Fomichev goalkeeper ice hockey. Alexander Yuryevich Fomichev: biography. Secrets of family life

Alexander Fomichev is a hockey player, which will be discussed in this article. Today, this Russian goalie, WHL-1999 champion, bronze medalist of the 2007 Russian championship, acts as a hockey expert on KHL TV.

Everything starts from childhood

Fomichev Alexander, whose photo you see in this article, was born in 1979. His father was fond of football in his youth and predicted a football career for his son. But as a six-year-old boy, he decided everything himself. At the rink, Sasha made friends with the guys from the Dynamo hockey school. True, before following the example of new friends, he spoke with his father and received full approval.

Polupanov Vladimir Andreevich, the most famous goalkeeper, became the first from whom Alexander began to learn the intricacies of the hockey game. He also became a goalkeeper out of a sudden desire and, having accepted Polupanov's offer, defended the goal, armed with a simple game stick. With her, and passed his very first training session.

Vladimir Andreevich personally handed him the goalkeeper's stick. He immediately liked this game of real men. The training he received from Erfilov Vitaliy Georgievich, coach of the goalkeeping school, Shkurdyuk Viktor Nikolaevich, mentor of the school team, has borne fruit over time.

First victories

At first, Alexander had to play in a team with guys older than him in age. Then there were no special achievements. But with the transition to the team of peers, things went much better. With their classy team, they repeatedly became the champions of the capital, even won the Russian championship in their age group. This team was his native until the age of sixteen, until he moved to Dynamo-2.

What is it like to try your luck?

Alexander began to dream of playing in a serious company from the time he first defended the gates of his first team. And then the times came when even financially Russian hockey gave up positions. However, the young goalkeeper was eager to conquer the peaks, to experience something new and, having received the approval of his parents, at the age of 17 he went overseas, where he was accepted by one of the junior leagues.

For him, there was no language problem, because he knew English well. He simply turned a blind eye to any problems, once again convincing himself that his task was hockey, it was because of him that he came here.

Moreover, the life of a junior league player was well organized. He was settled in a family, far from being poor, where he was received like a son: fed, clothed, bought things, sometimes gave gifts, helped in everything.

The six-year stay in America was not without success. Alexander here was handed champion ring for playing with the Calgary Farm Club in the Western hockey league. Here he learned independence, gained experience in conditions where the result is the only criterion for success and there is no other.

By the way, during this period, Alexander Yuryevich Fomichev twice participated in the world championships in roller hockey, in Minneapolis and Anaheim, played for the Russian team.


Experience is great! But stability is needed. From the Khabarovsk "Amur" received a real proposal. Gave consent.

A year later, he already accepts the offer of the Novosibirsk "Siberia". Vladimir Golubovich is familiar to him from Dynamo Moscow, where he successfully played the 2003-2004 season. For the team, he became a real hero, he managed to help out his own in situations where it seemed there was absolutely no chance. The skill of Alexander sometimes decided the outcome of the next meeting. Him in short term managed to become an idol for the fans, their favorite. Both the city itself and its inhabitants still evoke the warmest feelings in it.

The next two seasons he spent in the Moscow CSKA. I really wanted not only to play in my hometown, but also to reach a new level. This section of the career, despite the most serious competition, turned out to be successful. His opponents were goalkeepers from different schools of hockey, and this undoubtedly turned out to be a very successful and rewarding experience.

Fomichev Alexander: career. Omsk Avangard

Dreams of playing at a higher level did not leave Alexander. Just received an offer from Omsk. He accepts it and stays here for three years (2006-2009).

This is a city that is clearly obsessed with hockey. He understood it right away. You are surrounded by a lot of posters announcing the games of the new season. The stands are filled to capacity, even if the match is the most ordinary. And the fans are accustomed to victories, so there is a special demand from the goalkeeper. And the atmosphere in the team is great. Many guys are familiar from the national team. There are excellent conditions for training. It was while playing for Avangard that Alexander became the bronze medalist of the Russian Championship.

Return to Siberia

A contract for a year was signed. Novosibirsk struck him with its overcrowded stadium, literally seething and buzzing. This city truly loves hockey. The team always felt the support, even when the performances were not very successful.

In Nizhniy Novgorod

So, when an offer was received from the Nizhny Novgorod "Torpedo", things were collected in three days. Here was a chance to prove to yourself and others that you are capable of much. Alexander Fomichev fulfilled his desire to return to the KHL.

