Is it possible to exercise during menstruation. Is it possible to play sports during menstruation? Is there a delay during intense exercise

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Sport is a necessary occupation in the life of every person, which keeps him in shape, improves health. And this applies not only to men. Every year more and more women begin to lead an active lifestyle, doing jogging, swimming, fitness, yoga. And they have a natural question, is it possible to play sports during menstruation, because menstruation is an integral part of their life, which imposes some restrictions on girls during this period! Is exercise harmful during menstruation?

  • Recommended. Doing sports during menstruation is possible. In some cases, exercise is even beneficial, especially for those who have severe pain during menstruation. Pain during menstruation is caused by spasms of the uterus, which, contracting, tries to remove the exfoliated endometrium. Like any muscle, it can be relaxed with the help of special exercises that produce the effect of stretching the contracted muscle layer (slow arching back, shallow slow squats with stretching while standing on toes up, etc.).
  • Forbidden. Active sports during menstruation are absolutely contraindicated, because. increase blood flow to the female pelvic organs, can cause bleeding, loss of consciousness, dizziness, exhaustion of the body, weakened by menstrual blood loss. You can not run fast, do strength exercises, aerobics, swim in the pool or ponds (this is not hygienic and can lead to infections in the blood and genitals of a woman). During menstruation, any serious stress on the body is prohibited. Active sports before and during the discharge can lead to delays.
  • Allowed. It is permissible to play sports during menstruation with a reduction in load to a minimum: warming up the limbs (swinging arms, turning the neck), leisurely walking, yoga without twisting (with the aim of only warming up the joints, muscles, without exercises on the lower body). The body should not be exhausted, tired, overstrained - here it is better to focus on your feelings: as long as the workouts are comfortable, you are allowed to do it, but at the slightest physical discomfort, you should immediately stop them.

What exercises can you do when you are on your period

To maintain muscle tone and somewhat reduce pain during menstruation, use this set of exercises:

  • "Wave". Lie on the floor with your back down. Stretch your arms along the body. Bend your knees so that your feet touch the floor. Relax your abdominal muscles. Breathe not so much with your chest as with your stomach; with deep, tangible breaths, it should expand. Do the exercise for two minutes, at this time do unhurried smooth backbends up and down the lower body.
  • "Extraction". Stand up straight. Stretch your arms up and stretch as high as possible. Rise on your toes, stretch again. Do this on your fingers for 10 steps.
  • "Cat Pose". Get on all fours so that your elbows and knees are on the floor. Lower your head to the floor, touch your forehead to the gap between your elbows. The pelvis can be tilted back slightly. Relax your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Stay as long as you want - there is no time limit.
  • Downward facing dog pose. Stand so that the feet and palms are on the floor, arms and legs are extended, the pelvis is at the top exactly in the middle. You should get a triangle. Tilt your pelvis back a little, stretch your arms, relax your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Stand no more than 1 minute, you do not need to do it too often.
  • "Pose of the snake." Lie on your stomach. Stretch your legs along the floor. Raise the torso vertically, perpendicular to the surface, arms should be extended along the torso and stand with palms on the floor, the pubic bone should lie on the floor. Slowly, slightly pull the muscles of the abdomen and ribs up to the chest. You can bend your legs at the knees and raise them perpendicular to the floor (“the snake raises its tail”) and again slightly pull the muscles on the ribs to the chest. Do it only on pleasant sensations, as the body “asks”. You can safely stay in this pose, without pulling the abdominal muscles from the pelvic area.
  • "Wall". Stand next to the wall, turn sideways to it. Place your arm from elbow to palm on the wall. And without changing the position of the legs, slowly bend your side so that your thigh touches the wall, just as slowly return to the previous position. Repeat the procedure 3 times, then switch sides.

There are a large number of yoga exercises that are allowed to be practiced during menstruation. They will relieve pain, maintain muscle tone, have a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism, and give results even at low loads. How to perform such exercises, how long to do, what poses are contraindicated on critical days, find out from this video:

Exercises that are contraindicated

  • torso twists, twisting exercises;
  • lifting weights (dumbbells and other weights);
  • training on simulators in the gym (all of them give a load on the legs, abs, or are based on pulling loads with your hands);
  • do slopes of great intensity;
  • make a birch tree, raise the pelvis too high, take “inverted” postures;
  • put pressure on the lower back.

Can tampons be used while exercising?

