What does biathlete Ekaterina Yuryeva do. Ekaterina Yuryeva's career. And pretty girls

Ekaterina Yurieva - leader of the Russian women's biathlon team. Ekaterina Yurieva is winner and prize-winner of several stages of the World Cup.

“I worry like everyone else, I guess. An athlete, it seems to me, cannot do without excitement at all. I'm not an exception. First you tremble, then you run ... I just know how not to show my condition, ”the biathlete admits Ekaterina Yurieva.

Biography of Ekaterina Yurieva / Ekaterina YUreva

Ekaterian Yurieva was born on June 11, 1983 in the city of Chaikovsky, Perm Territory. At the age of 12, the future biathlon champion decided to come to the sport - athletics but quickly became disillusioned. Then there was rowing, but she didn’t like it either. Only then in life Ekaterina Yurieva came skiing.

“My eternal optimism is my character. That's how I have it - sociable, cheerful. I like to live this way, but someone else may like it differently. I just try not to get into trouble. Life goes on. Well, I got sick, for example, at the training camp, I caught a cold, and everyone's preparations are in full swing. But what to do? I took books, films, read. Rested - and forward. I say to myself: I'll make up for everything!

Career Ekaterina Yuryeva / Ekaterina YUreva

In 2007 Ekaterina Yurieva received her first medal - bronze in the sprint race, then won the individual race at the World Cup.

“In competitions, even fatigue is easier to bear than in training. And more fun. Still, the atmosphere is different, and the picture outside the window is constantly changing. Yes, you can’t fix a failure right away, you can’t return a lost victory. But this is the whole charm of our sports life and lies ... "

At the 2008 World Championships in Östersund Ekaterina Yurieva won a full set of awards - she became the world champion in the individual race, the silver medalist in the pursuit, and took bronze in the mass start. At the end of the 2007-2008 season Yurieva placed 6th in overall standings World Cup.

In 2008, the biathlete was disqualified after a doping scandal. In 2012 she returned to the World Cup and won 4 victories in a row. She was taken to the Sochi 2014 Olympic team.

Three shots right on target. How Ekaterina Yuryeva was "killed"

"Soviet Sport" continues a series of publications about biathletes who came across doping.

"Soviet Sport" continues a series of publications about biathletes who came across doping. The reason is known - the expectation of proceedings in connection with the "list of 31" from WADA.

Ekaterina Yurieva is now 33 years old. In a good way, she could still run through the stages of the Biathlon World Cup, collect points, maybe even get into medals. But she is not in the national team, just as she is not in the world biathlon.

"Murder" number three

Ekaterina Yuryeva announced her retirement on February 27, 2014 - immediately after the end of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. It seemed to many then that she had not been included in the Olympic team unfairly, that she had fallen victim to coaching intrigues that pushed her into national team other girls to the detriment of the result.

Here are excerpts from an open letter from biathlon fans written to Vitaly Mutko in support of the athlete:

“We, the fans of the Russian national team, who sincerely wish the athletes success at the home winter Olympics, appeal to you with a convincing request to pay attention to the process of forming the composition of the women's Olympic biathlon team. Ekaterina Yuryeva is still absent from the squad, although she qualified for the January stages based on her results at the World Cup in December, while the application includes Valentina Nazarova, who performed significantly weaker (73rd and 65th places at the World Cup) and has no experience of performing at the highest international level of Galina Nechkasova. “She was eliminated from the main team despite the fact that the program of the stage in Ruhpolding (following Oberhof - ed.) had an individual 15 km race, where Ekaterina Yuryeva had her best result of the season and was able to fight for Maly world Cup".

After that, the fans make a frightening conclusion:

“From the foregoing it can be concluded that coaching staff intentionally does not give Ekaterina Yuryeva the opportunity to compete and be selected for the Olympic team in a face-to-face fight with other contenders for the remaining vacant places.

"Murder" number two

Yuryeva never went to Sochi. And thank God. Literally a week before the start of the Olympics, it became known that illegal drugs were found in the doping tests of several athletes, including Russians. Yuryeva did not get into the national team. On February 27, she announced her retirement

“This decision was not easy for me, so it took me quite a long time to part with my dream and understand that I need to move on. I returned, but to leave, ”Ekaterina wrote on her blog.

It is not known what complex solution is involved. In early March, it was officially announced that the suspicions were confirmed - the B doping test of a Russian biathlete confirmed a positive result for recombinant erythropoietin. This biathlete turned out to be Yuryeva.

In July 2014, it became known that the International Biathlon Union disqualified the girl for 8 years. A year later, the period of disqualification was increased to 12 years, although Yuryeva had already completed her career.

"Murder" number one

Such a huge period of disqualification is due to the fact that Ekaterina has already been caught doping. Therefore, she was tried as a recidivist. It is surprising that they were not immediately suspended from the sport for life.

Yuryeva was first caught in December 2008 - at the World Cup stage, at the same time when another Russian athlete, Albina Akhatova, tested positive. The reason is the same - erythropoietin. From that moment on, the girls went side by side: disqualification for two years, appeal to the arbitration court, refusal, appeal to the Swiss tribunal, refusal, waiting. The only difference is that, unlike Akhatova, Yuryeva continued her career and hoped to go to the Olympics in Sochi.

Her name will certainly appear on the notorious list of 31 biathletes, the receipt of which from WADA was announced in International Union biathletes.

source: "Soviet Sport"

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Ekaterina Yuryeva is a Russian athlete who has won many national and international biathlon awards. She played in the Russian national team from 2005 to 2008 and was included in the list of the 10 best biathletes in the world several times.


