Boar hunting. There, on unknown paths. In a sitting. Night hunting for a wild boar How to hunt a wild boar at night

In ancient times in Russia they used to say this: “If you go on a bear hunt, make a bed and call a doctor, and if you go to a wild boar, order a coffin.” This phrase says it all about what a dangerous beast it is. Moreover, that the billhook, that the pig with offspring will fiercely defend their lives and very often do not flee, but try to punish the offender, which for an inexperienced hunter can end in failure. We decided to supplement the previously published articles with some more details about this animal and add practical tips that, we are sure, will help you get such a luxurious trophy as a wild boar.

In ancient times, in Russia they said this: “If you go, make a bed and call a doctor, and if you go to a wild boar, order a coffin.” This phrase says it all about what a dangerous beast it is. Moreover, that the billhook, that the pig with offspring will fiercely defend their lives and very often do not flee, but try to punish the offender, which for an inexperienced hunter can end in failure. We decided to supplement the previously published articles with some more details about this animal and add practical tips that, we are sure, will help you get such a luxurious trophy as a wild boar.

Description and behavior of wild boars

The wild boar is the closest relative of the domestic pig, or rather, its ancestor. It is distinguished by a very large head in the form of a cone, with an elongated snout. Males have large, upcurved fangs protruding from their mouths.

The coat is long, coarse, the color depends on the time of year: in winter it is dark brown, in summer it brightens towards gray. Body length can reach 2 meters, height at the withers - up to a meter, weight - up to 150 kg. Piglets are most often light brown with longitudinal black stripes. They appear in the spring, 2-6 pieces per offspring. As a rule, females with cubs gather in herds of up to 20 heads. Often gilts of previous offspring also keep with them. Sexually mature boars are kept separately.

have double prints - in addition to the main hooves, small lateral hooves are visible, directed to the sides.

According to their habits, wild boars, like rather large conservatives, follow the same paths, like to fatten in places they like, and go on vacation not only in one part of their territory, but also in one permanent haulout. Although, depending on the season, changes in the food supply and various forced reasons, the wild boar can leave the habitable place and look for a new haven.

Wild boars are active mainly at night. At this time, they feed on pasture or make group raids on fields, gardens, and summer cottages. They leave for the fattening before sunset and return to rest at dawn.

These animals almost never stay during the day in the places where they fed. They retire to rest in impassable places - young spruce forests with undergrowth, reeds, reeds. There they can even arrange a bed for themselves, dragging various greens. In the snow, beds are arranged under huge fir trees, where it is almost always dry.

Wild boars themselves try to make transitions along the most inconspicuous paths, rarely go out into open places. The wild boar prefers to go around the clearing through impassable thickets at the edge than to run across to the other side.

Large boar billhook -. Although without good reason, he will never attack a person. But a sow with babies will definitely frighten the person who disturbed them. Another thing is a frightened, wounded or pursued beast - it can suddenly turn around and rush at a person or dogs. From the attacking boar, you can escape with a sharp jump to the side.

When hunting, one must take reasonable precautions and refrain from stupid bravado and frivolous impulses.

One of the most common mistakes is when a hunter, after a successful shot, without even reloading his gun, rushes to a fallen boar - he can jump up at any moment and then there is absolutely little chance of remaining whole.

It is also undesirable to forget about everything and rush to catch up with a wounded animal, especially at dusk. A cunning and furious beast can wait behind any bush or start the pursuit itself, from which only a tall tree, on which one has to sit for a long time, can save.

Boar hunting from a tower

There are many ways to get a boar. The simplest and somehow even unsportsmanlike -. It happens like this. In pre-baited places, the huntsman throws food in the evening and before sunset (about an hour) a hunter is brought to the tower. When the huntsman leaves (as he did before), the boars waiting for this moment come out to eat. Although, if they already have the experience of being shot at from this tower, then the animals look closely for some time, roam around, but do not leave the forest. But then small and always hungry teenagers can't stand it and run out, quickly grab something in their mouths and again hide in the forest. If they are not disturbed, then the animals calm down and begin to feed openly. The last to come out is the old billhook, who immediately disperses everyone furiously.

A hunter on a tower needs to have a solid endurance so as not to shoot at the first gilt if he wants to get a trophy billhook.

There are, of course, elite towers where hunters are rarely allowed in, and even large individuals walk around them without fear.

Driven hunting for wild boar

This is the most popular way when trying to drive the beast into a row of shooters. If you find an animal, then such a hunt can be very successful, therefore, without a huntsman or a person who knows his favorite places, there is nothing to go to the corrals.

