Lightweight World Championship. World Championships in Athletics in Doha: Russian athletes make strange laps of honor (Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland). National anthem banned

Officially, the Russian Athletics Federation has been suspended from the competition. Russian sportsmen and sportswomen going to the start in Doha perform under neutral flag. Because of this, very strange scenes arise at the World Cup.

She again became the world champion - Maria Lasitskene, a woman who has been jumping higher than all her competitors for many years now. This time, for the title of champion, it was enough to overcome the bar at a height of 2.04 m. Her young competitor, Ukrainian Yaroslav Maguchy, unexpectedly dropped out of the competition. Lasickene is a quiet champion, when she wins, only a smile appears on her face. On Monday, she made a lap of honor around the stadium, giving out kisses, but there was no flag on her shoulders. Because Lasitskene is Russian.

National anthem banned

Thirty Russian athletes took to the starts in Doha, although their federation is still suspended from the competition. Russian athletes got into Doha through the back door, which the International Athletics Association opened for them. They were able to take part in the championship in the status of Authorized Neutral Athletes, that is, neutral athletes. Therefore, they are not allowed to show any distinctive signs of their country, including flags - it is forbidden even to paint their nails with varnishes of national colors. And you can't sing the Russian anthem in the hotel either.


WP: no flag, no anthem - but Russia has gold

The Washington Post 01.10.2019

FAZ: the best jumper in the world goes on the attack

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 06/26/2019

Non-Russian gold Lasitskene


On Sunday, Russian pole vaulter Anzhelika Sidorova won gold. And, making a circle of honor, she looked somewhat confused. Her American colleague with the Stars and Stripes ran beside her, and on the left, the Greek flag fluttered on the shoulders of the bronze medalist. Sidorova just ran, clapping her hands. She later said, "Of course I didn't feel well about it." But still, gold is gold.

Shortly before the World Championship, the World Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) extended the disqualification of Russia. Earlier it became known that the Russians manipulated the long-promised data on doping. We are talking about samples from 2013-2015, presented earlier this year to the International Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). But the International Athletic Association's Russia Task Force report also lists other Russian transgressions: Russian high jumper Danil Lysenko was disqualified last year, having previously become world indoor champion in neutral status. The athlete did not properly inform the inspectors of his whereabouts and later admitted that the Russian Federation athletics helped him forge documents to cover up misconduct.

Russia may not be allowed to Olympic Games — 2020

In June, Reuters reported that two Russian coaches and one doctor involved in the state doping system continue to work with Russian athletes. There is evidence that other dubious personalities are still operating in the Russian athletics- this is stated in the report of the Task Force International Association. It also says that it is not clear if there have been any cultural changes in Russian athletics.

Patience is over

The quiet world champion Lasickene can't take it anymore. Back in June, she wrote to social networks: “I hope that the people involved in this endless shame still have the courage to leave. Himself."

  • 11.10.2019 at 17:31
  • Theme: Miscellaneous

From September 27 to October 6 in Doha (Qatar) will host the Championship world in athletics, we talk about it in detail.

On September 27, the main athletics competition of the year will begin in the capital of Qatar. Top Athletes from all over the world will come to take part in the competition. Unfortunately, the Russian team will play in a neutral status at the upcoming World Cup. This is due to the sanctions that were imposed on the ARAF in November 2015. The application of the Russian national team included only 29 athletes.

However, in total, more than 300 athletes from more than 200 countries will come to the Khalifa Stadium in Doha. The same stadium will also host matches of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. In just 10 days, athletes will compete for 47 sets of awards. Traditionally, 5 main types of competitions will be presented (running, jumping, throwing, race walking and all-around), several disciplines in each.

Brief schedule

Type of competition/date 27.09 28.09 29.09 30.09 1.10 2.10 3.10 4.10 5.10 6.10 Total
Run 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 3 5 5 27
jumping - 1 2 1 1 - - 1 1 1 8
Throwing - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
Race walking - 2 1 - - - - 1 - - 4
all-around - - - - - - - 2 - - 2
Total 1 6 5 6 4 3 2 8 7 7 49

medal standings

Place Team Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 USA14 11 4 29
2 Kenya5 2 4 11
3 Jamaica 3 5 4 12
4 China3 3 3 9
5 Ethiopia2 5 1 8
6 Russia 2 3 1 6
7 United Kingdom 2 3 0 5
8 Germany2 0 4 6
9 Japan2 0 1 3
10 Netherlands 2 0 0 2

