A North Korean astronaut landed in the sun. The DPRK said that their astronaut visited the sun. Ghost village on the border with South Korea

Or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is perhaps the most closed state on the planet. That is why rather absurd news about life in this country regularly appears in the world media, which often have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

Landing of a North Korean astronaut on the Sun

The latest on this moment A popular canard about North Korea is the story that all the media in the DPRK had the news about the landing of the first North Korean cosmonaut on the Sun. North Korean cosmonaut landed on the Sun Information agencies of the DPRK allegedly told the gullible inhabitants of the country about the immortal feat of a seventeen-year-old cosmonaut named Hung Il Hong, who was the first among people to land on the Sun and then returned to Earth. In total, his flight lasted for eighteen hours.


North Korean astronaut landed on the Sun The news also says that Hung Il Hong's landing on the Sun took place at night so that the young astronaut would not suffer from ultra-high temperatures on the star closest to Earth. Now the hero of the Korean nation is waiting for a solemn reception at the country's leader Kim Jong-un.

The victory of the DPRK team in the World Cup in Brazil


And in the summer of 2014, media outlets around the world circulated news clips allegedly shown on North Korea's central television channel about the success of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea team in the World Cup. At the same time, she national team North Korea did not participate in the real tournament at all.


National football team of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea However, the hosts of these news clips told the people of the DPRK about the unprecedented success of their native team. On the stage group stage she defeated Japan, the United States of America and China with a close score, defeated Portugal (7-0) in the one-eighth of the final, defeated Germany 2: 1 in the quarter-finals, won the "compatriots" from South Korea in the semi-finals, and in the final, she outraged the hosts of the tournament, the Brazilians, beating them with a score of 8:1.


The victories of the DPRK team at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil The stories of the announcers in this news were confirmed by cutting frames taken from various broadcasts sports competitions, in which North Korean football players took part, and the image of the solemn celebration of sports heroes in the central square of Pyongyang was taken from the official video of the celebration of one of the public holidays of the DPRK.

Repression of the DPRK national football team after the failure at the World Cup in South Africa


But at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, held in the Republic of South Africa, the North Korean team really took part. However, its performance there cannot be called successful - the team lost all three games. Moreover, after a relatively “good” result in the match with Brazil (losing 1:2), the DPRK footballers lost to Portugal in front of tens of millions of people in their country (the first live international sports broadcast in the history of North Korea) with a score of 0:7.


The DPRK team at the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa As a result, several weeks after the end of the tournament in South Africa, several major world media tragic fate North Korean football players who returned to their homeland. The news was that the sports management had arranged a serious obstruction to the losers, and the head coach and several key players of the authorities were generally sent to wash away the shame with fruitful labor in the correctional camps.

The coach of the DPRK national football team, who was allegedly repressed The worried world community even put pressure on FIFA to make Josef Blatter make an official request to the authorities of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea regarding the fate of the players and the coach. True, they replied that there were no repressions on their part and could not be.


Military parade in North Korea

Ghost village on the border with South Korea


The world media generally likes to demonize the DPRK. For example, many sources enthusiastically talk about a settlement called Kijeondong - a ghost village on the border between North Korea and South Korea. Kijeondong is one of the two settlements of the "northerners" that can be directly seen from the territory of the Republic of Korea. We are talking about an exemplary village of several dozen neat buildings under the same blue and pink tiles. And on the hill closest to the village there is a 160-meter flagpole with a giant flag of the DPRK.


A giant DPRK flag in the territory of the ghost village of Kijondong According to official information from the DPRK, this settlement has an agricultural collective farm, a hospital, two schools and Kindergarten. But what is really not there is permanent residents. In any case, this is what people who regularly watch the village of Kijondong from the other side of the border say. Eyewitnesses say that Kijeondong is a "Potemkin village", the main purpose of which is to demonstrate to the "capitalist brothers" the advantages of living in communist North Korea. Kijondong - Potemkin village on the border of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea On the streets of Kijondong, you can only see individual soldiers and women washing windows, there is no other residential activity there. In the evenings, windows in the village light up, but always at the same time in the same houses. And bravura patriotic marches sound from the loudspeakers on the streets of the village throughout the district for twenty hours every day.

The gruesome death of uncle Kim Jong-un


The appearance at the helm of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea after the death of Kim Jong Il, his son Kim Jong-un, was initially perceived by the world community as a boon for this country. Everyone expected that a young man who was educated in Switzerland would make his state more open to the world, carry out market reforms in it, and gradually get rid of repressions against dissidents. However, those hopes were dashed. It turned out that Kim Jong-un is a worthy successor to the work of his family. And that on the way to sole power, he will not be stopped not only by the death of ordinary citizens of the DPRK, but even by the death of his own uncle named Jang Song Taek.

