How is the licensing of games for opening a virtual reality club? Cybercafe. licenses. software licensing features for computer clubs Steam gaming club licensing program

| Licensing for computer clubs

Licensing for organizations that rent PCs

Typically, Microsoft's standard license agreements prohibit lending, leasing, or leasing software. Therefore, for organizations whose business is to rent computers with Microsoft software, a special licensing scheme is offered.

Which organizations can purchase licenses under this scheme

  • Equipment rental companies
  • Business service centers (for example, copying and printing)
  • Internet cafes and computer clubs.
  • Internet kiosks in hotels and airports
  • Public organizations providing computers for public access

Not covered by this program: libraries, educational organizations, domestic use (community PCs), traditional financing.

How the PC Rental Licensing Scheme Works

  • The organization purchases software that will be rented along with computers.
  • In addition to the software licenses (for each rental product license), you must purchase the appropriate licenses to allow you to rent the software: Rental Rights for Windows 7 Professional, Office Standard/Professional Plus 2007/2010. Rental Rights licenses are supplied under the Open License program.

Program Features

  • Rental Rights licenses are additional licenses that allow you to rent Microsoft software and cannot be used standalone without the corresponding software.
  • To confirm legality, organizations must present documents confirming the availability of licenses for products and licenses for Rental Rights.
  • The Rental Rights license is permanently assigned to a specific computer and cannot be transferred to another PC. When purchasing a replacement PC, you must purchase new Rental Rights licenses for the products installed on it.
  • Network use or remote access to the software is not permitted.
  • Permission to use previous version software, provided that such right is granted by the license agreement for the relevant product.
  • Use of an additional copy of the Software on a portable computer or network device is not permitted.
  • The Software may not be used on a virtual hardware system (or otherwise emulated). In other words, you are not allowed to create and rent virtual machines.

For organizations that provide Microsoft solutions in hosting mode - telecommunications companies, telecom operators, Internet providers, service providers, etc., there is a separate Service Provider License Agreement (SPLA) program

Microsoft Licensing for Computer Clubs
Individual Organization
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The rapid growth of the VR industry over the past 16 months has been accompanied by an equally rapid growth in the number of virtual reality clubs and attractions. Their format is painfully reminiscent of computer clubs that were popular a couple of decades ago. If you decide to open a virtual reality club, this article is for you. I will talk about the intricacies of the game licensing business.

Game Developers! This article will be useful for you too!

What is the best way to manage game content in a club, or even better, get someone to do it for you?

Pay attention to specialized operating platforms - in essence, these are game libraries, where you can choose games for your visitors. The sites themselves process all information about licensing and payment. The amount of payments is set by the game developers. Platforms reduce your overhead costs, settle legal subtleties, minimize paperwork - in general, they save both parties from unnecessary headaches.

While Springboard is aimed exclusively at commercial use in VR clubs, Steam and Viveport are primarily aimed at home use for private purposes!

In terms of pricing, their fundamental differences lie in the approach to paying royalties to game developers:

  • Steam sells a monthly license
  • Viveport Arcade sells hourly game time
  • SpringboardVR provides per-minute billing for the game

The purchase of the user version of the game does not imply its commercial use. For a commercial license, you will need permission from the game developers.

Let us dwell in more detail on the principles of licensing. You definitely need to know everything about that issue until you plunge into the virtual world.

If after reading the article you still have questions - write to the blog and I will try to answer them.


If you already have a game in mind that you would like to add to your Steam library, do not immediately buy a custom version and offer it to club members. This is contrary to the User Agreement. The penalty for violation may be the complete blocking of your account.

Getting permission

If you want to use the game for commercial purposes, you need to contact the developer and clarify the license rules or buy a commercial license for the same SpringboardVR, Viveport Arcade and Steam (if any).

So, if you want to get a license for commercial use of the game directly or it is simply not publicly available - you can contact the developers through social networks or email. Do your best to get in touch - if there is no answer - this game not worth using.

If the developer is “contacted”, you need to obtain permission to commercially use their product. Most suitable way– offer the developer to sign a license agreement. It is essentially a legal document that grants you certain rights to a product in exchange for a monetary fee. By the way, many developers do not have draft license agreements, so be prepared to offer your version, it will most likely be accepted. Your own version of the license agreement will definitely give you an advantage in negotiations.

An important advantage of personal communication with developers is the ability to adapt the game for the gaming club.

This version will be more convenient for guests and will take into account the peculiarities of operation for commercial purposes.

Game Developers! Make sure your Steam page, in-game, social networks your contacts are indicated, they will want to contact you! Also, check Steam, SpringboardVR, or Viveport to see if your game is available and has a commercial license.

Operating platforms such asSpringboardVR, which have appeared in the last few months, are an alternative solution.

They themselves contact game developers, establish license agreements with them, and then relay these conditions to the owners of virtual reality clubs, including games in a special game library.

In addition, these sites allow you to book stations and games, track game time, notify how much you need to pay the developer, manage payments!

Technically, the operating platforms Steam and Viveport also offer commercial licensing options, but unlike the others, these platforms are aimed at home use.

