How to play football manager. The best football managers. Command Instructions: Defense

So get ready to plunge into the world of football. First of all, choose the leagues you need, because this decision will be final, and adding new divisions will no longer work. If you are not sure if you need a league or not, select it as available for viewing, then you can, if anything, activate it after the end of the regular season.

Next, create your profile and enter all the data. Here, too, you need to treat everything responsibly. Nationality, language proficiency and gaming experience affect how you are treated. So, if you put that an ordinary guy from Russia and does not know foreign languages, then top clubs will not be interested in you for several years, and even if they are selected for management, the players will not listen to you.

First steps, distribution of roles

You have just begun your journey to coaching triumph and greatness, but you already need to determine what you will do in your club.


Preparing for the season is one of the most important parts of the training process in FM 14. As soon as you fill up the physical and moral preparation of the team for the season, the disastrous results will not keep you waiting. Don't be afraid to load the players. If you like to keep everything under control, try to set the most difficult workouts - the players will swear and get tired, but in the middle of the season, when the team turns from a noteworthy outsider into a candidate for medals or advancement to the next division, the players will carry you in their arms. Literally!

If you are a Divide and Conquer advocate, have your second in command do all the training work. Using this option, you completely turn off your head for training and are not driven about how much the tactical skill or physical fitness of the player corresponds to the team level. The assistant also provides you with periodic training reports, which allows you to control the training process from afar and after the fact.

Also in the pre-season it is better to load the full squad and matches. Try to play 2 matches per week. And you will play the tactical scheme, and bring the physics of the players to the optimal level.

Use reserve and junior players in friendly matches. Try to give all players the opportunity to play in pre-season matches. And improve the morale of the players, and young players will strive to show themselves in order to get into the first team.

Company's secret: Don't be afraid to distribute responsibilities between assistants, scouts and other technical staff. IN FM 14 the work of the coaching staff is so great that a complete sense of the reality of everything that happens is created.


Special part FM 14- This is a tactical setting for the match. Don't rely on one or two tactics in the game that will work 100%. Sometimes it takes even good managers months to find the “same” tactics that allow them to win not only against weak and equal clubs, but also against the powerful of this world. Most often, good managers have three or four tactics, which they vary depending on the opponent. Adapting to the opponent's style of play, neutralizing his strengths and putting pressure on weaknesses is one of the most interesting and exciting tasks. FM 14. There are about a dozen standard tactics in the game, which players are told to change according to their preferences and discretion. However, even in such an aspect as tactics, you need to adhere to a number of small conditions.

  • Game scheme. First of all, the placement of the players. Try to play 2-3 tactics right from the pre-season matches. First, you can choose randomly according to your preferences. Use different variations: try using 4-4-2, 4-3-3 (with insiders), 4-5-1 (with two attacking midfielders), 4-1-2-1-2, etc. This will allow you to vary the composition depending on the match and the opponent's playing style. The richer the center of the opponent's field, the more defensive midfielders and midfielders need to be put up. Don't forget that defense plays a huge role in FM 14. Try to use formations with four defenders - this way there is less chance of losing sight of the attackers and conceding a goal.
  • Team tactics. Playing style, attitude and instructions are very important to start a match. This tab of tactics determines with what settings your team will enter the match.
    • Playing style. The stricter your setting, the less the team will deviate from the match plan and use intricate combinations. Accordingly, the more flexible the setup, the more often players will be creative in attack.
    • mood. Everything is simple here: defensive installations will force the team to close, attackers will untie the hands of attackers and flank midfield players. If you need to play extremely carefully in defense and break the enemy defense on counterattacks, feel free to put defensive and counterattacking styles. If you are confidently stronger than your opponent - play to hold the ball or attack, strong attacking players should bring you victory through individual and team actions
    • Instructions. This is a separate story in your tactical scheme. Try to give your team instructions that are as specific as possible to suit your chosen play style and mood. Otherwise, your players will follow two mutually exclusive instructions and the result will be deplorable. IN FM 14, by the way, now exclusive instructions are not available for selection, making life easier for you and choosing settings.
    • Company's secret: Don't give players too much free action on offense (as well as don't tamp their ambition into tactics). Look for balance in the actions of the team empirically on the example of pre-season matches.
  • Player settings. In order for your players to properly understand their functions on the field, in the “Player” tab, you need to assign each role, tasks and instructions. This is a rather tedious part of the coaching process, but the search for convenient playing conditions sometimes turns into an exciting process. Here is such a paradox.
  • Set pieces, Penalties and Captain. In this part of the game tactics, nothing has changed over the years. In the corresponding tabs, you expose performers, guided by certain skills. By the way, it is also an important part of the process, because the number of penalties in FM 14 significantly increased (as well as corners), so that their draw has become an inalienable headache for coaches in FM 14.

