Incidents with animals. Horse rescue. Here they give a chance for life to those sentenced to death. Saving horses is the last chance.

Founder of one of the veterinary clinics in Moscow Ekaterina Barabanova organized an online group that saves horses sent for slaughter from death.

It all started on the day when Ekaterina was returning by car from her friends wedding. Passing Penza, I saw horses walking. A veterinarian not only by education, but also by vocation, she learned that horses are fattened here in order to put them on meat. There are 2 huge slaughter shops in Penza. Having driven to the slaughterhouse, the veterinarian saw a foal, which she could not pass by.

Horses fall into the hands of rescuers in a terrible state

Thoroughbred horses were offered at the slaughterhouse, they said that the owners refused this because of its wild disposition. Catherine was very surprised by what she heard. With her, the horse behaved differently. Apparently, he felt that she had come to save him.

- He looked into my eyes and licked my hand ... And in spite of everything, I decided that I would take him for myself. At that time, I had only one thought in my head: he had two days to live. I was ready to do everything to keep him alive, - Catherine admits.

Having taken the baby, as the savior of her horse calls it, she surrounded him with love and care, settled him in a stable near her country house. For the sake of it, even to work, he still travels from the region.

Already after 5 days the foal began to respond to the name, and after two weeks - completely trusted, and now follows the mistress with a tail. Found a common language with local dogs - lick each other's noses.

Ekaterina is sure that even the wildest and most uncontrollable horse can be approached. It would be a wish!

After she tamed the horse, she began to look for owners for other horses sent for slaughter.

I started a group on social media Give hope. Passionate about saving horses” and began to exhibit photos of horses that are being prepared to be sent to slaughter. Many subscribers at first just made reposts, then they became volunteers,” the activist says.

Online community support

Now there are about 12 people in the team, they help spread information in different cities. Inna Moiseeva from Ryazan is one of them.

- Accidentally in social networks I saw a repost from the group. I clicked on the link because I wanted to buy a horse for a long time. True, I wanted to take a thoroughbred, with a pedigree, but when I started looking at photos of horses that are being prepared for slaughter, I changed my mind. It was so pitiful. I saw information about a gelding who had one day left to live. And now he lives with me,” says Inna.

Now she helps Catherine. Calls horse friends who could save horses, but rarely go to social networks.

Natalya Kutuzova from St. Petersburg also found a friend thanks to this group and now helps to contact horse carriers, transport horses, and sometimes just choose a horse that is more suitable for a person.

There are many such groups on the web now. But almost everyone is engaged in business, they take a percentage. Catherine does all this for free. Moreover, she periodically pays for gasoline and other expenses. And we, volunteers, try to help her in this, if possible, - says Natalia.

Rescued elderly gelding

A young rescued horse that has already found new house

A young 1.5 year old horse Felix, who has already found a new home

Rescued mare Zaika and her foal in a new home

For 8 months, a group of caring people managed to save about 35 horses. Now Ekaterina is expanding the geography of horse slaughterhouses from which she rescues animals. Lipetsk and Tambov were added to Penza. There are those who want to take the horses into good hands, but among them there are those to whom the horses are not given.

“Some people want to buy them so that they can then carry people for money. For a horse, this is hell. My task is to make sure that salvation does not entail torture. Therefore, I am especially careful about verifying the identity of a person who expresses a desire to take a horse. I do not give horses to dealers or butchers. I do everything to ensure that those who are attached never change owners again. This is very important,” Ekaterina explains.

Future plans

Today, the organizer of the community of those who are not indifferent is going to travel all over Russia and personally see each person to whom he gave the horse. She will shoot all this on camera, and then show it to her subscribers so that more people learn about the problem. more people. After all, hundreds of horses are given to slaughterhouses.

Alena Baranova has a happy day today. Most recently, her long-awaited baby came to her ... A one-year-old foal named Akbash, saved by a girl from the unenviable fate of being sent "for sausage" ...

-A few words about you :).

