What to put the pool in the country. Frame pool on the site, we are preparing a platform for the pool. Plastic pool: do-it-yourself installation

Preparation of the site for the round frame pool AZURO

Ray's Precision Rule (Supplement to Murphy's Laws)
Measure with a micrometer. Mark with chalk. Chop with an axe.

III. The next step is to prepare the base for the installation of the pool

How to do it, I'll tell you now

1. Mark out the site

1.1 Drive a peg into the center of the site (Figure 2B-1)
1.2 Tie a rope to the peg. Measure the distance on the rope equal to the radius of the pool plus 15 cm. This value is easy to calculate. For example, for an AZURO 300 pool, which has a diameter of 3.6 m, the radius (i.e. the length of the rope) will be 3.6/2+0.15=1.95 m. The table shows the lengths for standard AZURO pools.

1.3 Attach to the end of the rope plastic bottle stopper down, into which flour, semolina, sand or other bulk material is poured. With its help, draw a circle that limits the area for the pool.

2. Remove the sod

2.1 Remove all sod and soil from the outlined surface of the site to a depth of 10-15 cm. Figure 2B-3. It is carried out with the help of a shovel, chopper.
2.2 Remove all sticks, stones and roots
2.3 If the pool is to be sunk into the ground, the soil must be excavated to an appropriate depth. And then proceed in accordance with a separate instruction.

3. The surface must be prepared so that it is LEVEL, HORIZONTAL and TAMPED.

The surface must be perfectly horizontal. The deviation from the horizontal plane should not be more than 25 mm. (Figure 2B-6)

3.1 Replace the central peg with a wooden stake with a flat top end. Its size is 25x25 mm and about 15 cm long. Drive it into the ground so that its upper surface is on the same plane with the ground.
3.2 Take a beam with a section of 5x10 cm and a length corresponding to the size of the pool (according to the table). Drive a nail into the beam. A vertical hole must be drilled in the stake so that the nail driven into the timber can rotate around its axis in a circle (Figure 2B-4)
3.3 Put a spirit level on the bar and slowly rotate around the center. Mark high places, depressions and uneven ground. (Figure 2B-5)
3.4 Level all elevated places.
3.5 Fill in small depressions. The backfill must be tightly compacted.

3.6 Backfill and compact the entire surface with well-sifted sand. The thickness of the sand should not exceed 2 cm. Pour the sand with water and level it. Ramming is carried out with a rammer.

An uncompacted base under the weight of water can sag and lead to the collapse of the pool.

Advice: Walk on the surface. On a properly compacted surface, no traces of the feet of a person of 80 kg should remain.
Check the surface with a spirit level again. Just in case. Bring it to perfection.

And then ... Go drink tea :)

What should not be done.

And now, as our history teacher said, "let's deal with perversions."

Some tech-savvy citizens don't read manuals, they read forums. They write everything in a row, agree. And literate people, and not very. Therefore, self-activity begins. Someone instead of sand begins to fill the base with gravel. Then he wonders why the film is torn? Someone "insulates" the bottom with plywood. Which after a while warps and rots. Someone lays linoleum and makes a "pie" from various films that can slide one relative to the other. Citizens of Cogs-Shpuntiki, WHY? There is a special film for the substrate under the pool. She lays down on the sand. And this is quite enough.
Concrete base. There are no words, it is possible to lay a 30 cm concrete screed with reinforcement under the children's prefabricated pool for reliability. But if you put the pool not in the swamp, then this is still too much.
Accurate adherence to technology usually guarantees the normal operation of the pool. Don't create extra work for yourself.

Here I post a video about the preparation of the site for a round frame pool. This best video which I found on this subject. After the site, the assembly of another frame pool begins. You can stop at this point.

What is the best way to install? So if you have purchased frame pool certain sizes, choosing the model you like, you should first read the installation instructions attached to the product. Next, you should decide on a flat sunny place that is located on your site, with what you will lay under the pool, with the source of water that will fill the pool, and also with its drain.

It is equally important to find out who will use it, namely: some adults or children, or maybe a pond will become a place of rest for the whole family. Therefore, before buying a frame pool, you should calculate its depth, provided that small children will use it.

