A beautiful figure in 30 days. Jillian Michaels workout programs: a complete list and review of effective ones. The effectiveness of simple exercises combined with a well-established scheme

All obese people dream of losing weight. excess weight without harming your health. Proper weight loss in 30 days is a course of an adjusted diet and exercise system - losing weight with this approach is not so difficult, the main thing is that your figure will become perfect. If you do not have time for sports, then you can focus on nutrition. At the same time, keep in mind that without physical activity, at least in the form of exercise, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make the body attractive and embossed.

How much weight can you lose in 30 days

You can get rid of excess weight in one month or significantly reduce it for men and women with the help of well-chosen low-calorie nutrition. True, losing 10-20 kg in such a short period of time is possible only in unsafe and unhealthy ways, for example, all kinds of starvation diets. Any person working in the field of fitness will tell you that by burning fat in 30 days, you can lose from 2 to 2.5 kg.

How to lose weight in a month

Safe weight loss involves combining a healthy diet with physical activity. For example, you can lose weight by 1-2 kg per week (depending on the characteristics of the body) if you exclude unnecessary snacks and stop eating sweets every day. In the daily diet, you should leave a healthy breakfast, lunch (full) and a modest but protein-rich dinner. You can enter a couple of snacks with vegetables or fruits that are saturated with vitamins. In addition, do it at home special exercises or do:

  • light jogging;
  • swimming;
  • big tennis;
  • sports walking;
  • bike rides;
  • dancing;
  • gymnastics;
  • skiing, etc.

Slimming with Jillian Michaels

The program "lose weight in 30 days" from Jillian Michaels, which consists of 3 courses, the duration of each of which is 10 days, has gained great popularity. It will be possible to achieve maximum results only with an integrated approach, consisting of proper nutrition and exercise. This fitness program is based on the "irritation" of the muscles, which helps to reduce the volume and tone all the muscles. The program itself is primarily designed for beginners, because. half an hour of classes is not so difficult to endure.

Under proper nutrition does not imply any protein diet or a diet based on carbohydrates, but a four-time menu consisting of wholesome and natural products. Fast food with soda is subject to a complete ban. For classes, you will need to purchase a gymnastic mat and dumbbells weighing 1.4-2.3 kg. Before starting the course, it is advisable to start a weight loss diary, where you will need to record your weight, volume, diet.

30 days weight loss program

Remember that the program "lose weight in 30 days" includes and healthy eating, and workouts. Physical exercise should be daily: pump the abdominal muscles, run, do push-ups, etc. Take up badminton as well table tennis, swimming. Nutrition is desirable to be fractional, for example, 4-5 meals a day. You can alternate one day of eating only plant foods with one day of dry fasting. In order for food not to harm the body, it must include the necessary amount of nutrients:

  • Breakfast should be rich in whole grains and protein: an omelet with vegetables, a serving of oatmeal, a glass of low-fat milk, etc.
  • Lunch should include a light salad, protein in the form of lean cheese/chicken.
  • The dinner menu should include all food groups, e.g. fish, lean beef/chicken with vegetables, etc. Try not to eat pasta.


To lose weight in a month without harm to health, choose the right dietary diet. The daily diet should be light, but do not abuse fatty and starchy foods, do not overeat. By adding to it, you can lose not 2-3 kg, but 4-5 in a month, without feeling much hunger. Try to limit salt and sugar. You can consume up to 150-200 g of baked / stewed / boiled meat and 200-300 g of fruits per day, except for grapes with bananas. The number of vegetables per day should be 300-400 g - minimize the consumption of potatoes and legumes.


With regular training, you can significantly speed up your metabolism, so that fat burning becomes more intense. For the entire time of training, it will be possible to remove fat from such problem areas like belly, sides. In addition to visiting the pool, tennis court or cycling, use the following well-known exercises:

  • running in place
  • squats;
  • twisting;
  • pushups;
  • exercises with dumbbells.