Operating platforms use different methods of calculating license fees

For example, the calculation for SpringboardVR will be carried out according to system Pay Per Minute Per month ( PPMPM ) and look like this: the operating platform keeps track of the amount of time in the game and combines the data with license agreement documents. So, for example, if a game was played for 1,000 minutes on all VR club devices in a whole month, and its cost was $0.04 per minute, then the club would pay the developer $40 at the end of the month.

License forSteam

Paid differently. Commercially licensed games are available through Steam Commercial Licensing. See example below.

Above is a regular user license for $7.99, which is a one-time fee for home use. Below is a commercial license for $14.99, which is the monthly fee for each game station for commercial use.

Important!!! The commercial license is for 1 station, if there are 2 stations in the virtual reality club, then you need to buy 2 licenses.

As a tip, don't ask game developers to help you keep track of hours and minutes in a game from your Steam account. In response, you will receive nothing but irritation. Game developers think it's their job to make games, not run clubs. For such tasks, there are specialized operating platforms. Also, many developers don't like the idea of ​​per-minute or hourly billing at all, as they find it less commercially viable.

Although using a license through operating systems or Steam does not involve direct communication with game developers, a short letter to the developer from the owner of the virtual reality club that he is using his license is considered good form.

Lifetime licenses.

Any developer who receives emails requesting lifetime licenses immediately sends them to the trash with no response.

Such letters make you greedy and stupid in the eyes of the developers.

Whether you like it or not, contact with game developers should not be lost. It's in your best interest. Report any customer feedback or how well the game works.

Game developers love to hear things like this. If you want to fix a problem, don't be silent, and the developers will quickly fix everything.


  • If you are planning to open a virtual reality club, then remember that you will need to pay the developers of the games you use.
  • If you cannot contact the developer or buy a commercial license on the operating platform, do not use this game.
  • Do not use your user account on Steam for commercial purposes, this is contrary to the User Agreement and penalties or restrictive measures may be imposed on your account.

If you have questions you can write them in a blog or email.

Virtual reality clubs are a business for entertainment and recreation. Stay up to date, do not create problems for yourself!

Commercial site license

The Steam Internet Cafe Program allows licensees to offer Steam products, SteamVR, and site content to their subscribers. As part of the program, the site owner is provided with tools to manage this service. After registering, you will have access to hundreds of commercial game licenses through Steam: depending on what games your visitors will play, for example, you can store a cache of content and distribute game files over a local network.

The program is suitable for any establishments providing Internet access: Internet cafes, shops, coffee shops, schools, libraries, hospitals, theaters, airplanes, cruise ships, buses, trains, subways, etc. At the same time, they must be registered and have registration number, for example, as a non-profit organization, government agency, individual entrepreneur, partnership, limited liability company, corporation or other formally organized group. Click for more information on program requirements.

Site users will be able to sign in to their Steam accounts, download and use content, whether owned or provided by your organization, and access all Steam services, including purchasing in-game items, badge collections, achievements, loot, trading cards, and more. etc.

Program Benefits Information

  • A license that grants visitors access to Steam on registered sites.
  • Access to purchase commercial licenses for content on Steam from developers and publishers participating in the licensing program.
  • Discounts on commercial licenses and the possibility of purchasing in bulk.
  • Access to the server software for each registered site. The server will allow you to identify users and manage licenses.
  • Usage reports that can be used to manage the number of commercial licenses required for a given site.
  • Data cache on the local network for your computer and visitors with their laptops.
  • Dynamic site license management for concurrent use. Licenses may be transferred to any computer that is permanently or temporarily connected to the licensee's network.
  • Site visitors will be able to connect their laptops to the network and its commercial content.

Multi-site support

If your organization owns multiple sites, you can specify the location of each site during registration and use the existing content across all sites. Steam will manage the content for you. You only need to set up one site server at each location.

Exploring User Preferences

Steam provides analysis tools to see what games your visitors are playing. You will be able to find out if they are launching their own games or content you offer. You will also be able to:

  • Find out how much time visitors spend playing games to better understand whether they are really passionate about the content offered or just trying it.
  • Find out how much content is being used to determine if your site has enough licenses.
  • See the hours of the most user activity and find out if there were failures due to lack of licenses.

Program requirements and registration instructions

If you are interested in this program, it is recommended to take a look at .

Where can I find commercial licenses?

Do I need to create a separate Steam account for each computer on my site?

Since you will have a licensed site server that will provide access to the pool of commercial licenses, you do not need a separate account for each computer. Instead, you will need to create one account to be used for enrolling in the program and one account for each licensed site server (usually one per site). We require organizations to create a new Steam account specifically for commercial use. You will not be able to use a personal account for this program.

How will the license pool be distributed across my network?

When a visitor comes to your cafe, he goes to the computer that you assigned him and logs into Steam under his own account. If he does not have an account, he will be able to create one when starting the client. Once a visitor has logged into their account, they will see both the games they own and the games from your site in their library. When a user starts playing one of your games, the license site server will notify the Steam servers that they have requested a game license. When the visitor exits the game, the license is returned to the license pool for that game. Visitors will be able to use site-owned licenses for a particular game until all licenses for that game owned by your site are used at the same time.