How to prepare a site for a frame pool? Pool Installation Rules will include its location, the base, which can be either in the form of a wooden flooring or a flooring made of PVC film or other material. Next, markings are made according to the size of the future reservoir, after which a layer of turf is removed and a horizontal surface is prepared, which should be covered with sand.

What to do if the area is uneven? How to level the platform for the frame pool? Surface horizontality can be checked using a flat three-meter board, on which the building level is placed, after which the board turns in a circle, and several level readings are taken. Next, the flooring itself is made directly from the prepared materials, and sheets of expanded polystyrene are laid on it. Then the canvas, supplied with the frame pool, is laid.

Important to note that, before filling the prepared surface with sand and laying extruded polystyrene foam having a thickness of 20 mm, it must be deepened by about 4-5 cm. When laying polystyrene foam, its joints should be connected with a wide adhesive tape. Next, a film is spread, which is included in the pool kit. This completes the preparatory work.

How to dig a pool into the ground?

When preparing a site for a frame pool, as one of the options, work can be carried out related to its deepening. Is it possible to deepen the frame pool? How to bury it in the ground?

Although this process is laborious, however, some models of frame pools require deepening. For this purpose, a layer of earth is excavated, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be half a meter larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pool.

This is necessary to protect the walls of the pool from soil pressure. In this case, a base plate made of reinforced concrete is made below, or ASG is filled up. The disadvantage of such pools there will be poor heating, therefore it is recommended to install a heater between the ground and the wall, the bottom of the pool. It is also worth noting that when high level groundwater around the future reservoir will have to perform drainage work.

In addition, when laying the foundation of an in-depth frame pool special attention should be paid to the condition of the soil. If it is loose, then the walls of the excavated pit must be strengthened so that they do not collapse.


How to assemble a frame pool? The assembly or installation of the pool must be carried out in accordance with the attached instructions from the manufacturer. Must be prepared in advance a set of keys with a set of screwdrivers and hexagons, a clerical knife, as well as an adjustable wrench for number three. Installation of the structure should be carried out in calm, calm weather. The cup package supplied with the pool by the factory should be unrolled and laid out in the sun to warm it up. In this case, there will be fewer folds, which will greatly simplify its installation.

When installing the sheet, it is important to check the location of the holes for the nozzles. They should not fall on the racks. Inside the pool, the geotextile material must be reinforced with adhesive tape to the walls. Next, the package is carefully brought inside the installed frame and then hung on the walls. Don't try to fix it right away. around the perimeter as a whole.

It is necessary to place the hose and start filling the container, meanwhile gradually straightening the liner and preventing the formation of any wrinkles on it. For a better fit of the material to the frame, it is recommended to use a vacuum cleaner, pumping out the air mass through the hole for the nozzle, while pre-gluing the cutout intended for the skimmer with tape. Further, as the water fills up, the filtration system is assembled. Now you need to check the system for leaks, turn it on and make sure the opposite is true.

Important note: it is possible to strengthen the supports of the frame pool by making small concrete pads in advance. All frame elements of the pool are placed perpendicular to the ground in order to avoid pressure on the bottom, as well as the walls of the pool.

After the frame pool is installed, the filter pump installation. There are special holes for this purpose. Such an element is equipped with a replaceable cartridge that needs to be changed (cleaned) after a certain number of days. When the pump is running, no one should be in the pool so as not to get an electric shock.

Video about assembling a rectangular frame pool in the country with your own hands.

And here is a video instruction on how to properly install and assemble the Intex pool.

Installation on wooden decks

When installing flooring from boards under the pool, its configuration should be taken into account, which, as a rule, is curvilinear in shape, taking into account a number of points, such as:

  • wooden logs must be mounted at intervals of up to 50 cm, and the supports should be installed between each other at a distance of 75 cm;
  • when laying wooden boards on concrete pillars, you should not forget to lay waterproofing;
  • the boards should not be cut exactly to the size of the structure, however, their ends hanging over the water should not be longer than 25 cm;
  • the timber must be etched with an antiseptic;
  • boards that are closer to the shore and may come into direct contact with the soil must be insulated.

What is the best frame pool? What to lay?

What else can you put a frame pool on? What is better to put? In addition to wood flooring under the frame pool can be laid:

  • polyethylene film;
  • old linoleum;
  • special bedding (substrate), which can be purchased at the store;
  • polyurethane insulation;
  • other materials.

