How to remove the remaining water from the frame pool. Ways to drain water from a home pool. How to drain water from a pool. Drainage from the pool to the reservoirs

IN summer period. It has a number of unique properties:

  • easy to mount and dismantle:
  • takes up little storage space;
  • inexpensive;
  • does not require extra physical costs during operation;
  • placed in any place that can be changed.

But at the end of the swimming season or if it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of the pool, many people have questions about the correct use inflatable pool so that next year there will be no problems with its operation. How to drain water from an inflatable pool? Where to drain it? What equipment should be used? Read more in our article.

To drain the water from the pool, you can use a pump of medium power, which will help convert the water from the pool into an excellent pressure for watering flower beds and beds. The cost of such a pump starts from 2,000 rubles.

You will need to drain the water from the inflatable pool in 3 cases:

  • cessation of operation of the pool of a seasonal nature;
  • cleaning the pool due to its pollution;

Hence, there are 2 ways to drain water:

  • full;
  • partial.

If you notice a dirty rim on the walls of the inflatable pool, then you can get by with a partial drain of the water and washing the contaminated area. If you find a leak or, then the drain will be complete.

ADVICE! Don't drain your pond or pool daily or monthly. Since uncontrolled discharge of water into the ground can lead to waterlogging of the soil.

Drain methods

There are several main ways to drain water from an inflatable pool:

  • through the valves provided in the pool;
  • by hoses;
  • through the ledge.

It all depends on the design of the inflatable pool and its dimensions. If it is small, then you can simply lift it up and pour water onto the site. If the pool is of impressive size, then it is better to use hoses, the jet of which can be directed to planting in the garden or to the place you need.

Drain locations

Each owner of a country house chooses places for draining himself:

  • drain drain;
  • landings;
  • a pond on a personal plot;
  • into the sewer;
  • storm system;
  • right on the site.

It all depends on the design of your site and the location of the pool. Some manage to simply step on the rubber side of the inflatable pool, and the water itself begins to flow out, and when there is not enough of it, the pool rises and is freed from the remaining water. So, the choice is yours.

ADVICE! If during the operation you treated the water in the pool with chemistry, then you should not drain it to the backyard and the garden. Your plantings and plants will die.

Due to the variety of proposals in various price categories, today, swimming pools have appeared on almost every site. Large stationary pools, broken by wealthy people, independent systems connected to water supply and sewerage, and their operation is automatic. But inflatable or frame models, by magic, are not poured or emptied, here you need to make an effort. This is where special equipment comes to the rescue - pumps for pumping water.

Which pumps are suitable for pumping water from the pool

There are several varieties of water pumps, depending on the principle of operation and equipment, they are designed for different applications. For pumping water from pools and other containers in which the water is not clean, but not completely littered, there are self-priming drainage pumps.

The pump can be special, produced, as a rule, by pool manufacturers, or household, designed for widespread use. Depending on the cost of the reservoir, a pump for pumping out water may be included, but this is in expensive frame models. The bulk of the units has one manufacturer, but is supplied separately.

Types: submersible and surface (drainage)

There are two types of domestic drainage pumps that can be used to empty water.

  • Submersible- sink to the bottom of the pool or other empty container and pump out water through the grate in the housing. Do not require additional sleeves for work. You will learn about which pump to choose for the well.
  • Surface- remain outside, a special hose is lowered into the container, sucking out the liquid. By this, you can also check out.

For pools, they produce not only drainage pumps that can quickly drain water and at the same time clean the bottom, but also universal systems that operate in several modes:

  • Circulation- they drive water in the pool for uniform heating and pass it through the purification system, preventing "blooming".
  • Heating- work both for draining, water, and for its injection, while heating the cold water entering the pool.

The drainage pump can not only pump out water from the pool, with its help it is really possible to establish an irrigation system. Water can be pumped from a nearby body of water or rainwater barrels.

The technology for installing a drainage pump in a well is described.