Experienced hunters say about a wild boar that how to chase him, so he goes. On the one hand, it is. With a fast and noisy rut, the wild boars rush with all their might, and they try to slowly leave the slow and silent beaters. But, more often than not, they go completely in the wrong direction.

Moreover, it is almost impossible to drive wild boars in the direction where they do not want to go.

The animals will defend themselves in impassable places, rush between the beaters and shooters so that they cannot shoot and, in the end, break through the chain of beaters, as if realizing that the danger is much greater ahead.

In order to be guaranteed to get in the way of wild boars, the arrows must be placed on the side of the salary, where there are the most boar paths. True, these places will be the most overgrown, and the view will be poor, but this is the essence of hunting - it is completely useless to wait for this suspicious beast in a clean place.

Shooters should not stand directly on the clearing or road. You should go three meters deep into the salary, as wild boars (especially if there are none) necessarily stop in front of an open place, first look closely, and then try to overcome it with one jump.

It is at this moment of indecision of the beast that an aimed shot must be fired.

Hunting with dogs

One of the most interesting and gambling ways -. Usually this method is the most productive. It is best to go on such a hunt for 3-4 hunters with dogs, having calculated in advance the places of the day of the beast. There, the dogs are unleashed and waiting for them to pick up the beast. This moment can be recognized by the barking of dogs, grunting and growling of wild boars, cod in the bushes. There can be two options for the development of events. If the noise does not move, it means that the fight started on the spot and the hunters need to hurry there. And if the sounds move, then it is better for the hunters to split up - one starts up in pursuit, the rest to intercept. In that case, there are important rules: approach the animal as close as possible, protecting the dogs as much as possible.

Be sure to shoot while standing - then in case of a miss, the charge will go into the ground, and will not fly to who knows where, where other hunters may be.

Sometimes especially vicious dogs literally hang on a boar, and they don’t let them shoot. If this is a wounded animal, then they finish it with a knife.

The best dogs for boar hunting -. They are quite vicious towards the beast, viscous, but obedient even in excitement. It is easier for such dogs to dodge if a wild boar attacks - they simply jump to the side from the road of a rushing angry beast.

Boar stalking and stalking

These hunts are carried out at dusk at the places of fattening and most often alone. It is necessary to find a place where the wild boars feed during this period during the day and it is important to find a path along which the animals will go for fattening. In this place, you need to choose a place to hide, guided by the direction of the wind and the ability to shoot towards open space, and not thickets. In an ambush, you need to hide an hour before sunset and then wait.

Hunting by stealth is even more interesting. When the boars begin to feed in the evening, they lose their vigilance and make a lot of noise. Therefore, you can get very close to the fattening boar. It is necessary to do this against the wind and freeze when the champing subsided, which means that the beast is listening. It is necessary to move along the edge of the edge, under the protection of bushes, periodically stopping to assess the situation. If you hear the noise of a boar fuss, then start a neat approach the closer to the beast.

Shooting at a moving boar is most effective, and the practice of hunting with dogs shows that the first shot of a fast-running boar with buckshot most often leads to serious injuries, and gives excitement to dogs.

The second time you need to shoot only if the dog is at a distance of 8-10 meters from the boar, otherwise you can injure him.

If the animal ran out of cover, let it go 10 meters from the cover and only then shoot.

If the boar is coming straight at you, it's better not to shoot at all, but you need to aim. At the moment when the beast notices you, it will make a turn to the side - this is a great moment for a shot in the side.

While shooting, it is advisable to stand next to a tree, so that if necessary, you can hide behind it.

Do not leave your shooting station anywhere until the steward calls off. Firstly, more animals may come out from under the corral, and, secondly, another shooter may make a mistake and mistake you for a beast. In general, you need to shoot when both the wild boar and the dogs are clearly visible, in no case should you shoot at the thicket.