I had to work harder than in Sibir, everyday training, analysis of the mistakes made earlier, and as a result, my own game was caught. He always treats the game very responsibly, closes the day before in order to concentrate on the upcoming ice battle. And if he speaks to someone, then only on business.

Alexander himself admitted that he feels comfortable only when he plays well. And it doesn't matter if he plays in a match alone or with a partner in turn.

Fomichev Alexander: achievements in the highest hockey league

He became the main star of the Tver team, being in the rookie of the VHL, followed by Ryazan. It was called a real wall for the Kurgan "Trans-Urals". With him, the team conceded much less, hockey players began to play much more confidently, victories began.

Secrets of family life

With my future wife Nastya Fomichev Alexander met during his army career. The girl, who lived all her life in Uzbekistan, professionally engaged in singing, having released several of her own discs by that time, was so far from sports. And she didn’t understand at first that the occupation of the guy she started dating was hockey. She wanted to hear from him exactly where he works. What sports game and there is work, understood with difficulty. And his phrase “To the base, to the training camp” gave rise to a variety of assumptions, up to the fact that he was married.

Only after meeting his parents and hearing from Sasha's mother that hockey is not so easy, she finally understood.

He invited the girl with him to Omsk, where he received an invitation, promised to marry in a year and warned that hockey was the main thing for him during the season. All joys are in the summer. She agreed. True, for this she had to end her career and give up singing.

They named their son Nikita as born on Maundy Thursday, Nikita's day. The tree is planted, the son is born, the house remains.

Modern hockey is such that defending the colors of one club for a long time happens infrequently. So Fomichev Alexander once traveled around Russia. And everywhere he won the hearts of the fans, faithfully served the cause, chosen one day almost by accident.


Alexander Yurievich Fomichev(February 19, Moscow) - Russian hockey player, goalkeeper. Master of Sport . Now he works as a hockey expert on the KHL TV channel.


Alexander Fomichev began his professional career in 1997 with the Calgary Hitmen of the Western Hockey League. In the same year, at the NHL Draft, he was selected in the 9th round under the overall number 231 by the Edmonton Oilers club. Alexander continued to play in the lower North American leagues until 2002, after which he returned to Russia. In the 2002/03 season, Fomichev played a total of 6 matches as part of Novosibirsk Siberia and Khabarovsk Amur. After a successful 2003/04 season at Sibir, which Alexander finished with a utility factor of 1.88 and 9 shut-outs, he was invited to CSKA Moscow, where he spent the next 2 seasons.


Alexander Fomichev made his international debut in 1997 at the European Junior Championships. As part of the main team, Alexander took part in the world championships, where he, however, did not play a single match, and for years. Fomichev was also called up under the banner of the national team to participate in Euro Hockey Tour matches in the 2003/04 and 2005/06 seasons.


  • Bronze medalist of the Russian championship.
  • WHL Champion 1999.

Performance statistics

Last updated: April 2, 2012
Season Team League Games M PS "0" KN
1997/98 Calgary Hitmen WHL 78 4460 218 3 2.93
1998/99 Calgary Hitmen WHL 78 4622 203 5 2.64
1999/00 Calgary Hitmen WHL 1 60 5 0 5.00
1999/00 Seattle Thunderbirds WHL 53 3106 150 3 2.90
2000/01 Asheville Smoke UHL 14 838 37 0 2.65
2000/01 Tallahassee Tiger Sharks ECHL 28 1628 72 2 2.65
2000/01 Hamilton Bulldogs AHL 6 316 14 0 2.66
2001/02 Columbus Cottonmouths ECHL 34 1896 93 1 2.94
2002/03 Siberia Superleague 3 184 6 1.96
2002/03 Amur Superleague 3 75 10 8.10
2002/03 Amur/2 First League 3 4.67
2003/04 Siberia Superleague 39 2009 63 9 1.88
2004/05 CSKA Superleague 21 1164 45 2.32
2005/06 CSKA Superleague 31 1753 76 2.60
2006/07 Vanguard Superleague 51 2961 106 2.15
2007 Vanguard QC 2 2
2007/08 Vanguard Superleague 30 1613 68 2.53
2008/09 Vanguard KHL 32 1825 77 1 2.53
2009/10 Siberia KHL 7 321 15 0 2.80
2009/10 Zauralye Major League 7 422 18 2.56
2009/10 Torpedo NN KHL 22 1323 49 2 2.22
2010/11 Torpedo NN KHL 11 464 23 0 2.97
2011/12 Torpedo NN KHL 0 0 0 0 0.00
2011/12 Sarov VHL 9 550 27 1 2.94
2012/13 THC VHL 8
2012/13 Ryazan VHL
Total in the KHL 72 3928 164 3 2.50
total in career 563