Which is better

For inflatable

The most common for country use are inflatable pools, recently they have been successfully crowded out from the positions of leaders by frame varieties. Both of them are characterized by mobility, they can be installed wherever you want, and ease of operation. In the middle of the season, if proper water treatment measures have not been taken, it may be necessary to drain the pool, or this will happen at the end of the bathing season, when it needs to be prepared for wintering. In any case, it is unrealistic to spit out several cubes with buckets, and water will not flow by gravity due to safety valves.

It is possible that the material about will be useful to you.


For pumping water out of an inflatable or frame pool the filtration pump supplied can be used. The sleeve through which purified water flows back into the tank is not connected to the pool, but to the outlet hose through a coupling or adapter. However, all the water cannot be drained in this way, since the installation of equipment on the fence is carried out at a considerable height from the bottom. For the final pumping, you will have to use a special or household drainage pump. Or connect it to the process initially.

From domestic drainers, special, pool ones, differ in lower power and dimensions. These are compact models that will collect almost all the water from an inflatable or frame structure. In addition, they are designed to clean the bottom of dirt and can serve as a water vacuum cleaner during the swimming season. The convenient handle allows you to move the device around the bottom of the pool.

One of the most important activities related to the pool is the organization of the runoff. Learn how to properly drain a pool.

Draining the water from the pool is one of the most important processes in its use, so it must be thought out in advance. High-quality work of the drain will be ensured only if it fully complies with the type of structure, its location, as well as sanitary and technical standards.

We equip the drain of water from the pool

It is possible to arrange several types of waste water drainage from the pool, each of which directly depends on many factors. Here, it is required to take into account the contamination of the liquid, its volume, the frequency of draining, the distance to the place of water intake.

Standard water drain

by the most in a simple way drain water from the pool is the drain supply to the sewer. It is possible to organize and equip everything not only with stationary structures inside the house or capital, detached buildings, but also with small inflatable and frame models.

To do this, you will only need to install a drain in the pool itself, make a connection to the sewer, run pipes and lay them in right direction and with a certain slope. The liquid will leave faster if the diameter of the labor is correctly selected and the distance to the sewer will be minimal.

Management of pool filtration modes (VIDEO)

Drainage to the garden and beds

Using small pools, for example, frame or generally inflatable for children, draining often occurs simply in the garden or in the garden of the land. The task is simplified if the structure is located on a slight slope or near drainage pits and ditches.

Thus, you can simply open the discharge valve or take the hose from it to the required place, and soon the waste water will leave the tank by gravity, and you can replace it with clean water.

Also for this process, you can also use a medium power pump, which will help convert the water from the pool into an excellent pressure for watering flower beds and beds.

Draining water into a septic tank

Experts do not recommend draining fluid from the pool into septic tanks and cesspools, since literally in one discharge you can completely fill the volume. Another thing is if the drain is organized into a special pit for draining wastewater, which will be dug to a depth below the level of the tank, and preferably to the sand and gravel soil layer.

In this case, the contents of the structure will leave much faster, and if you use the pit strictly for its intended purpose, it will be able to help you with a quality drain.

Drainage from the pool to the reservoirs

From the side of organizing such a drain, everything is very simple and even inexpensive, but from the side of the legality and ethical standards of a civilized person, it is, of course, worth thinking about. Naturally, it is possible to equip the drainage of waste water into a river or lake, but only if the liquid does not contain a large amount of chemicals.

Cleansing activities

In this case, it would be nice to use special filters for pools, which will be responsible for the purity of waste water, or special settling wells. We also recommend that you always communicate with the services of your region that oversee such issues in order not to run into fines. large sizes for environmental pollution.

Stock system automation

Automated drainage of water from the structure is possible in any of the above cases, and it is even recommended to increase the rate of emptying the structure and the ability to reuse the liquid (if it does not contain a lot of chemicals).

For this, you should consider special drainage pumps as well as filtration equipment. published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Some owners of country estates, when designing and building summer pools there, completely lose sight of the issue of draining water - where and how to drain it? Sometimes this issue is postponed by them for later and is not considered important, although it can be resolved already in the process of using the pool.

