Commands for minecraft. Console commands and cheats for Minecraft Complete list of commands Minecraft Pocket Edition

On this page are commands that work in single player mode and in the local network. Using these commands is equivalent to using cheats and you need to enable them when you first generate the world (create a map) in the "Advanced world settings" menu. The commands are shown in order of demand, you can sort them alphabetically, you can also search for commands and detailed description some of them. Commands for the command block can be found here.

@p - nearest player, can be changed to the player's nickname

Team Description Examples
/give Give the player an item /give @p minecraft:diamond_block 64 - Give yourself 64 diamond blocks.
/gamemode Change game mode /gamemode survival - Switch to survival mode
/gamemode creative - Switch to creative mode
/weather weather change /weather clear - Remove rain and snow
/clear Remove all items from inventory /clear - Clear your inventory
/clear notch - Clear inventory for player notch
/effect Overlay effects /effect give @p speed - Get the Speed ​​effect
/effect clear @p speed - Remove speed effect
/defaultgamemode Default map game mode /defaultgamemode creative - Creative game mode by default
/defaultgamemode survival - Creative game mode by default
/xp Experience /xp add @p 500 - Give yourself 500 experience
/kill Entity killing /kill - yourself
/kill notch - player notch
/kill @e - dropped items
/kill @e - everyone but yourself
/kill @e - all nearby cows
Summon Essence /summon zombie - Summon zombies
/summon lightning_bolt ~25 ~ ~ - Summons lightning within 25 meters
/summon fox ~ ~1 ~ (Passengers:[(id:creeper)]) - Summons a fox with a creeper on its back
See Mob IDs.
/enchant Enchant Item /enchant @p sharpness 5 - Enchant a sword in hand for Sharpness V
/enchant @p infinity - Enchant a bow in hand to infinity
See Enchant ID and Enchant Compatibility.
/difficulty Game difficulty /difficulty peaceful - Set peaceful difficulty
/difficulty hard Set hard difficulty
/spawnpoint Set spawn point /spawnpoint - Set spawn point location
/spawnpoint notch - Same for player notch
/ spawnpint notch 0 65 00 - With a choice of coordinates
/seed View world generation key /seed - Find out the world generation key
/gamerule Setting the game rules /gamerule keepInventory true - Player items do not drop on death
/gamerule doDaylightCycle false - Stop the day/night cycle (always the same time)
/gamerule mobGriefing false - Prevents mobs from breaking blocks in the world
/advancement Achievements /advancement grant @p everything - Grant all achievements to the player
/advancement revoke @p everything - Remove all achievements from the player
/ban Ban a player on the server /ban notch - Ban player notch
/ban notch Flood - Ban notch player for flooding
/ban-ip Ban by IP /ban-ip flood - Ban ip-address due to "flood"
/ban-ip notch flood Bans player notch's ip address due to "flood"
/banlist Black list /banlist ips - Show blacklisted ips
/banlist players - Show blacklisted players
/bossbar Boss bar management /bossbar add notch("text":"Notch") - Create a bossbar named Notch
/bossbar set notch players @p - Show the bossbar to the nearest player
Copy,kjrj /clone 1 67 1 1 67 1 2 67 1 replace - copy 1 block from point 1 67 1 to 2 67 1
/debug Debugging /debug start - Start debugging
/debug stop - Stop debugging
/debug report - Debug report
/data Working with NBT /data get block 1 65 1 - NBT block data at coordinates 1 65 1
/daylock Stops the cycle of time /daylock true - Stop the day/night cycle
/daylock false - Restart the day/night cycle
/alwaysday true - Always day
/alwaysday false - Disable
/datapack Working with datasets /datapack disable set - Disable datapack set
/datapack enable set - Enable datapack set
/deop Remove operator status / deop player - Removes the status of the operator


1. Commands are entered after opening the chat by pressing the "T" key in the English layout
2. Instead of player, enter the nickname of the player that the team should touch
3. When there is a "/" sign (slash) between several options, you need to enter only one of the options
4. The Tab key will automatically complete the command and show all available options

The same commands as in regular chat. What is a command block, how to get it and how to use it? In this article we will tell you about it!