Ekaterina Yuryeva was born on June 11, 1983 in Tchaikovsky - small town located in the Perm region. At the age of 12, she began athletics, but this sport quickly bored her. A few months later, the future champion transferred to the rowing section. This hobby also did not last long - Catherine abandoned him after she overturned in the boat.

But the girl did not lose heart. Through trial and error, she found a sport that suited her (skiing) and devoted 2 years of her life to it. Then she made a fateful decision - to go to biathlon.

Carier start

Catherine's first competitions were unsuccessful - she made only three accurate shots (out of 15) and showed a terrible result. But the cheerfulness of the girl did not allow her to give up. On the contrary, the young athlete turned to an experienced coach (Innokenty Karintsev) for help and began to train under his guidance.

The result was not long in coming - Ekaterina began to take prizes in summer biathlon competitions. Well, in 2004, the girl showed herself in the classical biathlon - she won bronze in the pursuit. And although Ekaterina did not manage to take gold or silver (2 members of the team received it), after the competition she was offered to go to the CSKA club, to which the athlete agreed.

The heyday and formation of an athlete

At first, Ekaterina was listed in the reserve team of the club. But already in 2005 she won the individual race on World Universiade and got a place at the base. Well, in 2007 she managed to win bronze at one of the stages of the World Cup. At the next stage of the cup, she managed to win two silver medals at once.

Peak and decline of a career

Throughout 2008, the athlete was actively preparing for the World Championships. There she showed her best result, winning gold, silver and bronze awards. But in the same year, she was disqualified due to doping and deprived of the right to take part in competitions.

Because of what, she was expelled from the national team and could not speak at Olympic Games. Nevertheless, Ekaterina made a significant contribution to the development of domestic biathlon and won the status of one of the best athletes in modern Russia.

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Today marks 32 years of Ekaterina Yuryeva, one of the brightest and at the same time scandalous biathletes of the last decade. The fan favorite and smile girl became a participant in two of the most high-profile doping scandals in the history of biathlon and ingloriously ended her career without speaking at the Olympic Games.

As stepdaughter

You can shoot a series about the fate of Ekaterina Yuryeva, and you wouldn’t even have to invent much. In the early 2000s, under the guidance of the famous coach Innokenty Karintsev, two young athletes Natalya Burdyga and Ekaterina Yuryeva worked out in Tchaikovsky. The mentor himself considered the first one more promising, because it stood out for its speed. Yuryev's natural sniper at the turn was even then inimitable, but she had serious problems with movement on the track. Therefore, in juniors, she can only boast of relay awards.

However, she got her chance immediately after the Olympics in Turin, when the heroines of the victorious relay went on maternity leave in a friendly formation, and their places went to the unfired debutantes. Katya quickly found a common language with the then national team coach Valery Polkhovsky and was able to oppose psychological stability and discipline to her unstable female rivals. The only problem was speed, which did not allow Yuryeva to fight for prizes. During the mass start at the World Championships in Antholz, she went to the finish line third, and finished only fifth.

First appearance of the good fairy

I watched Yuryeva's first podium race live at the stadium in Lahti and, together with hundreds of Russian fans, was shocked by the transformation of the young biathlete. Yuryeva was not only accurate at the borders, but also showed incredible speed for herself. The continuation of the "banquet" in Holmenkollen soon followed, where Ekaterina got on the podium twice already. What contributed to her such a sudden transformation, then no one could guess, but in new season Katya was already one of the leaders of the Russian national team and a popular favorite.

She was a completely atypical Russian biathlete. Smiles to the camera, sincere communication with fans and revelations with journalists - Yuryev was immediately surrounded by a sea of ​​adoration. She felt comfortable in it, like a dolphin, and on the crest of a wave she swam to new successes. Ekaterina's finest hour was the World Championship in Östersund. In the strongest wind, she showed a shooting master class and deservedly won the individual race, and then almost became the heroine of the relay race. Who does not remember, the Russian team was forced to win back almost two minutes behind due to the broken rifle of Albina Akhatova, and only at the last meters of the distance in the fight for bronze Katya lost to the Frenchwoman Sandrine Bailly.

When the carriage turned into a pumpkin

The wonderful transformation continued into the new season. Young Russian women Yuryeva and Svetlana Sleptsova, to the envy of the Germans, fought a desperate struggle for possession of the yellow jersey of the leader. Ekaterina made a decisive breakthrough before the World Cup and came to Korea in the status of a world leader. But this magic came to an end, and as in a well-known fairy tale, at midnight the carriage turned into a pumpkin, and three Russian biathletes Yuryeva, Dmitry Yaroshenko and Albina Akhatova were charged with doping.

The indignation of the biathlon public knew no bounds. Wolfgang Pichler began collecting signatures for the removal of the entire Russian team, the rivals did not hide their indignation, and Michael Rösch, who until recently flirted with Yuryeva, even came to insults. However, despite the decision of the highest sports arbitration court about disqualification in the Russian biathlon environment and now there are coaches who consider what happened to be a conspiracy and part of big politics. What can we say about the fans. They did not turn away from Yuryeva, but counted the days until her return to the ski track, like a soldier, they waited until the demobilization period.

Second appearance of the good fairy

In December 2010, Yuryeva and Yaroshenko made their first return to the big track at the Izhevskaya Rifle. Both took second place in the individual race, but if Yaroshenko showed good speed at the same time and, albeit for a short time, was selected for the team, Katya lost to her namesake Yurlova for more than two minutes on the track. In comparison with the world leaders, this gap could be safely multiplied by two. Hopes for a quick set of conditions did not materialize in the next season either. Speed ​​and endurance on the last lap again became a scourge for our sniper, who never allowed Yurlova to rise above the IBU Cup.