  • Do I need to drain the water from the pool and when is the best time to do it?
    • The answer is yes! Why?
    • The answer is no! Why?
    • Compromise option
  • How to drain water from an inflatable pool?
  • Draining water from the frame pool
    • How to drain the water from the Intex frame pool?
  • How to drain water from a stationary pool?
    • Tools and materials
    • Arrangement of water drain
    • pit cover
  • Where to drain the water from the pool?
    • Down the drain
    • Drainage of water on the beds
    • Drain into a septic tank
    • Drainage into reservoirs

Do I need to drain the water from the pool and when is the best time to do it?

Some pool owners naively rely on a water filtration system, thinking that they can do without a drain at all. But there are circumstances when to drain the water from children's pool it is necessary:

  • the water bloomed or became cloudy;
  • before the onset of cold weather;
  • the water has an unpleasant smell;
  • entry into the water of the corpse of an animal or substances harmful to humans.

The answer is yes! Why?

If the obvious reasons described above are not yet observed, is it necessary in such cases to drain the water from the frame pool? Obviously, yes, for example, at the end of the swimming season. This seems logical, since there is no longer a need for water, and it seems pointless and tedious to continue cleaning the bowl of fallen leaves, acorns or cones without counting on a subsequent bath. In addition, since mid-autumn, the dacha is becoming less and less frequented, and water frozen in winter is quite capable of breaking the very bowl of the pool.

The answer is no! Why?

True, there is also a directly opposite point of view, adhering to the fact that even for the winter it is not necessary to completely drain the water from the frame pool. Supporters of this theory substantiate their point of view by the fact that groundwater near the surface freezes in winter and begins to strongly compress the bowl of a pool deepened into the ground. When it is left filled with water, it, also freezing, compensates for the ground pressure with a counter force and allows you to keep the pool structure intact.

Both of these opinions are quite justified, but then the question of draining water from the pool for the winter rests on the nature of the soil around the pool.

Compromise option

There is another, compromise point of view, according to which half of the usual volume of water should be left in the bowl for the winter, and not fight over how to drain the remaining water.

If there is good specialized equipment for maintaining pools, then you can change the water in them completely every two to three years.

Since during the operation of filters and heaters, as well as natural evaporation from the water surface, its amount gradually evaporates, it is necessary to periodically add clean water to the pool. About 3% of the water volume is lost per week. Thanks to this, there is a natural slow renewal of water, which can please the owners for longer with cleanliness and freshness.

How to drain water from an inflatable pool?

And yet, if you have an inflatable pool, then draining the water from it is not a difficult task at all, and you won’t worry about its safety if you drain all the water in time and put the pool in storage in a dry room.

Video on how to drain water from an inflatable pool:

Video about alternative way draining water from an inflatable pool:

Draining water from the frame pool

Most often, the owners of such "fonts" begin to think about how to drain the rest of the water from the frame pool only at the moment when it needs to be disassembled for transportation or long-term storage. But not only in this case, it may be necessary to drain the water. In summer or autumn, torrential or prolonged rains occur, filling the pool bowl. In such cases, if you do not figure out how to quickly drain the water from the pool, it may overflow and the excess water pressure will damage the structure.

In standard designs, drain holes are located on both sides of the bowl. You can choose a solution on how to drain the water from the pool through a hose:

  1. First you need to study local laws regarding the disposal of used water.
  2. Then you need to connect a garden hose to the most convenient of the drain holes and check if the drain plug is correctly installed with inside bowls.
  3. From the drain valve located on the upper side of the structure, you need to remove the cover and connect the end of the garden hose to a special adapter (sold in hardware stores).
  4. The other end of the hose is placed in a valid water inlet.
  5. Next, the adapter must be connected to the drain valve.
  6. After attaching the adapter, a drain plug will open on the inside of the bowl, after which it will be possible to quickly drain the water from the frame pool.
  7. After draining the water, the hose must be disconnected from the adapter, insert a plug into the drain valve.
  8. to the drain valve outside bowls return the lid.
  9. All air must be completely bled from the inflatable ring and all plugs removed.

