Tai-bo is the knowledge of achieving excellent form. How are tai-bo classes going?

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!

Mar 31 2017


If you are looking for a fast and effective method lose weight, tighten your body, get an adrenaline rush, then you should learn about tai-bo - what it is, how best to do it, who suits it. Every day the popularity of this sport among women is growing faster. Tai-bo classes will not only bring your figure in order, but also teach you the basics of self-defense.

What is tai-bo in fitness

Tai-bo fitness is a new direction that combines techniques martial arts(such as karate, Thai boxing, taekwondo), movements from aerobics and gymnastics. The author of this sports direction is the famous American coach, athlete, seven-time martial arts champion Billy Blanks. The principle of training is based on martial arts, which develop strength, speed, balance, reaction. dance elements improve endurance, coordination, heart function, and power loads tone muscles, joints, tighten the skin.

Tai-bo for women

Tai-bo classes are suitable not only for active women with a strong character who want to throw out their aggression in sports, but also for ordinary timid, shy girls. Such an unusual fitness system will allow you to achieve the perfect balance between physical and spiritual development. Being engaged in this sport, a fighter girl will be able to stand up for herself, while remaining feminine and beautiful. Tai-bo is especially suitable for girls who have little time left for training, but they urgently need to get their body in shape, throw out aggressive energy and achieve the desired result.

Tai-bo for weight loss

Tai-bo for weight loss is a combat aerobics, the advantage of which is the ability to lose weight in a short time and without special diets. Combinations of strength and cardio can burn subcutaneous fat, which is hard to leave with ordinary aerobics. For just one hour lesson can burn up to 800 calories. For three such sessions per week, in a month you will be able to lose 4-5 kg ​​of weight, and if you reduce the calorie content of the daily diet, the process of weight loss will occur even faster. The main thing is that at the same time such intensive weight loss will not harm the body.

Tai-bo for beginners

Before you start practicing, read information about tai-bo on the Internet - what it is, who suits it. You must be sure that you are healthy and that you do not have any abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular system. If you are a beginner and did not know what sport is before, then for a start you should work out for several months in aerobics, dancing, running or another sport that gives cardio load. And only after that you will be able to master this combat fitness.

Choose training clothes made from natural fabrics. In order not to be injured, after an unsuccessful exercise, avoid any metal accessories. Shoes should fit well and not slip on the floor. You can start exercising at home using the video tutorials "Tai-bo for beginners", but in order to feel the surroundings, it is better to take a group lesson in a fitness club with a trainer. Find out where tai-bo classes are held in your city - ask what it is, and if everything suits you, you can start regular training.

Tai-bo training

All tai-bo classes must begin with a warm-up. These can be dance movements, stepping in place, running, waving arms and legs with a small amplitude. After that you can connect power load. The effectiveness of training can be increased by adding blows to the pear, jumps characteristic of martial arts. When punching into space, the load is increased with the help of dumbbells. It is worth finishing the classes with movements that restore breathing and a set of stretching exercises.

Tai-bo exercises

To see if you should or shouldn't exercise, try these simple tai-bo exercises from the beginner's combat fitness program.

Tai-bo is a type of cardio training that can be done both at home and in the gym. Classes include elements of martial arts, dance moves and step aerobics. All exercises are aimed at losing weight and strengthening muscles. The training program is suitable not only for women and girls, but also for men who want to dry subcutaneous fat. Performing an aerobic program is suitable for people with different levels preparation, including for beginners. Training is energy-intensive, requiring a lot of effort and endurance, but also effective, since you can burn from 500 to 900 kcal per hour of training.

What is it in fitness?

Tai-bo is a workout specially designed for fitness clubs that combines simple choreography, a large number of movements, rhythmic music and the ability to adjust the intensity of classes depending on the level of training. Tai-bo training combines taekwondo and karate exercises with elements of dance moves to incendiary music, as well as practiced boxing punches. The developer of a new direction in sports is Billy Blanks. The main emphasis in the exercises is on kicks and punches.

Combining varieties of martial arts helps to improve coordination, develop endurance and punching power, and also burn a large number of calories.

You can’t pump up muscle mass with the help of aerobic exercises, but you can lose weight and make muscles more prominent. Therefore, girls and women prefer tai-bo cardio loads to get rid of extra pounds without the risk of ruining body proportions with overly pumped shoulders or oblique abdominal muscles. Men choose tai-bo to burn subcutaneous fat and draw muscles more clearly.

Benefits of doing tai-bo:

  1. Improving endurance and strengthening the heart muscle.
  2. Doing cardio training without jumping and injuries to the joints.
  3. Prevention of osteochondrosis, strengthening the spine and the formation of an even posture.
  4. Burn calories and body fat without losing or gaining muscle mass.
  5. The development of the muscles of the legs and abdomen due to the active work of the press, pulling up flabby arms.
  6. Improved coordination, stretching and balance.
  7. Improve mood by releasing negative emotions.
  8. The ability to practice at home, as no sports equipment is required.
  9. Suitable for beginners due to the simplicity of the program and basic exercises.

