The marriage of a horse woman and a cat man. How compatible are the Horse and Rabbit according to the eastern horoscope? Prospects for the development of relations

Rabbit and Horse are very different from each other. They live at different poles, and this can significantly depress the Rabbit, since the Horse’s temperament, which is too bright for him, requires a lot of strength. They may be together, but if the Rabbit suddenly wanted bright and strong feelings. In this case, they may have a short-term romance. Long-term relationships are also possible, but with the balanced nature of the Horse.

Male Rabbit (Cat) and female Horse compatibility = 48%!

In love = 55%: The Horse woman is immediately attracted to the Rabbit man. This is an esthete and a philosopher who is able to give her answers to all her questions. They will talk a lot, she will get answers, and he will finally get a grateful listener for long evenings. And in the meantime, a relationship will begin between them. It should be noted that their love will resemble something like a friendly union, since the goal was not love initially.

Married = 45%: If the Horse woman and the Rabbit man decide to start a family, then it will be quite difficult for them when they have to move from conversations to business. In particular, no one will assume responsibility. And if the Horse woman can live in ascetic conditions, then the Rabbit man will suffer greatly from this. She will be the leader, but not always the male Rabbit will obey, as he often needs solitude. The outcome of the relationship is not optimistic.

In bed = 45%: It is difficult for a Rabbit man to keep up with the fantasies of his chosen one. She will constantly demand the impossible from him. At first, he will like such ardor, but then he will become a burden to endure such vivid emotions. It is difficult to say about getting pleasure, because just experience is important for her, and he cannot receive satisfaction at an increased speed. The bed for the Horse woman and the Rabbit man has a different meaning and meaning.

Male Horse and female Rabbit (Cat) compatibility = 51.5%!

In love = 40%: The Rabbit woman is quite practical, so she will wait for reassurance from love, the opportunity to feel protected. With the Horse man, she will not feel this, but all the feelings in her will stir up. She will feel young and vibrant. The Horse man is not looking for a relationship and can completely do without them, but the Rabbit woman acts magically on him, and he can stop, as it seems to him, for a moment to love her.

Married = 70%: The family of this couple will turn out to be very original, although the Horse man will deal exclusively with his male role - earn money, meet friends. He is quite balanced, so he knows how to build a relationship with a difficult Rabbit woman. For her, in this marriage, the inconstancy of her husband will be a test, but over time she will be able to come to terms with this. Moreover, she will appreciate the qualities of her spouse.

In bed = 45%: The Rabbit woman would love to get more attention from the Horse man. And it is in moments of intimacy that she will feel it. As a result, she will try to surprise him, strive to fulfill various fantasies. He likes it, and therefore at such moments their mutual understanding will reach the maximum level for them. However, the bed will not become a place for them to solve problems, no matter how much she hopes for it.

Relationship Forecast!

The union between the Rabbit and the Horse is controversial, since both are too different. However, astrologers note that they can be together if the couple wants to change. The Horse will especially have to change, since it is more dynamic, faster than the Rabbit. The rabbit is unlikely to be able to change his habits, despite the outward softness. If a couple has the strength and patience to change themselves, they can stay together and be quite happy.

At first glance, there are many similarities between the Horse and the Rabbit. This is a great combination for creating short-term romantic relationships. Everything is clear to each partner, since they do not look deep. The compatibility of the Horse and the Rabbit in marriage is difficult, since with more serious communication of signs, many problems and surprises arise.

The horse is very obstinate, like some representatives of cattle (bull).

She needs to keep moving and moving forward. The rabbit is a pet, he needs peace and affection. But he is not ready to part with his freedom. A lot of conflicts arise in a couple if Rabbit Leo.

Horse man and Rabbit woman

This couple can be considered harmonious. Everything is divided here. The horse takes care of providing for the family, and the Rabbit quietly waits for her at home and cooks goodies. Such an alliance suits the free Horse quite well; she can sometimes hide behind her busyness in order to relax with friends or even have an affair with another woman. These are the features of the temperament of a man born this year, and the Cat woman should be calm about this.

The union will develop if the partner can provide for his beloved.

The Rabbit woman can also work hard, but she is made for household chores. For her, the role of a housewife is ideal. The Cat wants to feel protected, she, like the Pig, loves stability.

Horse Woman and Rabbit Man

Everything about this couple is complicated. For a quiet cat, this woman is always a lot. She completely occupies all his free time with herself, especially if she was born under the constellation of Virgo or Gemini. That is why a man often wants to run away somewhere to spend time in silence. Such women usually rarely sit at home, they need noise and attention from a man. They are often attracted to men on the side, especially if they family life seems boring. This may well happen with the Cat, especially if he is Scorpio or Aquarius by zodiac sign.