After it was possible to quickly drain the water from the inflatable pool and before folding the structure and sending it to the barn or garage for the winter, the remaining moisture must be absorbed by sprinkling the structure with talcum powder. All valves and plugs must be removed from the pool, carefully rolled up and removed until the next season.

By the way, about the water in the pool. It is better to add as few chemicals as possible to it - both the skin of bathers and the environment after draining the water will suffer from them.

Video on how to drain water from a frame pool:

How to drain the water from the Intex frame pool?

To know how to drain water from the intex frame pool, you need to consider that they have two drain holes. Water can be drained using the water drain adapter:

  1. First, the hose must be connected to the adapter.
  2. After that, connect it to the drain hole on the outside of the bowl.
  3. The adapter will slightly open the valve and the water will immediately begin to drain.

In bestway frame pools, water is drained according to the same principle. But in some of them, the drain neck is located too high, so all the water cannot be completely drained immediately. In order to find a solution in this case, how to drain the water from the bottom of the pool, you will need to remove several racks from the frame.

Video on how to drain the water from the Intex pool before wintering:

How to drain water from a stationary pool?

Even at the planning stage of a stationary pool, you should think about how to drain the water from the pool. The water drainage system is one of the primary tasks that can be solved on your own.

Tools and materials

To work you will need the following:

  • shovel and tiler's trowel;
  • brick;
  • sand;
  • cement ("grade 500");
  • metal plate 2-3 mm or asbestos 5-10 mm, depending on the area of ​​the drain pit. For example, for a pool measuring 2x4x1.5 m, the area of ​​​​the recess for draining is 50x50 cm and the depth is 50 cm.

It is important to note that big size the pit implies a large free area, but the volume of water discharge per drain will also increase.

Arrangement of water drain

  • First you need to dig a pit of the required size, adding the width of the brick on all sides of the recess. Brickwork will help strengthen the walls.
  • The first layer is laid with a gap of 30 mm. The second is done so that the upper level covers the gap between the bricks of the lower layer. For laying, a solution of cement with sand is used, a ratio of 1: 3 - this is how the walls of the lattice are obtained. Through them, water will be absorbed into the ground.
  • Sprinkle the top with earth so that, when digging the soil, do not touch the top cover of the pit.

pit cover

  1. In a pre-prepared plate, you need to make two holes with a diameter of 50 mm. Pipes are placed in them. One for the air outlet, the other for the hose to drain the water.

The air outlet pipe must be above the plane of the earth embankment.

  1. Suitable for air outlet plastic pipe 50 mm in diameter. The pipe must be attached to the plate.
  2. The second pipe must pass through the hole in the pit cover.
  3. With the help of bent corners, the pipes are attached to the plate. She will cover the pit before backfilling. The mass of the earth will put pressure on the plate, and the prepared corners are needed to strengthen it. They should be placed on the top layer of bricks under the plate at a distance of 200 mm.
  4. The final stage is the laying of the plate with pipes.
  5. From above, everything is covered with earth.
  6. Pipes should not move when backfilled - if necessary, they should be corrected.

  7. It remains only to tamp the earth and fill the rest of the pit.

That's it. Now you do not have to worry about how to drain the water from the pool - you just need to connect the hose to drain the water. Drain the water until the pit is completely filled, then a 30-minute break, then repeat the operation. You need to do this until all the water leaves the pool.

Where to drain the water from the pool?

Down the drain

The simplest answer to the question of where to drain the water from the pool in the country will be its further disposal through the sewer. If there is a good sewerage system on the site, it will not be a problem to equip not only stationary pool inside a residential building, but also a small frame or inflatable pool on the territory of the adjacent area.

If there is a branch of the sewer system not far from the pool, then it is enough just to pull the pipe to it from the pool and supply it with a valve. But if the sewer has a waste tank limited in volume, then connecting to it may be imprudent.

In any case, the volume of the pool bowl must be less than the volume of the receiver free from drains, in addition, during the draining process, it is necessary to ensure that the level of drains in the receiver does not exceed the upper allowable mark.

