Natalia meringue lame horse. The investigation found out the causes of the mass death of people in the Lame Horse club in Perm. What is the current state of this building?

On the night of December 4-5, Perm remembered the anniversary of the notorious Lame Horse tragedy. Dozens of people came to the burned club that night. On the steps of the club and the parapet grew a living monument of candles and flowers. And one of the local deputies even decided to personally protest against irresponsibility and corruption, which led to one of the most terrible events of last year in Russia.

The first anniversary of the tragedy was remembered not only in churches. On the day of mourning, Verdi's Requiem was performed at the Perm Opera House. About 200 musicians took the stage that evening.

Meanwhile, even at half past midnight, the flow of people did not stop at the site of the tragedy. At the Lame Horse, a memorial service began for those who died in a terrible fire, where 103 human lives were claimed for three and a half minutes. And later, 53 more people died in hospitals in a month and a half of burns and poisoning.

Even a year later, many who suffered in a terrible fire or whose relatives died in this club cannot hold back their tears. Natalya Beze, whose eldest daughter Irina died in the "Lame Horse", and the youngest Marina received severe burns of her hands, face and body, it is hard to remember the events of that night. “We came to the place of the tragedy with the whole family to honor the memory of those guys who came to the holiday and stayed here. Blessed memory, - says Natalya Beze. - For me personally, grief has already gone beyond the scope of our family. We pray for all the guys that God gave a second chance. We pray for those girls who are still in the hospital in serious condition. There are many more difficult days ahead.”

Her daughter Marine is having a hard time right now. The girl needs plastic surgery, expensive medicines. On the night of the fire, Marina was saved by a miracle: the crowd knocked her down, and the melted poisonous polystyrene was already burning the girl's hands and face. Marina woke up in the hospital.

But if Marina Beze and other victims were able to leave the hospital, recognize their relatives, and return with their whole family, then the condition of the other two girls, Irina Pekarskaya and Irina Bannikova, is critical. A year later, both Permians are in the hospital. Irina Pekarskaya is undergoing treatment in Germany. And Irina Bannikova, in fact, is left to her fate. She does not move, does not speak. Foreign clinics that treat the most difficult patients can put the girl on her feet. There is a chance, but it is a very expensive treatment. Irina's family collects money on their own, without the help of local officials.

Now Irina's husband Evgeny Bannikov was offered an option - treatment in an Israeli clinic. On Friday, December 3, Israeli specialists visited Irina Bannikova at the regional hospital. Doctors examined the girl. The doctors' verdict again gave hope: the chance to restore Irina's health is, of course, small, only a few percent, but in case of successful rehabilitation, the girl can return to normal life.

Only for the first stage of treatment in an Israeli clinic, Irina's family needs 2 million rubles. In a German hospital, Yevgeny was asked for 200 thousand euros. In another clinic, they said that a month of treatment costs 60,000 euros. So far, thanks to donations to Irina's account, Evgeny has been able to raise only 1.5 million rubles. Everyone can help the Bannikov family using a bank transfer.

At the bedside of Irina, Evgeny is on duty around the clock. Now the girl is practically immobilized, a year later the pain has not gone away. “I believe that Irina will recover. Although they say that one hundred percent restore her health is unrealistic, but I still believe. And I will do everything so that she can get up, ”says Evgeny Bannikov, not letting go of his wife’s hand.

Irina has damaged 30% of her cerebral cortex, the part that is responsible for movement. But there is a positive trend in the treatment of the girl. “Irina began to react better. At one time it was that she raised requests thumb. She was asked to raise this finger, and she could do it, ”says Evgeny.

Irina worked as a bartender at Lame Horse. A month before the fire, she received a call from the club asking her to come out and work because there weren't enough staff. At the moment of the tragedy, the girl went out only for the fourth time.

Recall that 156 people died in the fire. 146 children lost their parents, 9 of which remained orphans. The victims and their representatives filed claims for compensation for moral and material damage in the amount of more than 4 billion rubles. The criminal case on fire contains 139 volumes.

There are eight people in the dock. Among them are those whom the investigation calls the owners of the establishment, as well as pyrotechnicians - the organizers of the fire show and employees of the State Fire Supervision Authority of the Perm Territory. And also the head of the GPN.

Another action, which was held on the anniversary of the tragedy, was organized by Andrey Agishev, deputy of the regional legislature. He decorated the windows of his popular store in the city with huge signs saying "Corruption kills."

The girls loved Friday nights at the Lame Horse.