In such a family, a woman will rule.

Most likely, she will cover most of the family expenses, since the meekness of the Rabbit does not allow him to quickly climb the career ladder. If Kota is satisfied with a secondary role, then everything will work out. If the partner does not want to be the second, then the woman will have to fight with her temperament. She probably won't want to do it.

Horse and Rabbit compatibility is better when lovers meet in adulthood. If the union is created in youth, it is practically doomed to failure. People with life experience have a different attitude to family life. That is why mature Cat and Horse will perfectly understand and complement each other.

Reasons for separation:

  • sharpness and obstinacy of the Horse;
  • sensuality of the Cat;
  • unwillingness of partners to compromise.

Horses should pay more attention to their health, as an active lifestyle and constant communication with people can cause stress. Very often, those born this year suffer from intestinal ailments. Horse and Rabbit should trust each other more and allow time for rest.

A family union in the compatibility of a male Horse and a female Cat (Rabbit) can be both quite happy, and, with the same probability, can bring both spouses disappointment in family life.

It will be quite stable if each of the spouses tries to give the other maximum freedom and inner independence. If the creation of comfort in the family, household chores and caring for others, and the Horse man will pursue his career, achieve his goals, then the spouses will be able to live happily ever after.

And if they try to change each other's characters and try to adjust them for themselves, then in the end, they will face a painful separation or a problematic life together only "for the sake of the children." It is worth noting that the eastern horoscope is based only on innate character traits, and life and work on oneself can radically change people. So, family happiness is in your hands.

Horse Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit) - Compatibility

The Horse man and the Cat (Rabbit) woman have every chance to create a happy family union. They are very different. They have different characters and worldview, perception of the world and attitude to life, however, if their values ​​match, they will become a very happy couple.

Most often, a Horse man and a Cat (Rabbit) woman meet in a noisy company, since both are sociable and love to spend time with friends. An elegant, intelligent, smart female Cat (Rabbit), always looks great and easily attracts attention, and the male Horse is no exception, who will immediately appreciate her femininity and grace. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) will also like the Horse Man. He knows how to captivate with his charm and whirlwind positive energy. Both partners are honest, sincere and practical in business, therefore, even despite the many differences, they will easily find a common language. Their mutual sympathy quickly develops into deep feelings, and romantic relationships - into family ones.

In this union and the main earner, breadwinner. He will lead, and rightfully so, as he takes responsibility for everything. He speaks and acts directly and very energetically, does only what he sees fit and sweeps away everything in his path. He also makes all decisions on his own. The Catwoman (Rabbit) can negotiate with him, because he is attentive to people and is set up for dialogue, but he reserves the right to make the final decision only for himself. It can be difficult for a Catwoman (Rabbit) to remain herself next to such a large-scale spouse in every sense. In order for the union to be happy and harmonious, the Cat Woman (Rabbit) just needs to accept the features of his character and adapt to him. It is worth noting that the Horse man can be very selfish and overconfident. These traits of his character easily create conflict situations. However, if the female Cat (Rabbit) learns to use her wisdom and diplomacy, then she will easily extinguish such outbursts of emotions of her partner.

Most often, a man born in making money and realizing in external activities. He is self-confident and self-sufficient. He likes to organize outdoor recreation, trips to interesting places, meetings with friends. He also knows how to behave correctly with a female Cat (Rabbit), justify her expectations, but at the same time not indulge her whims.

The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is unusual and alien to the brightness and some wildness of the Horse man. Such impulsiveness can even act depressingly on her and become a real test. The Horse Man may seem to her generally uncontrollable. He always does only what he wants and is constantly busy looking for a place where he could still prove himself. For a calm and balanced female Cat (Rabbit), such energy is often comparable to a hurricane, it is so strong, unusual and unpredictable. It is difficult for her to cope with such a pressure of passions and emotions. However, if a Horse man is truly in love, then he will be able to give his beloved a new understanding of freedom, and at the same time stability and confidence in the future. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is truly happy when she feels loved and protected, and then she will begin to give her love to her loved ones, and first of all, to the Horse man.

A woman born in and prosperous life. Therefore, she appreciates the Horse man, because he can give all this to her. The Horse Man is active, lives full life, he is always in search of a new one and is rarely at home, because life around is so interesting. And the Catwoman (Rabbit) will be happy to create coziness and decorate their little paradise. She will be waiting for him with a beautifully laid table and freshly prepared food. For this woman, how she herself and her home looks will always be of great importance. She will do her best to make her house hospitable and magnificent both inside and out. She loves and knows how to receive guests, which will certainly be appreciated by the sociable Horse man, who is always surrounded by numerous friends.