Many women believe that playing sports with a tampon is the best way out, because. in this case, leaks are unlikely, and leave positive feedback about this practice. However, not all so simple. During sports, blood rushes to the pelvic organs to a large extent, which increases menstrual bleeding and the load on the tampon:

  • during exercise (when the discharge becomes more abundant), it is saturated much faster and requires frequent changes;
  • due to the rush of blood to the pelvic area, the lumen of the vagina may slightly decrease, which creates additional pressure on the tampon, which in itself is enlarged due to supersaturation with fluid;
  • loads can cause it to move up or down;
  • swimming with a tampon is absolutely forbidden, because. while bathing, it is saturated with water, becoming a reservoir and carrier of infection.

Fitness during menstruation - are you for or against? Someone does not notice their periods at all, but twists someone so that there is no thought about training, they would live until morning. So what to do - break through the pain, fear and hatred, or give up? In this article, you will find a scientifically based answer - whether it is possible (and necessary) to exercise during menstruation.

Every woman's body undergoes hormonal changes that must be considered if you want the maximum effect from training. This topic is not customary to discuss with a male trainer (How can he tell that I have my period? Would he think that I was just a lazy person?). But if he does not raise this topic himself, then this is a reason to doubt his experience in training women. Because the way a girl will train, depending on the phase of the cycle, will affect the growth of muscle mass and weight loss.

For beginners, of course, constant training on the same one without changes will also be a ride. If your body has not known any physical activity before, it is harder than walking in the park, then untrained muscles will respond well to any load. But after a couple of months, especially if you strongly notice a change in well-being and mood at the beginning and end of the cycle, you need to think about the correct training scheme.

The main thoughts of the article:

  1. PMS is not just an excuse for training and the topic of bearded jokes. The end of a cycle is the worst time to train hard.
  2. In women who do not drink birth control, and those who use three-phase birth control, the level of hormones in different phases of the cycle is different. For those who drink monophasic - tablets suppress the natural production of hormones and their level is the same throughout the entire cycle.
  3. Studies show that natural cycling women (not taking pills or triphasic birth control) are at their highest levels of strength around the time of ovulation. This is the time when most estrogen is produced.
  4. Science has proven that for women with a natural menstrual cycle, it is very important to adjust training to the phase of the cycle. So you get "more for the same money." What's more, by training too hard at the wrong time, you can actually lose muscle mass.
  5. By scheduling your meals and workouts around the phases of your menstrual cycle, you can get the best results without forcing yourself to train through pain and fatigue.

“So, I didn’t understand whether it is possible to train during menstruation or not?”

The short answer is YOU CAN. But is it necessary if twisted from pain? In this article, we will show you how you can create a training plan depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, and get the most out of your workouts without torturing yourself during PMS and menstruation. This mode will help you grow muscle and burn fat better than if you go to the gym with the same frequency and do the same thing every time.

First, a little theory to understand what is going on inside you.

Briefly about the menstrual cycle

Not everyone has a cycle of 28 days, but for simplicity, let's say that it is the same for everyone.

The menstrual cycle is divided into 2 main phases:

  • Follicular (FF) - from 1 to 14 days
  • Luteal (LF) - from 15 to 28 days

Inside the two main loops, there are two more shorter ones:

  • Menstruation - from 1 to 5 days of the cycle
  • Ovulation - from 12 to 17 days (ovulation itself occurs on one of these days)

Hormone levels fluctuate on different days of the cycle. Especially the female hormones estradiol (estrogen) and progesterone. Estrogen is at its highest during ovulation, and progesterone is highest during the luteal phase (between ovulation and the onset of a new period). How these hormones affect training, we will learn further.



If you are on monophasic birth control, then your hormone levels are the same throughout the month. Therefore, you do not need to change training and nutrition during the month.


With triphasic birth control, you take three different types of pills over the course of a month to adjust to your body's natural hormone levels. Nutrition and training are also best adjusted so that there is a maximum effect from them.

Ovulation is the best time for intense training

Have you noticed that sometimes you almost run to training, with a lot of strength and enthusiasm. And on other days, at the mere thought of a gym, you want to wrap yourself in a blanket, taking a cat with you? It's not just a lack of motivation, not one on Instagram at this moment will give you the strength to. On average, studies show that women's strength levels can vary by 10% depending on the phase of their menstrual cycle. Theoretically, this is + 5kg if you are 50kg.