Two sisters were burned in the fire

The victims of the tragedy were four friends who that evening came to a party at the Lame Horse club in Perm - 31-year-old Evgenia Yugova, her cousin 33-year-old Olga Balandina, 30-year-old Tatyana Belyaeva and 38-year-old Galina Khovanskaya.

I talked to Zhenya literally on Thursday, she told me that she was going to a club with girls, - says their friend Natasha Golitsina. - The four of them went there every Friday - a young thing. And I was invited. But I could not, there was no one to leave a small child with. Who knew that this Friday everything would turn into such horror. We were told that Zhenechka had died. Her husband identified her, he went to the morgue. He is in shock from what happened, does not know how to live on. Zhenya's cousin Olya Balandina was not listed either among the living or among the dead, her phone did not answer calls. And they just told me that Olya also died. Her civil husband Oleg has now left for the morgue. Tanya Belyaeva is now in the hospital, she miraculously managed to survive, but 50 percent of her body was burned. Doctors are afraid to make predictions - they don't survive with such burns... And she has a little son - 4-year-old Yegorka. It is not known what happened to 38-year-old Galya Khovanskaya. Her mobile phone is also not answering... We hope that suddenly she was not with them... The girls were so happy...
Four best friends have known each other for 10 years, they worked as sales representatives.

Zhenya Yugova was very fond of


Zhenya got married a year ago, says Yevgenia's friend Natalya Zayakina. - She was so smart. And her husband took such good care of her. All the girls envied her. Immediately after meeting her husband bought her a car. He constantly took her abroad.

Tonight, relatives identified the body of the fourth friend - 38-year-old Galina Khovanskaya ...

Wife died in the arms of her beloved: DJ husband tried to save his bartender wife after an explosion in a club

Husband and wife Ivan and Irina Ustinov both worked in the ill-fated Lame Horse nightclub. He is a cheerful, up-and-coming young DJ, she is a bartender. Not even a year has passed since the noisy, cheerful wedding ...
When the explosions occurred and the room caught fire, 24-year-old Ivan Ustinov rushed to look for his wife, but the crowd, which rushed to the exit, like a wave, carried him out of the club.

Together with everyone, I ran through the hall, it was impossible to stop - there was a terrible turmoil, but I hoped that my beloved had managed to leave the hall, - Ivan sobs. - And then I saw her being carried out of the club in her arms. I rushed to her. I tried to pump it out right on the bare ground, but it didn’t work. Didn't save...

Ivan Ustinov does not know how to live without his Irisha

In desperation, Ivan did artificial respiration, shouting to the whole square: “Irina, live! Irina, live!!!" He pumped it out as best he could. Doctors ran up and took her away in an ambulance.

But it was too late to save Irina.

The doctors said she was dead, - Ivan says in a wooden voice. - I came home and told Irishka's mother that she was no more.

But my mother does not believe, she continues to hope for a miracle to the last: suddenly the doctors mixed up, made a mistake.

I held on and hold on as best I can, - mother Larisa Nikolaevna cries. - My daughter is only 25 years old. She and Ivan are such a beautiful couple. Both work in the same club. In a month they have their first anniversary - a year of living together ... Ivan - he is such a talented DJ. He loves his job so much. He had such a library! He collected it for five years. She burned down, - as if by inertia, Larisa Nikolaevna whispers.

This club management killed my Irisha and a hundred visitors, - Ivan darkens his face. - The guests who ran out of the burning room did not know that there was another way out - to jump out, breaking the windows. Only they were not visible - they were all draped with thick curtains ...

For relatives, they were the only ...

The fire in the Lame Horse orphaned hundreds of Perm families: pensioners lost their only children and grandchildren, young children lost their mothers.
The elderly spouses Miroshnichenko do not find a place for themselves from the grief that has befallen them: their only daughter, thirty-year-old Olga, was among the victims of a party at the Lame Horse club.

Our daughter Olenka died, she was the only one with us, - mother Galina Nikolaevna, exhausted from tears, cries. - Very young, still live and live. And because of someone's negligence, we will never see her again ... Recently, something has been happening every week! It's outrageous! screams the old mother. - God, why did she go there? Why didn't I stop her?

30-year-old Irina Limonova and 29-year-old Anastasia Ivleva have been friends since their youth, they were best friends. Both left small children as orphans.
When a fire suddenly started in the midst of the fun, neither Ira nor Nastya managed to get out of the smoky room. Their bodies were found by firefighters. By that time, both friends were dead.

Irina left a little son, and Nastya had a daughter, - friends of the dead girls said. - This is a real shock for all of us. I still can't believe they are no more...

One of Irina Limonova's friends wrote in her forum on the website social network: “Irinka, my dear friend. I will miss you very much. You always jokingly chatted that it’s better to die in a dance ... ”. It's scary, but the words turned out to be prophetic ...