Tournament Games M PS "0" KN
UCE/1997 3 180 11 3.67
World Cup/2006 2 0 0

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An excerpt characterizing Fomichev, Alexander Yurievich

The wounded man was shown a severed leg in a boot with gore.
- O! Oooooh! he sobbed like a woman. The doctor, who was standing in front of the wounded man, blocking his face, moved away.
- My God! What is it? Why is he here? Prince Andrew said to himself.
In the unfortunate, sobbing, exhausted man, whose leg had just been taken away, he recognized Anatole Kuragin. They held Anatole in their arms and offered him water in a glass, the rim of which he could not catch with his trembling, swollen lips. Anatole sobbed heavily. “Yes, it is; yes, this man is somehow closely and heavily connected with me, thought Prince Andrei, not yet clearly understanding what was before him. - What is the connection of this person with my childhood, with my life? he asked himself, finding no answer. And suddenly a new, unexpected memory from the world of childhood, pure and loving, presented itself to Prince Andrei. He remembered Natasha as he had seen her for the first time at the ball of 1810, with a slender neck and slender arms, with a frightened, happy face ready for delight, and love and tenderness for her, even more alive and stronger than ever, woke up in his soul. He remembered now the connection that existed between him and this man, through the tears that filled his swollen eyes, looking at him dully. Prince Andrei remembered everything, and enthusiastic pity and love for this man filled his happy heart.
Prince Andrei could no longer restrain himself and wept tender, loving tears over people, over himself and over their and his own delusions.
“Compassion, love for brothers, for those who love, love for those who hate us, love for enemies - yes, that love that God preached on earth, which Princess Mary taught me and which I did not understand; that's why I felt sorry for life, that's what was left for me, if I were alive. But now it's too late. I know it!"