To connect to the sewer in the pool itself, you need to connect the drain to it, lay the pipes, observing a uniform and sufficient slope.

The larger the diameter of the pipe and the shorter the distance to the sewer, the faster the water will drain.

In this case, the cost of draining consists only of the costs of buying and laying pipes, therefore it is also more profitable if the sewer is located closer. If the drain is carried out into the drain pit, then you will still have to pay for the work of the sewers, although this is not very expensive.

Drainage of water on the beds

Often the question of how to drain water from an inflatable pool, especially in cases where it is small or for children, is decided in favor of watering the garden or vegetable garden. The solution to this problem becomes easier if the bowl is located next to drainage ditches, pits, or on a hillock.

If you connect a simple watering hose to the drain hole of the pool and stretch it to the place of irrigation, avoiding its kinks and tangles, then all that remains is to open the valve and at the same time "kill two birds with one stone": drain the pool and water the plantings. This option is optimal.

This process can be upgraded by adding a pump that is not too powerful, which will create the necessary pressure, convenient for watering some crops.

But at the same time, it must be remembered that if the water in the pool has been treated with chemicals, then for plants it may turn out to be evil, not good.

Therefore, if it is immediately supposed to use water from the pool for irrigation, then for it you need to choose such a “chemistry” that would have a mark on the package about its harmlessness to fauna and flora.

Drain into a septic tank

Experts strongly oppose draining water from garden pools into cesspools and septic tanks. The fact is that in almost one such procedure their volume can be completely filled.

Much better option when the drain is carried out in a specially dug hole for water drainage, located below the pool itself and reaching the level of the gravel-sandy soil layer. In this case, the water from the pit will leave much faster. If this pit serves only the pool, then with its help it is possible to completely solve the problem of utilizing water from its bowl.

Drainage into reservoirs

Such a drain is the easiest and cheapest to organize, however, such a solution can often conflict with the law and ethical standards of the pool owner, if he considers himself a civilized person.

Draining into a nearby natural or artificial body of water is only acceptable when the pool water has not been laced with a large amount of chemicals, which often happens when cleaning the pool or using the pool for spa treatments that include fragrances, salts, softeners, etc.

And how did you solve the problem with draining water from the pool? Where and how do you drain water? Share your experience in the comments - your answer will definitely help others.

Even in the process of planning an artificial reservoir, you need to think about how and where the water will be drained from the pool. The water drainage system is one of the primary tasks that is quite realistic to solve on your own. You just need to know how to properly drain the water from the pool, where it is better to do it and what is needed for this.

Where to drain water from a pool or pond: available options

The organization of the disposal of used water from a pond or pool is a very important task. This can be a real problem if there is no natural reservoirs where the water could be drained. In the case of the closest location near a lake or river, you are unlikely to have questions related to where to drain the used water from an ornamental pond or pool, since such water will not harm the environment. Also, for these purposes, a natural ravine is suitable, along which flood and rain water flows. However, how to drain water from a pond or pool if such benefits of nature are absent?

First of all, remember that draining the water from the pond or pool should not be done daily or monthly.

In there is water exchange: liquid from the bottom or from the surface is taken by a special pump, filtered, heated if necessary and returned back to the pond or pool tank. Such a system frees owners from the constant draining of large volumes of liquid. However, despite this, sometimes it becomes necessary to intentionally drain all the water from the tank.

Water from a pond or pool can also be drained to the site, because it does not have harmful impurities, but this procedure should also be carried out carefully. Since the volumes of liquid are very large, uncontrolled discharge of water into the ground can lead to waterlogging of the soil. Sewerage remains, however, there are some peculiarities here. Water in such volumes can only be received by a centralized sewerage system, and on summer cottages it is usually autonomous, and the septic tank is probably not designed for such a volume. It will simply choke, and it will be necessary to immediately pump out the liquid.

It may happen that the microorganisms that are involved in the processing of waste products are washed away, as a result of which the autonomous sewage system will lose its main function. Therefore, the owners of suburban artificial reservoirs, who, after bathing their many guests, decide to drain the water from the pond or pool into an autonomous sewer, will be forced to pay money to sewers for pumping water from overflowing tanks.

