Admiral Bulldog DotA 2 in which team. The famous player Admiral Bulldog. Biography of Admiral Bulldog

Today we will tell you about a famous Dota 2 player who calls himself: Admiral Bulldog. In fact, his name is Henrik Anberg, and he is a very mysterious person. Dota considers the project an integral part of his life.

Admiral Bulldog ("Dotabuff"): biography

Our today's hero deserves respect at least for visiting the gym. Admiral Bulldog is known for playing only one character - Lone Druid. There were exceptions in his career, but they were incredibly rare.

Henrik loves to conquer the pubs and has an excellent win rate of 70 percent. This person gained particular popularity after meeting with a player under the nickname Dendi. The latter stands for Na'vi. In several competitions, the TAIL player could not participate, and Dandy offered Admiral Bulldog. By appreciating good game, calmness and responsibility of this person, he was invited to join the young NoTidehunter team.

At first, it was unusual for him to break into such a strong team after pubs, but he soon adapted. Together, the team won the Dreamhack Winter. And she managed to show unique results. The game was brilliant, the team did not lose a single match, and in the end gave the heat to Evil Geniuses.

The team in question has achieved such success despite their youth. Henrik himself claimed that after the victory he was in seventh heaven with happiness. In addition, our hero believes that in competitions you can not only prove yourself, but also have fun. Together with his favorite hero - Lone Druid - he has played about six hundred games, and competes in Steam for more than 2.4 thousand hours. Henrik wants to win The Internetional championships as well as mini-tournaments. The facial expression of our hero actually resembles the look of a sad bulldog. That's probably why it was called that.

"Alliance", Admiral Bulldog and their joint achievements

The Alliance is a Swedish esports organization that has a roster for League of Legends, StarCraft and, of course, Dota 2. In 2013, the team of our hero No Tidehunter announced the creation of The Alliance. In addition to Admiral Bulldog, Johan Luccisi, a Starcrafter with the nickname Naniwa, joined the organization. Soon they were joined by a representative of the same discipline from Sweden - SortOf.

The Dota division in which our hero participates received the GOSU AWARDS as best team. In addition to Henrik Anberg, the organization includes Johan Andersson, Gustav Magnusson, Joakim Akterhall and Jonathan Berg. At the DreamHack Winter tournament, the Alliance managed to get $14,500 in prize money. During DreamHack, the team earned $2,500. At the RaidCall in Poland, the athletes won another $2,000. At The Premier, the organization's piggy bank was replenished by another $6,500. Currently, a career break has been announced, the team is not represented at the competitions.


So, Admiral Bulldog, aka Henrik Anberg, has a lot of experience in playing for Lone Druid, in addition, he loves to fight Dota calls his life, but remembers to keep fit. Noticed his efforts Dandy. Already at the start professional career achieved tremendous results. Has ambitious plans for the future.

With the advent of computers, not only high-precision calculations, artificial intelligence and neural networks have come into our lives, helping us in our daily search for any information, but also computer games that bring us peace after a hard day's work. But do not forget that every game has its own professionals who consider their hobby as work and devote most of their lives to it. This article is about Admiral Bulldog: the famous player in computer game"Dota 2".

A few words about Dota 2

Modern technologies make it possible to recreate those incredible universes that the most perverse human consciousness can only come up with. It uses computer graphics. With each new version of the software, the level of realism is greatly increased. Of course, the graphics are not the most important thing, because there are many options for the quest on the same map. This is what guarantees successful game, which is Dota 2.

Her concept is not entirely new, because her main idea - the struggle of 5 heroes of light against 5 characters of darkness - she takes from a custom map for the Warcraft game. The essence of attractiveness lies in the many options for obtaining victory. The game does not stand still, every few months there are updates, after which new strategies appear, and the old ones become useless. In addition to many items, it also contains as many as 108 characters who have their own history, abilities and predispositions for certain situations.

Dota 2 was created by the famous Valve studio, which is why it did not need special PR. The influx of people of different age categories was instantaneous, but for the most part they were teenagers from 13 to 16 years old. In addition to all of the above, Dota also had a rating selection of games where only professionals competed. Among these professionals is the hero of this article: professional player"Dota-2" - Admiral Bulldog.

Biography of Admiral Bulldog

Bulldog's real name and surname is Henrik Anberg. Male, 26 years old, citizen of Sweden. Henrik was famous even before his career in the professional game. There were whole legends about the "Admiral Bulldog" on the near-game forums, where people talked about his high level in Dota-2. This rumor has been around the right people, after which the gamer of the Na’Vi team Danil Ishutin, under the nickname Dendi, invited him to join his team. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Henrik left the team that made him famous all over the world.

For a long time, Admiral Bulldog did not sit idle, after which he was recruited by the Alliance team. The positive qualities of Henrik are perhaps the first thing that former and current players of the above teams talk about. Maybe it was his cheerful disposition or his perfect performance on the forest heroes that helped the Alliance team win the 2013 Dota-2 championship - The International 2013. This victory is very significant, because DOTA is a recognized cyber discipline all over the world today. the world, including the CIS.

What team is Admiral Bulldog on?

Henrik's gaming career began when he met Dendi, who invited him to take the place of the hardlaner in his Na'Vi team, as mentioned earlier. After that, Admiral Bulldog felt out of place. Several years passed, and Henrik was invited by the Alliance team, in which he finally won the Dota-2 championship.