Video hunting for wild boar in winter

Video of driven boar hunting

Batya and I are used to hunting geese in our native Altai fields, where everything is familiar and familiar from childhood. But this year, our Altai leadership got on the nerves with the opening of the hunt. After long unrest and torment, the hunt was opened, but only for 3 days, from April 12 to 13. Well, anyway...
Tickets went on sale two days before the opening and there were queues for them. After several hours of waiting, the documents were received. All our hunting scrub was collected a long time ago, it remains to load it into Nyvka and move out into the fields.
We left the day before the opening of the hunt, in order to determine the place. It is not far to go to the treasured places, about 200 km. The path to the hunting grounds did not inspire optimism, the fields were covered in snow, the goose was not visible. Arriving at the hunting area, it became clear that we were not alone at all) Wherever you look, cars are standing, people are walking and everyone is waiting. Having wandered around the neighborhood, we found a place free from snow and decided to stop. Of course, we undertook thoroughly for the preparation of skradkov, but it was not there. In past years, hunting was opened at the end of April, by this time the earth was warming up and it was possible to calmly dig a trench and mask it, where you consider the most flying place. In the same year, the ground was frozen and all attempts to dig in were useless. This made adjustments to our placement, we had to move to the edge of the field and dig in the snow. The evening went well, with seagulls and kebabs.
Morning has come. Places were taken before sunrise and began to wait. We waited diligently for the goose. At night, almost continuously, there was a buzzing overhead. And in the morning there is no one.
An hour after dawn, the world stirred. Shots began to ring out. The silhouette of geese sometimes appeared on the horizon, but it was free in our direction. Already when disappointment filled all thoughts, a barely noticeable chain stretched from the forest plantation, which increased over time. Oh yeah. It's them. 8 pcs. We walked a little to the side, but gradually shifted to my hiding place. I huddled all over in the snow and couldn't breathe. Having passed over his head, he began to shoot. Knocked out 2 goose. Happiness knew no bounds. Everything. Successful hunt. The norm for two is fulfilled. What I hastened to tell Bata. He was satisfied, because has been going hunting for a long time to communicate with her. With age, it became a pity for birds and animals.
But you can’t leave after 3 hours of hunting. I took the seagulls in the back and just watched. There were a few more raids, but the geese got only the slits of the camera. After lunch we started to get ready to go home. there was a lot to do. And although the hunt turned out to be short, it brought a lot of positive emotions.

  • 1 answer
  • Are there goslings on the forum? Once, having tried this hunt, I “fell ill” with it forever, it’s not even a duck, when a couple of hundred geese are rushing at you, low on stuffed animals they come screaming ... it’s still that orgasm :)))

  • Woodcock hunting

    Woodcock hunting is the most interesting and exciting sports and recreational hunting with a gun.

    A distinctive feature of this process is its availability to every person who wants to hunt. The woodcock is distributed almost throughout the country, for this reason the forest sandpiper has become a very popular bird for hunting. The competitive element of hunting this bird attracts a variety of hunters: both urban and rural. Young novice hunters also look for woodcock habitats with great pleasure, and experienced hunters will never miss an evening so as not to go and shoot at their leisure at the forest sandpiper.

    The woodcock lives and nests in forests, so it is in the forest that the main hunting processes take place: birds are hunted in spring, autumn, on bird flights, with dogs through mud and water - and all this against the backdrop of a stunning forest landscape.

    The hunting hobby allows the hunter to get closer to the Russian forest, the inhabitants of the thickets, and unique natural landscapes. Here, not only a love for hunting and all its moments is brought up, but also a love for the magnificent unique Russian nature with its splendor, bright colors and originality.

    This book tells about the ways and methods of hunting woodcock. The publication was created thanks to thirty years of experience in hunting the forest sandpiper in various parts of the vast country. The author's task was to show novice hunters the uniqueness of this bird, to tell about its habits, nesting and flight conditions, how to prepare and equip for such a difficult but exciting task as woodcock hunting. The author shares hunting techniques, methods of high-quality shooting, features necessary equipment and breeds of dogs that will be the best helpers in this activity.

    The book will help both a novice hunter and an experienced professional: it will reveal the secrets of hunting the forest sandpiper and the most intimate secrets of this unusual hobby.

  • Hunting for swamp and meadow game is truly sport hunting. It requires strength, stamina and accurate, fast shooting. Walking through a swampy swamp, when the earth trembles underfoot and at every wrong step the hunter falls deep into the unsteady soil, is not an easy task and is only accessible to a well-trained athlete. Shooting at many representatives of swamp and meadow game is extremely difficult. Especially in this respect, the swift-winged snipe is distinguished, the shot at which is rightly considered the most difficult shot at game birds. It is not for nothing that hunters consider a good shooter to be one who successfully shoots snipes.
    A hunter who has mastered the technique of shooting marsh and meadow game, who has studied its habits and hunting methods well, can easily switch to other types of feather hunting. And, on the contrary, a hunter who does not know swamp hunting and does not know how to shoot swamp game cannot consider himself a full-fledged, mature hunter.
    This book is designed to help the novice hunter to study the life and habits of swamp and meadow game, to master all the methods and techniques of hunting it. The book tells about all the main representatives of swamp and meadow game living in our country. These include: snipe, great snipe, harshnep, corncrake, all kinds of swamp chicken, moorhen, shepherd, gray partridge *, quail, lapwing and numerous representatives of the wader family. For each of these birds, brief biological information is given and the methods of hunting for it are described. In addition, the book gives a number of tips for young hunters on the equipment and inventory of a hunter for marsh and meadow game, provides the necessary information about guns and shooting, about dogs used in marsh and meadow hunting, and also highlights other issues that everyone should know. beginner hunter.

