How to beat a person who is stronger than you. When should you run away from a street fight? Video: psychological preparation for hand-to-hand combat

Good day to all athletes. Recently, the topic has been increasingly raised regarding how to fight against a wrestler? The relevance of the topic is due to the growth of fighting in the style mixed martial arts, where both drummers (boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, etc.) and wrestlers (freestyle wrestling, sambo, judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, etc.) come. Accordingly, it will be quite difficult for a person who has never encountered wrestling techniques to defend themselves, especially at medium and critical distances.

In fact, the wrestler risks no less than the striker. Representatives of two cardinally different styles have some clear advantages over each other, as well as disadvantages. For example, a boxer has the best technique hands (hitting, various combinations, reaction speed), but at the same time does not know what to do in the clinch and how to protect the legs from the pass. The freestyle wrestler does not have sufficient reaction, so it will be quite difficult to dodge blows from even an average boxer.

What to focus on

Let's look at how to fight against a wrestler on the street in more detail. Wrestling involves close contact with further capture (grabbing of the arm, shoulder, leg, etc.), reception (passing to the legs, throwing through the hip, bending, going behind the back and bending again) and subsequent transfer to the ground.

A fighter against a boxer in a street fight tends to avoid a long distance in the first place. As you know, the task of a boxer is the ability to keep a favorable distance for himself and subsequently apply successful combinations. This is the strategy that the drummer should follow. But we must be prepared for the fact that the passage to the legs is nevertheless carried out. Often in front of the passage there is a distracting straight or lateral to the head.

Basics of counterattack

Defense against a pass to the legs involves pulling the legs away from the opponent, pushing the head to the side, and placing one's hand under the attacker's shoulder. When pushing the head, you can try to put pressure on the eyes. Instead of pulling the shoulder of the aggressor, blows are delivered to the back of the head with the free hand. It is worth noting that such strikes are prohibited both in boxing and in wrestling, as they are excessively traumatic. In the conditions of a street fight, such a "reception" can be of great service. In order not to lose balance, the center of gravity must be moved and for this, the knees should be slightly bent. It's best to keep your back straight so it's harder to knock you over.

As a counterattack from the passage to the legs, straight or lateral ones are ineffective for the following reasons:

  • The opponent's head is tilted, so it is quite difficult to hit the jaw;
  • The wrestler's neck is well pumped, and therefore he can withstand a blow.

With the existing footwork skills, a knee to the head will be a good defense. Even if it is not accurate, its main advantage is its high stopping power.

Quite often, sambo wrestlers and judoists use grabs, undercuts and hooks. In order to avoid this technique, it is important not to allow the grips to be taken by the hands and forearms, especially if you are wearing a jacket or sweater with long sleeves. To break the grip, rotation of the hand towards the opponent's thumb helps a lot. Sweeps are usually done in a substep, while you are moving. Often for this, wrestlers can push you and unbalance you in every possible way. The best solution is not to go into critical distance and keep the attacker at jab range.

Wrestler versus boxer fights are often very dynamic, where each tries to impose his own rules on the other. In an extreme situation, athletes mainly use the proven technique. In the case when a style that has not been worked out at the proper level earlier is used, the probability of defeat is high.

When asked “How to defend against a wrestler,” it is enough to remember that the main mistake of a striker is to let the wrestler take the hold. Some people prefer to work in the clinch (body grips) over the leg passes. There are many ways to transfer to the ground here. The most common are deflection, dumping on the side with a rear hook.

Work in the clinch

How does a boxer fight a wrestler in a clinch? Here the goal is to break the clinch as quickly as possible. At the beginning, it is important to pull back with the body and take the legs as far as possible, so you will block the possibility of passing to the legs and hooking. The back and legs play an important role in this position. The opponent often tries to “turn off” the back by force and thus unbalance it. Against a strong back and strong legs, this is extremely difficult to do. You can try to knock out the shoulders from below while diving under them. This is possible when your hands are more or less free. If you have minimal skills, you can strike with your knees on the body, stomach and head on the opponent's face. The pain shock experienced by the aggressor can be disorienting.