Thus, the frame pool, using skill and dexterity, can be completely assembled and installed independently. Don't rush in this undertaking, but it is better to thoroughly study the installation process and ideally prepare a place for a frame pool.

An inflatable or frame pool in the country can be installed on the ground. But it would be more correct to create a foundation for it. Today we will talk about the principles of preparing the foundation for temporary pools. simple technique performance, as well as the use of inexpensive materials, make it possible to do the work with your own hands.

What are the requirements for a pool area

Most temporary pools are very, very demanding in base preparation. And the larger the cubic capacity of the tank, the stronger these requirements are expressed.

What is most important is the presence of a perfectly flat plane lying in the absolute horizon with a deviation of no more than 2–5 mm per meter. Almost all modular pools are self-supporting, but this property is manifested only with a uniform distribution of the load. Otherwise, the walls will be deformed, and the difference in levels may lead to malfunctions of the water treatment plant.

Both inflatable and frame pools are flexible containers made of waterproof fabric. A load of several tons of liquid for such a tank is not a problem, but the smallest pebble with sharp edges on the litter may well become one. Of course, in case of minor damage, there is a repair kit, but draining 3-5 cubic meters of water is below average pleasure.

Frame pools are more complex and, in addition to a flat and smooth base, require correct installation load-bearing profiles and their fixing in the ground. This may bring some features to the process of preparing the foundation.

We prepare the site - we remove the sod and plan the soil

If small pools up to two tons can still be simply put on the lawn, then this number will not work with larger fonts. A massive “washer” will sag unevenly, moreover, it will almost always be damp and slippery near the walls of the pool.

Let's start marking the area and first determine what form "in plan" the foundation will take. For round pools, the marking is applied along a cord tied to a peg in the center. Capsule-shaped pools are marked with two such circles connected at a tangent by straight lines. Bowls, close to an ellipse along the contour, are drawn with three circles: one large one in the center and two small ones at diametrically opposite points, then pairing is done manually.

The markings should delineate an area that is 30-50 cm wider than the pool on each side. First, we pass along the contour and undermine the turf with a shovel, driving it onto a whole bayonet. We remove the top layer and take away, the resulting "bumps" are a good material for creating a new lawn. With a long rule and level, we prepare a preliminary horizontal plane, remove the influx of soil with a shovel.

In the center of each of the holes on which the marking is based, we drive in a 20 mm tube about 300 mm long so that its upper edge is at a level of minus 5 cm from the plane of the adjacent territory. For further alignment, a radius rail should be prepared - a bar, through one edge of which a pin is scrolled, inserted into the tube in the center. From above we tightly attach the rack level with adhesive tape, from below we fasten a remote board 100 mm wide.

Hard and level ground

For a good distribution of the load, we prepare a dry mixture of 10 parts of “dirty” crushed stone (PGS) and one part of grade 300 cement, which can be replaced with light loose clay, increasing the binder content by 1.5 times. We pour a layer of about 5–6 cm, then level it with a rail in a circle. We compact with our feet, add the mixture and level again.

Please note that if the pool frame requires mortgages in the ground, they must be arranged before the filling of the lower layer. It is only necessary to slightly trim the edges so that the difference in the level of diametrically opposite points does not exceed 10 mm.

Now you need to twist the remote board from the rail and pour washed quarry sand into the pit to a level of minus five centimeters to the bar. After the sand needs to be compacted with a manual tamper, add the missing, and tamp again, then spill a small amount of water. For leveling, you need to stock up on a second shorter 50 mm bar, which will scrape off excess sand in a circle. After alignment, do not forget to pull out the centering tube.

A damper lining is arranged over the sand cushion. For it, most manufacturers recommend extruded polystyrene plates with a thickness of 30–50 mm. Laying should start from the center, gluing the joints with reinforced tape. At the edges, where the contour of the pool forms roundings, the plates are cut with a knife with a release of 7-10 cm from the bottom of the bowl.

Next, the issue of dynamic compensation is solved: the water in the pool works as a counter-balancer, swinging the bowl from side to side. In the plane of contact, where the pressure is very high, such vibrations can undock the substrate plates, and if there is a small pebble or sand on the surface, they will wipe the bottom over time. Therefore, an XPS bed is covered with a slippery synthetic pad. Someone uses banner fabric for this, others manage with plastic wrap.