Losing weight in a limited time, for example, in 30 days seems to be a very difficult and generally mythical process. But in fact, there is nothing unusual about this. On the contrary, if you know some tricks, then you can get a slender figure in 30 days without exhausting diets and in a good mood. Use our simple tips, and a pleasant result on the scales will not be long in coming.

By the way, if you get involved in this process, you will be able to radically change your lifestyle and stick to it in the future. This is a great opportunity to stay perfect shape and further - to the delight of her husband and as an example to her friends.

Rationally distribute the time of eating

The “golden” rule of successfully getting rid of extra pounds is to eat more often, but in small portions. Take it for granted and try to eat by the hour. The body will get used to constancy at the physiological level and will be ready to digest food, which will positively affect the quality of metabolism.

During the day, you need to eat tightly 3 times, this is traditionally breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as healthy snacks between main meals. You can have a snack with drinking yogurt, kefir, green apple, carrots or similar products.

In the morning, our body works as efficiently as possible, so breakfast should be dense, healthy and satisfying. Whole grain cereals with the addition of protein dairy products are best suited: cottage cheese or yogurt with nuts, dried fruits, fresh berries. At lunch, it is permissible to eat soup on vegetable or chicken broth with salad, and in the evening - boiled or baked fish, chicken, lean beef with a side dish of fresh / stewed vegetables.

Among all the programs, Gillian stands out " Ideal figure in 30 days." It is designed in such a way that a woman can lose the maximum possible number of kilograms without endangering her body. The program is designed for 30 days and consists of 3 levels, which last for 10 days. After each level, you must definitely take a one-day break to give the body the opportunity to rest and tune in to new loads.

The effectiveness of the course is due not only to hard work on your body, but also to well-planned classes. So 3 minutes should be devoted to strength training, 2 minutes to exercises to maintain the proper functioning of the heart, and 1 minute to training the abdominal area. This separation allows you to use all the necessary muscles during each workout and accelerate burning. subcutaneous fat. You will not even notice how you will become 1-2 sizes smaller, tighten your muscles and strengthen your heart! A unique set of exercises from Jillian Michaels help you get beautiful figure in 30 days!

Program inventory

For classes you will need:

  • two dumbbells (instead of dumbbells, it is allowed to use water-filled plastic bottles 0.5 l.);
  • sports uniform (trousers must be elastic and not hinder movement);
  • sneakers (you can’t do barefoot, as this can lead to injuries to the ankle and foot).

The first level of the program "Slender figure in 30 days"

The first part of the course involves active work on weight loss. The right mental attitude is important - you should be prepared for the fact that the classes will be intense and quite difficult. For the first few days of training, you will physically feel every cell of your body, but this pain will most likely be pleasant, because you will realize that you have taken the 1st step towards perfection. On the 5th day, the exercises will already seem to you not so difficult, as the body will begin to get used to the systematic loads, and you will feel that you are going in the right direction.

The first level of the complex includes the following exercises: push-ups, squats, jumps, lunges with weights, a set of exercises for the abdominals.

The second level of the program "Slender figure in 30 days"

The first day of the Level 2 course may seem incredibly difficult for you, even though your body is already set up for daily intense loads. All women who have completed the program consider the second level the most difficult part of the course.

This stage of the program involves intensive training aimed at upper part torso. You'll be doing exercises like hobo push-ups, deep lunges, planks, quad jumps, and see for yourself that Jillian Michaels made sure none of your muscles were left out of work. You can't just squat or press dumbbells - you have to learn how to do both at the same time.

The third level of the program "Slender figure in 30 days"

This part of the course will most likely be associated with the most intensive classes. However, you will be pleasantly surprised, because in fact this stage will be much easier than the previous two, and you will pass it with ease, due to the fact that by this time your body will be sufficiently trained. New exercises will be given quite easily and will not cause any special difficulties. The last 10 days of the program will seem easy and pleasant to you, primarily due to the fact that you will see the result of your work.

