Professional sports topics in English. Projects of students a project in English on the topic. Text translation Sport in my life. sport in my life

Sport in My Life

Sport has always been the essential part of a healthy mankind life. To my mind it helps us to keep our body strong, active and fit. And it also makes our personality disciplined, organized and optimistic. Fortunately sport is getting more popular in our country. Most people go to the gym several times a week, they are keen on jogging, playing football, hockey, volleyball, basketball or tennis. Quite a lot of people go regularly to swimming-pools, ski-centers and skating-rinks.

It’s funny but there are some people who spend most of the time in front of TV watching football channels or figure-skating championships, for example. And they proudly call themselves devoted sportsmen. I think they are just passive amateurs and fans of some sports teams. And it goes without saying that watching sports events and doing sports are not the same things at all.

As for me, I've been fond of sports activities since my childhood. To tell the truth I prefer team games because I like feeling support of my partners in such games. Volleyball is my favorite. You have to be fast and give unexpected balls to your competitors on the other side of the net. At school I was the captain of our volleyball team and we took part in our city matches. I enjoyed the atmosphere of competitions and the sweet taste of our victories. Sometimes we lost, of course, but we tried to accept our defeat with dignity. And now when summer comes we often play beach volleyball.

I really can't imagine my way of life without sport. I like regular training. It keeps my body healthy and young.


Sport has always been an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for mankind. In my opinion, it helps us keep the body strong, active and fit. It also makes our personality disciplined, organized and optimistic. Fortunately, sport is becoming more and more popular in our country. Most people visit gym several times a week, they enjoy running, playing football, hockey, volleyball, basketball or tennis. Quite a lot of people regularly go to the pools, on ski resorts and on the skating rinks.

It's funny, but there are people who spend most of their time in front of the TV, watching football channels or championships on figure skating, for example. And they proudly call themselves passionate athletes. I think they are just passive lovers and fans sports teams. And of course watch sport events And playing sports is not the same thing.

As for me, I have been fond of sports since childhood. Honestly, I prefer team games, because I like to feel the support of partners in such games. Volleyball is my favorite game. You have to be fast and deliver surprise balls to your opponents on the other side of the net. At school, I was the captain of our volleyball team, and we participated in city matches. I liked the atmosphere of competition and the sweet taste of our victories. Sometimes we lost, of course, but we tried to accept defeat with dignity. And now, when summer comes, we often play beach volleyball.

Sport is very important in our life. The general belief is that a person who goes in for sports can't be weak and ill. Physically inactive people get old earlier that those who find time for sport activity. And of course good health is better than good medicine.

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. In our country sport is being widely popularized as well. The most popular kinds of sport are football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, figure-skating, aerobics, ping-pong and swimming. A lot of people are fond of jogging. In schools and colleges sport is a compulsory subject. Many young people attend sport sections. Some of them dream to become professional sportsmen.

As for me, I can't imagine my life without sport. In summer I go jogging every morning and when I have free time I attend swimming pool. In winter I like to skate with my friends. It's fun. Also I'm fond of aerobics. First of all aerobics helps to keep myself fit. It also attracts me because it resembles dancing.

In conclusion I'd like to say that I'm absolutely sure that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. Sport makes our bodies strong, it prevents us from getting too fat, and makes us more self-organized and better disciplined.

Text translation Sport in my life. sport in my life

Sport is very important in our life. It is believed that a person who goes in for sports cannot be weak and sick. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle age earlier than those who find time for sports. And of course, good health is better than good medicine.

People all over the world love sports and games. In our country, sports are also widespread. The most popular sports are football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, figure skating, aerobics, ping-pong and swimming. Many people love jogging. Sports are a compulsory subject in schools and colleges. Many teenagers visit sport sections. Some of them dream of becoming professional athletes.

As for me, I can't imagine my life without sports. Every morning in the summer I go jogging and when I have time I go to the swimming pool. In winter I like to skate with my friends. It's fun. I also love doing aerobics. First of all, aerobics helps me to be in shape. I also chose aerobics because it is like dancing.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am absolutely sure that playing sports is The best way keeping yourself in shape. Sport makes our body strong, prevents obesity, and makes us more organized and disciplined.

Additional expressions

  • belief- faith, opinion, conviction
  • to go in for sports, to do sports- exercise
  • inactive- inactive, inactive
  • activity- activity
  • good health- good health
  • fond of love (to do something)
  • jogging- jogging
  • compulsory- required
  • to skate- skating, skating
  • to resemble- to resemble, to resemble
  • to keep fit- keep in shape
  • to prevent- hinder
  • to get fat- get fat, get fat

Essay (composition) in English on the topic: As is well known, going in for sport is extremely health-giving. However, many professional athletes suffer from diseases caused by intense exercises.


Nice shape, great stamina, bulging muscles are the dreams of most people. These dreams may come true thanks to sport. Practice has shown that strenuous activity is the most important stimulant of all the physiological functions of a man's organism. This is a pledge of a successful development of mind and body. Regular exercises strengthen the central nervous system, contribute to health and temper, making people strong-willed, purposeful, and active.

As any phenomenon of our life, sport has its reverse. It can do much harm to your health if using a wrong method. If a boy does exhaustive exercises every day trying to build up his muscles he just undermines his health, but not strengthens it. If a girl spares no effort to be fit doing everyday exercises she will hardly accomplish the purpose. Improper training will ruin your health.

To sum it up, there is no doubt that sport is healthy if reasonably done. If exercises are too much for you to bear they just kill you. But working out under instruction of a good coach is very wholesome.

The topic "Sport" is found in the school course annually.

