What do you get for predicting dota 2 wins

At the moment, "Dota" is known to almost everyone. Children play it day and night long, parents are furious that their child is sitting out his pants in front of the computer. But it will not be about relationships between people, but about more mundane and concrete things. If you have ever played this game, then when you get into the pre-match screen, you could often see the following picture - people enter and exit, even if there is less than a minute left to wait for the match. Why is this happening? They just don't believe in victory. Accordingly, you probably wondered how to predict victory in Dota 2 and not waste time on a losing match?


The first conclusions about the upcoming match can be made even before the start of the game. There are several clear signs that an experienced player can use to figure out how to predict victory in Dota 2.

Set of players. Whether you play the official version of the game or on a pirated server, it doesn't matter. Any service seeks to divide players into levels depending on the battles fought and the number of victories. And it's all displayed in the starting lobby. It is clear that it is not at all easy for beginners to play against a crowd of experienced players. But it also happens vice versa that an experienced player, seeing that a crowd of “noobs” has gathered, will rush to leave, because it is not interesting.

Everything would be fine, but the prediction based on such data is very inaccurate. Many have played Dota since the first part, and since the gameplay is not very different, the level of players in the second part will not say anything about the experience of a particular person.

At the start

So, is it possible to predict the team's victory? "Dota 2" allows you to draw certain conclusions at the moment when the host introduces the game mod. If players are inexperienced, then they will most likely take those few heroes that stand out in the following parameters.

  1. Easy to manage.
  2. The most commonly used.
  3. They just like it externally and have beautiful animation.

Thus, they will never have a real team, while the opposite side will choose the right characters to help each other. How to predict victory in Dota 2? Just think how some characters can stand up to others.

First minutes

This is the last chance to try to figure out in advance if anyone in particular is going to win.

  1. Starter item sets. See what players are buying for their characters. It can be trash, useless in the future, or it can be items from which more powerful weapons will be assembled.
  2. FB. Or simply the first kill. At 60%, victory will go to the team whose character is the first to kill the enemy and gain superiority in experience and gold. If this is not a beginner, then he will be able to pull the initiative over to his side.

However, despite all that has been said, the question remains: how to predict victory in Dota 2? No way. People play, which means it all depends on the circumstances. Someone sneezed at the wrong time and did not have time to use the spell, someone turned off the Internet. This is why players love Dota. For the fact that each match is different from the previous one and you can never say for sure who will win.

If you play Dota 2, then you have most likely heard that some gamers can predict the victory of their team in a particular match, for which you can eventually receive valuable prizes. However, how to do it? What does that require? Why not every player is able to do something like this? To answer all these questions, this article was written. And now you will learn how to predict victory in Dota 2, whether you can do it and how exactly. It should be noted right away that this opportunity is not available to everyone, and if you missed one unique event, then you have already lost your chance. So, how to predict victory in a match in Dota 2?

Special item

If you want to know how to predict victory in Dota 2, then you should learn about Assured Victory Shout. It is with this subject that the possibility of predicting the results of matches in the game is connected. So if it is not in your inventory, then you will never be able to predict the result of this or that sparring. How get this item, which is necessary in order to figure out how to predict victory in Dota 2?

How to get it?

Unfortunately, now a sad moment will come for many gamers, because this item is no longer possible to obtain today in 2017. How to predict victory in Dota 2 without this item? Many gamers are trying to find the answer to this question, but you should not waste your time. The fact is that only with this elite horn you will be able to succeed. Thus, if you do not have this item, then you can give up hope. But how could you even get this item?

In 2014, an international Dota compendium was held, and it was then that this horn appeared in the game store, which you could purchase for only 250 rubles. In fact, it is he who is the key to success. But what's next? If you have already purchased this item, how can you use it and what will it give you? It turns out that you can pretty easily and comfortably predict a team's win. Dota 2 builds no barriers to this and all instructions are pretty transparent. One way or another, the process still needs to be described so that there are no problems and questions.

Usage and prediction

Once you have this item in your inventory, you need to start by equipping it. Do not limit yourself to this either, it is recommended bind key to use it. For what? The fact is that you need to use the bugle immediately after you choose a character for your further game, but before the first creep appears on the map. Accordingly, you will have very little time to use the item. And you don't just need to use the horn, you also need to choose the bet you want to place. And you need to choose wisely. If you place bets at random, then you are unlikely to achieve a positive result. Why? Now you will know about it.

Getting points and trophies

So, when you place a bet, there are two scenarios. First, you can guess the winner correctly and get a point, which is credited to your personal divination stone. Secondly, you can make the wrong choice, and the consequences will be very unpleasant for you. The fact is that in this case you will lose absolutely all the points that you have scored before. To win the first trophy, you need to correctly guess three results in a row. The second trophy is given to you after six correctly guessed results in a row, and the third - after ten. Accordingly, you need to approach the choice very seriously, because one incorrectly guessed result can completely cancel all your progress, and you will have to start all over again.