What to work with more

Considering the peculiarities of a boxing match, it is not difficult to guess that the boxer's attention zone is concentrated on the opponent's torso, and its lower part is usually outside the control zone. Also, very often the left, leading foot of the drummer is strongly laid forward. For a wrestler, this is a very advantageous position, from which he can easily pick up his heel and make a sweep.

To the question of how to beat a striker against a wrestler correctly, I would like to say not only about theoretical training. It would be right to visit the wrestling hall and work out the counterattack. Participation in fights according to the rules of wrestling makes it possible to feel the features of this style, in which static muscles are involved, the features of the stance force you to reorganize your breathing, and the loads can be very exhausting.

The main advantages of boxing

However, when defending a striker from a wrestler, keep in mind the advantages that boxing develops:

  • High reaction;
  • Sustainable strong-willed resources;
  • Great speed and force of blows;
  • Endurance;
  • Physical training;
  • Resistant to opponent's blows;
  • Spent combinations;
  • A sense of distance and the ability to control it.

This question is relevant for many - for women, for men, children, the elderly. In fact, almost always the attacker will be much larger than you - he specially chooses a victim weaker, smaller. To win for sure. Well, what can I say for starters: if you find yourself in such a situation, you violated the basic rule of self-defense: The best self-defense is the absence of an attack. If you find yourself in this situation, realize for the future what you did wrong - and how to avoid repetition.

You can not during the fight, but after :).

But let's continue.

The self-defense portal "Weapons that are better than weapons" recommends.

What if the enemy is much bigger and stronger? In principle, the answer to this question has already been touched upon on the site more than once. This will be a generalizing article in which we will go through the already published material, summarize and summarize. Foundation of the basics:

Well, now we continue in order. Usually, when such a question arises, for some reason the advice to “run away” cannot be used (either in the morning the person did not run, or someone who cannot run with him ...). So we will proceed from the fact that it is impossible to escape.

The first thing that should be is the intention to WIN. Without the intention to win, you can even swing a chainsaw - all the same, a loss is guaranteed. The intention to win is based on several components. We have already studied such as the purpose of self-defense, observation and distance. Let's take a closer look at each element.

The goal of self-defense is what you want to achieve, to do with the enemy. How will you achieve this. And what you want to get later, when you achieve it. Any of your decisions should be checked by the questions “How?” and "And then?". If there is no answer, then this is a bad decision. If there is an answer, but it is negative, this is also a bad decision. So, you decide: "I'll hit him in the balls!". And you think "How?" Well, for example, a foot. "And then?" And then he grabs your leg and breaks it. Or I'll still get in. Probability 1:1. Will not go. Or, for example, "Stick a pencil in the eye!". "But as? “I’ll pretend that I agree to everything, I’ll pick up and stick it in.” Good decision. "And then? “A policeman will come, interview witnesses and put me in jail for 10 years for murder.” Will not go.

Three questions - what?, how? and then? — determine your goal of self-defense. And it is better to think over the answers to these questions in advance, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful.

Further, an important nuance: the enemy can BE so much more you, and maybe APPEAR much more you. These are two different things. And if you make a mistake in the assessment, you can lose severely. Nothing will help here except observation, attention and present time. How else can you tell if he's bigger and stronger or not?

The observation also reveals: HOW MUCH the enemy is bigger and stronger than you. Not in the sense of kilograms and volume of muscles. It means that it is difficult to be stronger in everything: in weight, and in height, and in strength, and in endurance, and in breathing, and in speed, and in mind and ingenuity. It is very rare to come across such generalists. But you will not notice their attacks. They attack from behind and from above. They are smart too 🙂

Your task is define weak sides big and strong enemy. This can only be done through observation. Watch, seek and find. And when you find it, use it. So, for example, with the help of observation, you notice that a person smokes and drinks. Everything, half the battle is done - what kind of strongman is he after that? He will run out of steam after a minute of active actions and substitute all the necessary vulnerabilities and pain points for your attack. Unless, of course, you are out of breath before 🙂

Oh yes, I almost forgot. For such a tactic, the results of one more observation are needed - one's own state. And it is better if the main conclusion is in relation to the use of their outstanding mental abilities.