But then 2013 came and again, like six years ago, the biathlete experienced a sudden transformation. In the second league, where until recently she looked average at best, Katya again became one of the fastest and gave out four victories in a row in Otepää and Ostrov. However, the return to the World Cup did not turn out so enchanting. At the height, Katya hit the peak of acclimatization and ended up 92nd, however, she was entrenched in the team for the next Olympic season.

Instead of an epilogue

After the fourth place in Östersund, Yurlova looked like an iron candidate for the national team and ended December as one of the leaders of the national team. However, even then rumors spread that the national team had taken up the old ways and several biathletes had problems, and soon it turned out that two athletes at once were caught on the good old recombinant erythropoietin. One of them is the opening of the season and olympic hope Irina Starykh, the other - Yuryeva, who by that time was no longer considered as a candidate for the national team.

The old ones and the third person involved in the new scandal, Alexander Loginov, are now waiting for a verdict, which, with the most favorable option, will allow them to return to business as early as next season. For Yuryeva, her career is over, which she officially announced after the season. History always repeats itself twice, first as a tragedy, then as a farce. sports destiny Yuryeva best shows how slippery it is to try to succeed with illegal drugs. As a human being, Katya is still sorry, and therefore I want to believe that life after the sport will turn out well for her.

Irina, by the way, what do you not like about the nude photo of Yuryeva. I think she looks great. Anything is better than Khrustaleva))
Well, it is completely clear that doping programs are not being developed in our country at the level of an athlete or a personal trainer.
And not even the SBR, which is only a conductor. This is done by the State at the level of the Ministry of Sports.
Therefore, we have caught doping, these are not outcasts, but soldiers who died in battle ... That's why Katya and the saint))
Like this.

yes, it is impossible to explain anything to a sick person, he interprets any arguments against in his favor ... Everything is clear with you. For the rest - the photo presented by me is taken from the official site and it is present in this form in many places. Probably, a whole army of photoshoppers tried to create this photo and distribute it all over the Internet.

Irina, in the photo you suggested, there are three overlay layers and a compression ratio of 75%. This is obviously photoshop.
And the photoshop isn't very good. You don't even need to use special methods to find the *** treatment between the neck line and the clothing line.

What does this photo have to do with Yuryeva's fall? With the help of doping, she took other people's places in teams, received other people's medals and other people's bonus money. Khinskiy, she is a crook and a thief. I agree with Irina - why attract more photos?

I showed you a photo from which an image was taken for a nasty photomontage - if that's not enough for you, that's your problem. And there the mismatch between the proportions of the head and the body is so clearly visible that your persistence seems simply ridiculous. I want you to look like a bastard - for God's sake!

Irina, I would advise you not to turn to idiots who do not notice everything, but for example to this site:

If you are such a great specialist in “photomontages”, then you can easily read from the metadata and the “ELA” option where and what was processed in the photo. Yuryeva's photo has processing areas, but in all glossy magazines, photos are processed. And there are no replacement areas for another photo or overlays. The compression ratio is 99% and this indicates that the photo was practically not processed. For example, where the head and body are glued together, the compression ratio is less than 80%.
For simplicity, take an explicit photoshop first and then compare.
Yes, and that's not the point. Fanatics of the "sect of St. Catherine" will never believe that she was doped. And they are also joined by "specialists from the 90s", who are firmly convinced that everyone injects, but only ours are caught.
And this is very sad.

Khinskiy, I don’t like Yuriev, but the photo you posted is really a photomontage. She had a rather frank photo shoot for the men's magazine "MAXIM", these photos really disappeared, although I saw them 2 years ago. Now everything has been deleted, only the video in the magazine remains.

well, yes, well, yes ... Only an idiot would not notice that this is a crude photomontage. And I can cook up a dozen fake sites for you myself, if there is a desire and a need. It would be your true photo here, it’s not difficult to attach your firebrand, for example, to one of two same-sex partners during intimate games ...)) Do not believe me? Let's take a photo, make it 1

moreover, here is a photo from which the image of Katyusha's face was taken and attached like a beast - by you or not, I don't know - to someone else's body. I would not just tear off my hands for this, I would cut off my testicles.

Polina P, doping is already being criminalized in some countries.
And here you propose to introduce criminal liability against those who criticize dopingists?))
The photo at one time was taken from her official website. It has now been removed. But nothing is lost on the Internet.

Isai, and who are you to say that they do not exist in modern biathlon? Just wondering. I fully admit that in physical. loads, you understand more than me - but you are a champion, won something at the national level, though, didn't you? I personally won at the city level - however, for a long time already, and I would simply not turn my tongue to say something for the champions. Because I understood and understand that they are on a different level than me.

Irina, who, like Khinskiy, hide their face behind a nickname! But criminal liability, in such cases, would not hurt to introduce. I wonder where the administrators of this site are looking. Or in the fight against Yuryeva, any means are good. (((((

Alex125, “Isai, pioneer and. etc. Yes, you know better from the sofa, no question. ”
Is this for me from the sofa? It's obvious that you're not at all familiar with physical activity. And you take at least a week of overload (for yourself, of course, something heavier than swinging a spoon or fork). It's not about preparedness or fitness, only the magnitude of the load depends on them. The point is to stimulate the body's acceptance of the load and its subsequent recovery.
You try, and you will feel like the most broken galoshes in the world. An athlete is the same person, his body also has limits.
Undoubtedly unique people there are. There are none in modern biathlon.

but for such photo montages - quite rude by the way - you either have to beat your face or force the term to shake.