Jang Song-taek and Kim Jong-un, at the height of the power of the uncle of the Great Leader, Jang Song-taek were considered the real leader of North Korea, the "gray eminence" under the young and inexperienced top leader, the decision-making center in the country. However, two years after Kim Jong-un came to power, the latter gave the order to remove his uncle from decision-making, depriving him of all posts, arresting him, and then executing him. At the same time, there are rumors that all members of his family, including babies, were also destroyed.


Jang Song-taek's arrest live central television of the DPRK But much more terrible rumors are circulating about the fate of Jang Song-taek himself. In December 2013, even the largest and most authoritative world media reported that this former "gray eminence" of the DPRK was not shot, as is customary for "enemies of the people", but was fed alive to hungry dogs. The dogs were allegedly not fed for a long time on purpose, and then they were released into the field along with the bound Jang Song-taek, after which he died in terrible agony. *** Let's reveal a little secret to readers. Of these five fake news claims about life in North Korea, one is the real truth. And you yourself have to decide which one. We deliberately resorted to such a deception in order to show readers that life in the DPRK is indeed very paradoxical, and therefore any seemingly absurd news about this country may actually turn out to be a reality. And regularly there are people who abuse it.

North Korea or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is perhaps the most closed state on the planet. That is why rather absurd news about life in this country regularly appears in the world media, which often have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

Landing of a North Korean astronaut on the Sun

The most recent popular duck about North Korea at the moment is the story that all the media in the DPRK had news about the landing of the first North Korean cosmonaut on the Sun. North Korean cosmonaut landed on the Sun Information agencies of the DPRK allegedly told the gullible inhabitants of the country about the immortal feat of a seventeen-year-old cosmonaut named Hung Il Hong, who was the first among people to land on the Sun and then returned to Earth. In total, his flight lasted for eighteen hours.

North Korean astronaut landed on the Sun The news also says that Hung Il Hong's landing on the Sun took place at night so that the young astronaut would not suffer from ultra-high temperatures on the star closest to Earth. Now the hero of the Korean nation is waiting for a solemn reception at the country's leader Kim Jong-un.

The victory of the DPRK team in the World Cup in Brazil

And in the summer of 2014, media outlets around the world circulated news clips allegedly shown on North Korea's central television channel about the success of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea team in the World Cup. At the same time, the DPRK national team itself did not participate in the real tournament at all.

National football team of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea However, the hosts of these news clips told the people of the DPRK about the unprecedented success of their native team. At the stage of the group stage, she beat the teams of Japan, the United States of America and China with a close score, defeated Portugal (7-0) in the one-eighth of the final, won Germany 2-1 in the quarter-finals, in the semi-finals - against "compatriots" from South Korea, and in the final "outraged" the hosts of the tournament, the Brazilians, beating them with a score of 8:1.

The victories of the DPRK team at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil The stories of the announcers in this news were confirmed by cutting frames taken from various broadcasts of sports competitions in which North Korean football players took part, and the image of the solemn celebration of sports heroes in the central square of Pyongyang was taken from the official video of the celebration one of the public holidays of the DPRK.

Repression of the DPRK national football team after the failure at the World Cup in South Africa

But at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, held in the Republic of South Africa, the North Korean team really took part. However, its performance there cannot be called successful - the team lost all three games. Moreover, after a relatively “good” result in the match with Brazil (losing 1:2), the DPRK footballers lost to Portugal in front of tens of millions of people in their country (the first live international sports broadcast in the history of North Korea) with a score of 0:7.

The DPRK team at the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa As a result, a few weeks after the end of the tournament in South Africa, several major world media spoke about the tragic fate of North Korean football players who returned to their homeland. The news was that the sports management had arranged a serious obstruction for the losers, and the head coach and several key players of the authorities were generally sent to wash away the shame with fruitful labor in the correctional camps.

The coach of the DPRK national football team, who was allegedly repressed The worried world community even put pressure on FIFA to make Josef Blatter make an official request to the authorities of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea regarding the fate of the players and the coach. True, they replied that there were no repressions on their part and could not be.

Military parade in North Korea

Ghost village on the border with South Korea

The world media generally likes to demonize the DPRK. For example, many sources enthusiastically talk about a settlement called Kijeondong - a ghost village on the border between North Korea and South Korea. Kijeondong is one of the two settlements of the "northerners" that can be directly seen from the territory of the Republic of Korea. We are talking about an exemplary village of several dozen neat buildings under the same blue and pink tiles. And on the hill closest to the village there is a 160-meter flagpole with a giant flag of the DPRK.