Detailed schedule

* f - final competition, p - preliminary

September 27

Discipline Floor Time *P/F Result
Long jumpm 16:30 P1. Juan Miguel Echevaria, Cuba (8.40)
Hammer throwingwell 16:40 P1. Dianna Price, USA (78.77)
Pole vaultingwell 17:30 P1. Irina Zhuk, Alisha Newman, Holly Bradshaw, Ekaterini Ftefanidi, Anzhelika Sidorova, Sandy Morris, Cathy Nageotte (all - 4.60)
High jumpwell 18:40 P1. Karina Demidzh, Belarus. 1. Vashti Cunningham, USA. 3. Maria Lasitskene, Russia (all - 1.94)
Triple jumpm 19:25 P1. Pedro Pablo Richardo, Portugal (17.38)
Marathonwell 23:59 f1. Ruth Chepngetitch, Kenya (02:32:43)
2. Rose Chelimo, Bahrain
3. Helaila Johannes, Namibia

September 28

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Discus throwm 16:15 P1. Daniel Stol, Sweden (67.88)
Pole vaultingm 17:30 P1. Piotr Lisek, Poland (5.75)
Hammer throwingwell 19:25 f1. Dianna Price, USA (77.54)
2. Joanna Fedorov, Poland (76.35)
3. Wang Zheng, China (74.76)
Long jumpm 20:40 f1. Tajay Gale, Jamaica (8.69)
2. Jeff Henderson, USA (8.39)
3. Juan Miguel, Cuba (8.34)
Run 10 kmwell 21:10 f1. Sifan Hassan, Netherlands (30:17.62)
2. Letesenbet Gidey, Ethiopia (30:21.23)
3. Agnes Jebet Tirop, Kenya (30:25.20)
Run 100 mm 22:15 f1. Christian Coleman, USA (9.76)
2. Justin Gatlin, USA (9.89)
3. André De Grasse, Canada (9.90)
Walking 50 kmm 23:30 f1. Yusuke Suzuki, Japan (04:04:20)
2. Joao Vieira, Portugal (04:04:59)
3. Evan Dunphy, Canada (04:05:02)
Walking 50 kmwell 23:30 f1. Rui Liyang, China (04:23:26)
2. Maotso Li, China (04:26:40)
3. Eleonora Giorgi, Italy (04:29:13)

September 29

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Pole vaultingwell 20:40 f1. Angelika Sidorova, Russia (4.95)
2. Sandy Morris, USA (4.90)
3. Ekaterini Stefanidi, Greece (4.85)
Triple jumpm 21:45 f1. Christian Taylor, USA (17.92)
2. Will Clay, USA (17.74)
3. Hughes Zango, Burkina Faso (17.66)
Relay 4 x 400mixed 22:35 f1. USA (3:09.34)
2. Jamaica (3:11.78)
3. Bahrain (3:11.82)
Run 100 mwell 23:20 f1. Shelly Ann, Jamaica (10.71)
2. Dina Asher-Smith (10.83)
3. Marie-Jose Ta Lou (10.90)
Walking 20 kmwell 23:30 f1. Liu Hui, China (1:32:53)
2. Qieyang Shengjie, China (1:33:10)
3. Liujing Yang, China (1:33:17)

September 30th

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Javelin-throwingwell 16:30 P1. Lu Huihui, China (67.27)
High jumpwell 20:30 f1. Maria Lasitskene, Russia (2.04)
2. Yaroslav Mighty, Ukraine (2.04)
3. Vashti Kannangem, USA (2.00)
Running 5 kmm 21:20 f1. Muktar Edris, Ethiopia (12:58.85)
2. Selemon Shores, Ethiopia (12:29.70)
3. Mohammed Ahmed, Canada (13:01.11)
Discus throwm 21:25 f1. Daniel Stol, Sweden (67.59)
2. Fedrik Dacres, Yamaka (66.94)
3. Lukas Weisshaidinger, Austria (66.82)
Running 3 km steeplechasewell 21:50 f1. Beatrice Chepkoch, Kenya (8:57.84)
2. Emma Coburn, USA (09:02.35)
3. Geza Krause, Germany (09:03.30)
Run 800 mwell 22:10 f1. Halima Nakaai, Uganda (1:58.04)
2. Reavin Rogers, USA (1:58.18)
3. Anji Wilson, USA (1:58.84)
400m hurdlesm 22:40 f1. Carsten Warholm, Norway (47.42)
2. Paradise Benjamin, USA (47.66)
3. Abderrahaman Samba, Bahrain (48.03)