The edges of the "spread" are produced 100-150 mm behind the substrate and sprinkled with sand. The plane must be washed with water, after which the base is ready for the installation of the pool.

Semi-underground pool option

There are other options for the device bases. For example, a pit for a frame pool can be dug up to a depth of one and a half meters, so that the walls protrude only partially above the ground. Of course, such projects cannot be described as typical, because in different situations, their own methods of excavation and strengthening the walls of the pit are applicable.

Having deepened the pool, you can do without an uncomfortable ladder (most importantly for deep bowls), and in general, the font looks more neat and proportionate. Also, but not least, a heavy tank will rest on a denser soil layer, therefore, large-volume buried pools are less prone to bursting and heeling on soft soils.

If the preparation station has a heating function, then the pool should definitely be deepened, even if it is of a small volume. It is quite easy to lay a small amount of thermal insulation near the walls of the pit, which, together with the bottom substrate, will create the effect of a thermos at least at the border of dense media, where the outflow of heat is most pronounced.

Swimming pool on the podium - why and how

Another version of the device is the creation of a rigid base protruding above the ground under inflatable pool. The two simplest examples are a monolithic concrete slab and boardwalk on piles or brick bollards.

The stationary base allows you not to be puzzled by the arrangement of the site in the spring of each year. If the pool is regularly used every summer, a fixed base will support it securely and provide a dry, comfortable access area 1 meter wide from the walls. At other times, the same place can be used for feasts or as a play area.

The higher you raise the pool, the higher the likelihood that the neighbors will become unwitting witnesses to your vacation.

Of the special cases of high superstructures, it is worth mentioning separately the deck for the pool. It gathers in a wide arc at the edge of the stationary base and rises to the level of the sides, thus, the temporary pool acquires all the signs of a stationary one.

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The frame pool harmoniously looks on any site and fits perfectly into the landscape.Such pools are not too expensive and are purchased for use only in the warm season. Despite this, the foundation for them needs to be made quite serious. The larger the volume of the pool, the stronger it should be. In order todo-it-yourself underlay for a frame poolwas done correctly, we will tell in this article about all the stages of work on preparing the foundation.

Basic requirements for a pool site

The base under the frame pool must meet certain requirements due to the large mass of water in the bowl. The surface of the base must be very even, the deviation is allowed no more than 5 mm per meter. Without this, there may be distortions, as well as deformations of the walls, leading to the destruction of the main elements.

Also, the base must have a good margin of safety in order to withstand the weight of the bowl. This can be achieved by careful compaction of the sand bed. Bulges, dents, remaining tree roots, construction debris are unacceptable under the bowl. When determining the place of the site, they adhere to not too complicated rules. Some of them warn where you should not install the pool:

  • near trees and shrubs that can pollute the water in the pool with leaves and fruits;
  • close to home or commercial buildings. In the event of an accident, the premises may be flooded;
  • on dangerous ground, along cliffs and banks of rivers and other bodies of water.

Do-it-yourself playground


After the place for installation is selected, you need to make a markup. Use a tape measure, pegs, string and a special can of paint. The boundaries of the marked area should be half a meter larger than the bowl itself.

The shape of the bowl determines the method that determines the boundaries of the future base for the frame pool with your own hands:

  • in order to make markings for a round pool, you can use a peg driven in the center and a tape measure attached to it. Passing in a circle, you need to make the necessary marks and then connect them into a circle;
  • for a rectangular or square pool, use a square, pegs and a rope.

Site preparation

It is necessary to prepare the soil before laying the substrate under the pool. In a pre-marked area, vegetation, weeds, stones are removed. With the help of a bayonet shovel, the upper fertile layer is cut off along the intended contour.

Substrate laying

The substrate can extend the life of the frame pool, which is installed on outdoors. It is needed in order to protect the bottom of the pool from any kind of mechanical damage.

It is better to lay a substrate than to deal with the replacement of the bottom later, a procedure by no means easy and expensive. In addition, soft bedding under the pool will give even more comfort when swimming.