Natasha Kononerskaya has recently been especially cheerful and happy - the girl was going to get married.

Natalya was a cheerful, cheerful person, she never lost heart and loved to travel, Natalya's friend Olga cries. - She had a fiancé with whom she was going to link her fate. There were many plans for the future - Natasha was finishing repairs in the apartment. I can’t imagine how her mother and brother will be able to survive this tragedy. She went to the club with her friend Olga, Olya survived, she is now in the hospital.

Tatyana Mitrakova was the only joy and light in the window for two old people - grandfather and grandmother.
“Tanya has only grandparents left in the city of Cherdyn,” a friend of the girl told Life News. - Her mother died a year ago. Now Tatyana went after her ... Her body was identified by friends. The old people have yet to learn about Tanya's death. I'm afraid they can't bear the new grief...

Angel saved

It was only the guardian angel who did not allow two birthday girls to die, who came on a terrible night from December 4 to 5 to the ill-fated Perm club "Lame Horse" to celebrate their angel days.

Yulia Bogdanova celebrated her 27th birthday. The cheerful birthday girl, accompanied by a company of friends and girlfriends, went to her favorite club, not suspecting what a tragedy the long-awaited party would turn into...
When the ceiling of the hall flared up like a match, and caustic chemical smoke poured from the wall panels, it was already too late for Yulia to run to the exit blocked by the crowd. In a matter of seconds, fumes filled my lungs. The room was covered with a thick fog, and from that moment Yulia does not remember anything ...

Yulia has now been taken by plane to Moscow. In an extremely serious condition, the girl was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the 36th hospital.

The girl has severe burns of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree, Life News was told in the hospital. - She has burnt 70 percent of her body - face, torso, limbs and upper respiratory tract.

21-year-old Yana Shcherbinina came to the club with her mother, husband Andrey and relatives - on this birthday they wanted to be there and have fun to the fullest, like the last time ...

The presenter invited those wishing to take part in the competition - Yana and her mother readily responded. Charming mother and daughter, cheerfully laughing at the host's jokes, were engraved in the memory of all the guests.

This competition was the last at the ill-fated party. Literally a few minutes later the fire engulfed the club. Then the seconds were decisive - a crowd of guests rushing to the exit, like a feather, carried my mother out into the street.

Yana! Andrey! - desperately screamed, trying to get back into the club, already blocked by rescuers, heartbroken mother.

A few minutes later they were carried out of the club engulfed in flames - burned, swallowed by acrid smoke, but alive. Young spouses were hospitalized with severe burns.

... All Perm plunged into deep mourning. Passers-by do not hide their tears, at the place of death of hundreds of Permians. to the entrance to night club“Lame horse”, the townspeople carry fresh flowers in armfuls - again, again ... just like a year ago, when a Boeing crashed into Perm, burying 88 passengers and crew members under the rubble.

The ground near the nightclub was strewn with live carnations

We try to help all people in every possible way, we suggest when, where the funeral services will be held, memorial services are already taking place in all churches, - Perm priest Father Luka told Life News. - Tomorrow, when the names of all the dead become known, we will pray for the souls of the departed. Saying goodbye to the dead will be in five churches in Perm...

One of the main defendants in the criminal case on the fire at the Lame Horse club, Svetlana Efremova, was released from a colony-settlement where she served a four-year sentence for providing dangerous services that resulted in the death of two or more people. This happened after the court granted her petition to replace the unserved part of the sentence with a milder one. The court, taking into account the positive characteristics of the convict, replaced her sentence with restriction of freedom for a period of just over a year. The victim in the case, Natalya Beze, says that before the meeting, a collective appeal against her release was sent, but this document is not even mentioned in the resolution.

The Okhansky District Court granted the petition of the former executive director of the Lame Horse club Svetlana Efremova and her lawyer to replace the convicted unserved part of the sentence with a milder form - restriction of freedom. Recall that Svetlana Efremova was serving a four-year term in a colony-settlement. On April 22, 2013, she was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 3 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (providing services that do not meet safety requirements, which negligently entailed the infliction of grievous bodily harm and the death of two or more persons). TO criminal liability she was brought in after a fire at the club on the night of 4/5 December 2009, which killed 156 people.

During the preliminary investigation and consideration of the case in court, Svetlana Efremova pleaded guilty and gave evidence incriminating other defendants in the case. Taking into account her position, the state prosecution initially asked to sentence her to a rather lenient sentence - two years in prison to be served in a colony-settlement. Nevertheless, the court sentenced her to four years in a penal colony. After the verdict was passed, the convict served her sentence in the economic detachment of the women's pre-trial detention center, but then her regime was relaxed, sending her to FKU KP-39 in the Okhansky district.