October 1

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Hammer throwingm 16:30 P1. Pavel Faydek, Poland (79.24)
High jumpm 16:50 P1. Mutaz Barshim, Qatar (2.29)
Pole vaultingm 20:05 f1. Gavin Kendricks, USA (5.97)
2. Armand Duplantis, Sweden (5.97)
3. Piotr Lisek, Poland (5.97)
Javelin-throwingwell 21:20 f1. Kelsey-Lee Barber, Australia (66.56)
2. Liu Shiying, China (65.88)
3. Lu Huihui, China (65.49)
Run 800 mm 22:10 f1. Donavan Brazier, USA (1:42.34)
2. Amel Tuka, Bosnia and Herzegovina 1:43.47)
3. Ferguson Rotich, Kenya (1:43.82)
Run 200 mm 22:40 f1. Noah Liles, USA (19.83)
2. André De Grasse, Canada (19.95)
3. Alex Quiñones, Ecuador (19.98)

2 October

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Decathlon 100mm 16:35 P1. Damian Warner, Canada (10.35)
Shot putwell 16:45 P1. Daniel Thomas-Dodd, Jamaica (19.32)
Heptathlon 100m Hurdlesm 17:05 P1. Kendell Williams, USA (12.58)
Decathlon, long jumpm 17:30 P1. Lepae Pier, Canada (7.79)
Discus throwwell 18:00 P1. Yaime Perez, Cuba (67.78)
Heptathlon, high jumpm 18:15 P1. Katarina Johnson-Thompson, Great Britain (1.95)
Decathlon, shot putm 18:50 P1. Kevin Mayer, France (16.82)
Heptathlon, shot putm 20:30 P1. Nafissatu Thyam, Belgium (15.22)
Decathlon, high jumpm 20:40 P1. Maisel Wibo, Estonia (2.17)
Hammer throwingm 21:40 f1. Pavel Feydek, Poland (80.50)
2. Quentin Bigot, France (78.19)
3. Bence Halas, Hungary (78.18)
Heptathlon 200mm 21:50 P1. Katarina Johnson-Thompson, Great Britain (23.08)
Run 200 mwell 22:35 f1. Dina Asher-Smith, UK (21.88)
2. Brittany Brown, USA (22.22)
3. Mujinga Cambunji, Switzerland (22.51)
110 m hurdlesm 22:55 f1. Grant Holloway, USA (13.10)
2. Sergey Shubenkov, Russia (13.15)
3. Pascal Martineau-Lagarde, France (13.18)
Decathlon, 400 mm 23:15 P1. Piers Lepage, Canada (47.35)

October 3

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Decathlon 110m Hurdlesm 16:35 P1. Damian Warner, Canada (13.56)
Triple jumpwell 16:40 P1. Shaneka Ricketts, Jamaica (14.42)
Decathlon discus throwm 17:30 P1. Niklas Kaul. Germany (49.20)
Heptathlon, long jumpm 18:15 P1. Katarina Johnson-Thompson, Great Britain (6.77)
Shot putm 19:20 P1. Thomas Walsh, New Zealand (21,92)
Decathlon, pole vaultm 20:05 P1. Maisel Uibo, Estonia (5.40)
Heptathlon, javelin throwm 20:10 P1. Geraldine Rukstuhl, Switzerland (55.35)
Decathlon, javelin throwm 22:05 P1. Niklas Kaul, Germany (79.05)
Shot putwell 23:35 f1. Gong Lijiao, China (19.55)
2. Daniel Thomas-Dodd, Jamaica (19.47)
3. Christina Schwanitz, Germany (19.17)
Run 400 mwell 23:50 f1. Salva Nasser, Bahrain (48.14)
2. Shona Miller-Uibo, Bahamas (48.37)
3. Sherika Jackson, Jamaica (49.47)

