Famous bearded athletes

Stanley Cup (“ hockey cup Challenge") is a prize given annually to the winner of the National Playoff Series. hockey league. All athletes shown below are the owners of this cup. Also, ugly beards. Don't be the same.

Lanny McDonald

Professional ice hockey player for the Canadian NHL team Toronto Maple Leafs. Holds the Stanley Cup and is happy. The picture was taken in 1989. Look at the athlete's mustache - and everything will become clear.

Source: gettyimages.com

Greg Zanon

Canadian ice hockey player with over 500 NHL games. The color of the uncut beard was probably matched to the color of the uniform.

Source: gettyimages.com

Joe Thornton

Canadian ice hockey center forward San Jose Sharks, Olympic champion 2010 with the Canadian national team. Second all-time scoring player in NHL history behind Jaromir Jagr. How do you like his beard?

Source: gettyimages.com

Mike Commodore

Professional Canadian ice hockey defenseman. He is currently a free agent.

Source: gettyimages.com

Bill Flett

Famous hockey player Rest in peace to him (died in 1999). His beard was also not luxurious.

Source: gettyimages.com

Brent Burns

Professional Canadian hockey player, defender of the NHL club San Jose Sharks. World champion in 2015 and silver medalist of the 2008 World Championship, he was recognized as the best defender at both tournaments. Brent doesn't mind being pulled on his unkempt beard.

Source: gettyimages.com

Scott Hartnell

Canadian hockey player Plays as a left winger. Columbus Blue Jackets NHL player. If he does not continue to shave, cut his hair, he will become like a yeti.

Many men wear beards. Bearded men can be seen in the movies and on TV, there are many of them on the streets. Barbershop for men not without a job. So popular athletes decorate their faces with beards - just like this ten.

David Beckham everyone knows how a great footballer who receives colossal fees. And he is also a big fashionista who has tried many options for beards.

At Alleasi Lalasa his beard is long, goatish, and also bright red, which earned him the nickname "Red Corsair." Interestingly, his game is not the most memorable, but everyone who watched the World Cup remembered his beard.

Thanks to his beard, a hockey player from Sweden Emil Karberg looks older than he is. His solid, bushy beard was grown in defiance of popular sports superstition that bearded men are unlucky. What is there with luck - remains a mystery, but the athlete acquired a courageous look.

Russian hero Alexander Emelianenko is engaged mixed fights. He decided to grow a beard after visiting the monastery. She provided him with a very intimidating appearance, which turned out to be very useful for his sport.

On the fighting ring performs and Conor McGregor, but his beard and mustache are neatly trimmed, which makes his appearance attractive. In any case, the media willingly post pictures of him with a beard.

What is known Tyson Fury? First of all, by the fact that he defeated the invincible Wladimir Klitschko in the ring. And also - a luxurious beard, reminding him that there is a gypsy admixture in his blood. He is sure that a beard helps victories. It is she who is formed in barbershop for men, created his well-known, rude and brutal image.

Basketball player James Harden Started growing a beard from the first year. He said he was tired of shaving. This is how this American got a broad beard, which in one of the videos the animators lengthened to an incredible size.

The famous bodybuilder, who repeatedly won the world championship in the bench press, and then became a star on YouTube, has a luxurious beard. Such that he included her in his own name, and now his name is Fletcher-Plush Beard.

A biathlete from Norway Alexandra Usa the surname itself requires to have appropriate vegetation on the face. And he started it - a luxurious beard on winter roads is covered with a layer of frost and looks amazingly beautiful, which is invariably noted by photojournalists.

In hockey Alexander Ovechkin- the most brutal athlete. Here the knocked-out front teeth played their role, and, of course, the chin, covered with thick bristles. Surely this beard did not touch barbershop for men, Moscow sees the famed hockey player as exceptionally overgrown. But Ovechkin constantly enjoys the constant attention of famous beauties - Victoria Lopyreva, Fergie and others.

So, a beard does not interfere with sports success, and athletes willingly include it in their image.

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Among them are Andrea Pirlo and Maxim Belyaev

Andrea PIRLO, ex-midfielder of the Italian national team, Milan and Juventus

He was a style icon on the field: he scored the most beautifully from free throws, handed out passes more effectively than others. Pirlo recently ended his career in New York, but this does not prevent him from being a role model in terms of elegance and ability to present himself. Hanging his boots on a nail, Pirlo devotes himself to winemaking and produces about 20,000 bottles of gourmet drink a year.

Evaluation of the famous Moscow designer Andrey PONOMAREV:

An ideally shaped beard that suits the type of face, casual hairstyle and style of clothing! There's not even anything to complain about!