Next, self-defense distance. No one can hit you if you keep between yourself and the enemy safe distance. Of course, it would be nice if this distance aspired to infinity. But we agreed that this is impossible. In this case, you should run around the enemy. Jump (a little), jump to the side, make threatening movements. Provided that you have correctly identified your capabilities, you will succeed. So, a safe distance nullifies the advantages of a large and strong opponent.

So, you have determined that the opponent is REALLY stronger. Accordingly, the first thing to do is do not counteract his power DIRECTLY. Why? Yes, because he is obviously stronger, obviously more. He squeezes his hand harder, pushes harder, hits. And the energy of your blow will not even pass through the fat layer, not to mention the defeat internal organs. That is, the rule is do not counteract head-on.

As Akayama Shirobei, the founder of jiu-jitsu, said, “ A strong oak breaks under the weight of snow and dries up, and a thin willow, bending, sheds snow and lives on.«.

The consequence of this rule is flexibility. Give in to win. The attack will not reach the target if you are not in the line of attack - you retreated. We succumbed. A practiced escape from the line of attack is a guarantee that the enemy will not hit you. How strong he would not be.

And another consequence is not to stand still. If you stand still, you are a good target. If you are constantly moving, then even the enemy's hit will slip and cause less damage. Mobility is the key to physical integrity.

  1. arm yourself (you are not monkeys - use weapons!) with improvised weapons;
  2. use sneaky tricks;
  3. suppress morally and psychologically.

There is this useful quote: If the enemy is stronger, your actions must go beyond his understanding.". Bernard Werber.

In the light of this expression, previous possibilities become facets of one whole: ways to go beyond the understanding of the enemy.

If the enemy is bigger, stronger than you or better prepared - use tricks. Show weakness (start to limp, open the area for his strike, move slowly) that your opponent will bite on. But you must be ready for his actions, because he will act exactly the way you wanted. If you are moving fast, show that you are moving slowly. Then at the moment of your attack, the opponent will not have time to do anything, deceived by your previous pace. Use it and don't forget to deceive the enemy.

Well, back to the basics: as they say, the worst opponent in a fight is a runner. If you are stronger, you will not catch up with him, if he is stronger, you will not run away from him. In the subject of a video on self-defense from a much stronger and larger enemy. WARNING - the video contains obscene language. And if swearing can jar you, watch the video without sound:

The conclusion is that you need to learn to run and teach those you protect to run.

And the best thing to do when the enemy is much bigger and stronger is to think and train. And have a HUGE intent to win!

Unfortunately, there are situations in life when you are in serious danger, and not only is your opponent superior in strength several times, but he is also aggressive. And the fight that has begun can end not only with bruises and abrasions, but also with the death of one of its participants.

How to knock out a person with one blow?

It is at such moments that you need to defend yourself in all possible and impossible ways. When you get into a similar situation, the question involuntarily arises: how to knock out a person with one blow? There are several ways to unbalance a person. Let's start with the most vulnerable area of ​​a person - the eyes. By hitting the enemy diagonally from the bottom up with the palm of your hand on yourself, you will not inflict severe injuries, because you only need to stop the fight, but pain and injury to the eyelids and upper integuments of the eyeball are guaranteed to him. There is even a chance that the attacker will lose consciousness, and you will have time to escape.

It is very important not to miss, otherwise all your attempts will be crowned with tragedy for you. The blows must be fast, accurate and unexpected, otherwise how else to knock out with one blow a person who is aggressive and physically stronger than you?

Blows to the opponent's nose are very painful. A direct hit in the respiratory organ results in a short-term shock. But if you hit the base of the palm a little higher, then this shock will be much stronger and longer. Don't forget the famous cinematic trick, the headbutt in the nose. If you are a trained person or have wrestling experience behind you, then it will not be difficult for you to make it. This method will result in or to a knockout.