Company's secret. Do not leave the team results in pre-season games and championship matches (cup, European Cup) to chance.

First, you need to monitor how your players play. Captaincy, you say. Thoughtful move - we will answer. If your team concedes from set pieces more often, instruct assistants to practice their defense skills on set pieces a couple of days before the match. You will see, not in the first, but in the second match the team will not miss from a corner or free kick.

Secondly, change/upgrade tactics more often during the match. It has been noticed for several years now that opponents are starting to get used to the same scheme used by your club. At some point, your team will simply stop winning and roll down like an intellectual down a hill in a cold winter. And the players will find fault, and journalists will tease with uncomfortable questions.

Thirdly, pay attention to players who lose morale after matches. The reason for this may be his bad game (then support him through conversation), or it may happen that your excellent tactics simply do not suit him and the settings for the match do not suit the poor fellow. Then you need to either talk to him, offering to be patient, or listen to him and, possibly, let him go to the transfer.


The match is an integral part of the club management process and the right tactics do not always decide the outcome of the match. Most often it happens that by offering the team a defensive tactic for testing, you find yourself mentally prepared to win. Players strive forward and try to bring three points to the club's piggy bank ... That's when such an option comes into effect as changing the settings during the match. If you notice that your players are attacking dangerously, add speed or pressure to the opponent. This will allow you to have the ball more often and take it away as far from your goal as possible.

An important role in raising morale, of course, is played by communication with the team before and after the match. How you conduct the pre-match dialogue depends on the mood with which the team will enter the match. But do not get carried away by fiery speeches and the constant demand for results. Vary your comments depending on the predictions, the standings of the opponents and other factors.

Company's secret: during the matches, your assistant will constantly inform you about the successful and unsuccessful actions of your players and the team game in general, but do not rush to follow his advice. Try to analyze the situation yourself, because sudden and dramatic changes in the game can upset the balance of your tactics.


Another important aspect is the transfer policy. If you start your career at a top-level club and a participant in European competitions, then you will not have problems with financing. This is especially true for clubs from the five largest championships (England, Spain, Italy, Germany, France). Money in these championships is spinning huge and tidbits from the common pie will always get. Yes, and the depth of the bench in the top clubs is a feast for the eyes. In the same Chelsea or Manchester City, the squad allows not only to "score" on transfers, but also to shuffle players from match to match, forgetting about the junior and reserve teams. Unfortunately, this is what actually happens...

Another thing is a lower league club, a middle peasant in the first division or an outsider. In some championships (like the 2nd, 3rd, 4th divisions of the English Championship) you will be required to follow the financial fair-play. First of all, you will not be allowed to raise the salary bar above a certain amount. The sanctions here are tough and ultimatum, up to the removal of points (oh yes, in FM 14 this is the harsh truth of life). Secondly, the number of players to sign for one transfer cannot be more than 5 people. You will also not be allowed to change the gender of the squad at the end of the season. It became even more interesting to follow the transfer policy. Otherwise, the game has undergone little change in the new installation. If you have enough money, you can buy and sell with almost no restrictions, but try to invest your money wisely. This is not a FIFA 14 simulator where you can throw 50 million pounds on the purchase of Wayne Rooney and not choke. Purchases over the amount in FM 14 will make you tighten your belt for a couple of seasons.


The game uses the model of the classic English head coach-manager. So, you will have to superficially control the financial well-being of your club.

Basically you are responsible for 2 things - the balance between salary and transfer budget, the overall balance. When signing contracts with players, absolutely every nuance must be taken into account, otherwise your club will go into debt. They can also lead to dismissal and even bankruptcy of the club.

Try once again not to overpay for a player if you are not sure that he will bring real benefits to the team. If you have players that you don't really need, loan them out right away. Thus, you will pay less salary and there will be fewer problems. After all, a low-playing player very often undermines the collective spirit.


A very important role is played by communication with their wards and journalists. Therefore, we will analyze several types of dialogues in the game.

1) Team communication - usually this type is relevant before the season and after. Then you gather all the players together, share your opinion with them, as a result, the players get or lose additional motivation. This version of the conversation is also relevant for the staff, only they have to deal with tactical issues and they are shown in the form of a proposal-solution. You can raise this or that topic, the entire coaching staff will offer you advice, and it's up to you to accept them or not.

2) Personal communication - sometimes, players need a personal approach. In this type of interaction, you must stop your ward, criticize or raise an important issue (renewal of the contract, advice on choosing another club).

3) Communication with journalists - media representatives are very fond of asking incriminating questions, so be careful. You will have to communicate with journalists before the games, after the games, discuss rumors and introduce the players. It would seem that everything is simple, but in fact it is not. All negative emotions just go through the media. Therefore, speaking in general, journalists are about 20 percent good and 80 percent harm. If you do not want to communicate with them, you can send your assistant, but then he may say too much. If you avoid questions from journalists, then your reputation may fall, because bad reviews will go about you.

