Quiz "Star Trek: Alien Land" from GameGuru. Knowledge base for the game Star Trek: Alien Land Star Trek Alien Land on Euro

Star Trek: Alien Land - a new browser-based strategy with RPG elements in the Star Trek universe. Travel to the distant future and become the captain of the space fleet. Build planetary bases, travel through black holes and fight alien races! Explore 6,000 planets, build the most powerful ships, team up with other players and seize control of the universe!

Playable factions

There are two playable factions to choose from in Star Trek: Foreign Land:

  • United Federation of Planets - an alliance of humans and Vulcans that prefers democracy, scientific progress and exploration of liquid space;
  • The Klingon Empire are born warriors and formidable adversaries. They are pursuing an aggressive policy, emphasizing brute force.

In browser strategy, each faction is unique. The factions differ in buildings, technologies, spaceships and officers. Despite significant differences, the forces of the factions are balanced.

space fleet

Players command a battle fleet of up to six ships. Novice captains manage the flagship - the main ship of the fleet. Planetary research unlocks new types of ships and upgrades. On the battlefield, players place their fleet members on their own and activate the flagship's abilities, influencing the outcome of the battle.

Space colonization

An in-depth study of terraforming opens up the possibility of colonizing planets. The colonies build buildings, extract resources and maintain the space fleet. In Star Trek: Alien Land, colonized planets help improve the economy and play a primary role.

Exploration of the universe

In Star Trek: Outland, the universe is divided into 22 regions, each with 6 to 15 systems, including 26 unique planets. The planets differ in the amount of resources, while each planet can be colonized. Using high-tech scanners, players can look for encrypted signals that will indicate an enemy colony, orphan resources, or an interesting find.

Game Features:

  • The original Star Trek universe;
  • Two unique factions;
  • Construction and improvement of the planetary base;
  • Dynamic PvE and PvP battles;
  • Management and development of the space fleet;
  • Over 6,000 planets to explore.
  • Klingons are tough barbarians who are used to solving everything with brute force;
  • The Federation of Planets is a collection of diplomats who do not accept battle. People are used to negotiating peacefully, but if a threat arises, they will bare their fangs.

Having decided on a faction and choosing one of six characters, you can start playing Star Trek: Foreign Land. Having met with a mentor, the time will come to found a colony.

Colony building

Depending on the race, you will appear in different parts of the galaxy. Landing on the planet, the player will have at their disposal a small piece of land. To succeed in Star Trek: Foreign Land, you need to build an impregnable base. This will require resources and energy. The first are mined using a deuterium synthesizer, a mine of crystals and metal. Well, a power station will help provide the colony with energy. In addition, you will need laboratories, a shipyard, a spaceport, etc.


Playing Startrek does not mean sitting at the base all the time. As soon as the fleet is ready, go explore space. robbery of neighbors will help. But, for advanced users, a more effective option is available. Find a free planet, kill the AI ​​and become the owner of another colony. Protecting several bases is more difficult, but in this way, you will receive several times more resources and will be able to create more starships faster.

Combat system

Battles in the online game Star Trek take place in real time. But, before you attack, take the time to arrange the ships. Five slots are available for various starships and one for the flagship. You will not take direct part in the duel, but you will be able to activate various skills. By striking, the system will accrue energy. As soon as it is enough to activate the skill, immediately take advantage of the chance and deal tremendous damage, restore HP, dodge, etc.

How to get an officer

After opening the recruitment of officers tab, draw a card. They are of two types - simple and elite. The difference between the warriors in the parameters. Remember, you can only attach one military to one ship. When you get tired of trying your luck, take part in an event or fight a competitor in elite mode.

What is a shield for?

Before the battle, each gamer has a shield. It completely absorbs the damage dealt, but with each hit, the durability decreases. To prolong immortality, download the appropriate skills or hire elite officers. Imagine the surprise of the enemy when he barely got rid of your shield, and you activate the skill and fully restore it. And finally, you can play Star Trek online browser game on our platform.

Space- this is far from simple, and if it is also necessary to build your own colony in outer space together with the fleet, then you cannot do without knowledge of secrets and nuances. In our Knowledge Base "Star Trek: Alien Land" We have collected the most useful, in our opinion.

How to capture and equip a colony

For a novice player, it is best to start with a safe sector: for OFP 1 sector, and for Klingons - 2. To capture a new colony, you must first develop the "terraforming" technology to the sixth level.

Advantages of this sector:

  • the increase in the extraction resource is significant and extends not only to metal with crystals;
  • here you are protected for the first time from robberies by players of opposite factions (after all, you are not yet able to put up a serious guard).