This is really a very useful block and it expands the possibilities of creating maps in minecraft

Full list commands you can find on , but not all of them work in Minecraft on Android, IOS and Windows 10 versions.

+ command blocks in MCPE:

  • Unlike the PC version, in PE command blocks do not do heavy loads, i.e. the FPS will be stable.
  • The command block interface is adapted for mobile devices.
- command blocks in MCPE:
  • Too little functionality.
How to get a command block?
In the game, you cannot get a command block by crafting, but it can be issued using the command /give Steve command_block, where Steve nickname of the player to whom the team will give this block. Instead of Steve, you can also use @p, i.e. you will give the block to itself. Don't forget to enable cheats in the world settings.

How to enter a command in a command block?
To do this, you need to open its interface. This is very easy to do, just tap on it. In field Command entry enters the command itself, which will be executed by the command block. A little lower is a field in which you can see an error if you entered something wrong.

Command examples:
  • give @p apple 5 - Gives the player five apples.
  • setblock ~ ~+1 ~ wool - places a block of wool at the player's coordinates.
  • tp Player 48 41 14 - the player with the nickname Player moves to the point at coordinates x=48, y=41, z=14
Who do command blocks work with?
Thanks to pointers, you can point to the player or creature on which the command will be executed:
  • @p is the player who activated the team.
  • @a - all players.
  • @r is a random player.
  • @e - all entities (including mobs).
Auxiliary pointers:
And how to make it so that, let's say, it moves all the players to some point, except for itself? Yes, it's easy, for this you need to use additional pointers, for example: tp@a 228 811 381- teleports all players except the player with the nickname Admin exactly x=228, y=811, z=381. All options:
  • x - coordinate along the X axis. If you put instead of the value ~
  • y - coordinate along the Y axis. If you put instead of the value ~ , then the dot will be the command block.
  • z - coordinate along the Z axis. If you put instead of the value ~ , then the dot will be the command block.
  • r - maximum search radius.
  • rm - minimum search radius.
  • m - game mode.
  • l - maximum level of experience.
  • lm - minimum experience level.
  • name - player's nickname.
  • c is an optional argument to @a that limits the number of players to execute the command. For example, if you enter @a - then the command will act on the first five players from the list, @a on the last five from the list.
  • type - as an example, /kill @e will kill all skeletons, and /kill @e will kill all non-player entities.
Command example:
  • give @p gold_ingot 20 - Gives the nearest player within 10 blocks 20 gold bars.

Command block modes

There are three command block modes available: pulse, chain, and repeat - the color of the block changes depending on the mode.
  • Pulse mode (orange): activates the given command
  • Chaining mode (green): the command will work if the block is attached to another command block and connects to other command blocks
  • Repeat mode (blue): The command is repeated every tick as long as the block has power.

Pulse mode
These are ordinary command blocks that are used to interact with chain blocks, but you can also execute commands simply in these blocks.

Chain mode
I think that already from the name it is already clear that this command block mode works according to the “chain” scheme.

Please note that for the chain type to work, you need a pulse command block, which will send the signal, as well as a redstone block, without which the chain type command block will not work.

Team title and its parameters:
  • title clear - clears messages from the player's screen.
  • title reset - clears messages from the player's screen and resets options.
  • title title - the title that shows the text on the screen.
  • title subtitle - the subtitle that is displayed when the title appears.
  • title actionbar - displays a caption above the inventory.
  • title times - appearance, delay and disappearance of the text. The default values ​​are 10 (0.5s), 70 (3.5s) and 20 (1s).
Command execution example:
  • title @a title §6Start - title with orange color.
  • title @a actionbar Hello! - Displays text above inventory.
  • title @a subtitle Chapter 1 is a subtitle.

