Let's get out on the ice! What is the benefit of figure skating? Figure skating

In cold seasons, it is very important to spend more time outdoors, because the effect of playing sports outdoors is several times higher than indoors. Skiing and skating, snowboarding and hockey - active outdoor activities improve metabolism, which means it maintains youth and beauty human body. And there is nothing to say about the indescribable moral pleasure and delight from such activities: the level of endorphins is truly off scale! But why is ice skating so useful?

Benefits for the body as a whole

Ice skating, like any other sport, greatly increases physical exercise: muscles are included in active work, receiving more oxygen. The regularity of classes causes a constant tone of the muscles, which leads to an excellent mood in life, physical and psychological vigor and high level endurance and performance, minimizing fatigue. In parallel, there is an active burning of excess calories, because such activity implies a huge amount of energy costs. Consequently, people who skate regularly on ice, in principle, cannot help but have a beautiful, slender and toned figure, which is alien to even a couple of extra pounds and a slight hint of cellulite.

Important for human health is the fact of excellent training of the cardiovascular system while skiing. This is due to the effect of aerobics: the benefits of jogging are achieved without a huge load on the knees and joints. Skating entertainment is useful for the development of the lungs and in general. respiratory system.

Hardening of the body is another indisputable plus of practicing this type. winter sports, because active work on the street at low temperatures becomes an excellent tool for thermoregulation of the body. Being exposed to cold throughout the workout, the body hardens, therefore, the immune system is strengthened and the risk of all kinds of colds and SARS comes to naught.

Skating and Muscle Development

This sport trains coordination of movement and speed of reaction, agility and flexibility. When sliding on ice, almost all the muscles of the body are involved, especially its lower part, in particular, the gluteal and femoral ones. The active work also includes the shoulder and hand muscles, the muscles of the waist, the press and the back. Thus, there is a natural training of balance and the vestibular apparatus, as well as strengthening of the ligaments. Of course, skating, it is unlikely that you will be able to gain a solid muscle mass and create a beautiful muscular relief, but to make the leg muscles strong and resilient and develop neuromuscular connections that motivate the coordinated work of the upper, lower extremities and hulls - it's very possible. Due to the fact that the muscles are stretched, you can correct your posture and noticeably “grow up” even for those people whose growth zones have long been closed.

Tight hips, stomach and arms and the elimination of fat on the muscles - that's not all. It has been proven that all muscles are involved in the process of skating, including the muscles of the perineum and accommodative eye muscles.

With health benefits, everything is clear, the next step should be the choice of skates. We found all skate offers from different online stores in one place, if you are going to buy skates, then this information will be useful to you.

First of all, you need to pay attention to comfort, correct weight boot and attribute weight. The recommended size should be half the size of casual shoes. To prevent fear and prepare the muscles for stress, it is better to give preference to tourist skates with a wide blade (for adults) and two-blade skates (for the smallest). Hockey shoes differ from figure shoes in greater rigidity, better leg fixation and impact resistance.

Specially for
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Ice skating is one of the unique types of physical activity, which is both a sport and a wonderful recreation. In addition, figure skating is one of the most beautiful sports. It is a pleasure to watch him as a spectator. But since our article is addressed to those who have already started skating or are just about to do it, we will not talk today about the spectacular side. figure skating, but about its practical benefits for human health.

To feel its beneficial effect on yourself, it is not at all necessary to become a professional figure skater - it is enough to learn how to stand on skates and then regularly visit the skating rink. And for pleasure, and to receive a powerful charge of positive energy.

We leave on ice ... overweight

Figure skating trains well cardiovascular system. This is the same as if you were jogging, but there is no pressure on the knees characteristic of running. You can even increase the intensity of aerobic exercise when skating by swinging your arms.

Once on the ice, and wanting to train hard, you get just an amazing opportunity to get rid of excess weight. And here there are three components of success: time, distance and continuity. Let's take a closer look at these factors.