  • Hunting in November is incredibly productive, animals gain their maximum annual weight, finding them is quite easy, you just need to follow their food. The main goal for the boar at this time is to work up as much fat mass as possible in order to survive without problems. winter season and a very difficult rut period for them. In this issue, we will cover the main changes in their behavior, as well as the most popular and simple ways hunting for them. Now in order.

    Moving from swampy areas to wooded areas in wild boars is determined by the abundance of food on the ground. At this time, it consists of fallen acorns, nuts and cones, which are extremely nutritious and beneficial for general strengthening organism. But animals also do not neglect the roots of coastal vegetation at watering places. In October, the main occupation of these animals is fattening, so you should look for them in places with an abundance of food, where you can, for example, arrange an ambush.

    In addition to weight gain, animals undergo seasonal molting, which makes the coat much thicker, increasing the protection of animals not only from the cold, but also from predators and other individuals of their species. During an abundance of food, animals greatly weaken their vigilance, paying attention only to feeding. Animals are kept in flocks, sometimes quite numerous. For now, males and females stay together. Piglets from the last offspring begin to feed on their own, but do not move a single step away from the female. By the next month, the situation will change dramatically due to the onset of the rut period and a significant reduction in the food supply.

    There are a lot of ways to hunt wild boar in October, as well as methods for tracking them down. The hunt itself often takes place in beech and oak areas. You can find an animal by following fresh trails, very visible to the naked eye from a long distance. It is necessary to enter the animal from against the wind, since the boar has a very acute sense of smell. The main methods of hunting this month: from the approach, with dogs, stalking, as well as from ambush in places of fattening.

    Stalking is perhaps the most interesting, but it is also extremely difficult, requiring a lot of stamina and patience. The animal is approached from the leeward side, while it is necessary to periodically climb up the hill in order to properly examine the area. First of all, places rich in acorns, cones and nuts, their main diet, are explored, in the same places, with preliminary reconnaissance of the area, sit-ins are arranged.

    Bulk hunting is the most effective. This method involves surrounding the animal and approaching it from the side of the wind, while a group of hunters lurk on the leeward side. It is also necessary to have a connection between the beaters and the shooters in order to convey the direction of the moved beast, the latter usually goes ahead in exactly one direction, which is quite easy to predict. We wish you a pleasant time on the hunt. Break a leg!

    Wild boar is an enviable hunting trophy. This is one of the most interesting and courageous hunts. The extraction of this strong and intelligent animal requires from hunters not only enviable endurance and virtuoso use of weapons, but also hunting experience, knowledge of the biology of this animal. According to many experts, hunting for a wild boar is hardly the most dangerous. It is comparable to bear hunting, with the only significant difference being that the wild boar is a herd animal. Compared to any wild hunt, wild boar hunting requires many times careful and scrupulous preparation for it. It is no coincidence that the plural is used here - “hunters”, few, even very experienced hunters, decide on such hunts alone.

    Boar, boar - Sus scrofa

    Biologists say that the original homeland of the wild boar is North Africa, then, gradually expanding its range, it spread throughout the world, excluding only the Arctic regions. The boar lives, a wild pig, in Russia almost everywhere, the south of Western and Eastern Siberia, the foothills of the Sayan and Altai, the gradual penetration into the taiga zone further north is no exception. Wild boar habitats are forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones with a sufficient number of water bodies. Particularly favorable are swampy areas and territories overgrown with tall grass, reeds and shrubs. The genus wild pig, wild boar or boar, belongs to artiodactyls with a mixed type of nutrition. Wild boars are omnivorous and their type of food depends on the region of habitat, it can easily change depending on conditions. But still, this animal is not a hunter, so it needs a good plant food base. It is the wet areas of the forest, lowlands in the steppe regions, wetlands, as well as the proximity of human farmland, that are the most favorable habitats.