The terrible sight of the battlefield, covered with corpses and wounded, combined with the heaviness of the head and with the news of the dead and wounded of twenty familiar generals, and with the consciousness of one’s powerlessness before strong hand made an unexpected impression on Napoleon, who usually liked to look at the dead and wounded, thereby testing his spiritual strength (as he thought). On this day, the terrible view of the battlefield defeated that spiritual strength in which he believed his merit and greatness. He hurriedly left the battlefield and returned to the Shevardinsky barrow. Yellow, swollen, heavy, with cloudy eyes, a red nose and a hoarse voice, he sat on a folding chair, involuntarily listening to the sounds of firing and not raising his eyes. With painful anguish, he awaited the end of the cause, which he considered himself the cause of, but which he could not stop. Personal human feeling for a brief moment prevailed over that artificial phantom of life that he had served for so long. He endured the suffering and death that he saw on the battlefield. The heaviness of his head and chest reminded him of the possibility of suffering and death for himself. At that moment he did not want for himself either Moscow, or victory, or glory. (What more fame did he need?) The only thing he wanted now was rest, peace and freedom. But when he was at Semyonovskaya height, the chief of artillery suggested that he place several batteries on these heights in order to increase fire on the Russian troops crowded in front of Knyazkovo. Napoleon agreed and ordered that news be brought to him about what effect these batteries would produce.
The adjutant came to say that, by order of the emperor, two hundred guns were aimed at the Russians, but that the Russians were still standing.
“Our fire is tearing them out in rows, and they are standing,” said the adjutant.
- Ils en veulent encore! .. [They still want to! ..] - Napoleon said in a hoarse voice.
– Sire? [Sovereign?] - repeated the adjutant, who did not listen.
“Ils en veulent encore,” Napoleon croaked in a hoarse voice, frowning, “donnez leur en. [If you want more, well, ask them.]
And without his order, what he wanted was done, and he ordered it only because he thought that orders were expected from him. And he was again transported to his former artificial world of ghosts of some grandeur, and again (like that horse walking on a sloping drive wheel imagines that it is doing something for itself) he dutifully began to perform that cruel, sad and heavy, inhuman the role that was assigned to him.
And not for this hour and day alone, the mind and conscience of this man were darkened, who, heavier than all the other participants in this work, bore the whole burden of what was being done; but never, until the end of his life, he could understand neither goodness, nor beauty, nor truth, nor the meaning of his actions, which were too opposed to goodness and truth, too far from everything human, so that he could understand their meaning. He could not renounce his actions, praised by half the world, and therefore had to renounce truth and goodness and everything human.
Not only on this day, going around the battlefield, laid by dead and mutilated people (as he thought, by his will), he, looking at these people, counted how many Russians there are for one Frenchman, and, deceiving himself, found reasons to rejoice that there were five Russians for one Frenchman. Not on that one day alone did he write in a letter to Paris that le champ de bataille a ete superbe [the battlefield was magnificent] because there were fifty thousand corpses on it; but also on St. Helena, in the quiet of solitude, where he said that he intended to devote his leisure to recounting the great deeds that he had done, he wrote:
"La guerre de Russie eut du etre la plus populaire des temps modernes: c" etait celle du bon sens et des vrais interets, celle du repos et de la securite de tous; elle etait purement pacifique et conservatrice.
C "etait pour la grande cause, la fin des hasards elle commencement de la securite. Un nouvel horizon, de nouveaux travaux allaient se derouler, tout plein du bien etre et de la prosperite de tous. Le systeme europeen se trouvait fonde; il n "etait plus question que de l" organizer.
Satisfait sur ces grands points et tranquille partout, j "aurais eu aussi mon congres et ma sainte alliance. Ce sont des idees qu" on m "a volees. Dans cette reunion de grands souverains, nous eussions traites de nos interets en famille et compte de clerc a maitre avec les peuples.
L "Europe n" eut bientot fait de la sorte veritablement qu "un meme peuple, et chacun, en voyageant partout, se fut trouve toujours dans la patrie commune. Il eut demande toutes les rivieres navigables pour tous, la communaute des mers, et que les grandes armees permanentes fussent reduites desormais a la seule garde des souverains.
De retour en France, au sein de la patrie, grande, forte, magnifique, tranquille, glorieuse, j "eusse proclame ses limites immuables; toute guerre future, purement defensive; tout agrandissement nouveau antinational. J" eusse associe mon fils a l "Empire ; ma dictature eut fini, et son regne constitutionnel eut commencement…
Paris eut ete la capitale du monde, et les Francais l "envie des nations! ..
Mes loisirs ensuite et mes vieux jours eussent ete consacres, en compagnie de l "imperatrice et durant l" apprentissage royal de mon fils, a visiter lentement et en vrai couple campagnard, avec nos propres chevaux, tous les recoins de l "Empire, recevant les plaintes, redressant les torts, semant de toutes parts et partout les monuments et les bienfaits.
The Russian war should have been the most popular in modern times: it was a war of common sense and real benefits, a war of peace and security for all; she was purely peaceful and conservative.
It was for a great purpose, for the end of accidents and the beginning of peace. A new horizon, new works would open, full of well-being and well-being for all. The European system would be founded, the question would be only in its establishment.
Satisfied in these great questions and at peace everywhere, I too would have my congress and my holy union. These are the thoughts that have been stolen from me. In this assembly of great sovereigns, we would discuss our interests as a family and would reckon with the peoples, like a scribe with a master.

Birthday February 19, 1979

Russian ice hockey goalkeeper


Alexander Fomichev began his professional career in 1997 with the Calgary Hitmen of the Western Hockey League. In the same year, he was selected in the 9th round under the overall number 231 by the Edmonton Oilers in the NHL Entry Draft. Alexander continued to play in the minor North American leagues until 2002, after which he returned to Russia. In the 2002/03 season, Fomichev played a total of 6 matches as part of Novosibirsk Sibir and Khabarovsk Amur. After a successful 2003/04 season with Sibir, which Alexander finished with a 1.88 efficiency and 9 shut-outs, he was invited to CSKA Moscow, where he spent the next 2 seasons.

From 2006 to 2009, Fomichev played in Omsk Avangard. During this time, he was able to become a bronze medalist of the Russian championship. Before the start of the 2009/10 season, Alexander returned to Sibir, signing a one-year contract with the team. However, having spent only 7 matches in 2 months, Fomichev was sent by the leadership of Novosibirsk to his farm club from Kurgan Zauralye, and in December 2009 Alexander signed a contract with Nizhny Novgorod Torpedo.

After the 2010/11 season, in which Fomichev played 11 matches with a safety factor of 2.97, the management of the Nizhny Novgorod club decided to extend the contract with the hockey player.