I am a 1st year student of VF NSTU. I have had a love for horses since childhood. I always liked them: graceful, noble, they trust people with all their heart. I have been riding horses since I was 10 years old. A friend of my mother used to have a lot of horses, so he taught me. 2 years ago, my dad gave me Cascade. Now he is 6 years old. He is my very best friend!

- Now you have one horse?

Now two! Yesterday Akbash came to me - a baby whom we saved from the butchers. A month ago, I saw an ad in the Horse Rescue "Chance for Life" group. This kid immediately sunk into the soul, but for some reason no one wanted to redeem him. There was very little time left, literally a week, then I decided to buy it myself. Posted an ad in social networks to earn some money. The announcement was of the following type: "To caring people!!! Help save the foal!!! He has 5 days!!! The cost of his life is 20 thousand!!! I offer inexpensive riding lessons, horse riding, photo shoots with a horse. All collected from of this money will be used to save the baby!!! Phone such and such. Maximum repost. "
Many called to help. Then Andrei contacted me (he did not give his last name) and offered to help. I was shocked... We met with him. He decided to help me free of charge, then I phoned the people where Akbash was staying, we tried for a long time to take him out of Astrakhan. Then we found the car.

The horse rode for a day in an ordinary Gazelle. He arrived last night and everyone is happy!

- Where do your horses live?

I have a small "stable" right in the garden, where they live. They walk in the neighbours' garden. No one has been there for a long time, this is the house of our relatives. They allowed us to let my children go there.

I wouldn't say cheap! They eat just like horses :)! In the summer, on Maxim Gorky Street, I ride children on the Cascade. And I teach riding lessons a little, so that the maintenance of horses does not hit the budget too much. So if you want, you can come ride right to my house.

- Do you manage to combine studies successfully?

It works. I have a sister, Anastasia, who also loves horses. She always helps me. True, you have to get up early to study in order to feed the horses in the morning and let them go for a walk. Couples start at 9 00. I get up at seven, first I go to feed, and then I'm going to the university. Parents also help. When I don't have much time. They are very fond of animals.

- Friends ask you to show horses?

Friends are more afraid of them. Especially when I go out to feed and say "come to me, my little one", and not a small one comes up to me, but a huge gelding 170 cm tall at the withers :).

- Yes, it makes an impression! Have you thought about acquiring another profession, becoming a veterinarian, for example?

I dreamed of becoming a veterinarian as a child. Now I don't even know what I want to be. After all, veterinarians are often called to treat cats and dogs. And there are very few horses in our district.

-Suddenly, such a defenseless Akbash will appear again, take it?

There are many like Akbash, unfortunately. But I haven't been able to get another one yet.

- How do you feel about traumatic sports for horses, for example, show jumping?

We also participate in show jumping! I don't see anything wrong with that. We train in Gryaznaya. There is an equestrian club. Jumping is not an aggressive sport at all. A horse can also get injured in a levada. My Cascade, for example, loves to jump!

- The meat of horses is eaten ...

I take this very negatively. Horses are not mainly bred for this, they have a different purpose.

It's mean. Kill the one who trusted you with all his heart and does not expect a trick from you! They're just like humans, they just can't talk. Everyone understands.
Very smart. Even if a horse can hit a person, it warns in advance that it is not necessary to approach it, but the person does not notice this. She can curl her ears, turn her back, lightly wave her foot in his direction, but if people do not understand, she can hit. Horses do not really like it when strangers break into their personal space. But again, not everyone behaves this way. Some are very licky-loving and they don’t even need other horses, as long as a person is nearby!

What are the personalities of your horses?

Cascade is a little selfish. He just doesn’t even let anyone stroke him, but for a carrot he will make a bow, and hug, and kiss. He likes to rub his head against me. Akbashka climbs to everyone to be scratched and stroked! Bites a little, but not out of malice, effortlessly, a very sociable boy!

- Are there disagreements between Cascade and Akbash?

The cascade showed Akbash in the morning who was in charge here! He ran after him and did not let him go anywhere. He waved his legs at him, but he never hit him! They ran around the garden like that for half an hour, probably. Then they calmed down and went to chew hay together.

