Biography. Irina Chashchina: personal life Who is the husband of Irina Chashchina

In 2011, a well-known and quite successful Russian businessman Evgeny Arkhipov married an Olympic medalist. From the information available, we can conclude that the businessman is doing quite well both at work and in his personal life. Moreover, this person achieved success not only in the ability to earn money, but also in the sports field.

Entrepreneur activity

The well-known businessman Evgeny Arkhipov, whose biography is briefly described in this article, was born on February 2, 1965 in Leningrad. In 1982 he graduated from secondary school. From 1983 to 1985 he served in the USSR Armed Forces. From 1985 to 1992 he worked at the Pulkovo customs. From 1985-1991 studied at the Leningrad State University as a lawyer. From 1992-2002 engaged in business activities. In 2002, he held the position of Deputy Head of Baltnefteprovod LLC. From 2002-2005 works as deputy head of Autotransport Technologies LLC. From 2005 to the present day, he has held the position of Vice President of Northern Expedition LLC. Evgeny Arkhipov is a member of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg Kayaking and Canoeing Federation. He is in this sport.

Doing Business

Entrepreneur Evgeny Arkhipov organized his first business in 1987. He registered a small business and placed orders for painting various miniatures and objects in Palekh. The businessman supplied his goods to various souvenir shops. Next, Evgeny Arkhipov built a small undertaking to sell hot dogs on the streets of the city, then he organized a chain of restaurants with burgers, fast food with the City Grill Express brand. is popular in the city of St. Petersburg, and such projects begin to develop rapidly.

Entrepreneur Evgeny Arkhipov is the founder of one such fast food chain project in St. Petersburg. Today, up to 20 outlets under this brand operate on the streets of St. Petersburg. But some of the changes that have taken place in the street food market have given the businessman ideas for developing new projects. Further, the entrepreneur created a network of five restaurants and entered the capital's market.

american cuisine

Having visited the USA, the city of New York, in 1991, Evgeny Arkhipov (businessman) saw what real street fast food is in a big city, as he told reporters in his interview. He wanted to organize something similar in Russia. In 1994, with the accumulated $6,000, he bought the first special cart in New York, equipped not only with a grill, but even with a sink. Such a cart in those days cost as much as an apartment, recalls the owner of a restaurant chain. Today, 15 such carts operate in the city and about five points are involved. The entrepreneur also supplied these fast food carts for various holidays.

In 2010, Evgeny Arkhipov opened his first restaurant on Griboyedov Embankment called Grill Express. There are many such restaurants in New York, but in St. Petersburg it turned out that visitors to the establishment do not want to order hot dogs. I had to change the planned concept, the main menu now offered steaks and burgers. He opened the second restaurant in 2012 on Vosstaniya Street. The third largest restaurant with 100 seats was recently opened. American cuisine can be tasted in St. Petersburg today thanks to the entrepreneur.

Family status

He is married to the famous world champion, winner of the silver medal of the Olympics, Irina Chashchina. The businessman Arkhipov met his future wife at the world rowing competition, which was organized in the capital. Evgeny Arkhipov, Chashchina's husband, is the head of this federation today.

The gymnast did not immediately agree to the proposal to become his wife, but only the third time, as Chashchina says. With Evgeny Arkhipov, they played a wedding on a beautiful ship that sailed along the Moscow River. The businessman is also known to many people as a friend of former President Dmitry Medvedev. The president attended the wedding ceremony of the businessman and Chashchina with his wife and congratulated the newlyweds. Despite his busy schedule, Dmitry Medvedev was able to attend the solemn part of the wedding ceremony, the culprit of which was Evgeny Arkhipov. The couple has not yet had children.

Federation Vice President Evgeny Arkhipov

The candidacy of Evgeny Arkhipov was put forward by the board of the rowing federation. He agreed, but before that he thought a lot, because in addition to his professional activities, the question arose of the cost of his personal funds. In addition to moral satisfaction, the proposed position would not bring him anything, as Yevgeny Arkhipov said.

For about six years, the businessman trained in rowing and canoeing, reaching a high level. Arkhipov said that many coaches work on enthusiasm and desire. Budget financing is not enough, besides, the state finances such federations only for the needs of national teams, and all other problems are solved by the people themselves. With organizational support and financial support, this sport takes on a new breath, as the entrepreneur later explained his position.

