Russian skiers Maria Komissarova and Alexei Chaadaev got married in Spain. Maria Chaadaeva (Komissarova): "I'm in touch with the federation. Everything is fine." fall of maria komissarova at the olympiad

Injuries are a very common event in the life of athletes, especially in such traumatic sports as gymnastics, acrobatics, figure skating, skiing, bobsleigh. But injury injury is different. Sprains and ruptures of ligaments and tendons, fractures of limbs are, of course, unpleasant things, but nothing compares to. And it is doubly insulting if such a tragedy occurs in very young boys and girls who could please us with their sports victories. We are talking about 24-year-old freestyle skier Maria Komissarova and her injury..

Trauma of Maria Komissarova: life before and after

We have already told you about the injury and complex spinal surgery of the figure skater. But Zhenya turned out to be “lucky”: a metal screw that fell out of his vertebra “spared” the nerves and spinal cord, passing a millimeter away from them. Mary, on the other hand, was much less fortunate:

During training at the Olympics in Sochi, she fell, resulting in a T12 thoracic vertebra with displacement and damage to the conduction pathways. Maria stopped feeling her own lower part body and lost the ability to walk.

Sports biography of Maria Komissarova

Maria Komissarova was born in 1990 in St. Petersburg. From childhood, she chose extreme skiing for herself, which apparently corresponded to her stubborn, fearless character and desire to prove that she can do anything. At the same time, Maria is a very beautiful girl who could well try herself, say, in the modeling business.

Maria's sports biography is short but impressive:

  • At the age of 10, she is already a member of the junior team.
  • In 2011, he switched to freestyle, namely ski cross, and soon became a master of sports
  • In 2012 at the World Freestyle Championship in Switzerland Komissarov for the first time in history Russian sports won a silver medal in ski cross

The joy of achieving such a lofty goal was overshadowed by the death of the Canadian athlete (Croat by nationality) Nick Zorcic, who tragically died due to a descent from the track and hitting a barrier. This made the girl think about the huge risk of her sport and the fatal turns in her life.

Unfulfilled hopes...

Maria went to Sochi with a strong desire to be among the winners, she was predicted to enter the top six. And then an absurd accident interrupted all these plans, and at once turned the young beautiful girl into a disabled person.

As Mary herself said, ski Track in Sochi seemed too dangerous to her and reminded her of extreme X-games. It so happened that Masha fell on one of the not the most difficult undulating sections, apparently expecting a more difficult one and relaxing at the wrong moment.

This was not the first injury in her life:

  • In 2010, also in training, she was injured at the Olympics in Vancouver - a triple fracture of the lower leg.
  • In 2013 - damage to the cruciate ligament of the knee

Both injuries required a long rehabilitation period.

And now a new misfortune, but this time much more serious.

Operation in Krasnaya Polyana Clinic

It was impossible to transport Maria anywhere, so she is being operated on the spot - in the 8th hospital in Krasnaya Polyana:

  • The clinic is equipped according to the latest technical requirements
  • The staff is highly qualified, qualified and specially prepared for the Olympics

The operation lasts six and a half hours, the doctors are doing everything in their power.:

  • Restored damaged segments of the spine
  • An artificial implant was inserted into the vertebrae

It is planned to carry out another rehabilitation operation in two weeks, after which, right there, in Krasnaya Polyana, Maria had to go through a recovery period.

Friends, relatives, the whole country worried about Maria and wished her a speedy recovery. Everyone knows how difficult and what the consequences can be. Even Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Komissarova in the ward, personally asks the doctors about the operation and the state of her health, calls her parents with assurances that her daughter will definitely recover.

Then everything seemed that way, and the forecasts, despite the stable serious condition of the patient, remained cautiously optimistic.

Maria's terrible diagnosis

But soon the relatives began to be frightened by the behavior of doctors: they avoided direct answers and answered questions with silence. Soon the athlete is sent for rehabilitation to Munich, where her worst fears were confirmed:

  • Maria has transverse paralysis
  • Sensation below the 12th thoracic vertebra never recovered
  • She will never walk and her destiny is to move only on wheelchair

This could break anyone, but not this girl with a strong character.

Maria refused to be a victim and did not accept this seemingly hopeless situation.

She, accustomed to fight for “a place in the sun, for victory - and retreat when there is at least one weak, but a chance? No, she was not one of those, and she believed that she was able to recover and would walk.

Dr. Bloom's super-expensive clinic

And they said there is a chance, but only the only doctor in the world, Dr. Blum, who lives and practices in Spain, could only help Maria. But the prices at the clinic were not just high, they were prohibitive, astronomical.