Conclusion: the most profitable sector for a beginner is the safe sector. You will later have the opportunity to move your colonies and all their buildings to a more favorable place for you, using the levitator's tolerance. You can buy it in the store for 100 credits or get it as a prize in a slot machine.

What buildings are needed first

It is worth starting with the fact that colonies with 1 energy can be found quite rarely, and colonies with 0.7 or 0.8 energy are most often found. Therefore, you will be sorely lacking energy for the construction of buildings. Try to keep your power plant at the maximum level of development that is available to you at this stage. Also, do not forget about building a deuterium synthesizer, after which you will receive an additional 240 deuterium per day from each colony.
  • Laboratory is the most important mining building in the game, which requires mandatory development. From it you get the synergen resource, with which you can open new ships at the shipyard.
  • Defense Headquarters follows the laboratory in importance. With it, you can build satellites that protect your colonies from robbery. The more satellites you build, the less likely you are to be constantly attacked. But do not sacrifice the development of the laboratory for the sake of satellites. 25-30 satellites will be enough for you to scare off most of those who want to attack you.
  • Mines of metal and crystals it is worth raising to 12 and only for the sake of expanding warehouses, with an increase in which to the 12th level you get a minimal increase in capacity.

Healthy: it is not worth building a spaceport at the initial stage, you will not need it right away. Better try to move to new sectors in a timely manner, while the difference is 1-2 synergies, because then it will increase to 4-5, and this can be critical for you.

How to develop equipment

Equipment development should be done evenly up to +30, starting from the flagship. Upon reaching development +30, 2 slots for chips will open. If you try to upgrade all the equipment on the flagship to +40 and above, then this will significantly weaken the strength and survivability of the entire fleet as a whole, and this, in turn, will greatly complicate the passage of the elite stages with tests.

Prioritize the development of hit, crit, and armor chips, sacrificing laser and shield chips. So you get a lot more sense in the first 60 levels. Then you can install chips of all 5 types for each type of equipment, but for this you will have to reach +75 improvement level.

Assembly of equipment

Equipment upgrade kits will significantly improve its performance. Considering that a considerable number of kits are needed, it is better to concentrate on improving the equipment of the flagship, more precisely on armor and weapons (the engine with shields can wait a bit). It is worth noting that the damage of your skills in battles depends on the weapons of the flagship.

Starship modules

Upon reaching level 30, you get access to the "bridge", where you can install and upgrade starship modules that increase certain characteristics of the ship. The main mistake of beginners is an attempt to pump these modules as quickly as possible. To develop modules, you need to send transport ships on missions, as well as complete bonus missions. Each such action (including upgrading modules and installing them on ships) will require a huge amount of synergy, which you need to open ships at the shipyard. From this it follows that your development will slow down significantly.

How to get resources to improve equipment

The easiest way to get resources in the game is to purchase them with credits. But if you don’t want to invest a lot of money in the gameplay, but still want to be the owner of a powerful fleet, then use several methods of extracting resources that are presented in the game.

Robbery of enemy colonies

In this case, you can get not only the necessary synergen, but also get energy crystals and keys to containers (the chance is small), if there is at least one satellite on the protection of the colony. In no case does the probability and amount of a drop depend on the power of the satellites. In order for your robbery to be successful, you need to have time to destroy the satellite in time, only using the “multi-shot” skill twice. After all, it is more than likely that your vanguard ships will not be able to withstand even 1 attack by 20 satellites.

Bonus Missions

Completing premium tasks, which can be obtained by sending transport ships on missions (about 50% chance), you can earn the most resources to improve equipment.

Since sending ships and completing the most premium tasks require synergy costs, it is worth paying attention to some nuances.

  • You should not send transport ships on 20 missions if you have five or more bonus missions in stock, because there is a high probability of losing bonus attempts. And for 30 or more missions, it’s not worth it at all. In this case, you will lose more than you can gain.
  • A more profitable tactic would be to complete an E class quest. with them you get more quests, and with it more resources with the least cost of synergy.
  • In premium missions, your level directly affects the strength of the mobs, and if your fleet is not powerful enough, then your tasks will either burn out or require 40 credits to skip difficult stages. Therefore, it is worth starting their implementation than earlier, so that later you do not have to lose the opportunity to get improvement resources in this way.
  • It is worth remembering that in this game project it is possible to scan the sector of liquid systems several times a day, where good profit is often found.
  • A special game currency is prestige points, which you can earn in PvP confrontations within your system or by successfully attacking other fleets and colonies. These points make it possible to buy warships and useful weapons.
  • Keep in mind the combat quality of your flagship and fleet, which can be significantly increased with the help of officers, for example, Clay Lucas would be a good option for a flagship.
  • When choosing ships for your fleet, do not forget to pay attention to the energy indicator. The more energy the flagships have, the better for the fleet.
  • You should not spend money on unnecessary purchases, it is better to accumulate credits for buying deuterium, as well as the best flagships.
  • When you reach level 15, be sure to participate in boss battles, victory in them brings valuable rewards.