Giant flag of the DPRK on the territory of the ghost village of Kijondong According to the official information of the DPRK, this settlement has an agricultural collective farm, a hospital, two schools and a kindergarten. But what is really not there is permanent residents. In any case, this is what people who regularly watch the village of Kijondong from the other side of the border say. Eyewitnesses say that Kijeondong is a "Potemkin village", the main purpose of which is to demonstrate to the "capitalist brothers" the advantages of living in communist North Korea. Kijondong - Potemkin village on the border of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea On the streets of Kijondong, you can only see individual soldiers and women washing windows, there is no other residential activity there. In the evenings, windows in the village light up, but always at the same time in the same houses. And bravura patriotic marches sound from the loudspeakers on the streets of the village throughout the district for twenty hours every day.

The gruesome death of uncle Kim Jong-un

The appearance at the helm of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea after the death of Kim Jong Il, his son Kim Jong-un, was initially perceived by the world community as a boon for this country. Everyone expected that a young man who was educated in Switzerland would make his state more open to the world, carry out market reforms in it, and gradually get rid of repressions against dissidents. However, those hopes were dashed. It turned out that Kim Jong-un is a worthy successor to the work of his family. And that on the way to sole power, he will not be stopped not only by the death of ordinary citizens of the DPRK, but even by the death of his own uncle named Jang Song Taek.

Jang Song-taek and Kim Jong-un, at the height of the power of the uncle of the Great Leader, Jang Song-taek were considered the real leader of North Korea, the "gray eminence" under the young and inexperienced top leader, the decision-making center in the country. However, two years after Kim Jong-un came to power, the latter gave the order to remove his uncle from decision-making, depriving him of all posts, arresting him, and then executing him. At the same time, there are rumors that all members of his family, including babies, were also destroyed.

The arrest of Jang Song-taek live on the central television of the DPRK But much more terrible rumors are circulating about the fate of Chan Song-taek himself. In December 2013, even the largest and most authoritative world media reported that this former "gray eminence" of the DPRK was not shot, as is customary for "enemies of the people", but was fed alive to hungry dogs. The dogs were allegedly not fed for a long time on purpose, and then they were released into the field along with the bound Jang Song-taek, after which he died in terrible agony. *** Let's reveal a little secret to readers. Of these five fake news claims about life in North Korea, one is the real truth. And you yourself have to decide which one. We deliberately resorted to such a deception in order to show readers that life in the DPRK is indeed very paradoxical, and therefore any seemingly absurd news about this country may actually turn out to be a reality. And regularly there are people who abuse it.

Don't believe? But in vain. As the central channel of the DPRK announced, a 17-year-old Korean cosmonaut flew to the Sun and back in 36 hours Read more

North Korean media claim that the 17-year-old DPRK astronaut not only successfully landed on the Sun, but also returned alive and unharmed.

This extremely absurd statement was made on the air of the central channel. North Korean media claim that the day before, their 17-year-old astronaut successfully landed on the Sun, in addition, he managed to return back safe and sound. Tweaktown reports this, referring to the air of the central channel. It is noted that Hung Il Hong went on his journey late at night to protect himself from the harmful effects of high temperatures. It took the 17-year-old cosmonaut 36 hours to complete everything, and now Hung Il Hong has returned home, where he was greeted as a hero. It is also reported that the “first person in the sun” is waiting for a reception at the very head of the DPRK, Kim Jong-un.

The temperature on the star is about 5726 degrees Celsius and at night its glow does not weaken at all, and its distance from our planet is 149 million 600 thousand kilometers. Based on this, it can be assumed that the teenager “flyed” to the Sun under the influence of psychotropic substances or with the help of journalists, who probably took a report from him directly from the fiery surface.

North Korea or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is perhaps the most closed state on the planet. That is why rather absurd news about life in this country regularly appears in the world media, which often have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. And today we will talk about 5 funniest fakes about North Korea which the whole world considered true.

Landing of a North Korean astronaut on the Sun

The most recent popular duck about North Korea at the moment is the story that all the media in the DPRK had news about the landing of the first North Korean cosmonaut on the Sun.

Information agencies of the DPRK allegedly told the gullible inhabitants of the country about the immortal feat of a seventeen-year-old cosmonaut named Hung Il Hong, who was the first among people to land on the Sun and then return to Earth. In total, his flight lasted for eighteen hours.

The news also says that Hung Il Hong's landing on the Sun took place at night so that the young astronaut would not suffer from ultra-high temperatures on the star closest to Earth. Now the hero of the Korean nation is waiting for a solemn reception at the country's leader Kim Jong-un.