- How popular is horse riding among Vyksa residents?

Not very popular. Maybe people just don't know how healthy it is! Horses can also heal! And on nervous system beneficial effect: they calm. And lift the spirits! You just need to find a common language, then it will not be difficult to deal with them.

- For you, they are exactly like antidepressants ...

- Do you communicate with other horse lovers?

Certainly! I have many such acquaintances. I am a member of various communities on the network, but I like to communicate live. I have several equestrian friends from Vyksa. These are people with whom there is always something to talk about, and they will always understand me. Among them is my sister Anastasia. We go to show jumping training together.

I haven't decided yet. I won’t give these children to anyone, but you won’t earn money on them, I will most likely work in my specialty :)

- What should a person be like for a horse to accept him? Both as a host and as a friend

Dogs always think that the owner is above them, cats think that they are in charge. And only horses like to communicate on an equal footing!

- So the horse has no owner, only a friend?

Yes. She doesn't need an owner!

-When is the next "appearance" with Akbash and Cascade?

Well, I won’t take the baby to the city, but with the Cascade for the May holidays we will be in the park!

I was struck by the tenderness with which Alena treats her horses. "My kids!" This is how she talks about them. With what determination this fragile girl undertook to save the defenseless Akbash! Say what you like, but human kindness is manifested in actions. During the May holidays, visit Vyksa Park! The beautiful Alena and the mighty Cascade will be waiting for you there. Believe me, your children will be very happy!

The only shelter in Estonia for horses doomed by the will of man to "meat" is located in the village of Päite. Care, treatment and shelter are also found here by other animals that trusted people and served them faithfully, but for various reasons became a burden.

Ksenia Klochkova, owner of a farm in Pyait

Friends jokingly call this fragile woman crazy, and she only chuckles in response. Follow your dream and radically change your life - quit your office job, sell a comfortable apartment in the center of Tallinn, go to a farm where a tiny house, a collapsed sauna and an old barn were built back in the 40s of the last century, where the wind blows from the sea, rains turn the paths into mud, the well freezes in winter, and the neighbors live half a kilometer away - not everyone will take the risk.

Ksenia Klochkova took a chance. Between Toila and Sillamäe, in the village of Päite, on her own farm of 14.5 hectares, Ksenia lives and works as a rescuer of her younger brothers, who for some reason turned out to be objectionable to people.

The non-profit society Ayuda, which Xenia organized to save animals, is known in Ida-Virumaa as Päite loomapark. People come here when they find abandoned animals, or cannot keep their animals, or want to find a pet, or are simply ready to help in caring for animals.

And it all started in my youth, with horses.

Man's cruel sentence

Ksenia ran into him when she took up horseback riding. The fact that horses are sent to the slaughterhouse if they stop bringing prizes and money to their owners, and there is not a single shelter in Estonia for animals written off from sports, shocked the girl.

If there was no shelter, then all these horses would have already been sent to the slaughter

“We decided to save the horses. We didn’t have our own stable. And private stables are very expensive. We collected money, and people helped us,” says Ksenia. Thanks to one of the rescued horses, Ksenia met Martin Repinsky - he agreed to shelter the horse on his farm in Konya. This acquaintance changed the life of the girl, and she spent four whole years on the farm. There, Ksenia gained tremendous experience of village life and work with animals and increased the number of rescued, and not only horses.

“Our paths with Martin diverged over time. But even then I realized that you can save horses if you move out of town and organize something of your own,” so Ksenia decided to permanently move to Ida-Virumaa, and her parents family council supported their daughter. Mom, originally from a Kazakh village, laughed: "The roots were pulled. I moved from the village to the city, and my daughter returned from the city to the village."

Welcome - tabun

As soon as people appeared at the edge of the field, the horses immediately turned their muzzles towards them and, frozen, stared at the strangers with round olive eyes. A couple more steps, and several graceful animals moved towards Xenia and the journalists. The little mistress of the farm immediately stepped forward, raised her hands and, covering the people with herself, stopped the animals in a calm, confident voice.