Time. If you ride for half an hour a day and three times a week, you will definitely lose weight. Now imagine what the rate of dropped kilograms will be if you practice figure skating for an hour or two hours a day and four times a week. Impressive, isn't it?

Distance. Suppose it takes you 30 minutes to cover one kilometer. In this case, with a dream to part with overweight you can say goodbye. Well, except that the blades of the skates will serve you forever. But you didn’t buy skates for that! Therefore, your desire to lose weight should be accompanied by more and more records of time spent on the passage of a certain distance. In other words, each time this distance should go "in growth".

Continuity. Once you start your workout and set a certain distance, do your best to go through it without stops and pauses. Having thus ensured the effect of continuity, you will get another effect - they will leave overweight. FYI: An hour-long “jog” on skates will save you 400 calories.

Skating trains endurance

Many dream of becoming hardy in order to successfully withstand various trials. However, they do not know how to successfully train it in themselves. Our advice: get on your skates, and you will see how an old dream begins to come true.

How can figure skating train endurance? Very simple - by maintaining a steady pace throughout the entire period of time spent on overcoming a given distance. If you are a beginner, then start with short distances, gradually increasing them with each workout.

Skating also helps to strengthen muscle tone. Although it mainly works the leg muscles, there are benefits for the whole body, especially for the lower back and abdominal muscles.

Many muscle groups are also developed during skating, which are sometimes impossible to reach even with the help of special simulators in gym. By devoting at least an hour to figure skating three times a week, you will become the owner of a good figure and beautiful posture.

Improves psychological state

What do other people do when they are in a bad mood or stressed? They “jam” them with high-calorie food, “drink them down” with large doses of alcohol, or “strangle” them in tobacco smoke. Neither the first, nor the second, nor the third methods can neither distract you from problems, nor solve them. Figure skating, of course, also cannot change the objective circumstances of your life that have become the sources of your moral and psychological stress, but it can, firstly, change your point of view on problems, and secondly, help you cope with them better.

You can come to the skating rink alone, or you can come with your wife and children or in the company of friends. Thus, to lay a wonderful tradition, which will become a unique unifying principle that can smooth out misunderstandings and temporary difficulties.

It is useful for shy and uncommunicative people to go out on the ice. At the skating rink, they will be able to liberate themselves, as there will always be a reason to kindly laugh at themselves and make new acquaintances.

Know how to ride - become self-confident

You can often see how even young people walk very carefully in ice, obviously afraid of falling and getting injured. For those who know how to skate, such fears disappear - a person becomes more confident in himself. This is achieved due to the fact that training on the rink makes it possible to control your body, make it obedient and manageable. In parallel with this, both children and adults become calmer psychologically, that is, their fear of being in an awkward situation from a sudden fall disappears.

Having learned to skate, many people experience a feeling of superiority over those who have not yet “conquered” the ice distance. Of course, excellence in good sense. And this is also a self-confidence factor that stimulates new results (“I could”, “I can do even better”, “I will always be the first”, etc.).

Skating perfectly helps to hone the plasticity of movements, their elegance and expressiveness. Moreover, you can slide on the ice to the music without much skill, and the sense of rhythm will not keep you waiting, it will come with time.

"Hit" skates on ill health

Skating takes place most often in the fresh air, which is extremely important for health. Considering that a modern person spends a significant part of his time in the office in front of a computer or at home ... also in front of a computer, then skating is an effective fight against physical inactivity, which has become a real scourge of our time. If you do not “hit” it with skates, then first there are postural disorders, and then scoliosis and osteochondrosis.

As a result of training, the body's defenses increase, the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves. If you are prone to frequent colds, you have a chronic cough and are diagnosed with heart disease, in which the load is in principle acceptable, then skating is a direct way to improve health. But so that this goal does not become unattainable, regular classes are needed. And regularity, in turn, becomes a good (and pleasant!) Way to prevent and treat these ailments.

The positive impact of figure skating on health is higher if the skating rink is outdoors. But if the winter is not frosty, then riding in the fresh air will be problematic. However, today nothing is impossible: you can skate not only in winter and at the appropriate temperature outside the window, but also at any other time of the year. Such wonderful opportunities for a wonderful pastime are provided by artificial ice.