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data] - removes items from the inventory of the selected player. (All things or by ID).
debug - Starts/stops debug mode. (Debug mode is a world type that allows you to check models and textures).
defaultgamemode - allows you to change the default mode for new server players.
difficulty<0|1|2|3>- changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult.
enchant<цель>[level] - enchants a thing in the hands. (level is selected in the command).
game mode [target] - Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventrure, a or 2). Only works when the player is online.
gamerule<правило>[value] - changes several server rules. (True/False)


doFireTick - if false stops fire spreading.
doMobLoot - if false, zombies don't drop items.
doMobSpawning - if false, prevents mobs from spawning.
doTileDrops - if false, items don't drop from destructible blocks.
keepInventory - if true, after death the player does not lose the contents of the inventory.
mobGriefing - if false, mobs don't destroy blocks (creeper explosions don't damage terrain).
commandBlockOutput - if false, the command block does not output anything to the chat when executing commands.
give<цель> <номер объекта>[amount] [additional information] - gives out an item, by the specified ID.
help [page | team] ? [page | command] - shows a list of all console commands that are available to you.
publish - opens access to the game world via local network.
say<сообщение>- Shows all players a message in pink.
spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z] - Allows you to set the spawn point for the player in the selected coordinates. If you don't specify a location, the spawn point will be your current location.
time set<число|day|night>- Allows you to change the time of day. Time can be specified as a numeric value, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is night.
time add<число>- adds a value to the current time.
toggledownfall - enable/disable precipitation.
tp<цель1> <цель2>, tp<цель>- moving a player by name to another or to selected coordinates.
weather<время>- changes the weather for a certain period of time (Specify in seconds).
xp<количество> <цель>- Gives a certain player the specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. If you enter L after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example, -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.
ban<игрок>[reason] - player ban.
ban-ip - ban by ip address.
sorry<никнейм>- ban by player name (Works even when the player is offline).
sorry-ip - removes ban by IP address.
banlist - list of all banned.
op<цель>Gives the specified player operator privileges.
deop<цель>- removes operator privileges from the player.
kick<цель>[reason] - kicks a player from the server.
list - a list of all players on the server.
save-all - force all changes to be saved to the server.
save-on - allows the server to make automatic saves.
save-off - Prevents the server from automatically saving.
stop - terminates the server.
whitelist list - displays a list of players in the whitelist.
whitelist <никнейм>- adds/removes a player to the whitelist.
whitelist - enable/disable whitelist.
whitelist reload - Reloads whitelist (updates by whitelist.txt file)

/kill Deals 1000 damage to the player, which kills them and respawns the last bed they slept on. Useful when the player is lost or stuck in something.
/me Sends an IRC-style message (eg Player slaps everyone around a bit with a large trout").
/tell Send a private message to the specified player.

Teams for players

/register pass register on the server, where pass is your password to enter the server
/login pass authorization on the server, where pass is your password specified during registration
/changepassword old new password change command

/home set sets the home point to your position
/home teleport home
/home invite Player invite Player to your home (vip only)
/home unvite Player kick Player out of your home
/home Player teleport home to the Player (only possible if the Player sent you an invite)
/homedelete delete home point
/home list - list of houses where you are expected
/home ilist - list of players invited to you
/home point set the compass to your home

Private territory:

//wand produces a wooden axe, for WorldGuard
//hpos1 sets the 1st point for WorldGuard (where you are looking)
//hpos2 sets the 2nd point for WorldGuard (where you are looking)
// expand 10 up creates cube space (useful for WorldGuard)
// expand 10 down creates cube space (useful for WorldGuard)
/region claim Name creates your zone where only you can build (where Name is the name of your zone)
/region addmember t1 Player adds a player with the nickname Player to the t1 zone
/region removemember t1 Player removes Player from zone t1
/region remove t1 removes your zone t1

Chests, levers and buttons:

/lwc displays help on commands (russified)
/cprivate set security
/cremove remove protection
/сpublic make the block public (everyone has access, but no one can private it except the owner)
/сpassword set access to the block by password
/cunlock remove the password from the password-protected chest
/cprivate installation is protected with access only for the listed players, if you put a sign in front of the nickname, then the player gets the owner's rights, example /cprivate karma brzavr @loki gives access to the block only to these players, plus loki has the owner's rights
/cmodify block access changes, e.g. /cmodify -brzavr underwood will deny access to the block to the brzavr player and give access to the underwood player
/cinfo protection information on the block
after entering the command, you need to left-click on the block. parentheses are not required


/money displays the current amount of your money
/money pay Player 1000 transfers 1000 rubles from your account to Player's account
/money top shows the top of the rich
/money help (/money available commands
/money rank


players can create elevators
/warp name teleport across the warp, where name is the name of the warp, for example /warp shop
/spawn teleport to spawn
/who view the list of online players on the server

List and description of professions in Minecraft:

Hunter (hunter) kills mobs.
Farmer (farmer) grows plants.
Woodcutter (lumberjack) cuts trees and makes boards.
Digger (digger) extracts blocks of clay, earth, sand and gravel.
Miner (miner) extracts blocks of gold, coal, stone, iron, etc.
Builder (builder) builds various buildings from blocks.