“The horses are kind, smart and understanding, but there are a lot of them. If they suddenly get scared and run, they will trample. We will go to the corral. It’s calmer,” Ksenia led the guests to a platform in the middle of the field, fenced with pegs and a rope.

There are 21 horses in the herd, and many of them have owners who come to their pets, take care of them, and pay for their maintenance. Six horses live on the full supply of Päite loomapark. They have already given away their health and strength in their work for the people.

“It’s just communication with them. When I save a horse, I initially understand that it can stay with me forever,” says Ksenia.

Donations from friends and acquaintances of Xenia and her family, as well as simply caring people, help redeem the decommissioned horses. Already in Piata, some animals find new owners - if you wish, you can choose a horse and take care of it. Usually the owners leave their horses here and visit them often. If an attraction arises between a person and a horse, the horse will always recognize its owner, even after separation.

Almost every horse in the herd has its own sad story with a happy ending.

The horse is a miracle and a sea of ​​positive emotions

Communication with a horse helps to relieve fatigue, can relieve emotional distress, give wonderful feelings - Ksenia is sure of this.

“Where have you all been lying around? They came to shoot you, and you are dirty chumaziki,” Ksenia laughs, while the horses slowly walk in front of the paddock with people, squinting in their direction with round intelligent eyes. In response, the two horses, in turn, smoothly descend onto the ground wet from the rain, exactly in the place where there is no grass left, and begin to roll over in the mud from side to side. Now everyone in the corral is laughing.

A horse named Vaps and the hostess of the shelter Ksenia Klochkova

"Here is this dirty - recently rescued horse Freeze, a young American trotter, he is only 3 years old. He was raised for one Norwegian. But Freeze did not pass the certification on the races in time, and the Norwegian said "meat". We bought out Freeze, and with him mare Becky. She also did not pass the certification, because she has a twisted pelvis, it is difficult for her to run," Ksenia gently strokes the heads, manes and sides placed under her hands.

Friz immediately got a new owner - a young man comes to Päite, rides with a trotter and takes care of him with pleasure.

The former owner himself gave the horse named Vaps to Xenia's shelter, because he became disabled and could no longer take care of the horse. And the red-haired Pippin of the Tory breed got to the shelter from an auction, for which he was put up by the state for a "ridiculous" price.

"He used to pull a cart in a postal museum in Estonia. Due to the fact that he walked on asphalt all the time, the bones were deformed and Pippin began to seriously limp. There was a very high probability that the horse would be bought for meat. Pippin's new owner lives in Tallinn, but, with the words “he will be better with you than everyone else”, he left the horse with us to wait,” Ksenia takes the guests out of the paddock when the horses got used to them. Now you can carefully come closer and even chat with individual members of the herd.

The owner of the shelter, Ksenia Klochkova, and an Estonian heavy-duty horse named Krimm

The handsome Krimm got his unusual, not typical for the breed of Estonian heavy truck, color, as well as sore legs and asthma, as a result of close related crossing. The horse belonged to the Konyu farm, and the girl who helped Xenia take care of him mourned with burning tears the separation from her pet when Xenia was about to move from the farm. So Krimm ended up in Päite - Ksenia bought it and gave it to a girl whose family loves a horse. It does not matter that it will never be possible to ride on it. He's just a friend.

It is extremely rare, but there are also sad stories here when you have to euthanize a sick animal.

“But if we see at least some chance, we fight to the last,” Ksenia assures.

Another American trotter received such a chance. He ended up in a shelter in a miserable state - skin and bones. The veterinarians diagnosed him with "presumably bone cancer" and issued a "euthanized" sentence. The owner of the trotter and Xenia answered no and, on the advice of friends, they risked using a rare medicine. The result is obvious - the well-fed "sentenced to sleep" cheerfully walks across the field, nibbles the grass and looks great.

Free life under careful supervision

The herd lives in nature all year round. In the drinking bowl on the field - water from the river. In the summer there is fresh grass in the fields, in winter the horses get oats, hay, salt and horse muesli. In heavy rain, horses are dressed in rain blankets, and in winter from snow and frost - in warm winter ones. By winter, horses are overgrown with thick long hair, and it is mainly the wool that has to be protected from the formation of an ice crust.

Wolves are not found in the vicinity of the village of Pyaite. Yes, and an adult horse is too tough for them, and even more so in a herd. Only occasionally do wild roe deer tear the electric shepherd, and Ksenia and volunteers have to collect horses in neighboring fields.

Here adults become like children

From the farm to the sea and the beach is within easy reach. On the one hand, the wind often blows here. On the other hand, it blows off insects, which is good for animals.

The former owner could no longer support the cow, but it was a pity to give it to the slaughterhouse. So this cow named Strawberry ended up in a shelter

There are many visitors to the farm. Adults forget about their worries for a while, and children generally have expanse. Mothers often ask Xenia to let the kids stay at least for a couple of days, like in a children's camp. But alas, nowhere, and the conditions are Spartan.

Ksenia Klochkova and Evelina Kalyumäe with their wards

Thus, the idea was born to create a rehabilitation center for children and animals, communication with which will become part of the program, especially since there are not enough places for long-term treatment and care in Ida-Virumaa for problem children, and there are not many children's camps.

Animal shelter Päite loomapark

The shelter has already learned how to earn money collecting manure and keeping private horses, participating in fairs and riding lessons. But this will not be enough for the construction of a rehabilitation center and a modern stable: "There is not much money left for the project from the sale of the apartment. If it is approved and financed from special funds, we still need our contribution."

Konstantin is in charge

Usually the first guests are met by three rams, a goat and dogs. A large ram with powerful horns - Konstantin. The other two rams are also boys, only without horns. If there are horns, this is not necessarily a boy, because girls also have horns, Ksenia explains, causing funny jokes with these details.

"Last year, Konstantin was supposed to be barbecue on Jan's night. We bought him out, and gave us two other lambs," she says.

Usually the ram Konstantin spends most of his time with horses.

A ram named Konstantin

“If the horses have their own showdowns, the ram stands between them with a menacing look: “What are you doing here?” Horses respect Konstantin’s opinion and calm down,” the girl describes the special relationship of animals in the nursery.

When life is no longer a dog

Not so long ago, Jack was an old stray dog ​​with an advanced form of hypodermic mites. He was picked up on the road. The vet refused to treat Jack. The illness was dealt with in Piata. And Malu, with her kind and accommodating character, reacts aggressively to men, especially in camouflage - most likely, hunters offended her. Little Yoska ended up in a shelter from a pack of wild dogs.

After a series of long wanderings and suffering, these dogs Jack and Mila finally found their home in a shelter

"He is a very good guy, very affectionate. But it is impossible to give him to another family - it is not given to anyone except me. This is how dogs live with us, who either have some kind of behavioral problems or age. We know that these the animals will stay with us until the end of their days,” said Ksenia.

Brahma hens have found their home in Pyait. They are definitely not in danger of getting into the broth or the frying pan - they live here for beauty, entertain children and occasionally lay eggs.

And here also live a blind rabbit and ferrets, which the former owners could not cope with, two silver fox cubs from a fur farm and a cow Strawberry - brick-colored, with two yellow tags, like earrings, on her ears. Three years ago, Xenia "was called by a grandmother" and said: "I already have arthritis, my hands cannot milk. I want to give you a cow. I know that you will not send her for meat."

This silver fox cub named Kai was bought from a fur farm, where an unenviable fate awaited him

Birds need help too. “A stork stayed for the winter 20 kilometers from us. One of its legs is dangling. Apparently, a fracture,” Ksenia points towards a small pond, which was dug specifically for birds. The pond is protected by a net, because Xenia's favorites, Emils and Sparta, are walking around in the clearing nearby.

Animals that didn't have to be saved

The black boy Emils and the white Sparta are llamas.