4) Coaching communication - above we wrote about interactions with our coaching staff, sometimes you have to talk with your rivals. Very often, your answers at press conferences can anger third-party specialists and experts like Bubnov. Then they start a public conversation with you and it cannot be avoided. You will have to argue, insult and sometimes even praise your communication rivals. Sometimes, by giving your comment, you can put pressure on the management of another club and its owner will fire the coach. You can also support other coaches, then they can become ultimate friends and give a little advice before the matches. who is more dangerous to your team.

To the question How to play football manager? given by the author Andrey Smirnov the best answer is Clicking on a country's flag on any screen will take you to that country's national team page.
The players whose name is in red are on your shortlist.
Players whose names are in blue are on loan from the club.
The players whose name is in dark yellow are currently co-owned by another club.
Players whose name is in blue are on loan at another club.
By going to "Settings", you can save the game automatically after a certain time using the "Auto Save" option.
The "Wnt" icon on the team screen or in the list of players indicates the interest of a certain club in this player.
The "Bid" icon on the team screen or in the list of players indicates that a certain club has made an offer to acquire this player.
The "Trn" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player has an agreement to transfer to another club.
The "Req" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player was voluntarily put up for transfer.
An "Unh" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player is currently unhappy.
The "Fut" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player is not sure about his future.
The "Ctrl" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player does not have a contract with the club.
The "Ine" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player cannot be included in the squad for the next match.
The "Loa" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the club is ready to consider loan offers for the player.
The "Int" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player is currently at the disposal of the national team.
The "Lst" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player has been listed for transfer.
On the team or player list screen, the ‘Lmp’ icon indicates a player’s lack of match practice.
On the team or player list screen, the 'Fgn' icon indicates foreigners.
On the team or player list screen, the 'Inj' icon indicates injured.
On the team or player list screen, the 'Frt' icon indicates players who leave the team on a free transfer after the end of the contract.
On the team or player list screen, the 'PR' icon indicates that the player has responded to a press comment.
On the team or player list screen, the 'Cup' icon indicates that the player has played in that cup for another team and is not available to play in a cup match.
The "Rst" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player needs to rest.
A "Sus" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player is disqualified.
A "Yel" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that another yellow card will result in a player being disqualified.
The "Yth" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player has a youth contract.
The "Hol" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player is on vacation.
The "Wdn" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player has been recalled by the club's manager from the national team.
An "Unf" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player is out of shape.
The "Wp" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player must obtain a work permit before they can play.
The "Slt" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that the player is a little worried about something.
The "Tut" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that this player is mentoring a young teammate.
The "Lrn" icon on the team screen or in the player list indicates that this player is learning from a more experienced teammate.
Now you can get the coach's report individually for each position in which the player

We are starting a series of small guides that will help you get up and running Football Manager 2017 faster. In the second article, we will tell you how to pre-season and not screw up.

The pre-season is of the utmost importance in Football Manager. The key point of pre-season training is strength training, endurance and physical condition of the team. At the same time, this is a period of signing new players and playing tactics. On the one hand, your players must sweat properly at the training camp, on the other hand, they must keep their strength for the whole season. remember, that the more intense the training, the more likely the risk of injury.

Step 1: Selecting a preparation date

At the end of the season, you are invited to choose the duration of the camp. You can choose a very short preseason or a very long one. Optimal, in our opinion, is the pre-season training duration six to eight weeks . From this time we will dance in our guide.

Step 2: Getting Started

As soon as the players have returned from the holidays, the active part of the preparation for the new season begins. During the first week, we recommend that you set the average level of training intensity. From the second to the fourth week, we advise you to set a hard or very hard level of training. Players must reach their physical maximum. For the last two to three weeks, it's wise to switch the training focus to learning (tactics, team building, etc.) plus individual instruction.

Standard training schedule:

1 week: physics (intermediate)

2nd week: physics (high)

3rd week: physics (high)

4th week: physics (high)

Week 5: teamwork (high)

Week 6: tactics/actions in attack/actions in defense (high)

7th week: offensive actions (high)

Week 8: defensive action (high)

Friendly matches

Don't neglect the freighters. Friendlies help increase chemistry (especially after signing new players), familiarize yourself with tactics, and even increase team spirit (to all Copa del Sol guys!). On the one hand, the result of such games is not important. On the other hand, you can significantly raise the mood of the team or spoil it.

Planning friendly matches

Don't plan games like this for the first week of preseason. Players have just returned from holidays, intense workloads will increase the risk of injury.