The third level involves daily execution following exercises: jumping, push-ups in the bar, squat, running in the bar, jumping on legs apart, running with dumbbells, side plank and etc.


After 30 days intense training weight can fluctuate, misleading you. Trained muscles will swell due to increased exertion, retaining water, which can lead to weight gain. But don't panic! Take measurements with a tape measure, not a scale.

I looked at a few reviews and decided to get started. At that time, I was not even registered here. And now I'm with you and I hasten to tell everything!!!

Something about me...

I must say right away that I needed this program after giving birth.

Before pregnancy, I myself worked as a trainer (this is not my main job, but more of a hobby).

I got back in shape with using nutrition(diet to speed up metabolism), keeping a food diary and of course exercise! But still it's not so easy for yourself motivate every day and I decided to look video lessons fitness that would inspire me and help to tighten the body!

And then I found this program that lasts only 30 days!

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About the videos themselves...

The program immediately interested me in an unusual approach to business. I also love building for myself. STEPS development. And just like that there were Difficulty LEVELS. Like in the game

One video lesson lasts about 25 minutes. That is, you only need to do 25 minutes a day, which is not much at all! For me it was very important. I could have time to work out in the afternoon while the child was sleeping.

The essence of the program is to perform 3 levels of video lessons by Jillian Michaels for 30 days without interruption.

Why no breaks? So that the body does not have time to wean from stress (exceptions may be on unfavorable women's days).

The first 10 days - the first lesson. The second 10 days - the second. And the final stage of the last 10 days is the third lesson.

What they say about this program:

Make your body the way you have long dreamed of! Here is an effective 30-day course of exercises from the expert in the world of fitness Jillian Michaels. This complex is specially prepared for people who are not constantly involved in sports, but who want to lose weight. The exercises from it are simple and are performed according to the "3-2-1" scheme: three minutes are devoted to strength exercises, two minutes for cardio exercises and one minute for ab exercises. Performing these exercises consistently, you will be able to burn excess calories as efficiently as possible, strengthen muscles and get the result in 30 days.

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1 LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY (first 10 days of training)

The video lesson begins with an introduction to the participants. Together with a coach jill , there are two of her assistants. Natalie - She performs a more complex version of the exercises. And Anita - for beginners, an easier option.

I constantly looked at Natalie, because all the same, I kept my muscles during pregnancy with the help of video lessons for pregnant women. But for those who are not prepared, I advise you to look at Anita.

To start training, you need a mat (who doesn’t have them, I recommend buying them. I’m delighted with them, in extreme cases, take bottles of water)

★ The lesson started as expected with warm-ups. It is short in this program, this is its minus - the muscles do not have time to warm up, and it is very simple. At first, you think that the course is quite easy. But this is only the first impression.

★ Then go cardio - jumping (for me, it was only difficult not to wake up the child with my jumps. It was because of this that I jumped carefully and quietly on my toes)

★ Next - power training. Push ups! This is my favorite. I do push-ups without problems from socks, as Natalie shows many times - about 20. But I understand that it is push-ups that can be problematic for many. Therefore, I recommend pushing up from the knees starting from 3 times and gradually increasing.

And exercises with dumbbells. Which are very cool to tighten the arms and strengthen the muscles of the legs.

★ Then - exercises on abdominal Press. At the first level, these exercises did not seem difficult to me. Although, again, I always rocked it. Even during pregnancy (it's hard to describe - but everything was safe, there was a fitball on the ball)

★ At the end of the class, as in all fitness programs, there is a . It is short and simple, but without it it is impossible. After the lesson, I continued stretching for another 5 minutes.

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After the first days of training, my whole body ached! Yes, even a more or less trained person's muscles hurt! But it passes quickly. The main thing is not to stop.

After 3-5 days, you get involved and already do everything in one breath.