The victory of the DPRK team in the World Cup in Brazil

And in the summer of 2014, media outlets around the world circulated news clips allegedly shown on North Korea's central television channel about the success of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea team in the World Cup. At the same time, the DPRK national team itself did not participate in the real tournament at all.

However, the presenters of these news clips told the people of the DPRK about the unprecedented successes of their native team. At the stage of the group stage, she beat the teams of Japan, the United States of America and China with a close score, defeated Portugal (7-0) in the one-eighth of the final, won Germany 2-1 in the quarter-finals, in the semi-finals - against "compatriots" from South Korea, and in the final "outraged" the hosts of the tournament, the Brazilians, beating them with a score of 8:1.

The stories of the announcers in these news stories were confirmed by clips taken from various broadcasts of sports competitions in which North Korean football players took part, and the image of the solemn celebration of sports heroes in Pyongyang's central square was taken from the official video of the celebration of one of the DPRK's public holidays.

People from different countries who watched these fake videos and laughed at the gullibility of the simple-minded North Koreans were unaware that the "announcer" from the main DPRK TV channel for some reason speaks with a southern pronunciation.

Repression of the DPRK national football team after the failure at the World Cup in South Africa

But at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, held in the Republic of South Africa, the North Korean team really took part. However, its performance there cannot be called successful - the team lost all three games. Moreover, after a relatively “good” result in the match with Brazil (losing 1:2), the DPRK footballers lost to Portugal in front of tens of millions of people in their country (the first live international sports broadcast in the history of North Korea) with a score of 0:7.

As a result, a few weeks after the end of the tournament in South Africa, several major world media outlets spoke about the tragic fate of North Korean football players who returned to their homeland. The news was that the sports management had arranged a serious obstruction for the losers, and the head coach and several key players of the authorities were generally sent to wash away the shame with fruitful labor in the correctional camps.

The excited world community even put pressure on FIFA to make Josef Blatter make an official request to the authorities of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea regarding the fate of the players and the coach. True, they replied that there were no repressions on their part and could not be.

Ghost village on the border with South Korea

The world media generally likes to demonize the DPRK. For example, many sources enthusiastically talk about a settlement called Kijondon - a ghost village.

Kijeondong is one of the two settlements of the "northerners" that can be directly seen from the territory of the Republic of Korea. We are talking about an exemplary village of several dozen neat buildings under the same blue and pink tiles. And on the hill closest to the village there is a 160-meter flagpole with a giant flag of the DPRK.

In this settlement, according to the official information of the DPRK, there is an agricultural collective farm, a hospital, two schools and a kindergarten. But what is really not there is permanent residents. In any case, this is what people who regularly watch the village of Kijondong from the other side of the border say.

Eyewitnesses say that Kijeondong is a "Potemkin village", the main purpose of which is to demonstrate to the "capitalist brothers" the advantages of living in communist North Korea.

On the streets of Kijondong, you can only see individual soldiers and women washing windows, there is no other residential activity there. In the evenings, windows in the village light up, but always at the same time in the same houses. And bravura patriotic marches sound from the loudspeakers on the streets of the village throughout the district for twenty hours every day.

The gruesome death of uncle Kim Jong-un

The appearance at the helm of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea after the death of Kim Jong Il, his son Kim Jong-un, was initially perceived by the world community as a boon for this country. Everyone expected that a young man who was educated in Switzerland would make his state more open to the world, carry out market reforms in it, and gradually get rid of repressions against dissidents. However, those hopes were dashed.

It turned out that Kim Jong-un is a worthy successor to the work of his family. And that on the way to sole power, he will not be stopped not only by the death of ordinary citizens of the DPRK, but even by the death of his own uncle named Jang Song Taek.

Jang Sung-taek was considered the real leader of North Korea, the "gray eminence" under a young and inexperienced top leader, the decision-making center in the country. However, two years after Kim Jong-un came to power, the latter gave the order to remove his uncle from decision-making, depriving him of all posts, arresting him, and then executing him. At the same time, there are rumors that all members of his family, including babies, were also destroyed.

But far more terrible rumors are circulating about the fate of Jang Song-taek himself. In December 2013, even the largest and most authoritative world media reported that this former "gray eminence" of the DPRK was not shot, as is customary for "enemies of the people", but was fed alive to hungry dogs. The dogs were allegedly not fed for a long time on purpose, and then they were released into the field along with the bound Jang Song-taek, after which he died in terrible agony.

Let's reveal a little secret to our readers. Of these five fake news claims about life in North Korea, one is the real truth. And you yourself have to decide which one. We deliberately resorted to such a deception in order to show readers that life in the DPRK is indeed very paradoxical, and therefore any seemingly absurd news about this country may actually turn out to be a reality. And regularly there are people who abuse it.