Scientists do not fully understand what mechanism is responsible for fluctuations in women's strength levels. There are suggestions that the following are responsible for the increase in strength during training during ovulation:

  • the peak of estrogen production (it directly affects the myofibrils in the muscle fibers - with their help, the muscles contract)
  • peak testosterone production (it also acts on myofibrils)

Researchers don't give 100% guarantees yet, so it doesn't hurt to test yourself. For a couple of cycles, keep a diary and write down how much strength you had in training (how much weight you could lift, the number of repetitions / sets, general well-being before and after training). So you will see how the phases of the cycle affect you specifically, and whether you are stronger in training if it is during ovulation.

In all studies, those who take monophasic contraceptives did not show any change in strength levels during training during different phases of the cycle. Some studies show that such contraceptives even slightly reduce the amount of free testosterone in the blood (and overall strength, respectively).

How to plan workouts before/after and during your period

This is where the fun begins.

In recent years, people in white coats have been very interested in exploring how the phase of the menstrual cycle affects muscle growth during training in women. In general, the results are:

  • If you train more in the Follicular phase, then muscle mass and strength grow better than if you spend most of your training in the Luteal phase.
  • Harder and more frequent training in the Follicular phase (eg 5 times a week) and lighter training in the Luteal phase (eg 1 time per week) is better than training consistently 3 times a week
  • The effect of training is different for those who take or do not take birth control. For those who drink monophasic birth control, it makes no sense to change workouts at different phases of the cycle. For those without contraceptives or on triphasic (i.e., the menstrual cycle closest to the natural), training is best to change. In a study in girls with natural menstrual cycles with more frequent training in the follicular phase muscle mass increased by 2%. Conversely, if heavier training was in the Luteal phase, then muscle mass decreased by 1.9%.
  • In another study, girls showed no difference in muscle mass growth regardless of the volume of training in different phases of the cycle. The reason was that the girls before no training experience and they consumed 55-60g of protein per day. In complete beginners, muscles respond very well to training. Therefore, at the very beginning, it is not particularly important how you train, the main thing is to study the exercise technique well and start eating right.

To track the phase of the cycle, you need menstruation calendar:

This calendar app will help you track your ovulation date. The exception is girls with irregular cycles. But even they can try to experiment with training in phases of the cycle.

First two weeks of the menstrual cycle

In the Follicular phase, focus on: core exercises (squat, deadlift, etc.) 3-5 times a week, more sets, more different exercises in every workout. - + 5-10% of the norm (if you are building muscle mass), if you are losing weight - without a surplus (i.e. at the level).

Can I exercise during my period?

Ideally, with the start of a new cycle and the Follicular phase (the first day of menstruation), you can start hard training. But if the menstruation itself (the first 3-5 days) is hard for you to endure, then start hard training from 3-5 days (at the end of menstruation). And in these first 3-5 days, do not train or do it (if you have the strength). If you are lucky and your period is easy, start heavy training on the first day of the cycle.


The days around ovulation are the best time to get the most out of your workouts. You have the most strength train long, hard and intensely 3-5 times a week. Try to increase your personal maximum in basic exercises -, Pull to the belt. In the next two weeks, you will have enough time to rest and recover.

Last two weeks of the menstrual cycle

The luteal phase - the strength for training becomes less. But this does not mean that you need to force yourself through force. Heavy training at this time negatively affects the muscles. Therefore, you need to focus on fat burning. Because in the follicular phase, along with the muscles, you built up a little fat, then in the luteal phase, you need to let the muscles rest and recover, and burn fat. : minus 5-15% of the norm or more if you need to burn more fat and you can sacrifice a little muscle.

The minimum number of workouts at this time is 1-2 strength per week. Working weights can be reduced by 5-10%. If you want to burn more fat, add 1-2 low intensity for 20-40 minutes. This training and nutrition strategy will help achieve two goals:

  1. save muscle and burn fat
  2. increase muscle responsiveness to hard training in the follicular phase

The muscle mass for which you plowed the first two weeks (follicular phase) will not go anywhere if you let them rest for the last two weeks and do strength only 1-2 times a week. Muscles do not grow during the workout itself, but when you rest. And studies show that after a short rest, they become more responsive to subsequent workouts. All this in the long run gives you more muscle growth than if you train all the time at the same intensity.

What if I like to exercise often?

It is easier for someone to train always with the same frequency, because. training only 1-2 times a week is relaxing and after that it's hard to get back into the rhythm. If this is your case, then train all the time with the same frequency (3-4 strength per week), but in the Luteal phase, reduce the volume of training by 30-50% (fewer reps and sets, less working weights, shorter workouts).