Solving problems and tasks

After the completion of the pre-Olympic rowing season, athletes from Russia received eight Olympic licenses. Businessman Evgeny Arkhipov, whose biography is quite interesting, works as a vice president and successfully copes with many tasks. The entrepreneur is an active person, as can be understood from the stories of his wife Irina Chashchina.

A successful entrepreneur is an example for many young people and athletes. A purposeful and strong man, the businessman has won many awards and never ceases to amaze many people with his energy and enthusiasm. We wish him not to stop there and only go forward!

If you evaluate the biography of Irina Chashchina from a philistine point of view, then her childhood was difficult. The girl was born on April 28, 1982 in the Siberian city of Omsk. The harsh climate forces Siberians to take an active life position and move towards difficulties. According to the recollections of close people, the child in the first years of life was distinguished by some fatness. The family lived in abundance and the girl was fine with food. Parental love was not blind. From an early age, the girl was purposefully engaged. At the age of six, Irina became a student of a music school.

In parallel with studying music, the girl visited the pool and the gymnastics section. It can be reasonably argued that this is a standard set of hobbies for modern children of preschool and primary school age. However, the luminaries of pedagogy insist that professional orientation be chosen as early as possible. Some Japanese experts say that at the age of three it is already too late. Irina, on the advice of her relatives, chose rhythmic gymnastics. Her grandmother took her to classes, and her grandfather was the most active fan at the competitions.

Irina learned early on how big sport lives. At the age of eight, she takes first place in regional competitions. It is important to note that she manages to study music and communicate with her classmates in full. At the age of twelve, she was included in the Russian national team. Gymnastics takes more and more time, and the girl has to make difficult choices. She completes her musical education ahead of schedule, having passed the exams as an external student. He only goes swimming in his free time.

Sports achivments

The professional career of a gymnast began in 1999. Irina Chashchina was enrolled in the national team, and the legendary coach Irina Viner began to work with her. The Russian team in the same year takes first place in the European Championship. Two years later, our leading athletes, Kabaeva and Chashchina, find themselves in an unpleasant situation. They are accused of using doping and deprived of high awards won earlier. This scandal is followed by punishment - a ban for two years to participate in competitions. An offensive goal, as football commentators say.

Irina steadfastly endured disgrace and returned her name to high positions in the world rankings. At the Athens Olympics, held in 2004, Chashchina became the silver medalist in the all-around. A year later, she received a bronze medal at the World Championships and decided to leave professional sports. It's no secret that many famous athletes do not find themselves after the end of their careers. Chashchina had similar problems, but in a mild form. She took part in various show projects, sang on stage, acted in films and wrote a book about her sports destiny.

The personal life of the gymnast has developed according to classical patterns. The future husband and wife went in for sports in the past. Spouse Evgeny Arkhipov at that time served as President of the Russian Federation of rowing and canoeing. Eminent guests attended the wedding. Currently, Chashchina devotes a lot of time to working with children. Conducts master classes in different cities. Films are made about her activities and articles are published in prestigious publications.

Ira, thank you for taking your precious time to shoot and interview. You couldn't find a more reliable and professional team for... Damn, the recorder is off. Now, wait a second... The battery is dead...

This is a common story with me. Near me everything always breaks down and burns out. Phones, computers, lamps. I get in the car - it stalls ...

You probably often go to our systems engineer ... And how do you explain your paranormal abilities? You are a psychic?

I have too much energy, just nowhere to put it. This is how she works.

Are you so energetic because you left the sport?

Certainly! What do you think - eighteen years in gymnastics! Every day for eight to ten hours of training ... And now I'm looking for where to put my activity.

Well, how did you find it?

I am taking part in the opening of a fitness club, where I will teach my own, author’s program, I starred in the Dancing on Ice project, here you starred ... But, of course, I need time to get used to a more measured lifestyle. After a big sport, all this, so to speak, civic activity is like a warm-up for me.

Women often find use for their powers in their personal lives.

Yes, personal life is now also on my schedule. After all, I was practically deprived of it until now. And now the long-awaited freedom! I am twenty-four, behind so many events and emotions that sometimes I feel forty years old. And sometimes it’s the other way around: it seems to me that, like Mowgli, I have returned to people and cannot navigate in real life.