Free online game Star Trek: Alien Land was created under the impression of the famous star movie saga "Star Trek". The universe, in which humanity clashed with the Klingons in earnest, found a second life in the form of an exciting online strategy game with elements of a role-playing game.


The browser game Star Trek offers two factions to choose from:

  • United Federation of Planets, which includes humans and Vulcans. This alliance is characterized by peaceful and harmonious development.
  • The Klingon Empire is chosen by fans of raw military power.

Each faction has its own starting bonus, which will help the player advance at the initial stage.


The main task of the user in the online game Star Trek is to explore the depths of space. Moreover, the stellar space is subdivided into the familiar space and the liquid dimension. Traveling between planets, exploration of new sectors take place in ordinary space. Eternal opponents of the chosen faction live in liquid space. This is where the battles with the enemy take place.

In addition to exciting "star wars" the user will have to rebuild the resource base on one of the planets, recruit a space fleet and develop ships, participate in team battles. The game perfectly combines the role-playing development of the crew of the ship and the pumping of space shuttles, as well as elements of strategy in the form of a turn-based combat system and base building.

About the game Free online game Star Trek: Alien Land was created under the influence of the famous star movie saga "Star Trek". The universe, in which humanity clashed with the Klingons in earnest, found a second life in the form of an exciting online strategy game with elements of a role-playing game. Factions The Star Trek browser game offers two factions to choose from: United…

The tips below will help you play and win in the free browser strategy to quickly understand the order of building and upgrading the base, as well as the weapons of your fleet.

First of all, after registration, we focus on training your team, constant training and the highest possible level for official commanders and timely rearmament will allow you to win in numerous battles with minimal resource losses.

It must be remembered that the maximum number of ships in your fleet to achieve high levels of development - 4 main ships and 4 reserve.

Planetary colonization in Star Trek: Alien Domain.

To build an additional base, of which you can have 4, you need to select a suitable planet in the previously explored system and start colonizing it.
The principle of choosing a planet is this: the higher the number of the system, the more resources you can get from the planet, but you will also have to pay more attention to security. Remember that systems numbered 1 and 2 cannot rob you, but in higher ranked systems they can. It is advisable to choose planets with a large margin for the production of crystals.

Your main base is also your first colony in the game.

Defending the colonies in Star Trek: Foreign Land.

When attacking and plundering your colonies, you risk losing everything that you have worked hard to accumulate, with the exception of deuterium. When you capture your colonies, you lose access to control for 2 hours, plus a few hours to recover. To protect the colonies, we advise you to start building a defense headquarters immediately upon landing and the beginning of the arrangement of the planet. The headquarters allows you to build protective satellites, putting them into orbit, you can protect yourself from attacks by small, weak novice enemies.

The headquarters allows you to attract members of your clan squadron to effectively protect your colonies, just click on the activation of the "defensive formation" above the headquarters and invite clones of the fleets of your clan members.

If, as you progress through the game and develop, you suddenly want to transfer one of your colonies to another system, then you can buy it for 100 credits and activate the "leitator's admission" and transfer your base to a planet prepared and liberated from other players in 3 hours.

After a short training at the very beginning, you will have the opportunity to colonize, here you should carefully choose the planets closest to you for the availability of available resources - this will be your base at the initial stage of the game and from here you will begin your further advancement in the Star Trek universe: Alien Earth.

The construction of the main buildings at the base should be divided equally into three equal parts: resource, production and research. At first, as in any online game, you will lack the required resources, but you should not immediately spend all the few funds on their construction, invest in research from the very beginning.

  • do not forget that in the game you can scan sectors of liquid systems several times a day, in which you can often make good money.
  • Prestige Points are a special game currency that can be earned in PvP battles within your system, with successful attacks on fleets and foreign colonies. These PvP points can be used to purchase warships and useful equipment and weapons.
  • don't forget - the combat quality of your flagship and fleet can be significantly increased by officers, as an option for the flagship Clay Lucas.
  • the more power the flagships have, the better. do not forget this when choosing ships for the fleet.
  • do not waste credits on extra purchases, save them up to buy deuterium and the best flagships.
  • when you enter the game after you reach level 15, be sure to take part in battles with the boss, you can get valuable rewards for defeating him.
  • take part in in-game events to find anomalies, which are often announced on the game screen and pick up a fairly strong and well-coordinated faction, the reward for active participation will be game currency without investing real money. You can read more about factions in