PMS and sweets

The desire to kill everyone or at least cripple everyone, the willingness to fight for the last cookie in a pack and sell your soul to an Iranian sheikh for a chocolate bar - is your reaction to PMS? The only thing that can be consoled is that it goes away with the onset of menstruation, the hormones return to the “normal”. Therefore, at the end of the Luteal phase (PMS), for psychological relief, you can enter cheat meals once a day. But only if this doesn’t blow your mind and you don’t go on a food binge for a week. If this is your case, try increasing your total calorie intake, don't push yourself too hard.

This is how the general scheme of training looks like, taking into account the menstrual cycle. The general idea is to push and work at 100% for the first two weeks, give yourself a rest and recover for the second two weeks. In the next article, we will give you a rough training plan for all four weeks. Subscribe to us in social networks (

Hello girls and women! This article is exclusively for you. Although guys may well use this information for their soul mates. Today we will try to discuss a sensitive topic that worries all the girls who decide to go in for fitness or other sports.

Many girls with an active lifestyle are interested in why you can’t do fitness during your period and whether you should avoid any physical activity these days. There are quite a lot of opinions on this matter, but you hardly want to rely on rumors in such a serious matter.

I tried to prepare for you reliable information about sports on the "red days of the calendar".

I remember watching a movie and there one girl tried to hint to another that she had started "those" days. And since there was a guy, she used figurative expressions. What she just didn’t invent there and "The Red Army is advancing" and "relatives from Krasnodar" - a complete "rzhach" in general. Well, I have been living in Krasnodar for the 2nd year, but no relatives have ever come to me))).

Well, if without jokes, then I think it makes no sense to talk about psychological problems during this period in detail. Girls already know them all and feel them every month. Exactly how men feel it. Often the girl's disposition during this period can be described as: "don't piss me off ...", "I'll give it to my forehead," etc.

As a married man, I fully confirm the truth of this statement. But my wife is still golden - she restrains herself very well and not only in this ill-fated period. It is more difficult for other girls to behave correctly due to the peculiarities of their psyche, so the difference is only in the ability to control negativity at this time. But the negative psychological impact is almost 100% of the fair sex. It's true.

According to recent scientific studies, it was found that before the menstrual cycle, toxins accumulate in the female body. This fact leads to increased irritability, tearfulness, harmfulness of the female psyche. This is a manifestation of the same PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

PMS also causes ovarian failure:

  • the hormonal balance of the body is disturbed;
  • functioning of the central nervous system (central nervous system);
  • work of the endocrine glands.

According to another scientific study conducted by a scientist from the University of California (the experiment was conducted in Los Angeles), several more interesting facts were revealed. This experiment is connected with "progesterone" and "PDR" (premenstrual dysphoric disorder). Briefly about it:

Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced by the female ovaries. You can tell a lot about it, but perhaps its most important function is to help the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the inner layer of the uterus. Progesterone also helps to carry the fetus. It is also called the pregnancy hormone.

As for the PDR, it occurs about a week before menstruation, when the progesterone content in women is at its peak.

Well, now, actually - the very essence of the experiment. We took 12 women who clearly had symptoms of PDR, and 12 women who did not. They took tests to look at the concentration of various hormones in the blood. It turned out that this concentration was almost the same for everyone. Slightly different.

But the analysis of brain activity is quite remarkable. In those women who had symptoms of PDR, the cerebellum was in a state of increased activity.

As animal studies later showed, progesterone is able to change receptors in the cerebellum itself, and these receptors just form those connections in the female brain that are responsible for the psyche and behavior.

It turns out that some ladies are sensitive to progesterone, others are not. In short, it's hard. I brought this to you purely for information. I am sure that in the future we will be surprised more than once with all sorts of discoveries in this “red region” and beyond.

Physiological features of the "red period"

During this period, there is an increased craving for food in women. And this fact itself greatly upsets the girls, especially those who painfully endure the increase in their weight. One is superimposed on the other, and it is unlikely that anyone can fully realize the full range of the reasons and factors that lead to the transformation of a peaceful woman into a “militant Amazon”.

Some girls call their periods “miniature births.” And this is in principle a fair designation, since in reality the uterus gets rid of an egg that has not been fertilized.