The court ruling (available at Kommersant's disposal) states that the convict's petition was supported by both the administration of the colony and the representative of the prosecutor's office. Svetlana Efremova's lawyer pointed out that the convict had served more than half of her sentence, was aware of her guilt and repented of her deed, worked conscientiously and participated in the social life of the detachment, for which she received six awards. In addition, it paid 13 million rubles in civil claims of the victims, including voluntarily through the sale of part of the property. “In the event of her release from places of deprivation of liberty, “she is guaranteed employment, which will allow compensation for harm in a larger amount.”

As follows from the decision, some of the victims did not object to the release of the convict either. At the same time, the document says that most of them did not bring their position regarding the petition. As a result, the court came to the conclusion that during the time of serving the sentence, Svetlana Efremova had developed law-abiding behavior and the achievement of the goals of criminal punishment in relation to her would not be lost when the type of punishment was changed. As a result, the punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty was replaced by restriction of liberty for a period of one year, one month and 21 days.

It is worth noting that Svetlana Efremova tried to be released on parole at the end of last year, but the court did not satisfy this petition. In August, she applied to the court to replace the punishment with a milder form, but then, for unknown reasons, withdrew it. It is worth noting that Svetlana Efremova almost fell under paragraph 5 of the State Duma resolution on declaring an amnesty for the 70th anniversary of the Victory. It provides for exemption from punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for convicts whose unserved part of the punishment on the day the execution of the said decision is completed is less than one year. Svetlana Efremova's sentence was supposed to expire on October 29, 2016, while the amnesty decree expires on October 24. Thus, five days were not enough for Svetlana Efremova to apply the document to her.

The amnesty helped other defendants in the Lame Horse fire case to be released. Pyrotechnicians Sergei and Igor Derbenev, as well as ex-inspector of the State Fire Supervision Service Dmitry Roslyakov, fell under the decree on its announcement. And in December 2013, a former colleague of Dmitry Roslyakov, Svetlana Prokopyeva, fell under the amnesty for the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Now, the co-owner of the burnt-out club, the main person involved in the case, Anatoly Zak, and the art director of Lame Horse Oleg Fetkulov continue to serve their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty. The fate of another co-owner of the Lame Horse, Konstantin Mrykhin, who was sentenced in a special order in 2012 to six and a half years in a penal colony, was not reported.

The victim in the criminal case, Natalya Beze, says she is surprised by the court's decision. According to her, several dozen victims sent an appeal to the court, which explained in detail why they oppose the replacement of punishment for Svetlana Efremova. “But for some reason, the court ruling not only does not give an assessment to this document, it is not even mentioned,” says Ms. Beze. At the same time, she notes that she received the decision on September 16, two days before the expiration of the ten-day period in which, according to the law, an appeal can be filed.

Maxim Strugov, Perm

A year ago, 156 people died in the Lame Horse Night Cafe.

On December 5, Perm will celebrate a sad anniversary. On this day in 2009, thousands of Perm residents were in trouble. For many, in the fiery nightmare of the Lame Horse, relatives, friends, and acquaintances died or were injured.

Now most of those who survived the terrible night are undergoing long courses of treatment and rehabilitation. Svetlana Chazova's daughter was injured in Lame Horse. The girl was severely burned - she has no hair, auricles, several fingers on her left hand were completely and partially amputated. Due to burn scars on the skin, the fingers and joints do not bend well. She lay in the St. Petersburg clinic for about four months. All this time Svetlana was next to her. The attitude of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg, local officials and doctors towards the affected Permians was the most benevolent. Relatives who arrived in the city on the Neva were paid for housing and food. Volunteers helped literally in everything.

No matter how we scold our country, our people are still very good and kind, - says Svetlana Chazova. - Our governor Oleg Chirkunov came to visit us. I met with every perm. Very quickly helped to open accounts in St. Petersburg banks so that we could receive benefits without delay. Solved all our problems very quickly.

When the need arose for her daughter's blood transfusion - Svetlana Chazova has the same group as her - the mother offered her biomaterial. But the doctor, as Chazova recalls, refused her for two reasons. Firstly, she does not have a St. Petersburg registration, and secondly, there are enough donors even without her.

Now we are going to go to St. Petersburg again, - says Svetlana Chazova. - They have to make their daughter an operation to restore the ability to work so that her hands move.
They have already completed a rehabilitation course in Sochi, and like other victims, they are now going to Ust-Kachka. Only one thing worries Svetlana. After the doctors restore the ability to work to the daughter, a disabled person of the first group, there will be a need for cosmetic surgeries. It is necessary to reconstruct the fingers on the hand, the auricles. And to restore only one ear, it takes about one and a half million rubles.

