Mod to improve satellites. Global improvement of satellites - Gameplay changes - Mods and plugins for TES V: Skyrim

This mod is a set of tools and dialogs for managing satellites.(required for many modifications)

Peculiarities: (Preferred to know)
1) Dialogue:
a) You know.. . (With containing various options depending on the NPCs with whom you interact)
- You are very important / Everyone dies sometime... (Makes a choice to live or die. If the choice is important, then the companion will not die, but will be injured and replenish life / choose die, your companion may die)
- you can dress better (Enables full control over the companion's inventory i.e. all standard and hidden armor will be visible during the exchange)
- Let's rest a little / Time to go(Satellites remain on place and start do different things, like normal NPCs. At the same time, their indicators are restored / start to follow you)
- In combat, mistakes happen. Forgive and forget / Take revenge on the one who harmed you (Set reaction/non-reaction to your hits (friendly fire)).
- You are without clothes... (Removes clothes from satellites)

- Let's talk about magic... (Menu containing a list of magic)
---- The book may be useful to you (Gives you the ability to throw a spell tome into your companion's inventoryfor him to study)
---- Forget magic. Vile art. (Removes an unnecessary spell.)
-- I need your help / We need to part (Hire a companion/ fire a companion. Requires the rank of Tan and huskard with you)
-- Nothing sorry (End of conversation.)
b) Show what you can(will show satellite abilities, current bonuses and skills)
in ) Let's get some exercise (Will be align satellite skill statistics in accordance with current level)
2) Satellite limit -- the number of companions accompanying you is limited to 15 (not counting dogs or quest NPCs).
3) Companions on horseback -- 8 Companion Horses can be found in major cities of Skyrim, around the stables.
-- When riding a horse --
- Companion and horse travel fast with GG ( after a quick trip you have to click on T and wait 1 hour, then press E , which will allow the player to move about with companions and horses )
- The horses of the companions will follow the GG's horse when he gets off it.
- Companions will not join the battle until you join yourself.
- When getting off the horse --
- Companion Horse won't move fast.
- companion horsewill remain on where the satellite dismounted.
-- Satellites do not follow GG --
- Horse Companions return to your stables.

4) Group commands:
Book " Command area " located in Whiterun "House of warm winds". You will find it on the floor at the threshold, as you enter the house. She will teach you voice commands (i.e. shouting). Used as a normal shout.
- Rest (All your companions within the radius of your shout will begin to behave like normal NPCs, also restoring their health, mana, stamina, healing from poisons, etc.)
- will stop ( All your companions within your shout will stop) Shouting again will cancel their actions.
- run( All your companions within the radius of your cry will remove their weapons and start running after the GG. During the flight of horses, satellites do not use) Shouting again will cancel their actions.
- stop fighting (If the satellites start to fight among themselves, then given command will undo this action).
5) Miscellaneous:
- Huscard- All housecards will move into your house as soon as you buy it in the city.
- Dual wielding- All companions can dual wield if appropriate weapon.
- Marriage- All companions are possible for marriage.
- and much more...

- Make sure you have game version 1.5 or higher.
- In the "Options" folder is .esp, which allows satellites to repeat all the actions of the GG, get weapons, stealth. It is not necessary to set.
- Throw the contents of the archive into the Skyrim / Data game folder and in the Launcher - "Files" activate the mod.
- If you want to remove the mod with ends, then you must first dismiss all the companions from the group. In the console type " playerfollowercount", if it shows 0, then everything is fine. Go to Riverwood and find Tina "Firefly" which stands on the banks of the river. Start a dialogue with her and only after that save the game, disable all mods, go into the game, save and delete the mod. If you don't, most of the NPCs will be naked. The same goes for mod updates!

- Compatible with all mods, except those that change dialogues with companions. Possible conflicts are resolved by the mod load order i.e. via BOSS.


UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul is a well-known powerful modification to improve companions. Its key features are the expansion of the functionality of interaction with partners, as well as teaching them how to ride and increasing their allowable number.

What the mod brings:
- Increases the maximum number of satellites to 15! (does not include quest characters)
- The ability to both put and remove the Essential (immortal) label from the character, so that even Dovahkiin cannot accidentally kill a companion.
- The ability to dress absolutely any companions.
- Give satellites a "rest", they go into sandbox mode and behave "at home" in their current location, interacting with objects.
- The ability to turn on / off the satellite's reaction to random (or special) Dovakin's attacks.
- Ask the companion to get dressed if for some reason he turns out to be naked.
- Giving companions new spellbooks to study, as well as making them forget the learned magic.
- View current satellite characteristics (during localization, the window moved a little, but I brought it to the most readable form).
- Raise the level of satellites to the current level of Dovakin if they are behind him.
- Group commands through shouts: everyone to run away from the battle, everyone to rest, everyone to stand, everyone to stop the fight (if a fight broke out between them). And also the reverse action of these commands - stop running, stop resting, etc.
-- learns with the help of a book that can be bought for 5000 gold at the Whiterun stables. Attention! The option will appear only with eloquence 50+!
- 8 horses for companions, one for each stable, with the ability for companions to ride them when Dovakin himself is riding (built-in function, you can not use and use the "Horse riding with comfort" mod).
-- more about horses below.
- Huscarls are returned to the player's house in the city by default if purchased.
- Removed level caps for all vanilla companions.
- Ability to fight with two weapons, if you give them the right equipment.
- Fixed gender animations, for example, Lydia stops using male options walking etc.
- Companions take out weapons only during the battle, and not every time Dovakin does it.
- Companions will not engage in combat during stealth unless the player initiates combat or you are not spotted.
- All companions have become available for marriage.
- The constant spawning basic bow and arrows have been removed.

About horses:
- All equipment is bought at the Whiterun stable.
- An item for interaction with horses to put items for companions, as well as ordinary things.
- Basic Riding Equipment: If you put horses in your inventory, your companions will be able to fast travel with you on horseback. Companions will appear immediately, and their horse after an hour of waiting.
- Harness for horses: if you put a horse in your inventory, it will remain where you left it. Designed specifically for this.
- Companions do not engage in battle while on horseback, only if the player is attacked.
- With the "rest" command, you can make them dismount even if you yourself want to stay in the saddle.

The latest stable version of the mod is 1.2j.b15 - Fully compatible with Dawnguard & Hearthfire. A separate file is supposed for Dragonborn, but according to the author, it is not needed, because. the only thing it does is slightly change the level lists of satellites, which can be done with the appropriate command from the dialogue menu with the satellite.

All statistics for each satellite, as well as individual settings for each of the satellites, can be viewed in the MCM menu .


Copy the files to the Data folder, place as low as possible in the download priority.


Open console (default tilde `/~), type:
help Tina 4 (get "ACTI:(xxxx) "Tina The Firefly")
player.placeatme xxxx (xxxx from the line above)
Talk to her and disable the mod. Save and exit the game.
Delete mod files from Data


Not compatible with similar mods that add the same features, such as: changing the number of satellites, the ability to change vanilla clothes, etc.
The following mods do not work:
Master Shape Shifter
FSS - No pause between lines
hug me
Herman the Mad

List of known compatible mods:
Followers can Relax
Follower Trap Safety
Spouse can live everywhere
move it

Mods to put BELOW UFO:
Specialized followers
Essential Followers
Better Followers (don't install dialogue.esp and remove C01QuestScript.pex from data/scripts)

Compatible mods to enable BEFORE UFO:
Gabby the Cute Pastry Chef Companion
Fair Khajiit
Horses for Followers
Horse Branding (disable BasicHorseRidingAI.esp)

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    • From

      Author: I
      Version: 1.0
      Text language: Russian (RUS). Mod encoding - UTF8
      I wrote this mod purely for my technical needs when testing a whale for CE. But... maybe it will fit someone.
      The mod will add a sacrificial dagger of dragon priests with the "Flesh Eater" enchantment to the game. The essence of enchantment is that when a corpse is struck with such a blade, the dead body disappears, and voiced coins are added to the owner's pockets. The number of coins depends on the size of the dead body. For human bodies a bar of 5 coins has been set in order to avoid excessive enrichment of the GG in short time. For every hundred "removed" corpses, the enchantment can drop you from 1 to 4 filled soul stones of a random caliber. The damage and speed of this dagger is slightly more than vanilla.
      The "Flesh Eater" enchantment can be removed from a dagger with the pentagram of souls and transferred to any melee weapon.
      You can find a dagger and a small accompanying note (purely for lornity) in the Dragon Limit near Faringar on the table. The dagger will have to be stolen (also for lorness XD). Or use AddItem.
      Skyrim SE
      There shouldn't be any problems with this.
      Installation (using mod managers recommended or manually):
      Place the contents of the archive in the Data folder and activate the mod in the launcher.

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      Registration on the website.


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      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site. Version:2.0
      Language: not required
      Conversion under SE: Me
      This mod is only a conversion of a similar
      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site. from the LE version. 1. All animations and behavior files are converted to x64.
      2. The mod has been tested in the game. I didn't get any non-working animations.
      A lot of different animations have already been released for the Skyrim game, such as changing the original animations of the player’s movement, animation of stances, combat, just walking and running, and so on, there are various mods for adding new animations of movement, but another mod has appeared, much more ambitious than all previously released motion animation mods! This package includes over 560 animations that change almost all the animations involved in the game, of various types. Almost every animation in Skyrim has been replaced. The video shows only a small number of general changes, as it is simply unrealistic to show all the animations, it would take quite a long time to show everything.
      The animation in this pack has been handpicked and tweaked for use with female characters and NPCs. However, the package also includes a folder for male characters and NPCs, but it currently only has vanilla, game animations, I still do not understand why they are and what they replace and whether they replace at all, or will the same animations be used as for female characters, it is not clear.
      - Over 560 substitutes for the original game animations of all types and directions
      - Replaced all combat animations for various types of weapons, one-handed, two-handed, dual and lunges, turns in battle, and so on
      - Replaced all animations with custom magic
      - Replaced all riding animations
      - Replaced all animations associated with stealth mode, with a roll
      - Replaced all animations for casting spells
      - Replaced all animations of running, stepping, jumping, dodging, turning, left, right and so on
      - Replaced all animations of MomoAJ, acrobatic jumps
      - Replaced all animations of archery and crossbow shooting (Dawnguard support)
      - There is an animation of transformation into a vampire lord (if I'm not mistaken, the mt_vampirelord_transform.hkx file)
      - And many, many other in-game animation replacements all in one package
      Video review
      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site. Requirements:
      Skyrim SE

      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site. The installation process is completely similar to the LE version
      Before installation:
      - Make a backup of the animations and behaviors folders: (if you have such folders, if not, then you do not need to save anything)
      - Just in case, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful if you do not like the mod and want to return everything back
      Installation: (can be done manually or via NMM manager)
      - Place the Data folder from the archive in the game folder (not Data in Data), confirm the merging of folders and files
      - On a note!!! All animation files are in one common package, so if anyone understands which files are responsible for what, they can simply not put what they don’t need, it’s just very, very long to describe which files belong to which animation, because for each animation of 560 options it’s impossible to describe and submit the entire list.
      - Next, after installation, go to FNIS, along the path Data / Tools / GenerateFNIS_for_Users and run the executable file GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, in the window that opens 1. Check three patches at the bottom of the window:
      GENDER Specific Animations (Special animation by gender)
      SKELETON Arm Fix (Fix the skeleton of the hands)
      xp32 "s Momo Acrobatic Jump (acrobatic jumps)
      2. Click the "Update FNIS behavior" button and wait until all animations are generated and added to the list, after completion you will be told in the window how many animations have been added
      3. You may get a warning: "1 non-FNIS behavior files in meshes\character\behaviors. They CAN be the cause of Skyrim incompatibility"
      This warning can be ignored, close the FNIS window and that's it, let's go play

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      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site. Author mod ken1945
      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site. Version: 1.0
      Russian language

      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site. Description:
      This is a conversion of the original mod for Skyrim SE. This mod will add a new, stand-alone Thunderbird armor to the game. She is quite open and very beautiful.
      Suitable for all connoisseurs of the female body and lovers of "heavy" armor. Armor was made for UNP and CBBE bodies, so correct operation is guaranteed only with them. Armor is craftable and upgradeable, you need to have an ebony blacksmithing perk.
      - Armor
      - Gloves
      - Helmet
      - Boots
      Where to find:
      You can find armor in Whiterun, in a new chest (see screenshot)
      - Skyrim SE
      - Body CBBE or UNP
      Using NMM (recommended) or manually

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      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site. Russian language
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      This is a conversion of the original Skyrim SE mod. The mod adds Elvenia's armor, made on the basis of elven armor, a bow and explosive arrows. The author understands that the armor looks like a bikini, but still, he does not want to call it a bikini. What the name Elvenia means, the author also does not disclose. And okay...
      The kit includes:
      bodice, boots, gloves, diadem, physics-enabled earrings, bow and explosive arrows.
      The author created an animation pack for handling a bow, which is located in the archive "Her shooting" (Elvenia Her Archery). The animation can be seen in the video below.
      When you install this animation pack, it will replace the vanilla one. FNIS does not need to be started.
      The main mod includes UNPBO TBBP body armor, and all the necessary textures.
      Additionally, sets of presets for BodySlide, for the CBBE and UUNP body families are included.

      In a separate archive is a bow for the view from the 1st person.
      All ammunition is crafted in the "Elven" section.
      Skyrim SE

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      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site.
      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site.
      Hidden content
      To view the hidden content you need to register on the site.
      UNPBO / CBBE / UUNP repeater Optional: (To work with UUNP presets)

      Hidden content
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      Installation: (can be done manually, but recommended via NMM/MO managers)
      Install the main mod first. When installing manually, extract the contents of the archive and place Data in the root of the game. Activate in launcher.
      Next, optionally install presets for BodySlide. Attention! - The Elvenia UUNP BodySlide HDT Family archive, in addition to the UUNP preset pack, contains ready-made files for 7BASE HDT, MCBM HDT and UNP HDT bodies. They are installed on request.
      The bow handling animation pack and the bow for 1st person view are strongly recommended to be installed via NMM/MO managers.
      in reverse order.
      According to the main mod link for UNPBO TBBP

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  • Version: 1.2G


    Requires Skyrim version 1.6 or higher.

    UFO is a set of new features and improvements to the original in-game companion system in the game.

    Ability to hire up to 15 companions at once - Thanks to the new scripts, you can have several companions at the same time.

    The main goals pursued by me during the development:

    Make the mod simple enough for those who don't read the instructions.

    Add new companions and improve existing ones.

    Fix bugs that were in the original game.

    Provide compatibility with most types of plugins.


    1. Dialogues from UFO do not work correctly or do not work right away!

    2. If you recruit any DLC companion second, then you may have to ask him to join three times. The same is true with layoffs.

    I myself tested with the Dawnguard DLC and I also have a bunch of mods, and therefore I post this version, everything is in Russian.

    At first there were problems, the mod did not work right away, I tried it in the console, nothing came out 0, so everything works.

    That is, companions were hired, but the dialogue menu did not come out.

    I hired 2 companions, saved a little bit, saved again in a new slot and exited.

    The next day everything worked, dialogues came out: You know ... - opens a number of additional dialogue options.

    Ultimate Follower Overhaul

    The last screen was made by me Radon116, it shows the first dialogue with the Seductress

    I have not tested it on horses, but I think everything will work, shown on the screenshots.

    Mod is not afraid because. nested Addon for DLC Dawnguard, which is not in other versions!

    Instructions inside archive. txt. shtml.

    This mod is a collection of various improvements that allow you to better control your companions. Everything is implemented as simply and clearly as possible, so that even without reading the readme, the player can easily configure satellites to suit their preferences.


    1. Fully accessible inventory - now you can take away the bored vanilla armor from Lydia!

    2. Ability to hire up to 15 satellites at the same time.

    3. View Companion Parameters - Now you can find out which weapon your companion is the best at, and what to equip him with, as well as find out his resistance various types damage and basic parameters - health, magic, endurance.

    4. Now the satellite levels up with you (in the original, the game remembered the level of the satellite at the time of your meeting). Now the level is no longer static. In order for the skills to match the current level, you need to ask the companion to practice.

    5. From now on, companions can fight with two blades.

    6. Now Lydia does not go to the House of Warm Winds if you have not bought it yet.

    7. No level restrictions.
    8. Now your companions will be more feminine - no male animation!

    9. Improved housecarl duties - now housecarls do housework.

    10. Any of the companions can be called to the temple of Mary.

    11. Companions now only draw weapons in combat.

    12. You can make any companion mortal or immortal. Hire him and select the line of the dialogue "You know ..." - and then everything is clear.

    13. All companions can ride if they have a horse. Eight companion horses were added to the stables at big cities. Added horses can be used when fast moving. Horses from other mods are not supported.

    Companion horses will follow the player's horse

    Fast Travel Mounted - When you and your companions are riding horses, fast travel, then wait 1 hour (T). Riders and horses may not move indoors.

    If you release companions, their horses will return to the stables.

    When companions are mounted, they do not intervene in conflicts, but will protect themselves or the player.

    If you become a thane, you can hire the Whiterun Guard if the Huscarl is with you.

    Cicero and other members of the Dark Brotherhood use slightly different mechanics than regular companions, so you still can't change them. Perhaps the author implements this in a later version.


    1. Compatible with any mod that does not affect quests and dialogues related to companions.

    2. Companions from mods can get dialogues from . However, companions of unusual races may not be affected.

    3.Mod is compatible with:

    Followers can Relax

    Follower Trap Safety (do not step on traps)

    Spouse can live everywhere (spouse can live anywhere)

    4. Mods that are compatible with UFO if they are AFTER UFO in load order:

    All mods that change the appearance of satellites.

    Specialized followers

    Essential Followers (immortal followers)

    horse branding

    Better Followers (don't use dialogue.esp and remove C01QuestScript.pex from data/scripts folder)

    Mods created in NPC Editor

    5. Mods compatible with UFO when they are ABOVE UFO in load order:

    Gabby the Cute Pastry Chef Companion

    Horses for Followers


    Recruit More Blades- SkyhavenTempleEnhanced

    Any mod that changes the number of hired companions.


    1. Update Skyrim version (at least 1.5)

    2. Use original game launcher or SKSE

    3. Start Skyrim, load the game, fire all followers, type "playerfollowercount" without quotes in the console and if it gives a zero, save and exit.

    4. Disable all mods affecting companions and remove them.

    5. Run, load the save, save again, exit.

    6. Install UFO, put UFO.esp at the end of the mod list or use BOSS.

    7) Launch Skyrim and play for fun.


    1. If you FOREVER want to give up UFO.

    Fire all companions and move to Riverwood. On the island, talk to Tina Firefly. Yes, she is a firefly. When you get to the "You're done, exit the game and delete the UFO files" dialog, you can save and delete the plugin.

    WHY? Yes, because if you turn off the mod without talking to Tina, all your companions will be naked. Alas, this the only way make removing the mod safe to use in the same save with other mods that change companions.

    2. BE SURE to fire all companions before talking to Tina and uninstalling the mod. Otherwise, very unpleasant mistakes can happen.

    3. If you don't know how to find Tina Firefly:

    Open console and type "help Tina 4" without quotes,

    A line like "ACTI:(xxxx) "Tina The Firefly" will appear in the console

    Type player.placeatme xxxx (xxxx is the number from above)