Katya has always been great! I wish you good luck in life! The story is dark as the first doping and the second! We still don’t know the whole truth, who is to blame and who is right.

Aren't you afraid that fans will steal the image into avatars? How about Mona Katya?

there is an exit. Go to Katerina into an illegal position, get lost in the expanses of the West Siberian Plain, and, from somewhere, from the tundra, convey the truth to us using Morse code. Like a cheeky spy.
Acting biathletes must be legally obligated to periodically participate in raids on Yekaterina Yuryeva, otherwise it’s figs for them, and not funding.

Oleg Vasilievich, so far only this. And what are you “waiting for” from Katya, I don’t even know. Double doping is not enough for you. Are you waiting for double...

Oleg Vasilyevich, in order to tell the truth, one must leave Russia, because all those involved in doping did not fly to Mars and are not in prison.

Actually, the article is not so bad... I would say: critically sympathetic...

If Alexander Kruglov wrote - respect to him, in many ways the situation is described close to the events.
At the same time, the deep and mute silence of Katerina herself leaves no clues for her "apologetic" justification... although she really deserves our fan support and "remembrance with kind words"!

The way Pichler and the y-helmsmen acted towards her, her persistence and ability to “take a hit” after the first scandal, her desire and readiness to return to “her own HOME Swan Olympics” ... the main justification and AMNESTY for Ekaterina Yuryeva!

Be HEALTHY, give birth to babies and live Full Life, already after the GREAT SPORT (ungrateful and treacherously, hitting you in the back ...) - and those who put you under “control” ... will still receive their retribution and will be much more severely punished, and if not today, then already in a couple of years - we will hear it (Maygurov and Pikhler with Kushch - be afraid, because yes, it will come back to you, so .. that it will not seem enough)!

I am grateful to you for the intrigue and perseverance ... You are "a fighting fish - not a herring and not a mullet" ...

And it's not your fault - that, together with Irina, "you were mowed down" in front of the Zoya in Sochi ...
it was a treacherous plan, good for us famous people we know them and will remember them...

And memoirs and a frank story about how IT WAS ...
You, Katerina - we still HAVE to ... we are waiting, sir!

As a human being, I am very sorry for Yuryev, a sad story. Live with it after big sport. Making excuses that you are not a "camel" ...
It is customary for us to justify athletes who have been fined for doping. And this is just the tip of the iceberg...
After the first case, I supported Ekaterina. After a relapse, the attitude towards this biathlete is very difficult - to step on a rake with such persistence and with such an unreasonable risk?!
It is also necessary to move your brains in sports, I don’t understand ...

Well, I'm telling you, I hope that the West will live up to its name as soon as possible. Why distort?

As for the reorientation to the East, this is an objective reality of the 21st century. By the way, leading Western economists have written and are writing about this. For capital, according to the laws of the market economy you love, will necessarily flow to where they can be invested, that is, where REAL production is. No one voluntarily invests in the social sector, we can see this from today's events in Europe. The same farmers asked the Eurozone states to compensate for the damage from our embargo. But you can’t finance forever something that will always be in decline (at least until the lifting of sanctions)! Therefore, they receive an answer in the style of "God will give."

Yes, the West is still ahead in the scientific sphere. But again, there are historical parallels: both Rome and Byzantium followed the same pattern during the decline - the economy and the social sphere have already gone downhill, while science and culture are still rapidly developing by inertia on old stocks, and the primacy is still preserved here. It's like our biathletes took 2 gold medals in Vancouver at the base from the time of Tikhonov. Then this base dried up (men had enough until Khanty-Mansiysk-2011, inclusive, and women had problems immediately, but for 2 seasons Zaitseva took the rap for everyone) and a pit followed, where we are still sitting now.
And even then, culture in Europe is already showing signs of degradation. If you don't believe me, look at the program of the Evrokino channel and the like at your leisure. It still makes sense for us to adopt advanced scientific developments from Europeans. But even then, do not stupidly copy, but implement to yourself, adapting to our conditions. And then, on this base, create your own, since the continuation may not follow.

LES, and Europe and the US buy Chinese goods (try to find European goods in Europe), but as for the technology, everything is in order there, don't worry. Smart Chinese say that a couple more years and the era of cheap Chinese goods will end, but there won’t be any other than Chinese))

IMHO, but never, ours get so tired and sweat, pasha, on the field that they have no liquid left to take the sample.

Aleksey-Velosipedist, you are buying Chinese goods, or rather goods made, replicated in China. But the Chinese themselves do not invent anything, ideas and designs from Europe and the USA. Machines in the broadest sense of the word (machine tools, devices, automobiles...) were invented and continue to improve by Western civilization. Russia once also looked to the West. Peter 1 cut a window to Europe, brought specialists from there and moved Russia forward. And after him, these ideas developed. Now we are looking more and more to the east. It won't lead to anything good.

when will our football players be caught doping?

Aleksey the Cyclist: “... For such a process is a matter of many decades and even several centuries. But if you draw historical parallels, you can understand that the fall of the current global Western empire led by the United States is not far off and will definitely happen. Will we see it is the question. But I still hope to live until then. We will wait.”... We are all ready to wait “several centuries”, sign us up in your organization. What will we take for longevity? Drugs not prohibited by WADA?

sapo, then for Justice it is in the order of things - shake a test tube with urine and bomb the whole country. This is, so to speak, "an unattainable cultural level", to which we still have to grow and grow.


Well, you screwed it up. I don’t buy anything, it always says “made in China”. So what is it that Europe produces that is so special that Asia or Latin America do not produce, I did not quite understand. And by the way, this, along with demography, is the reason for the future fall of the West. Well, there can not be a society that does not produce anything. There is no inner core in such a society. But the third world does not sleep and develops slowly.

As for “doping”, I have already written everything above and do not want to repeat myself. Do you want to believe in global purity European sports. Blessed is he who believes.

Justice, “Russian society has not grown up to European level of civilization. Steal, deceive, cheat - for Russians this is the norm. In Europe, people are more respectful of other people's opinions, other people's property, other people's rights and current standards of life.
Personally, this generalization scares me. I think RB-shnikov too. We don't steal, we don't cheat, we don't cheat, otherwise there would be nothing left of the country. No need to measure everyone with one measure, or rather, a template.
The fact that life is more satisfying in Europe is true. The question is, is it fair? If we compare prosperous areas and ghettos, which are in all "civilized" countries, and which they do not like to remember so much, then the inhabitants of the ghetto will say that it is unlikely. And racism is everywhere in bulk, so blaming your country for all serious things is, well, very unfair. By the way, this is the favorite pastime of the intelligentsia, as Chekhov believed.

Fairness, in Italy there really is a prison for doping. (I support!). Remember the flight of the Austrians from Turin, as well as the fact that Oplga Pyleva did not go after her return after being disqualified for the stage in Anterselva.
PS You were in a hurry about the collapse of Russia. Yes, times are extremely difficult now, but how can you live in our world without optimism? Surrender to the mercy of the winners? And who is aiming for the winners? Has Europe already failed the policy of multiculturalism?
Sorry for being off-topic, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

Alexey the Cyclist,
“Well, as for the collapse of Europe in its current form, it is natural that it is still invisible to the naked eye. For such a process is a matter of many decades and even several centuries. But if you draw historical parallels, you can understand that the fall of the current global Western empire led by the United States is not far off and will definitely happen. Will we see it is the question. But I still hope to live until then. Will wait."

Although I do not point-blank observe the prerequisites for the collapse of European civilization (as opposed to the prerequisites for the collapse of Russian), but it would be terribly interesting for me to see how Russians would live if European civilization suddenly collapsed. In fact, everything that Russians consume - tangible and intangible - is produced outside of Russia and mostly in Europe. That is to say, wishing the collapse of Europe, it's like wanting to collapse the bitch on which you sit.

As for Yuryeva, for the “leavened patriots”, as they are called here, of course, the position is convenient that Yuryeva, they say, yes, ate doping, but everyone does it. And it was she who was caught simply because of the global conspiracy against Russia. But there is no sane argumentation of this point of view. Why was Yuryeva caught, and not Shipulin, who is much more dangerous for the world leaders in biathlon? That is just a talking shop. Well, it's easier for people to get used to the idea that Russian athletes are cheating. However, the objective reality remains as such, regardless of what the “leavened patriots” think. Europe by and large doesn't give a damn about Russia. All Europe needs from Russia is its natural resources and a guarantee of security against a possible military invasion. European countries are in a state of competition among themselves (I'm talking about sports) and the fact that Russia, in addition to Germany, France and Norway, will be added to the rival of conditional Spain, does not fundamentally change anything for them. The same conditional Spaniards will be equally outraged by the use of doping by the Russians, as well as by the use of doping, for example, by the French. I do not see any reason for a European country to take the position of an extra on this issue and dutifully turn a blind eye to obvious violations of international rules regarding doping.

Separately, it is worth noting the mentality of Europeans and Russians. In a recent interview, Wierer said what attitude in the same Italy to dopingists is a prison. Well, maybe I exaggerated, but it is clear that at least dopingists are not liked there. In Russia, dopingists are praised. And after that you want the Europeans to be friendly to you? Very naive. Russian society has not grown up to European level of civilization. Steal, deceive, cheat - for Russians this is the norm. In Europe, people are more respectful of other people's opinions, other people's property, other people's rights and current standards of life.

Alex125, don’t change your disguise, you won’t hide your nature)) Good riddance, Russophobe-white-glove)) There is a style of presentation, individual, like fingerprints (well, you know) keywords and whole phrases that cannot be remade without considerable effort, and most importantly - the main focus, I am glad for you that you are still raging, it means that I do not live in vain and not in vain)) We are going in the right direction))
According to the agreement, I didn’t touch you, although I immediately noticed your appearance in a new guise, but no, everything itchs for you, once hooked, twice ... Get an answer, so, lightly, casually))

Aleksey the Cyclist, what happened to them - the wind happened on the sprint. Which influenced the results of the GP. Therefore, there is no need to look for a conspiracy theory here. And in every sport this can happen - no one is immune from failures. People are not robots. There have been so many cases when people can't cope with nerves at the Main competitions. At least take Makkarainen from the World Cup and Olympic Games. And here you are inventing all sorts of paranoid conspiracy theories, throwing some empty accusations, like Dmitry, who merged, unable to confirm his empty chatter with a link.

pioneer, and as for people like you, I already wrote: everyone judges doping and athletes because of their vileness and depravity. If a person himself is vile and spoiled - which comes from the top of us - he sees others in such a light.

In general, I end the discussion: I was not hired as an orderly to communicate with paranoids and conspiracy theorists.