True, they did not promise us help in this, - says Svetlana. - But we're not complaining, we'll manage somehow. My baby is alive and that's good.

Boiling polystyrene

Natalia Beze's two daughters went to Lame Horse a year ago. Irina died, and the youngest, Marina, miraculously survived. During the fire, she lay on the floor, under boiling polystyrene dripping from the ceiling. Were severely burned right part body, hands and face. According to Natalia Beze, now she has two problems with her daughter. First, there are drugs. They are very expensive. A 15-gram tube of "Kelo-cat", which helps in the treatment of burns, costs at least one and a half thousand rubles. But it is not for sale either. Now relatives bring medicine from abroad. Sponsors help too. Recently, several tubes of Dermatix were sent from Moscow. Natalia doesn't even know how much this medicine costs. She knows that it is very expensive and in Russia it is not available in pharmacies. The sponsor bought it abroad and, fearing that it might be lost in the mail, sent Dermatix with a friend on a plane.

In addition to burns, other diseases have to be treated. From the ingestion of poisonous gases emitted by the burning lining in the Lame Horse club, people developed stomach ulcers, pneumonia, bronchitis, blood poisoning, and even memory loss. All of these diseases require medication.

Natalya Beze received various benefits, but almost all of them went to pay off bank loans. Shortly before the fire, she and her husband bought apartments for their daughters on credit, and the money had to be used to pay them off.

Everyone helped us a lot,” says Natalia. - For example, when Marina was in a Moscow hospital, she needed a special protein diet. People who were complete strangers to me ordered the necessary meat and fish dishes in restaurants and brought them to the hospital. There were also many unnamed assistants. They prepared the necessary food themselves, bought fruits, cottage cheese, toothbrushes, slippers. The people were very helpful. At the expense of the sponsors, compression underwear was made not only for the daughter, but for all the victims, and according to individual measurements.
Daughter Natalia underwent a course of treatment in the Sochi health resort. And going there again. All trips are paid.

Natalya Beze is very worried about the upcoming plastic surgery. She fears that doctors will restore her daughter's ability to work, and scars on her skin will remain. In addition, the anti-burn medications they currently use are classified as cosmetics. Therefore, you have to buy them at your own expense.

I would like to have an individual approach to each victim in the Lame Horse, - says Natalya Beze. - We need rehabilitation programs for everyone, both medical and psychological. For example, my daughter has already been summoned to court twice. And she doesn't want to go. The memories make it hard for her.

5 million from the sponsor

28-year-old Vladimir was severely burned on that tragic night. Now his whole face and body are "decorated" with patches of transplanted skin. On the hands - special compression gloves. Recovery procedures are still needed.

I work at the same place, - said Vladimir. - I'm fine, nothing to complain about. Officials, doctors and just people are sympathetic to my problems and help in everything.
He also received treatment at a sanatorium in Sochi, and is now going to Nizhny Novgorod to restore the functions of his fingers and hands, which were burned on December 5th.

But domestic medicine does not always help the victims. Two girls are still in a coma. Relatives of one of them, 22-year-old Irina Pekarskaya, were able to find sponsors and sent her to Germany for treatment with the money raised. For two months, German specialists treated the girl for bedsores that formed during her stay in a Moscow hospital. Now Irina's condition has improved, she began to respond to people, to eat on her own. But such treatment cost five million rubles. Ahead - many months of rehabilitation.

Horseshoe at the club

The Perm authorities decided to install a memorial sign at the site of the tragedy. One million rubles have been allocated from the city budget for this. The project is already ready. A memorial sign is planned to be installed at the entrance to the former Lame Horse night cafe. It is a quadrangular column of brown granite. In the very premises, which the municipal authorities want to receive from the Russian Ministry of Defense, they plan to organize a center for life safety. There will also be a memory room with the names of all those who died from the fire. However, this project caused a sharp rejection from the relatives of the victims.

My husband died there,” said one of the women. - I want to go there. Maybe I'll come during the day, maybe at night, and who will take me to the room

There are many proposals to perpetuate the memory of the dead. It is proposed, among other things, to install a stele in the park of the Ural Volunteers. Lay a large metal horseshoe on the pavement where flowers could be carried. But the victims have not yet come to a common denominator of power.