There is another wonderful trick on how to knock out an enemy with one blow, you probably already guessed where - this is the groin area. It is very sensitive, and is the main target because it is the most exposed area of ​​the male body. In the beginning of the fight will give you some advantage precise blow by manhood, which is capable of plunging a person into an unconscious state.

How to knock out a person with one blow? As you continue to look for ways, think about one more part of the body, a crushing blow to which can lead to significant injuries. Of course it's the ears. This is an excellent target for attack. Accurate and simultaneously on both ears will lead to rupture of the eardrums, as well as bleeding in the nasal cavity, ear, throat and

John Gilbey's book Secrets of the Martial Arts of the World tells about a Russian wrestler named Slimansky. He served for a long time in the state security agencies. And he describes blows to the ear with palms that are folded in a boat. The fingers are pressed tightly to each other. As a result, the enemy is injured in the middle ear and lost in space. The blow must be delivered in such a way that it is the palm that falls on the sink.

Even if you hit only one ear and you fail to stun, the enemy will still get a lot of discomfort from hitting the cartilage. And you will have two options for the development of events: it is to finish off the opponent or quickly escape from the place of the brawl. This option is not considered when the opponent is under two meters tall.

A blow to the temporal part

How to knock out a person with one blow? Continuing to study the enemy’s weak points and learn how to fight, you need to remember that the skull has a different thickness over its entire area, in front it is 5 mm, and in the frontal part it is almost a centimeter. Only in the temporal part of the human skull is only two or even one millimeter thick. As you already understood, this area is quite vulnerable to strikes.

Just in no case do not strike with the bones of the fist, this can lead to lethal outcome your opponent, and this is very undesirable. Hit only with the palm of your hand. Although this method can also lead to the death of a person. If the palm lies in such a way that your blow can hit the eye, then this is considered a combination blow.

Where to hit?

The head is a truly unique organ that combines a lot. How to knock out a person with one blow? Consider another place worth hitting. This option is the jaw. A blow to the lower jaw requires precision, sharpness, correct trajectory and strong fist. If all this is combined, then you will knock out the enemy with one blow.

How does this happen? A blow to the jaw must be applied straight from the bottom up, from this the head will make a sharp jerk, and the brain, which obeys the laws of physics, will hit the skull. This leads to a temporary shutdown of consciousness, that is, to a knockout.

Just hit so as not to hit the teeth. Hitting a person's teeth can injure your hand. Such injuries are accompanied by infection, inflammation, suppuration.


There are many more ways to get human body out of service. But, once in such a situation, it is better to resolve everything peacefully, without starting a fight.

From this useful article, you will certainly learn about how to defeat a stronger opponent.
I never cease to be amazed at how the weaker sex gradually becomes belligerent and strong.
Not from a man I received another letter, but from a brave girl.
Polina wants to know if it is possible to win a fight with an opponent stronger than herself?
And how is it implemented technically?
Advice for all occasions will not work here, and technology does not always prevail in a fight.
Even in boxing, strength is no longer dominant. Everything is decided by speed and intelligence.

How to defeat a strong opponent

In order to try to defeat a stronger opponent in a fight, you need to follow these useful tips:

one). A more prepared opponent, in most cases, knows about it. Therefore, he may not be ready for your surprise attack. Hence rule number one. Get the hang of it and land the first hit. As a rule, this is a painful reception or damage at close range. Without letting the enemy come to his senses, run away. When he comes to his senses, he will knock you out. This advice primarily applies to women. Heels can be used, but not stockings)
2). Do not engage in protracted negotiations with the enemy and do not give him time to advance by taking a few steps back. This is the mistake of many people. Having pinned you to the wall, a stronger opponent will not give you any chance of winning.
3). Conquer your fear. This is the most basic rule. Initially realizing that you have a physically strong opponent in front of you, you can get cold feet and dull your already shaken composure. In a street fight, you will not have free time for psychological preparation. Practice courage skills ahead of time.
four). Try to outwit a prepared opponent. If you are already cornered and have nowhere to run, go to the humiliation and ask for mercy, forcing the adversary to celebrate the victory in advance. Speak to him with the phrases “I will give everything” and beg him not to hit him in the face. Instead of the promised prey, return to him a powerful blow to the jaw, groin, or bridge of the nose, turning off the bull for a while. And then do the “legs”)
5). To defeat a stronger opponent, you must learn how to defend well. Weak defense is defeat. Remember this. Even if a more prepared invader wants to strike you with a crushing blow, you have a chance for a technically competent defense that allows you to block the onslaught and subsequently knock out your opponent.