For instance:

As a result: a year of rehabilitation in the Bloom clinic turns out to be nothing less than 27,000,000 rubles.

There is an impression that doctors all over the world are simply profiting from human misfortunes ...

The world is not without good people

Of course, neither Maria herself, nor her relatives and friends had such money. But she was not left in trouble. Many people responded to the tragedy - both eminent and ordinary.

Most of the money for Maria Komissarova has already been collected, and rehabilitation continues.

And although such injuries are considered hopeless in medicine, Maria's perseverance and daily activities have already led to an increase in the sensitivity of the paralyzed part of the body, and, most importantly, a smile appeared on Masha's face for the first time. She hopes and believes that she will walk.

Video: Maria's Daily Workouts

It would be a shame if, due to the missing 5,000,000, the vital rehabilitation is interrupted, as happened once with Inna Bondar, who needed a much smaller amount ...

Therefore, people who are worried about the fate of Komissarova Maria continue the action of her support, which can be found on the website:

Questions about domestic orthopedics

When you watch a video with Masha's workouts, you evaluate the quality of the simulators: they are really good. But questions arise:

  1. Is it really impossible to do the same in our domestic orthopedics, in Russia, famous for its inventors? What is so difficult about them?
  2. It is good that sensitive and kind people help a girl who is known by the whole country. But what about those thousands who have no one to help? Should they be disabled?
  3. Why was Dr. Bloom recommended to Mary as the only specialist in the world for spinal cord injuries when we have:
    • Valentin Ivanovich Dikul, his own local specialist in this kind of injuries
    • The Dikul rehabilitation center he created
    • Simulators personally developed by Dikul (probably no worse than those of Blum)
    • Much more affordable rehab program

In addition, Dikul himself suffered a compression fracture of the spine with damage spinal cord and managed to independently restore the mobility of his legs, despite the assurances of doctors about the impossibility of this.

Pain and sadness, a person is aging.
The man became like an old stump.
Past images cloud the mind
Injuries don't heal overnight.

Wounds hurt for months, years,
This is the pure truth, this is not nonsense.
No need to ask what happened to us?
We already know who caused the harm.

If resentment came with pain to visit,
Try to live with them temporarily.
All feelings are natural, we are alive,
Give them life and let them be.

After all, these guests did not come forever,
One day this whole layer will be removed.
Those who will support us cordially will come to us.
Those who will not betray us will come to us.


Alla, I am engaged in creativity in any state of mind, it doesn’t matter if I feel bad or good. Previously, my biography hung on the verses of ru, but after thinking a little, I decided to remove it, because the verses are my biography.

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

An athlete who was seriously injured during training at the Olympics in Sochi, Maria Komissarova became a mother for the first time. The first-born skier and her husband Alexei Chaadaev was born in a clinic in the Spanish city of Marbella. The fact that she intends to give birth abroad, Maria Komissarova said in a recent interview with StarHit.

The athlete herself announced the replenishment in the family by publishing a touching post about motherhood in the microblog. “Today, April 15 at 10:15, we became the parents of a handsome guy weighing 3040 grams and 51 cm tall! Hurray, ”wrote Maria Komissarova enthusiastically, posting a photo together with her husband. Now young parents accept congratulations on the newborn from many friends and acquaintances.

The athletes' subscribers immediately responded to the good news.

"Alexey, Mashulya! I sincerely congratulate you on the birth of a beautiful son, happiness to your family, health and well-being in everything!”, “Congratulations on the birth of your son! Good health to you and your prince!”, “This is happiness! Congratulations! April babies are always the most talented and special. Health to you and the little man”, “Health to you and your son! Now you will start a fun life, ”the fans hurried to congratulate the young mom and dad.

Recall that the life of Maria Komissarova was divided into “before” and “after” on February 15, 2014. During a training session in Sochi on the ski-cross track, she fell unsuccessfully and suffered a back injury. At the clinic, doctors diagnosed her with a displaced fracture of the spine. For a month, the St. Petersburg athlete survived four operations, but the doctors did not manage to raise her to her feet - the girl was confined to a wheelchair. To recover, Maria and her fiancé, teammate Aleksey Chaadaev, went to Spanish Marbella, where for the next year and a half Komissarova underwent rehabilitation and trained daily in order to someday start walking again.

On November 26, Maria Komissarova, at that time already pregnant with her first child, and her lover got married in the Canary Islands, and in the winter the couple got married in one of the churches of St. Petersburg.

Maria Komissarova / Photo: Maria Chaadaeva

February 15 marks 4 years since the most tragic moment of the Sochi Olympics. The Russian freestyler fell unsuccessfully in training on the eve of the Olympic start and was unable to get up on her own. Frames that flew around the world: a confused athlete, worried volunteers and medical staff, the president who visited her in the hospital. And then - long months of fundraising for Maria's treatment abroad. found out how Komissarova's life is developing now, who married former teammate Alexei Chaadaev and took her husband's surname.

Photo: © RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimentyev

- Since then Olympic day four years have passed. How do you remember that moment now and do you remember it at all?

- I try not to remember, it does not make me feel better. And if I remember, I switch to something more positive. Maybe it was supposed to happen and was prescribed to me by fate. And the fact that I survived is already very good. After all, I really was between life and death.

– You have been looking for ways to recover for a long time. Dr. Bloom from the Spanish clinic helped you for a while, but in the end you called him a fraud. Tell me why?

“We have a lawsuit going on right now, so far there is nothing to talk about. Lawyers are working on our lawsuit against him. It takes a lot of time.

What is your recovery now?

- support my physical form, I go twice a week to the regular gym. I am engaged in simulators, shake my arm and back. Because the back becomes weak very quickly without load, it starts to hurt. And it’s hard to manage a child, he’s rather big - he weighs 11 kilograms.

You became a mother last year. Is the son a person who adds motivation to keep working?

- Certainly. In my dreams and plans to someday run and jump with him. At least walk. After all, I'm even afraid to walk alone, because he quickly crawls and will soon begin to walk. A grandfather came to visit my husband and I, who walks with him with pleasure.

– How have you internally changed in these four years?

“I have grown in all directions. In a literal sense, she has matured. And spiritually. And I rethought a lot in my life. Some people think that I got used to my position, but they are wrong. When you accept your position, it becomes easier to live, but I need to continue to work.

- Who was and continues to be next to you all this time except for the family?

- My best friends in sports are Nastya Kedrina, Anya Sorokina, whom I met back in the ski camp. Katya Starichenko from the freestyle team. My friends from ordinary life, St. Petersburg. The circle of those who were nearby remained.

- Speaking of friends. See the Olympics?

- It turns out not so much to watch, because in Spain, where I live, for some reason they don’t show the Olympics at all. On the Internet, broadcasts are not available outside of Russia. I watch reports on the Internet about every day of the competition and how our athletes performed.

– What are the chances of our freestylers in ski-cross and other disciplines?

– It is difficult to predict the results of freestyle competitions, a lot depends on the opponents and chance. This season, it turned out that the guys also took first places - Sergey Ridzik, for example, did not even get into the top thirty. We will cheer for ours and wish them any prize-winning place.

Russian athletes now they represent the UAR team in Korea ...

- Yes, it was not very pleasant to watch this situation around our team. I have always been on the side of the athletes, “for” the fact that they go to the Games and perform. Those who said that it was not worth going were absolutely wrong. Just to take and destroy the dream of people who prepared and trained? No, this is completely false.

The life of Maria Komissarova changed on February 15, 2014 - at the Olympics in Sochi, during a training session on the ski-cross track, she fell unsuccessfully and received a back injury, at the clinic, the doctors diagnosed her with a fracture of the spine with displacement. For a month, the St. Petersburg athlete survived four operations, but the doctors did not manage to raise her to her feet - the girl was chained to a wheelchair. To recover, Maria and her fiancé, teammate Aleksey Chaadaev, went to Spanish Marbella, where for the next year and a half Komissarova underwent rehabilitation and trained daily in order to someday start walking again.

In August last year, the girl underwent a serious operation in Germany - 20 screws and two plates that supported her spine were removed from her back. And just a month later, Masha was waiting for happy news - she found out that she was pregnant.

“Of course, Lesha and I were beside ourselves with happiness,” says Komissarova to StarHit. - After all, we really want children, and, according to the assurances of the doctors, we should not have had problems with this. Of course, after the operation and the news of imminent motherhood, I did not return to training. Instead, I spend as much time as possible outdoors and swim in the pool every day. I feel great - fortunately, toxicosis has passed me. I read books about the first months of a baby's life - I want to prepare for a meeting with a baby. Lesha and I will have a son, and we even came up with a name for him, but we don’t want to declassify him yet. Friends decided to save us from shopping for a newborn, they said that they would give us everything we needed - from a stroller to socks.

Having learned that they would be parents, Komissarova and Chaadaev began to prepare for the wedding. Masha said her fateful “yes” to her beloved on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean - the couple's wedding took place in the Canary Islands on November 26. And recently another important event happened - they got married. The sacrament took place in one of the churches of St. Petersburg. The ceremony was attended only by the people closest to the Chaadaev family.