Personal life of Alexander Kokorin: from an affair with Timati's cousin to a "secret" wedding with a businessman's daughter. Personal life and women of Alexander Kokorin Wife of Alexander Kokorin year of birth

February 20, 2019, 18:11

There was a scandal last year. Pavel Mamaev and Alexander Kokorin were accused of assaulting officials Denis Pak and Sergei Gaisin, as well as Vitaly Solovchuk, the driver of Channel One TV presenter Olga Ushakova. For several months, the athletes were sent to a pre-trial detention center, and a few weeks ago their arrest was extended for another two months. The next court hearing is scheduled for April 8. Kokorin's defense plans to seek justice in the European Court of Human Rights. This will be required if all instances Russian courts and they will continue to leave the football player under arrest. Now Mamaev and Kokorin are in Butyrka.

She shared her feelings about what happened. Daria noted that it was painful for her to see her lover when she first came to visit him in jail. “I went in and immediately started crying. Although I knew it was wrong. I just couldn't resist," she shared. She said that what happened was a disaster for her family, as Kokorin had to celebrate New Year without relatives and he also missed his wife's birthday in December. “I hope it was the worst New Year ever. It just couldn't be worse. And for the child ... He (the son of a football player) is aware of what is happening, ”said Valitova. She noted that the boy suffers without a father.

"I would like people to hear the truth"- said Daria. She noted that Kokorin and Mamaev not only sharply attacked the officials, but they were initially provoked. According to the girl, it was a response. “They started talking obscenities. At first, the guys did not pay attention to it. Then first Sasha's brother Kirill approached them and asked why they called names. Then they have their own conflict, and Sasha has already approached them. Moreover, I have known Sasha for ten years, and he is absolutely not aggressive. He does not even give such reactions to insults. And then, when they continued to insult him in the face, a conflict of men ensued, ”the girl said. She noted that after that, Pak asked for forgiveness from Kokorin, as he realized that he had provoked the conflict.

Earlier it was reported that they intend to go to the local gym to keep fit, but it is difficult to spend effective workouts. Alexander is also continuing his recovery from a cruciate ligament rupture. While the players are in jail, their relatives suffer, who can only send them letters and visit them once a month. The civil wife of Alexander Daria Valitova recently broke the silence for the first time in a long time. She agreed to come to the program "Live" and give an interview to Andrei Malakhov.

The wife of Kokorin interceded for his younger brother Cyril. She noted that the young man is very kind and open and has nothing to do with golden youth. “At 19, he is a child. He is sincere, very good, ”Daria assured. She noted that the football players also had a conflict with the driver of the leading federal channel because of insults, but this time from Solovchuk. “He hit first. This was recorded by cameras, ”the girl added. According to her, Kokorin did not participate in that fight, but Mamaev and Kirill could not restrain themselves and attacked in response. The athlete's wife admitted that she did not go to look for witnesses of what happened, since her actions could be taken as pressure on witnesses. At the same time, she is sure that the cafe employees heard what the official said and saw how events unfolded.

Daria stressed that she does not justify the behavior of Mamaev and Kokorin, but she wants them to be punished in accordance with the law. “I would like to once again sincerely apologize for my husband, for all the guys. They apologize to the fans of the Zenit football club, to the football fans. And they really hope, like me and my family, that people will pay attention to what happened. We really need people's support right now. . I ask you to support us so that the truth is heard", - addressed the audience Valitova.

Alexander Alexandrovich Kokorin is a football player of the Moscow Dynamo club. Despite his young age, the guy has achieved considerable success in sports activities. We will talk about how Sasha followed to the heights of his football career in our article.


Alexander was born on March 19, 1991. The homeland of the athlete is the city of Valuiki (Belgorod region). It is known that Sasha mastered the basics of football together with his father at preschool age.

When the boy was studying primary school, the coach of the football team came to his class and invited those who wished to go in for sports to visit his section. Alexander did not doubt for a second, and the very next day he was standing on the field.