♦ The fire at the Lame Horse killed 156 people.
♦ Recognized as victims in a criminal case - 406 people.
♦ Left orphans - 146 children, 9 children lost both parents.
♦ The fire criminal case contains 139 volumes.
♦ Nine defendants are involved in the criminal case, six of them have been arrested.
♦ The victims and their representatives filed claims for moral and material damages in the amount of more than 4 billion rubles.
♦ The amount of voluntary donations amounted to 22079132 rubles 23 kopecks, of which 3457561 rubles 16 kopecks are intended for payments only to children.
♦ Each affected family received 78,561 rubles 48 kopecks.
♦ Each child received 21,609 rubles, orphans - 43,219 rubles.
♦ Relatives of the victims were paid 400,000 rubles from the federal budget and 100,000 rubles from the regional budget.
♦ The victims received 300,000 rubles from the federal budget and 100,000 rubles from the regional budget. Now all the money has already been paid to people.

On a note

On the night of December 4-5, at 0.30, a memorial service will begin near the former premises of the Lame Horse. Duty buses will take people to their homes in remote areas - Motovilikha, Parkovy, Zakamsk.

A circular on holding prayers has been sent to all churches in the Perm Territory, - said priest Konstantin, a representative of the Perm diocese. - At the Northern Cemetery, a memorial service will begin at 11.00 on the fifth of December. At the request of relatives, memorial prayers will also be read over the graves of the dead. The issue of mourning services at other cemeteries in Perm and the region has also been resolved.

Verdi's Requiem will be performed at the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater on December 4 in memory of the victims of the fire. In the Theater-Theater on December 5 at 18.00 a literary evening of Veniamin Smekhov will take place. Part of the tickets is reserved for relatives of the dead and injured.

Perm, December 5 - AiF-Prikamye. On December 5, 2009, a fire in a nightclub claimed the lives of 156 Perm residents. Three years have passed, but there are still no answers to the questions: who is to blame for the tragedy, what should the victims do, which of the club owners will pay compensation? The co-owner of Lame Horse Konstantin Mrykhin, who admitted his guilt, is serving a sentence, but the victims did not receive any payments from him. “Headache, shortness of breath, chest pains, pulse 120 beats,” the judge read out a certificate explaining why Anatoly Zak is not at the court session scheduled for November 29. If at first the courtroom in the Leninsky Court was bursting with press, now only two journalists are attentively listening to the barely audible voice of the judge. The same number of victims are sitting on the next bench. Both answer with a categorical "no" to the question whether it is possible to hold a hearing without one of the main accused, and the judge announces the adjournment of the meeting, for the 107th time (!). What is happening is like an endless series. Only he does not distract from problems, as is usually the case with soap operas, he dries up the soul day after day and sucks out all the strength. It can be seen that it is bad for everyone - both the victims and the accused. No one undertakes to predict how much more time will pass before the announcement of the verdict. The process, which began on September 20, 2010, runs the risk of dragging on for a long time.



5th of December. In the nightclub "Lame Horse" in Perm on the street. Kuibyshev, 9, there was a fire, killing 156 people.

December 5 and 6. Some of the victims were taken by special planes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Health to hospitals in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk.

5th of December. Three federal ministers arrived in Perm - Sergei Shoigu, head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Tatyana Golikova, head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, and Rashid Nurgaliev, head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

5th of December. On the fact of the tragedy, a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of crimes under Part 3 of Art. 219 (“Violation of fire safety requirements, negligently resulting in the death of two or more persons”) and Part 3 of Art. 109 (“Causing death by negligence to two or more persons”).

5th of December. Four people were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the fire at the club: club co-founder Anatoly Zak, art director Oleg Fetkulov, executive director Svetlana Efremova and individual entrepreneur, supplier of pyrotechnics Sergey Derbenev.

December 7. In connection with the tragedy, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev declared national mourning on that day.

December 8. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin arrived in Perm. He visited the site in front of the Lame Horse club, to which Permians brought flowers and candles after the tragedy.

9th December. The government of the Perm Territory has decided to resign.

December 11th. The Leninsky District Court of Perm seized all the assets and property of Anatoly Zak.

December 10-16. The Ministry of Health and Social Development conducted an inspection of the state of medical institutions in the region. Minister Tatyana Golikova criticized Perm medicine.

December 11th. Arrested Vladimir Mukhutdinov, Chief State Fire Inspector of the Perm Territory.


February 2. In five judicial boards of the cassation instance of the Perm Regional Court in various compositions and at different times, five decisions on the arrest of property belonging to Anatoly Zak and his wife were considered. Representations on the arrest of property were sent to the Leninsky District Court by the investigators of the RF Investigative Committee in the interests of the victims of the fire. The regional court agreed with the arrest of a residential building, three apartments, three land plots, one

eleven non-residential premises, a car, bank accounts, founders' shares in 28 organizations, etc.

