, like everything else, have their advantages:

  • Thanks to daily approaches, you can keep the triceps, trapezius, deltoid and pectoral muscles in good shape.
  • Such exercise stress helps to disperse blood from the heart.
  • With an increase in the number of approaches, you can increase the endurance of the involved muscle groups.

To answer the question of how to pump up beautiful hands with push-ups from the floor, it is important to do push-ups correctly.

It is important to know the features of the correct implementation of push-up exercises from the floor:

1. When performing, keep your back in a straight position.

2. Each muscle group has its own types of push-ups (we'll talk about them a little later).

3. The slowest execution speed is important.

The training schedule is of particular importance. After all, if you train for one week, and then take a break for a couple of weeks, then you can not expect any effect from the exercises. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain stability in the classroom. So we got to the technology:

1. The first thing that matters is the position of the hands.

2. Feet together or a short distance apart.

3. After that, in the lying position, you need to go down, while taking a breath.

For greater efficiency in the down position, follow some conditions:

  • Tighten your abs as if you were about to take a hit.
  • Squeeze your buttocks.

Types of push-ups

On the this moment There are a lot of different push ups. Let's deal with each in detail:

  • Wide. In this form, the arms are placed wider than shoulder level. So the pectoral muscles are better stretched.
  • Narrow. Hands shoulder-width apart and slightly narrower. So the triceps are pumped better.
  • Diamond. Hands close to each other. So the triceps muscle is even better stretched than with narrow ones.
  • With cotton. Cotton is made when repulsed. Be careful with this type of work. It is important to put your hands in time starting position so that there are no confusions.
  • On one leg. One leg is placed on the other and the load increases. Brushes in any position you like.
  • From the wall. Highly hard exercise. Beginners do not always cope, so it is better to learn the previous types. For those who are comfortable with the rest, you need to put your feet up on the wall to perform. You can use for this help from outside, for example, a coach or friends.

There is a so-called contraindication. Those who have naughty pressure, it is better to refrain. Again, it's not that important.

When performing each type, it is important to know the breathing technique. All exercises are as follows. With a load, that is, repulsion, it is necessary to exhale. Never inhale.

For those who liked the idea of ​​​​how to pump up their arms exclusively with push-ups, they can get themselves a thing that can come in handy in training. Often buy a palm rest. The emphasis will be especially useful for those who have suffered injuries in the wrist area. In addition, you will need it to change the grip and focus on certain muscle groups.

And how much to do?

As they say, individually. Same story here. In view of this, we must proceed from our goals. For example, to begin with, with all the correctness, you can do up to ten repetitions. Further more, but keeping the correctness. Do not chase quantity, quality and stability are more important.

Go in for sports, observing the technique and rules for performing certain exercises. The main thing in this business is intensity, intensity and again intensity.

Greetings, my dear kachata! Just the other day I came across gym with the fact that many, even the “long-living” inhabitants there, do not know how to do push-ups correctly. I looked and looked at this mess and thought that maybe they are not so alone in their mistakes. The result of my contemplative process was the writing of this article "How to do push-ups." So, today we will talk about mistakes in push-ups, the correct technique for their execution, options, or, more correctly, types, and of course, we will consider some practical tricks that will help you master this strength exercise once or twice.

All in the collection? ... then we will not pull the cat for a delay, let's get down to business right away.

How to do push-ups: the technical side of the issue

“Take emphasis lying!” - I think this phrase is familiar to many from physical education classes, but in the army it is probably like the prayer “Our Father”. Now in the yard 2013 , however, recalling my school years, I would like to say that almost every second guy had problems with this exercise. I won’t say that everyone was kind of frail - no, it’s just that someone was familiar with “squeezing” since childhood and constantly honed correct technique its implementation, and someone "kicked the bulldozer" at the same time.

In general, the attitude of guys to push-ups can be characterized by the following capacious expression: “we were forced, we didn’t want to” :). Why didn't they want to? ... I personally think that no one explained how to do it correctly, and almost everyone had modest results. After all, you must admit, it is much more pleasant when you enjoy the exercise. (Even with the pain) than when you move, do not understand how and the forces go, do not understand where.