But football is not the only occupation that the boy was fond of. His plans also included becoming a professional boxer.


At the age of 9, Alexander went to Moscow to watch in Spartak. There they were satisfied with the boy, but the team did not have the opportunity to provide housing for the young talent. Therefore, Kokorin, a beginner but talented football player, went to Lokomotiv for a preview, where he was received with open arms and immediately offered a coveted dorm room.

During training in the team, the boy was repeatedly awarded awards as the best striker in the championships of Moscow football schools.

In an interview, Alexander Kokorin said that he became independent at the age of 10, when he studied at the Lokomotiv boarding school. Parents were allowed to come only a few times a month, so at first it was quite difficult. But over time, Sasha got used to such a life.

First successes

In 2008, Kokorin signed a contract with Dynamo Moscow. Being at the age of 17, Sasha makes his debut as a striker in the match of the 24th round of Saturn - Dynamo. In that match, thanks to Alexander's skillful play, 1 ball flies into the opponent's goal. This is one of the most important events in the life of a novice football player.

It is worth saying that Alexander is one of 16 young athletes who managed to score a ball in major league Russian championship at such a young age.

In the next three matches Kokorin, a football player, undoubtedly gifted, scores another winning goal into the opponent's goal. Then the guys play against Alexander's native team - Lokomotiv.

For participation in the championship "Dynamo" receive a bronze medal. In the same year, Kokorin was recognized as the best striker of the IV International Youth Tournament Belarusian Federation football.

Subsequent games

In 2009, in the 2nd Russian Championship, the Dynamo team takes the field against Khimki. The football player Kokorin, whose biography is set out in our article, then scores a very important goal. In the next 23 matches, Alexander sends only 2 goals into the opponent's goal. In addition, for serious violations, the judge "rewards" him with three yellow cards for rough play.

In 2010, Sasha takes part in all 26 league matches, but, unfortunately, does not score a single goal.

Despite temporary setbacks, sports director The team declares that Alexander has many more victories ahead.

In 2011, Kokorin is a football player who has already practically taken place. He goes out to fight against the Anji team. During the match, he sends 1 goal to the opponent's goal. As a result, the total score is 2:2. For the entire championship, Sasha scores 5 goals. To the delight of the fans, "Dynamo" go to the final of the Cup of Russia. They have to fight with Rubin. Unfortunately, the team loses with a score of 0:1.

It is worth noting that in 2011 Kokorin is recognized as the best young football player in Russia.

In the same year, negotiations are underway to extend the working contract with Alexander. Fortunately, the player remains in the team for another 3.5 years.

In the Europa League in the new season, Kokorin (football player) scores 3 goals.


In 2013, Alexander publicly declares that he wants to continue his career at Anji. The player is offered €19 million.

Return to home team

At the end of 2013, Sasha decides to return to his native team, without playing for a new one. Kokorin - which at that time was € 5.5 million per year. He then joined the composition of Dynamo, along with Igor Denisov.

During the new season, he scores 4 goals and gives two assists.

In the 2014-2015 season, Alexander carried out his debut hat-trick in a match with Rostov. In the 13th round, Kokorin's only goal brings victory to Dynamo over CSKA.

After the winter holidays in the new season, Alexander sits on the bench.

In 2015, he was named captain instead of Kevin Karagni. In the first match, Kokorin scores a goal for Zenit. Later it becomes known that Zenit, Tottenham, PSG and Manchester United are interested in the young football player.

In 2015, in a match with Terek, Kokorin grossly violates the rules. The referee decides to remove the player from the field and assign him a two-match suspension.

It is known that Alexander is not going to sign a new contract with Dynamo. The reason is the cut in salaries by almost half. There are active rumors that Kokorin is going to join the ranks of the "Zenith". We hope that the proposed fee will suit him completely.