February 26. The facade sign above the central entrance to the club premises was removed. According to the balance holder of the house, the sign was removed by order of the city administration, to which residents of the house and relatives of those killed and injured in the club applied with this request.

10th of March. The construction and reconstruction of the Lame Horse club was carried out with gross violations; fire safety rules were not observed during operation. Such conclusions were reached by the technical commission, which placed the main responsibility on the owner of the Lame Horse, who died in a fire.

March 29. Charges were brought against Dmitry Roslyakov, an inspector of the state police supervision of the region. Konstantin Mrykhin, co-owner of Lame Horse, put on the wanted list.

June 4. The Investigative Committee of Russia announced the completion of the investigation into the criminal case of the fire at the Lame Horse club. 8 people were brought to criminal responsibility. The accused Konstantin Mrykhin has been put on the international wanted list.

24 August. The Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation transferred the case materials to the Prosecutor General's Office for approval of the indictment and further forwarding to the court.

September 20. The Leninsky District Court of Perm began to consider the case of the fire. 404 people were recognized as victims in the case. 294 people filed civil suits for a total amount of 2.5 billion rubles.

November 24th. Vladimir Ovchinsky, adviser to the chairman of the Constitutional Court, stated that more than 1 kg of heroin was present in the belongings of club visitors.


June 16th. The Spanish authorities handed over Konstantin Mrykhin, co-owner of the Lame Horse club in Perm, to Russian law enforcement agencies.


May 4th. The Leninsky District Court of the city of Perm found Konstantin Mrykhin guilty under Art. 238 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentenced him to 6 years and 6 months in prison.

September 27. It was announced that the premises of the club will be transferred to the museum of political repressions "Perm-36" and the Perm State Art Gallery to host the exposition.

Two poles of the tragedy

The only person who goes to court sessions not on duty or on the agenda is Natalia Beze. In the Lame Horse nightclub, one daughter died and another became disabled. Everyone in the Leninsky court knows her. At the entrance to the courthouse, to the question “Where are you going?”, I automatically answer: “To a meeting with Beze.” “Ah… in the Lame Horse case. Show your passport and come in,” the guard replies. Meringue and Zach are like two poles of the tragedy that happened. One spends whole days in court, the other is there less often than all the participants in the process.

For two years, Natalia Beze studied the court rules "from and to". “No, you can’t take pictures in the courtroom, you need permission,” she warns. “Let’s move back here, to the window, here we can talk freely, we won’t interfere with anyone, and no one will distract us.”

Natalia Beze: - 237 meetings took place today. I was on 235, - says Natalya Beze. - I missed two - when it was Memorial Day, the day my daughter died. 107 meetings did not take place. The reasons are very different: either the defendant is not present, or the lawyers, whom you wait for half a day because of their employment in other courts. And now we are sitting, waiting for an hour for the lawyers to come. Most of the meetings are postponed due to the fact that Zach cannot take part in them due to health reasons. History repeats itself over and over again: the judge records who appeared in court, reads out medical certificate, assigns a new date. I am following the process for the first time, many things are new to me, but, apparently, it develops very slowly.

"AiF-Prikamye": - Are you still ready to come to every meeting?

N.B.: - I swore on my daughter's grave to go through this. I want to understand who is responsible for the death of my child. Why did the authorities allow this? I learned a lot in these 2 years, but most questions remain open. It is not clear why the club could work for 8 years practically in an illegal position. Why did supervisory organizations turn a blind eye to numerous violations for 8 years? For example, the club was located in a residential building and, in accordance with administrative law, simply could not work at night. Everyone knew about it, but they were silent.

"AiF-Prikamye": - To what extent does the list of the accused coincide with the one that, in your opinion, should be?

N.B.: - I'm not a judge. One of my children was killed, the second was maimed. And emotions speak in me, often feelings come to the fore in assessments, and not reason. I would like the question of the responsibility of officials to be considered in more detail. Violations were everywhere! The documents are fake. There is no legal registration. The redevelopment is illegal. 300-400 seats with 50 allowed is a crime. Pozhnadzor, for example, according to the law, can only check establishments during the day. The clock inspector comes at 5 pm, counts a few visitors, and leaves. Keep records seats- already under the jurisdiction of Rospotrebnadzor. As it turned out, the papers and reporting documents in the Lame Horse were handled carelessly. The Roman courts were right when they equated negligence with intent.

"AiF-Prikamye": - Do you consider Mrikhin's verdict fair?