The substrate is a canvas of a universal type, with a large number of necessary qualities. It serves to insulate the base of the structure, so that the water will remain warm for a long time. If the pool is buried in the ground, then the substrate is used as a gasket between it and the ground. And, of course, it acts as a shock absorber.

Work on laying the substrate for the frame pool in the country house is done according to the following scheme: On the already marked area, cleared of plants and their roots, with the turf layer removed, sand is poured in a small layer and is very well leveled horizontally. For this, a very long rule is used, on top of which a level is placed.

After that, a substrate of polypropylene or geotextile is laid. The canvas that needs to be placed under the bottom is usually included with the pool, but if suddenly it is not in the kit, you can purchase the necessary bedding in a store or on the market.

Now the platform for the pool is considered ready, and you can proceed directly to the assembly of the bowl.

How to make a podium for the pool

A wooden podium is made of boards and beams, strictly in size or, if desired, with a margin for the location of the recreation area. The bars are laid parallel to each other according to the planned shape. Boards are laid perpendicular to them and fixed. After that, an anti-rot coating for outdoor use should be applied.

A more durable and expensive decking board can also serve as a material for the manufacture of a framed pool podium. It differs in that it is not subject to decay, does not fade, its surface does not slip, it is easy to clean. The texture and range of colors are diverse, so this podium will organically fit into any interior. A wooden platform is made independently, fixed with stainless steel screws to wooden logs. At the same time, small gaps are left between the boards so that the tree has the opportunity to breathe.

After that, you can make pool fences, railings and a fence. A concrete podium for a frame pool is an even more reliable and durable option. When the pool is cleaned up, the concrete pad can come in handy for many purposes, whether it's recreation, a children's area, or a potted flower garden. A concrete platform is made in this way:

  1. The cement pad suggests a foundation. Just as in previous cases, a layer of earth is removed, stones and snags are removed. Sand leveling with tamping is carried out.
  2. Formwork is made from boards.
  3. A mixture consisting of sand, cement and water is kneaded in the right proportion.
  4. Sand is poured at the bottom in a small layer, as well as gravel. After that, a mesh of reinforcement is placed.
  5. The resulting mixture is poured into the formwork. When drying, if the weather is very hot, the surface is wetted with water so that there are no cracks.
  6. Paving slabs can be laid on this concrete pillow, or vinyl film can be glued. There is a possibility of laying polystyrene foam and awning fabric.

You can install the frame pool directly on the ground. However, with a substrate and a podium, the pool will last much longer and will look more advantageous on the site. Therefore, without spending too much time and effort, you can achieve an enviable reliability of the pool and greater comfort in your vacation.

An inflatable or frame pool in the country can be installed on the ground. But it would be more correct to create a foundation for it. Today we will talk about the principles of preparing the foundation for temporary pools. A simple execution technique, as well as the use of inexpensive materials, make it possible to do the work with your own hands.

What are the requirements for a pool area

Most temporary pools are very, very demanding in base preparation. And the larger the cubic capacity of the tank, the stronger these requirements are expressed.

What is most important is the presence of a perfectly flat plane lying in the absolute horizon with a deviation of no more than 2-5 mm per meter. Almost all modular pools are self-supporting, but this property is manifested only with a uniform distribution of the load. Otherwise, the walls will be deformed, and the difference in levels may lead to malfunctions of the water treatment plant.

Both inflatable and frame pools are flexible containers made of waterproof fabric. A load of several tons of liquid for such a tank is not a problem, but the smallest pebble with sharp edges on the litter may well become one. Of course, in case of minor damage, there is a repair kit, but draining 3-5 cubic meters of water is below average pleasure.

Frame pools are more complex and, in addition to a flat and smooth base, require the correct installation of load-bearing profiles and their fixing in the ground. This may bring some features to the process of preparing the foundation.

We prepare the site - we remove the sod and plan the soil

If small pools up to two tons can still be simply put on the lawn, then this number will not work with larger fonts. A massive “washer” will sag unevenly, moreover, it will almost always be damp and slippery near the walls of the pool.

Let's start marking the area and first determine what form "in plan" the foundation will take. For round pools, the marking is applied along a cord tied to a peg in the center. Capsule-shaped pools are marked with two such circles connected at a tangent by straight lines. Bowls, close to an ellipse along the contour, are drawn with three circles: one large one in the center and two small ones at diametrically opposite points, then pairing is done manually.