In an emergency, you won't have time to think things through. Decisions must be made as quickly as possible. Literally every second counts, and if you feel fear, then the ability to defend yourself will be significantly weakened. You have to take my word for it that during a fight, pain will not be as pronounced as it might seem. Adrenaline, the concentration of which increases in extreme situations, will extinguish the pain.

How to deal with a street fight?

If you want to know how to win in a street fight, then first of all you must be confident in your own abilities. When you think that you can stand up for yourself or your girlfriend, then your chances of a successful outcome of the confrontation increase dramatically.

When a person is confident in his own abilities, then his thinking changes dramatically, and you will be able to better resist bullies. If you are afraid, then the situation worsens. We are aware that this sounds trite, but you have to work on yourself psychologically.

Many are familiar with guys who alone are able to attack several attackers at once and disperse them. Moreover, he does not have to have outstanding physical data. It's all about confidence, which helps him in difficult situations.

If you have to fight in a closed room, say, a cafe, then try to position your back to the exit. The fight may well end after one hit, and you will probably have to leave the room after that. Do not assume that leaving is a manifestation of fear. This is absolutely not true and there is nothing wrong with you leaving if your opponents are not being fair. If the attackers turned out to be more than one person, or you are threatened with a weapon, it is better to leave the scene immediately.

How to win a street fight - the main rules


It's not that you have to dance, but just change the direction of your movement to prevent the enemy from delivering an accurate blow. It is important not to take your feet off the ground, which will help maintain stability. See how professional boxers behave in the ring. They actively move and their feet do not come off the ground.

It is very important to remain as mobile as possible and at the same time not lose stability. We recommend working out at home to understand the capabilities of your body. Never try to deliver a large number of blows, because they require a lot of energy. If you want to know how to win in a street fight, then be patient and wait for the moment when the attacker makes a mistake. Each of your hits should be as accurate and strong as possible.

Fundamentals of military equipment

First of all, you must learn how to properly clench your fist. If you have the opportunity to fill the space between your palm and fingers, be sure to do it. To solve this problem, you can use any items that come to hand - sand, newspaper, coin, hat, etc. This will allow you to increase the power of the blow.

But to use for this thumb is pure madness. If you hold it in the palm of your hand, then after the first blow it will be injured. When you make a fist, your thumb should be at right angles to your index finger. So you will not only apply more powerful blows, but also prevent your opponent from grabbing your palm. Also, during the blow, you can not bend your wrist so as not to break your hand.

What techniques can be used during a street fight?

Let's start the conversation with strikes, of which there are a large number. Each of you at least once saw a duel of boxers or representatives of other martial arts. During the fight, they use various techniques and their combinations - hooks, body blows, uppercuts, straight lines, etc.

In a street fight, side hooks are most often used when a blow is applied with a large amplitude. They can be very effective if you have a certain level of training. Otherwise, you should refuse them for several reasons:

  • require a lot of energy;
  • are free;
  • able to take you out of a stable position;
  • reveal your defense and literally provoke the enemy to counterattack.
By and large, all this concerns various specialized strikes that are effective only in the hands of a professional. Without a certain level of training, we recommend that you refuse to perform them.

If you want to know how to win in a street fight, then throw regular straight punches. To perform them, your arms should be bent at the elbow joint at an angle of 35-45 degrees relative to the body. The elbow joint straightens the arm at the moment of impact, and the force is generated in the shoulder.

Try to ensure that the entire weight of your body goes into the blow. This may sound strange to some, but it is true. As an experiment, strike with one elbow joint. With it, you can only harm a mosquito or a fly. If the hand and body work together at the moment of impact, then the situation will be completely different.