Number of friendly matches

You can play matches every day, but then the players will not be able to concentrate on training (plus, again, the risk of injury). It is optimal to carry out two freight trains a week, then there will be enough time for both training and the game itself. Plan your last friendly match at least seven days before the first match of the season. Players need to recover and properly rest.

Choice of opponent

Make no mistake when choosing an opponent. By inviting a team of the level of Real Madrid, you will make good money on tickets, but your players are unlikely to like it if they are rolled around the field for 90 minutes. As demobilization in the movie "DMB" are afraid of germs, so your football players are afraid of getting defeated in a friendly match. Choose your opponent wisely. Players must both keep up the morale and show their skills against a good opponent.

Choice of tactics during friendly matches

Skillfully manage tactics during such matches. If you are playing with an attacking or ultra-attacking mindset, the chance of more injuries will increase as players will have to be more active throughout the match. Try to play with a standard mindset or test the team's defensive skills.

Line-up selection for matches

Which players get playing time during friendly matches determines their mood and readiness for the matches of the season. In the first friendly meetings, carry out a deep rotation of the composition, it is even permissible to release 22 players or more for the game. In the last matches, you have to decide which personalities your game will be based on. Outline a rough first lineup with substitutions and play as if the season has already started and only three substitutions can be made per game.

To achieve maximum training of all club players, divide the players into two conditional teams. In this case, you can alternate lineups from match to match, giving your wards a break.

Free translation of the article " Pre-season Training " from the .

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First things first.

You have started the game. You will be offered a choice of two career options manager:
The top one is the traditional one. There is little money, there are many problems, it is VERY interesting to play.
The lower one is a cheating, in my opinion, option. It is remarkable that there is an opportunity
buy here, on STEAM for real money, all sorts of nishtyaki there. In addition, the game is very simplified. It's easy to play, but also not interesting (for me). We will not consider this option of a managerial career here.

Game setup.

Correctly assess the performance of your computer. Try to strike a balance that suits you personally between the database of players and the expected speed
games. Everything is very simple here: the more players, the more interesting the transversaries, and therefore
and the game itself. On the other hand, you have to wait a long time until the computer is all good
will process.

Personally, a 3 1/2 star performance is acceptable to me. But everyone is different, so
what you see for yourself. Decide right here and now. In principle, the game makes it possible to add countries / leagues in the future. But from my bitter experience, I will try to warn you against this. After such additions, most often the game starts to "fool". And this
do we need?

Do as I advise. If the processing speed is too slow, leagues/countries can be downgraded with little or no risk. At least, I have this number a couple of times passed "with a bang." Meanwhile, my computer, though a gaming one, is not to say that heaped up. This is far from true.

Keep in mind that in the long term, commercially by 2025-35. due to the accumulation of data, mainly statistics, the speed will drop. Decide what to disable. A matter of taste.

For God's sake, don't take the top clubs right away. Too many players and staff. Brains will rise up cancer. Try your hand at smaller clubs. Type Torpedo Moscow / SKA Khabarovsk. They are easier to manage.

When setting up your profile, know what citizenship (second citizenship) opens up for you
a fairly weighty database on the countries where you come from.

The ideal would be a Brazilian / Argentinean - some kind of black man from Africa (second citizenship). It's not that I adore them that much, it's just that they have great players at very reasonable prices. In addition, according to my observations, the same Brazilians become much more accommodating in negotiations, as long as you yourself are their compatriot. Yes, and in the team they take root faster, therefore, they will bring you more benefits. Something like this....

Got it, right? If you are from Uganda or Nigeria, then make sure to send your scout there as soon as the Board gives permission (search worldwide). Not a bad option - China (huge database). A matter of taste. But Brazil is a must.

You don't have to go far. First swallow. Visual, so to speak, confirmation of my words. Gyyy has not even been a year))) Details in a nutshell. They gave me a freebie as part of the spring set of juniors. As usual, the guy has two citizenships. Ours, Russian and, of course, Brazilian. And what do we get from this? And we have here the freedom of managerial maneuver. If you don’t screw up the guy ahead of time (and you need to try VERY hard), if he goes well with you, soon there will be a question for which junior to declare him. In principle, competently for Brazil. But not a fact. In general, we'll wait and see. Maybe it would be better to declare for Russia, not to flirt immediately for Brazil. Do you understand?

I love moments like this in the game. Intriguing, you know


Every game has a game difficulty setting. Everywhere it is slightly different, but the principle is the same everywhere: Easy (very easy) => Very difficult (impossible). So. It's here too. In an implicit way, though. I decided to mention it all the same (suddenly someone does not know). Here it is hidden in the manager profile settings.

In short, do not worry and take immediately that you used to be an INTERNATIONAL CLASS PLAYER. This is good advice, honestly.


To begin with, remember the most important thing. Don't forget it's a computer
game, not real life. As well as the fact that if you learn to communicate with a computer, find mutual understanding, then you will quickly learn to benefit from it.