After 10 days, the result is noticeable both on the scales and visually. A noticeable press appears and the buttocks are tightened.

I was looking forward to level 2! I crossed off days on the calendar every day. And that day has come!

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2 LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY (second 10 days of training)

★ Warm up is similar to the first level

★ Cardio is also a little more complicated (appeared difficult jumps with lifting the knees to the waist and jumping with emphasis on the hands)

Power training- very unusual! I liked the new push-ups with a pass on the hands and more complex dumbbells.

★ Exercises for the press pleased with their novelty. Although for the first LEVEL the press was already so pumped up that the exercises were not very complicated.

★ At the end as usual stretching. It's nice to do it and be happy for yourself and for a job well done.

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The results are encouraging every day. The body was tightened, the centimeters were gone ... The weight gradually decreased.

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3 LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY (last 10 days of training):

★ There are a lot of exercises combined from several at once, which were previously

★ I liked the new elbow exercises and my favorite "boat" to strengthen the back

exercise "boat"

★ I also liked interesting jumps and a new exercise with dumbbells for all types of muscles.

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5. Now let's move on to the FINAL results

It may seem to many that I already had no big weight, but I can assure you that losing weight is much more difficult when there is not much of it anyway! And here I already focus not only on the readings of the scales and the centimeter, but also on my internal sensations and the presence of muscles.

I apologize in advance for the photo. When I started to study, I did not think that I would register here and write a review. I took the photo for myself to visually evaluate the result. If I had known, I would have taken much better photographs and more detailed ones.

I can say that all my muscles have tightened up, especially my legs, hips, back. The press worked well. My hands were pumped up before that, but the exercises only benefited them. The weight has been significantly reduced by approximately 4 kg.

Of course, nutrition plays a big role. I tried not to eat after 6pm. I also sometimes practice banana-kefir diet.

In addition to the course, I twisted my favorite massage hoop!

I am currently working on fitball and a bench for the press and back.

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Are there any downsides to this program?

I can say that I would attribute a short warm-up to minor disadvantages. Due to the fact that the warm-up is fast, my muscles did not warm up and at the 2nd stage I slightly damaged the calcaneal tendon. But I won't take away 1 star for that. After all, you can warm up before training on your own.

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6. Conclusions.

My only regret is that I didn't find this program sooner!

Thank you Jillian Michaels for such wonderful exercises that help to be beautiful, slim and healthy!

I will periodically repeat this course to maintain good shape.

I recommend it to everyone!

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My VIDEO REVIEW of the program from Jillian Michaels (my opinion of these workouts):

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30 Day Shred Slim figure in 30 days) was the first program of my . Having downloaded from my favorite rutracker, and having read the instructions for use, I set off on a further journey in the company of a slender 40-year-old bisexual. So three ten-day workouts based on Gillian's 3-2-1 interval system: three minutes power load, two minutes of cardio and one minute of the press, warm-up and hitch (stretching) and all this in 30 minutes.

Dumbbells of 2 kg were confiscated from my son, with which I started my home journey. With Gillian, I did not change the habit, and continued to rape myself in the same company.

Three levels "Slender figure in 30 days" kept the body in good shape for 30 days. Cardio is intense everywhere, so it is very difficult for unprepared people to ride along with a crazy aunt on the screen.

I started, as expected, from the first level, and after a 30-minute workout, perhaps, I did not stick to the floor from sweat. The next day my legs and arms hurt. The pace set by the coach squeezed all the strength out of me. There is absolutely no monotony: strength, cardio and abs constantly replaced each other, not having time to get bored a bit. Working every second, without interruption, the body remembered that muscles were hiding behind a layer of fat. And the soft pats of the lard during the jumps acted like lashes, and made them jump with their last strength. The thought constantly flew through my head: “The aunt from the screen wants my death, it’s not for nothing that she constantly rubs something in English.”