Jobs plugin commands: /jobs [job name] List of all commands.

/jobs browse List of available jobs for you.
/jobs join [job name] Select a profession.
/jobs leave [job name] Leave a profession.
/jobs info View job information.
/jobs stats Show statistics.
/jobs admininfo Show information about the player and his profession.
/jobs employ Assign a job to a player.
/jobs fire Fire a player from a job.
/jobs grantxp Add experience
/jobs removexp Take experience.
/jobs promote Level up a professional player.
/jobs demote Downgrade a professional player.
/jobs transfer Transfer a player from one job to another.
/jobs reload Reload the plugin.

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data] - removes items from the inventory of the selected player...

Updated: 07 December 2019

Many of the features that are present in the game are achieved only with the help of commands, so we have prepared for you a list of commands in Minecraft. Most of them work only in multiplayer mode and for admins, but some of them will work for single player as well. Do not forget that you should enter commands in the chat window, which can be called up with the T or / key.

Click to go:

Commands for single player in Minecraft:

me<сообщение> - Displays the entered message on behalf of a third party: "Player_name message text". For example: "Player is exploring a cave".

tell<игрок> <сообщение>, w<игрок> <сообщение> - Sending a private message to another player. Useful if you don't want other players on the server to see the content of the message.

kill- Allows you to kill your character, useful if you're stuck with textures. After using the command in chat, the message "Ouch. That look like it hurt."

seed- Allows you to know the grain of the world in which you are.

Commands for admin in Minecraft:

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data]- Clears the specified player's inventory of all items or specific IDs.

debug - Starts or stops debug mode.

defaultgamemode - Allows you to change the default mode for new players on the server.

difficulty<0|1|2|3> - Changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult.

enchant<цель>[level] - Enchant an item in hand to the level specified in the command.

game mode [goal]- Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventrure, a or 2). The player must be online for the command to work.

gamerule<правило>[meaning] - Allows you to change a few basic rules. The value must be true or false.


  • doFireTick - if false stops fire spreading.
  • doMobLoot - if false, mobs will not drop drops.
  • doMobSpawning - if false, disables mob spawning.
  • doTileDrops - if false, items don't drop from destructible blocks.
  • keepInventory - if true, after death the player does not lose the contents of the inventory.
  • mobGriefing - if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (creeper explosions do not spoil the landscape).
  • commandBlockOutput - if false, the command block does not output anything to the chat when executing commands.

give<цель> <номер объекта>[number] [additional information]- Gives the player the item specified by the block ID.

help [page | team] ? [page | team] - Displays a list of all available console commands.

publish- Opens access to the world over a local network.

say<сообщение> - Shows all players a message in pink.

spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z]- Allows you to set the spawn point for the player in the specified coordinates. If coordinates were not specified, the spawn point will be your current position.

time set<число|day|night> - Allows you to change the time of day. The time can be specified as a numeric value, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is midnight.

time add<число> - Adds the specified amount of time to the current one.

toggledownfall- Gives you the option to enable or disable precipitation.

tp<цель1> <цель2>, tp<цель> - Makes it possible to teleport the player specified by name to another player or to the entered coordinates.

weather<время> - Allows you to change the weather for a specific time specified in seconds.

xp<количество> <цель> - Gives the specified player the specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. Entering L after the number will add the specified number of levels. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example, -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.

ban<игрок>[cause]- Allows you to block player access to the server by nickname.

ban-ip - Allows you to block player access to the server by ip address.

sorry<никнейм> - Allows you to unblock the specified player access to the server.

sorry-ip - Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.

banlist- Allows you to see a list of all players banned on the server.

op<цель> - Gives the specified player operator privileges.

deop<цель> - Removes operator privileges from the player.

kick<цель>[reason] - Kicks the specified player from the server.

list- Displays a list of all players online.

save-all- Forcibly save all changes to the changes on the server.

save-on- Allows the server to perform automatic saves.

save-off- Prevents the server from performing automatic saves.

stop- Shuts down the server.

white list- Displays a list of players in the whitelist.

whitelist <никнейм> - Adds or removes a player to the whitelist.

whitelist - Enables or disables the use of a white list on the server.

whitelist reload- Reloads the whitelist, i.e. updates it according to the white-list.txt file (can be used when white-list.txt is modified manually).