The personal life of a football player

It is known that the first girlfriend of Kokorin was Timati's cousin, Victoria. Young people met in one of the Moscow clubs. Unfortunately, due to the girl's great love for entertainment and her frivolous attitude to life, the couple broke up.

After some time, Alexander was noticed in the company of the beautiful Christina. But this relationship did not last long either.

On the this moment Alexander Kokorin (football player) is in a relationship with

We wish the player good luck!

Not only fans of this game know about the player of the Russian national football team and the Zenith football club. Alexander Kokorin is also popular among the female part of Russia, even the one that is not at all fond of football. All this is due to his bright appearance and cheerful disposition.

But disappointing news awaited all the fans - the Zenit player is already happily married, has a child and is preparing to become a father for the second time. All this information accidentally gets into the press, as the football player prefers not to talk about topics related to his personal life and family.

Alexander is ready to talk for hours about the game, his plans and prospects, but as soon as the question concerns his personal life, he immediately transfers it to another topic. However, some information about his personal life has become available to everyone.

Alexander's love interests

Thanks to his appearance, Alexander always had many admirers. He became romantically involved with some of them. But they didn't last long. Before the wedding, he could "boast" only two long novels.

Alexander tried to build his first serious relationship with Victoria Smirnova, Timati's cousin.

Young people met in one of the Moscow clubs. Alexander went there by chance, and Victoria was a regular client of this club. Young people met and even a romantic relationship arose between them.

But the idyll did not last long. The girl was not going to change her lifestyle. Victoria also disappeared at night in clubs. On this occasion, the couple began to quarrel. Soon the couple broke up.

Further, the press wrote about Alexander's relationship with a girl named Christina. It seemed that this relationship would last a long time and, perhaps, end in a wedding. The couple often appeared together at various events. Kristina even went with Alexander to the 2012 European Championship. But after this tournament, their relationship cooled sharply. They parted very quietly, without scandals.

Difficult Daria

Alexander Kokorin met his current wife in 2013. The girl's name was Daria Valitova. They ended up in the company of mutual friends, and the football player decided that this was exactly the girl he needed.

But to achieve the location of Dasha was not so easy. This pretty blonde from an early age did not lack attention from men. Even at school, she was bombarded with love notes.

After moving to Moscow Daria dated Vlad Topalov for some time, and after breaking up with him - with the rapper Timati.

However, Alexander managed to win the blonde's heart, and after a few weeks of dating, she moved to live with him.

Life is like a volcano

The beginning of the relationship between Dasha and Alexander was beautiful and romantic. They spent a lot of time together at expensive resorts. The girl placed in social networks photo of their holiday in the Maldives or the United Arab Emirates.

But soon the holiday was replaced by working days. The player had to return to the location of the club and start training. Daria wanted more attention to herself, and also that her beloved was near. On this occasion, she arranged real tantrums. Alexander endured all this, because he simply loved her.

They didn't see each other for six months a year. Such long separations were painful for both. But when they met - it was a real holiday.

Interesting Notes:

Over time, the girl realized that the game for Kokorin is very important and with her tantrums she can only ruin the relationship. After a while, the life of young people became somewhat calmer. They were looking forward to the moment when they would be together and be able to spend these few days just the two of them.

To prove her love, Daria got herself a tattoo. "K9" is Alexander's number in the team. The girl recalls that her beloved for a long time could not believe that she really decided on this. Even tried to erase the tattoo from her arm, thinking it was painted on.

On the eve of the wedding

Young people lived under the same roof for a long time. And neither of them ever started talking about the wedding. It was enough for them what they had. A stamp in the passport would have changed little for them.

However, what girl does not dream of a white dress and a wedding. So and Daria mentally tried on a wedding dress and imagined the wedding ceremony. Her dream was destined to come true. In 2016, young people got married.

The wedding took place without too much publicity. People learned about it only thanks to single publications of photographs on the Internet.

Even his club friends were silent about an important event in the life of Alexander Kokorin. Only relatives and close friends of the couple were invited to the celebration. The details of the ceremony remain unknown to this day.