First training "Slender figure in 30 days" went very hard, I had very little experience. I will not hide, I looked at my watch to determine how much more the sadistic aunt would mock me. by the most best moment there were minutes when, after a 2-minute cardio, I plopped down on the floor to work out the abdominal muscles. Around the third day, I began to get used to the exercises, the pace, the load and the constantly talking aunt from the screen. Once I tried to work out without dumbbells (I really felt sorry for myself on the second day) - this was not worth doing! It turned out that half of the training was wasted.

By the end of the level, after 10 days, I began to understand that the training was not so difficult, but then, like a bolt from the blue, the next level fell down. And again swearing, cursing and drops of sweat underfoot.

After 10 days of intensive training with Jillian Michaels, I recovered, both in weight and in volume. I noticed this thanks to jeans, which for some reason again began to fit with difficulty. The reason turned out to be banal and left me after another 10 days - swelling of untrained muscles.It was caused by the appearance of microscopic tears in the fibers of the muscles (like a cut on the skin), which take in fluid.

  • take potassium and magnesium, "responsible" for the opening of intercellular membranes
  • training in at least two different pairs of sneakers: miscellaneous work different types of cushioning will load the leg muscles differently
  • massage and self-massage
  • sauna and bath with a broom: a combination of thermal and massage effects on the muscles

After two or three weeks, the body partially adapts to the load, which happened to me, the pain in the muscles disappeared, the swelling subsided.

There is another significant nuance, in Slim figure in 30 days“You need to carefully and carefully treat your knees and ankles. There are a lot of jumps, and without following the technique, you can damage them, which makes training very traumatic. Due to my inexperience and ignorance, I generally saw myself as a fitness guru and for about five days I managed to work out without sneakers (why make noise, the child is sleeping). Here is the result of my experiments:

Swollen ankle - the result of non-compliance with safety precautions during training "Slender figure in 30 days"

It was possible, of course, to avoid the state when I could hardly walk. Then the ankle would not have suffered much, but I wanted to lose weight so quickly that I continued training with Jillian Michaels for a couple more days (though already in sneakers). Here's why you can't do fitness without running shoes. Saved Dikul's ointment and elastic bandage. After 2 days I was again galloping like a saiga.

In her videos, Jillian Michaels focuses on correct technique performing exercises. If you look closely, you can see that it specifically shows how not to do it. In order not to hurt your knees during classes, you must perform a warm-up. So, at least partially, the knees can be prepared for the upcoming load. Stretching also plays an important role. Gillian has few stretch marks, so it is desirable, of course, to add a hitch from yourself or download for 8-10 minutes.

Imagining myself as a hero who mastered the first level by five points, moving to the second, I realized that I was nothing! Jillian Michaels instantly showed me who was in charge and explained clearly that my level was just above the front door rug. There was no doubt inThe second level is much more difficult than the first, and starting it, you understand that the real loads are just ahead.

What can we say about the third level, when everything secret becomes clear.

results "Slender figure in 30 days" become noticeable, really, very quickly, despite the short period of time allotted for them. In combination with proper nutrition, the body is well tightened in 30 days, especially if it resembles the outlines of Smeshariki from children's cartoons. Around the 20th day, arms are drawn, shoulders are rounded. The view from the back pleases the most: the wings behind the back at chest level go away, the waist and buttocks lose the appearance of a solid column. The body, of course, does not become a variant of the "model from the cover of the magazine", but it is well tightened and overall well-being improves.

Results after passing "Slender figure in 30 days" Jillian Michaels

By the end of the 30-day course "Slender figure in 30 days", I could not imagine my everyday life without training. Half an hour is not much, in the quiet hour of the child you can easily have time to work out, and Gillian manages to squeeze out the maximum during this time, which attracts. The results motivate, like no other, for further exploits..

In addition to her workouts, Jillian has released a book - Jillian Michaels "Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You". You can download it on torrents, for example,