The 4th of October

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Heptathlon, 800 mm 00:05 P1. Hanne Maudens, Belgium (2:12.98)
Decathlon, 1500 mm 00:15 P1. Niklas Kaul, Germany (4:15.70)
High jumpm 20:15 f1. Mutaz Essa Barshim, Qatar (2.37)
2. Mikhail Akimenko, Russia (2.35)
3. Ilya Ivanyuk, Russia (2.35)
Discus throwwell 21:00 f1. Yaime Perez, Cuba (69.17)
2. Denia Caballero, Cuba (68.44)
3. Sandra Perkovic, Croatia (66.72)
400m hurdleswell 21:30 f1. Delilah Muhammad, USA (52.16)
2. Sidney McLaughlin, USA (52.23)
3. Rashell Clayton, Jamaica (53.74)
Running 3 km steeplechasem 21:45 f1. Conseslus Kipruto, Kenya (08:01.35)
2. Lameha Girma, Ethiopia (08:01.36)
3. Sufyan El-Bakkali, Morocco (8:03.76)
Running, 400 mm 22:20 f1. Stephen Gardiner, Bahamas (43.48)
2. Anthony José Zambrano, Colombia (44.15)
3. Fred Curley, USA (44.17)
Walking, 20 kmm 23:30 f1. Toshikazu Yamanishi, Japan (1:26:34)
2. Vasily Mizinov, Russia (1:26:49)
3. Perseus Karlstrom, Sweden (1:27:00)

Heptathlon, results:
1. Katarina Johnson-Thompson, UK
2. Nafissatu Thyam, Belgium
3. Verena Preiner, Austria
Decathlon results:
1. Niklas Kaul, Germany
2. Maisel Uibo, Estonia
3. Damian Warner, Canada

October 5

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Javelin-throwingm 16:30 P1. Johannes Vetter, Germany (89.35)
Long jumpwell 17:50 P1. Malaika Miambo, Germany (6.98)
Shot putm 20:05 f1. Joe Kovacs, USA (22.91)
2. Ryan Kreicher, USA (22.90)
3. Thomas Walsh, New Zealand (22.90)
Triple jumpwell 20:35 f1. Yulimar Rojas, Venezuela (15.37)
2. Shanika Ricketts, Jamaica (14.92)
3. Caterine Ibarguen, Colombia (14.73)
Running 1.5 kmwell 20:55 f1. Sifan Hassan, Netherlands (3:51.95)
2. Faith Chepngetich Kipyegon, Kenya (3:54.22)
3 Gudaf Tsegay, Ethiopia (3:54.38)
Running 5 kmwell 21:25 f1. Hellen Onsando Obiri, Kenya (14:26.72)
2. Margaret Chelimo Kipkemboi, Kenya (14:27.49)
3. Konstanze Klosterhalfen, Germany (14:28.43)
Running, relay 4 x 100well 22:05 f1. Jamaica (42.44)
2nd UK (42.85)
3. USA (42.10)
Running, relay 4 x 100m 22:15 f1. USA (37.10)
2. Great Britain (37.16)
3. Japan (37.43)
Marathonm 23:59 f1. Ethiopia (2:10:40)
2. Moniset Geremev, Ethiopia (02:10:44)
3. Amos Kipruto, Kenya (2:10:51)

October 6

Discipline Floor Time P/F Result
Long jumpwell 19:15 f1. Malaika Miambo, Germany (7:30)
2. Marina Bekh-Romanchuk, Ukraine (6.92)
3. Ese Brume, Nigeria (6.91)
Running 1.5 kmm 19:40 f1. Timothy Cheruiyot, Kenya (3:29.26)
2. Taufik Makloufi, Algeria (3:31.38)
3. Marcin Lewandowski, Poland (3:31.46)
Javelin throwm 19:55 f1. Anderson Peters, Grenada (86.89)
2. Magnus Kirt, Estonia (86.21)
3. Johannes Vetter, Germany (85.37)
Run 10 kmm 20:00 f1. Joshua Kiprui, Uganda (26:48.36)
2. Yomif Kejelcha, Ethiopia (26:49.34)
3. Raneks Kipruto, Kenya (26:50.32)
100m hurdleswell 20:50 f1. Nia Ali, USA (12.34)
2. Kendra Harrison, USA (12.46)
3. Daniele Williams, Jamaica (12.47)
Running, relay 4 x 400well 21:15 f1. USA (3:18.92)
2. Poland (3:21.89)
3. Jamaica (3:22.37)
Running, relay 4 x 400m 21:30 f1. USA (2:56.69)
2. Jamaica (2:57.90)
3. Belgium (2:58.78)