The difference is only in the volume of the studied vocabulary and the complexity of grammatical structures. Therefore, we will consider several options for the text on the topic "Sport", which are suitable for different ages.

  • Text about sports in English for the little ones

This topic is found already in the second grade, and in this case the vocabulary learned during the study of previous topics is used. The text itself should not exceed 3-5 small simple sentences. For example:

I like sport. I go in for football with my friends. We run, play and shout there. I go in for football with my father. I like it. I want to be a football player when I grow up.- I like sports. I play football with my friends. We run, we play and we scream. I go to football with my dad. I like it. I want to be a footballer when I grow up.

Naturally, the further you go, the more complex the structures used and the lexical material. In particular, for secondary school students, the recommended amount of work is about 15 sentences, including introductory phrases and constructions in the conclusion. An example plan would look like this:

Introduction (2 sentences)

My attitude to sports in general (3-4 sentences)

Description of the sport I do or would like to do (3-4 sentences)

A story about a talented athlete I admire (3-4 sentences)

Conclusion (2 sentences)

  • Story on the theme “My Favorite Kind of Sport”

Below is an example of a text about sports that can be useful for high school students in preparing for an oral survey or when writing a text on the topic of sports. Let's start with the first two points of the above plan.

Today I "d like to tell you about my favorite kind of sport and about my attitude to sports in general. They say, a sound mind in a sound body. I agree with this statement and I think it" s absolutely true. You can never be a happy person if your health is poor. Sport is the thing that helps you not only to be strong, but also to remain healthy and happy. It also helps you to feel better and fills your life with positive emotions. – Today I would like to tell you about my favorite sport, about the athlete I admire, and about my attitude to sports in general. There is a proverb: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. I agree with her and I think that it is absolutely true. You can never be a happy person if you are sick or have health problems. Sport is what helps you to be not only strong, but also healthy and happy. Sport also improves well-being and fills your life with positive emotions.

In six sentences, we have covered the first two points of the plan. The following is a description of the speaker's favorite sport and favorite athlete:

As for me, my favorite kind of sport is bodybuilding. It makes your body strong and healthy. It also makes your heart stronger. So I think it's the best kind of sport for a man. As for my favorite bodybuilder, I would say it's Oksana Grishina. She is a talented athlete who, having been a champion in gymnastics, made a decision to change her career in sports and become a bodybuilder. I admire her, she has the nerves of steel and an iron will, and she always wins. - My favorite sport is bodybuilding. It makes the human body strong and healthy. Bodybuilding also trains the heart. Therefore, I believe that this is the most best view sports for men. Speaking of my favorite athlete, I would name Oksana Grishina. She is a talented athlete who, being a gymnastics champion. Changed everything and became a bodybuilder. I admire her, she really has an iron will and she always wins.

In conclusion, we can again say a few words about sports in general:

As I said, I like sports. I think that any person should go in for sport and enjoy it. Like I said, I love sports. I think that everyone should go in for sports, enjoying it and having fun.

Topics in English on the topic "Sports" are intended for students in grades 5/6 and will help them replenish their vocabulary. Our sports topic is good because it has not only the English version of the text, but also its translation, which allows you to quickly translate unknown words and phrases from the text. And by slightly expanding the text below, you can easily write an essay in English on the topic of sports, which is useful for doing your homework in English.

Topic "Sport"

There is no place in the world where you will not find people who are not engaged in sport activities. Practicing physical activity, people become healthy, keep fit, make themselves more organized and become more disciplined. Many people take exercises to improve their health, and some people do it to become professionals.

The cause of many diseases is a passive way of living of people. There even exists an English proverb: ”A sound mind in a sound body”. And it is a reason, why it is never too late to start doing sport, as such people are really strong and happy. And many people are really fond of active lifestyle, so you can see them in the morning and in the evening, in the parks, in stadiums and streets.

People who are engaged in physical activity are not only strong and healthy but in addition, everyone can get a lot of fun and emotions for themselves from it. There are various types of sports: tennis, table tennis, ski jumping, skiing, athletics, football, swimming, hockey, basketball, volleyball and many others.

Football, volleyball and basketball are the most popular and there are many stadiums and gyms for these kinds of games. Children are especially fond of sport. They have so much energy and it is especially interesting for them to play some games. That’s why they visit different sections and take part in competitions, trying to become professionals.

Many people, who want to be healthy do gymnastics every morning, wash themselves with cold water and finish their day with a walk. These exercises help them to be full of energy and feel lively the whole day.

Topic "Sport" (translation)

There is not a single place in the world where you would not find people who are not involved in sports activities. Going in for sports, people become healthy, maintain their physical shape, make themselves more organized and disciplined. Many people do physical exercise in order to improve their health, and some do it in order to become professionals.

The cause of many diseases is a passive lifestyle of people. There is even a proverb in English: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. That is why it is never too late to go in for sports, besides, such sports people are very strong and happy. Indeed, many people like to spend time actively. You can see them in the morning and in the evening when they walk in parks, stadiums and streets.

People who go in for sports are not only strong and healthy, but also get a lot of pleasure and emotions from this. There are many sports such as: tennis, table tennis, ski jumping, skiing, athletics, football, swimming, hockey, basketball, volleyball, and many other sports.

Football, volleyball and basketball are the most popular and there are many stadiums and gyms for these kinds of sports. sports games. Children especially like sports. They are so energetic that it is interesting for them to play games. Therefore, they attend various sports sections and take part in competitions, trying to become professionals.

Many people who want to be healthy do exercises every day, pour themselves cold water and end their day with a walk. These exercises help them to be full of energy and cheerful all day long.