The markings should delineate an area that is 30-50 cm wider than the pool on each side. First, we pass along the contour and undermine the turf with a shovel, driving it onto a whole bayonet. We remove the top layer and take away the resulting "bumps" - a good material for creating a new lawn. With a long rule and level, we prepare a preliminary horizontal plane, remove the influx of soil with a shovel.

In the center of each of the holes on which the marking is based, we drive in a 20 mm tube about 300 mm long so that its upper edge is at a level of minus 5 cm from the plane of the adjacent territory. For further alignment, a radius rail should be prepared - a bar, through one edge of which a pin is scrolled, inserted into the tube in the center. From above we tightly attach the rack level with adhesive tape, from below we fasten a remote board 100 mm wide.

Hard and level ground

For a good distribution of the load, we prepare a dry mixture of 10 parts of “dirty” crushed stone (PGS) and one part of grade 300 cement, which can be replaced with light loose clay, increasing the binder content by 1.5 times. We pour a layer of about 5-6 cm, then level it with a rail in a circle. We compact with our feet, add the mixture and level again.

Please note that if the pool frame requires mortgages in the ground, they must be arranged before the filling of the lower layer. It is only necessary to slightly trim the edges so that the difference in the level of diametrically opposite points does not exceed 10 mm.

Now you need to twist the remote board from the rail and pour washed quarry sand into the pit to a level of minus five centimeters to the bar. After the sand needs to be compacted with a manual tamper, add the missing, and tamp again, then spill a small amount of water. For leveling, you need to stock up on a second shorter 50 mm bar, which will scrape off excess sand in a circle. After alignment, do not forget to pull out the centering tube.

A damper lining is arranged over the sand cushion. For it, most manufacturers recommend extruded polystyrene plates with a thickness of 30-50 mm. Laying should start from the center, gluing the joints with reinforced tape. At the edges where the contour of the pool forms roundings, the plates are cut with a knife with a release of 7-10 cm from the bottom of the bowl.

Next, the issue of dynamic compensation is solved: the water in the pool works as a counter-balancer, swinging the bowl from side to side. In the plane of contact, where the pressure is very high, such vibrations can undock the substrate plates, and if there is a small pebble or sand on the surface, they will wipe the bottom over time. Therefore, an XPS bed is covered with a slippery synthetic pad. Someone uses banner fabric for this, others manage with plastic wrap.

The edges of the "spread" are produced 100-150 mm behind the substrate and sprinkled with sand. The plane must be washed with water, after which the base is ready for the installation of the pool.

Semi-underground pool option

There are other options for the device bases. For example, a pit for a frame pool can be dug up to a depth of one and a half meters, so that the walls protrude only partially above the ground. Of course, such projects cannot be described as typical, because in different situations, their own methods of excavation and strengthening the walls of the pit are applicable.

Having deepened the pool, you can do without an uncomfortable ladder (most importantly for deep bowls), and in general, the font looks more neat and proportionate. Also, but not least, a heavy tank will rest on a denser soil layer, therefore, large-volume buried pools are less prone to bursting and heeling on soft soils.

If the preparation station has a heating function, then the pool should definitely be deepened, even if it is of a small volume. It is quite easy to lay a small amount of thermal insulation near the walls of the pit, which, together with the bottom substrate, will create the effect of a thermos at least at the border of dense media, where the outflow of heat is most pronounced.

Swimming pool on the podium - why and how

Another version of the device is the creation of a rigid base protruding above the ground for an inflatable pool. The two simplest examples are a monolithic concrete slab and boardwalk on piles or brick bollards.

The stationary base allows you not to be puzzled by the arrangement of the site in the spring of each year. If the pool is regularly used every summer, a fixed base will support it securely and provide a dry, comfortable access area 1 meter wide from the walls. At other times, the same place can be used for feasts or as a play area.

The higher you raise the pool, the higher the likelihood that the neighbors will become unwitting witnesses to your vacation.

Of the special cases of high superstructures, it is worth mentioning separately the deck for the pool. It gathers in a wide arc at the edge of the stationary base and rises to the level of the sides, thus, the temporary pool acquires all the signs of a stationary one.