    A wild pig is a social animal; wild boars live in families, sometimes forming very numerous herds.. The herd, as is typical for all many ungulates, has a clearly defined structure and matriarchal character. The leader is the older female. The boar is polygamous, there are 3-5 females per male. This is due to the fact that females become sexually mature the next year, while males - after 3-4 years. The rut period begins in late autumn and continues until mid-winter. Piglets are born after 3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days (as the old hunting saying says) - in the spring with warming. There are up to 12 cubs, the mother copes with their feeding perfectly.

    Wild boars feed at twilight, during the day they lie on the beds. Feature pigs - lack of sweat glands. This helps to be less visible to predators, and to be successful in catching small prey. This explains the love of the pig for water and mud baths - in this way it maintains the temperature balance in the body. Wild boars are quite resistant to frost, but settle in areas with high snow cover, where you can hide from the cold. The hairline consists of stiff, thick bristles and underfur underneath. The sight of the boar is not developed, but the hearing and sense of smell are very developed. The movements are swift, though clumsy. The peculiarity of the body structure with a powerful clumsy neck resembles a torpedo. The opinion that the boar is clumsy can play a cruel joke on the hunter. The boar is swift in movement and fast, although its maneuverability leaves much to be desired.

    The wild pig adapts so well to different conditions, so diverse behavioral styles and diets that it makes it one of the most interesting objects for the tracker. Such knowledge of habits will help to hunt a wild boar correctly.

    Boar hunting methods

    AT middle lane In Russia, boar hunting was one of the most common aristocratic occupations. The wild boar was hunted by a corral in the reeds, on field feedings, dog hunts and hunts in ambush in storage sheds were organized. Boars were also hunted from a riding horse. Today, wild boar hunting has gone from the elite category, but remains one of the most prestigious and interesting for any hunter. Traditionally, permitted hunting methods can be divided into the following:

    • hunting from a storehouse or tower for bait;
    • hunting from cover;
    • hunting from under the dog;
    • hunting from the approach without dogs.

    The first two methods are variations of the same. They are based on attracting a herd of wild boars for bait or waiting at permanent feeding grounds. As a rule, storehouses are equipped on the sites of artificial fodder areas in developed hunting farms. Hunts and shelters are shelters on the natural foraging grounds of wild boars, the probability of the presence of prey on them is lower. Hunting terms from June 1 to mid-February at the end of the mating season. AT summer period hunting is allowed only for male billhooks. On baits and fodder grounds, you can confidently distinguish the object of the shot. The rules for hunting wild boar do not allow the use of dogs in the summer. The use of dogs is an autumn hunting method. Although it is a kind of running hunting, it is singled out in a special category, since it requires the presence of dogs baited by the beast. This is the prerogative of amateurs.

    The most common hunt available to any sufficiently experienced hunter is stalking. This method is considered the most sporting, it tests the hunter for courage and endurance, for the ability to track down the beast and silently sneak up on him for a sure shot. As in summer, wild boar are hunted in autumn either at dusk on a fattening site, or during the day on a bed. Each method has its own advantages. Each can be used both for individual trips and with a partner. The main issue in any running hunt is the search for the beast. You can get a lot of general recommendations, but without knowing the conditions of a particular area, hunting will be like a lottery. It is necessary to know the behavioral features, food preferences of local animals by season, dependence on the weather and many other factors.

    Approach to the wild boar

    The wild boar feeds in a herd, at dusk and at night. It's not the best the best time for an accurate shot. It is best to select open places and moonlit nights for such hunts. The method of finding feeding grounds is based on local knowledge, availability of possible foraging grounds and preferences of local boars. The search process itself is expressed in cutting off the studied areas, cut-offs, and narrowing the search area. It is somewhat reminiscent of trailing, but requires very high care and knowledge of the habits of a boar. With the onset of dusk, the herd goes out to feed. If these are open areas, older individuals often listen and sniff before leaving to avoid an ambush.

    Therefore, to search for wild boars, you need to move against the wind, when approaching promising lands, you can’t hear steps, pay attention to any sound. The cry of a disturbed bird, the noise of bushes being moved apart can mean the approach of the beast.

    When the herd begins to feed, the animals themselves make quite a noticeable noise with their movement, champing. This makes them easier to find and approach. At the time of feeding, wild boars slightly lose their vigilance, at these moments you can approach the herd.

    The difficulty of hunting for food in closed areas at dusk suggests even greater caution in the movement and readiness of the hunter to shoot. The fact that wild boars prefer to move along paths and clearings makes it easier to search for and track down a herd. Their paths are always constant. The boar goes out to feed and returns to rest along the same path. This feature also helps with the second method of hunting.