Lama Sparta loves to communicate with people

Ksenia looks at the slender South American animals with adoration. Because of their rich wool, llamas are usually kept in closed enclosures. But the wool of Emils and Sparta is not planned to be used for sweaters, so they calmly walk around the neighborhood, collecting thorns, twigs, cobwebs on themselves.

To check who came to the glade to the llamas, ponies and American mini-horses showed up from somewhere in the bushes. Xenia and Martin brought the first mini-horses from Holland. Little Taiga was born already in Estonia, on the Konyu farm, and Ksenia, leaving there, took "her children" with her.

If a pony can be recognized by its short legs, then a mini-horse has proportions like a big horse, only the growth is small.

Cats are not welcome here

In the middle of the plot there is a wooden house, which is very attractive for the guests of the farm. This is a cat house. One has only to open the door, as right there, under a quiet meow, multi-colored touching lumps of wool with curious eyes over leather spouts roll out towards you.

The owner of the shelter, Ksenia Klochkova, tries to find a new family for each kitten.

"I didn't plan to deal with cats, but people called, asked for help," Ksenia extends her hand to the ginger kitten, who grabbed her jeans and climbed up her leg.

Residents of Ida-Virumaa, going to their dachas in the summer, often acquire living kitten toys, and in the fall, abandoned cats replenish the army of homeless animals. Now two adult cats and a company of small kittens are eating and recovering here. The cats were brought from Jõhvi and Kohtla-Järve in a miserable condition, and the kittens, wet and dirty, were found in the forest by mushroom pickers.

Two kittens have already found new owners. So the black cat, and with her another kitten, will soon go to their new home - a rehabilitation center for disabled children in Narva.

Nature and animals are mine

The guests leave, the volunteers go home, the husband has not yet returned from work, it is getting dark outside, and not a soul is around. Is it sad? Of course it does.

But the fragile mistress of Päite loomapark would not exchange her pets and the vastness of the fields for life in the city. Moreover, it takes a couple of hours to get to Tallinn by car and visit your parents and friends.

After all, it's good if a person finds in life something that brings him joy and pleasure, Ksenia smiles. I just really want people to be kinder to animals.

Petting zoo and animal shelter. Visit by appointment. Minilooomaaed ja loomade varjupaik. Ekskursionid ettetellimisel. Hind 4/5 eurot.

1 Comment

horse rescue

On the way to Ancient Morla, Artreio loses his horse Artax, which was the most precious creature in the world for him. Artrax is drowning in a swamp, and this is one of the saddest scenes in Michael Ende's novel The Neverending Story. Nicole Graham found herself in the same situation as Artreyo: her horse Astro was drowning in mud on Avalon Beach in southeastern Australia.

For three hours the woman stood in a dense mass similar to quicksand. She screamed, cried, hugged and stroked her beloved animal and did not leave him. Now the owner and the animal are waiting at the veterinary clinic, as the horse will need to undergo an additional examination.

While riding on the beach, Graham fell into the sand along with the horse, and was unable to pull it out. The animal sank deeper and deeper. Time hurried as the tide approached. Graham's daughter's horse also got stuck in the mud, but the riders managed to free her. Astor weighing 500 kg was too heavy.

When Graham saw the rescuers arriving on call, she breathed a sigh of relief. The rescue action was attended by firefighters, a veterinary group and a villager on a tractor. Just in case, a helicopter was also sent. It was a competition against time, but the rescuers still managed to free the animal.

“I have been riding on the beach for 20 years and nothing like this has ever happened,” said the owner.