/region claim<имя региона> - Saves the selected area as a region with the specified name.

//hpos1- Sets the first point according to your current coordinates.

//hpos2- Sets the second point according to your current coordinates.

/region addon<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Adds the specified players to the owners of the region. Owners have the same capabilities as the creator of the region.

/region addmember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Adds the specified players to the members of the region. Members have limited options.

/region removeowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Remove the specified players from the owners of the region.

/region removemember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Remove the specified players from the members of the region.

// expand<длина> <направление> - Expands the region in the given direction. For example: //expand 5 up - will expand the selection by 5 cubes up. Valid directions: up, down, me.

// contract<длина> <направление> - Reduces the region in the specified direction. For example: //contract 5 up - will reduce the selection by 5 cubes from bottom to top. Valid directions: up, down, me.

/region flag<регион> <флаг> <значение> - A region can be flagged if you have sufficient access.

Possible flags:

  • pvp - is PvP allowed in the region
  • use - is it allowed to use mechanisms, doors
  • chest-access - is it allowed to use chests
  • l ava-flow - whether lava flow is allowed
  • water-flow - is water flow allowed
  • lighter - is it allowed to use a lighter


  • allow - enabled
  • deny - disabled
  • none - the same flag as not in the private zone

Commands for the WorldEdit Plugin

The selection of the active area on which we will work with the help of WorldEdit occurs as follows:

You can simplify actions with regions using .

//pos1- Sets the block you are standing on as the first coordinate point.

//pos2- Sets the block you are standing on as the second coordinate point.

//hpos1- Sets the block you are looking at as the first coordinate point.

//hpos2- Sets the block you are looking at as the second coordinate point.

//wand- Gives you a wooden ax, left-clicking on a block with this ax will set the first point, right-clicking the second.

//replace - replaces all selected blocks with those specified in the selected region. For example: //replace dirt glass - will replace all the dirt with glass in the selected area.

// overlay - Cover the region with the specified block. For example: //overlay grass - will cover the region with grass.

//set - Fill the empty area with the specified block. For example: //set 0 - Will remove all blocks in the region (fill with air).

//move - Move blocks in region by<количество>, in<направлении>and replace the remaining blocks with .

//walls - Creates walls from<материал>in the selected region.

//sel- Removes the current selection.

// sphere - Creates a sphere from , with radius . Raised can be yes or no, if yes then the center of the sphere will move up by its radius.

//hsphere - Creates an empty sphere with the specified parameters.

//cyl - Creates a cylinder from , with radius and height .

//hcyl - Creates an empty cylinder with the specified parameters.

//forestgen - Creates an area forest x blocks, with type and density , the density ranges from 0 to 100.

// undo- Undoes the specified number of your actions.

// redo- Restores the specified number of actions you have undone.

//sel - Allows you to select the shape of the selected region. cuboid - selects a box. extend - the same as cuboid, but when you set the second point, you extend the region without losing the selection from the one already selected. poly - selects only in the plane. cyl - cylinder. sphere - sphere. ellipsoid - ellipsoid (capsule).

//desel- Deselects.

// contract - Reduce by the specified amount region in the selected direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), if a number is specified - and in the opposite direction.

// expand - Increase the region by the specified number of blocks in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), if a reverse-amount is specified, then in the opposite direction.

//inset [-hv] - Narrows the selected region in each direction.

//outset [-hv] - Expands the selected region in every direction.

//size- Shows the number of blocks in the selected region.

//regen- Re-generates the selected region.

//copy- Copies the contents of the region.

//cut- Cuts the contents of the region.

//paste- Pastes the contents of the copied region.