Also, the Catwoman (Rabbit) is endowed with good intuition, which often helps in the career of her husband. And this is very important for a woman who has an inner desire for a high social status and material well-being. If the Catwoman (Rabbit) can accept her restless spouse as he is, then he will surround her with innumerable riches and make her feel completely safe.

Horse Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit) - Compatibility in Love

In the intimate sphere, a couple of a man-Horse and a woman-Cat (Rabbit) are in harmony. At first, the female Cat (Rabbit) will lack attention from her chosen one, and she will feel it especially sharply precisely at moments of intimacy. Therefore, the Catwoman (Rabbit) will turn on all her imagination and will surprise him, strive for the maximum satisfaction of all his fantasies. Naturally, the Horse man will like this and in these moments their mutual understanding will be at the highest level. And if passion captures the Horse man, then he is able to do a lot for his beloved. But, however, the bed cannot become a place for them to solve problems, no matter how hard they try to do it.

Advice from "Moon Today" for a pair of Horse Man and Cat Woman (Rabbit)

Very often, great love is not enough to create a strong family. Sometimes, couples develop in such a way that in order to find complete happiness, they need to get to know each other as much as possible, find a unique approach, and, of course, work on themselves.

The compatibility of a pair of male-Horse and female-Cat (Rabbit) cannot be called ideal, but it’s also wrong to say that they don’t fit together. This couple is usually very harmonious when they are not held together by any obligations regarding marriage and life. They may be good friends and wonderful lovers. And when a family is created, problems arise due to the difference in temperaments. The Cat Woman (Rabbit) is romantic, and the Horse Man is not inclined to build illusions, and sees life in all its manifestations. In order for family life to be happy and harmonious, the Cat (Rabbit) woman needs to accept all the features of her man and adjust to him. The inability to appreciate your spouse often breeds even very compatible partners.

Often, such a marriage is especially successful in adulthood, when partners already have life experience and worldly wisdom that helps resolve difficult situations. In any case, this union should be meaningful, and not sudden and spontaneous.

According to the compatibility horoscope of a male Cat (Rabbit) and a female Horse, their relationship is quite stable and promising. In this union, both spouses are practical, passionate about themselves and do not interfere in each other's personal space, while each is guided by their emotions and intuition.

Conflicts are possible due to mutual misunderstanding, untimely start of any actions, and also because of the form of their implementation. Also, problems can be caused by an excessive craving for discussions and a showdown on the part of the male Cat (Rabbit), who will always make claims, inconstancy and self-interest. Often, the male Cat (Rabbit) prefers peace to material goods, and the female Horse overloads herself unnecessarily with business and lives at a very fast pace.

Therefore, for a harmonious life, spouses need to learn how to negotiate and find compromises. They need to develop a common life strategy, consult with each other more often and carefully consider all joint decisions.

Cat Man (Rabbit) and Horse Woman - Compatibility

The family union for the compatibility of a male Cat (Rabbit) and a female Horse is quite favorable. The spouses experience mutual sympathy, they feel good and interesting together, both have a sharp mind and natural charm. They are open and sociable, easily find a common language and are not limited only to the family. This reflects very well on their compatibility. But, they have very different temperaments and outlooks on life, so there is no need to talk about one hundred percent compatibility. , sensitive and romantic, and the Horse woman is impetuous and prefers to see life as it is, without illusions. Quiet life here, most likely, will not be. The bright temperament of the Horse woman requires a lot of mental and physical strength from the Cat (Rabbit) man. He is a philosopher and esthete, tuned in to a measured life and silence in the literal sense of the word. Home and family are a quiet haven for him, and the Horse woman will not be able to give him the peace that he is counting on.

Man born in . He is a very romantic, gentle and affectionate man, striving for harmony in all areas. He prefers to observe life, not daring to take bold actions. At work, he always prefers the role of an executor and is happy to follow someone's instructions. In general, the limit of his dreams is to work at home. The Cat Man (Rabbit) rarely manages to make good money, as he does not like to leave his comfort zone. The same applies to love relationship. He will be glad to any woman who has shown interest in him. It is worth noting that, despite his shyness and indecision, he has a very high compatibility with strong female signs, but he prefers the one with a well-developed maternal instinct. The Cat-Man (Rabbit) loves his family and children very much and, in case of danger, will sacrifice everything for the sake of his loved ones.