Who can't go on the ice

Unfortunately, for such a pleasant, tonic and healthy activity as figure skating, there are serious contraindications. The most serious of them are, of course, problems with the musculoskeletal system. Skating is associated with jumps, as well as the likelihood of frequent falls, which is extremely unacceptable when:

  • problems with the spine;
  • weak bone tissue;
  • congenital dislocations of the joints;
  • connection problems.

If you suspect that you or your child have one or more of these problems, or know about their existence for sure, then before starting figure skating, you should consult and carefully examine a traumatologist.

If your child has vision problems, he wears glasses, but he is very drawn to ice training, do not prohibit him from doing this. Only at the same time, take the responsibility to ensure that the child does not receive heavy loads, which are undesirable in his condition and can seriously harm him.

We and our children skate on an open or closed rink, it is always cool enough on the ice. Therefore, for people suffering from kidney disease, it is most reasonable to refuse figure skating. Or at least pay more attention to clothing to avoid hypothermia.

Speed ​​skating, playing hockey or just relaxing on the ice is a popular pastime. People often come to the rink with friends or with children. And when there are novice guys in the company who have not mastered the skating technique, there is a fear of falls or collisions on the ice, where you can knock your neighbor down the track in no time. Therefore, it is so important to have basic knowledge and familiarize yourself with the technique of skating.

The first visit to the rink should be done calmly, slowly, walking on the ice in order to get used to and learn how to balance. When the balance is found, you can safely go on the ice, while at first you should stick to the side, try to slide, trying to keep your balance as much as possible and without an assistant in the form of a side. Ideally, ask for help from friends who are already skiing masters, or from a coach who can help you ride a couple of laps, holding your hand.

So, to begin with, it is worth taking the main position. To do this, the legs should be slightly bent, and the body slightly directed forward. This attitude will help you find your center and balance to keep your balance. For the first workout, 15 minutes will be enough. This will help to avoid crepatura and problems with the knee joints that arise out of habit. The purpose of the first lessons is:

  • honing the correct position;
  • determination of the point of balance and a sense of balance.

Mastering the technique of skating should be in several stages. So, the second lesson should also start at the side, and then proceed to the warm-up:

  1. Move forward in small steps no longer leaning on the side. The legs should move as if you were just walking on the ground in your usual shoes. It contributes easy learning balancing.
  2. After this stage has been successful, you can return to the side and do the same movements, but you should turn your back forward.
  3. At the side you need to sit down several times, slightly tilting your back forward.

After the balance training has been successful, you can go directly to the technique, which is based on the exercises for skating.

Performing preparatory exercises

There are exercises that will help you understand the technique of sliding and facilitate the process of learning to skate:

  • cart;
  • herringbone;
  • Kick scooter;
  • torch.


With this exercise left leg you need to put it so that it looks forward, and put the right one behind. Next, you should sit down and push off with your foot in such a way as to drive forward, focusing on your left foot. At the same time, the right leg is bent at the knee and pulled up. In this way, you need to drive as far as possible. Repeat the exercise, but already changing the supporting leg.


When performing the exercise, the position of the legs should be together in relation to each other, and the socks should be slightly spread apart. Next, you should sit down slightly, pushing one leg forward, while the other pushes off the ice. Thus, you can drive less than a meter.

Kick scooter

When performing this exercise, the slide stands on its feet, which are separated to the sides by a width equal to the width of the shoulders. Hands should also be kept apart, while one of them should be pulled to the side and at the same time transferred to the same side all your weight on the leg that needs to be bent. The other leg at this time straightens in the opposite direction.


Learning to perform such an exercise is as easy as the previous ones. To do this, you need to take the original stance, put your socks out, and bring your heels together, focusing on them. Next, you should sit down and put pressure on inner part ribs of the blade so that the legs move apart in different directions. They must be reduced to the level of a parallel arrangement to each other. Then it is worth repeating the exercise and again pushing off with the blades in different directions to the sides, thus drawing the appearance of “flashlights”.