In addition, systematic exercise will help not only strengthen the body as a whole, but also strengthen the immune system, improve response, and develop the vestibular apparatus.

Tai-bo training for beginners

The tai-bo training program consists of 3 stages: warm-up, exercise and stretching. A novice athlete can come to class without much preparation and immediately get involved in the work. The information that before the first lesson you need to develop endurance and work out the technique of hitting yourself is erroneous, since lessons in the fitness center do not require prior preparation.

The training program is designed in such a way as to fully meet the requirements of each person, and is also adapted to the capabilities of the joints and the level of knowledge of the technique.

Exercises such as straight kicks can be performed by beginners no higher than the waist, while for an unprepared body the load will be commensurate with a fully executed kick. The goal of the training is maximum energy consumption, which means that the main thing is to move as much as possible.

Children can do tai-bo, but only for those who already have experience in physical activity. If a child has not been involved in any sports before, then giving him to classes can be dangerous for his health. Children need to increase the load gradually and first develop endurance, strength and ability to hold the rack. Doing cardio at home without the supervision of a trainer is not recommended.

How to develop endurance?

To improve the quality of group tai-bo training, you can independently work on the development of endurance, which will help get rid of shortness of breath and facilitate the implementation of active movements.

The first month in the gym, you need to pay attention to cardio training. For this, an exercise bike is suitable or Treadmill with a small slope. It is necessary to perform cardio, starting with 5 minutes a day and gradually increasing to 40 minutes, while adhering to the average load.

After a month of endurance training, tai-bo training will be easier, and it will be possible to increase the intensity of training.

Classes in the gym can be replaced by jogging down the street or a long walk around the city at a fast pace.

Exercise technique

To improve the technique of performing exercises related to the repetition of martial arts strikes, you can independently go through the video lesson for beginners attached below.

Basic movements:

  • direct kicks and punches;
  • uppercuts and hooks (punches);
  • cross punches (crosses);
  • kicks to the side and back.

The faster a beginner learns the basics of doing exercises, the more intense the training will be and the more noticeable the results will be.

A set of basic exercises

To perform a set of basic exercises, first of all, you need to learn how to stand in a stance in order to strike freely and without danger to the joints.

When doing tai-bo, you need to be able to hold the body correctly so that the load does not transfer to the spine, but is evenly distributed over the body, therefore, in order to master the “core” position, you must:

  • stand with your back to the wall, pulling in your stomach and slightly pushing your pelvis forward;
  • the natural curve in the lower back should be reduced;
  • press - pull yourself up and tighten a little;
  • having fixed the body, you need to move away from the wall and slightly bend your knees;
  • feet shoulder-width apart, feet pointing in different directions;
  • the torso is collected, the shoulders are free, not compressed, rib cage- open;
  • when performing a strike, the knees can be bent a little more to give stability;
  • the stomach is drawn in and does not fall out of the body.

While maintaining a stable position, you need to practice shifting the weight from one foot to the other without losing coordination and maintaining the main stance. The shoulder blades should not be pressed against the spine, the back is even, with a natural deflection, the shoulders are at the proper level (do not rise to the ears). The stand should be comfortable, without constraint of movement.

Beginners can practice keeping the core, exercising on an elliptical trainer.

The basic exercises are as follows:

  1. Strike with the right hand (see photo). The back is straight, the legs are slightly bent, the left hand closes the jaw, the right palm is clenched into a fist and is brought out in front of you. The press must be tense, otherwise the load will be transferred to the spine. The blow is made on the exhale at the level of the shoulder line, the weight of the body is on the supporting leg.
  2. Left hand strike. The press is retracted, the weight moves to the supporting leg, the right hand closes the jaw, the left hand is clenched into a fist. It is important not just to wave your arms, but to put strength into the movements and think about the working muscle so that the neuromuscular connection is involved.
  3. Side kick left / right hand (cross). The weight of the body is transferred to the right / left leg, the blow is made along an elliptical trajectory. The press is tense, stretched latissimus dorsi back.
  4. Leaving left / right. Slope is the deviation of the body from the line of possible impact. It is necessary to alternately transfer body weight from one leg to another, deviating the body to the left / right in turn. The movement should be performed due to the work of the oblique muscles of the press, the hands close the jaw.
  5. Right/left kick. The strike is made with the knee up in a technique similar to a straight punch. Weight is transferred to the left/right leg.
  6. Kick back/forward. The weight is transferred to the supporting leg, and then a sharp forward / backward kick is performed with the heel forward. The leg in the kick back is at waist level.
  7. Side kick. The weight is transferred to the supporting leg, the body deviates slightly towards the supporting leg. The blow is applied with the heel to the side. The back and stomach are tucked up. The supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee.

When the technique of all strikes is mastered separately, you can move on to bundles and various combinations. In bundles, complicated variations of punches can also be used.