Details at
Big livestock sale, at a nice price. Horses are not threatened with meat, all are grown and kept on good feed and receive all manipulations on schedule. Sales are not related to horses, we have a huge livestock, so we decided to sell some. All horses are very loved, they walk all day in a herd.
So for sale are:
Young growth of yearlings (born in 2018, end of winter-beginning of spring):
1. Watercolor red piebald mare. A bony child, a reinforced concrete psyche, alerted, accustomed to clearing. Quite calmly makes contact, loves to scratch, caress, kiss. Mom is a pure bay orlovka, height is 163 cm, Dad is a piebald Bashkir-Oryol stallion, height is 160 cm. The filly will pass on the piebald gene. Price: 60 thousand.
2. Athena-Palada is a red piebald beauty who lives up to her name! A very picturesque girl, completely calm, guarded, accustomed to clearing. Goes to contact. Will be over 165cm at the withers. Mom is a pure bay Orlovka with a height of 165cm, Dad is a piebald Bashkir-Orlovets with a height of 160cm. Her mother's sister is over 170cm tall. Will pass on the piebald gene. Price: 62k
3. Chicago gray piebald stallion. Nice guy, proud, stately. He will be a tall and powerful stallion. Alert and accustomed to clearing. Mom is a gray Orlovka height 160cm, Dad is a piebald Bashkir-Orlovets height 160cm. Price: 60 thousand.
4. Remarque dark bay stallion. Born 2018 in July. Warned, accustomed to clearing. Affectionate, sweet baby, loves communication and attention. While in the period of perestroika, so a little unsightly. Mom is a large gray eagle-karachak height 163cm, dad is a piebald eagle-bashkir stallion 160cm tall. Price: 50 thousand.
To whom is piebald happiness and not only, but more? All foals are tame, contact, grown in competent hands, on daily grazing.
Horses that have been trained and are preparing for a race are also available for sale:
1. Surprise gray (chimera color) is measured, a cross between Orlovets (75% Orlovtsy, 15% bp), born in September 2016, now at the withers about 165cm, in the future under 170cm, it will still grow, the stock on the back is large. Affectionate, kind guy. Fully guarded, knows the cord, denouement, cleaning, clearing, is not afraid of puffs. The psyche is not broken, there is no fear at all, it goes where you say, loves communication. Next year, will be ready to ride. Price: 85 thousand.
2. Eureka dark bay spotted mare, crossbreed, born in February 2017, growth in perspective 163-165cm. There is a draft admixture. A large, bony young lady, with a sweet expression on her muzzle. Warned, cleared, stands at the junctions. On the this moment in lunge training. Price: 80 thousand.
3. Goldilocks is a long-legged eagle of bay color and very marked, with good bloodlines. Born in 2016, height 173-175cm. Line of Success. Due to age, energetic, but obedient. Completely hackneyed, knows step-trot-canter, leg at the slightest touch, very soft. She knows the cord, I sew the pessoa, she is calm in her hands. An elegant beauty for spiritual walks, sports, photo shoots. Price: 260 thousand
Offered for booking, sale from October 1:
1. Cowboy large gray-piebald meren, Oryol cross (75% Orlovtsy, 15% bp), born in 2014, height 167cm. Energetic, elegant guy. Soft on the mouth and leg, so not for a beginner. By nature he is smart, executive, not shy, comfortable on the gaits. He knows the cord, clears, puffs, pricks, loads, stands at the junctions. The guy gets very used to one person and becomes his tail. Price: 180 thousand
2. Zabava large gray mare Percheron, 160 cm at the withers, born in 2013. Worn under the top and in the harness. Ideal in harness, voice control, when harnessed, it stands rooted to the spot. Phlegmatic under the top, hardy enough for its breed. It has a long, wavy, thick, white mane. The photo looks stunning. He is afraid of a large herd, so it is better to take to the stables where there is a small livestock, it can be only one horse at all, a person completely replaces communication with her. Pregnancy, term about 2 months, covered. Price: 160 thousand
3. Aria medium-sized Arab-Ahal-Teke, gray, born in 2008, height 155-156cm. Small pretty girl, well suited for children, knows the cord, under the saddle is calm, affectionate, loves communication and scratching. Pregnancy, term about 5 months, covered. Price: 80 thousand.
Butchers, outbid, underage, please pass by, do not waste my and your time, we will not sell horses to just anyone, we will carefully check our hands!
Horses are located near the city of Mozhaisk, near Moscow.
For all questions, contact in a personal or by phone 89653732791, 89099903667 Victoria, you can use WhatsApp. More photos and videos, information on horses, ladies personally. Please do not ask questions in the comments, I can not always answer.