In addition, there are a number of exercises that will help hone the ability to keep balance. Among them are:

  • snake;
  • plow braking;
  • turns.


To perform the snake, you need to gain momentum, while placing your legs close to each other. The legs should be bent at the knees, and the weight at this time should be shifted to the heels. The knees and toes turn in synchrony and form a trajectory of movements similar to a snake.

Plow braking

There are many ways to slow down. Among all known, braking by a plow can be distinguished. The essence of this method is that you should sit down, resting your heels on the ice, and at the same time you need to bring your socks towards each other. Already, immediately, before stopping, it is worth bringing the socks together with the help of one sharp movement.


To master the technique of turns, it is worth placing the legs in a parallel relation to each other, taking the initial stance, in which the knees must be bent and the body tilted. To turn while running, using hockey skates, for example, you should tilt the body in the direction of the turn. To reduce the radius of the turn, it is worth at the same time to tilt the body and push off with the foot, which will take an external position in relation to the direction of the turn.

How to fall and rise?

The main thing is to overcome your fears, which will become more real if you master the technique of correct falls. It is worth noting that in figure sports There is one rule: if the balance is lost, then it will not be restored. And that means falling is inevitable. At the same time than more speed skating, the more obvious the result. Therefore, we learn to fall correctly:

  1. To prevent falling, the legs should be bent and the arms pressed to the body.
  2. You need to save your head. To do this, the chin is pressed to the chest and one hand is exposed. It is important to use the brush, not the elbow. When falling on the back, the head is also pulled up to the chest so as not to injure the back of the head.
  3. You need to fall sideways, best of all on the thigh, which is the strongest part of the body, which, even with maximum acceleration and a strong fall, will get off with only minor bruises.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to swing the equipment when the balance is lost, because the blades are very sharp and can cause serious injury to people nearby.

To get up after a fall, you should take a kneeling position, putting one knee on which you should lean, and then try to rise. If you can’t get up on your own and no help is expected, it’s better to move to the side to lean on it.

Where to start learning to skate?

It is best to learn the technique of skating at a professional ice rink, where there are all conditions for this and you can get help and tips.

Ice skating is a very entertaining and interesting activity. To become a good master in this sport, one lesson per month will not be enough. But 3 hours a week will be enough to work out all the techniques of figure skating. This applies to both an adult who is already familiar with the basics of skating, and a child who is just starting to get acquainted with ice.

It is worth noting the seriousness of the lessons and the importance of all exercises on skates for both beginners and experienced skaters. For example, not everyone understands the value of a warm-up, however, by allocating only 5 minutes, you will get your body in shape and set up the work of the brain, heart and muscles for subsequent loads, in addition, reduce the chance of injury.

Also among the main tips for skating are:

  • use of the side at the first stages of training;
  • work out the balance;
  • use one leg as the center of gravity to avoid falls;
  • first, master plow braking, which is performed like a stop on skis - inside with toes;
  • practice the technique of falling.

Exercise mistakes

There are a number of exercise mistakes that can lead to injury and falls. Among the most common are:

  1. Rolling ankles inward. To avoid this, you need to move like clubfoot bears on the outer ribs of both legs.
  2. Wrong position. The knees should be controlled by bringing them forward as much as possible and keeping them slightly bent.
  3. Wrong repulsion. To achieve top speed you need to push off without spreading your legs, but only by straightening one leg, which will be given a push, return it to its original position.

Skating, although similar to roller riding, has a different technique, having mastered which everyone can feel like a real master of sports. Remember: it's never too late to start! Keep your knees bent, do not look under your feet and confidently work out all the theoretical knowledge gained earlier.

Figure skating- speed skating olympic look sport, the main idea of ​​which is to move an athlete or a pair of athletes on ice on skates and perform special elements to the music. Figure skating is practiced by both men and women.

The history of the emergence and development of figure skating

Before talking about the emergence of figure skating, we should mention the appearance of the first skates. Archaeological finds indicate that the prototypes of skates were already in the Bronze Age (35/33 - 13/11 centuries BC), but such skates were not suitable for figure skating, their purpose was only to speed up their owner.

Figure skating originated in Holland in the 12th-14th century. It became possible to engage in it after the creation of iron skates with two ribs. But it was not the figure skating that we are used to. Athletes drew various figures on the ice, while maintaining a beautiful pose.

In 1742, the first figure skating club appeared in Edinburgh, at the same time the first list of mandatory figures and the first rules were invented. From Europe, figure skating quickly spread to the United States, where it was greatly developed. New figure skaters' clubs began to open, the rules were improved, and new models of skates were developed.

By the middle of the 19th century, almost all of the existing compulsory figures were formed, as well as technique for their implementation. At the first Congress of Skating in 1871, figure skating was recognized as a sport, and 11 years later, the first official figure skating championship was held.

In 1890, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the ice rink in the Yusupov Garden, all the stars of figure skating gathered in St. Petersburg, and the resulting competitions had the status of an “unofficial world championship”. The demonstrated international scope made it possible already in 1896 to hold the first official world championship in figure skating in St. Petersburg.

Figure skating rules

The rules depend on the type of figure skating: individual women's, individual men's, pair figure skating, as well as pair dancing on ice.

In individual skating, men and women are required to skate two programs - short and free. Per short program, which can last up to 2 minutes 40-50 seconds, skaters are required to submit 8 compulsory elements (double or triple Axel, triple or quadruple jump, one combination of jumps, several different types of spins, and two sequences of steps) in any order. For the absence of one of the elements, a fine follows.

The free program is almost twice as long as the short program, it takes 4 and a half minutes for men and 4 minutes for women. Skaters strive to include the most difficult elements (for which you can get more points) in their program.

In pairs figure skating, the rules are very similar to individual ones, the difference is only in the mandatory elements. So, obligatory elements for couples are lifts (the partner lifts the partner), jumps with ejection (when the partner throws the partner), as well as synchronized jumps and rotation.

But the program of dancers is somewhat different. They must perform compulsory, free and original dances. The obligatory dance for all skaters is given the same one, with a set of obligatory elements. This is followed by an original dance in which all participants are given a certain theme for variations, and they must interpret it as they see fit. Well, dancers can show all their imagination, talent and skill in a free program. Here, the skaters themselves choose the music, costumes, and movements, which is why they give the most points for it - 50%.

There is also synchronized skating, in which from 16 to 20 skaters simultaneously compete for one team. The purpose of the discipline is the performance of the team as a whole. Technique, sliding, elements in synchronized skating are fully consistent with classical figure skating. Synchronized skating has its own special obligatory elements, such as: circle, line, wheel, intersections, blocks.

Jumps in figure skating are divided into two groups - edge and toe (tooth), depending on which part of the skate the push occurs. Now skaters perform 6 types of jumps - sheepskin coat, salchow, rittberger, flip, lutz and axel.

ice field

As a rule, this is a standard platform with dimensions: 30 x 60 meters. Has plastic or movable sides. On the ice field there should be very high-quality clean and even ice, this is achieved by special equipment, the irregularity error should not exceed 0.50 cm.

Clothes and equipment for figure skating

Professional figure skating skates are made of thick durable leather, have long lacing and a large tongue. For professional skaters, skates are made individually. The blades are made of carbon steel and consist of two parts. Concave beard for good gliding on ice. The nose part with teeth, for the execution of jerks and some elements of the program.

A figure skating suit should be made of light and elastic materials, as a rule, these are stretch fabrics. The skater's costume reflects the performance style of the program and the music.


  • The chief referee is responsible for the organizational component of the competition: he calls the skaters on the ice, gives signals to the radio center, monitors the timing.
  • A technician with an assistant fixes elements, falls.
  • Technical Controller - supervises the work of the technical team.
  • 9 judges - evaluate the quality of performance.