Understand the motivation of the program, which initially considers you, sorry, a short-sighted simpleton and does not allow you to drive an unpromising player on a transfer. Close this position first. Buy a promising, young one, confidently say at a press conference that you believe in him, that you don’t care that he was kicked out of a top club, that he will definitely “play” with you. And you can confidently put him in the starting lineup. Most likely that is exactly what will happen. There are nuances, but not all at once. Please note that the unpromising will immediately find those who wish. If not for a transfer, then at least for 100% of the salary, rent, as a rule, with the right to withdraw and subsequent redemption. What is very good.

Your computer is your friend, not your enemy. Remember this. Learn to cooperate with him. Try to make him understand you. Then much can be achieved. He won't let you sell a 40-year-old quarterback fart? Talk to this defender, it suddenly turns out that he only dreams of becoming the Sports Director of your club, and you just need such a person, because the old SD is no good and he needs to be driven into three necks for a long time.

And of course, in order to be understood, you need to understand yourself, where you are, who you are, etc. What will be discussed below.

Where to begin?

The path ahead is long and difficult, but not everything is so bad and scary. Let's try to make our difficult life easier. So let's start with the staff.

First things first, improve the staff. Why? I think the answer is obvious.
If the scout misleads you by giving his wrong assessment of the player, then write wasted. You certainly won't go far with such a scout. The fool-assistant is unlikely to advise anything sensible. And an indecisive, with undeveloped motivation manager, perhaps not
it is worth fully delegating the authority to manage the youth team. It won't make a difference, trust me.

So at first the games, until you have picked up more or less professional staff, take
most of the features itself. So it was much better.

Now let's talk specifically. So the first one is:

Everything is very simple here. From the scout you need only two characteristics.

Player Ability Evaluation
- Assessment of potential opportunities

In addition, it makes sense to sign a scout - a foreigner. Thus, we will instantly expand our database. In this case, look at the characteristic


If his adaptation is too small, he will not be able to quickly get used to us (adapt). In short, there will be little sense from this and reports too. The Chief Scout, among other things, must have a certain characteristic value


I think this is clear to everyone. Argument is redundant.

Personnel characteristics.

I thought it would be best to get this straight. Let it be a bunch. I do not want to spread this very important information into different sections.

Why the emphasis on this particular group of characteristics? Only then, since we are talking about personnel, it is precisely these characteristics that will determine their suitability for us. With players it's a little different. We'll deal with them later. Yes, everything is there
as if earlier. It’s a no brainer that the defender needs a high tackle rate, and the forward needs the completion of the attack)))

So let's take it in order.


I have already mentioned foreigners. Without sufficient adaptation skills, foreigners will work poorly, and they will almost completely stop progressing. It will be so, neither fish nor meat. Keep this in mind when signing foreign personnel. Yes, yes, progress, you heard right. The staff, like the players, is also progressing. Rounding off the subject of Adaptation, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you appoint, for example, a promising coach to the position of administrator, then the higher his Adaptation, the faster he will get up to speed and master a new profession. Something like this...


This is a very important characteristic for the players, underestimated by many, for the staff it is simply decisive. Not only is this one of the main professional
characteristics of managers / directors, because in fact, an indecisive manager does not
you should trust the management of the team, and the indecisive director will renew and sign such contracts with you, grab your head! Let it be too late...

It would seem that an assistant does not need high Determination, but take my word for it, it is unlikely that a normal manager will ever come out of an indecisive assistant, and even more so a director.

Scouts with doctors. With this Decisiveness is indeed uncritical, but this is from which side to look. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Everything has its time. And without that, there is enough material. I'm afraid you won't get everything right away. anyway. What's next? Oh yes,


What is a zafik? It's very simple. Proceed from universal human logic. Here is the same coach. Attack - 15 Defense -20 Motivation - 1. Cool special? But not really, as you might have guessed. He was probably a wonderful midfielder, but no teacher. Understandable, right? Assign a person to train the squad, don't forget about it. For everyone else, including doctors, without going into long details, this is not so critical, but desirable. Scout is the only exception. Scouts don't need Motivation.

Youth work

fm 2014, like any other program, analyzes and calculates. Let's talk about youth. We will not take purely geeks. Just youth, players 14-24. There are detailed studies on this subject in numerous British forums. With maths. Very cumbersome, too, in my opinion. In order not to overload this guide, please take my word for it, and I, your obedient servant, will try to summarize the essence.

The bottom line is that players from the age of 14 have special youth bonuses that decrease in descending order until the age of 24. It is these bonuses that give a quick increase in characteristics at a young / young age. For them, these bonuses to be effectively implemented and our pets to develop faster, the same Coach or Assistant, any staff conducting training for youth teams, as you might guess, must have this characteristic (Work with youth). The bigger, the better. If you do not provide this, do not expect a steep growth of your wards.