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How to drain water from a large pool?

Constructive solutions for draining and water overflow systems: a - dug-in pool; b - semi-dug pool; 1 - drain pipe; 2 - overflow; 3 - drain valve handle; 4 - connection of the overflow pipe with the drain pipe; 5 - protective nets; 6 - outlet from overflow without forced pumping out; 7 - to the pumping pump.

If it becomes necessary to drain water from a large pond, pool or other artificial reservoir, then this procedure must be approached very seriously: in order to protect the reservoir from stagnation of dirty water, and the territory from swamping, it is necessary to provide an autonomous drain. drain water from the pond. But then the drain should not be massive and emergency, when the entire volume of water is sent to the septic tank, but measured so that the system can cope with such an amount.

Do not forget about another very important factor: the reservoir must be connected to the sewer through some kind of jet interruption device. To do this, it is necessary to make a well or pit so that bacteria and sewage from the sewer system do not penetrate into the pond bowl. To avoid overloading the system, water must be drained into the last stage of the septic tank.

To drain the liquid into the ground, technical schemes are needed that will allow the water to go into the ground, and not form a swamp. To do this, you can use the filtration fields, which are usually used if a local sewage system is installed on the site. If there is a storm sewer, water from the pond can be drained into it. In addition to all of the above, some have drainage wells on their land plots. With normal volumes of water, the drain can be performed in the drainage system.

Many summer residents and gardeners may have a completely understandable question: why uselessly transfer normal water in a hot summer? In any case, the crop on the site needs to be constantly watered, so why not use water from the pool for this? Experts do not advise using such water if some chemicals were used during the operation of the reservoir, albeit in small quantities.

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When to drain the water from the pool or pond?

It is also necessary to decide on the frequency of draining water from a pond or pool. Such an operation should be carried out at least after the end of the swimming season. However, many professionals do not quite agree with this point of view. They believe that draining the liquid for the winter does not need to be done, since this procedure may adversely affect the design of the pool. As you know from the school physics course, frozen water increases in volume. Following this rule, you can come to the following conclusion: the water contained in the ground, freezing and becoming ice, will put pressure on the bowl, and from this even the most durable concrete can easily crack, as a result of which all your work will turn out to be just a waste of time. and strength. Relying on the experience of operating open artificial reservoirs in harsh Russian climatic conditions, it is not always correct to drain water from the pond in the winter, because. soil movements can cause deformation of the pool bowl.

Installation of a shutter for a drain device: 1 - pipe neck; 2 - the bottom of the pool; 3 - grid; 4 - ball; 5 - wire ear; 6 - tripod; 7 - cable.

There are several different points of view on this issue. Some experts recommend completely draining the water, cleaning the tank, plugging the pipes, and then half filling the tank with water. Others are of the opinion that the tank must be left 50% full so that the frozen liquid compensates for the pressure of the bowl with freezing soil. Another opinion says that water can not be drained for several years if you constantly clean the container and monitor its sanitary condition. In their opinion, water can not be changed for about 3 years, if the equipment for water purification and disinfection is properly selected. Modern systems water treatment systems are able to automatically maintain a certain level of purity and the required temperature.

A lot of problems can be brought by poorly arranged waterproofing of the reservoir bowl. Due to the fact that the container has a large volume, which means that the volume of liquid will also not be small, the water begins to exert pressure on the walls in order to find at least some gap where it could leak. High-quality waterproofing will be able to cope with this pressure, and if it is not done in good faith, then water will pass into the soil, which will result in waterlogging of the site. In addition, poor-quality waterproofing can lead to other unpleasant consequences in the form of undermining the foundation of a house and other outbuildings. The purity of the water in the pond depends on the quality of the waterproofing. The penetration of groundwater also leads to pollution of the reservoir, so you will immediately lose any desire to splash in such a pond. For the drain device, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • tiler's trowel;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • brick;
  • asbestos plate 5-10 mm or metal 2-3 mm;
  • cement brand 500.