Alexander Fomichev made his international debut in 1997 at the European Junior Championships. As part of the main team, Alexander took part in the 2004 World Championships, where he, however, did not play a single match, and 2006. Fomichev was also called up under the banner of the national team to participate in Euro Hockey Tour matches in the 2003/04 and 2005/06 seasons.


  • Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship 2007.
  • WHL Champion 1999.

On the eve of a fundamental meeting with former teammates - the army team - the goalkeeper of Avangard and the Russian national team spoke in an interview with SPORT today about the first months in Omsk, Napoleonic plans, overseas experience and the combat coloring of the goalkeeper's helmet.

- Alexander, don't you think that the eight starting rounds did not give a clear idea of ​​the capabilities of the updated Avangard?

We really haven't been able to win "our" meetings yet, in which we have an advantage in shots, we own the initiative. We lose points out of the blue, but, fortunately, we are not losing yet. For the formation of the team, a normal psychological environment, this is very important. The guys try, work out in defense, help me in every possible way. And then, do not forget that it is only autumn now, everyone is rolling into the season, groping for game connections, no one seeks to demonstrate the standard of their capabilities.

- In the first four games, you conceded only five goals, saved the team more than once ...

Yes, I've read similar comments. But journalists, probably, over-praised. In the next round in Ufa, I let in four goals, and one was quite curious: the Yulaev player threw from behind the gate, for good luck, and the puck from my skate slipped into the net.

- September 27 you play in Moscow against former teammates. What meeting do you expect from CSKA fans?

Well, it's hard to predict other people's reactions. I hope everything will be ok. I didn't do anything bad for CSKA. On the contrary, he spent two excellent years in the team.

- Aren't you afraid of being booed?

I'm not really afraid of this. I'm not a boy! It's normal when a player changes clubs. This is not the first case in my career, so I don’t dwell on it.

- At trainings in Omsk, as I noticed, you look by no means a beginner, you joke a lot, communicate with partners. Did you quickly adapt to Siberian conditions?

I know many guys from the national team. I met earlier with Anton Kuryanov, and with Dmitry Ryabykin, and with Alexander Popov. The team has a great atmosphere good conditions for training. The city is obsessed with hockey. Around the posters of the new season, even on the rank and file exhibition matches the stands were full.

- But since the time of Leonid Kiselev, local fans have become addicted to victories. And on the shoulders of the goalkeeper here lies a heavy burden.

It would be strange to be afraid of responsibility. I dreamed of playing for more high level. For this, in fact, he agreed to go to Avangard. I want to win Super League medals and the Continental Cup with the club, for which we will compete in January in Hungary.

- In Russia, you first played for Amur Khabarovsk, then spent two years in Siberia, two more years in CSKA, and now you are in Avangard. Did you find "your" team?

I really hope for it. Since childhood, I dreamed of playing in a serious company, set high goals. Being a pupil of Dynamo hockey, he did not wait to be invited to the base of his native club, and at the age of 17 he went overseas, to one of the junior leagues. He spent six years in America, even managed to win the Western Hockey League championship as part of the Calgary farm club, and received a championship ring. This, of course, is not the level of the NHL, but some kind of experience. Learned independence. By and large, in America, no one needs you, there everyone is on his own, responsible for his game, level of training. There is only one criterion for success - the result. That's what the coaches want.

- After a prosperous and well-fed America, you drifted to distant Khabarovsk. Didn't they offer to stay, to try their hand in the NHL over time?

The everyday situation - I was not satisfied with the contract. Decided to move to Russia. Capital clubs were also invited, but somehow vaguely: come, they say, we'll see, we'll see. I wanted stability and clarity. "Amur" offered real conditions, without previews. That's why he agreed. A year later, Vladimir Golubovich called to Novosibirsk, whom he knew well from the youth Dynamo. That's how he traveled around the country.

- While playing in CSKA, you got noticed by the coaches of the national team, participated in the World Championship in Latvia. Was the military segment of your career a success?

Quite. Although the competition in the club was very serious. In the first season, the Czech Jiri Trvai played great, in the second - the Latvian Peteris Skudra. But it only benefited, competed with strong goalkeepers of different hockey schools. I remember, of course, the invitation to the Swedish hockey games and the World Cup. I think we were worthy of medals in Latvia, but we were unlucky in the quarterfinals with the Czechs. They did not use an unthinkable number of scoring chances and lost in overtime.