For example, your cafe has 50 computers and your pool has 35 licenses for Left 4 Dead 2. Up to 35 visitors can play Left 4 Dead 2 at the same time in your cafe. If the 36th visitor arrives and wants to play Left 4 Dead 2, they will be shown a message that there are no more licenses available. If one of the 36 users has their own copy of Left 4 Dead 2 on their account, they will all be able to play, and that user will not borrow a license from the pool.

Should my site have permanent Internet access?

Yes, the licensed site server and clients must be connected to Steam in order for it to manage licenses and allow users to play. The program will not support offline mode.

Will all computers in my site have access to the commercial license pool?

There is no limit on the number of computers that will have access to commercial licenses, provided they are all located on the same network as the licensed site's authorized server.

Can I purchase multiple commercial licenses at once with a bulk discount?

Commercial accounts will have access to commercial licenses for all games whose publishers offer commercial copies. At the time of purchase, you will have the option to enter the desired number of copies, and if a discount is offered for purchasing multiple copies, it will be applied. Volume discounts are set directly by the game publisher.

Do I need to purchase commercial copies of games through Steam?

No, owning a commercial account and agreeing to a commercial license allows the site owner to use free games Steam and Valve. You are not required to purchase commercial copies of any other games, but only games purchased through Steam or authorized resellers may be used on the licensed server and added to the license pool.

What if a visitor comes to my site with their laptop?

If a visitor comes to you with his laptop and you allow him to enter the network where the licensed site server is running, his laptop will also have access to the pool of game licenses. Those games that the user owns on his account will not require licenses from the pool.

The Steam Standard Subscription provides a purely non-commercial personal license (see the Steam Subscriber Agreement). It does not in any way cover public use or third party access to content. The Steam Site Licensing Program is designed to make it easier and cheaper to give your users access to all the great content and services that Steam has to offer.

Features of software licensing for computer clubs

How to do it at the lowest cost and legally correct? To deal with this issue, we turned to Andrey Tolstikov, manager of the Information Security direction of the Forus Group of Companies. Our choice of an expert is not accidental: Forus has been cooperating with Microsoft for more than 10 years and is a Gold Partner of the Corporation.

Andrey, hello, in a nutshell, what is licensing and why, in your opinion, has this topic become so popular now?
Licensing, or rather the legalization of software, is the purchase of the necessary information solutions for the implementation of the company's activities. It's no secret that according to Russian law, any company working with software must use licensed programs, in simple terms, it is obliged to buy them. Today, the legal issue of using software is particularly acute, and more and more companies want to be legalized. In turn, Microsoft offers various licensing schemes software products to meet all market needs.

What are the features of computer club licensing schemes?
The licensing scheme for computer salons has its own nuances. First of all, the club must purchase the necessary licenses, and secondly, it must sign an agreement with Microsoft to rent the software to individual users who come to play or work on computers. Licenses are purchased according to the usual scheme: at a time or in installments. But the main thing is the signing of the agreement. Many computer shops now simply buy licensed products, believing that this is enough to use the software in the club. This is a common mistake in licensing clubs, because during the checks it turns out that the club does not have the right to rent software to users.

Can you tell me more about the agreement?
It is concluded once and has an unlimited duration. The peculiarity is that the conclusion occurs only on English language. The agreement specifies how many computers and what products the salon has the right to rent. Another condition under this agreement is that the computer salon is obliged to warn the user (in paper or electronic form) that he accepts this software for rent.

But how is this warning implemented in practice?
It's very simple - when you turn on the computer, a web page appears on the monitor, where the user must check the box that he is familiar with and agrees to these conditions, after which he can start working. The fulfillment of this condition takes a few seconds and does not cause inconvenience to users.

Let's get back to the licensing process. What other pitfalls can the owner of a computer salon encounter when licensing?
There are many pitfalls. For example, according to Microsoft policy, you can't rent computers running Windows Home Edition. There are other nuances that the owner of the salon does not always know about. At the same time, the rules and licensing requirements are spelled out either in English or in Russian, and not all clubs can find them on their own. Therefore, it is important to contact a trusted competent software supplier who will not only tell you about all the conditions, but will also take over the signing of the agreement, and the client will only need to sign.

What kind of assistance from Forus can computer salons expect in the licensing process?
To a competent one (smiles - author's note). The quality of our services in this area is confirmed by the Microsoft Licensing Partner certificate. Therefore, we have a well-established scheme for concluding agreements with Microsoft in accordance with all the requirements of the developer's policy, we monitor and take into account all innovations. In our practice, we have significant experience in legalizing software for computer clubs: we have successfully licensed salons in Angarsk, Bratsk and Irkutsk, as well as the well-known network of computer salons Next.

What is your advice to computer shops?
License wisely. Don't look for cheap solutions, look for competent suppliers. Then you will be provided with the conditions under which you can work effectively and reduce the risk of legal sanctions, and your visitors will be able to enjoy all the benefits of licensed versions of programs