Found a girl brought up by coaches!

It's funny to you, but not so much to me. In sports, everything was clear: there is a goal, it needs to be achieved. There is a coach, he knows everything. There are rivals, they must be defeated. And now you need to choose the goals yourself, navigate yourself. Almost re-learning life. But I like it. And with sports, I, perhaps, said goodbye forever.

You've collected every conceivable sports award and you've probably earned a lot of money.

Gymnastics is one of the lowest paid sports. As we joke, we earn money in order to be treated later. I'm still lucky, but there are only a few like me. In general, life after sports is not the most fun topic. Not everyone finds the strength to start life from scratch. Someone goes into business, someone is a coach. But many drink too much, the girls dance in strip clubs.

It's sad... By the way, could you, Ira, perform a striptease?

Don't worry, with my preparation, I think it would have turned out to be quite an incendiary performance. If you suddenly admit that I would have wanted this and found one - I ask you to put it in the protocol - one worthy spectator. Once I came across a pole, and while no one saw, I practiced a little with it. So I know what I'm talking about.

This means that you have lived all your conscious life like this, away from temptations, in a purely female team. There are all sorts of rumors about young athletes doomed by an evil fate to share shelter, table and bed ...

It’s even a pity to disappoint you, but you are confusing the concepts of “rumors” and “fantasies”. I do not think that the percentage of sexual deviations among athletes in general and young athletes in particular exceeds the average. At least, my orientation has always been exceptionally healthy, and in the difficult conditions of the sports camp, it has only hardened.

But you couldn't have spent all your energy on sports and damaging consumer electronics, could you? Readers crave stories of regime violations.

This is please. Once - I was twenty years old - I ran away from the base on a date. It was winter. I got out through the window and, to cut off, went through the football field, where the snow is knee-deep. But since I always liked to dress up, instead of skis, I wore boots with heels. Climbing over the fence, I lost one boot, and then in a snowdrift and the second. So I walked back through the snow barefoot. And she didn't even catch a cold. But I do not advise you to repeat my feat: this requires the immunity of a professional gymnast.

Of course there was everything. Once, at the European Championships, it was terribly stuffy in the hall, and it must have happened that it was during my performance with the tape that someone began to regulate the air conditioner. A jet of air hit from the ceiling - and in a couple of seconds I was wrapped in tape, like a mummy. Probably untangled for five minutes. But still finished the number. And so what just didn’t happen: the hoops broke, and the maces fell on the head! And the sharpest feeling is when you throw the tape, and it gets stuck on the ceiling, and you stand like that to the music and wait for a new one to be brought to you. And the old one sways significantly overhead.

Exactly 10 years ago, on the twenties of October 2005, the official announcement of her retirement was made by the one who was rightfully called the most elegant gymnast in the world, a multiple world and European champion, vice-champion of the 2004 Olympics in rhythmic gymnastics Irina Chashchina.

After winning the silver medal at the Athens Olympics, she planned to stay in the sport for one more cycle. However, at the 2005 World Championships in Baku in the all-around, Chashchina remained only third, losing not only to the new rhythmic gymnastics Olga Kapranova, but also an old Ukrainian rival Anna Bessonova. After this tournament, Irina decided to say goodbye to the sport and go on new roads. It is symbolic that at this - the last tournament in her life - she was awarded a separate prize. It is called “Miss Elegance”. Even many years after the end of her career Irina Viner“I could not stand this beauty and almost cried,” when I looked at the demonstration number of my former pupil.

In the shadow of Kabaeva

Like most gymnasts, Chashchina's international career was short-lived. In 1999, the 17-year-old gymnast first got into the Russian team, but she managed to break through to the first Olympics only five years later, having withstood the fiercest competition in the team of Irina Viner. The unconditional prima gymnastics in those years was Alina Kabaeva, which only by misunderstanding did not win in Sydney and remained in the sport for another four years to get the coveted Olympic gold. Chashchina was in the shadow of her teammate for a long time, and therefore she collected an impressive collection of silver and bronze awards - not counting, of course, gold medals in the team event and individual exercises. However, among connoisseurs of female beauty, it was Irina who took first place and repeatedly starred in photo shoots for "male" magazines.