Tai-bo for weight loss

Due to the high intensity of tai-bo training, subcutaneous fat is burned and a large number of calories are spent, which leads to weight loss. Systematic tai-bo classes will help to remove extra centimeters around the waist and hips without following strict diets. To get results, it is enough to eat right, drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day and exercise 2-3 times a week for 1 hour.

In an hour of training, a girl can burn 10 kcal per 10 kg of weight, that is, if a woman / girl weighs 60 kg, then in an hour of training she will burn 600 kcal. In men with a large amount of muscle tissue, the possibility of spent kcal increases to 12-14 per 10 kg of body weight.

You can study both in special sections and at home using video. With conscientious exercise, the results will be equally good and noticeable after a month of systematic training, namely:

  • the skin of the face will tighten, the cheeks will decrease;
  • the stomach will tighten, the sides will decrease, the folds on the shoulder blades will disappear;
  • with active study, the relief of the shoulders and torso will appear;
  • fat will go away from the chest;
  • the press will appear;
  • pull up inner side thighs, buttocks;
  • the fat from the knees will go away, the calves will tighten.

In addition, the arms will take on a more toned and embossed look, and if you add push-ups at the end of your workout, you can remove fat from the armpits.

Contraindications to exercise

Due to the fact that during the exercise the whole body is intensively involved, there are certain contraindications for practicing tai-bo. First of all, a large load is created on the spine, so people with severe scoliosis should refrain from aerobic fitness. In addition, people with:

  • SARS, influenza and various ailments;
  • injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • severe disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Obese people can only exercise after consulting with their doctor. For pregnant women, there is a specially designed tai-bo program, taking into account the characteristics of the body during this period.

An aerobic exercise without jumping that helps you lose weight, burn subcutaneous fat without losing or gaining muscle mass is tai-bo. A set of exercises is aimed at working out the whole body, using the most deep muscles. During one session, you can burn an average of 600-700 kcal. Tai-bo is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes. You can do it not only in the sections or the gym, but also at home with the help of a video lesson.

We live in a world where a woman somehow has to be able to fend for herself. Even if you are not a supporter of forceful problem solving, martial arts classes will come in handy - because this is not only a good opportunity to diversify your workouts, but also a chance to take a fresh look at yourself and your life.

Martial arts are as popular among women as they are among men. Choice for stress relief modern fitness clubs wide enough - women's boxing, aikido, Taichi Dance, Tai-Bo and many others.

Tai-bo is one of the fitness systems in which western and eastern approaches to healing the body are merged. Tai-bo is a synthesis of aerobics and martial arts. The creator of the system is the world martial arts champion Billy Blenks, legendary boxer and Hollywood actor, winner of the Golden Glove title.

Women are attracted to tai-bo classes primarily because they allow you to reduce body weight as much as possible. short time. For a month of intensive full-fledged training, you can lose 4 kilograms, because about 650 kilocalories are burned per hour of training. Even with low intensity, but long duration of physical activity, favorable conditions are created for burning fat.

Psychological attitude plays an important role. It is achieved through meditation and breathing exercises, create conditions for maintenance in the blood high level adrenaline. Fighting techniques, which are worked out in training, contribute to the achievement of such a psycho-emotional state that helps to increase the amount of load during the session without harm to the body. Tai-bo is suitable not only for courageous and determined women: even the most timid and shy ones can gain self-confidence and recharge their batteries through classes.

The Tai Bo system was the founder of a great variety of fitness programs of this class such as Bodycombat, Kenpo-X, Fit-boxyetr. Tai Bo - new name perfect figure. Fitness and health program. Tai Bo combines the activation of the hidden forces of your body with the experience gleaned from the ancient teachings of self-defense, dance exercises, boxing, and is accompanied by wonderful examples of contemporary music. Tai Bo is unlike any other exercise system you've come across before!

Tai Bo is easy to learn - it does not require choreographic training. You don't need bulky, expensive exercise equipment to train. With Tai Bo it is possible to lose 800 calories. at one o'clock!

In Tai Bo, cardio loading and intensive muscle work are organically combined. Especially recommended for those wishing to achieve maximum effect when burning subcutaneous fat deposits.

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The history of Muay Thai dates back over 2000 years to the Thai Ao Lai people. The first mention of this tribe was found in the Yunnan province of South China. Survival in those days meant constant struggle.

The Ao Lai tribe waged long wars with the Chinese empire, gaining a reputation as a freedom-loving and courageous people. However, the superiority of the Chinese army forced various tribes to migrate south. So, the Shan settled in Northern Burma, echoed in Vietnam, and the Thais first settled in the Mekong basin, founding the cities of Phayau, Chiang Rai, etc. However, even there the Thais had to defend their lands in battles with local residents. The constant struggle contributed to the rallying of the Thai people. In addition, they faced the great Khmer empire. The Khmers dominated Southeast Asia, the Khmer empire of Angkor stretched from the south of Vietnam and Laos, all the way to the Malay Peninsula

The ancient Khmers had a warrior caste called "Nayar" who were trained in all aspects of warfare. Despite the power of the Khmers, in 1238 the Siamese warriors managed to capture the major Khmer provincial capital. First, here they settled the Kingdom of Sukhothai. They called it "Land of the Free"