How to do push-ups: muscle atlas exercises

Below I will give a visual row with alternative push-ups that can be used by both sexes.

Pushup variations and training program

There are many variations of push-ups, and they depend on the tasks that the athlete sets for himself. Let's look at the most common push-up options. At home, this (see picture):

  • circular push-ups;

The abdominal muscles, triceps, as well as the pectoral and deltoid muscles are heavily loaded. They are done in a lying position, the palms are slightly wider than the shoulders and are on the same level with the heart. A circle is described by the body of the body, on inhalation it descends, on exhalation it rises.

  • with a wide / narrow setting of hands;

In such push-ups, the emphasis is completely shifted to the chest. (wide setting) or triceps (narrow setting) . The execution technique is identical to the “classic”, only the arms are wider / narrower than the shoulders in 2 times.

  • with a jump;

A variant of the exercise from, which allows you to develop explosive force muscles. Lowering occurs on inspiration, on exhalation we powerfully push off, make a clap in flight and return to the starting position.

  • on chairs;

By increasing the range of motion, a greater load is given to all participating muscle groups. Take two chairs (preferably steel), put them side by side and take an emphasis on them lying down. The execution technique is similar to classic push-ups.

Also very common are push-ups on the fists, which significantly strengthen the muscles of the hand.

In general, the execution technique remains the same, however, it must be borne in mind that the main distribution of the body weight load should fall on the phalanges. 2 and 3 fingers, not the whole fist. Also, in order not to bring down the “hands in the blood”, it is necessary to put a soft cloth or towel under the fists. (although I personally don't care about it).

Some may like push-ups on the edge of the palm and even on the fingers. However, beginners should not do this, because. you can easily get serious injuries to the limbs. By changing the position of the legs along with the body, we work out either the upper or lower bundles of the chest muscles. Try to put your legs on the windowsill at home, and you will immediately feel increased tension in the upper chest.


Push-up world record held by Paddy Doyle (former bandit). He did push-ups in a day (attention!) 37000 once. In a bar in England he did 7860 push-ups in a row.

In general, there are wagon and small cart types of push-ups, and I think we will devote a separate article to them very soon, so stay tuned.

In order to constantly progress in push-ups, you need to make yourself training plan. For beginners, it is best to adhere to the following training scheme: push-ups 2 once a week 3 approach to 10-12 reps, rest between sets 15 seconds. For more advanced athletes, the following plan is suitable: 3-4 once a week after the main workout in the gym, 3 approach to 20 reps, rest m / s approaches 10 seconds.

For those who don’t know how to do push-ups at all, but after reading the article, this goal caught fire, it’s best to start with lightweight push-up options - from the wall, from the knees. As soon as you feel the strength in yourself, switch to the classics and perform 2 approach to 7-9 repetitions, 1-2 once a week. In speed, you will also submit to more complex “squeezing” schemes.

For those who are stuck at a crossroads and can not move in any way in the number of times, the following training scheme will help increase the number of push-ups with 80 before 260 Only for 15 weeks.

And finally, if push-ups “do not work” in any way, then you can resort to some tricks:

  • Find in the hall and install the neck in its lower part. Lie under it and push up like from the floor about 10 times. Move the bar down one notch each time (until you find the most difficult height for yourself) and repeat push-ups. Soon you will be able to easily master the classic push-ups;
  • If your wrists hurt, then try using four/octagonal dumbbells. Take them by the handles and begin to perform the exercise, making sure that the hand and forearms form one line. This will reduce discomfort in the wrist area.

Well, actually, that's all I wanted to talk about today, let's sum up the final results.


Of course, to answer the question - how to do push-ups correctly? - it's not enough just to watch a video or put smart books around and training programs The key here is practice. Therefore, we finish reading this interesting article, tear off the fifth point from the computer chair and begin to hone the technique and various options doing push-ups right at home.

I say goodbye to you on this, until we meet again, my dear readers, all sports success!

PS. I always welcome your comments and questions, unsubscribe them in the form below.