The finest hour of Chashchina's sports career came in 2004 in Athens. In qualifying, she showed an almost flawless performance, losing only 0.2 points to Kabaeva, and then became the second in the final. Russian gymnasts did a winning double for the first time in history, and from that moment, thanks to the beauty and success of Kabaeva and Chashchina, this sport became truly popular and massive in the country, and the heroines of the games became regulars on dozens of television shows.


All this could not have happened if the gymnasts had not come out with honor from an extremely unpleasant story. In 2001, Chashchina and Kabaeva passed positive doping tests for furosemide. A well-known diuretic and a means of losing weight in rhythmic gymnastics is considered a means of dishonest struggle, and therefore the girls could not only lose all the awards of the World Cup, but also be excommunicated from sports for two years.

However, almost for the first time, the Russian side managed to achieve a mitigation of punishment through the courts - all the awards for 2001 were still taken away from them, but they were already allowed to perform next season. The year of absence on the carpet is as if it had never happened: Kabaeva and Chashchina managed to quickly regain their shape and their former positions.

Finding yourself

After the end of his career, offers rained down on Chashchina, as if from a cornucopia. For several years she tried to find herself in a new life, and therefore tried several places of work and areas of activity at once, including leadership ones. In 2008, she became Deputy Prefect of the Northern District of Moscow for Sports and Tourism, and left this position three years later. In parallel, she successfully performed in "Dancing on Ice", "Circus with the Stars" and other similar shows, where the ability to work in front of the camera, natural flexibility and excellent physical shape are the main success factors.

However, in the end, the thorny path of life led Chashchina to her roots, and now she is again working for the benefit of rhythmic gymnastics. In May 2013, Irina opened her own school in Barnaul, and soon took the position of vice-president of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation, that is, the closest assistant to her mentor Irina Viner. .

President of Russia at the wedding

Not every beauty can boast of the presence at the wedding not of a retired general, but of the current president. In 2011, the then head of our state Dmitry Medvedev attended the wedding of Irina and his old friend and classmate with his wife Evgenia Arkhipova. A rich groom is far from being a stranger to sports. In his youth, he was engaged in kayaking, and now he heads the corresponding federation and helps it financially. At one of the competitions, he met his future wife,.

Obviously, the chosen one went through a tough selection. In that very farewell interview in 2005, Chashchina answered the question of what her future chosen one should be like: “Like the hero of the movie“ Transporter-2 ”Frank Martin. There is shooting all around, someone's head is torn off, and he only shakes off his jacket. What strength of mind, strength of will! I like it when there is mutual understanding between a man and a woman, when they go on an equal footing. But I don't like weaklings. To be honest, I just "eat" these.

Your attention is invited to an article about the wedding of the famous Russian gymnast Irina Chashchina, published in the Russian edition of "7 days". Please note that the publication is posted in the gossip column with the appropriate intonations and accents inherent in "gloss". President Medvedev is an old friend of the groom, coach Viner is the “godmother” of the bride, millionaire Usmanov is among the guests, etc. etc... In general, a "regular" wedding :) So:

Quietly and modestly - this is how the famous gymnast Irina Chashchina wanted to celebrate her wedding. But it didn't work out. Why? The President of the Russian Federation intervened...

Dmitry Medvedev and his wife Svetlana were among the first to learn about the wedding of Irina Chashchina and Evgeny Arkhipov. The Medvedevs are old and close friends of Arkhipov. Dmitry and Eugene have been friends since childhood. It is clear that Dmitry Anatolyevich could not miss such an event as a friend's wedding. And although it was not easy to organize the celebration due to Medvedev's work schedule, the celebration was a success as a result.

“Everything was so great! — happy Irina Chashchina shares her impressions. “Very beautiful and extremely fun!”

Irina and Yevgeny corrected themselves, however, by the evening, during the festive feast, which took place on a luxurious motor ship cruising along the Moscow River. There they kissed endlessly - both passionately and for a long time. After all, "Bitter!" the guests shouted joyfully to them literally without ceasing. In total, forty people gathered at the celebration - the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds.

When everyone was seated, Svetlana Medvedeva was the first to speak. Her husband, unfortunately, could not attend the evening event. He was called by urgent state affairs. Svetlana Vladimirovna wished Irina and Yevgeny happiness, kindness, to create a truly strong family, always and in everything to be a support for each other and - a speedy replenishment in the family! Behind this, one must think, they will not have a case. "Certainly! Chashina admitted. - I really want to give birth. We both really want a baby."