In 1350, in modern central Thailand, with the coming to power in the principality of Uthong of General Utkong Yaidhuis, known as Rama Thibodi I, arose new power which soon united the entire Thai nation. The Kingdom of Siam, with its capital in Ayutthaya, existed for over 400 years. The great fighters of that time united in order to encrypt and record the fighting technique. Since the training methods of fighters were recorded and constantly checked, the Thai martial art was never fragmented within individual schools. Improvements and innovations were accepted only when they received the right to exist after the battles on the battlefield. The leadership rejected the idea of ​​secret, secret knowledge passed from teacher to student. This openness and accessibility of the martial art effectively stopped the "knowledge freeze" between master and student. Consequently, the new technique has become common and suitable for any teacher. This emphasized the need to develop and constantly change something in this martial art.

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King Naresuan (mid-16th century) became a legend in martial arts. He spent his several years as a hostage in Burma and during this time he strictly studied the martial art. When the prince returned to Siam, he began to teach his people fighting skills. At one time, the kings did a lot for the development of Muay Thai. Tiger King Fra Biddka Chao Sua was famous for his ferocity. As a Muay Thai fighter, he traveled incognito around the country and was ready to fight anyone who accepted his challenge at various fairs. He encouraged the army to train in the art of Muay Thai and actively prepared camps for his men.

Thai boxing has become the favorite sport of the people of Siam. Rich and poor, young and old - all united in camps. Each village held competitions and had its own champions. Bets were placed on each match. Along with sports, the traditions of gambling (totalizator) were formed. This is one of the reasons why coaches prefer to stay in Thailand rather than go abroad.

But the fights led by the Tiger King were very different from today's fights. Groin strikes, all kinds of throws, chopping blows, as well as finger strikes were allowed. No gloves! Hands were wrapped with hemp ropes and, in especially fierce fights, they were dipped before the fight in glue, and then in broken glass. The fights had no time limits, just one had to lose, the other had to win. Muay Thai was part of school curriculum until 1920. But the tough nature of Muay Thai was changed by government intervention in the 1930s. International boxing rules were adopted. Fights began to be carried out with gloves. Judo-type throws and groin strikes were banned. The possibilities of Muay Thai were fully adopted by the army. The extreme power of Muay Thai continues to be the main argument in the fight for justice. An ordinary soldier of the Thai army is studying the art of Muay Thai. So Thai boxing returns to the battlefield where it was born.

Thai boxing

This is one of the most advanced types of martial arts on the planet, which arose more than two thousand years ago. As a martial art, Thai boxing has become an integral part of Thai culture, having absorbed the national and folklore flavor of the Thai people, their religion and spiritual world. March 17 is celebrated annually in Thailand as Muay Thai Boxing Day. "Meek as a lamb and furious as a tiger" - this is the national character of the Thais. And this is clearly shown in Thaibox. At the beginning of the battle, the Wai Kru ceremony takes place: the fighters perform a ritual dance, performing soft and very beautiful movements to the smooth, melodic music, not inferior to professional dancers in this.

Watching a specific and beautiful ceremony, one can hardly believe that in a few minutes in the ring the fighters will demonstrate the highest technology contact fight, during which crushing blows are delivered with colossal force and speed not only with fists, but also with legs, elbows, knees, rivals attack almost any part of each other's body. Muay Thai is considered one of the most spectacular views martial arts and therefore justifies its name "boxing eight-handed".


Muay Thai is sometimes referred to as "spirit fighting". The ritual dance of the fighters (RAM MUAY), which invariably precedes the duel, resembles the shamanic dance of the northern peoples or the evocation of spirits, in which the fighter enters a kind of trance, an altered state of consciousness.

An integral part of the fights is the musical accompaniment of the ritual dance and the fight itself. In the West, recorded music is used. In Thailand, competitions are held to the accompaniment of live music, where the tempo and tone of the music change depending on the events taking place in the ring, thereby involving spectators and combatants in the overall action.

As you know, rhythm frees the mind from the burden of formal logic, unchains the psyche and brings it into a state of trance, as is often the case at rock music concerts. In the history of all peoples, such fights to music are a relic heritage of those times when men fought for a woman in a marriage duel. In Thailand, fans sometimes determine the level of a fighter's technique and even who will win by the smallest details of the dance.

To imagine a Muay Thai fight, imagine that a boxer, in addition to punches, is allowed to kick, knee, elbow, grab, throw. Applying knee strikes while capturing the opponent's head with hands in the clinch is generally a "calling card of Thai boxing". The pros fight 5 rounds of 3 minutes with a 2 minute break between rounds using only 8oz boxing gloves, a mouth guard and a groin brace. Amateurs have very big restrictions: the battle formula is 5 rounds of 2 minutes. (1 min - break), athletes must wear protective equipment, a helmet on their heads, a vest on their bodies, special soft protectors on their elbows and shins and 10-ounce gloves on their hands

muay thai punching technique

Among all martial arts, Muay Thai is considered the most brutal and devastating melee system. "The elbow beats the fist and the knee beats the leg" is one of the principles of Muay Thai. It is in the clinch that a Thai boxer can realize the entire shock-destructive arsenal of Muay Thai. They say about Thai boxing: "a weapon that is always with you."

An elbow strike is one of the strongest and most dangerous blows, due to high speed and short cut. It is comparable to a sword strike, and as a rule, leads to a dissection of the eyebrow, ear or other part of the face, and a victory by technical knockout in Muay Thai is just as honorable as a victory by a simple knockout and speaks of the great dexterity of the fighter.

Knee strikes are the most powerful and destructive part of Muay Thai's arsenal and are used primarily in close combat. And when such strikes are performed while jumping, these techniques become powerful weapons that hit the enemy from a long distance. It is the knee that becomes the main weapon in a fight between a Thai boxer and a boxer. An indicator of the highest level of Muay Thai is the application of two blows with a knee and an elbow in a jump.

Kicks occupy the lion's share in the technical arsenal of Thai boxing. One of the principles of Muay Thai says: "Legs are" heavy artillery ", which opens the way for" infantry "- hands." Thai boxers amaze everyone with their ability to strike or block them with their shins. Muay Thai fighters are famous for their ability to "shoot" the enemy with a series of 10 kicks inflicted on the head, body and legs in any sequence and with increasing speed and strength.

This ability was achieved by hardening the impact parts by striking the trunk of a banana tree until the trunk of the tree became soft and did not break. Now, for this, hard boxing bags and special training paws are used. The Thai government, seeing the popularity of thai boxing in the world, is doing everything possible to ensure that this sport enters the program first. Asian Games and then Olympic Games. But this is a very difficult and difficult path. There are two amateur Muay Thai federations in the world that hold their World and European Championships, as well as many federations and associations that have previously developed kickboxing, but seeing the growing popularity of Muay Thai and the opportunity to capitalize on this popularity, they include it in their programs and conduct it as professional fights and amateur competitions, calling Muay Thai - Thai boxing.

The difference between Muay Thai and Thai boxing, which has recently gained popularity and spread in Europe, is that in European Thai boxing the Ram Muay ceremony and Wai Khru music accompanying the fight are not obligatory, and elbow strikes are prohibited, and in some versions and a knee to the head; not encouraged long work in the clinch, which forces the judges to change the criteria for evaluating the conduct of the fight. And this already speaks of a practically different sport with its own rules. Unfortunately, such approaches contribute to the division rather than the merger of Muay Thai and prevent the entry of Thai boxing into the program of the Olympic Games.

Muay Thai in the world

"Death sport" - that's what Thai boxing is called in the USA. It is the most modernized modern sports a kind of martial art, an amazing synthesis of a spectacular full-fledged duel and a real combat fight.

By the way, Muay Thai is practically the only type of foreign martial art that is practiced with a bang in Japan. Suffice it to recall how the K1 tournament is held there, where the strongest heavyweights of the planet fight for a fee of 200 thousand dollars.

In Thailand, there are only 90,000 professional boxers for whom this is a regular job, profession, like a taxi driver or a mechanic. Naturally, most of these ordinary fighters receive a penny. Star fees from the "stars". There are 2.5 thousand boxing camps in the country, and there is no separation between Muay Thai and boxing. In one camp they bring up both Muay Thai champions and World champions in professional boxing(WBS, WBA). It is interesting to note that the Thai - the champion of the Olympic boxing in Atlanta is also the champion of Thailand in Muay Thai.

Chuck Norris called Thai boxing "the sport of the 21st century". This year at I.A.M.T.F. consists of more than 70 countries of the world. Encouraged by this example, the Thai Government announced the funding and promotion of Muay Thai in olympic view sports. I think the example was taekwondo, which Korea made its way into the Olympics.

No matter how solid the names sound amateur tournaments, according to the skill of the fighters and the degree of spectator interest, they are not even close to professional fight in Muay Thai, which are held in Thailand everywhere in almost every village. This is a huge industry, the foundation of which was laid in 1929 by the introduction of new rules. Every evening, in "prime time", fights are shown on television, by the way, every week the sports channel "NTV +" shows the latest fights from the stadium 7 of the sports channel in Bangkok.

The history of the development of Thai boxing in our country begins in 1992, when, on the initiative of Sergei Zayashnikov, a professional Russian League Muay Thai. Thanks to perseverance and enormous energy, the then little-known form of martial arts began to acquire all more fans.

In December 1995, on the basis of the RLMT, the Thai Boxing Federation of Russia (FTBR) was created, Sergey Zhukov was elected president, and Sergey Zayashnikov became its vice president. Since 1996, the headquarters of Thai boxing has been located in Moscow.

Thai Boxing Federation of Russia (FTBR) Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in March 1996, unites sports organizations more than 50 subjects Russian Federation(about 200 clubs). The federation includes the professional Russian League of Muay Thai (RLMT).


In the early 1990s, Billy Blanks introduced his version of fitness training to the world. It turned out to be so effective and interesting that by the end of the decade it had gained popularity all over the world. So it appeared. Tai-bo is efficient view fitness, which has gained great popularity among women, although it was originally created for men. In spite of high load This type of training, tai-bo classes attract many representatives of the weaker sex. And there are several reasons for this:

An hour burns from 500 to 700 calories. This is effective method fight against overweight, with regular taibo classes, you can even get rid of 5 kg in 1 month.

In addition, it is an effective method for training all kinds of muscles. Karate elements train arms, shoulders and upper part trunk, and taekwondo techniques give tone to the legs and buttocks.

Since taibo aerobics is based on several types of martial arts, you can not only lose overweight but also learn some self-defense techniques.

Women feel refreshed after taibo, even if it takes place in the evening after a long day at work. Bad mood and stress recede, and you can recharge your energy for another whole day.

There are many aspects that distinguish tai-bo from other types of fitness and deservedly bring it popularity. First of all, such aerobics is of interest due to the harmonious combination of various kinds martial arts. Boxing strengthens, and elements of karate develop the muscles of the lower body.

In addition, classes will activate cardiovascular system, strengthen immunity, bones and muscles, improve reaction, give a charge of vivacity, train strength and endurance, increase vitality, allow you to reduce weight as soon as possible. For a month of training, you can lose four kilograms - the maximum allowable norm for doctors. Although the effect can be felt after the first time: about 800 kilocalories are burned per hour of classes.

Tai-bo is a high-intensity activity, and therefore, the unprepared should start with something simpler to strengthen the muscles and ligaments, so as not to damage the joints and avoid other injuries. For starters, you can do step aerobics.


A free sports uniform is suitable, preferably from natural fabrics, since they absorb moisture better than synthetics, the body remains dry. Clothing should not have massive buttons and locks that can interfere. An oversized T-shirt and shorts are perfect.

Shoes should be with good cushioning, securely fix the arches of the foot, be stable. For example, it can be aerobics shoes with a sole that prevents slipping when moving.

In combat aerobics classes, it is good to use makiwaras - special pillows for striking or boxing bags. This requires special boxing gloves, or, to put it sports slang, "pancakes" (you've probably all seen those huge boxer gloves).

It is also good to have a device that allows you to monitor the reaction of the heart to physical activity - a heart rate monitor. The device looks like a wrist watch with a sensor, conveniently fixed at the level of the heart.

Tai-bo classes can be held in any hall with an area of ​​12 sq. m. (or in the living room) and in the open area. If you have a mirror full height, then it will help to carefully work out the technique of strikes and combinations of movements of the main part of the training. The floor should be even, the flooring should preferably be wood or parquet. When exercising outdoors, you can use the player with over-the-ear headphones to make it more convenient to practice.


Before you start practicing tai-bo, you must undergo a medical examination. Thus, it is possible to identify whether there are any deviations in the activity of the body, especially the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. If health is not all right, you need to consult a doctor about such training, discuss the maximum allowable load. Since it is recommended to follow a special diet when practicing tai-bo, the advice of an experienced nutritionist will also not hurt.

If you have never done fitness before, then you need to prepare the body for pre-training and only after 1-2 months move on to tai-bo. By this time, the muscles will get stronger, the ligaments will become more elastic, which will reduce the risk of joint injuries.

As a preparatory course, workouts such as dance mix (dance aerobics) and step aerobics are suitable - moving up and down on a special platform about 35 cm wide and 80-100 cm long. The height of this projectile is changed as you grow physical fitness, the initial height should be at least 15 cm. Here, for example, are some basic step aerobics exercises for beginners.

Starting position: stand directly in front of the platform at a distance of a foot from it, legs together, arms lowered along the body. With the left foot, you need to take a step on the platform to the left, put the right foot closer to the right edge; bend your knees slightly, at the same time spreading your arms to the sides, and then, raising them up, return to the starting position and start moving with the right leg. It is recommended to do 8-10 repetitions for each leg.

One more exercise. Starting position: stand straight facing the platform, legs together, hands on the belt. Put the right leg on the platform, bend the left at the knee and make a high swing, trying to bring the knee as close to the chest as possible, while straightening the arms forward. Return to starting position, repeat 8-10 times, then perform the exercise with the other leg.

It is better to start practicing without musical accompaniment, beating the rhythm with handclaps or using a metronome. It is necessary to monitor breathing, control it carefully, as well as the correctness and rhythm of the movements.

It is not difficult to study this type of aerobics, and it is convenient to do it both at home and in the gym. Step-movements repeat the natural movements of the legs when walking. You can dose the load by changing the pace of exercises and the height of the platform. At the same time, the main muscle groups, the arches of the feet are strengthened, the ability to maintain balance is trained, which is important when practicing tai-bo. Performing step movements at a fast pace allows you to burn as many calories as when running fast, strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Having mastered this technique at home, after 2-3 months of training, you can start tai-bo.


Tai-bo structure:

Warm up

Basic punching and strength and endurance exercises

Stretching and tai chi elements: Chinese remedy stress management, a kind of relaxation. There are general recommendations. For example, these are well-known facts: you can’t eat 2.5-3 hours before training and within 1.5-2 hours after, or that you must definitely drink clean, non-carbonated water, since carbon dioxide negates muscle work. The time of classes also depends on individual biorhythms.

Tai Bo training is possible - and even necessary! - combine with other sports: in order not to get used to the load. The optimal number of classes per week is 2 or 3. It does not make sense to increase them, since the result will not change: the body adapts.

In Tai Bo, cardio loading and intensive muscle work are organically combined. It is especially recommended for those who want to achieve the maximum effect when burning subcutaneous fat deposits. Tai-bo classes improve muscle relief. After all, you are actively working with your hands and feet, and all the techniques are power. At the same time, during training, the muscles of the press and legs are certainly purposefully worked out. In Tai Bo classes, legs and arms are actively worked (many sharp movements require high energy costs), so weight loss is guaranteed for you. In addition, it strengthens the cardiovascular system, develops endurance. The muscles of the legs and the entire body are tightened and take on a sporty look.

Tai Bo is accompanied by dynamic hard music. It is selected by specialists, compiling various collections. They, for example, may include songs from the repertoire of Scooter or Prodigy.

Aerobics and martial arts- the basis of tai-bo - they work wonders. With their help, you can learn how to breathe correctly, acquire the perfect posture, flexibility, easy and confident gait.

Psychological attitude plays an important role. It is achieved through meditation and breathing exercises borrowed from tai chi, wushu and qigong, which create the conditions for maintaining a high level of adrenaline in the blood. Combat techniques that are practiced in training contribute to the achievement of such a psycho-emotional state that helps to increase the amount of load during training without harm to the body.

Everything starts with breathing. That's what they think in the East. Breathing is the basis of life. It allows a person to maintain energy in the body at the proper level. The final part of the tai-bo training must be devoted to breathing exercises. In order for the body to relax and the recovery process to begin in the muscles, a warm-up is carried out.

For example, you can do this exercise. Starting position lying, standing or sitting. Take a deep breath through the nose, while the shoulders and chest should remain at rest. The abdomen protrudes forward, the diaphragm descends, thereby helping to fill the lower sections of the lungs with air. Then you need to make a full exhalation through the open mouth. The abdomen is pulled in. If you do not perform breathing exercises, you may not get the desired effect from tai-bo classes.

If you decide to learn the basics of martial arts included in tai-bo, then you should know that standing and sitting correctly is one of the conditions for practicing this type of fitness. To move well, you need to have developed coordination, a sense of balance, reaction, strength and flexibility, a feeling of release from tension in a particular area of ​​​​the body should be created.

But in occupations of any physical activity, including tai-bo, there is a reverse side of the coin. It is very important not to overdo it, not to try to do too many exercises at once. In order to avoid possible injuries, you should consult with an experienced trainer (if you work out at home), and in the fitness center do not try to keep up with others, maybe more successful newcomers, and purposefully engage in, gradually increasing the load.

How do Tai-bo classes begin?

For starters, you can run and warm up by doing step aerobics exercises. After that, the main movements usually follow: jumping, arbitrary active movement around the gym and hitting the bag, both with legs and with hands. Experts advise that it is very important for Tai-bo not to perform blows with a full range of motion! Both arms and legs should be slightly bent and not unbend when hit to the end. This will protect you as much as possible from possible injuries.

Warm-up (8-10 min).

Simple dance movements, elements gradually turn on percussion technique. The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the muscles, prepare the body for the upcoming work.

Stretching (8-10 min).

Stretching exercises. Particular attention is paid to stretching on the legs in order to prepare for amplitude work.

Main part (20-25 min)

There are two options for conducting the main part of the lesson:

Working off basic equipment

When working out the basic technique, several punches and kicks are taken. First, single elements are performed, then we gradually combine them into simple combinations. Technique is practiced in a combat stance. In tai-bo, when hitting, the arm or leg cannot be fully extended. You hit with your hand - the elbow remains slightly bent, when you hit with your foot - the knee does not straighten to the end. Due to this nuance, it is not very difficult to perform strikes. But most importantly, the risk of damage to the elbow and knee joints is reduced.

Examples of simple combinations. Each combination is worked out in a fighting stance alternately on the right and left side. Combat stance - feet shoulder-width apart, one leg is set slightly forward at a step distance, hands are clenched into fists and bent in front of you at shoulder level, the body is turned at an angle of 45 degrees. +cross+jab+Knee up+Front kick (both far leg kicks) x 3x+Side kick (far leg) x 3x+ Roundhouse kick Crescent Kick+ Outside Crescent Kick+ Elbow Strike x 3x x 2 + Cross x 2 + Front kick + Side kick x 2 + cross x 2 + back kick


Tai-bo is great as a relaxation after a hard day at work or a morning workout. For this, 15 minutes is enough. During this time, you can make a couple of simple strokes and complete the workout with meditation, relaxing breathing exercises (we will talk about them later). But if there is a task to reduce and normalize weight, then the training should last 60-90 minutes and include as many different combinations of exercises as possible.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Tai-bo is a popular fitness program based on a combination of elements from martial arts, classical aerobics and dance moves. With its help, you will burn calories, reduce body volume, strengthen muscles and make your forms perfect. The name "Tai-bo" or in the original Tae- bo came from a combination of two words tae (taekwondo - taekwondo) and bo(boxing - boxing).

The program was developed by Billy Blanks, an American martial arts champion. Tai-bo is a special form of aerobics with the addition of elements from karate, Thai boxing and taekwondo, in which you will perform kicks and leg swings to rhythmic music. The training has become world famous. Now, according to this technique, you can practice both in the fitness room and at home.

Tai-bo fitness program

Billy Blanks was born into a poor, large family in Pennsylvania. He was the fourth of fifteen children, and spent most of his childhood on the street. Billy was born with an anomaly in the hip joint, which did not prevent him from starting karate and taekwondo courses at the age of 11. His talent showed up very quickly: from a boy with poor health, he became a world famous athlete.

Billy Blanks is a seven-time world karate champion, a black belt in five different martial arts, and was the captain of the American karate team. Since 1986, he has starred in more than 20 Hollywood films (no wonder Bruce Lee was his fan), where he also acted as a director of action scenes. The biography of Billy Blanks can be called a real success story that can motivate everyone.

In 1989, Billy founded a training center where he began teaching his own fitness development: tai-bo. The effectiveness of the program was instantly assessed: a line of clients lined up for Blanks, among whom were Pamela Anderson, Paula Abdul, Brooke Shields, Emmanuel Lewis. All followers of tai-bo repeated with one voice that they had not yet met a program that would give such a quick result.

Gradually, the popularity of training went far beyond the US and spread throughout the world. Now the fitness program is taught in gyms as a group exercise. Billy Blanks has released a number of DVDs of his workouts so everyone can get into great shape even while doing tai-bo at home.

Tai-bo: 10 benefits of the program

  1. In one hour of tai-bo training, you will burn 600-700 calories. The program is very energy intensive and efficient.
  2. You can significantly improve your endurance and strengthen your heart muscle.
  3. There are no shock jumps in the program, which often lead to joint injuries. You will be doing cardio without heavy and traumatic exercises.
  4. Tai-bo is an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis. Regular exercise will help you strengthen your spine and form a beautiful posture.
  5. This is a quality aerobic program that burns calories and fat.
  6. Training involves all muscle groups, especially the abs and legs. In addition to burning calories, you will get an elastic and toned body.
  7. The program is very accessible to perform, despite the ligaments and combinations of exercises. Even those who have never practiced martial arts can handle it.
  8. Tai-bo movements will improve your stretch as well as your coordination and balance.
  9. Workouts based on combat sports, help to find a way out of hidden aggression and negative energy. You will find peace and peace of mind.
  10. You don't need any special equipment to practice, so you can practice tai-bo at home with video.

Tai-bo: 7 video workouts for practicing at home

You can do tai-bo training with Billy Blanks at home. You do not need additional equipment, only a little space in the apartment. Billy uses fairly sweeping movements with his arms and legs in his programs, so a small square of free space around him will be freed up for practice. You can always complicate the workout if you put on your feet.

1. Tai-bo for 45 minutes for weight loss

2. Tai-bo for 90 minutes for weight loss

3. Tai-bo: instructional video

4. Tai-bo for 35 minutes for the stomach

5. Tai-bo for 20 minutes with dumbbells for muscle tone

6. Low impact tai-bo for 30 minutes with a chair

7. Tai-bo for 55 minutes for weight loss

Among the many different fitness programs, tai-bo in Moscow is especially popular. Based on a combination of techniques of such types of martial arts as taekwondo, Thai boxing and karate, stretching, aerobics and strength exercises, this program has undoubted advantages with an almost complete absence of shortcomings, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who have already managed to join this sport.
Tai-bo classes are offered today by many fitness clubs. A universal system that allows you to harmoniously develop the body, in addition, makes it possible to master the necessary self-defense skills. Increases during training muscle tone and extra pounds go away, correct posture is formed and flexibility appears. In addition, coordination of movements develops, endurance increases, the cardiovascular system strengthens, which is of great importance for people of all ages.
The advantages of tai-bo were appreciated not only by men. Increasingly, women come to fitness clubs, who set themselves the goal of gaining good figure and learn to protect yourself. Tai-bo does not provide for sparring, however, in the classroom, much attention is paid to the technique of strikes and their accuracy. It helps to get rid of aggression and stress and find peace of mind. The complex of classes also includes stretching exercises that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
Beginner tai-bo classes require some preparation. Before you start training, you need to attend aerobics classes for several weeks so that the muscles get stronger and get used to the loads.
Addresses of sports institutions in Moscow, where tai-bo sections function, prices, class schedules and other useful information can be found on the pages of our catalog.