A woman attracts attention with her bright appearance, emotionality and sense of humor. She is a welcome guest in any society, as she brings with her her optimism and gives confidence in the future. She is very hardworking and a welcome employee in any organization. She is valued for the quality of work and the ability to do everything on time. The Horse Woman does not like to sit in one place. Passion for travel and adventure keeps her moving. She is attracted by distant countries, their wonderful customs and mores. For the sake of such a journey, she is ready to work hard for a whole year, limiting herself in everything. But there, on distant shores, she already allows herself anything.

The Horse Woman is immediately carried away by the Cat Man (Rabbit) and does everything to win his heart. This esthete and philosopher is able to give answers to all her questions. They spend a lot of time talking and love arises inadvertently, as if in between times, but sealed with strong friendly ties. But when they decide to start a family, then from conversations they have to move on to business and take on certain responsibilities, which no one else wants. In addition, the temperaments of the spouses are so different that disagreements are inevitable. The relationship between a male Cat (Rabbit) and a female Horse begins very rapidly, causes a storm of emotions and a feeling of complete happiness. But, when the first interest begins to subside, it turns out that there is little that connects them. But, this union has one feature. If the Horse woman feels that the Cat (Rabbit) man is exactly the man she wants to be with, then she will accept him for who he is, and together they will work out rules that will suit both.

Most often, in this pair, the Horse woman has to take on the role of leader in the relationship, and the Cat (Rabbit) man has to obey. The female Horse, energetic in character, is different from her observant companion. He prefers to relax on the sofa, and she wants to see him as an assistant in the house. On domestic grounds, conflicts in relationships may appear. Of course, over the years the situation may change, and over time, the spouses will be able to achieve high level compatibility.

Living together, spouses can learn a lot. Firstly, the male Cat (Rabbit), thanks to the positive influence of the female Horse, will feel inspired and significant, which is very important for him. Also, thanks to the Horse woman, the Cat (Rabbit) man will finally correctly begin to understand what freedom and independence are, and gain self-confidence. And the Horse woman, in the family, reveals all her best qualities. She becomes attentive and loving, learns to run a household, although, with her unbridled temperament, this is not easy for her.

Of course family relationships male Cat (Rabbit) and female Horse cannot be called smooth and harmonious. The male Cat (Rabbit) is depressingly affected by the brightness and unbridledness of the female Horse. For him, she will be associated with anxiety, like a hurricane of incoming events and changes. For a calm and balanced male Cat (Rabbit), such a stream of passions will not be easy to withstand. He loves solitude and silence, and before meeting this woman, he led a calm, measured life. And the family for him is, first of all, a quiet haven where you can find peace and tranquility. The Horse Woman, with her powerful energy, anxiety and tendency to spend time in noisy companies, of course, cannot give this to the Cat Man (Rabbit). Also, the Horse woman does not like to do housework and, in general, spend time at home. She loves to travel, to realize herself in society. And the male Cat (Rabbit) is not interested in all this, and he is unlikely to be happy that the Horse woman needs to be accompanied on trips abroad. On the other hand, it is the energy and passion of the Horse woman that can melt the emotional coldness of the Cat (Rabbit) man, which will bring a significant amount of romanticism into their relationship.

Due to the fact that spouses know how not to invade each other's personal space and respect the concept of inner freedom, their relationship can be long-lasting and quite harmonious.

Cat Man (Rabbit) and Horse Woman - Compatibility in Love

The sexual relationship between a male Cat (Rabbit) and a female Horse can hardly be called ideal. The bed for them has a different meaning and meaning. It is difficult for a male Cat (Rabbit) to keep up with the fantasies of his companion. She demands the impossible from him and it is a burden for him to endure such vivid emotions. In addition, for a Horse woman, sex is just gaining experience, and for a Cat (Rabbit) man, it is a manifestation of love. Also, it is very difficult for him to get satisfaction at the “frantic” speeds that the Horse woman is used to.

Advice from "Moon Today" to a pair of Man-Cat (Rabbit) and Woman-Horse

The compatibility of a male-Cat (Rabbit) pair and a female-Horse is quite high, but they themselves can spoil it with their quarrels, scandals and nit-picking. It is especially worthwhile to be more restrained by the Horse woman, otherwise she risks forever losing the love and respect of the Cat (Rabbit) man.