Almost everyone wished Irina and Evgeny not to delay with replenishment in the family that evening. The guests, however, not only uttered numerous toasts, but in general had a lot of fun. At some point, for example, a kind of dance marathon was absolutely improvised. For almost an hour, those gathered with pleasure made steps to the most diverse music - disco, jazz, rock and roll ... Among the dancers, two figures stood out, two Irina - Chashchina, who desperately threw off even her high-heeled shoes, and her former coach Wiener. However, the real decoration of the evening was the waltz dance, which was performed by the heroes of the occasion. Looking at Irina and Evgeny, everyone froze. Nobody wanted to miss any of their moves. It was not necessary to be able to read lips to understand what Eugene said to his wife during the dance: “I love you!”

He uttered this phrase to Irina, of course, not for the first time. But Chashchina remembers very well when these tender words finally had their effect. “Only after the third time did I say yes,” Irina recalls. - The fact is that our relations developed rather unusually. We met, then suddenly diverged. But not because they quarreled. It's just that Zhenya is an extremely busy person. He is a businessman, he always has a lot of important urgent matters, so he could disappear for a week, two, or even a month. Of course, these pauses both surprised and outraged me, although I did not show it. I didn't want to force things on my own. Let, I think, everything goes as it goes. In addition, I believe that the initiative should always come from a man.

We met two and a half years ago. Accidentally. Moscow hosted the World Junior Championships in kayaking and canoeing. Shortly before this, Zhenya just headed the All-Russian Federation for this sport. He himself, by the way, is a candidate master of sports in kayaking. I was invited to the competition, because at that time I worked as a deputy prefect of one of the districts of Moscow for sports and tourism. During all four days of the championship we communicated. And at the buffet on the occasion of its closing, Evgeny Yuryevich suggested that I meet and drink coffee someday. I was delighted, because I immediately liked him for his modesty, simplicity and the fact that it was very interesting with him. But since I did not know anything about Arkhipov, after this proposal I decided to make inquiries about him through acquaintances. Most importantly, I had to find out if he had someone, not to mention if he was married? Because for me, dating a married person is completely unacceptable. In a word, I found out everything: I was not married and had never even been married, and at that time, like me, he was free. Well, I think it's great, and I'm waiting for a call - an invitation to the promised coffee. He was heard, however, only two weeks later! We sat for three hours in a restaurant, talked about this and that and ... again parted for almost two months. During this time, no greetings from Zhenya, no answer. We met again in Kazan at the forum “Russia is a sports power”. Again by accident. Then, having arrived in Moscow, they didn’t communicate at all for six months ...

Now I understand that, although we did not see each other for a long time, Zhenya did not stop thinking about me. It is probably not so easy for a convinced bachelor to get married, to radically change his lifestyle that has been established for years! But he made up his mind. One day he invited me to meet his mother. That meeting, I believe, was in many ways decisive. Because Evgeny's mother liked me. She said: “Zhenya, yes, this is her, the very girl you need!” However, even after that, my future husband was in no hurry to run to the registry office. And when he nevertheless matured and made an offer, I refused him. I'm tired, I'm tired of waiting. It wasn't easy to say "no" to him though. Nevertheless, after a second attempt that followed soon after, I again refused him. And only after the third time I agreed. But not right away either. I took it and went to Italy. I wanted to be alone, to understand myself, in him, in our relationship. There I made my final decision. Returning to Moscow, I immediately called Zhenya and said: “Well, haven’t you changed your mind about getting married?” He firmly replied, “Of course I didn’t change my mind!”

Irina Chashchina, Irina Viner, Evgeny Arkhipov, Alisher Usmanov

Who will get the bride's bouquet?

Irina Chashchina with her husband, her godmother Diana (left) and mother Tatyana

Svetlana Medvedeva presented the newlyweds with an icon depicting Saints Peter and Fevronia, patrons of family happiness

The Medvedev couple and the newlyweds

Irina Chashchina with her family - grandmother Tamara Valentinovna, aunt Natalya, cousin Vika and mother Tatiana

Svetlana Medvedeva: "Bitter!"