A few months after the wedding, the couple had a wonderful child. But this information appeared a few months after the joyful event. People around learned about the birth of a son from the congratulations of the couple on social networks. Now there is information that the couple is already expecting a second child, but when this joyful event will happen is still unknown.

It remains to wish this couple, who was able to survive all the trials and stay together, happiness, as well as health to their children.

Alexander is one of the most successful Russian football players and a very charming young man who never lacked female admirers. He also had serious romances, but Kokorin's personal life developed only with Daria Valitova, whom the footballer married this summer. The wife of Alexander Kokorin, a few months after the wedding, gave him a son, and it soon became known that she was preparing to become a mother again.

Personal life of Alexander Kokorin

The talented young footballer never had problems with fans, and with some he had quite serious romances, the first of which was a relationship with the cousin of the famous rapper Timati Victoria.

In the photo - Alexander Kokorin and Victoria

They met at a party in one of the nightclubs that Victoria loved to visit and about which there were quarrels between the lovers more than once, because of which they eventually broke up.

The next girl of the football player was Christina, with whom Alexander spent a lot of time and even took her on vacation to the Maldives and the Emirates. Christina was with Kokorin at Euro 2012, but soon after this trip they had a fight, and Alexander spent his next vacation in Miami without her.

Kokorin with Christina

Alexander Kokorin met his future wife in 2013, and he had to fight for Dasha's location. Before meeting him, Valitova, also known as the singer Amelie, met with Vlad Topalov, but Alexander got his way, and Daria became first his girlfriend and then his wife.

In the photo - Alexander and Daria

The celebration of the marriage Daria and Alexander celebrated modestly, in the circle of close people. The wife of a football player, before starting to play music, was a dancer for a long time and even graduated from the school of Alla Dukhovaya.

But now Daria does not have time for this at all, because she has become a mother, and soon, according to rumors, she is going to give her husband a second child.

Daria Valitova

Brief biography of Alexander Kokorin

Alexander was born far from the Russian capital - in the city of Valuiki, Belgorod Region, on March 19, 1991. He was passionate about football from the very beginning. early years, and this did not escape the eyes of the coach of the local sports school, who offered Alexander to enroll in his football section.

After some time, Alexander was invited to Moscow to watch at the Spartak club, and, although young footballer really liked the coaching staff, due to the fact that the club did not have free housing for visitors, Kokorin was accepted into Lokomotiv, in sports school which he worked for seven years.

During this time, Sasha learned what independence is, because his parents could visit him no more than once every three months. Life in a boarding school, hard training hardened future star Russian football and already in those years Kokorin repeatedly admitted top scorer in competitions between metropolitan sports schools.

When Alexander was seventeen years old, he signed the first contract in his life - with the Moscow football club"Dynamo". In the very first game with Saturn, Kokorin showed all his best best qualities, securing a game in the remaining matches of the season.

Later, the footballer made his debut in the Europa League, and again very successfully, scoring a goal for Dundee United, and the next one for Stuttgart. In 2016, Alexander Kokorin became a player in the St. Petersburg "Zenith".

Six months later, an incident occurred when Alexander Kokorin, together with Pavel Mamaev, had fun at a party in Monte Carlo, spending 250 thousand euros on it, and for this the club's management transferred the football player to Zenit-2. By the way, future wife Alexandra Kokorina was then with him.