The menstrual cycle of a woman is a normal physiological process that is not a disease. But one cannot deny the fact that many girls endure this period very painfully and are not even sure whether to get up from the couch, let alone go to the gym. Reasons for doubt are also:

  1. The accumulation of fluid in the tissues due to the active production of progesterone in the body. Because of this, girls notice an increase in weight during menstruation by 1-2 kg. The increased fluid content negatively affects the muscles, making them weaker. This reduces physical strength and activity. Therefore, in the first days of the cycle, it is difficult for women to cope with power loads.
  2. Decreased estrogen levels cause weakness and lethargy and can lead to unconsciousness in some people.
  3. Due to the loss of blood in a woman, therefore, less oxygen enters the tissues.

The subtleties of the training process

These tips should be taken into account first of all, because they are very important. But first, it is worth mentioning the main key fact:

Extreme loads reduce immunity, and during critical days, the immunity of the female body is already weakened by almost 50%. Therefore, on critical days, refrain from critical loads.

  1. With normal health and the absence of gynecological problems, you can carry out training according to the plan, while avoiding exercises for the press. Such exercises tense the muscles of the abdominal cavity, provoking the release of blood, which subsequently MAY LEAD TO ENDOMETRIOSIS (when the cells of the inner layer of the uterine wall begin to grow outside of it).
  2. At the slightest feeling of weakness and loss of strength, you should reduce the intensity of the workout or reduce its time.
  3. Sports are contraindicated in gynecological diseases such as fibroids or the same endometriosis.
  4. Use tampons as hygiene products, so you will not feel constrained and worry about the obviousness of your special condition.
  5. Avoid caffeinated beverages before exercising as they cause painful cramps.
  6. Drink plenty of water to remove excess fluid from the body. At the same time, limit your salt intake to avoid excessive puffiness.
  7. Stop exercising if you are in severe pain. Here fanaticism will not lead to anything good.
  8. Oh, and don't forget special clothing. If you like to wear tights to the gym, it's best to steer clear of this during this creepy period. Wear some loose pants along with an oversized T-shirt. It is desirable to choose a color darker (otherwise you never know what ...)

With professional sports (if you happen to be one of those women) and frequent competitions, you can train during your period and evaluate its effectiveness. So you will know about your chances of winning if you have to compete on critical days.

If the result does not suit you, you can consult with a gynecologist about drugs that delay the start of the cycle. But as practice confirms, a very large number of athletes were able to achieve incredible heights, including at the Olympic Games, during menstruation.

It has been scientifically proven by scientists from the University of Vancouver that it is possible and even necessary to play sports. The pros of this are:

  • pain sensations are dulled;
  • the duration of critical days is reduced;
  • the painful sensitivity of the breast decreases;
  • decreased tendency to bloating;
  • reduced irritability, mood swings and tearfulness. And for men (and for you too) it's just a magician-bonus...

These positive effects are most likely due to the acceleration of metabolism and stimulation of blood circulation.

Many women note that during their period they have an irresistible craving for chocolate, and fitness can perfectly replace it. This is due to the activation of production during the consumption of sweets and during physical activity. Research has also been done on this topic. They confirmed that exercise reduces sugar cravings and gives women a sense of confidence, control and satisfaction.

I discovered a few more interesting facts that will be of particular interest to fitness girls. These facts are based on a scientific report from the USA on the topic of what advantages “critical days” keep in themselves in terms of training.

Some of you may already know that there are different phases of the menstrual period. Consider them together with recommendations for training:

  1. FOLLICULAR PHASE - can last from 7 to 30 days, but often it is 10-15 days. During this period, new eggs are prepared for the birth of a new life. The beginning of this phase is usually considered the very first day of menstruation. This period is characterized by an increased content of the female sex hormone (SHG) estrogen and a low concentration of progesterone. Studies have shown that at this time women burn fat much more actively, so it is better to reduce the intensity of training.
  2. OVULATORY PHASE - lasts about 3 days and is characterized by a powerful release of LH (luteinizing hormones), which are needed for the final formation of a dominant follicle.
  3. luteal phase- is also called the "yellow body phase" and lasts about 13-14 days with an error of a couple of days. That same dominant, chosen follicle (Graaffian follicle) begins to accumulate a special pigment that gives it a yellow color and, under the influence of complex processes, transforms into a corpus luteum. The uterus is preparing to receive a fertilized egg (if any). During this very period, there is a powerful production of progesterone already known to you. During this period, women burn glucose best, not fat. Therefore, the intensity of training can be increased.