Tim HOWARD, USA and Colorado goalkeeper, former Manchester United player

Returning to his homeland after playing for Manchester United and Everton (as part of the Butterscotch, Howard played 329 matches!), The most experienced goalkeeper hit charity and religion. He advocates a ban on the use of natural fur and even got a tattoo on this topic. And in 2014, he published a motivational book in which he told what it cost him throughout his career to cope with Tourette's syndrome, a genetic disorder of the central nervous system characterized by multiple motor tics.

Andrey PONOMAREV's assessment:

To be honest, the beard does not fit the shape of the face at all. The American goalkeeper has an oval face, and the beard extends this oval even more. Howard would have preferred a squarer beard and, of course, a shorter beard!

Daniele DE ROSSI, midfielder for Italy and Roma

For many years he to some extent remained in the shadow of Francesco Totti. But now it is De Rossi who is the main gladiator and a living legend of Roma. His brutal appearance is able to make any opponent nervous. Even De Rossi's tattoos are themed - with an illustration of his harsh tackles. At the same time, Daniele is a sentimental person in life: a couple of years ago, at the funeral of the ex-administrator of the Italian national team Pietro Lombardi, who was close to him, who died at the age of 92, Daniele put his gold medal for winning the 2006 World Championship.

Andrey PONOMAREV's assessment:

Crazy man who reminds me of Cat Basilio. In my opinion, he is absolutely harmonious in this image. Both in terms of the color of the beard and in terms of the shape that perfectly emphasizes the shape of the face!

Sergio RAMOS Spain defender, Real Madrid captain

They say Ramos is far from being the smartest person in the world. At least he managed to finish school only at the age of 28 - apparently, before that, football took too much time and effort. But this does not prevent Sergio from being one of the best defenders in the world, regularly scoring the most important goals in decisive matches for the national team and Real Madrid with a bandage on his sleeve. And, of course, to remain an idol for millions of girls and women around the world. Beard help.

Andrey PONOMAREV's assessment:

I think Ramos has an absolutely perfect head in every sense! Starting with hair and ending with the color of the beard. It is immediately clear that the athlete monitors his appearance very carefully.

Joe Ledley, midfielder for Wales and Derby County

The appearance perfectly complements Ledley's sporty look. He does not play in the Premier League, but in the Championship - a league that retains a purely British flavor to a much greater extent. Frantic attacks through the flanks, violent tackles, crazy emotions - the bearded central midfielder Ledley seemed to be made for such football.

Andrey PONOMAREV's assessment:

A careless beard completely spoils the proportions of the face! Ledley even looks 10 years older. But a beard should, on the contrary, decorate, and not disfigure. If it were shorter, the player's perception would change completely.

Maxim BELYAEV, defender of the Tula "Arsenal"

Let's be patriots and include the Russian bearded man in the rating. Perhaps Max Belyaev deserves this more than anyone else. And the point is not only in the external appearance, but in the combination of this image with the internal content. After all, the Arsenal defender is one of the most well-read, comprehensively developed of our players. And recently Belyaev adopted a homeless Tula dog at home. Romantic!

Andrey PONOMAREV's assessment:

There is a bit of a balance here. A haircut and an unshaped beard do not match. You need to choose: either shave off the whiskey, or remove the cheekbones of the sideburns.

Maxim BELYAEV. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"

Davide MOSCARDELLI, Arezzo striker, former Chievo player

The forward, now 38, has never been very successful on the pitch. He has scored only 12 goals in Serie A throughout his career. But thanks to his lush beard, Moscardelli has an impressive fan club, which a few years ago actively called for the player to be called up to the Italian national team. And the striker has his own clothing line. Of course, the prints on T-shirts are devoted to one theme - the beard. For example, they illustrate the evolution of man: from the Neanderthal to Moscardelli.

Andrey PONOMAREV's assessment:

Colorful Italian! In my opinion, he would be fine without a beard at all. He has a lumberjack hairstyle, and, I note, a very stylish lumberjack. But the shaggy beard is, in my opinion, too much. too much!

Gerard PIQUE, Spain and Barcelona defender

The husband of one of the greatest singers of our time, Shakira. One of the leaders of the cult football club"Barcelona". A fierce supporter of the independence of Catalonia, and in the future, it is possible, a public figure or even a politician. All these titles simply oblige Pique to be extremely scrupulous in matters of appearance and photogenicity. And I have to admit, he does it very well.

Andrey PONOMAREV's assessment:

Perfect stubble that blends into a shaped beard! For this type and shape of the face - this is the best that can be! Bravo!

David Beckham- one of the most sought-after and highly paid football players in the world, has always been a seasoned fashionista. It is no wonder that he was one of the first to experiment with different variations of stylish beards.

Alexi Lalas- Another football player in our top, who received the nickname "Red Corsair" is not accidental. His beard was so extraordinary and memorable that it almost diverted attention from the World Cup. Interestingly, the athlete can hardly be called a successful player, but facial hair helped him go down in history.