Alexander Kokorin is from small town Valuyki, in the Belgorod region, where he was born in 1991, on March 19th. Sasha started playing football even before he went to school, and in 2008 he started professional career. With the arrival of the capital's Dynamo club, Kokorin quickly became the "hero" of scandalous chronicles, as well as a frequenter of social events and trendy nightclubs. Soon the attention of the press was attracted by a stormy romance that broke out between a young football player and aspiring actress Victoria Smirnova. The guys met in one of the capital's entertainment venues, where Alexander went by chance, and Victoria was a frequent visitor there. A spark immediately ran between them, and young people began to meet. The couple was not embarrassed by the significant age difference, because Vika was almost a dozen years older than her young chosen one. In addition, the girl is the cousin of the popular rap artist Timati, which only fueled public interest in her romance with the football player. For some time, the couple often fell into the lenses of the paparazzi, young people appeared together at parties and willingly posted their joint photos on social networks. However, their romance ended abruptly after Victoria went to London to study and hone her acting skills. The girl can be seen in an episodic role in the urban fantasy Night Watch, the military drama War, and the action movie Killer Trap. We add that Smirnova also met at different times with performers Stas Piekha and Pavel Sokolov.

Alexander Kokorin and Victoria Smirnova

Shortly after breaking up with Victoria Smirnova, Alexander had an affair with a girl named Kristina Dolgopolova. Little is known about this girl, Christina is from Moscow, where they met Kokorin. The relationship of young people developed rapidly, the footballer took his new passion to fashionable resorts in the United Arab Emirates and the Maldives, the girl also accompanied her chosen one at the 2012 European Championship.

It seemed that Alexander found his happiness, however, after the end of Euro 2012, their relationship somehow cooled off sharply, and in the fall of that year the couple broke up. According to the official version, it was Kokorin who left his girlfriend, but it soon became known that Christina left Sasha for his Dynamo club colleague, Luke Wilkshire, whom she soon married and gave birth to two children.

Alexander Kokorin and Kristina Dolgopolova

In 2013, the football player began dating a young singer named Daria Valitova, who is also known under the creative pseudonym Amelie. The girl was born in the city of Tomsk, in 1991, on the first of January, in the family of a wealthy businessman, owner of a construction company. It was thanks to the financial support of her father that Dasha once went to the capital and began her musical career. Also, the girl in her youth was seriously engaged in choreography and even performed as part of the Todes show ballet. Before meeting Kokorin, Valitova had a romantic relationship with performer Vlad Topalov, who at that time was her producer, as well as rapper Timati.

Daria and Alexander met through the efforts of their mutual friends. A pretty, slender blonde literally conquered the young athlete at first sight, the guys started dating, and just a few months later they decided to move in and began to live together. Daria even got a tattoo with her lover's initials. Three years later, the lovers legalized their relationship, however, they did not advertise this event and arranged a secret ceremony, to which only the people closest to them were invited. exhibit your family life spouses do not like to show off, including in social networks. After the wedding, Dasha finally left the stage and her musical career, fully concentrating on arranging family life. Last year, the couple had their first child, and just a few months later, rumors about Daria's second pregnancy appeared in the press, which, however, were not confirmed.

However, despite all the external idyll, it is rather difficult to call Kokorin an exemplary spouse. A man regularly gets into various scandals with betrayals, and his photos with other women now and then pop up in the press. Recall at least the story that unfolded in December 2014, when the footballer spent time in the sauna with naked beauties, and he himself published intimate photos of them together on his social network account. However, soon the player sobered up, changed his mind and deleted the pictures, but it was too late. Daria, for the entire time of her life together with Alexander, more than once made him tantrums and scenes of jealousy, and even packed up and left the athlete, but each time, by some miracle, the man managed to beg forgiveness from his beloved and return her back to their house.

Alexander Kokorin and Daria Valitova

Valitova herself never makes, as they say, dirty linen in public, and in resonant scandals the girl takes the side of her husband. However, Daria's father in his interviews hinted more than once that his daughter, to put it mildly, is not entirely happy in this relationship.

In particular, when the other day Kokorin and his friend Pavel Mamaev once again became involved in a high-profile scandal, according to the football player's father-in-law, Dasha was in the hospital with her son, and the news about her husband's adventures was a serious blow to the girl. At the moment, Valitova has blocked all her pages on social networks in order to protect herself and her family from the flow of negativity and angry comments.

Alexander Kokorin and Daria Valitova

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