//rotate - Rotates the contents of the copied region by the specified number of degrees .

//flip- Reflect the region in the buffer in the direction of dir, or in the direction you are looking.

//pumpkins- Creates a pumpkin field with the specified size .

//hpyramid- Creates an empty pyramid from block , with size .

//pyramid - Creates a pyramid from a block , with size .

//drain - Remove water at a specified distance from you .

//fixwater - Corrects the water level at the specified distance from you .

//fixlava - Corrects the level of lava at the specified distance from you .

//snow - Covers the area with snow at the specified distance from you .

//thaw - Removes snow at a specified distance from you .

//butcher [-a]- Kills all hostile mobs at the specified distance from you . Using [-a] will also kill friendly mobs.

// - Gives you a super pickaxe to quickly break blocks.

Are there times when there is little better than opening up the console, typing in a few words and symbols, and summoning a diamond-armored unicorn? Or even something more interesting. However, console commands can also help in a more prosaic situation, since there are about as many bugs in the game as miracles.

How to enter console commands in Minecraft?

Fortunately, the console commands in Minecraft are very easy to use: just press the key "C" to open the console, and then type the command itself and press "Enter". The main thing to remember is that when creating a new world, the game is helpfully interested in the possibility of using the same commands in it. Therefore, if such an opportunity is not initially foreseen, then in the future it will only be possible to regret your short-sightedness. Any team in a single player game must have a prefix «/» , and multi-user commands will not work with it.

Examples of console commands for Minecraft

/help [commandname]
Shows brief information on a specific command. For example, "/help give" will tell you a little more about the "give" command.

/give @[player] [item] [amount] [value]
Used to transfer items from your own inventory to other players. For example, "/give @Oceanic minecraft:planks 13 1". This command will give 13 "Spruce Wood Planks" blocks to the Oceanic player. It is much easier to use when only one object is being passed, but it is also suitable for complex item exchanges.

/tp [player] [x y z coordinates]
Used to instantly move yourself or another player to a specific location in the world. If you enter the name of another player instead of coordinates, then such a command will take you directly to him. In the beginning, you can get confused in these very coordinates, since the world is three-dimensional, and the z-coordinate causes special problems, but over time everything falls into place.

Instant suicide. Also, after "/kill" you can add the name of another player, instantly killing him already.

/weather [weather_type]
Allows you to control the weather no worse than an experienced shaman. True, the choice is not very large: rain (rain), thunderstorm with thunder (thunder) and snow (snow).

Game Mode
/gamemode [mode_name]
Allows you to change the game mode. For example, "/gamemode creative" will put the game into "Creative" mode, where you can fly, resources are infinite, and monsters stop attacking you. Accordingly, "/gamemode survival" will send you into the harsh realities of the "Survival" mode, where every spider wants to dine with you, and resources must be obtained with sweat and blood.

Set Time
/time set [value]
Allows you to control the time of day. For example, "/time set 0" is dawn. A value of 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is night.

/difficulty [difficulty_name]
Allows you to change the difficulty of the game. For example, "/difficulty peaceful" sets the game to the easiest mode. There are also options for "easy", "normal" and "hard" in increasing difficulty.

This command allows you to find out the identifier of the "seed" from which a particular world was born. You can write it down so that you can create an exact copy of it in the future if necessary.

/gamerule [setup name] [value]
Allows you to control some of the fundamental settings of the game. For example, "/gamerule keepInventory true" allows you not to lose items from the inventory when the character dies. Accordingly, "/gamerule keepInventory false" works in the opposite way. Another example is the "/gamerule doDaylightCycle false" command, which will disable the day/night cycle, leaving you to exist in a world immersed in eternal darkness or permanently bathed in the light of the sun, depending on when you activate it.

/summon [object_name]
Instantly creates the desired object in the world in front of you.

Shoots a block of dynamite at the point where the player's crosshair is pointing.

Atlantis Mode
Significantly raises the level of the world's oceans, plunging everything but the highest mountains into the abyss.

Moves the player to where their crosshair is pointing.

Mob Damage
Monsters cannot harm you, no matter how hard they try.

Makes any creature targeted by the player a mount.

Instant Mine
Allows you to destroy any blocks in one click using any tool.