To get a more complete picture of the correct female workout in your head, taking into account the menstrual cycle, study

What loads can not be performed

And although we have found out the usefulness of sports for a woman’s well-being on critical days, there are some types of loads that are not suitable for this time. This includes:

  • All training for the abdominal cavity - exercises for the press (especially the lower one), twisting, exercises with a hula hoop.
  • Lower back exercises.
  • Weight training - squats with a barbell, lifting dumbbells or barbells from the floor (), exercises on simulators.
  • Turns of the body and other sudden movements.
  • Jumping, pull-ups, push-ups.

Permissible loads

Having dealt with unwanted loads, it's time to determine what sports you can do during your period.

RUNNING AND WALKING. Running is considered one of the most optimal directions for these days. Just try not to sprint, alternate between fast and slow speeds, and work all the way. Practice at a slow pace in nature or in the gym. With general malaise, you can replace it with brisk walking.

SWIMMING. Great for relieving cramps and back pain. Practice at a moderate pace, you can devote time to water aerobics exercises. Do not forget about suitable hygiene products, pads in this case, for obvious reasons, will not work. Watch the water temperature, it should be warm. Is it possible to visit open water bodies? Absolutely not, because during menstruation, the risk of contracting an infection or getting inflammation of the female organs increases.

CARDIO AND LIGHT FITNESS. Helps to get rid of bloating and painful aching sensations. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels and the acceleration of blood circulation.

PILATES, SHAPING, DANCES. They have a great effect on well-being and improve mood.

STRETCHING. These are absolutely any stretching exercises. By the way, stretching affects the body of both men and women, showing a rejuvenating effect.

HOME TRAINING. If you still prefer to sit at home these days, spend this time to good use. There are many videos on the network with exercises during menstruation. You can also do meditation. This will be a great alternative to soap operas and a ton of sweets eaten under the covers.

Some exercises

The following specially selected exercises will help not only not to gain excess weight during menstruation, but also to alleviate their manifestations. Warm up and stretch before starting your workout.

  1. Lie on your stomach with closed legs, lower your face down. As you exhale, lift your torso to the pelvis, resting your palms on the floor. Keep your buttocks tight. Hold for 30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  2. Get on your knees, cross your feet, place your buttocks on top of them. Try to distribute your body weight evenly between your knees and feet. As you exhale, lean forward, touching the floor with your forehead and stretching your arms along the body. Take a few deep breaths and return to the beginning again.
  3. Get on your knees and rest your elbows on the floor. Keep your back parallel to the floor. Then bend at the waist, lifting the pelvis up and lowering the head down. Perfectly relaxes the abdominal muscles and helps relieve bouts of pain. Hold this position until the pain subsides, and then lie down in a comfortable position for a few minutes.
  4. Lie down near the wall, raising your legs perpendicular to the body and resting against their wall. Take deep breaths in and out.
  5. Lie on your back, place your arms along the body, bend your knees. Inhale deeply, pulling your stomach in, then exhale, returning to the starting position. You can slightly raise the pelvis while inhaling. Repeat 5 times.

To be or not to be a sport during menstruation, each woman must decide for herself. You should not break yourself and do something through force, because physical activity should bring joy. But if you feel good, be sure to work out, so you will stop reproaching yourself for eating such a desired chocolate bar these days, which is also a plus.

That, dear ladies, is all. If you found this article helpful, please share it on social media. networks, I will be grateful to you. Bye Bye!

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The activity of a woman directly depends on her menstrual cycle. Its average duration is 28-30 days, but for the period of bloody discharge, health may worsen. Emotional tension, sudden mood swings affect everyday life. Normal menstruation is painless or with minor discomfort in the lower abdomen in the early days. Some women are concerned about intense pain that can radiate to the lower back, rectum. On such days, they cannot work normally, move around, and prefer to spend time lying in bed. Those who feel normal are worried about the question of whether it is possible to play sports during menstruation.

The monthly cycle is determined by the secretion of estrogen and progesterone. By the time of the onset of menstrual bleeding, the concentration of progesterone in the blood increases to the maximum. It promotes fluid retention, so some girls feel weight gain due to a slight swelling of the tissues. Attempts to increase training before menstruation will not bring results.

It will take 1-2 days from the onset of spotting, the secretion of estrogen will increase again. The hormone has an anabolic effect, so strength training will promote muscle development.

Focusing on the physiological change in hormonal levels and well-being, you can derive the ideal formula for the distribution of classes. In the first days of menstruation, prefer stretching, low-intensity exercises. After the end of the discharge, you can do more, add strength exercises.