For a family union to be harmonious, you will have to put in some effort. Compatibility does not always appear immediately, sometimes it takes a long time adapt to your partner. If a couple wants to be together, both will have to change. But, most of all, the Horse woman has to change, since she is more dynamic and faster than the Cat (Rabbit) man. In addition, he is unlikely to have the willpower to change his habits.

Luna Today recommends that this couple sign as late as possible. This union, like no other, should be meaningful, verified, and not a sudden and spontaneous decision. Only in this case, the temperament of the Horse woman will not become a test for the Cat (Rabbit) man, but his obstinacy will not repel his wife under the sign of the Horse.

In a period of difficulties, difficult relationships, often remember the period of falling in love. These memories are very pleasant for both and will help to survive any confusion. By the way, if the couple met already in adulthood, then the union will be more successful, because worldly wisdom will help to cope with troubles.

The eastern horoscope is able to reveal all the features of a person's character. This is useful for self-knowledge, you can talk about the compatibility of the couple. Is it possible happy marriage if a man and a woman were born in the year of the Horse and the Cat (it is also called the year of the Rabbit)?

Temperament of the Horse - a test for the Cat

About relationships

General information

The horoscope advises you to think about the marriage between the Horse and the Rabbit, because their compatibility is in question. But people born this year can make a happy couple if they work on themselves. The horoscope is based on innate character traits, and life changes people. Astrologers do not say that these signs do not fit together, but they do not confirm the existence of complete compatibility.

In love, feelings, a man and a woman born in the year of the Horse and the Rabbit make up a harmonious union. Everyone spoils obligations, i.e. marriage. Also, a real friendship arises between them, they complement each other, so they get along well together.

Also, the horoscope calls to sign as late as possible. The longer the Rabbit and the Horse delay the wedding, the stronger their marriage will be. If they met in adulthood, then the union is also successful, because worldly wisdom will help to cope with troubles. The rabbit often acts as a source of inspiration for a partner. In order to provide him with a decent life, she is ready to move mountains.

Difficulties in marriage

Those who were born in the year of the Horse or the year of the Rabbit want to know why the union between them is not ideal, what obstacles await them in marriage? The horoscope answers this question as well.

  • Different views on life, temperament Difficulties in relationships arise because of different temperaments and views on life. The Rabbit is a romantic person, and her partner is used to taking life for what it is, and not living in a world of illusions. The sensitive Rabbit will see life without embellishment, and this will be a blow to him. Also, the temperament of the Horse is a test for the Rabbit. The Rabbit does not always understand the situation correctly, he is responsive, sensitive, while she is pragmatic and smart. She thinks Rabbit is naive.
  • Too strong partner The horse is energetic, he is used to acting directly. If she needs something, she achieves it by any means, sweeps away everyone in her path, does only what suits her interests. If someone does not agree with her, she either convinces him or does not notice. Against the background of such a strong partner, the Rabbit is lost, it is difficult for him to be himself. He will have to adapt to the Horse, because. diplomatic nature will not allow arguing with her.
  • It is difficult for a horse to adapt to a Rabbit. If we talk about compatibility, then the Rabbit is not always ready to give in. If he is obstinate, then the Horse will have to change: it must be tender and thin. But the horoscope says that this is impossible. She has a wild temperament, in order to soften it, you need to work on yourself for a long time and a lot. And she doesn’t need this, it’s easier to leave the Rabbit. But with age, she becomes wiser, and harmony in the family is possible.

Union between cat and horse

In order to correctly compile a relationship horoscope, you need to remember that in a Horse-Cat pair there can be both a woman born in the year of the Cat, and a man, and vice versa. A lot depends on these minor nuances.

Man - Horse earns money for the family

Woman - Horse and man - Cat

In the union, the woman is the Horse, and the man is the Cat, it was she who took on the role of leader. Often a girl not only manages the household, but also provides the family with money. The romantic Cat cannot keep up with her, no matter how much he wants to. If a man is ready to put up with this situation, then the family will be happy, if not, then they will not get along together. If the Cat has enough freedom, he will not feel disadvantaged. It is impossible to change the character of the Horse. The compatibility of this couple is low, the union is possible, but will the partners be happy in it?

Woman - Cat, Man - Horse

A woman born in the year of the Cat and a man born in the year of the Horse are a harmonious couple. The head of the family, the Horse, earns money, and the Cat looks after the house. Both are placed in the most comfortable conditions for themselves. If they are united by a strong feeling, then they can live a happy long life together. The fact that the husband earns well suits the Cat woman, and she is ready to endure the violent temper of her husband. But for compatibility to be complete, the Cat must receive a little freedom. For the sake of his soul mate, the Horse is ready to move mountains if love is real.