- This year you prepared a surprise for the fans - you painted the helmet in the colors of the "hawks". What is it, by the way, on it is depicted?

Like what?! Elements of the symbolism of the new club: two hawks and chains, which symbolize the "Iron Curtain". Designers and technologists worked on the helmet for a whole summer in Canada. I liked the drawing, such a catchy, stylish. As I wanted...

Alexander Yurievich Fomichev(February 19, 1979, Moscow) - Russian hockey player, goalkeeper. Master of Sport. Now he works as a hockey expert on the KHL TV channel.


A.Yu. Fomichev is a graduate of Dynamo Moscow. His first coach was V. N. Shkurdyuk.

Alexander Fomichev began his professional career in 1997 with the Calgary Hitmen of the Western Hockey League. In the same year, he was selected in the 9th round under the overall number 231 by the Edmonton Oilers in the NHL Entry Draft. Alexander continued to play in the minor North American leagues until 2002, after which he returned to Russia. In the 2002/03 season, Fomichev played a total of 6 matches as part of Novosibirsk Sibir and Khabarovsk Amur. After a successful 2003/04 season with Sibir, which Alexander finished with a 1.88 efficiency and 9 shut-outs, he was invited to CSKA Moscow, where he spent the next 2 seasons.

From 2006 to 2009, Fomichev played in Omsk Avangard. During this time, he was able to become a bronze medalist of the Russian championship. Before the start of the 2009/10 season, Alexander returned to Sibir, signing a one-year contract with the team. However, having spent only 7 matches in 2 months, Fomichev was sent by the leadership of Novosibirsk to his farm club from Kurgan Zauralye, and in December 2009 Alexander signed a contract with Nizhny Novgorod Torpedo.

After the 2010/11 season, in which Fomichev played 11 matches with a safety factor of 2.97, the management of the Nizhny Novgorod club decided to extend the contract with the hockey player.

October 8, 2012 Hockey club Ryazan and THC made an exchange of goalkeepers: Alexander Fomichev moves to Ryazan, and Alexander Shutov will follow in the opposite direction.


Alexander Fomichev made his international debut in 1997 at the European Junior Championships. As part of the main team, Alexander took part in the 2004 World Championships, where he, however, did not play a single match, and 2006. Fomichev was also called up under the banner of the national team to participate in Euro Hockey Tour matches in the 2003/04 and 2005/06 seasons.


  • Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship 2007.
  • WHL Champion 1999.

Performance statistics

Season Team League Games M PS "0" KN
1997/98 Calgary Hitmen WHL 78 4460 218 3 2.93
1998/99 Calgary Hitmen WHL 78 4622 203 5 2.64
1999/00 Calgary Hitmen WHL 1 60 5 0 5.00
1999/00 Seattle Thunderbirds WHL 53 3106 150 3 2.90
2000/01 Asheville Smoke UHL 14 838 37 0 2.65
2000/01 Tallahassee Tiger Sharks ECHL 28 1628 72 2 2.65
2000/01 Hamilton Bulldogs AHL 6 316 14 0 2.66
2001/02 Columbus Cottonmouths ECHL 34 1896 93 1 2.94
2002/03 Siberia Superleague 3 184 6 1.96
2002/03 Amur Superleague 3 75 10 8.10
2002/03 Amur/2 First League 3 4.67
2003/04 Siberia Superleague 39 2009 63 9 1.88
2004/05 CSKA Superleague 21 1164 45 2.32
2005/06 CSKA Superleague 31 1753 76 2.60
2006/07 Vanguard Superleague 51 2961 106 2.15
2007 Vanguard QC 2 2
2007/08 Vanguard Superleague 30 1613 68 2.53
2008/09 Vanguard KHL 32 1825 77 1 2.53
2009/10 Siberia KHL 7 321 15 0 2.80
2009/10 Zauralye Major League 7 422 18 2.56
2009/10 Torpedo NN KHL 22 1323 49 2 2.22
2010/11 Torpedo NN KHL 11 464 23 0 2.97
2011/12 Torpedo NN KHL 0 0 0 0 0.00
2011/12 Sarov VHL 9 550 27 1 2.94
2012/13 THC VHL 8
2012/13 Ryazan VHL
Total in the KHL 72 3928 164 3 2.50
total in career 563


Tournament Games M PS "0" KN
UCE/1997 3 180 11 3.67
World Cup/2006 2 0 0