For everyone else. Doctor (boys, youth) bonus for the duration of treatment and the prevention of injuries. Scout - a bonus to the effectiveness of the search for talented youth. Etc.

Level of discipline

This is necessary for everyone without exception, except for the scouts. I will not fool you, just try to remember that for a doctor the level of this characteristic is the most important, because the effectiveness of preventing injuries is calculated by its value. And since we're talking about doctors (I haven't forgotten yet), if you don't have a therapist with sufficient Determination for an injured player, there is some chance that a badly injured player will lose half a star of their Learned Potential. It's all calculated by the computer. There are studies, there are calculation formulas. I will not give here, so as not to tire the audience.


Everyone knows this. The larger it is, the faster the doctor treats dropouts. This attribute is reserved exclusively for physiotherapists.

Personnel Management

For God's sake, don't think that I consider you for, but you need to say at least something)))
For all personnel with subordinates, including trainers, this parameter gives a bonus when calculating any action of the subordinate. These bonuses, as I suspect, are not as cool as the same youth ones, but you and I are not very rich people either. In the economy, everything will fit.

Here's something else. This attribute is defining for both Directors. What sports, what youth. If they do not "catch up" with you, do not trust them to work with players' contracts. Take it upon yourself.


Whatever you think, this is purely one of the coaching attributes (such as attack, defense, goalkeepers, technique and tactics), which determines the effectiveness of the training of the BALL CONTROL player parameter group and nothing more. If the staff is not involved in the training process, this nafik parameter is not needed. Exactly like the purely coaching attributes that I mentioned here in passing.

Tactical knowledge

Here everything is exactly the opposite. Neither the coaches nor everyone else needs this at all. But for your assistant, this is an extremely important attribute. The higher it is, the more timely and practical advice you will receive from him before the match, and during it. Pay special attention to this when choosing an assistant.

There is an opinion that this parameter is important for those whom you have entrusted to conduct matches of the youth squads. I think so. If a youth manager has this characteristic developed - well, great! If not really, well, okay, figs with him. Personally, I have never bothered about this.

Staff progress.

I already mentioned this above. Now let's return to this, as they say, in depth and in detail. The fact is that having analyzed the characteristics of the personnel in the previous section, we have largely revealed the very topic of "staff". I'm not sure that it is necessary to give examples, create another section and chew something in detail. Therefore, with this section I want to close the topic of personnel in order to quickly move on to other important issues.

Everyone knows about the players. As for staff, I doubt it. I do not accidentally draw a parallel. Like the players, the staff is also able to please us with their progress.

What is it, how and why is it needed at all? The question is good. There is such a thing - staff turnover.
In the game, it is reflected in the section Information of any personnel - KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE CLUB PLAYERS.
If this KNOWLEDGE is 100%, then the penalty for this is not calculated. This is when a person has been working for you for a long time. How long ago? Everyone has an individual. It is clear that ideally it would be good to keep staff turnover to a minimum. Staff salaries are also important. Often you will not be able to hire the one you want. As always, we take those who agree)))

Given the above, it is better to take a young one, with the prospect of growth in PERSONNEL CHARACTERISTICS. Is not it? Below we will focus on exactly how to weed out promising personnel from the whole bunch of Mr.

In addition to the attributes (characteristics) of the staff, as you know, the staff is also characterized by two important features, namely:

Reputation (obscure, local, regional, national, continental, worldwide)
- Qualification (Continental license B, A and Pro)

I think you have already started to cut through this chip. Young professionals usually have neither reputation nor qualifications. A simple example to illustrate. Here is our club.
The reputation of the club is NATIONAL. We take a boy, 30-40 years old, no more, with a special reputation UNCLEAR. It would be logical to expect that, having worked in our club for N years, this young man will enjoy a reputation equal to ours, namely, NATIONAL. I am silent about the fact that in N-th number of years, with your, of course, wise and balanced approach to club management, our club reputation will grow somewhat. With all, as they say, the consequences ... It is clear, yes, why are high-class specialists with a high reputation reluctant to come to us? Perhaps they are also not fools and are afraid to degrade?

Enough jokes, let's get back to our sheep. The point is this. Not every ram will suit us, not everyone will work up fat. Here again, just like with young players, you also need to think about who to take for fattening, send them to coaching courses, renew contracts, etc.

Foreign scientists, after many years of research, came to the conclusion that personnel with
a high level of the RESOLVE parameter progresses faster, all other things being equal.
In addition, to a much lesser extent than Determination, the progress of personnel is still affected by the Adaptation parameter (all personnel, not only) foreigners. More => better.

First day.

Conversation with management.