What types of training are contraindicated

Even with good health, some types of exercise are contraindicated. Increased bleeding and pain are dangerous consequences, which is why you can not play sports during menstruation. Instead of the usual 4-5 days, menstruation can last 7-10 days, blood loss will be greater. This will lead to a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the development of anemia.

Dizziness, palpitations at rest, pale skin may indicate a low level of hemoglobin. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for a complete blood count.

The following exercises are contraindicated during menstruation:

  1. Work with weights, on simulators, with dumbbells. Strength training during menstruation creates a load on the lower back and abs, and intra-abdominal pressure increases. After training, the stomach may hurt, bleeding may increase. An alarming sign is the appearance of scarlet liquid blood. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.
  2. It is worth giving up exercises for the press, twisting, yoga asanas, in which you need to strongly retract and strain the stomach.
  3. Anaerobic training during menstruation is best not to do. During this period, endurance decreases, the usual load will be beyond the power. Accelerated blood flow during cardio training will lead to heavy bleeding. Therefore, running is replaced by walking, instead of intensive fitness, they do light aerobics.

Under what conditions can not exercise

Gynecological diseases affect the possibility of playing sports during menstruation. Endometriosis and fibroids themselves are accompanied by:

  • profuse bleeding;
  • lengthening of menstruation up to 10 days;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • deterioration in general condition;
  • anemia.

Sports activities with these diseases will negatively affect the state of health, therefore, it is recommended to abandon them during menstruation.

Training for girls during menstruation is also contraindicated if there are the following symptoms:

  • painful cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • general weakness, dizziness;
  • profuse bleeding;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

If you are worried about dysmenorrhea, the menstrual cycle is irregular, failures often occur, then you do not need to give a large load already before menstruation. There may be a delay in menstruation due to sports.

Useful workouts

Some gynecologists believe that light exercise not only does not interfere, but also alleviates the symptoms of PMS. With gentle training, it is noted:

  • no bloating;
  • painless breasts;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • fighting mood swings
  • improved blood circulation

In the absence of contraindications, you can go in for sports, but you should choose the right type of activity. Workouts in the gym or fitness center can be replaced with home workouts. This will allow you to practice at your own pace.

Yoga and Pilates are the best ways to keep your body in shape without harming it. You should focus on asanas of low complexity, avoid inverted poses and excessive tension in the press. Proper rhythmic breathing will reduce pain and relax muscles, relieve emotional stress.

Gymnastics and stretching exercises are also suitable for menstruation. They will keep the muscles in good shape, will not create an overabundance of load, and will be effective.

active running can be replaced by walking and walking. Such workouts during menstruation burn a sufficient number of calories, allow you not to lose shape during this period. Well tolerated cycling. In this case, you can use a workout in the gym on an exercise bike or ride a regular bike.

Swimming relaxes and relieves painful spasms. The load is distributed evenly, most of the muscles are involved. Properly selected hygiene products allow you to ignore critical days. A prerequisite is warm water in the pool. Hypothermia increases spasm and pain, can provoke the development of inflammation. It is also better to avoid open reservoirs, since during menstruation the uterus opens, infection can get.

You can exercise during your period equestrian sport. The body temperature of a horse is higher than that of a human. The heat from her back warms the pelvic organs, relieves spasm, and reduces pain. Contact with an animal creates positive emotions.

  1. Do not forget about hygiene products. You need to choose tampons during classes.
  2. The dress code should be loose and not restrict movement. To avoid unpleasant situations, the color of the tracksuit should be dark.
  3. It is necessary to provide abundant nutrition to replace the lost fluid.
  4. Refrain from coffee and Coca-Cola, as the substances contained in these drinks increase pain in the lower abdomen.

Regular physical activity helps keep the body in good shape. Women who do not forget about training save themselves and others from the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Sport allows you to splash out excess emotions and remain emotionally balanced even on critical days.

In this article, we will explain how to manage hormones during the menstrual cycle in order to achieve maximum athletic performance. Do you want to know if it is possible to play sports during menstruation, what exercises can be done and when not to exercise? Read on and you will find out all about fitness activities on critical days!

You may have noticed that these days you feel less motivated, your workouts are less intense, and at times recovery is worse than usual.

This is because menstruation affects a number of factors associated with exercise, including metabolic rate and endurance.

If we correlate time with the hormonal shifts in your body during the menstrual cycle, we will gain knowledge that we can use to our advantage.

Understanding your menstrual cycle can help you maximize your training progress.

In order to understand the hormonal changes during your period and how to train during your period, let's take a quick look at the phases of the menstrual cycle:

Follicular phase

The follicular phase begins on the very first day of menstruation and ends when ovulation occurs. It is during this phase that follicles develop in the ovary.

The first 5 days (and more) of this phase are the time of menstruation. During these days, blood and tissues are secreted from the uterine mucosa. On the first day of menstruation, estrogen levels are at their lowest. Then it begins to grow, stimulating the growth of the follicle. (Note: You may have come across the hormone "estradiol", which is also associated with the menstrual cycle; estradiol is the main estrogen hormone produced during the reproductive period of life.

Follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH) of the pituitary gland. FSH stimulates follicle growth, while LH triggers ovulation and regulates progesterone secretion. The follicular phase lasts approximately 14 days.


A mature egg is released from the ovary and is ready for fertilization.

On the day of ovulation, estrogen and LH levels peak. The level of progesterone begins to rise, and with it the body temperature.

L luteal phase

The luteal phase is the time between ovulation and the onset of a new period. The mucous membrane of the body of the uterus begins to increase, preparing for a possible pregnancy.

The level of progesterone and estrogen begins to rise, and with them the woman's body temperature, and then vice versa to decrease if the egg has not been fertilized. The luteal phase lasts approximately 14 days, and after that, if the egg has not been fertilized, a new cycle begins.

Exercising During Menstruation

From the diagram above, you can see that during your menstrual cycle, your body undergoes significant fluctuations and changes in hormonal levels. These fluctuations affect not only reproductive health, but also the general condition of a woman.

Let's take a look at how to use hormonal fluctuations to your advantage while exercising.

During your period, continue to exercise as usual.

It may sound a little strange to you, but during menstruation it is not at all necessary to constantly rest.

During menstruation, body temperature, metabolic rate, and insulin sensitivity can remain at a normal "baseline" level, so you can continue to exercise as usual for as long as you feel comfortable doing it.

During the Follicular Phase, Train Hard

High testosterone during the follicular phase promotes muscle mass 1 and strength 2 , so this is the perfect time for strength training. You may even feel an increase in your pain threshold.

However, during this phase, a decrease in the metabolic rate 3 can be observed, which entails a lower energy expenditure by the body at rest. All this should not be an obstacle to the development of strength and endurance, as well as to intensive training these days.

Although the follicular phase and the day of ovulation are favorable for intense strength training, after ovulation there is an increased risk of injury due to hormonal changes, such as increased estrogen levels 4 , so it is necessary to warm up well before training.

Rest During Your Luteal Phase

In the luteal phase, you tire more quickly, especially in hot weather due to increased body temperature, so training on these days is less effective 5 . These days it is better to work less and rest more, and sports should take place in a more relaxed and moderate mode.

Do not be discouraged if you quickly start to get tired during these days of the month. Use what you've learned about your cycle and rest when your body requires it.

In addition, during luteal phase 6, the metabolic rate is higher, so you burn more calories during rest than during the follicular phase. Along with that, insulin sensitivity can be as low as 7 so it's best to focus on fats and proteins rather than carbs these days.

In addition, during this phase, your body uses more fat for fuel due to increased progesterone levels and reduced estrogen levels.

How to Know What Phase You Are in Right Now

To find out which phase of your cycle you are in right now, count the number of days since your period ended. The normal 4-phase menstrual cycle is 28 days, but most women experience fluctuations.

Another way to know your current cycle phase is to measure your basal body temperature. It is measured immediately after waking up. Your basal body temperature will be lower during the follicular phase, then rise after ovulation, and remain elevated during the luteal phase until your period.

There are also plenty of apps to help you track your cycle.

How Do Contraceptives Affect?

If you are taking hormonal contraceptives that contain estrogen and progesterone, such as combined oral contraceptives or hormonal patches, then you will not be subject to the previously described hormonal fluctuations. For example, you will not experience a drop in estrogen, which stimulates menstruation and ovulation.

From the chart below, you can see that estrogen and progesterone levels during your cycle are more stable than the chart above. When you stop taking the pills, the levels of these hormones drop.

You can go in for sports these days, depending on your well-being. You may be ready to work with weight without taking additional hormones, or you may feel a lack of motivation and energy, because your body has not yet adapted to the norm consumed.

Stable hormone levels can lead to weight loss and muscle gain because you won't experience the same hormonal shifts as those who don't take birth control. Hormonal contraceptives may increase insulin sensitivity 7 but do not reduce exercise performance 8 .

P let's summarize

You decide for yourself whether you can train during your period, but still try to rest during the luteal phase.