Dmitry, “Vikulya was a specialist in plums” - who are you talking about? I don't remember that.

It's true: I personally expected the fight between Dasha and Kaisa, and I'm sure everyone else did too. What happened to them there, I can’t guess yet - further events will show. But otherwise, nothing unexpected happened. Those who were supposed to take the place of the failed favorites did just that. Only the successes of Katya Yurlova and Novakovskaya are a sensation. But what kind of GE does without surprise? But besides this, most of the results are quite predictable and people who closely follow biathlon were not surprised.

But in Sochi, everything was different: at least in the sprints and relay races, the aliens were not aliens at all! And in the rest of the races, only Domracheva and Fourcade confirmed their exclusivity, the rest of the favorites mixed with the main mass and showed little. And why this happened, everyone decides for himself. But I suspect I'm right.

As for the rest of the points, I say it again, I can’t look for evidence all over the Internet right now due to lack of time. But you are not in a hurry to prove the opposite either.

Alex125, the statement is not loud at all. This was discussed here about a year and a half ago. If you didn’t have the Internet then, this does not mean that for you everyone should repeat this for an encore.
By the way, that story with hundreds of positive samples of the London Olympians slowly hushed up (apparently agreed with Cologne and Moscow), but ... the sediment remained, as they say. But then we won the Olympics. Are you kidding? ;-)
p. s. They don't call you Nicholas by any chance? True, plums were of little interest to him. Vikulya was a specialist in plums.

Dmitry, you could not confirm your loud statement? No. Drain counted. And your blah blah about laziness is for the benefit of the poor. If you make a statement, be prepared to back it up with references to authoritative sources. Not ready? Keep quiet.
P.S. The West has ALREADY subjugated the Russian Federation, if you look at the facts, and not at the zombie. The last example is Ukraine, which the Russian Federation gave to the Amers and Bandera, receiving a jar of jam in the form of Crimea for this.
Aleksey the Cyclist - and who is independent? Raw material appendage of the Russian Federation, which depends on oil prices, or what? Funny.
“As for evidence of the uncleanliness of Western athletes, then of course you have to be very close to this environment in order to feel something.”
Those. also blah blah, some suspicions and vague assumptions, paranoia and conspiracy theory in its purest form. Laughed.
What about biathlon and Olympic Games in Sochi - just look at the last World Cup in Konchiolahti. Did he live up to expectations? Where was the fight between Domracheva and Makkarainen that everyone was waiting for? Or - according to your conspiracy theory - are they drug addicts?

Alex125, do you think you really impressed someone here with your "victory" in a single apartment?
You understand that even arguing with you is lazy. And even more so to look for “proofs” for you.
You have not yet grown up to such an honor, alas. Here, even to me, it is not so often that people get information on request. :))

The most important thing in this whole blog is that all your attempts will in no way affect the good attitude of the majority of fans towards Katya Yuryeva. Even your appeals to Putin will not help. :))

p. s. By the way, your “advanced” West still cannot subjugate Russia, having superiority in numbers by about an order of magnitude (ten times), and control over almost all international institutions. He gets so mad that he jumps out of his pants. And you say "Putin"... :))

That's it! They weren't then, and they aren't now. So how do you call smart people who failed to defend their own independence? We then look much smarter. Not all of course, but the majority of Russians escaped the pro-American media's zombification and retained their own opinion. This gives hope for the future rise of our country. Well, as for the collapse of Europe in its current form, it is natural that it is still imperceptible to the naked eye. For such a process is a matter of many decades and even several centuries. But if you draw historical parallels, you can understand that the fall of the current global Western empire led by the United States is not far off and will definitely happen. Will we see it is the question. But I still hope to live until then. Will wait.

As for the evidence of the uncleanliness of Western athletes, then of course you have to be very close to this environment in order to feel something. For the Europeans do not give out their secrets, and our corrupt officials and the media are silent in a rag. Not yet ripe for open accusations. But still circumstantial evidence periodically pops up. Here is Swensen's interview, where he let slip that Norwegians are not tested for blood doping, and the peculiarities of the end of a career or the decline in the results of some athletes after changing the list of prohibited substances in 2012. Union and the national team, everyone wanted this, except for herself, even Pichler, who was already with us, frankly gave such advice. Here is the “fighter against doping”! Nowhere to put samples. Added fuel to the fire and Ferry's book. True, he apparently himself realized that he had blurted out too much and then tried to whitewash the former mentor. But the word, as you know, is not a sparrow.

In general, there is no time now to rummage through the annals of the Internet. So you can find hundreds of publications on interesting topics. But the mediocre performance of many stars looks especially interesting in this regard. different types sports in Sochi. In biathlon, the women's relay race is especially interesting, the course of which absolutely did not correspond to the logic of either the past stages of the KM, or the entire four-year period, or the post-Olympic season. Why did it happen? It remains only to guess. But the fact remains. There was not a single serious scandal, with the exception of the Stele story, in Sochi. But after the Olympics, most of the losers from the top athletes ran as if nothing had happened.

Draw your own conclusions.

Alex125, we're talking about biathlon and doping. Discussing on a sports site - pu or nepu - you look stupid. Go to the political sites and fight with pussy there, if not weakly.

Marina Apatity, just when a person lives in a country that is a raw materials appendage, one of the main holidays in which is the day of the collapse of the previous country, which the ancestors have been collecting for centuries, in which the “irreplaceable” Pu etc. has been in power for 15 years. - and this person considers other nations and peoples naive, and Russians - smart - it looks amusing.

Alex125, however, the readiness to make Russians look like fools is not encouraging. With what fright should I think that Obama is smart beyond his years, or ShokoRoshen and Malchish Arsenka are clever, or maybe Tie Eater?
Maybe Putin is enough to cling to everything.

Dmitry, i.e. Can you back up your words? Drain counted.
According to your “since then we understand much better” I have already given an example, the voting of “not naive” Russians for the “indispensable” Pu, who has achieved great success in pumping raw materials abroad, not only to the West, but also to China.
You are a typical example of a leavened patriot. I repeat: blah blah, all fools, only smart Russians. Although the facts are just the opposite.

Alexey the cyclist. Was Europe independent before the collapse of the USSR? It's funny, yes. They calmly watch - yes, there was already a war in Yugoslavia, there were a lot of screams - so what? Zilch. I don't see the collapse of civilization.
“due to the clear patronage of WADA.” Facts of patronage in the studio. Dmitry, who wrote: “where did the hundreds of positive doping tests from the London Olympics go?” could not bring such facts, and merged.

Alex125, "proofs" were here about a year ago. For the sake of arguing with you, I lazily open the archives. I am sure that if you want, you will find information
About naivety - yes, once we were swindled, since then we have a much better understanding of what the West is, what its goals are for us, and what the spreading of ears about their propaganda leads to.
If you still don't understand, then so be it. It is unlikely that someone will be interested in instructing you on the true path. I'm definitely not interested - I have a lot of other things to do

p. s. I am amazed at the naivety of some subjects. Every day we are bombarded with "proofs" of Western double standards and selective enforcement of laws. Blatter literally just got knocked over. What, maybe some naive thinks that the suspicion of bribery has just arisen? Everything has long been known - who takes, how much, and under what conditions. Who accepts what and when. The Western system punishes within the framework of political expediency, while allowing others to continue to break the law. And if someone does not violate, but they want to punish, they will still say that they violate, and they will punish - see Strauss-Kahn, who was acquitted, but he will never stutter about the presidency again. If he continued to buzz, they would not be justified, and the naive Western latorate would continue to think that this is a super-maniac, raping (at his advanced age) all the maids at every opportunity.
In sports, it's exactly the same. Whoever does not see this is his problem.

In fact, all sides are good. After all, the Europeans were also very happy about the collapse of the USSR and danced on the ruins of the Berlin Wall. But in the end it turned out that without us, Europe is not able to resist the influence of the United States and has lost its independence. We are still somehow trying to protest now, and the Europeans are calmly looking at the growth of tension already at their own borders, which can lead to a big war and, accordingly, to the elimination of this civilization. So which one of us is more naive?

As for doping in foreign athletes, it is of course more difficult to obtain evidence here due to the clear patronage of WADA. But sometimes strange stories happen in sports in general and in biathlon in particular. There are also information leaks. And finally, let me remind you that for the time being, everyone considered Armstrong and other still caught Western athletes to be honest.

Dmitry, why did you decide that people in the West are more naive? In fact, we are more naive: they themselves destroyed the USSR, they themselves elected the EBN in the 90s, now the “irreplaceable” Pu. Well, the rest is from the same series of leavened patriotism. All fools are only smart Russians - although in fact it is just the opposite.
What are the hundreds of positive doping tests? Proof?

Isaiah, pioneer etc. Yes, you know better from the sofa, no question. Personalities like you simply touch me: Russian athletes dope, which means that everyone does. Do not accept? it can't be - I know better from the sofa!

Isai, that's right, and new developments, as yet unknown to the general public, are not classified as doping, but are used with might and main by a narrow circle of the "elite". And who believes in the purity of sports, the limit of that is victory in school competitions, and then, not a fact, oh, and not a fact))

Don't be hypocritical, gentlemen, you can't do great achievements in sports without stimulants. Nobody ever.
Why come across ours? Yes, everything is simple here. No one has canceled the preconceived attitude towards ours. But that's not the point. Ours do not have access to modern pharmacology, and the domestic one has long since passed away. So they reveal in our substance the times of dinosaurs. I suppose they reveal and neigh from our ingenuity. And modern means are not included in the WADA list. And why exactly they are not included is an ambiguous question, options are possible here.
And Katya is beautiful, she will forever remain for me a real champion for all time!
Good luck to you, Katya, outside of this madhouse.

Alex125, nothing surprising. In the West, people are more naive and it is more difficult to express a point of view that runs counter to the imposed attitudes. They will say on TV that “this one is a bad guy, and this one is a good one,” they will think so.
Further - in the West, the question of morality has long been flushed down the toilet. There, morality defines the "law" (i.e. - yuLists). That is, if you have a certificate to eat doping, then this means morally and correctly. If you took a chance and ate it without a certificate, you are a criminal and immoral, and you must be imprisoned urgently (so that you do not argue with the yuLists in the future).
For the most part, you can’t sell such bullshit to Russians, because they still have an internal moral code, which says that both of these comrades are equivalent in terms of moral principles, and even with a certificate, rather more immoral, because “well settled ".
You better tell me - where did the hundreds of positive doping tests from the London Olympics go? Agreed with Cologne quietly?

To put it snobbishly, then every man would like to go into reconnaissance with Katya Yuryeva. Firstly, she is blonde, secondly, she is a senior lieutenant, and thirdly, she has a rifle from which Katya shoots without a miss. But she does not go to reconnaissance, much less to hunt. Katya is a biathlon world champion.

- Tell me, how do you train? Who do you imagine to hit: a coach, a former lover?

In training, you perceive the target as something inanimate, and if you need to get angry, cheer up, then you begin to remember who hit you hard today, inflate yourself, imagine how you will take revenge on him now. At competitions, it's a different matter, it's a proven technique when you generally disconnect from the outside world. You, like a computer, set a program for yourself and specifically work on it.

Why did you go to biathlon? There are tennis players - they run around the court in short skirts, they get millions, and you are in a ski suit with a fleece, a knitted hat, and even with a gun on your back.

My voice is not the one to scream like Sharapova: "Ah!.. A!.. A!.." But seriously, I tried both rowing and orienteering, and skis - just a little bit, but one day a young coach came to us and said: “Girls, do you want to bring a rifle and you shoot?” Still would! Who doesn't want to shoot at the age of twelve? Well, they shot, the coach looked at my target and went nuts, invited me to try my hand at biathlon.

- One shot - and that's it: you hit!

Got it! I realized this a month later, when in the diary, instead of some fives, more modest grades began to appear. Following the school, girlfriends and boys faded into the background. Because this feeling of a shot, the presence of danger and adrenaline cannot be compared with anything else. No wonder that biathlon is the second in the ranking of the most popular sports after football.

- Does it somehow affect your earnings?

We, unfortunately, do not have sponsors who would provide fabulous fees. Officially, athletes receive seven thousand rubles a month. And in CSKA I have a good salary, as I am an officer in the Russian army with the rank of senior lieutenant. I hope I get a captain this year.

Why are you getting stars?

For winning the World Cup.

- What can you buy with the prize money?

Well, some modest metropolitan foreign car.

- They say that athletes have no childhood.

Everyone lies! My childhood is still going on.

- One swimmer said that for him every distance is a small death. What do you feel?

I do everything with full dedication and enjoy it, I don’t even think about death. Of course, after you give all your best, you have no strength, you cannot think, you breathe with such frequency and speed that it seems that your lungs are about to burst and your heart stops. But when it passes, you realize that you have wasted all your energy, and everything is filled anew.

- What do you miss the most in your life?


- For what: dates, parties, sex?

For everything, including this. Because there are a lot of thoughts in my head, but there is not enough time to realize it. We get up at 6.30, go to bed at 11.00 - this is the time that the body needs to restore strength. After the first training session, we have a free hour, which goes to prepare for the next one: to wash, change clothes - and not just lie down and do nothing. After the second workout, wash again, change clothes, have lunch, fill out a diary and sleep for a few minutes.

- What else diary?

The diary is kept by all athletes who strive for something, analyze what they are doing. This is not a diary where young girls write: “Today the man of my dreams came up and proposed,” but dry facts and figures: how much she ran, what she felt, what pulse, why. And just before going to bed, I have an hour and a half of free time, which I can devote only to myself.

- And when is your personal life?

After the training camp, I have one or two weeks to rest, and then I come off. As a rule, during these periods, we begin replenishment in sports families. In winter roads, children are born by the winter, because they arrived from the training camp, and by the next winter - already with a gift. There is such a joke about male biathletes: by the date of birth of children, you can determine how many times dad was at home. He did the job - and again left for a year to train, nothing interferes with him.

- Do biathletes have many fans?

Everyone loves our summer training. As a rule, when it is very hot, we ride in short shorts. You come to shoot, lie down on the carpet, spread your legs - because the shooting position is like that. Enough lovers.

- Are you in love?

I wouldn't say I'm in love. I am very demanding. I like it when a man has his own tough position, a conscious perception of reality. A man must mature and fall into my arms. But I don’t like “daddies”, I have my own dad.

It seems that there is such a rule: actresses do not want to associate life with actors, musicians - with musicians. And what about biathletes?

I would not want to live with an athlete. These are constant trips, training camps, competitions. And I need my husband to wait for me at home and be able to devote the time that is needed to feel like a woman. I know this because I have had many romances with athletes - they were all very short. Cute biathlete boys who have not reached any heights in sports. As a rule, such handsome men leave the sport very early, because biathlon is very hard money.

What about pretty girls?

Yes, those who are very pretty and with a head also leave the sport early. Why train eight hours a day when you can marry a businessman and not strain. I set a goal for myself: until I get the Olympic gold, I will work. I already have my whole life planned out for a couple of years ahead.

- Which of the stars or politicians would you like to have an affair with?

Well, with Brad Pitt, I guess. True, he has so many children - not my option. Politics don't interest me at all. They are always in character - serious and boring.

- Do you go hunting?

No, I never went. All the men, as soon as they find out that I am a biathlete, they immediately call: “Katya, let's go hunting with us.” Only I don't shoot animals, I love them. This is vile: if I aim, the beast has no chance of surviving, I will hit the eye of a squirrel from fifty meters, and if the weapon has optics, then from any distance. Not like some hunters-mazils: they accidentally shoot a carcass, and it lies wounded, tormented. It's not mine! I can go to the shooting range to shoot - to pin. In general, I am white and fluffy, and I need a machine gun for protection.

Are men afraid of you?

You know, many of our men do not even know what biathlon is. They come to meet. "What are you doing?" - Biathlon. - "Where is this store?" Well, start explaining to them. Some are urgently washed off for an important meeting, but mostly men are turned on. Still would! A woman with a gun.

- In February there will be a world championship. Who is your main competitor?

I myself. This is my main competitor, which I sometimes try to lock at home, but she is always there. This encourages me to move on. Because I like to be lazy, not to go to the gym. Nobody forces you, but you still get up at six in the morning ... Sometimes you think: why do you need all this? And it is necessary! To be even stronger.

To my world