    Approach to the boar bed

    If a wild boar feeds in open places and lands, which allows him to control the situation and complicates the hunt for the hunter, then he rests in the densest thickets, in more often. It is not easy to find the beds of a family, for this you need excellent knowledge terrain, hunting experience and patience in the search. Such a hunt requires special care. A boar in a dream does not hear well, his sleep is deep. But with an unexpected awakening by a stranger or a hunter, he can quickly go on the attack. You need to approach the beds not only secretly against the wind, but also against the sun's rays, which make any movement visible in the mosaic of light and shadow. best weather for such hunts - cloudy, soft. At this time, there are no sun glare, the animals are calm, and the noise of footsteps on wet grass is not audible.

    And although this type of hunting is done during the daytime, the best solution is a partner or a dog. Running hunting for a wild boar is only possible for an experienced hunter. It is better for a beginner to try his hand at another type of hunting in order to overcome the psychological barrier and gain the necessary experience. And yet, this method of hunting develops the best hunting qualities - attentiveness, patience, endurance. A senior comrade will always tell you how to hunt a wild boar, you should not experiment yourself in such a serious matter. The guaranteed success of running hunts largely depends on the comprehensive knowledge of the area, and you can’t do without a huntsman.

    Hunting features, weapons and shooting methods

    The wild boar is a licensed species, for hunting it you need to purchase a special permit, as well as a ticket to a certain hunting ground. Weapons - large calibers of smoothbore weapons or rifled barrels. Bullets semi-shell and expansive action. Hunting automatic carbines based on military weapons have proven themselves well. It is always necessary to have a hunting dagger and be able to use it.

    The method of approach itself should provide for readiness to fire at any moment. It is better to stop near natural large obstacles, behind which you can retreat in the event of a retaliatory attack of the beast. The slaughter place of the boar is the spine, the anterior shoulder blades (this is the zone of vital organs), the brain. But it is always desirable to make a shot along the profile of the beast. Shooting in the forehead of a beast running at a hunter is futile - there is a high probability of missing. In case of an unsuccessful shot, it is correct to move away from the trajectory of the attack of the beast. After that, it becomes possible to re-shot, or the beast will leave. In the habits of a wild boar, there is no desire to necessarily get the offender, like a bear.

    It should be remembered that the wild boar is a very strong and strong beast on the wound. After a lethal shot, you should not rush to approach, you should make sure that the prey is ready. Desirable control shot behind the ear. The fact that the beast is hiding will be indicated by flattened ears, rearing hair at the withers, and clenched legs. The dead boar is relaxed. The immutable rule of a wild boar, like any animal hunting, is that a wounded animal must be taken. The inadmissibility of wounded animals in the case of a wild boar increases many times over. When conducting a collective hunt, all known rules must be followed. On the hunt, a senior is always appointed, who distributes roles, sets the direction of movement and sectors of shots.

    For beginners and people who are not well versed in hunting, it may seem that night hunting is difficult and uninteresting. But only experienced and experienced hunters can tell with enthusiasm and enthusiasm how much attractive and special there is in night hunting for a wild boar. After dusk, a completely different life begins in the forest, and any hunter should at least once in his life learn the features of hunting an animal at night.

    Of course, at night it requires careful preparation and study of the area in daylight. In order for the process to go right and end effectively, it is important to take into account all the nuances and even small features of such a hunt. AT dark time days wild boars feel confident, the success of hunting depends mainly on the hunter's knowledge of their habits and habitats.

    The inability to fully see the environment awakens in the hunter feelings that were previously unknown to him. When vision is weakened, other senses are enhanced, and the instinct for self-preservation provokes the release of adrenaline in the body.

    How to prepare for a night hunt

    In addition to a thorough study during the day of the area where night hunting will be conducted, it is important to prepare special equipment and outfit. Dark clothing will reliably hide the hunter from the sharp eyes of the billhooks, it is important that there are no luminous inserts on the fabric. The keen eyes of the night animal will definitely notice the danger and the boars will return to the forest slum.

    In night hunting, there can be no question of using flashlights or other lighting devices. The only time you can use a flashlight is to find a shot billhook. This is especially true for the wounded. There is no more dangerous animal for a hunter than a wounded boar, it is from these “bulborators” that dozens of hunters are injured every year, sometimes with a fatal outcome.

    Night hunting has its own special charm, and if properly prepared for it, it will bring unforgettable impressions and a noble trophy.