Your blows should impress the enemy and reduce his ardor. Put all your strength into it, as if you want to win with one blow. It is quite possible that this is exactly what will happen. We have already briefly talked about the purpose of your attacks. It is necessary to strike at the enemy's weak points. This is the only way to quickly end the fight.

At the moment of striking, take a deep breath to put in maximum strength. Watch videos of the battles of representatives of various combat sports. There you will clearly see that all the fighters do just that. It should be noted that only by reading this article, you will not get a positive result. It's not enough to know how to win a street fight, you need to practice. Practice the blow in front of the mirror and bring all movements to automatism. In a fight, you won't have time to think.

How to take a hit in a street fight?

Perhaps you have watched one great movie called "million dollar baby"? The hero of Clint Eastwood tells his ward (she was brilliantly played by Hillary Swank) that in order to minimize the force of the opponent's blows, it is necessary to perform an oncoming movement. In practice, this is what happens - by reducing the distance, you reduce the force of impact.

However, you will also find it difficult to counterattack. Being close to the attacker, but not always victory in a fight is achieved through blows. Even an aggressive defense can cool the opponent's ardor, and he will be forced to retreat. At this point, a precise blow can knock him down.

Try to keep your chin as close to chest and move in such a way that the enemy adapts to you, and not vice versa. During a fight, you must maintain balance not only in the physical sense, but also emotionally. If you don't get knocked down and push the attacker back, the initiative goes to you.

Watch your breathing, as in critical situations the body consumes more oxygen. We said that during a fight, pain will not be as pronounced as it might seem at once. Powerful knockout punches pose the greatest threat to you.

You should not use techniques that you know only from films. Low kicks or knee strikes can be very effective weapons, but only when performed by an experienced fighter. At the same time, you can train them using a punching bag. At a certain time, you will be ready to use them in a street fight.

When counterattacking, aim at vulnerabilities but don't be framed by the media. If you strike in the stomach or leg of an opponent from a long distance, then you will not get significant advantages. The target should be the solar plexus, nose, eyes, kidneys, neck and face. In addition, you can twist the opponent's arms, break fingers and even bite. Any trick that can save your life in a street fight is completely justified.

Even if you are in a clinch with an attacker or even hit the ground, it is important to remain calm. If you are grabbed, they will not be able to strike and you have the opportunity to free yourself. If you find yourself on the ground with an enemy, then you should do one of 3 things:

  • do not allow the attacker to be on you;
  • turn on your stomach or side, making an attempt to stand up;
  • fight and try to throw it off.
Once on your stomach, protect your head from blows. The best way to do this is to press your chin to your chest, and hug your neck with your hands. If you are hit on the head, you need to close the distance to the attacker. As we said above, this will reduce the impact force.

If the enemy was behind you and grabbed, then there are three effective ways get free:

  • with all your strength, hit the leg with your heel;
  • try to hit the face with a sharp blow with your head back;
  • twist your fingers so that the opponent loosens his grip.

When should you run away from a street fight?

In some situations, it will be correct to retire from the battlefield. Do not consider this an unworthy act, because your life may be at stake.
  1. If you are facing a stronger or better trained opponent- try not to get hit by him and find a way to equalize the chances, for example, throw sand in your eyes.
  2. More than one attacker- stand in a corner so that opponents cannot attack and surround at the same time. You need to deal with them one by one.
  3. The attacker is armed- try to increase the distance as quickly as possible and at the same time find the shield. If a knife is used as a weapon, then use any improvised object so that the blade is stuck in it, and not in your body.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that only a self-confident person can emerge victorious from almost any mess. You want to know how to win in a street fight - throw all your aggression at the attacker. If you are sure that the attacker is stronger than you, then you should not give him a reason to make sure of this as well.

Do everything to unbalance him and cool the ardor. Be sure to pay attention to the objects around you, because they can become weapons. A street fight is not a ring where the fight takes place according to certain rules. Your life is at stake and you should always remember this. Most often, the main enemy is not the attacker, but fear, and it is most difficult to overcome it.

Basic tips on how to win a street fight in the video below: