Pionerball in the USSR. Pioneerball - the history of the sports game Pioneerball arrangement of players on the court

When children play in the yard, they most often give preference. These games include pioneer ball - game view sports using the ball, which originated in the thirties of the 20th century in the USSR. The name of the game itself comes from the fact that pioneers played it in the yard. Pioneerball is especially popular at school, when students start playing it in the schoolyard after the end of the lessons. It is not only exciting and interesting game, but also a way of spending time for students, which is aimed at.

Description of the game of pioneerball

To understand how to play pioneer ball correctly and what its rules are, it is important to have some idea of ​​what this game is like and what material needs to be prepared.

In order to play pioneer ball, you must have a volleyball net on the court. The ball for the pioneer ball must also be a volleyball. The task of the players is to hit the ball with their hands by any means through the net so that it ends up on the side of the other team.

The playground needs to be big enough. This will allow players to move more freely during the game.

How is pioneerball different from volleyball?

The mobile game "pioneerball" is a yard version of the game of volleyball. Therefore, the rules of the game are somewhat similar to them. Unlike volleyball, where the ball is beaten off, in pioneer ball you need to catch it with your hands.

Also distinctive feature is the number of balls. Pioneerball can be played with one ball or several (usually two). While volleyball can only be played with one ball.

Pioneerball rules

Pioneerball is a ball sport in which teams compete on a court divided by a net.

The game appeared in the 30s of the last century as a backyard version of volleyball, and its name comes from the word " pioneer"- a member of the children's communist organization of the USSR.

Game history

The game appeared in 1930s during the Soviet era. A game for children that was played, often not on special sites and sometimes even without a net, simply marked the boundaries of the field with something. Now it is played mainly on a volleyball field, with a volleyball or basketball. The rest of the rules remain the same.

There are several varieties of pioneer ball, for example, a pioneer ball with two balls. In this variant, after the start of the game, the goal of the players is to prevent both balls from being in their half of the court. Pioneerball for the blind is also known. The game has retained almost its original appearance from Soviet times.

2. The rules of the game of pioneer ball and the organization of the lesson

Scoring Rules:

  • A team is awarded points if the ball touches the court in the opponent's half. Moreover, it does not matter if the opponents could not catch the ball after the serve or dropped it during the pass.
  • If the ball after the opponent's serve went out of bounds without touching the players of the receiving team. Otherwise, the opponent earns a point.
  • If, after an opponent's serve, the ball flew under the net or hit the net and remained in the opponent's half. If the ball touched the net, but flew over to the side of the receiving team, by prior agreement between the teams there may be such options: re-serve, transfer of service or accrual of a winning point to the receiving team.
  • If a team has made more than the number of passes allowed by the rules, then a point is awarded to the opposing team.
  • If the player in possession of the ball has taken more than three steps on the court, a point is also awarded to the opponents.
  • In addition, points are awarded to the opposing team if: the player catches the ball thrown by him (makes a candle”), touches the ball with his feet, touches the net.

Submission transition rules:

This rule until recently existed in volleyball. It has now been cancelled. The meaning of the rule is that the serving team, in case of any mistake made, loses only the right to serve.

No points are awarded to the opponent. Those. points can only be awarded to the serving team. It must be borne in mind that this rule significantly increases the duration of each game.

volleyball from volley - “volleyball” and ball - “ball”) - a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special platform, divided by a net, trying to direct the ball towards the opponent so that it lands on the court enemy ( hit the floor), or for a player on the defending team to make a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row (in addition to touching on the block).

There are numerous variants of volleyball that have branched off from the main type - beach volleyball ( olympic look since 1996), mini-volleyball, pioneer ball, park volleyball.


The game is played with a volleyball on a volleyball court. Each team usually has 6 people. The site is conditionally divided into 6 zones according to the number of players.
The back row player, being within the court in the far right corner, makes a throw through the net into the half of the field of the opposing team. One of the players of the opposing team must catch the ball and, having made no more than three steps or one pass of the ball and two steps in their own half of the court, throw it over the net back to the half of the field of the first team. One of the players of the first team must also catch the ball and, having made no more than three steps or one transfer of the ball and two steps, transfer it to the opponent's half of the field. And so on until the ball hits the ground - then the team that threw the ball gets one point.
The ball is considered lost by the receiving team, and the serving team loses the service if:
  • the ball touched the floor;
  • the player took more than three steps with the ball in attack;
  • the ball touched the player's body below the belt or rolled over the body;
  • the player touched the net;
  • the player touches the ball twice in a row;
  • the player has crossed the middle line;
  • the ball flew over the net, but landed behind the lines limiting the area;
  • the ball flew under the net or touched objects outside the court.
As in volleyball, players move clockwise across the court to the next zone after winning a serve. After gaining a certain number of points (usually 10, 15 or 25 with a minimum advantage of 2 points over the opponent), the teams change sides of the field, and the second game is played. If the result after two sets is equal (1:1), then the third set is assigned.
The right of the first serve in the match is determined by a lottery, after each game there is a change of sides and the opposite team serves first. In the middle of the decisive (third) set, the sides are changed, the same player makes the serve after the change.


Sometimes the "rule of three passes" applies, in which case the players of the same team must throw the ball between themselves twice, and the third throw must be made to the opponent's half of the field. In addition, the “lost serve” rule that previously existed in volleyball may apply. In this case, the team that conceded the ball, which was serving, only loses the serve, but does not give points to the opponents. Thus, for one serve, only the serving team can be awarded points.

There is a variant of the pioneer ball with two balls. Two teams of 6-8 players each play. Players standing closer to the corners of the court receive the ball and prepare to serve (throw the ball to the opponent's half of the field) on the referee's whistle. After the whistle, the task of each team is to ensure that both balls do not simultaneously end up in its half of the field, but touch the hands or the ground in the opponent's half of the field. In this case, the game stops and the team with two balls on the court loses the point. Balls that collided in the air are returned for a new serve. The rest of the rules are similar to the main version of the pioneer ball.

Volleyball court and ball

For the game, an 18 by 9 meter field is used, divided in half by a grid having a height of 243 centimeters for male teams and 224 centimeters for women.
The site for one team is conditionally divided into 6 zones of activity of the participants. The transition between them is done clockwise. The serving player is in the first zone, he moves to the fifth, bypassing the middle defender - the libero. This player cannot block or attack because he is always on the back line. He does not make transitions and his kit must be different in color from the rest of the team.

The volleyball is usually tri-colored. Competition rules regulate its weight (260-280 grams) and diameter (65-67 centimeters).

Player actions

The goal of the game is to get a point by scoring the ball to the opposite side or to make the opponent make a mistake.
Teams consist of 14 players, 6 of whom are on the field at the same time, the rest are substitutes. The rules of the game of volleyball provide for 6 substitutions in one game.
The right to the first serve is determined by lottery. The service is carried out from behind the back line. If the server steps in, sends the ball out of bounds or hits the net, then the team loses the serve, and the opponent receives a point.
Volleyball rules allow play the ball in their own half of the court in no more than three touches (block is not taken into account), usually this is a reception, then a pass and an attacking blow.
Any player has the right to receive the serve, usually the athletes on the back line do this. The submission is not blocked. Rules volleyball allow you to hit the ball with any part of the body once.
An attack hit is carried out over the net. The player from the first line can carry out an attack from anywhere in his half of the field. The team members in the positions of the back line attack from the three-meter mark.

The blocking of an attack is carried out over the net in such a way as to prevent the ball from flying over the net. When blocking, you can move your hands to the side of your opponents without interfering with them. Only players from the front line block.

  • spade when serving;
  • the service is not made within 8 seconds after the whistle;
  • double touch of the ball;
  • step into enemy territory;
  • touching the top of the grid;
  • holding or throwing the ball;
  • incorrect placement of players;
  • drawing more than three touches;
  • unsportsmanlike behaviour.

This game is often played in children's camps and at school in the classroom. physical education. Pioneerball - command a game requiring 3 to 8 players on each team.

Pioneerball game rules

Volleyball is required for games. ball and a volleyball court. If there is no playground, the edges of the playing field can be outlined with chalk or a stick. Instead of a net, get by with a simple rope, and replace the volleyball with a soccer or children's rubber ball.

First, by drawing lots, it is determined which team will serve first.

Teams stand on both sides of the net, the player of the serving team takes the ball and moves to the far end of his court.

The player who catches the ball can take no more than 3 steps towards the net with it in his hands. Also, within one team, you can make one transfer.

Players try to throw the ball so that the opposing team cannot catch it.

Teams throw the ball until it touches the ground on the opponent's court. The team that fails to catch the ball, or sends the ball out of bounds, loses the point.

The game continues until 15 points, after which the teams change courts.

Watch video game Pioneerball:

Team entertainment requiring the participation of three to eight people in each group and carried out as physical education classes school, summer camps and even kindergartens - this is the Pioneerball game. In educational institutions, a volleyball is used during lessons, and the playground is no different from ordinary volleyball parquet. The only difference is that the height of the grid is artificially reduced for the convenience of children.

If you want to play in the yard during a vacation or vacation, you can draw the limits playing area stick, pull the rope, and use any suitable projectile from another sport as a ball, up to a children's rubber ball.

Pioneerball rules are quite simple. First, the team that serves first is determined by lot, then the opponents are located on both sides of the net, and one of the members of the group goes to the far end of the court. He tries to successfully throw the ball to the other side, and in such a way that the object flies over the net. The defending players must catch the ball and throw it in the opposite direction.

All actions are very reminiscent of the volleyball rules of the game. Pioneerball has several differences from this sport. Firstly, the ball must be caught, not beaten off. Secondly, holding it in your hands you can not take more than three steps. Thirdly, only one transfer is allowed during possession. the main task- throw the ball so that it touches the opponent's court, respectively, it should not be caught with your hands. For each touch of the floor, a victory point is awarded. There are 15 of them in total.

But this exciting activity has not only its own rules of the game. Pionerball is also aimed at the development of the child both physically and mentally. Here are some important nuances that guide teachers when conducting such lessons with children:

In conclusion, I would like to note the existence of the Pioneerball game in a more complex version, when there are two balls on the court. In this case, the main difference from the basic rules is to prevent the balls from being on the same side of the playing field at the same time.