Here's what's important. You have to make sure you don't get fired at the end of the season. I will say this. If you do not toil foolishness, then you are not threatened. My deepest conviction. I believe in you guys! You don't go down there.

But seriously, here's the thing. You will be told that we expect you to place in the middle of the standings (depending on the chosen club, options are possible).
This is the default value. Agree. Significantly overfulfilling this setting, and
this is quite realistic, subject to my recommendations, you will receive not only an increase in your reputation as a manager, but also a huge bunch of all sorts of bonuses. Explicit and hidden.

In short, NEVER take on more than what club management expects from you. Money will not be given as much more as strictly then they will ask for all this. Of the additional evaluation criteria, add only RIGHT-LINEAR FOOTBALL. All! Now to the assistant.

Whether you replaced it or not - it's up to you, you will have to give some of the functions to it. Nothing without this. What do we give him without fail? And immediately a bunch of ALL workouts. Especially individual. See what-whom he assigns. Learn. Analyze. Delve into. Subsequently, having already entered the course of the matter, you can do it yourself, but only an assistant is not such a bad option, especially for a "young" manager. I myself actively use an assistant in training, for that matter. Something like this...

Individual training. (Important). If your assistant did not assign something to someone in the individual training section, it does not mean at all that the assistant is a worthless fool. It means one of two things:
- The player in the pre-season needs physical training and he is engaged in the team program
- The dude plays a lot and if you do not reduce the load, an injury is very likely

Slowly get involved in the process yourself.

1. Analyze the players. Surely there will be those who have an out of 12 and even more. Choose a coach with a higher ceiling, whose "technical" parameter is higher than the rest. Tell him the following:
- I want you to teach Vasya to throw out far. (this is in the technique training section)
Most likely, the coach will refuse. Lazy animal))) Insist on your own. Do the same with the rest. It's worth it. If they roll, the guys will throw almost at the goalkeeper, which is very good for you and me. You will like)))

To do this, add a friend to the list and do not forget to "show interest" more often. As you can see, the guy reacts quite adequately to this. ** Wants to impress Dima Vasiliev with his next performance.

And who we certainly don’t need is a weak-willed, unsportsmanlike, unambitious, indecisive, etc. I think everyone understands this, so enough about it.

Grenadier type.

Height is about 190, weight with such growth is somewhere under 90. To dominate. It's also understandable. If the dude is simply frail, take such a nefik for fattening. All the same, it’s not food for the horse and there will be no sense.


Do not read bourgeois sites. Especially with auto-translation everything will be clumsy. No, no, I'm not at all against concentration + self-control + decision-making. All this is good, but it is too expensive for the money. Don't forget about our Straight Football concept. We take the most that neither is necessary-necessary.

So, in addition to guardian-selection, we especially note the choice of position + jump height + heading.
In Perdiva, my central defenders not only dominated the second floor of their penalty area, but constantly running to take corners to the opponent's goal, they regularly scored. This is the ideal option. This is a triumph of the Straightforward Football doctrine. This is what we will strive for in every possible way.


Moved to a separate section. But do not forget that they are also defenders. First of all, the defenders. And if I concede three goals per match, then something is wrong with me, then I need to
rethink tactics, since these wonderful and often unique sideline players are capable of much. It is only necessary to strengthen and direct them as the Lord us.

See what happens. If everything is fine and we score more goals than we concede, so be it - we put them in tactical roles for attack-support, and the general mood is attacking / ball control. And if everything is bad, then forget about what they can, put them deafly in defense.
In this case, in tactics, the general mood is defensive / counterattacking. That will be more reliable.
But this is my case, but you, I hope, the situation is more favorable.

If so, then use them to the fullest. By giving them support/attack roles, you do not turn them off at all from defensive schemes. When the ball is lost, according to the disposition, the flankers run back and participate in the destruction. Just know that by adjusting these two positions, you can
significantly strengthen both the line of defense and the two lines following it, depending on what you currently need more. Something like this.

1. "Live Football"

The best project among online managers, which presents all real-life clubs, leagues and tournaments. Hundreds of thousands of football players whose characteristics are close to real ones, real referees and existing stadiums, as well as many other faces, events and phenomena from modern football life are represented in Live Football. Moreover, all significant changes and events in modern football are immediately reflected in "Live Football" thanks to active players and sensitive administration.

The user base of this project is also the largest, so the competition here is very high, and you definitely won’t have to languish with boredom and loneliness. The player is free to determine not only the style and tactics of his team, but also to influence the policy of the entire club in terms of finance, infrastructure and selection. In general, the scope for work here is virtually unlimited.

2. World League: Football Manager

A very high-quality football team manager with licensed clubs and players, addictive gameplay and a huge number of interconnected mechanics.

Here you have to train a team, grow your business (by doing transfers and football-related things like improving stadiums and creating fan shops), as well as participating in sports matches where you can use various tactics and change them on the fly right during the game.

World League is a multiplayer game, which means that PvP competitions are indispensable. And unlike many network projects, an important role here is played not by the amount of real money invested, but by the personal skills of the coach and the competent selection of the team. In general, the game leaves the impression of a well-thought-out manager, in which you can stay for more than one month.

3. "InetBall"

The browser-based football manager continues our list, offering, in addition to the standard set of features for this direction, several very interesting things.

Firstly, all matches are held in real time, and anyone can follow their progress online. Players at any time can make tactical adjustments to the actions of their wards. Secondly, at the end of each season, the winners receive virtual currency that can be spent on the further development of the club (building a new training base or sports school, equipping the stadium, hiring the best specialists, and so on). That is, "InetBall" is clearly aimed at a long-term perspective in relation to the players. Thirdly, in addition to the virtual currency, victories here also bring quite real money, although the amounts are quite insignificant.

Otherwise, InetBall offers the players the same list of opportunities as the above managers, including the ability to communicate with other football fans in Russian.

4. "Virtual Football League"

5. 11×11

6. Football Territory

Another good free football manager that allows you to play online right in your browser window. As in previous projects, Football Territory has a well-formed base of players who constantly communicate with each other and participate in various events.

In terms of gameplay, the functionality of the game is quite “staffed”: it is possible to choose a league and a team, recruit and train players, select tactical schemes and give out personal instructions, look for sponsors, and so on. In general, management here is not limited to just one team - the player must also develop the infrastructure associated with the club in every possible way.

7. "Football Legion"

Free football manager designed to play online with other users. At the moment, the project has more than 7 thousand subscribers, and most of them have been in the project for more than one year (the date of foundation of "FL" is 2006).

Despite this, the entry threshold for the Football Legion is not high for beginners: there is a very detailed FAQ, various guides, and even auxiliary software (!) from the creators of the project, which allows you to master all the intricacies of managing your favorite club. And in which case, an extensive community and friendly project management will always come to the aid of their new friend. Among other features of the "Football Legion" I would like to draw attention to the realistic emulation of matches, the course of which can be displayed in 2D or 3D. You can also play on mobile devices using a special application.

8. Agiveo

AGIVEO is a free browser-based football management game. There are three modes available in the game (including the traditional career with the straightforward name MAIN). Other players act as opponents (managers of the remaining teams of the selected league), and here there is one significant minus - this game has a very low online. In total, AGIVEO has a little more than two thousand registered users, and even fewer play. However, given the specifics of the genre (nevertheless, this is not an action game, and the presence or absence of other players is not so noticeable), such a minus is very conditional.

The game has a very simple and clear menu, and the same easy-to-understand gameplay, despite the fact that it contains all the functions required for a serious manager. I am also very pleased with the friendly attitude of the administration towards the players, the constant holding of various events, the regular release of updates and improvements. Of course, all the clubs, championships and football players represented in AGIVEO (and there are more than 40 thousand of them) are absolutely real.

Single player games

1. Football Manager Series

The best single player football sim currently available is, in our humble opinion, Football Manager. And in particular, the last part of the series at the moment is Football Manager 2018.

The game received an updated engine, while retaining extensive content borrowed from real football, and numerous functions of a real manager that are not always clear to ordinary players - hence the appearance of a simplified version of Football Manager Touch. There is also a mobile version of this game.

2. FIFA Manager Series

A series of football managers from Electronic Arts, currently closed. The latest installment, FIFA Manager 14, was released in October 2013. And it, and all previous FIFA Manager games, is quite problematic to get today, except to download from torrents or ask friends. And it's a pity, because the series was original and very curious: with traditional Electronic Arts innovations in each new part, user-friendly, but not devoid of realism.

At the same time, fans have not forgotten the series and continue to release mods for it in the form of new unofficial parts with all the current lineups and even some changes in terms of graphics and gameplay. For example, at the moment, the base for the season 18-19 is under development, and very soon it will be available for download on PC.

Where can I buy: it was not possible to find the game in official digital services.

3. Football, Tactics & Glory

A fun football simulator that combines elements of strategy and RPG, and which we already wrote about earlier in another football collection. Along with turn-based football matches, in Football, Tactics & Glory a lot of attention is paid to team management, which together makes for a very interesting and versatile gameplay. Quite possibly the most fun football simulation ever made.

4.Soccer Manager Series

A series of football managers from the Soccer Manager studio, which causes conflicting feelings for many. But we could not leave it unattended, if only because, unlike other similar games, it is absolutely free and has a version for mobile platforms!

6. Club Manager Series

A popular series of football managers for PC, which, unfortunately, does not support the Russian language (but no one canceled the ability to download the crack). The player can choose any team he likes from several leagues and lead it to the heights of the football Olympus.