In the distant past, some Dota players received goodies that yell, predict their victory. The screamer is called - "Confidence in Victory" or "Assured Victory Shout", is placed in one of the action item slots and can be activated during gameplay. With repeated correct prediction of the outcome of the battle, the Screamer makes it possible to get trophies. By default, the owners of chants are those who dug up a ticket to The International Compendium 2014 in 2014.

Where can I get or buy a victory predictor now?

I have I have a couple, the one who writes the thirtieth comment on the site, then I will give it to him ... the countdown of comments starts from today.

For me, the thing is useless, just indulge in one or two. They are sold on the Internet, the average price is about 100-150 rubles. Finding is not a problem.

How to use win predictor in dota 2:

1) The first thing we need is where to get it. 🙂 And then go to your inventory and place the Screamer in the action slot.

3) It is advisable to use Wang when your team is not a krivoruk noob, because. if you do not guess the victory, then all previous predictions disappear. And you need to start anew collecting the correct predictions.

The screenshot below shows what the player can get for correct predictions:

In general, while writing, I thought that if you choose the right game, where to use the prediction. Either during the next game and using Assured Victory Shout, the opponent’s screen displays “Correctly predicted 10 victories in a row”, then they start to wonder a little what kind of folder is playing against them.

July 20, 2015

At the moment, "Dota" is known to almost everyone. Children play it day and night long, parents are furious that their child is sitting out his pants in front of the computer. But it will not be about relationships between people, but about more mundane and concrete things. If you have ever played this game, then when you get into the pre-match screen, you could often see the following picture - people enter and exit, even if there is less than a minute left to wait for the match. Why is this happening? They just don't believe in victory. Accordingly, you probably wondered how to predict victory in Dota 2 and not waste time on a losing match?


The first conclusions about the upcoming match can be made even before the start of the game. There are several clear signs that an experienced player can use to figure out how to predict victory in Dota 2.

Set of players. Whether you play the official version of the game or on a pirated server, it doesn't matter. Any service seeks to divide players into levels depending on the battles fought and the number of victories. And it's all displayed in the starting lobby. It is clear that it is not at all easy for beginners to play against a crowd of experienced players. But it also happens vice versa that an experienced player, seeing that a crowd of “noobs” has gathered, will rush to leave, because it is not interesting.

Everything would be fine, but the prediction based on such data is very inaccurate. Many have played Dota since the first part, and since the gameplay is not very different, the level of players in the second part will not say anything about the experience of a particular person.

At the start

So, is it possible to predict the team's victory? "Dota 2" allows you to draw certain conclusions at the moment when the host introduces the game mod. If players are inexperienced, then they will most likely take those few heroes that stand out in the following parameters.

  1. Easy to manage.
  2. The most commonly used.
  3. They just like it externally and have beautiful animation.

Thus, they will never have a real team, while the opposite side will choose the right characters to help each other. How to predict victory in Dota 2? Just think how some characters can stand up to others.

First minutes

This is the last chance to try to figure out in advance if anyone in particular is going to win.

  1. Starter item sets. See what players are buying for their characters. It can be trash, useless in the future, or it can be items from which more powerful weapons will be assembled.
  2. FB. Or simply the first kill. At 60%, victory will go to the team whose character is the first to kill the enemy and gain superiority in experience and gold. If this is not a beginner, then he will be able to pull the initiative over to his side.

However, despite all that has been said, the question remains: how to predict victory in Dota 2? No way. People play, which means it all depends on the circumstances. Someone sneezed at the wrong time and did not have time to use the spell, someone turned off the Internet. This is why players love Dota. For the fact that each match is different from the previous one and you can never say for sure who will win.

Source: fb.ru



How to predict victory in Dota 2

Dota 2: victory predictions

Many people often noticed how players predict the victory of their team before the match. But not every player has everything necessary to do this. Now we will tell you how to predict and what is needed for this.

By and large, we need special items that can be obtained in one way or another. Some of them give you the opportunity to predict your victories endlessly, while others give you only one right to make a mistake.

Endless Dota 2 victory predictions

Valve distributes special items from the arsenal that allow you to predict your team's victory. For example, all owners of the compendium for The International 4 tournament received such a trinket.

Among these items is the Assured Victory Shout. It is really inexpensive and allows you to fill a series of winnings, then accidentally drain it and fill it again. The advantage of this artifact is, of course, the ability to make predictions indefinitely. The indisputable disadvantage is that the player, by and large, does not receive anything from these predictions. In turn, the next category of artifacts does not forgive mistakes twice, but it gives bonuses!

Dota 2 win predictions for sets

There is an artifact, for predictions through which you can get sets for Dota 2 heroes: Sharm of the Defender's Vision, Charm of the Crucible Jewel. You can both buy them and get them for free by donating 10 unnecessary items from your arsenal.

After the appearance of this artifact, it does not need to be worn. Just go into the game, in the lower left corner the "Prediction" button will appear. We need to correctly predict three wins for our team, while the owner has a chance of one loss. That is, in total we must play no worse than 3-1 on maps. For this, Dota 2 will reward us with some kind of set.