The journey didn't end there. In 2014, the Team Tinker team invited the same hardliner to take the place. This union did not bring much success. Of course, minor championships were taken, but it was not possible to achieve victory in The International.

Starting from 2015 and to this day, Admiral Bulldog has been a member of the Alliance team, in which he was a member at the time of his victory in The International 2013. They say that of all the other teams, this one is more to his liking. No one knows for sure, except for one thing: the name "Admiral Bulldog" will be associated with a great game and victory in 2013, which will forever go down in the history of Henrik's life.


To this day, Henrik is in his favorite team, in addition, his teamwork can be seen at the Dota 2 Championship in 2018, where he will be part of Alliance. We hope that we have sufficiently covered a part of the life of a professional DotA esports player - Admiral Bulldog, because it is because of such people that the modern gaming industry gathers millions of fans around the world and billions of views on various video hosting sites.


With this post, I open a series of articles with an analysis of the open statistics of professional players and an analysis of their profile on the DotaBuff service. What heroes do professional players develop in matchmaking and how do professional supports “rest” from their role?

On myself dotabuff admiral bulldog profile you can follow this link, and below we provide its current screenshot at the time of this writing - 11/18/2014:

Dotabuff analysis of Admiral Bulldog

total stats

AdmiralBulldog does not play matchmaking often anymore (judging by the streams, only with friends who are not professional players). Total not in tournament games played 846 matches of which he won 598, lost 234 and statistics are not recorded in 14. The win rate is 70.69% , which is a very high result in Dota 2, from which we can conclude that the Bulldog takes the game into his own hands in many ways, takes responsibility for the victory of his team.

Most played heroes (often chosen heroes)

First we see Lone Druid, which is not surprising, because Admiral Bulldog or Henrik Ahnberg got into the professional Dota scene precisely thanks to the stubborn and very good game for this character, which Dendi noticed when he invited him to play as a substitute for several matches in Na’Vi. Next comes Nature's Prophet, whom Henrik himself noted as one of the most flexible characters in the game. These two heroes for some time were associated only with Admiral Bulldog, and among the people who are especially trying or good players on Druid and Furion they were jokingly called "Bulldog".

8 of the 10 most frequently picked heroes in Bulldog are hardliners, which corresponds to his role in the professional Dota scene. Some may argue that Lone Druid is not a hardliner, but between the second and third Internationals, when some kind of balance was not introduced to make life easier for hardliners, he was. The reason for this was that the creeps at that time on the complex lane met much closer to the enemy’s T1, which greatly complicated the life of those who tried to take anything out of this lane. So, hardliners had to “cook” under their tower for a long time, doing absolutely nothing, but Lone Druid at that time could “entertain” enemy supports with his summon – a bear, and prevent them from making withdrawals, taking creeps under his tower, where he could relatively safe to farm. But even then, this hero was quite fragile in the early stages of the game to stand alone against the enemy trilane.

So, Admiral Bulldog used to be a legislator of the play on the complex lane, and many teams tried to counter exactly him, which untied the hands of the other four players of NoTidehunter and The Alliance.

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Henrik Ahnberg is a Swedish professional Dota 2 player better known as Admiral Bulldog. Henrik was born in 1990 and entered the professional scene rather late. He was noticed at the age of 22 thanks to the filigree play on Lone Druid, and it was not about a specific card, but about a consistently high level of performance skills specifically on this character.

Admiral Bulldog: Dota 2

Unfortunately, there is no information whether Bulldog played the first Dota and whether there were any achievements there. However, we can say with confidence that Admiral Bulldog burst into Dota 2 very unexpectedly and brought a unique style of play unknown to the whole world.

Initially, playing for the NoTidehunters team, Admiral Bulldog played exclusively on Lone Druid. By the time Henrik joined the team, he also had a good grasp of the game on Nature's Prophet. These characters have become a real thorn in the side of the competition. While completely different heroes were often banned against other teams, it was Admiral Bulldog characters who always went to the ban against NoTH. And those who wanted to take a chance and try to outplay Admiral Bulldog were punished.

Over time, when the heroes of Admiral Bulldog began to get banned in every game, Henrik had to study other characters. These were Clockwerk, Bounty Hunter, Batrider, Broodmother, but they were all performed quite mediocrely and without the brilliance with which people are used to seeing Bulldog. On the this moment Henrik is one of the best offlaners in the world.

Admiral Bulldog: Professional Teams

In September 2012, Admiral Bulldog was invited to join the NoTidehunter team, which suddenly broke into the pro scene with a unique split-pushing style of play that took the best teams of the planet by surprise. As part of the NTH, Admiral Bulldog won many tournaments and the contract was not long in coming: already in 2013, NTH went down in history forever and now the brave five began to bear the proud name of Alliance.

Alliance has become almost the last team for the player. Only for a short time in 2015, the player moved to Team Tinker, for which he managed to get into prizes in only one tournament. The lack of results in the new team, as well as a similar problem within the walls of Alliance themselves, forced managers to return to former members, in which Admiral Bulldog and company are once again the biggest favorites in any tournament.

Admiral Bulldog: media exposure

popularity to to this player came very quickly. All this thanks to an absolutely unique style of play that is not inherent in any other player. At the moment, Admiral Bulldog Twitch is constantly visited by tens of thousands of users, the same applies to Twitter and Dotabuff.

This is how a person who plays only one Lone Druid became a world champion, a millionaire and one of the most beloved doters in the world.