Emil Karberg- the young Swedish hockey player boasts an impressive thick beard, which he grew during the playoffs for superstitious reasons (there is an opinion in sports circles that you can lose your luck with a beard). As for luck, it is not known, but the beard definitely added male charm to the athlete.

Alexander Emelianenko- the Russian hero grew a beard after his recent stay in the monastery. It gives an already far from pretty fighter an even more intimidating look. Although what else can you wish for a person who is engaged in mixed martial arts?

Conor McGregor- like the previous bearded man, this popular athlete is used to conquering the fighting rings. But against the background of his associates, he compares favorably with a pronounced attractive style. He and his mustache cannot go unnoticed, which confirms his rather well-publicized image in the media.

Tyson Fury- the heavyweight boxer, who won a resounding victory over Wladimir Klitschko, also let go of a thick beard. By the way, before this fight, the Ukrainian had not lost for 11 years. Fury himself claims that the beard appeals to his gypsy heritage and helps him win. Be that as it may, the vegetation fit into its rough appearance very organically.

James Harden- An American basketball player who has been growing his catchy beard since his first year, when, in his own words, "he just got tired of shaving." During this time, his lushly overgrown chin has become an integral part of the image of the athlete. Harden's beard is so famous that it even appeared in a video in which the animators stretched it to frightening proportions.

Everyone who is at least a little interested in bodybuilding has heard of this powerlifter. He is a multiple champion barbell bencher and a recently established YouTube star. It's hard to imagine a rugged athlete without his famous beard. Moreover, he has grown so close to her that he even made it part of his name.

Alexander Us- it was a sin for a Norwegian biathlete with such a surname not to acquire facial hair. The athlete likes to let go of a long beard, which is often covered with frost during competitions and looks very impressive on snowy tracks.

Alexander Ovechkin- It's hard to imagine a more brutal hockey player than this one. Here and the absence of front teeth and overgrown stubble chin. The main thing is that this does not prevent the athlete from bathing in the attention of recognized beauties, among whom Victoria Lopyreva, Fergie, Zhanna Friske and many others were noticed.

In general, the beard is not a hindrance at all. professional sports. These have proved to us that changes in their appearance have no effect on their sports achievements. For many, the beard has become not only an interesting experiment, but also an integral part of their image.

Many men wear beards. We see bearded men on TV and in the movies, we meet them on the streets, and the barbershop for men is not idle. Many famous athletes also wear beards - here are the top ten of them.

David Beckham is a famous footballer, one of the highest paid players in the world and a desperate fashionista! What kind of beards did he not try!

Alexi Lalas earned the nickname "Red Corsair" for his bright red goat beard. And although he was not a very successful player, he attracted the attention of fans with his beard almost more than the World Cup games themselves.

Emil Karberg is a young Swedish ice hockey player. He grew a solid thick beard, trying to refute the superstition among athletes that they say that a beard takes away luck. It is not known whether he became less lucky, but the athlete acquired a courageous male charm.

Alexander Emelianenko, a true Russian bogatyr engaged in mixed martial arts. After visiting the monastery, he decided to grow a beard, which gave him a frightening look, which did not interfere with his sports.

Conor McGregor is also a master of the fighting ring. But his style looks very attractive, helped by a neat beard with a mustache. It was in this form that his photos became widely known thanks to the media.

Tyson Fury, the heavyweight boxer who became famous for defeating Wladimir Klitschko for the first time in 11 years, also wears a luxurious beard. The athlete himself believes that this vegetation is reminiscent of gypsy blood and contributes to victories. In the well-known rough image of a boxer, a beard trimmed in a men's barbershop entered perfectly.

James Harden is an American basketball player. He began growing his beard in his freshman year, stating that he was fed up and would not shave. Lush vegetation has become a constant component of his image, and in one clip the animators tried to increase it to an incredible size.

Fletcher-Plushbeard is a well-known bodybuilder, multiple world champion in the bench press, who also gained fame as a YouTube star. His beard is so famous that the strong man included it in his own name.

Alexander Us is a Norwegian biathlete. His very name suggests that he cannot do without vegetation on his face. His long beard in competitions is usually covered with white frost, which looks great on snowy slopes.

Alexander Ovechkin is a hockey player whose brutal appearance is complemented by broken front teeth and a chin overgrown with thick stubble. It seems that this beard was not touched by the men's barbershop, Moscow sees it as simply overgrown. But at the same time, even such recognized beauties as Victoria Lopyreva, Zhanna Friske, Fergie and others paid attention to him. So, a beard in the sport of professionals cannot be considered a hindrance. Many famous bearded men achieve considerable sports success, and for others, the beard has grown from the experimental stage into part of the permanent image.

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