N.B.: - Fair. He went for a special procedure for the consideration of the case and freed us from another one or two years of litigation. He was given the maximum possible sentence, so I think the victims are satisfied with the decision of the judge.

"AiF-Prikamye": - Now you can confidently say who was the owner of the "Lame Horse" and who held what positions?

N.B.: - Witnesses say that Zak, Mrykhin and the deceased Titlyanov were the owner and owner. But now everyone is pulling themselves out by blaming others. Better to wait what the court says.

"AiF-Prikamye": - The court sentenced Mrikhin to pay unprecedented compensation. Already received?

N.B.: - Mrykhin did not pay any compensation, because there is no material support for the verdict. It seems to me that by announcing large amounts of compensation they simply wanted to shut the mouths of the victims. Of all the property of Mrykhin, it is known only about some old car that no one can find. Plus the 90th part of the share in the business. A lot of time passed, no one kept track of what he managed to hide. Let me tell you what compensation was paid. Immediately after the tragedy, the local authorities paid 400,000 to 500,000 rubles to the victims and their relatives. Then the defendants' lawyers tried to prove that these payments could serve as a basis for refusing their clients' monetary claims. From the charitable fund, in which money was collected by the whole country, orphans received 21 thousand rubles if one parent died, and 42 thousand rubles. - if both. The remaining amount was divided equally between the victims and the relatives of the victims, it turned out to be 78 thousand rubles each. There were no further official payments.

"AiF-Prikamye": - Treatment of serious burns is much more expensive?

NB: - Of course. In October, the daughters underwent an operation in Germany, which cost 7.8 thousand euros. After it, it was necessary to treat the skin with ointment. First 1 time per hour, then once every 2 hours, then once a day. One small tube costs 140 euros. A lot has come running. So the issue of paying compensation to the owners of Lame Horse is still relevant, despite the fact that 3 years have passed. I know girls who are still bedridden. They are cared for by mothers who live on a pension and barely make ends meet themselves.


The court ordered Mrykhin to compensate moral and property damage to the victims in the amount of more than 200 million rubles. The civil claims of the victims amounted to 1.5 million rubles. in case of loss of a close relative, 1.5 million rubles. - in case of loss of a spouse, 1 million rubles. - in case of causing severe harm to health and 500 thousand rubles. - in case of damage to health of moderate severity.

Help still needed

Now Irina Bannikova is 32 years old. More than two years ago, doctors decided that a young woman would never come out of a vegetative state. Irina worked at the Lame Horse club at the bar, where there was no chance of getting out during a fire. The diagnosis is carbon monoxide poisoning, a burn of the respiratory tract and, worst of all, damage to the back of the brain, which is responsible for movement. Even foreign doctors shrugged their shoulders - nothing can be done.

It is difficult to explain in words what I experienced, - says Tamara Oborina, Irina's mother. - The most difficult thing was when the doctors said that the daughter would never get up and talk. No, I was not afraid, I did not despair, my feelings were different. I hoped. Last week, on Thursday, we were discharged from the regional hospital, where we were undergoing another course of treatment. They did an encephalogram, which showed that the brain was in order. Improvements were noticed last spring. Irina hears me, understands, immediately reacts to the appearance of her daughter, who is 4 years old, smiles in response to jokes, and began to move a little.

"AiF-Prikamye": - Did someone from the owners of "Lame Horse" help you?

THAT.: - No. Only executive director Svetlana Efremova. She, on her own initiative, brought food and money to the hospital. I agreed to accept this help, because Efremova did not ask to petition for leniency. We needed money then, and we need it now. Irina was not formally registered in the bar, therefore, due to disability, she receives a pension of only 2.9 thousand rubles. She needs to be fed, raised, and I myself am a pensioner.

To develop a motor skill, Irina needs a German Motomed simulator, which costs 650,000 rubles. With another simulator "Parapodium" promised to help the regional Ministry of Health. But the main problem is to get into the Institute of Speech for classes with speech therapists. When the first request for treatment was sent, Irina's condition was much worse, and therefore a refusal came. Now - the second attempt. There is an alternative - the Institute of Speech. Shklovsky. But as long as there is silence in response, there is no quota.

There are many such stories about the victims of the Lame Horse. Some need medication, some need surgery. Cosmetic surgery is not paid at all, and imagine what it's like for young women to lose their attractiveness. “It would be better to die” - more than once I have heard such words from people who have become disabled. In these words, despair sounds that life will never be the same for them. It was cruelly divided into 2 halves by the fire that blazed under the roof of the Lame Horse club. Gradually, the victims of the fire were more and more left alone with their problems. To remember is the least we can do for our countrymen.